
Submissions from 1973

Immunogenicity and immunosensitivity of urethane-induced murine lung adenomata, in relation to the immunological impairment of the primary tumour host., S Menard, M I. Colnaghi, and G Cornalba

In vitro demonstration of tumor-specific common antigens and embryonal antigens in murine fibrosarcomas induced by 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)- anthracene., S Menard, M I. Colnaghi, and G D. Porta

Properties of rna polymerases from b16 melanoma., I Menon and H Haberman

Regulation of t-lymphocyte function by immunoregulatory alphaglobulin (ira)., J O. Menzoian, A Glasgow, S Cooperband, K Schmid, I Saporoschetz, and J A. Mannick

A major role for the ir-1 region of the mouse h-2 complex in the mixed leukocyte reaction., T Meo, J Vives, V Miggiano, and D Shreffler

Theta antigen on a murine lymphosarcoma., F Merino, C J. Abeyounis, and F Milgrom

Volume-dependent transfer of free fatty acids from ehrlich ascites carcinoma to host tissues., P Mermier and N Baker

Association of liver cyclic amp levels with histocompatibility-2 genotype. Abstr., D Meruelo and M Edidin

Demonstration of theta-akr differentiation antigen in rat tissue by mouse alloantiserum., B Micheel, G Pasternak, and J Steuden

Demonstration of theta-akr differentiation antigen in rat tissue by mouse alloantiserum., B Micheel, G Pasternak, and J Steuden

Cytotoxic activity of lymphocytes and sera from new zealand mice against allogeneic fibroblasts., T Miki

The effect of splenectomy on fibrosarcoma 'metastases' in lungs of mice., L Milas and H Mujagic

A comparison of the effect of cytotoxic agents on agar colony forming cells, spleen colony forming cells, and the erythrocytic repopulating ability of mouse bone marrow., R Millard, N Blackett, and S Okell

Complement-dependent release of immune complexes from the lymphocyte membrane., G W. Miller, P H. Saluk, and V Nussenzweig

Production of functional t cells after treatment of bone marrow with thymic factor., H C. Miller, S K. Schmiege, and A Rule

Thymosin-induced functional t cells from the bone marrow. Abstr., H C. Miller, S K. Schmiege, and A Rule

Glycosidases in normal and scrapie mouse brain., G C. Millson and L Bountiff

Kinetics of absorption of reagin by murine mastocytoma. Abstr., P Minard and D A. Levy

Subnormal zona pellucida change in parthenogenetic mouse embryos., B Mintz and J D. Gearhart

Phytohemagglutinin-mediated blastomere aggregation and development of allophenic mice., B Mintz, J D. Gearhart, and A O. Guymont

Effect of sodium ascorbate on lung adenoma induction by amines plus nitrite. Abstr., S S. Mirvish, A Cardesa, L Wallcave, and P Shubik

Inhibition of dihydrofolate reductase by methotrexate (m) in vivo, dose-effect relationship in tumor-bearing mice. Abstr., L C. Mishra, A S. Parmar, and J A. Mead

Proprietes biologiques d'un virus isole d'une radioleucemie c57bl. I. Premiers passages du virus natif., P B. Mistry and J F. Duplan

Griseofulvin, immunosuppressive action., F Mitchell, R S. Yamamoto, and J H. Weisburger

On the mode of action of bcg. Abstr., M S. Mitchell, D Kirkpatrick, M B. Mokyr, and I Gery

Sleep and serotonin in two strains of mus musculus., M M. Mitler, H B. Cohen, J Grattan, J Dominic, T Deguchi, J D. Barchas, W C. Dement, and S Kessler

Propagation of rauscher leukemia virus to human lymphoblastoid cells by in vivo diffusion chamber cultivation., I Miyoshi, S Yoshimoto, T Tsubota, S Fujiwara, H Dabasaki, S Abe, and S Irino

Detection of alpha-fetoprotein in transplantable mouse hepatomas of spontaneous origin. Abstr., G J. Mizejewski

Immunospecificity and localization of radiolabeled human growth hormone in the mouse., G J. Mizejewski

Tissue distribution of radioiodinated human growth hormone in the mouse., G J. Mizejewski

Studies on early events in the differentiation of anti-body-producing cells. I. Patterns of deoxyribonucleic acid replication in antigen- -stimulated mouse spleen cells., N Moav, S Smolinsky, B Moav, and A Frensdorff

Reversibility of the immunodepression due to ehrlich ascites carci- noma., P Mocarelli, M L. Villa, G Garotta, C Porta, G Bigi, and E Clerici

Alteration of properties of cell contacts during progression of hepatomas., E A. Modjanova and A G. Malenkov

