
Submissions from 1972

Late labelling as an aid to chromosomal sexing of cultured mouse blood cells., A Mc laren

Factors affecting the responsiveness of haemopoietic colony-forming cells in vitro. Abstr., T Mc neill, W Fleming, and T Morris

Serial transplantation of methylcholanthrene-treated mammary nodule outgrowth line d1., D Medina

Serial transplantation of urethan-treated mammary nodule outgrowth line d1., D Medina

Hormone-induced rna synthesis, its correlation with increased dna polymerase activity in the mammary gland. Abstr., R Mehta and M Banerjee

Myelin hypoplasia including peripheral neuropathy caused by three mutations of the mouse., H Meier and A M. Pike

Coordinated development of beta-glucuronidase and beta-galactosidase in mouse organs., M Meisler and K Paigen

Separation of nuclei of mouse testis cells by sedimentation velocity., M Meistrich and V Eng

Separation of mouse spermatogenic cells by velocity sedimentation., M L. Meistrich

Ultraviolet photochemistry of dna in mouse spermatozoa., M Meistrich and A Rauth

Cytotoxicity in vitro by products of specifically stimulated spleen cells, susceptibility of tumor cells and normal cells., M S. Meltzer and G L. Bartlett

A 51cr microtest for cellular immunity., S Menard, M Pierotti, and M I. Colnaghi

Characteristics of the polyadenylic acid segment associated with messenger ribonucleic acid in mouse sarcoma 180 ascites cells., J Mendecki, S Y. Lee, and G Brawerman

Trisomy of the t6 translocation chromosome in the mouse., A Mendes, A Harcourt, and M J. Seller

The infectiousness of antigenic competition, conferrability of nonreactivity upon allogeneic t-cells., J S. Menkes, R S. Hencin, and R K. Gershon

Properties of rna polymerase from a transplantable brain tumor., I Menon

In vitro effect of phytohemagglutinin (pha) on murine lymphoma. Abstr., F Merino, C Abeyounis, and F Milgrom

Inhibition of dna and rna metabolism by daunorubicin and adriamycin in l1210 mouse leukemia., W D. Meriwether and N R. Bachur

Genetic control of immune response to glutamic acid, alanine, tyrosine copolymers in mice. I. Association of responsiveness to H-2 genotype and specificity of the response., C F Merryman and P H Maurer

Genetic control of immune response in mice to a glutamic acid, lysine, phenylalanine copolymer. Iii. Use of recombinant inbred strains of mice to establish association of immune response genes with h-2 genotype., C F. Merryman, P H. Maurer, and D W. Bailey

Genetic control of immune response in mice to a glutamic acid, lysine, phenylalanine copolymer. Abstr., C Merryman, P Maurer, and D Bailey

Relations between avoidance and activity, a diallel study in mice., P Messeri, A Oliverio, and D Bovet

Increased efficiency of exogenous messenger rna translation in a krebs ascites cell lysate., S Metafora, M Terada, L Dow, P Marks, and A Bank

Effect of thymidine suiciding on colony formation in vitro by mouse hematopoietic cells., D Metcalf

Formation in agar of fibroblast-like colonies by cells from the mouse pleural cavity and other sources., D Metcalf

New type of colony-forming cell located in the pleural cavity., D Metcalf

Influence of age and antigenic stimulation on granulocyte and macro- phage progenitor cells in the mouse spleen., D Metcalf and S Stevens

Activite residuelle du tritium apres administration de thymidine tri- tee chez la souris., D J. Mewissen, M Furedi, and J H. Rust

Activite residuelle du tritium apres administration de thymidine tritiee chez la souris., D J. Mewissen, M Furedi, and J H. Rust

Electron microscopical study of rowson-parr virus infection in balb/c mice., L Michaels, K Rowson, and E Bird

Immunologische untersuchungen an virusinduzierten maus- und ratten- leukamien. I. Nachweis identischer antigene in graffi-virus-induzier- ten maus- und rattenleukamien., B Micheel and G Pasternak

Immunologische untersuchungen an virusinduzierten mause- und ratten- leukamien. II. Nachweis eines membrangebundenen, gruppenspezifischen leukamieantigens in graff-und gross-leukamien der maus., B Micheel, G Pasternak, and D Bierwolf

Competitive in vivo proliferation of foetal and adult haematopoietic cells in lethally irradiated mice., H Micklem, C Ford, E Evans, D Ogden, and D Papworth

Influence of cutaneous sensitization with oxazolone on recruitment of myelogenous stem cells in the thymus., H Micklem, D Ogden, and H Pritchard

An estimate of the degree of heterozygosity at histocompatibility loci in wild populations of house mouse (mus musculus)., M Mickova and P Ivanyi

