
Submissions from 1971

Histocompatibility differences in wild mice, further evidence for the existence of deme structure in natural populations of the house mouse., J Klein and D W. Bailey

Tooth transplantation in the mouse. I. The use of procion dyes and tritiated proline in a study of syngeneic tooth germ transplantation., J Klein, W R. Secosky, and D Klein

The h-2 model for the major histocompatibility systems., J Klein and D Shreffler

Therapeutic value of combination therapy with cytosine arabinoside (ara-c, nsc-63878) plus 5-(3,3-dimethyl-1-triazeno)-imidazole-4-carb- oxamide (dic, nsc-45388) and enhancement of the combination with sequential methotrexate (mtx, nsc-740) in advanced murine leukemia l1210. Abstr., I Kline, M Gang, and J M. Venditti

Enhanced response of leukemic (l-1210) mice to combination chemo- therapy with 5-(3,3-dimethyl-1-triazeno) imidazole-4-carboxamide (nsc-45388) and 5-fluorouracil (nsc-19893)., I Kline, R J. Woodman, M Gang, V S. Waravdekar, A Goldin, and J M. Venditti

The secondary immune response to a hapten in vitro. Antigen concen- tration and the carrier effect., N R. Klinman

The stimulation of splenic foci in vitro., N R. Klinman and G Aschinazi

Susceptibility of primate-mouse hybrid cells to sv40., B B. Knowles, brodano G. Barbanti, and H Koprowski

Increase of haptoglobin concentration in mouse serum by endotoxin and by a serum factor., A Knyszynski and M Burger

Stimulation of dna synthesis in vitro in mouse thymic cells by bone marrow preparation., A Knyszynski and M Burger

The effect of x-rays on lipids, phospholipids and cholesterol of the mouse testis., N K. Kochar and R Harrison

The effect of x-rays on the vascularization of the mouse testis., N K. Kochar and R G. Harrison

Limb development in organ culture after transplacental exposure of mouse embryos to retinoic acid. Abstr., D M. Kochhar and M B. Aydelotte

Studies of mammary tumor virus by ferritin-labeled antibodies. Abstr., T Kodama

Soluble mouse histocompatibility antigens., R Koene, I M. Kenzie, E Painter, D Sachs, H Winn, and P Russell

Temperature effects on multi-enzyme systems in single living ascites cells., E Kohen, C Kohen, and B Thorell

Inactivation of c3 and inhibition of arthus reactions in mice by flufenamate na. Abstr., P F. Kohler and J S. Martinez

Occurrence and secretion of prolactin in fetal mouse pituitaries., K Kohmoto and H A. Bern

Effect of antioxidants on life-span of c57bl mice., R R. Kohn

The distribution and metabolism of the radiation protective agent aminopentylaminoethylphosphorothioate in mice., G Kollmann, D Martin, and B Shapiro

Genetics of the immune response. Iii. The restricted heterogeneity of antibodies to phage fd in a low responding inbred strain of mice., E Kolsch and E Diller

Genetics of the immune response. II. Paralysis by phage fd in high and low responding inbred strains of mice., E Kolsch and E Diller

Genetics of the immune response. I. The immune response to the phage fd in high and low responding inbred strains of mice., E Kolsch, E Diller, G Weber, and A Davies

Ability of normal bone marrow to restore second-set immunity., P A. Kongshavn, W Lapp, and E Hinchey

Soluble lens proteins of mutant stock mice in cataract development., B Konyukhov and E Platonov

Genetic control over the duration of g1 phase., B Konyukhov and M Sazhina

Epistasis of the microphthalmia gene over the fidget gene in mice., B V. Konyukhov, M P. Vakhrusheva, and V V. Osipov

Immunosuppression by leukemia viruses. V. Ultrastructural studies of antibody-forming spleens of mice infected with friend leukemia virus., G C. Koo, W S. Ceglowski, and H Friedman

Immunosuppression by leukemia viruses. VI. Ultastructure of indivi- dual antibody-forming cells in the spleens of friend leukemia virus- infected mice., G C. Koo, W S. Ceglowski, M Higgins, and H Friedman

Epididymal luminal contents labelling after 14c- or 3h-lysine administration in the mouse., V Kopecny

Immunologic cross-reactivity between antigen of unfertilized mouse eggs and mouse cells transformed by simian virus 409, H Koprowski, W Sawicki, and P Koldovsky

Changes in phospholipid metabolism of a tumor target cell during a cell-mediated cytotoxic reaction., H S. Koren, E Ferber, and H Fischer

