Submissions from 1973
The function of met-trnaf in the initiation of protein synthesis in mouse myeloma tumors., G Jones and B Mach
Quantitative effects of nutritional essential amino acid deficiency upon immune responses to tumors in mice., D G. Jose and R A. Good
Quantitative effects of nutritional protein and calorie deficiency upon immune responses to tumors in mice., D G. Jose and R A. Good
Long term effects on immune function of early nutritional deprivation., D G. Jose, O Stutman, and R A. Good
Cardiac transplantation in mice. V. Prolongation of allografts with cell-free extracts and antithymocyte globulin., K Judd and J Trentin
Teratogenic activity of methadone hydrochloride in mouse and chick enbryos., A Jurand
Transfer of resistance to tumor with lymphoid cells from immunized allogeneic donors., M Jurin and H D. Suit
Histidinaemic mutant in the mouse., H Kacser, G Bulfield, and M E. Wallace
Insulin-receptor interaction in the obese-hyperglycemic mouse. A model of insulin resistance., C R. Kahn, D M. Neville, and J Roth
Sedimentation studies on glucocorticoid receptors in normal and malignant lymphoid tissues. Abstr., N Kaiser, C S. Fu, R J. Milholland, and F Rosen
Glucocorticoid-binding macromolecules in rat and mouse thymocytes., N Kaiser, R J. Milholland, and F Rosen
An improved polyvinylpyrrolidone (pvp) method for titering mouse allohemagglutinins., N Kaliss
Radiation-induced cyclic radiosensitivity fluctuations in emt6 mouse tumor cells. Abstr., R Kallman and S Rockwell
The five classes of immunoglobulins in normal c3h and balb/c mice., P K. Kalpaktsoglou, R Hong, and R A. Good
Lesions of renal glomeruli in mice with virus-induced diabetes mellitus-like disease., R Kanich, J Craighead, and J Kessler
Histocompatibility antigens and species-specific antigens., K Kano and R A. Milgrom
Enumeration of activated and cytotoxic t-lymphocytes by the virus plaque assay. Abstr., S Kano, B R. Bloom, and M Howe
Enumeration of activated thymus-derived lymphocytes by the virus plaque assay., S Kano, B R. Bloom, and M L. Howe
Cellular aspects of tolerance. II. Unresponsiveness of b cells., A M. Kaplan and B Cinader
Cellular aspects of tolerance. I. Parameters of tolerance induction in t cells of spleen and thymus., A M. Kaplan and B Cinader
Kinetic and electrophoretic abnormality of cyclic amp phosphodiester- -ase in genetically obese mouse adipocytes., J Kaplan, A Pichard, M Laudat, and P Laudat
Adaptive enzyme responses in adipose tissue of obese hyperglycemic mice., M L. Kaplan and G H. Fried
Lipogenesis and insulin resistance in tissues of genetically obese mice prior to phenotypic expression of obesity. Abstr., M L. Kaplan and G A. Leveille
Obesity, prediction of preobesity among progeny from crosses of ob/+ mice., M L. Kaplan and G A. Leveille
Electrophoretic variation of alpha-amylase in two inbred strains of mus musculus., R D. Kaplan, V Chapman, and F H. Ruddle
Genetic control of the antibody response to gat in vitro. Abstr., J Kapp, C Pierce, and B Benacerraf
Regulation of the immune response. Iii. Kinetic differences between thymus- and bone marrow-derived lymphocytes in the proliferative response to heterologous erythrocytes., J W. Kappler and M Hoffmann
Regulation of the immune response. IV. Antibody-mediated suppression of the immune response to haptens and heterologous erythrocyte antigens in vitro., J W. Kappler, A V. Hoven, U Dharmarajan, and M Hoffmann
The role of thymocytes and bone marrow cells in defining the response to the dinitrophenyl hapten attached to positively and negatively charged synthetic polypeptide carriers. Cell fractionation over charged columns., Y Karniely, E Mozes, G M. Shearer, and M Sela
Development and regression of murine leukemia induced by friend virus complex., C Karnjanaprakorn and S Thomson
Biological properties of a c-type leuko-virus isolated from mouse myeloma cells., A Karpas
Recovery of the genome of murine sarcoma virus (msv) after infection of cells with nuclear dna from msv transformed non-virus producing cells., A Karpas and C Milstein
The repair of methyl methanesulphonate-induced lesions in the dna of a murine lymphoma cell., P Karran
