
Submissions from 1971

Immunosuppression and oncogenic virus infections., M S. Hirsch, P H. Black, and M R. Proffitt

Effects of gonadotropins and testosterone on the testes of pre- pubertal mice., S J. Hitzeman

Microangiopathic anemia associated with hemangiomas. Abstr., J C. Hoak, E D. Warner, H F. Cheng, and G L. Fry

Hemangioma with thrombocytopenia and microangiopathic anemia (kasabach-merritt syndrome), an animal model., J Hoak, E Warner, H Cheng, G Fry, and R Hankenson

The use of mice made tolerant to rat red blood cells in erythropoietin assays., G Hodgson

Biological toxicity of intracellular radioisotope decay by beta emission and electron capture. A comparison. Abstr., K G. Hofer

Kinetics of proliferation, migration, and death of l1210 ascites cells., K G. Hofer and M Hofer

Immune response restoration with macrophage culture supernatants., M Hoffmann and R W. Dutton

Fatty acid composition of cerebrosides, sulphatides and ceremides in murine sudanophilic leucodystrophy, the jimpy mutant., E Hogan

Intracellular electrolytes of normal and dystrophic mice muscles. Abstr., J F. Hoh and B Salafsky

Hormonal effects on amino acid incorporation into lysine-rich histones in the mouse mammary gland., P Hohmann and R D. Cole

Comparison of lysine-rich histones in various normal and neoplastic mouse tissues., P Hohmann, R D. Cole, and H A. Bern

The reversible inhibition of catalase activity by nucleotides and its possible relationship to mouse liver catalase depression induced by biological substances., Y Hokama and E Yanagihara

Immunologie du cancer mammaire de la souris., K Hollmann

The immunochemical precipitation of polyribosomes., G Holme, T Delovitch, S Boyd, and A Sehon

Demonstration by the antiglobulin consumption test with murine anti- sera of common antigens in tissues infected with the mammary tumor virus from different mouse strains., E C. Holmes and D L. Morton

Metabolism of different histone fractions in ehrlich ascites cells after environmental change., V Holoubek

Histones and rna metabolism in ehrlich ascites cells infected with maus-elberfeld virus., V Holoubek and T T. Crocker

Metabolism of histones and nuclear rna in ehrlich ascites cells subjected to nutritional step-down shift., V Holoubek, A H. Daoud, and H M. Holoubek

Multiple forms of tyrosinase in rodents and lagomorphs with special reference to their genetic control in mice., T J. Holstein, W C. Quevedo, and J B. Burnett

An apparent histoincompatibility between mice chronically infected with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus and their uninfected syngeneic counterparts., O A. Holtermann and J A. Majde

Formation of lymphoid cells from local precursors in irradiated mouse omenta., M Holub, I Hajdu, I Trebichavsky, and L Jaroskova

Inhibition of murine subcutaneous and intravenous benzo(rst)pentaphene carcinogenesis by sweet orange oils and d-limonene., F Homburger, A Treger, and E Boger

Individual antigenic specificity to immunoglobulins., J E. Hopper and A Nisonoff

Differences in the effect of hypoxia on the radiation sensitivity of the bone marrow and the intestine in mice., S Hornsey

2,2'-0-cyclocytidine, An antitumor cytidine analog resistant to cytidine deaminase., A Hoshi, F Kanzawa, K Kuretani, M Saneyoshi, and Y Arai

Induction of hyperplasia in mouse salivary gland isografts., K Hoshino and C D. Lin

Disposition of 5-(3,3-dimethyl-1-triazeno)imidazole-4-carboxamide, a new antitumor agent., G E. Householder and T L. Loo

Studies on immunological paralysis. VI. Thymic-independence of tolerance and immunity to type iii pneumococcal polysaccharide., J G. Howard, G H. Christie, B M. Courtenay, and A J. Davies

Studies on immunological paralysis, v. The influence of molecular weight on the immunogenicity, tolerogenicity and antibody-neutralizing activity of type iii pneumococcal polysaccharide., J Howard, H Zola, G Christie, and B M. Courtenay

The effect of time spacing on the response of mouse mammary tumors to fractionated irradiation. Abstr., A E. Howes, H D. Suit, and N Marshall

Inhibition of dihydrofolate reductase (dfr) from a line of cultured s- -180 cells. Abstr., Y K. Ho and S F. Zakrzewski

Properties of 20 new substituted 9-amino-acridine derivatives., M Hrabowska, A Ledochowski, B Horowska, J Konopa, D K. Onoszko, and C F. Antitumor

