
Submissions from 1972

Secondary disease in mice after in vitro exposure of hematopoietic cells to concanacalin a., G D. Ledney

Cell division and dna synthesis in the mouse uterus during continuous oestrogen treatment., A E. Lee

Changes in the mouse intestinal microflora during weaning. Role of volatile fatty acids., A Lee and E Gemmell

Reaction of male mouse fighters to male castrates treated with testosterone propionate or oil., C Lee and S Brake

Effects of castration and androgen on the social dominance of balb/cj mice. Abstr., C T. Lee and N Naranjo

The ultrastructural substratum of tumor reproduction. Abstr., J C. Lee and W A. Yu

Effects of alpha-msh on melanogenesis and tyrosinase of b-16 melanoma., T H. Lee, M S. Lee, and M Lu

Sensitivity of some mice populations to insulin and the effect of insulin on the sleeping-time induced by pentobarbital., R Leeuwin

Inhibition of repair replication in l-1210 cells. Abstr., Y Lee, J Byfield, P Chan, and L Bennett

Inhibition of repair of dna single strand breaks in mouse leukemia cells by actinomcin d., Y C. Lee, L R. Bennett, and J E. Byfield

Studies on mouse plasmocytoma cells mopc 173 grown 'in vitro'. General properties of fibroblastic and epithelioid cell lines., E Legrand, M Moyne, A Paraf, and J J. Duplan

Postreplication repair of dna in ultraviolet-irradiated mammalian cells., A Lehmann

The replication of dna in murine lymphoma cells (l5178y). II. Size of replicating units., A Lehmann and M Ormerod

Post-replication repair of dna in ultraviolet-irradiated mammalian cells. No gaps in dna synthesized late after ultraviolet irradiation., A R. Lehmann

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis of the mouse. IV. Depression of the allograft reaction., grube F. Lehmann, I Niemeyer, and J Lohler

Effects of ionizing radiation on the aggregation of dissociated mouse embryonic neural cells in suspension culture. Abstr., J Leith and W Schilling

Effects of ionizing radiation on the reaggregation of embryonic mouse brain cells., J Leith and W Schilling

Ultrastructural, cytochemical and biochemical changes occurring during syngeneic macrophage-lymphoma interaction in vitro., F Lejeune and R Evans

Distribuzione e attivita chemioterapica di daunomicina e adriamicina nel carcinoma mammario spontaneo del topo., L Lenaz and G D. Fronzo

Phenotypic suppression of h-2 antigens and topography of the cell surface., A Lengerova, Z Pokorna, V Viklicky, and V Zeleny

Analysis of the specificity of allocluster-forming lymphocytes in allografted mice., A Lengerova, V Viklicky, M I. Astorquiza, and M Boubelik

Mouse-myeloma rna polymerase b. Template specificities and the role of a transcription-stimulating factor., D Lentfer and A G. Lezius

Effects of aet on chromsome rearrangements induced by x-irradiation in spermatogonia., A Leonard and G Deknudt

Observation of dividing spermatocytes for chromosome aberrations induced in mouse spermatogonia by chemical mutagens., A Leonard and G Linden

Observations sur les proprietes mutageniques des cyclamates chez les mammiferes., A Leonard and G Linden

Superfoetation in cba mice., A Leonard and G Linden

Cyclic nucleotide analogs as carcinostatic agents., G Le page and E M. Hersh

Scheduling of arabinosylcytosine (ara-c) and 6-thioguanine (6-tg) therapy. Abstr., G Le page and S White

Karyotypic, virologic, and immunologic analyses of two continuous lymphocyte lines established from new zealand black mice, possible relationship of chromosomal mosaicism to autoimmunity., R A. Lerner, F Jensen, S J. Kennel, F J. Dixon, G D. Roches, and U Francke

Transport and storage of 5-hydroxytryptamine in pancreatic beta-cells. Abstr., A Lernmark, B Hellman, J Sehlin, and I Taljedal

Insulin and glucagon release from the isolated pancreas of foetal and newborn mice., A Lernmark and B I. Wenngren

A disease related to cage population density, tail lesions of c3h/hej mice., E P. Les

Immunite a mediation cellulaire dans les plasmocytomes de la souris, G Lespinats and M Poupon

Immunite cellulaire et facteurs seriques dans les plasmocytomes de la souris. (eng. Summ.), G Lespinats, M Poupon, and J Kolb

