
Submissions from 1972

Olfactory pregnancy-block in mice (mus musculus), an unusual response acquisition paradigm., D F. Lott and J H. Hopwood

Hybrid resistance to parental bone marrow grafts, genetic and immunologic polymorphism. Abstr., E Lotzova and G Cudkowicz

Hybrid resistance to parental wb/re bone marrow grafts. Association with genetic markers of linkage group ix., E Lotzova and G Cudkowicz

Tumours in bone and bone marrow induced in cba/h mice by 90sr and 226ra., J F. Loutit, M R. Bland, T E. Carr, J M. Sansom, and C Smith

Hematopoiesis in congenitally asplenic mice., B B. Lozzio

Phagocytic function and immunocompetence of congenitally asplenic mice. Abstr., B B. Lozzio and M V. Burns

Studies of irradiated mouse populations. IV. Effects on productivity in the 7th-18th generations., K Luning

Serum immunoglobulin levels in nude mice., A L. Luzzati and E B. Jacobson

Foreign protein induced alteration of uptake of 3h thymidine by mouse thymocytes in tissue culture. Abstr., L R. Lyle, S A. Eisen, and C W. Parker

Genetic differences influencing behavioral temperature regulation in small mammals. I. Nesting by mus musculus., C B. Lynch and J P. Hegmann

A myeloma protein that functions as a tumor-specific transplantation antigen. Abstr., R Lynch, R Graff, S Sirisinha, E Simms, and H Eisen

X-chromosome inactivation and developmental patterns in mammals., M F. Lyon

Do the h-2 and t-loci of the mouse have a function in the haploid phase of sperm., M F. Lyon, P Glenister, and S G. Hawker

Mutagenic effects of repeated small radiation doses to mouse spermatogonia. I. Specific-locus mutation rates., M F. Lyon, R J. Phillips, and H J. Bailey

Mutagenic effects of repeated small radiation doses to mouse spermatogonia. II. Translocation yield at various dose intervals., M F. Lyon, R J. Phillips, and P Glenister

Suppression of cellular immunity by antigens released from dead tumor cells. Abstr., J L. Macdonald, W J. Martin, and J R. Wunderlich

Modulation of cell behavior in vitro by the substratum in fibroblastic and leukemic mouse cell lines., coelho A. Macieira and S Avrameas

Does toothbrushing affect gingival keratinization., I C. Mackenzie

Methods for detection and isolation of pseudomonas aeruginosa in mouse breeding colonies. (jap. With eng. Summ.), K Maejima, T Urano, K Itoh, K Fujiwara, and J Y. Homma

Repression of propagation of ehrlich ascites tumors by means of attenuating tumor cells., K Maekawa and M Kushibe

Immunological adjuvants and the mechanism of cell cooperation., J Maillard and B R. Bloom

Late effects of radiation and chemical protectors. Abstr., J Maisin, A Decleve, collier M. Lambiet, and G Mattelin

Influence of radioprotectors on the regeneration of the mucosa of the small intestine of mice exposed to a low dose of x-irradiation., J Maisin and collier M. Lambiet

Hormone-dependent phosphorylation of ribosomal and plasma membrane proteins in mouse mammary gland in vitro., G C. Majumder and R W. Turkington

Regional chloroform-methanol-water solutes in mouse cerebellum., H S. Maker, G M. Lehrer, and C Weiss

Delayed effects of surgical, chemical, and radiation insults on the immune system of long-lived mice. Abstr., T Makinodan, E H. Perkins, W J. Peterson, C P. Peter, M G. Chen, M M. Fine, M L. Heidrick, Y Hori, S A. Goodman, M K. Halsall, C F. Gottlieb, L M. May, H D. Hall, and L H. Cachiero

Islet function in hereditary, hypothalamic and diet-induced obesity. Abstr., W J. Malaisse

Electroconductivity changes during the mitotic cycle in ehrlich ascites tumour cells., A Malenkov, V Voeikov, and Y Ovchinnikov

Ultrastructure of transplantable mouse hepatomas with different growth rates., L E. Malick

Mutation induction in neurospora crassa incubated in mice and rats., H Malling

Synthesis of cell coat in normal and transformed cells., L Mallucci, G Poste, and V Wells

Effect of trysin on cell volume and mass., L Mallucci, V Wells, and M Young

Migration of cells from shielded to irradiated marrow., M A. Maloney and H M. Patt

'tumori Del reticolo' in topi con trapianti del carcinoma mammario - - ascite atpc+., N Maltzeff

Studies on serum esterase polymorphism and an attempt on their appli- cation to animal breeding. VI. Genetic control of serum cholines- terase isozyme, c3 zone, in mice. (eng. Abstr.)., M Manda, Y Oki, and S Nishida