Thymus grafting in allogeneic radiation chimaeras., I Hrsak, M Boranic, M Slijepcevic, and V Stankovic

Corneal degeneration in a congenitally diabetic inbred strain of mouse., L Huang and T Sery

Metabolism of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in cell cultures., E Huberman, J K. Selkirk, and C Heidelberger

Cytoplasmic connections between spermatogonia seen in whole mounted seminiferous tubules from normal and irradiated mouse testes. Abstr., C Huckins

Immunological tolerance to rna tumor virus genome expres- sions, significance of tolerance and prenatal expressions in embryogenesis and tumorigenesis., R J. Huebner, P S. Sarma, G J. Kelloff, R V. Gilden, A Meier, D D. Myers, and R L. Peters

Growth and differentiation of a transplantable plasmacytoma. 1 Patterns of weight increase and paraproteinemia., R Huemer and C Bickert

Mitochondrial studies in senescent mice--i. Turnover of brain mitochondrial lipids., R Huemer, C Bickert, K Lee, and A E. Reeves

Mitochondrial studies in senescent mice--ii. Specific activity, bouyant density, and turnover of mitochondrial dna., R Huemer, K Lee, A Reeves, and C Bickert

Ultrastructural changes in the cell cycle of cultured melanoma cells., F Hu

Inhibition of pituitary-induced nodular hyperplasia in mammary glands of c3h mice fed a phenylalanine-deficient diet., Y H. Hui, K B. Ome, and G M. Briggs

Inhibition of transformation of mammary preneoplastic nodules to tumor in c3h mice fed a phenylalanine-deficient diet., Y H. Hui, K B. Ome, and G M. Briggs

Inhibition of spontaneous development of hyperplastic alveolar nodules and mammary tumors in c3h mice fed phenylalanine-deficient diets., Y Hui, K D. Ome, and G Briggs

The fifth chromosome histocompatibility types of mouse strains hg/hu and c3hf/a., P Hull

Increased levels of deoxyribonucleic acid during trophoblast giant- -cell formation in mice., C V. Hunt and G B. Avery

Abnormal spermiogenesis in two pink-eyed sterile mutants in the mouse., D M. Hunt and D R. Johnson

Genetic regulation of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in the inbred mouse., J J. Hutton

Control of glycolysis and respiration in substrate-depleted ehrlich ascites tumor cells., K H. Ibsen and K W. Schiller

Effects of chlorpromazine on reticuloendothelial phagocytosis and antibody formation in mice., K Ichimura and K Ohmachi

Regulation of pancreatic beta-cell glycogen through cyclic-3,5-amp., L Idahl and B Hellman

Inhibition of glycoprotein synthesis by cycloheximide in liver and ehrlich tumor cells., Y Ikehara, J Molnar, and H Chao

Influence d'une greffe de moelle hematopoietique normale sur la regeneration lymphoide medullaire de la souris irradiee., V Ikeh, M Delrez, and J Haot

Coexistence of gross virus and a papova virus in akr leukemic cells cultured in vitro. Abstr., D T. Imagawa, K Yamashita, and M Nakai

Electron microcopic study on acute thymic involution induced by polyoma virus infection., M Imamura, T Matsuyama, K Toh, and T Okuyama

Emotionality in mice as a function of infantile stimulation., S A. Imes and C F. Etaugh

Modification of graft-versus-host disease by neuraminidase treatment of donor cells. Decreased tolerogenicity of neuraminidase-treated cells., H M. Im and R L. Simmons

Crystallization with hapten of the fab fragment from mouse iga myeloma protein with antidinitrophenyl activity., D Inbar, M Rotman, and D Givol

Acute effects of hepatocarinogens on mouse-liver microsomal antigens., P Ingleton

Biosynthesis of immunoglobulins by murine tumor cells. Abstr., F P. Inman and L C. Yu

The aetiology of s.m.o.n., Y Inoue

Acceleration of proliferation and tumor production rate of l-strain cells by treatment with cigarette tar., N Inui and S Takayama

Immunological suppression of the occurrence of spontaneous mammary tumours in c3h/he mice., K Irie and R F. Irie

Antigenic cross-reactivity between primary spontaneous mouse mammary tumors and their transplantable ascites tumors., R F. Irie

A study of tumor allograft-sensitized lymph nodes in mice. I. Biologic activities of transferred cells and antibody titers of donor and recipient mice., I Irvin george l and J C. Eustace