Antibody formation by transferred peritoneal cells and spleen cells of mice. II. Transfer of peritoneal cells from immunized irradiated donors to syngeneic recipients with and without antigen., L Kornfeld and W W. Weyzen

Evidence for rna-dna complexes in haemolytic plaque-forming cells containing ribonuclease resistant rna., A Koros, L Koster, and M Mowery

Regulation of glycerol kinase by insulin in isolated fat cells and liver of bar harbor obese mice., T Koschinsky, F Gries, and L Herberg

Identification by quinacrine fluorescence of the chromosome carrying mouse linkage group i in the cattanach translocation., R Kouri, D Miller, O Miller, V Dev, M Grewal, and J Hutton

Effect of 5-bromodeoxyuridine on hyaluronic acid synthesis of a clonal hybrid line of mouse and chinese hamster in culture., K Koyama and T Ono

Transformation of mouse embryo cells by vaccinia virus., J Koziorowska, K Wlodarski, and N Mazurowa

A modified antibody forming cell assay for detecting cells producing a particular class of antibody., N Kraft and R Wistar

Vergleichende untersuchungen zur alkylierenden reaktivitat von imet 3393 in blut und leberhomogenaten der maus nach iv. Applikation. (eng. Summ.)., K Kramarczyk and W Jungstand

Quantitative correlation between membrane fluorescence and mtv production in vitro. Abstr., B Kramarsky

Ultrastructural comparison of a virus from a rhesus-monkey mammary carcinoma with four oncogenic rna viruses., B Kramarsky, N H. Sarkar, and D H. Moore

Presence of dmba-3h in the mouse ovary and its relation to ovarian tumour induction., T Krarup and H Loft

In vitro analysis of the hormonal basis for the sexual dimorphism in the embryonic development of the mouse mammary gland., K Kratochwil

Fast moving hemoglobin (hb) in c57bl/cum mice, a mouse fetal hb. Abstr., L M. Kraus, A Rasad, Y Ohba, and M T. Patterson

Cell surveillance model for lymphocyte cooperation., H W. Kreth and A R. Williamson

Morphological changes in the mouse chondrocranium at the time of cleft palate manifestation., O Kriens

Effect of immunosuppression on the development of the adjuvant- -induced granuloma in mice., G Krueger

Malignant lymphomas and plasmacytosis in mice under prolonged immunosuppression and persistent antigenic stimulation., G R. Krueger, R A. Malmgren, and C W. Berard

Immune response to hemocyanin in normal thymus-deprived and recon- stituted mice., J Kruger and R K. Gershon

Thymus-derived memory cells. Abstr., J Kruger, R K. Gershon, J D. Naysmith, and B H. Waksman

Malignant and transforming activity of rous sarcoma virus (rsv). Iii. Detection of tumor-specific transplantation and membrane antigens in mouse cell lines transformed in vitro by rsv., I Kryukova, O Babkova, and I Obukh

Efficiency of matings between a low-fertile inbred mouse strain and an outbred strain., H Krzanowska and B Musialek

Selection for expression of sex-linked gene ms (mosaic) in heterozygous mice., H Krzanowska and B Wabik

Left and right ventricular pressures in mice., R Kumar, R Wagner, M L. Slankard, and W H. Abelmann

Effect of long-term administration of ovulen on the reproductive organs of inbred strains of mice., A Kundapur, S R. Munshi, and S S. Rao

A bicellular mechanism in the immune response to chemically defined antigens. Iii. Interaction of thymus and bone marrow-derived cells., S Kunin, G M. Shearer, S Segal, A Globerson, and M Feldman

2',3'-cyclic Mucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase in purified myelin from brain of jimpy and normal young mice., T Kurihara, J L. Nussbaum, and P Mandel

The binding of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to the dna, rna, and proteins of transformable cells in culture., T Kuroki and C Heidelberger

Litter size variations and emotional reactivity in balb/c mice., R C. La barba and J L. White

Maternal deprivation and the response to ehrlich carcinoma in balb/c mice., R C. La barba and J L. White

The effect of glucocorticoid hormones on the cell cycle of l5178y cells in vitro. Abstr., A D. Labrecque, D L. Berliner, and W Stevens

Revue critique des tumeurs experimentales des cellules de leydig, plus particulierement chez le rat., A Lacassagne

Observations on cell volume, ultrastructure, mitochondrial conforma- tion and vital-dye uptake in ehrlich ascites tumor cells., K U. Laiho, J D. Shelburne, and B F. Trump

Observations on the fine structure of the alpha adenohypophyseal cell of the male tumbler mouse. Abstr., A C. Lair

