Submissions from 1971
Chromosome abnormalities in akr/t1ald leukaemias., E Legrand and J Duplan
Etude de la leucemogenese akr a l'aide d'un marqueur cytogenetique., E Legrand and J F. Duplan
Les souris mutantes presentant des crises audiogenes., A Lehmann
Concentration en noradrenaline de differentes zones du cerveau de souris. Ses rapports avec la crise audiogene., A Lehmann and gaudry Y. Morot
Neonatal thymectomy and the antibody response to sheep erythrocytes in mice., E Lemmel, M Cooper, and R Good
Life span of lymphocytes within intestinal epithelium, peyer's patch epithelium, epidermis, and liver of mice., E Lemmel and K Fichtelius
Variation in the development of cellular immune reactivity of thymus cells and spleen cells in young inbred mice., E Lemmel and R A. Good
Differential effects of 6-mercaptopurine and cyclophosphamide on autoimmune phenomena in nzb mice., E Lemmel, E R. Hurd, and M Ziff
Stimulating influence of bacillus calmette-guerin on immunity to polyoma tumors and spontaneous leukemia., P Lemonde, R Dubreuil, A Guindon, and G Lussier
Effect of a high-fat diet on obese-hyperglycaemic and non-obese bar harbor mice., D Lemonnier, J Winand, J Furnelle, and J Christophe
Quantitative analysis of allogeneic inhibition of colony-forming performance of bone marrow cells. The possibilities of the method for detecting minor differences in the h-2 structure of the cell membrane., A Lengerova, V Matousek, and V Zeleny
Specificity of the reaction between allocluster-forming cells and target erythrocytes., A Lengerova, V Viklicky, and J Rejzkova
Chromosome number adjustment in the landschutz mouse ascites cancer., A Leonard
Radiation-induced translocations in spermatogonia of mice., A Leonard
Repopulation of thymus, spleen and bone-marrow of irradiated akr mice injected with normal or irradiated bone-marrow cells., A Leonard, A Decleve, and J R. Maisin
The rate of translocations induced in spermatogonia of mice by two x-irradiation exposures separated by varying time intervals., A Leonard and G Deknudt
Failure to detect meiotic chromosome rearrangement in male mice given chemical mutagens., A Leonard, G Deknudt, and G Linden
Ovulation and prenatal losses in different strains of mice., A Leonard, G Dekundt, and G Linden
Specificity for phosphorylcholine of six murine myeloma proteins re- active with pneumococcus c polysaccharide and beta-lipoprotein., M A. Leon and N M. Young
Preparation of biologically active plague murine toxins labelled with 75se-methionine., S A. Leon, S Kadis, and G Kollmann
Isolated mouse islets as a model for studying insulin release., A Lernmark
Effects of three-dose fractionated partial abdominal x-ray exposures on cell proliferation in the mouse small intestinal epithelium. Abstr., J Lesher and S Lesher
Immunoglobulins on the surface of thymus-derived cells engaged in the initiation of a humoral immune response., J Lesley, J Kettman, and R Dutton
Age changes in various biological measurements of c57bl/6 female mice., S Leto, G C. Kokkonen, and C H. Barrows
Morphological and cytochemical effects of marijuana cigarette smoke on epithelioid cells of lung explants from mice., C Leuchtenberger and R Leuchtenberger
Study on the immune response to somatic antigens of s. Typhi in mice, antibody formation and immunological memory., V Levenson, E Chernokhvostova, and G German
Histological observations on the pancreas of the genetically obese mouse (birmingham strain) with particular reference to the islets of langerhans. Abstr., J D. Lever and J A. Findlay
Atopy and mouse models., B Levine
Genetic control of reagin production in mice. Abstr., B B. Levine and N M. Vaz
Disorganization of mouse bladder epithelium induced by 2-acetylamino- fluorene and 4-ethylsulfonylnaphththalene-1-sulfonamide., P E. Levi, J C. Knowles, D M. Cowen, M Wood, and E H. Cooper
Restoration of haemolytic complement activity in c5-deficient mice by gene complementation in hybrid cells., N L. Levy and R L. Ladda
Competition of antigens during induction of low zone tolerance., P Liacopoulos and M Gille