Detection of (3h)5alpha-androstane-3alpha, 17beta-diol and (3h)17beta- -hydroxy-5alpha-androstan-3-one in mouse testes following administra- tion of (3h)testosterone., H Kasai, S Mizutani, and K Matsumoto
In vitro production of a high molecular weight exogenous macromolecule by ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells. Abstr., D W. Kaspar and J P. Kaltenbach
Complement in the phenomenon., R L. Kassel, L J. Old, E A. Carswell, and N C. Hardy
Effect of proteus vulgaris lipopolysaccharide on resistance of mice inoculated with tumor cells sensitized to ehrlich carcinoma transplantation., N Kato, S Ito, M Yamazaki, and D Mizuno
Cell interactions between histoincompatible t and b lymphocytes. II. Failure of physiologic cooperative interactions between t and b lymphocytes from allogeneic donor strains in humoral response to hapten-protein conjugates., D H. Katz, T Hamaoka, and B Benacerraf
Induction of immunological tolerance in bone marrow-derived lymphocytes of the ige antibody class., D H. Katz, T Hamaoka, and B Benacerraf
Cell interactions between histoincompatible t and b lymphocytes. IV. Involvement of the immune response (ir) gene in the control of lymphocyte interactions in responses controlled by the gene., D H. Katz, T Hamaoka, M E. Dorf, P H. Maurer, and B Benacerraf
Critical role of determinant presentation in the induction of specific responses in immunocompetent lymphocytes., D H. Katz and E R. Unanue
A rapid technique to resolve and partially purify multiple dna polymerases from a crude extract., S E. Katz and N B. Hecht
Parthenogenesis in the mouse., M H. Kaufman
Differential sensitivity of bone marrow and thymus cells to actinomycin d in the in vivo response of mice to sheep erythrocytes., S J. Kaufman, J Radovich, and D W. Talmage
Immunization of mice against transplantable tumor., E Kay
Degradation of immunoglobulins by lysosomal enzymes of tumors--i. Demonstration of the phenomenon using mouse tumors., Y Keisari and I P. Witz
Suppression of growth of p-815 mastocytoma cells in vitro by drugs increasing cellular cyclic 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate., R Keller and R Keist
Effects of heparin and benzyl alcohol on lumphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity in vitro., A Kemp and G Berke
Effects of heparin and benzyl alcohol on lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity. Abstr., A Kemp and G Berke
Turnover of brain adrenergic transmitters in quaking mice., E Kempf, J Greilsamer, G Mack, and P Mandel
Chemo-immunotherapy of spontaneous akr murine leukemia. Abstr., M Kende, A Airall, D Houchens, and A Goldin
Genetics of stimulation of in vitro hemolytic plaque-forming cell responses by irradiated allogeneic spleen cells., J C. Kennedy and mensah J. Ekpaha
Cells involved in the graft-versus-host reaction in vitro., J Kerckhaert, R Benner, and J Willers
Humoral factors of 'spontaneous' mutagenesis in mammals and man., J J. Kerkis and S V. Skorova
Effects of l-asparaginase on cell surface properties. Abstr., D Kessel and H B. Bosmann
Effects of camptothecin on rna synthesis in l1210 cells., D Kessel and R Dysard
Einfluss von geschlecht und tumoralter auf den karyotyp eines ehrlich- -carcinoms der maus in ascitesform., F Keusch and niggli H. Fritz
In vitro production of mouse mammary tumor virus in a mouse mammary tumor ascites line., J Keydar, Z Gilead, J R. Hartman, and shaul Y. Ben
N4-beta-d-ribofuranosyltrianzin-3-one-n1-oxide (icn 3520), a new uridine antagonist exhibiting antitumor activity. Abstr., T A. Khwaja, L Kigwana, G Szekeres, R A. Long, R W. Sidwell, and R K. Robins
Cytotoxic potential of mouse spleen cells on h-2 antibody-treated target cells., R Kiessling and E Klein
Inhibition of graft-versus-host-reaction (gvhr) by in vitro incubation of donor lymphocytes with thymic or splenic chalone(s)., N Kiger, I Florentin, giralt E. Garcia, and G Mathe
Some physical parameters affecting the agglutination of l-5178y leuke- mic cells with concanavalin a. Abstr., J J. Killion and T K. Chowdhury
Enhancement of the radiation response of cultured tumor cells by chloroquine., S Kim, J Kim, and J Fried
Heterologous adoptive cutaneous anaphylaxis, a method for detecting reaginic antibody formation by cells of the mouse., L Kind and sobrinho B. Macedo