Effects of d-amphetamine upon field behaviour in two inbred strains of mice., B Moisset and B Welch

Strain differences in subcellular calcium distribution in striated muscle of the mouse., C M. Mokler and W B. Iturrian

Affinity of t and b lymphocyte receptors for hapten determinants., E Moller, W Bullock, and O Makela

Quantitation of the number of mitogen molecules activating dna synthesis in t and b lymphocytes., G Moller, J Andersson, H Pohlit, and O Sjoberg

Further studies on the in vitro assay of immunosuppressive potency of antilymphocyte serum by the mixed agglutination technique., A P. Monaco, J J. Gozzo, M L. Wood, and R Pompei

Glia-induced morphological differentiation in neuroblastoma cells., D Monard, F Solomon, M Rentsch, and R Gysin

Greater sensitivity to inhibition by anti-immunoglobulin of splenic than of bone marrow b-lymphocytes., J J. Mond and G J. Thorbecke

Effect in vitro of anti-immunoglobulin sera on proliferative responses of lymphoid cells to antigen., J Mond, R Kaplan, and G Thorbecke

Proliferation in the popliteal node of host short-lived lymphocytes following injection of parental cells into the f1 footpad. Abstr., H J. Monie

Experimental particle radiation therapy in animal neoplasia ii. 18.5 Mev proton irradiation. Abstr., J Montour, S Lippincott, J Wilson, and C Aydar

Some physical and biological characteristics of the mouse mammary tumor virus., D H. Moore, N Sarkar, J Charney, and B Kramarsky

Contribution of host immunity to cyclophosphamide therapy of a chemically-induced murine sarcoma., M Moore and D E. Williams

Immunologic reactions to haptens on autologous carriers. I. Partici- pation of both thymus-derived and bone marrow-derived cells in the secondary in vitro response., J W. Moorhead, C S. Walters, and H N. Claman

The immunological significance of histological changes in the spleen and liver in mouse malaria., C J. Moran, V S. Rivera, and J L. Turk

Immunological induction of dna synthesis in mouse peritoneal macrophages. An expression of cell-mediated-immunity., D More, J M. Penrose, R Kearney, and D Nelson

Effect of fast-growing transplantable hepatoma on cell proliferation in host tissue of the mouse., W W. Morgan and I L. Cameron

Daily rhythms in tryptophan and serotonin content in mouse brain, the apparent independence of these parameters from daily changes in food intake and from plasma tryptophan content., W W. Morgan and C A. Yndo

Reassociation of normal mouse dna and mouse plasmocytoma dna., K Mori, M Wintzerith, and P Mandel

Changes induced by concanavalin a in morphological and adhesive properties of suspension cells., Y Mori, H Akedo, and Y Tanigaki

Homing patterns of 51cr-labelled spleen cells from mice treated with antithymocyte serum (ats). Abstr., H C. Morse and R Asofsky

Erythrocytes from animals with genetic muscular dystrophy., P Morse and J Howland

Cellular immunity in leukemia virus-infected mice. Abstr., R F. Mortensen, W S. Ceglowski, and H Friedman

In vitro assessment of cellular immunity to rauscher leukemia virus., R F. Mortensen, W S. Ceglowski, and H Friedman

Hematopoietic stem cells, autoimmune disease and leukemia in new zealand black mice. Abstr., J I. Morton and B V. Siegel

Ontogeny of t lymphocyte function, early appearance and subsequent loss of fetal mouse thymocyte reactivity. Abstr., D E. Mosier

Transient appearance of pha-reactive thymocytes in the foetal mouse., D E. Mosier

Quantitative study of the histocompatibility antigens on the surface of normal and leukaemic cells in mice. I. Variations in the expres- sion of groups of h-2 specificities in four leukemias induced by 7,12- -dimethyl-benz(a)anthracene., R Motta and M Bruley

Abnormal rna metabolism in male genital tract of tailless mouse (t/t)., J Moutschen

Influence of luteinizing hormone and adenosine 3'.5'-cyclic Monophos- phate on the metabolism of free and esterified cholesterol in mouse leydig-cell tumours., W R. Moyle, R L. Jungas, and R O. Greep

Metabolism of free and esterified cholesterol by leydig-cell tumour mitochondria., W R. Moyle, R L. Jungas, and R O. Greep

Effect of lh on steroidogenesis and cyclic amp accumulation in rat leydig cell preparations and mouse tumor leydig cells., W R. Moyle and J Ramachandran

Genetic control of immune response in mice to derivatives of multi- chain polyproline differing in the optical configuration of component amino acids., E Mozes, M Sela, and H O. Devitt