Effects of subanesthetic doses of phenobarbital administered to pregnant mice on behavior of offspring. Abstr., L D. Middaugh, S Drake, J Fraley, and J W. Zemp

Metabolic activity of the ehrlich ascites cells in synthetic media and the significance of ascites serum addition., M Miko and L Drobnica

Stimulated granulocytopoiesis in mice bearing fibrosarcoma., L Milas and I Basic

Prolonged survival of skin allografts from tumour-bearing mice., L Milas, M Horvat, and V Silobrcic

Cellular distribution and possible mechanism of sex-differentiation in xx/xy chimeric mice., R G. Milet, B B. Mukherjee, and W K. Whitten

Neuroblastoma, synchronization of neurite outgrowth in cultures grown on collagen., C A. Miller and E M. Levine

Quinacrine fluorescent chromosome analysis of the snell translocation in the mouse., D Miller, P Allderdice, R Kouri, V Dev, M Grewal, O Miller, and J Hutton

Chromosome mapping in the mouse. Fluorescence banding techniques permit assignment of most genetic linkage groups., D A. Miller and O J. Miller

The ability of the latex-binding lymphocyte assay to predict in vivo efficacy of antilymphocyte sera., D H. Miller, J J. Rinehart, G J. Cerilli, and A F. Buglio

Immunologic memory cells of bone marrow origin. Increased burst size of specific immunocyte precursors., H C. Miller and G Cudkowicz

Selective cytotoxicity of anti-kappa serum for b lymphocytes., J Miller, J Sprent, A Basten, and N Warner

Polydeoxythmidylate inhibition of rabbit reticulocyte rna dependent protein synthesis in a krebs ii ascites cell system., J Miller, E Thompson, E Kuff, and S Wilson

Hematologic response of b6cf1 mice exposed to neutron or gamma radiation. Abstr., M Miller, E Cooke, and E Ainsworth

Antiviral action of immune lymphocytes in mice infected with lympho- cytic choriomeningitis virus., C A. Mims and R V. Blanden

Reaginic antibody receptors on malignant mast cells. Abstr., P Minard and D A. Levy

Reaginic antibody receptors on murine mastocytoma cells., P Minard and D A. Levy

Phosphoglucomutase isozymes of red cells in mus musculus, additional polymorphism at pgm-1 compared by two electrophoretic systems., G D. Miner and H G. Wolfe

Antigen density on differentiating erythroid cells., F Minio, C Howe, K Hsu, and R Rifkind

Cellular expression of genes controlling susceptibility to neoplasia in mice, p 176-181. In r. Harris, p. Allin and d. Viza (ed.), Cell differentiation., B Mintz

Seminal vesicle formation and specific male protein secretion by female cells in allophenic mice., B Mintz, M Domon, D A. Hungerford, and J Morrow

Studies on immunological paralysis. IX. The immunogenicity and tolerogenicity of levan (polyfructose) in mice., J J. Miranda

Studies on immunological paralysis. X. Cellular characteristics of the induction and loss of tolerance to levan (polyfructose)., J J. Miranda, H Zola, and J G. Howard

Pancreatic-like ribonuclease activity in the ascites fluid of the novikoff and ehrlich tumors., M Miron and R Morais

Further evaluation of the antitumor activity of homofolate and its reduced derivatives against methotrexate-insensitive tumors., L C. Mishra and J A. Mead

(ch3-h4hf) And tetrahydrohomofolate(h4hf) in mice. Abstr., L Mishra, A Parmar, J Mead, R Knott, and D O. Friedman

Leukemic transformation of grafted marrow., D Mitchell, R Rees, and A Salsbury

Immunological memory in mice. Iii. Memory to heterologous erythro- cytes in both t cell and b cell populations and requirement for t cells in expression of b cell memory. Evidence using immunoglobulin allotype and mouse alloantigen theta markers with congenic mice., G Mitchell, E L. Chan, M S. Noble, I Weissman, and L Herzenberg

Inhibition of secondary anti-hapten responses with the hapten con- jugated to type 3 pneumococcal polysaccharide., G Mitchell, J Humphrey, and A Williamson

Genetic control of the immune response. The effect of thymectomy on the primary and secondary antibody response of mice to poly-l(tyr, glu)-poly-d,l-ala-poly-l-lys., F C. Mitchell graham f and H O. Devitt

Antigens in immunity. Xvii. The migration of antigen-binding, bone- -marrow-derived and thymus-derived spleen cells in mice., J Mitchell

Antigens in immunity. Antigen localization in congenitally athymic 'nude' mice., J Mitchell, J Pye, M C. Holmes, and G Nossal