Studies on serum esterase polymorphism and an attempt on their appli- cation to animal breeding. Vii. Genetic control of serum aliesterase isozyme, a4 zone in mice., M Manda, Y Oki, and S Nishida

The effects of heterologous antithymocyte sera in mice. V. Enhance- ment of plasma cell tumor induction., M A. Mandel and J J. Cosse

Intramembraneous marker in t lymphocytes., T E. Mandel

Induction of temporary iga deficiency in mice injected with heter- ologous anti-immunoglobulin heavy chain antisera., D D. Manning

Effect of anti-immunoglobulin antisera on homograft rejection in mice., D D. Manning and J W. Jutila

Immunosuppression in mice injected with heterologous anti- -immunoglobulin antisera., D D. Manning and J W. Jutila

Immunosuppression of mice injected with heterologous anti-immuno- globulin heavy chain antisera., D D. Manning and J W. Jutila

Antibody response to escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide and type iii pneumococcal polysaccharide by congenitally thymusless (nude) mice., J K. Manning, N D. Reed, and J W. Jutila

Antibody response to lipopolysaccharide and pneumoccal polysaccharide by congenitally thymusless (nude) mice. Abstr., J K. Manning, N D. Reed, and J W. Jutila

Inheritance of hair constrictions in mice., S J. Mann and W E. Straile

Behavioral heterosis, food competition in mice., M Manosevitz

Interaction of environmental enrichment and genotype., M Manosevitz and R J. Montemayor

Acetyl coenzyme a carboxylase inhibition in genetically obese mice. Abstr., M E. Maragoudakis, H Hankin, and J M. Wasvary

Isolation and partial characterization of lymphocyte surface immunoglobulins., J J. Marchalonis, R E. Cone, and J L. Atwell

Kinetics of incorporation of (32p)phosphate into phospholipids of a sv 40 transformed mouse cell during logarithmic growth., W Marggraf, H Diringer, M A. Koch, and F A. Anderer

Syngeneic skin graft rejection, the allograft hypothesis. Abstr., T Mariani and Y Maruyama

Alteration of skin in gross leukemia, iii. Quantitation of the role of tumor cells., T Mariani, Y Maruyama, and R Good

Alteration of skin in gross leukemia. IV. Test of allograft hypo- thesis., T Mariani, Y Maruyama, and R A. Good

Immune complexes localized in the renal glomeruli of akr mice, the presence of mulv gs-i and c-type rna tumor virus gs-3 determinants., R V. Markham, J C. Sutherland, E F. Cimino, W P. Drake, and M R. Mardiney

The effect of environmental temperature on mortality and metabolism after burn and tourniquet trauma. Abstr., K Markley, E Smallman, and S W. Thornton

On the mechanism of action of phytohemagglutinin in cellular immunity., K Markley, S W. Thornton, and E Smallman

Protein synthesis, its control in erythropoiesis., P A. Marks and R A. Rifkind

Reticuloendothelial phagocytosis of cr51-labeled sheep red cells in mice. I. Assay employing total body counting., R Markus, N Carmel, J Gross, and K Stern

Influence of 'feeder cells' and inducers and inhibitors of microsomal mixed-function oxidases on hydrocarbon-induced malignant trans- formation of cells derived from c3h mouse prostate., H Marquardt and C Heidelberger

Malignant transformation of cells derived from mouse prostate by epoxides and other derivatives of polycyclic hydrocarbons., H Marquardt, T Kuroki, E Huberman, J K. Selkirk, C Heidelberger, P L. Grover, and P Sims

Nuclear deoxyribonucleic acid polymerases from landschutz ascites- -tumour cells. Abstr., V M. Marshall, J Bates, and H Keir

Poids moleculaires de l'interferon serique induit par le virus de la maladie de newcastle dans des lignees de souris hautes et basses productrices., I Martelly, D W. Bailey, and guignard J. Maeyer

Affinity labeling of a mouse lgg2a myeloma protein with binding affinity for nitrophenyl ligands., N Martin, N L. Warner, P E. Roeder, and S Singer

Synthesis and turnover of rna in the 30-s nuclear ribonucleoprotein complexes of mouse ascites cells., T E. Martin and B J. Carthy

Inhibition of immune cell-mediated killing by heparin. Abstr., E Martz and B Benacerraf

Tumor specific host resistance for transplant c57bl mouse lymphomas. Abstr., Y Maruyama and J Feola

Therapeutic evidence for and implications of cell age cohort variation during tumor growth., Y Maruyama and T Lee