Kinetics of haemopoietic colony growth., L G. Lajtha, C W. Gilbert, and E Guzman

A sensitive assay for transplantaion immunity in mice., P Lake, E Sabbadini, and A H. Sehon

Dna-synthesis time of marrow granulocytes in healthy and ascites tumor-bearing mice. Abstr., P K. Lala

The biosynthesis of protamine during spermatogenesis of the mouse, extraction, partial characterization, and site of synthesis., D Lam and W Bruce

Rejection of skin allografts by irradiation chimeras, evidence for skin-specific transplantation barrier., E Lance, E Boyse, S Cooper, and E Carswell

Antigenic change and cell maturation in murine thymocytes., E M. Lance, S Cooper, and E A. Boyse

Identification of rat liver antigens for tolerance induction in the mouse. Abstr., R W. Lang and G J. Cerilli

Role of c5 in the nephritis of nzb/w mice., B G. Lanier, F C. Duffie, and K E. Holley

Evidence for immunological surveillance during skin carcinogenesis. Inflammatory foci in immunologically competent mice., M A. Lappe

Failure of long-term immunologic control of 3-methylcholanthrene- -induced skin tumors in the autochthonous host., M A. Lappe

Necessity of the spleen for balanced secondary sex ratios following maternal immunization with male antigen., M Lappe and J Schalk

Depressed allogeneic inhibition response after treatment with anti-lymphocyte serum., W Lapp

Plasma growth hormone in the new zealand obese mouse., R Larkins

Effects of cell fusion on production of the mouse mammary tumor virus- -immunofluorescence study., E Y. Lasfargues, B Kramarsky, and D H. Moore

Synthesis, assembly and secretion of gamma globulin by mouse myeloma cells. II. Assembly of igg2b immunoglobulin by mpc 11 tumor and culture cells., R Laskov, R Lanzerotti, and M D. Scharff

The membrane potential of ehrlich ascites tumor cells, microelectrode measurements and their critical evaluation., U Lassen, A Nielsen, L Pape, and L Simonsen

Susceptibility to polycythemia of hemopoietic spleen colonies produced by cultured embryonal liver cells., N V. Latsinik, N L. Samoylina, and J L. Chertkov

Glutamine synthetase in the normal and dystrophic mouse retina., M M. Lavail and lehrer L. Reif

Glucose tolerance and insulin secretion in neonatal and adult mice., R L. Lavine, W L. Chick, A A. Like, and T W. Makdisi

Investigation of the c3hf/bi (zb) strain for the absence of niv and attempts to infect it with niv. Abstr., D Lavrin

Immunologic enhancement of allogeneic tumor growth with soluble histocompatibility-2 antigens., L W. Law, E Appella, P W. Wright, and S Strober

Effects of antilymphocyte serum (als) on the induction of lymphocytic leukemia in mice., L W. Law and S S. Chang

Studies on the allosteric properties of nuclear exoribonuclease from ehrlich ascites tumor., H M. Lazarus and M B. Sporn

Effect of alleles at the agouti locus on odontometric traits in the c57bl/6 strain of house mice., L J. Leamy and H E. Hrubant

Immunocompetent cells among mouse thymocytes, a minor population., E Leckband and E A. Boyse

Les souris dans la recherche immunologique sur les leucemies., J Leclerc

Oestrogen requirements of transplanted mouse mammary tumours., A E. Lee

The limitations of using mouse uterine weight as an assay of oestrogen antagonism., A E. Lee

Reactions of male fighters to male and female mice, untreated or deodorized., C Lee and S Brake

Morphologic changes in the liver of mice bearing ehrlich ascites tumor., S H. Lee and H Aleyassine

Cell surface associated gamma globulins in lymphocytes. II. The pluripotentiality of mouse spleen lymphocytes., S Lee, F Paraskevas, and L Israels

Attachment of ribosomes to membranes during polysome formation in mouse sarcoma 180 cells., S Y. Lee, V Krsmanovic, and G Brawerman

Initiation of polysome formation in mouse sarcoma 180 ascites cells. Utilization of cytoplasmic messenger ribonculeic acid., S Y. Lee, V Krsmanovic, and G Brawerman

A polynucleotide segment rich in adenylic acid in the rapidly-labeled polyribosomal rna component of mouse sarcoma 180 ascites cells., S Y. Lee, J Mendecki, and G Brawerman

Evolution of cell-mediated immunity in mice bearing tumors produced by a mammary carcinoma cell line. Influence of tumor growth, surgical removal, and treatment with irradiated tumor cells., D Le francois, J K. Youn, J Belehradek, and G Barski