Preparation and characterization of 80 s ribosomes of ascites tumor cells active in polypeptide synthesis., K Letnansky

Sublines of the ehrlich-lettre mouse ascites tumour. A new tool for experimental cell research., R Lettre, N Paweletz, D Werner, and C Granzow

The stemline idiogram of the mswbs tumor of the mouse and the problem of centric fusion., A Levan, U Bregula, and G Klein

The islets of langerhans in the lean and genetically obese mouse, a related histological and biochemical study in untreated and strep- tozotocin-injected animals. Abstr., J Lever, J Findlay, chain A. Beloff, and K Rookledge

Lymphocyte environment and the durability of transplantation tolerance., R H. Levey

Studies on the isolation of lymphocytes active in cell-mediated immune responses. II. Identification and recovery of an immuno- competent subpopulation of mouse thymocytes., R H. Levey and R Burleson

Phosphate transport in ehrlich ascites tumor cells and the effect of arsenate., C Levinson

Lanthanum-induced alterations in cellular electrolytes and membrane potential in ehrlich ascites tumor cells., C Levinson, T M. Mikiten, and T C. Smith

Lanthanum-induced alterations of cellular electrolytes in ehrlich ascites tumor cells, a new view., C Levinson, T C. Smith, and T M. Mikiten

Lanthanum-induced sodium transport at low temperature. Abstr., C Levinson, T C. Smith, and T M. Mikiten

Distribution of 5-fluorouracil-2-14c and its metabolites in a murine glioma., V A. Levin and M Chadwick

Uptake and distribution of 3h-methotrexate by the murine ependymo- blastoma., V A. Levin, T P. Clancy, J I. Ausman, and D P. Rall

Les systemes antigeniques des tumeurs et leucemies provoquees par les oncornavirus., J Levy and F M. Kourilsky

Disposition of the antileprosy drug, dapsone, in the mouse., L Levy, J T. Biggs, G R. Gordon, and J H. Peters

Protein, nucleic acids and cell structure in the regenerating mouse liver., L Lewan

Purification of tumor-enhancing antibody by affinity chromatography. Abstr., G Lewis, J Cruse, and D Sprunt

Glycosaminoglycan synthesis by microsomes from cultured cells. Abstr., R G. Lewis, A F. Spencer, and J E. Silbert

Effects of phospholipids and dimethylsulfoxide on the activity of rna polymerase a from mouse myeloma cells., A Lezius and lornsen B. Muller

On the role of atp and energy metabolism in the repair of sublethal damage. Abstr., D F. Liberman and C S. Lange

Intratumor therapy in rodents with aqueous clam extracts., C Li, N Tauraso, B Prescott, B Eddy, R Hoye, E Martino, Caldes, and C Gorschboth

Hormonal factors in mammary noduligenesis and tumorigenesis in a/ki mice. Abstr., A G. Liebelt and R A. Liebelt

H-2-linked immune response (ir) genes. Independent loci for ir-igg and ir-iga genes., R Lieberman, W Paul, W Humphrey, and J Stimpfling

Bidirectional effects of interaction between parental thymocytes and f1 spleen cells in the production of graft vs host splenomegaly., S A. Liebhaber, J Barchilon, and R K. Gershon

Studies in the diabetic mutant mouse. VI. Evolution of glomerular lesions and associated proteinuria., A A. Like, R L. Lavine, P L. Poffenbarger, and W L. Chick

Cell-mediated tumor allograft immunity, in vitro transfer with rna., V Likhite and A Sehon

Action of camptothecin on mammalian cells in culture., L Li, T Fraser, E Olin, and B Bhuyan

Mouse leukemia, a model of a multiple-gene disease., F Lilly

Combined neoplastic effects of vaccinia virus and 3-methylchol- anthrene. II. Genetic factors., F Lilly and reynals M. Duran

Anti-neoplastic property of a crude extract from paris formosana., M C. Li, W Koo, and K Hsu

Effect of dibutyryl cyclic amp on nucleic acid and protein synthesis in neuronal and glial tumor cells., R Lim and K Mitsunobu

Microsomal and lysosomal acid phosphatase isoenzymes of mouse kidney, characterization and separation., C Lin and W H. Fishman

Haemorrhage caused by isografts of submandibular glands of male mice., C Lin and K Hoshino

Interferon inhibits dna synthesis induced in mouse lymphocyte suspensions by phytohaemagglutinin or by allogeneic cells., magnusson P. Lindahl, P Leary, and I Gresser

