
Submissions from 1974

Metabolism of tetrahydrohomofolate (nsc 89473) in mice., L C. Mishra, A S. Parmar, and J A. Mead

Regeneration of tetrahydrohomofolate in cells. Possible basis for antitumor activity of homofolates., L Mishra, A S. Parmar, and J Mead

In vitro malignant transformation of cells by chemical carcinogens., N K. Mishra and G D. Mayorca

Human myeloma marrow cells in immunologically deficient mice., D N. Mitchell, R J. Rees, and A J. Salsbury

Evidence for readily induced tolerance to heterologous erythrocytes in nude mice., G Mitchell, L Lafleur, and K Andersson

Immunotherapeutic suppression in transplantable solid tumours., G J. Mizejewski and R P. Allen

Immunosuppressive studies of alpha-fetoprotein in mouse l1210 leukemias. Abstr., G J. Mizejewski, C Bauguess, and R P. Allen

The adjuvant activity of a mycobacterial water soluble adjuvant (wsa) in vitro. I. The requirement of macrophages., M Modolell, G A. Luckenbach, M Parant, and P G. Munder

Characterization of reverse transcriptase and rnase h from friend- -murine leukemia virus., K Moelling

Properties of mouse leukemia viruses. Vii. The major viral glycoprotein of friend leukemia virus. Isolation and physico- chemical properties., V Moennig, H Frank, G Hunsmann, I Schneider, and W Schafer

In vitro transformation of mouse spleen cells by casein, phyto- haemagglutinin and allogeneic cells in casein-induced amyloidosis., J Moesner, S Birkeland, and P Ebbesen

Effect of testosterone propionate on the erythropoietic tissue of three congenital anemias in mice., P F. Molinari, P Bulat, S E. Bernstein, and L M. Snyder

Specificity of hapten-reactive t and b mouse lymphocytes. Affinity and avidity of t- and b-cell receptors and anti- -hapten antibodies as factors of dose and time after immunization., E Moller

The popliteal node assay for graft-versus-host interaction in mice. I. Location and proliferation of donor and host cells within the popliteal node., H J. Monie and N B. Everett

Tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates in muscular dystrophic mice (strain 129)., R G. Montalbo and J J. Kabara

Interaction of anti-thymocyte serum with haematopoietic stem cells. II. Stimulation of colony formation in vitro., B K. Mookerjee and L Poulter

Titrations of various mouse mammary tumor viruses in different mouse strains., D H. Moore, J Charney, and J A. Holben

The dna content of spermatozoa from different strains of mice., G Moore and R Beatty

Cytotoxic effect in vitro and tumour volume reduction in vivo induced by chemotherapeutic agents., L Morasca, G Balconi, E Erba, P Lelieveld, and L M. Putten

Electron microscopical studies on the surface of normal and trans- formed cells. Abstr., R C. Moretz

Liquid culture assays of mouse bone marrow granulopoiesis., D A. Morgan, K B. Credie, and A G. Durett

Effects of reticuloendothelial blockade on acute dimethylnitrosamine poisoning in mice., K J. Mori and Y Ito

Enhancement of hemopoietic colony-formation in the mouse peritoneal cavity by the treatment with carbon particles., K J. Mori, A Seto, and Y Ito

Ultrastructural changes in vaginal epithelium of mice neonatally treated with estrogen and prolactin., T Mori, Y Nagahama, H A. Bern, and P N. Young

The seventh cell population change accompanied by a marker chromosome e in the transplantable mouse myeloma mspc-1., K Moriwaki

Stimulation of immune response by adjuvant during radiotherapy of a mouse fibrosarcoma. Abstr., H Moroson and M Z. Rotman

Effect of serum from x-irradiated tumor-bearing mice on migration of mouse spleen cells. Abstr., H Moroson and B Rucker

Surface immunoglobulin of mouse thymus cells and its in vitro biosynthesis., C Moroz and N Lahat

Comparison of three phosphorylcholine-binding mouse myeloma proteins by circular dichroism., D H. Morris, R E. Williams, and N M. Young

Spontaneous 'autoimmune disease' in nude mice., H C. Morse, I )ii, A D. Steinberg, P H. Schur, and N D. Reed

Leukemia viruses and cell-mediated immunity, effects on cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Abstr., R F. Mortensen, W S. Ceglowski, and H Friedman

Leukemia virus-induced immunosuppression. X. Depression of t cell- -mediated cytotoxicity after infection of mice with friend leukemia virus., R F. Mortensen, W S. Ceglowski, and H Friedman

Antinuclear antibody conversion in allogeneic recipients of nzb hemo- poietic tissues. Abstr., J I. Morton and B V. Siegel

Early autoantibody formation in lethally irradiated or drug-treated h-2-compatible recipients of pre-autoimmune nzb bone marrow or fetal liver cells., J I. Morton and B V. Siegel