Peptide elongation enzymes in tumor cells and mouse liver., C Li and C Yu
Hyperplastic nodules and breast cancer in several strains of inbred mice of the kirschbaum memorial laboratory. Abstr., A G. Liebelt
Cytoplasmic inclusion bodies in primary and transplanted hepatomas of mice of different strains., A G. Liebelt, R A. Liebelt, and L Dmochowski
Lipid mobilization and food intake in experimentally obese mice bearing transplanted tumors., R Liebelt, A Liebelt, and H Johnston
Inhibition of radiation-induced lymphoma development in mice by inter- feron. Abstr., M Lieberman, T C. Merigan, and H S. Kaplan
Inhibition of radiogenic lymphoma development in mice by interferon., M Lieberman, T C. Merigan, and H S. Kaplan
Action of camptothecin (nsc-100880) on mammalian cells in culture. Abstr., L Li and B Bhuyan
The influence of h-2 type on gross virus leukemogenesis in mice., F Lilly
Testosterone protection against the lethal factor in grafts of the mouse submandibular gland., C Lin and K Hoshino
Interferon and cell division. VI. Inhibitory effect of interferon on the multiplication of mouse embryo and mouse kidney cells in primary cultures., magnusson P. Lindahl, P Leary, and I Gresser
Cross-priming and cross-inhibition by antibody in the influenza virus- -host antigen system., J Lindenmann
Albumin dependent hemagglutination in the auto-immune hemolytic anemia of nzb mice. Abstr., E Linder
New plasma autoantigen and its role in autoimmune disease of new zealand black mice., E Linder and T Edgington
Immunofluorescent localization of a fetal protein in the mouse yolk sac., E Linder, A Lahti, and L Saxen
Selective action of concanavalin a on transplanted tumors of the mouse. Abstr., H Lin and W R. Bruce
Effect of crystalline ricin on the biosynthesis of protein, rna, and dna in experimental tumor cells., J Lin, K Liu, C Chen, and T Tung
Chemical modifications of l-asparaginase. Abstr., Y P. Liu and R E. Hansdchumacher
Estimation of tumor cell kill from gompertz-fitted growth curves. Abstr., H H. Lloyd
Impenetrability of the mouse placenta to maternal leukaemia cells., D Loewenstein, W L. Hughes, K G. Hofer, and M M. Ketchel
Morphology of intracranial neurogenic tumors in mice exposed to ethyl- nitrosourea. Abstr., L S. Lombard, V Rac, N Mihailovich, and J M. Rice
Pathogenesis of renal tumors in mice treated with ethylnitrosourea. Abstr., L S. Lombard and S D. Vesselinovitch
Participation of theta-bearing cell in an in vitro assay of trans- plantation immunity., P Lonai, W R. Clark, and M Feldman
Cooperation of lymphoid cells in an in vitro graft reaction system. II. The 'bone marrow-derived' cell., P Lonai and M Feldman
Studies on the effect of macrophages in an in vitro graft reaction system., P Lonai and M Feldman
The nasal capsule in a/jax mice with spontaneous cleft lip. Abstr., S Long
Hybrid resistance to parental nzw bone marrow grafts. Association with the d end of h-2., E Lotzova and G Cudkowicz
Rejection of parental marrow grafts by irradiated f1 hybrid mice. Frequent occurrence in laboratory strains. Abstr., E Lotzova and G Cudkowicz
The control of lipolysis in obese mice., smith C. Lovell
Murine leukemia virus, high-frequency activation in vitro by 5- -iododeoxyuridine and 5- bromodeoxyuridine., D Lowy, W Rowe, N Teich, and J Hartley
Hematopoietic alterations produced by long-term treatment with phytohemagglutinin., B Lozzio
Attempts to abolish tolerance of skin homografts in mice with x-irradiated plasma from specifically sensitized donors., D M. Lubaroff and W K. Silvers
Resistance of akr mice to lymphoid leukemia associated with a chronic protozoan infection, besnoitia jellisoni., M N. Lunde and A H. Gelderman
Testing for recessive lethals in mice., K G. Luning
Changes in sex proportion--an unacceptable way to estimate sex-linked recessive lethals., K Luning and W Sheridan
Proliferation of hemopoietic stem cells in culture of embryonal liver of mice., E A. Luria, N L. Samoylina, Y Gerasimov, and J Chertkov