Reaginic antibody formation in mice injected with rabbit anti-mouse thymocyte serum., L S. Kind and sobrinho B. Macedo
Activation of mouse spleen cells with acetylated concanavalin coupled to red blood cell stroma., L S. Kind, H Wong, and S H. Lee
Effect of trials on 'emotionality' behavior of the rat and mouse., D L. King and J R. Appelbaum
Influence de l'interferon sur l'inhibition par les macrophages, de la multiplication in vitro de la cellule maligne murine(fm3a)., T Kishida, K Morikawa, H Ito, and Y Yokota
Immune response in aged mice. Change of cell-mediated immunity with aging., S Kishimoto, S Shigemoto, and Y Yamamura
Failure of hybrid resistance on macrophage layer formed in peritoneal cavity of f1 mice., Y Kitamura, A Kanamaru, and T Kawata
Patterns of incorporation of thymidine in the female genital and other organs of mice, treated with 20-methylcholanthrene, estradiol and ovariectomy., J Klavins and Z Wessely
Hybrid cells derived from fusion of ta3-ha ascites carcinoma with normal fibroblasts. I. Malignancy, karyotype, and formation of isoantigenic variants., G Klein, S Friberg, F Wiener, and H Harris
List of congenic lines of mice. I. Lines with differences at alloantigen loci., J Klein
The h-2 system, past and present., J Klein
Graft-vs-host reaction with an h-2 mutant., J Klein and I Egorov
The role of 'private' and 'public' h-2 antigens in skin graft rejection., J Klein and D B. Murphy
Graft-versus-host reaction across different regions of the h-2 complex of the mouse., J Klein and J M. Park
Enhanced therapy of mouse lewis lung carcinoma with combination treatment. Abstr., I Kline, M Gang, and J M. Venditti
Hapten-specific stimulation of secondary b cells independent of t cells., N R. Klinman and R A. Doughty
Relationship between mouse mycobacterial growth-inhibitory factor and mouse migration-inhibitory factor in supernatant fluids from mouse lymphocyte cultures., C L. Klun, R G. Neiburger, and G P. Youmans
The effect of lymphocyte supernatant fluids on the intracellular growth of virulent tubercle bacilli., C L. Klun and G P. Youmans
Pathways leading to expression of immunoglobulins., P M. Knopf
Stimulation of hematopoiesis by femoral marrow curettage in sublethally irradiated mice., W H. Knospe, S A. Gregory, W Fried, and F E. Jr
Limb development in mouse embryos. I. Analysis of teratogenic effects of retinoic acid., D M. Kochhar
An analysis of 'fusion' during secondary palate formation. Abstr., W E. Koch and G R. Smiley
Correlation between tumor invasiveness and content of a-type particles in ehrlich ascites tumor, a model of quantitative electron microscopy., T Kodama and M Kodama
Hyperacute rejection of skin allografts in the mouse by the adminis- tration of alloantibody and rabbit complement., R A. Koene, P G. Gerlag, J F. Hagemann, U J. Haelst, and P G. Wijdeveld
Sulfatide synthesis in neurons, a defect in mice with a hereditary myelination disorder., A Kohlschutter and N N. Herschkowitz
Animal room temperature affects rejection of skin grafts., H I. Kohn
Mutagens detected by the h test in mice. Abstr., H I. Kohn
Nongenetic host factors that affect the probability of rejection of h-x allografts in the mouse., H I. Kohn
X-ray induced mutations at the histocompatibility loci in mice. Abstr., H Kohn and R Melvold
Replication and x-ray sensitivity of large dna units in l1210 cells. Abstr., K W. Kohn, C A. Friedman, and ewig R. Grimek
Alkaline elution analysis, a new approach to the study of dna single- -strand interruptions in cells., K W. Kohn and ewig R. Grimek
Variability in akr mouse leukemia mortality., R R. Kohn and D Novak
A new method of long-term irradiation of the peripheral blood of the mouse with 32p. Observation on the changes of lymphocytes and the thymus response by this method., M Kojima, F Tachibana, K Nishimura, T Saito, and M Dobashi
Mechanism of differential radiation protection of normal versus tumor tissue by wr-2721 in tumor bearing mice. Abstr., G Kollmann, J Yuhas, S Leon, and B Shapiro
Low dose tolerance preventing tumor immunity., E Kolsch, R Mengersen, and E Diller
Induction of t lymphocytes from precursor cells in vitro by a product of the thymus., K Komuro and E A. Boyse