Modification of autoimmune disease development in dba/2 recipients of nzb bone marrow cells by coinjection of thymocytes or bone marrow from various sources. Abstr., J I. Morton and B V. Siegel

Transplantation of autoimmune potential i. Development of anti- nuclear antibodies in h-2 histocompatible recipients of bone marrow from new zealand black mice., J I. Morton and B V. Siegel

Einfluss von ellagsaure auf die onkolysewirkung des clostridien- -stammes m55., J Mose and G Fischer

Cellular requirements for the primary in vitro antibody response to dnp-ficoll., D E. Mosier, B M. Johnson, W E. Paul, and P R. Master

Macrophages in mouse placenta, morphologic and functional identification., S Moskalewski, W Ptak, and J Strzyzewska

Changes in glycolipid glycosyltranseferases and glutamate decarboxy- lase and their relationship to differentiation in neuroblastoma cells., J R. Moskal, D A. Gardner, and S Basu

Changes in glycolipid glycosyltransferases and glutamate decarboxylase and their relationship to differentiation in neuroblastoma cells., J R. Moskal, D A. Gardner, and S Basu

Effects of light environment on emotionality and the endocrine system of inbred mice., L Mos, J Vriend, and W Poley

Acid glycosaminoglycans of mouse neuroblastoma c1300 cells., C A. Moss

The distribution of colonies in spleens of lethally irradiated mice given isologous bone marrow. Abstr., K L. Mossman and A L. Kretchmar

Purification of an immunosuppressive principle derived from ehrlich carcinoma cells., H Motoki, I Kamo, M Kikuchi, Y Ono, and N Ishida

Quantitative study of the histocompatibility antigens on the surface of normal and leukaemic cells in mice. II. Quantitative variation in the expression of various h-2 specificities on the lymphoid cells from the b10 coisogenic strains of mice and their hybrids., R Motta, L Phalente, and C L. Doucen

In vitro androgen metabolism in mouse kidney, high 3-keto-reductase (3alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase) activity relative to 5alpha- -reductase., I Mowszowicz and C W. Bardin

With nonprogestational antiandrogens., I Mowszowicz, D E. Bieber, K W. Chung, L P. Bullock, D C. Bardin, and R A. willcomparison

Linkage between immune response potential to dna and x chromosome., E Mozes and S Fuchs

Antibody response of inbred mouse strains to ordered tetrapeptides of tyrosine and glutamic acid attached to multichain polyalanine or polyproline. Tyr-tyr-glu-glu is a major determinant of the random poly-(tyr,glu)-polydlala--polylys., E Mozes, M Schwartz, and M Sela

The role of the thymus in a genetically controlled defect of the immune response at the carrier level., E Mozes and M Sela

Tolerance to thymus-independent antigens. Characteristics of induction of tolerance to thymus-independent synthetic polypeptides., E Mozes, M Sela, and M J. Taussig

The genetic control of the immune response to different antigenic determinants within the synthetic polypeptide poly(his,glu)-polypro-- -polylys., E Mozes, S Shaltiel, and M Sela

Subpopulations of mouse spleen lymphocytes. I. Dissociation between the reactivities to different 'non-specific' mitogens., L Mugraby, I Gery, and D Sulitzeanu

The participation of thymus-derived and of bone marrow-derived lympho- cytes of sensitized mice, in the proliferative response to specific antigen, in vitro., L Mugraby, I Gery, and D Sulitzeanu

Histocompatibility genes (the h-2 complex) and susceptibility to mammary tumor virus in mice., O Muhlbock and A Dux

Adenylate cyclase activity in mouse tumors of diverse growth rates. Abstr., H Mukerjee and A Goldfeder

Protein biosynthesis in the liver of x-irradiated mice., H Mukerjee and A Goldfeder

Release of ribosomes from endoplasmic reticulum (e.r.) Of x-irradiated livers., H Mukerjee and A Goldfeder

In vitro embryogenesis, an experimental model for the understanding of reproductive physiology and development in mammals., A B. Mukherjee

Rna-dependent dna polymerase in preneoplastic nodules and tumors of the mammary gland of balb/c mice., A Mukherjee and M Banerjee

Anasarca in the laboratory mouse. The connection with hypertension, renal and cardiovascular lesions., J W. Mullink

The use of chimaeric mice to search for gene transfer in the immune response., A J. Munro, K Day, and R L. Gardner

Antigen-specific t-cell factor in cell cooperation. Physical properties and mapping in the left-hand (k) half of h-2., A J. Munro, M J. Taussig, R Campbell, H Williams, and Y Lawson

Die entwicklung der nebennieren der maus. II. Postnatale entwicklung., M Muntener and K Theiler

Conversion of lignoceric acid to cerebronic acid by brain prepara- tions, the mechanism of hydroxylation and the level of activity in myelin-deficient mice. Abstr., S Murad, K Tatsumi, and Y Kishimoto