Dose-rate dependance of mouse endogenous splenic colony formation and proliferation during continuous and fractionated daily irradiation at low exposure rates. Abstr., C C. Lushbaugh, T R. Stokes, and L S. Corrill
Possible mechanisms of x chromosome inactivation., M F. Lyon
An inherited kidney disease of mice resembling human nephronophthisis., M F. Lyon and E V. Hulse
The ultrastructural localization of antigens in ehrlish ascites tumor cells against antinuclear factors in lupus erythematosus sera by peroxidase-labelled antibody method., M Machida and M Hoshino
Electronoptic demonstration of the virus experimental mouse erythroleukaemia., O Mach and J Libansky
The effect of some chemical agents and physical factors on the leukaemogenic activity of the murine leukaemia virus., O Mach, J Libansky, and O Novotna
Interferon and cell division. Iii. Effect of interferon on the division cycle of l1210 cells in vitro., coelho A. Macieira, boye D. Brouty, M T. Thomas, and I Gresser
Effects of excess phenylalanine on in vitro and in vivo rna and protein synthesis and polyribosome levels in brains of mice., J W. Mac innes and K Schlesinger
The effects of dl-p-fluorophenylalanine and l-3-nitrotyrosine on the growth and biochemistry of the taper liver tumor., S Mac lean and R Huber
Malabsorption in c57 mice experimentally infected with johne's disease., D Madge
Lentinan, a new immuno-accelerator of cell-mediated responses., Y Y. Maeda and G Chihara
Ratios of nuclear proteins to dna for rat and mouse tumors and possible effect of cytoplasmic fibrils in isolating nuclei., J Magliozzi, D Puro, C Lin, R Ortman, and A L. Dounce
Amelioration of insulin resistance in obese mice., R J. Mahler and O Szabo
Epitheliomesenchymal interactions in the proliferative response evoked by polyoma virus in odontogenic epithelium in vitro., J Main and M Waheed
Effect of a mixture of radioprotectors on the temporary sterile period induced in male mice by exposure to x-radiation., J R. Maisin, A Leonard, and G Mattelin
Integration of isologous donor dna with host dna in l1210 mouse leu- kemia cells. Abstr., A Majumdar and J L. Glick
Hormonal regulation of protein kinases and adenosine 3'-5'-monophos- phate-binding protein in developing mammary gland., G C. Majumder and R W. Turkington
Stimulation of mammary epithelial cell proliferation in vitro by protein factor(s) present in serum., G C. Majumder and R W. Turkington
The immune systems of mice reared in clean and in dirty conventional laboratory farms. Iii. Ability of old mice to be sensitized to undergo a secondary antibody response., T Makinodan, F Chino, W E. Lever, and B S. Brewen
The immune systems of mice reared in clean and in dirty conventional laboratory farms. II. Primary antibody-forming activity of young and old mice with long life-spans., T Makinodan, F Chino, W E. Lever, and B S. Brewen
Sensitivity of mouse testis cells to the induction of dominant lethals by diethyl sulfate., A M. Malashenko
Dimethylnitrosamine, formation of mutagenic compounds by interaction with mouse liver microsomes., H Malling
Binding of concanavalin a to normal and transformed cells as detected by immunofluorescence., L Mallucci
Isolation and partial characterization of a glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase-inactivating factor from ehrlich ascites tumor cells., F P. Mamaril and S Green
Properties of the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from ehrlich ascites tumor cells., F P. Mamaril and S Green
Enseignements apportes par l'etude de la myelinisation chez des mutants de souris., P Mandel, N Neskovic, and J Nussbaum
Les souris mutantes presentant une deficience de la myelinisation., P Mandel, J Nussbaum, and N Neskovic
Differentiation of foetal mouse thymus. Ultrastructure of organ cultures and of subcapsular grafts., T Mandel and P J. Russell
Intestinal iron-transport defect in the mouse with sex-linked anemia., J Manis
Hair loss and cyst formation in hairless and rhino mutant mice., S J. Mann
Varieties of hairless-like mutant mice., S J. Mann