Immunosuppressive activity of chromatin fraction derived from nuclei of ehrlich ascites tumor cells., H Masaki, K Takatsu, T Hamaoka, and M Kitagawa

Effect of asparaginase (ec-2) treatment on basic amino acid metabolism in p1798 lymphosarcoma. Abstr., L Mashburn

Immunological approaches of leukaemia treatment., G Mathe

New data on mechanism and control of secondary disease. II. Control of gvh by lymphocyte inhibitor(s) (chalone) and by donor tolerance induced by soluble h-2 antigen., G Mathe, giralt E. Garcia, N Kiger, I Florentin, pannenko O. Halle, and M Martyre

Further studies on the translation of globin mrna and encephalomyo- carditis virus rna in a cell-free system from krebs ii ascites cells., M B. Mathews

Translation of two messenger rnas from lens in a cell free system from krebs ii ascites cells., M B. Mathews, M Osborn, A J. Berns, and H Bloemendal

Stimulation by reticulocyte initiation factors on protein synthesis in a cell-free system from krebs ii ascites cells., M B. Mathews, I B. Pragnell, M Osborn, and H R. Arnstein

Influence of protein deficiency on 19s antibody-forming cells in rats and mice., M Mathur, V Ramalingaswami, and M Deo

The rejoining of x-ray-induced dna strand breaks in nuclei isolated from ehrlich ascites tumor cells., H Matsudaira and I Furuno

Sub-cellular localization of radioactive steroids following adminis- tration of testosterone-3h in the androgen dependent mouse tumor, shionogi carcinoma 115., K Matsumoto, K Kotoh, H Kasai, T Minesita, and K Yamaguchi

Failure of immunological memory in dmba-treated mice., Y Matsuoka, H Senoh, T Kawanoto, T Kohmo, T Hamaoka, and M Kitagawa

Induction of diabetic alterations by goldthioglucose-obesity in kk, icr, and c57bl mice., T Matsuo and A Shino

Mouse thymus-independent and thymus-derived lymphoid cells. II. Ultrastructural studies., A Matter, bernstein B. Lisowska, J Ryser, J Lamelin, and P Vassalli

Cation interaction selectivity sequences for an s37 ascites cell amino acid transport system., R H. Matthews

Characteristics of a transport system serving for the transfer of histidine into s37 ascites tumor cells., R H. Matthews

In vitro synthesis of sulfatide in a myelin deficient mutant, the jimpy mouse., J Matthieu, U Schneider, and N Herschkowitz

Mesoderm-ectoderm interaction in the production of the agouti pigmentation pattern in mice., T C. Mayer and J L. Fishbane

Ion transport by ouabain resistant and sensitive ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells., E Mayhew

The alternate complement pathway in cell damage, antibody mediated cytolysis of erythrocytes and nucleated cells. Abstr., J May, I Green, and M Frank

Teratogenic action of heterologous kidney antisera in mice., D Mc callion

Electrophoretic analysis of the rna from a mouse leukemia virus., K Mc clain and W H. Kirsten

Genetics as a tool in alcohol research., G E. Mc clearn

Immunobiological studies of tumors induced by murine sarcoma virus (kirsten)., J Mc coy, A Fefer, N M. Coy, and W Kirsten

The development of specific cellular and humoral immunity in mice infected with rauscher leukemia virus as neonates or adults., J Mc coy, A Fefer, R Ting, and J Glynn

Genetic control of the immune response, mapping of the ir-1 locus., H O. Mc devitt, B D. Deak, D C. Shreffler, J Klein, C H. Stimpfling, and G D. Snell

Translation of reovirus messenger rnas synthesized in vitro into reovirus polypeptides by several mammalian cell-free extracts., M J. Mc dowell, W K. Joklik, komaroff L. Villa, and H F. Lodish

Specificity of the inflammatory response in viral encephalitis. I. Adoptive immunization of immunosuppressed mice infected with sindbis virus., H F. Mc farland, D E. Griffin, and R T. Johnson

Response to erythropoietin in c57bl mice made polycythemic by infection with host-adapted friend leukemia virus. Abstr., M P. Mc garry and E A. Mirand

Preejaculatory stimulation does not induce luteal activity in the mouse mus musculus., T E. Mcgill

Amino acid sequence comparison of three new balb/c mouse kappa chains. Abstr., D J. Mc kean, M Potter, and L Hood

The antibody response of rabbits to soluble mouse h-2 antigens., I F. Mc kenzie and M E. Painter

Evidence for adaptation of skin grafts in enhanced irradiated mice., I Mc kenzie, R Koene, and H Winn

Effect of thermal stress on cell proliferation of the submandibular gland and periodontal ligament of c3h-male mice., D Mc kibben and J Pechersky