Specific inhibition of receptors for cytophilic antibodies on macrophages by isoantibody. Abstr., M Mitchell, M Mokyr, and D Goldwater

Central inhibition of cellular immunity to leukemia l1210 by isoantibody., M S. Mitchell

Specific inhibition of receptors for cytophilic antibody on macrophages by isoantibody., M S. Mitchell and M B. Mokyr

Mortality in rat-mouse radiation chimeras., T J. Mitchell, C C. Congdon, R E. Toya, M A. Kastenbaum, and D A. Garidner

Effect of combination treatment with adriamycin and methotrexate in leukemic mice. Abstr., A Miyakawa, M Padarathsingh, S Vadlamudi, and A Goldin

Effect of steroid priming on the uptake of gonadotrophin by the mouse ovary. Abstr., G Mizejewski

Selective gonadotrophin uptake by mouse ovarian carcinoma., G Mizejewski

Effects of fatty acids on incorporation of serine into phosphatidyl- serine in mouse liver microsomes., A Mizuno and M Matsuda

Hyperestrogenism by transplantable pulmonary tumors of mice., M Mizushima

Role of a permanent line of macrophages in the primary antibody response in vitro. Abstr., P Mocarelli, J Palmer, and V Defendi

Effects of ethyl chlorophenoxyisobutyrate (cpib) on hepatic catalase activity of mice bearing ehrlich ascites tumor cells., Y Mochizuki, M Itabashi, and H Tsukada

Size requirement of polyinosinic acid for dna synthesis, viral resis- tance, and increased survival of leukaemic mice., S J. Mohr, D G. Brown, and D S. Coffey

Identification of contaminating clostridium spores as the oncolytic agent in some chalone preparations., U Mohr, W H. Boldingh, and J Althoff

Oncolysis by a new strain of clostridium., U Mohr, W H. Boldingh, A Emminger, and H Behagel

A new method to improve the sensitivity of mixed lymphocyte cultures. Abstr., G M. Mok

Transplants of marrow treated with fab., N Mollen and J Ferrebee

Antigen-binding cells in immune and tolerant animals., E Moller and O Sjoberg

Lipopolysaccharides can convert heterologous red cells into thymus- -independent antigens., G Moller and E A. Sjoberg

Mitogen-induced lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity in vitro, effect of mitogens selectively activating t or b cells., G Moller, O Sjoberg, and J Andersson

Effects of d-glucosamine, d-mannosamine, and 2-deoxy-d-glucose on the ultrastructural of ascties tumor cells in vitro., Z Molnar and J Bekesi

Surface antigens of immunocompetent cells. Iii. In vitro studies of the role of b and t cells in immunological memory., J J. Mond, T Takahashi, and G J. Thorbecke

Thymus-derived cell (t cell) activation by heterologous antigens as a replacement of specific immune t cells in the transfer of the secon- dary response to sheep erythrocytes., J J. Mond, T Takahashi, and G J. Thorbecke

Proliferative response on normal rabbit and mouse bone marrow cells in vitro., J Mond and G Thorbecke

Radioautographic and marker chromosome analysis of the graft-versus- -host reaction in the mouse popliteal node. Abstr., H J. Monie

Rescue of the genome of the defective murine sarcoma virus from a non-producer hamster tumor cell line, pm-1, with murine and feline leukemia viruses as helpers., bragadin C. Monti and K Ulrich

Phosphate absorption and alkaline phosphatase activity in the small intestine of the adult mouse and of the chick embryo and hatched chick., F Moog and H S. Glazier

Studies on the antigenicity of radiation-induced murine osterosarcomata., M Moore and D W. Williams

Physical separation of colony stimulating cells from in vitro colony forming cells in hemopoietic tissue., M Moore and N Williams

Clonal model of vertebral column and skull development derived from genetically mosaic skeletons in allophenic mice., W J. Moore and B Mintz

Thymus-derived lymphocytes and hydrocortisone, identification of subsets of theta-bearing cells and redistribution to bone marrow., J W. Moorhead and H N. Claman

Chemotherapeutic 'fingerprints' of two experimental tumors in vitro., L Morasca, G Balconi, F D. Nadai, and E Dolfini

Effet du polyvinyl sulfate sur les lysosomes hepatiques de la souris., P Morelis, H Lavirotte, and R Fontanges

Toxicite d'un polyanion synthetique a activite antivirale, le poly- vinyl sulfate., P Morelis, H Lavirotte, M Mendels, and R Fontanges

Resultats d'un essai de premunition de la souris contre une infection a myxovirus au moyen de l'acide ribonucleique homologue methyle., P Morelis, J F. Sagan, M Mendels, H Lavirotte, and R Fontanges