Genetic control of immune responses to synthetic polypeptides in mice, cellular analysis of the phenotypic correction of the ir-3 gene defect by polyadenylic-polyuridylic acid., E Mozes, G M. Shearer, M Sela, and W Braun

The mammary tumour virus (mtv)--a review., O Muhlbock

Aspartyl transfer rna profiles in tumors of different growth rates. Abstr., H Mukerjee and A Goldfeder

Transfer rna species in tumors of different growth rates. Abstr., H Mukerjee and A Goldfeder

Reverse transcriptase activity in differentiating mouse mammary tissue. Abstr., A Mukherjee and M Banerjee

Effects of cyclophosphamide on the hodgkin's like tumor of sjl/j mice abstr., M G. Mukhopadhyay and R J. Papac

Genetics of polysaccharide immune responses, enhanced response to a thymus dependent form of antigen. Abstr., H Mullen

Efficiency of transplanting normal, zona-free, and chimeric embryos to one and both uterine horns of inbred and hybrid mice., R J. Mullen and S C. Carter

Mammary tumor virus (mtv) infection of cba/bln mice involving production of antibodies to mtv., M Muller and S Zotter

Influence of apurinic acid on programmed synthesis in different in vitro systems., W Muller, W Hanske, A Maidhof, and R Zahn

Colitis in the mouse., J Mullink

Effect of herpesvirus type 2 and hormonal imbalance on the uterine cervix of the mouse., N Munoz

Some biochemical properties of thymus leukemia antigens solubilized from cell membranes by papain digestion., T Muramatsu, S G. Nathenson, E A. Boyse, and L J. Old

Effect of impairment of thyroid functions on intracranial bone tumours in akr mice., kovacs I. Muranyi and G Rudali

Fractionation of mouse myeloma chromatin., E C. Murphy, J S. Hall, J H. Shephard, and R S. Weiser

Plasma gonadotropin levels during early stages of ovarian tumorigenesis in mice of the wx/wu genotype., E D. Murphy and W G. Beamer

Giant granules of beige mice. A quantitative marker for granulocytes in bone marrow transplantation., E D. Murphy, D E. Harrison, and J B. Roths

A murine renal cell carcinoma., G P. Murphy and W J. Hrushesky

Hematopoietic stem cell regulation. I. Acute effects of hypoxic- -hypoxia on cfu kinetics., M J. Murphy and B I. Lord

A simple method for the growth of mouse neuron monolayer cultures., W H. Murphy and C Bullis

A maternal influence on polydactylism induced by 6-azauridine and the mutant genes luxate or luxoid in mouse embryos. Abstr., J L. Musgrove and C P. Dagg

The enhancement of the radiation lethal effect upon erlich ascites tumour cells by aminohydroxythymine hydrazine., I Mustea

Kinetic alterations induced by 5-fu in vivo, the simultaneous effect of chemotherapy on bone marrow, intestinal mucosa and ehrlich's ascites tumor. Abstr., C E. Myers, V T. Oliverio, and R C. Young

Serologic studies on leukemic cells in a new strain of indian laboratory mouse., J J. Nadkarni, J Nadkarni, and K J. Ranadive

Adrenal function in the obese-hyperglycemic syndrome (obob) in mice. Abstr., P Naeser

Inhibition by terephthalic acid of spontaneous mammary tumorigenesis in mice., H Nagasawa and M Fujimoto

Effects of adrenalectomy and/or deficiency of pituitary prolactin secretion on initiation and maintenance of lactation in mice., H Nagasawa and R Yanai

Thymus function in spontaneous lymphoid leukemia. II. In vitro response of 'preleukemic' and leukemic thymus cells to mitogens., H Nagaya

Thymus function in spontaneous lymphoid leukemia. I. Premature leukemogenesis in 'young' thymectomized mice bearing 'old' thymus grafts., H Nagaya

Increase in incidence of reticulum cell sarcoma in f1 hybrid mice thymectomized and bearing thymus grafts from parental strain., K Nakakuki and Y Nishizuka

Oligomeric iga, the major component of the in vitro primary response of mouse spleen fragments., I Nakamura, A Ray, and O Makela

Adjuvant effect of endotoxin, antibody response to sheep erythrocytes in mice after transfer of syngeneic lymphoid cells treated with bacterial lipopolysaccharide in vitro., M Nakano, T Uchiyama, and K Saito

Mammary neoplasia in mice., S Nandi and C M. Grath

Effects of prostaglandins, cyclic amp and its derivatives on the growth, morphology and oncogenicity of cultured mouse myeloma (mpc-11) cells. Abstr., S M. Naseem and V P. Hollander

Influence of genotype and neonatal irradiation upon open-field locomo- tion and elimination in mice., D J. Nash