Enhancement by interferon of the specific cytotoxicity of sensitized lymphocytes., P Lindahl, P Leary, and I Gresser

Reductive metabolism of corticosterone in mice, differences in nadph requirements of liver homogenates of males of two inbred strains., M Lindberg, J Shire, C Doering, S Kessler, and R Clayton

Cell surface autoantigenic expressions and their circulating analogues in the pathogenesis of immune injury in nzb mice. Abstr., E Linder and T Edgington

Antigenic specificity of anti-erythrocyte autoantibody responses by nzb mice, identification and partial characterization of two erythrocyte surface autoantigens., E Linder and T S. Edgington

Increased thymus cell traffic to spleen in sheep erythrocyte-(srbc-) stimulated mice. Abstr., T Linna and E Cohen

Cell fusion in mouse eggs injected with sendai virus and somatic cells. Abstr., T Lin, J Florence, and J Oh

Fusion of mouse egg cells induced by newcastle disease virus., T Lin, J Florence, and J Oh

(liver Regeneration in mice of different lines.) (russ., Eng.summ.), L Liozner, A Babaeva, V Sidorova, and G Kharlova

Proton and alpha particle bombardment of mouse skin., S W. Lippincoll, J L. Montour, J D. Wilson, and R Bender

Zur bedeutung der glucose fur energielieferung und nucleotidgehalt in ehrlich-ascitestumorzellen., E Liss and P Alken

Extrinsic cotton effects associated with affinity labeled mopc 315 myeloma protein., G Litman and R Good

Persistence of colchicine induced differentiation in harding-passey melanoma in mouse - an electron microscopic study. Abstr., K Loader and E Nathaniel

Die einwirkung des krebses auf den zellumsatz verschiedener organe der maus., D Lockner, U Ericson, and A Pettersson

Lack of difference in sex ratio of mice with cortisone-induced cleft palate., H T. Loevy

Isolation of the immunosuppressive fraction from horse antiserum to mouse thymus., L Logan, E Kupferman, and S Wilson

Specific cytotoxicity of a mouse thymocyte population sensitized in vitro against h-2 alloantigens., matthes M. Lohmann and H Fischer

Macrophage-mediated cytotoxicity against allogeneic target cells in vitro., matthes M. Lohmann, H Schipper, and H Fischer

Density separation of mouse spermatid nuclei., M Loir and A Wyrobek

Changes in glucose and energy metabolism in vivo in developing retinae from visually-competent (dba/1j) and mutant (c3h/hej) mice., R Lolley

Hexokinase activity in bipolar and ganglion layers of retinae which survive photorecptor degeneration in vivo., R Lolley

Changes in levels of atpase activity in developing retinae of normal (dba) and mutant (c3h) mice., R N. Lolley and E Racz

Phosphorylation of adenosine and deoxyadenosine in ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells resistant to 6-(methylmercapto) purine ribonucleoside., C A. Lomax and J F. Henderson

Nucleolar alterations produced by urethan in mouse hepatocyies. Abstr., L Lombardi

Ultrastructural study of nucleolar alterations produced by a single carcinogenic dose of urethan in mouse hepatocytes., L Lombardi

Renal carcinogenesis by benzo(a)pyrene. Abstr., L S. Lombard and S D. Vesselinovitch

Fractionation of specific antigen-reactive cells in an in vitro system of cell-mediated immunity., P Lonai, H Wekerle, and M Feldman

Immunologic response restored by macrophages in mice with immuno- suppression due to normal rna., M Londner, J Morini, N Amerio, M T. Font, and S Rabasa

The uptake of 3h-thymidine in the cranial base of cleft palate mice. Abstr., S Long, K Larsson, and S Lohmander

Hair-nibbling and whisker-trimming as indicators of social hier- archy in mice., S Y. Long

The dynamic state of the lymphocyte membrane. Factors affecting the distribution and turnover of surface immunoglobulins., F Loor, L Forni, and B Pernis

Effect of phytohemagglutinin on hematopoietic depression produced by radiation., A Lopez and B B. Lozzio

Enhanced hematopoietic regeneration by transplantation of lymphoid cells from donors treated with phytohemagglutinin., A Lopez and B B. Lozzio

The distribution of haemopoietic colony-forming units in the mouse femur, and its modification by x rays., B Lord and J Hendry