Rapid isolation of nucleoli from detergent purified nuclei of various tumor and tissue culture cells., M Muramatsu, Y Hayashi, T Onishi, M Sakai, K Takai, and T Kashiyama

Frequency of spontaneous translocations in mouse spermatogonia., S Muramatsu

A study on competitive proliferation between normal and irradiated bone marrow or between normal bone marrow and spleen in syngeneic radiation-chimeras. Abstr., S Muramatsu and J F. Duplan

The effects of pregnancy on hematopoietic stem cell kinetics in the mouse. Abstr., M J. Murphy and B I. Lord

Assay of 5-fluorodeoxyuridine 5'-monophosphate and deoxyuridine 5'-monophosphate pools following 5-fluorouracil., C E. Myers, R C. Young, D G. Johns, and B A. Chabner

The absence of t alleles in feral populations of house mice., J H. Myers

A heat labile factor related to the development of reticulum cell neoplasms type b following intraperitoneal inoculations of cell-free filtrate of ehrlich's ascites carcinoma. A study of adult, male mice., A O. Myking

Enhanced development of reticulum cell neoplasms following subcuta- neous inoculations of cell-free filtrate of ehrlich's ascites carcinoma. A study in adult, female mice., A O. Myking

Particles similar to mouse leukaemia virus in ehrlich's ascites carcinoma and in reticulum cell neoplasms type b. An electron microscopic study in mice., A O. Myking and A Abro

Cell-mediated cell lysis in vitro, genetic control of killer cell production and target specificities in the mouse., M Nabholz, J Vives, H M. Young, T Meo, V Miggiano, and D C. Shreffler

Adrenal function in mice with the obese-hyperglycemic syndrome (obob). Abstr., P Naeser

Function of the adrenal cortex in obese-hyperglycemic mice (gene symbol ob)., P Naeser

In vitro release of corticosteroids from adrenal glands of obese- -hyperglycemic mice (gene symbol ob)., P Naeser

Radiation effects on synchronized radiosensitive mutant l5178y cells, cell killing division delay. Chromosome aberration. Abstr., H Nagasawa, D F. Petersen, and J T. Lett

Effect of in vivo treatment with l-asparaginase on the in vitro up- take and phosphorylation of some antileukemic agents., A Nahas and R L. Capizzi

Morphogenesis of genetic microphthalmia (mc) in mice, morphological variations in the skull of mc, ddk and c57bl mice. Abstr., K Nakane, K Hoshino, and Y Kameyama

Non-specific stimulation of immunoglobulin synthesis in mice by capsular polysaccharide of klebsiella pneumoniae., I Nakashima and N Kato

Immunocytology of cultured igm-forming cells of mouse. II. Purifica- tion of phagocytic cell factor and its role in antibody formation., Y Namba and M Hanaoka

Mechanism of resistance to mammary tumor development in c57bl and i strains of mice. II. Inherent differences between the two strains., S Nandi

Hemic cell-associated mammary tumor virus activity in balb/cfc3h mice., S C. Nandi and S Haslam

Differential effect of ionizing radiation on mammary tumor virus activity associated with blood cells and mammary tumor cells., S Nandi and C Helmich

Transmission of mammary tumor virus by the gr mouse strain. I. Role of the virus in the production of lesions., S Nandi and C Helmich

Transmission of the mammary tumor virus by the gr mouse strain. II. Genetic studies., S Nandi and C Helmich

Effects of centrophenoxine on neuronal lipofuscin pigment. Abstr., K Nandy

Differential induction of anti-trinitrophenyl plaque-forming cell responses to lightly and heavily conjugated trinitrophenylated heterologous and autologous erythrocytes in mice., D Naor, S Morecki, and G Mitchell

Biogenic amines in cultured neuroblastoma and astrocytoma cells., R Narotzky and W Bondareff

Biochemical properties and immunochemical-genetic relationships of mouse h-2 alloantigens., S G. Nathenson and S E. Cullen

The 11,000-dalton component of mouse h-2. Isolation and identifi- cation., T Natori, M Katagiri, N Tanigaki, and D Pressman

Identification of alveolar macrophages in cultures of lung tissue. Abstr., Y Naum

Molecular heterogeneity of mouse duodenal alkaline phosphatase. Association of lipids and peptides., P R. Nayudu and F B. Hercus

Prolonged survival of tumour-bearing mice treated with liposome- -entrapped actinomycin d., D E. Neerunjun and G Gregoriadis

Immunity to infection, allograft immunity and tumour immunity, parallels and contrasts., D Nelson

The long-term effects of x-irradiation on the ability of the spleen to support clonogenic proliferation., D Nelson, J Chaffey, and S Hellman

Effect of normal mouse serum on mouse lymphocyte transformation in vitro., D S. Nelson and C N. Shneider