Metastases in an allogeneic mouse tumor system., W H. Isbister, S D. Crile, F O. Thymectomy, and A G. On

Murine amyloidosis, immunologic characterization of amyloid fibril protein., C Isersky, D L. Page, P Cuatrecasas, and G G. Glenner

Studies on the susceptibility of c57bl/6 mice to rauscher virus. II. Multiplication of rauscher virus in c57bl/6 cells in vivo and in vitro., A Ishimoto, Y Ito, and M Maeda

Linkage groups of the theta and ly-a loci., K Itakura, J J. Hutton, E A. Boyse, and L J. Old

Sensitivity to radiation and insensitivity to vinblastine of the inducer function of thymus-derived cells., T Ito and G Cudkowicz

Genetic studies on mouse nucleoli., D Ivanyi

Number and size of nucleoli in binucleate liver cells., D Ivanyi

A study of the cell nucleolus in mice. II. The relationship between the number and size of nucleoli in liver cells., D Ivanyi and L Mrklas

Factors involved in the fertilization of mouse eggs in vitro., T Iwamatsu and M Chang

Mechanism of development of hereditary cataract in mice., S Iwata and J H. Kinoshita

Gene expression during growth of antibody-forming myeloma cells in vivo. Abstr., A L. Jackson and D N. Buell

Lysosomal enzyme changes in mouse spleen cells after antigenic stimulation., K Jacob and D Weir

Lymphoid cell response in animals with progressively growing tumor allografts. Abstr., B B. Jacobs

Inability of the nzb/nzw f1 thymus to transfer cyclophosphamide- -induced tolerance to sheep erythrocytes., M E. Jacobs, J K. Gordon, and N Talal

Composition en acides gras des lipides totaux et des cerebrosides cerebraux chez les souris normales et quaking, en fonction de l'age., C Jacque, J Bourre, P Moreno, and N Baumann

Specificity and structure of the myeloma protein produced by mouse plasmacytoma mopc-460., B M. Jaffe, E S. Simms, and H N. Eisen

In vitro detection of cytotoxic cellular immunity against tumor- -specific antigens by a radioisotopic technique., S M. Jagarlamoody, J C. Aust, R H. Tew, and C F. Khann

Suppression of murine humoral immune response against sheep red blood cells by rabbit antimouse plasma cell serum. Abstr., S M. Jagarlamoody, N Harris, P H. Cleveland, J S. Najarian, and C F. Khann

Quantitative data concerning the development of the cellular infiltration of skin allograft in mice., M Jakobisiak

Isolation of cells infiltrating the skin allograft in mice., M Jakobisiak, B Kossowaka, S Moskalewski, and kossokowska T. Rymaszewska

The effect of antilymphocytic antibody on the primary immune response of mice to sheep erythrocytes, bovine serum albumin, and type iii pneumococcus polysaccharide., K James and I Milne

Acetoxycycloheximide enhances audiogenic seizures in dba/2j mice., H D. Jameson, P Falace, A Prerost, and G Clemons

Density gradient segregation of bone marrow cells with the capacity to form granulocytic and macrophage colonies in vitro., H Janoshwitz, M Moore, and D Metcalf

Lymphocyte activation. I. Response of t and b lymphocytes to phytomitogens., G Janossy and M Greaves

Structural characteristics of mouse iga myeloma proteins, comparison of mpc-1 and x5647., H Jaquet

Hydroxyurea and cell-cycle kinetics of cultured antibody- -forming cells., B N. Jaroslow and ortiz L. Ortiz

Synthesis versus release of pre-formed antibody in the process of plaque formation by immune spleen cells., J Jaroszewski and G Wisniewski

The presence in the regional lymph node of mice of spleen cells injected into the footpad., J Jedrzejczyk, P Czerski, A Kossakowski, and K Ostrowski

Decreased longevity of mice following thymectomy in adult life., H Jeejeebhoy

Inactication of thymus and marrow-derived lymphocytes by heterologous antilymphocyte serum (als)., H Jeejeebhoy

Passive enhancement of skin heterografts., J Jeekel and D Westbroek

Independent action of thymus and bone marrow cells during the secondary response of direct plaque-forming cells., U W. Jehn and L Karlin

Studies of the goitrogenic and oncogenic effect of methylthiouracil in c3h mice., B Jemec

Effects of microbial environment and endotoxin treatment on hemo- poietic repopulation in sublethally irradiated mice., V Jenkins, A Upton, H Walburg, and L Satterfield