Submissions from 1974
Abnormal lens capsule carbohydrate associated with the dominant gene 'small-eye' in the mouse., D J. Pritchard, R M. Clayton, and W L. Cunningham
Protection of histones isolated from elastase-treated mouse epidermis., R L. Procaccini, K Burki, and E Bresnick
C3 activation and t-independent b cell stimulation., J Pryjma, J H. Humphrey, and G G. Klaus
Macrophages in mouse placenta, immunogenicity of macrophage-asso- ciated antigen., W Ptak, J Pryjma, and S Moskalewski
Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase induction in mouse peritoneal macrophages and blood-derived human macrophages., K Ptashne, L Brothers, S G. Axline, and S N. Cohen
An altered rate of uridine transport in membrane vesicles isolated from growing and quiescent mouse 3t3 fibroblast cells., D C. Quinlan and J Hochstadt
Uptake of hypoxanthine and inosine by purified membrane vesicles from balb/c3t3 and balb/csv-3t3 cells. Abstr., D C. Quinlan and J Hochstadt
Nuclear ribonucleoprotein complexes containing polyadenylate from mouse ascites cells., T J. Quinlan, P B. Billings, and T E. Martin
Clones of antibody-forming cells in pokeweed mitogenstimulated microcultures. I. Requirements for the induction of the antibody response of nude spleen cells., J Quintains and I Lefkovits
Clonal expansion of lipopolysaccharide-stimulated b lymphocytes., J Quintans and I Lefkovits
Clones of antibody-forming cells in pokeweed mitogen stimulated microcultures. II. Estimation of the frequency of precursor cells and the average clone size., J Quintans and I Lefkovits
Hybridization characteristics of enzymatically synthesized dna comple- mentary to mouse immunoglobulin messenger rna., T H. Rabbitts
Effects of sulfhydryl inhibitors upon transport of folate compounds into l1210 cells., J I. Rader, D Niethammer, and F M. Huennekens
Homogeneous immunoglobulins in sera of mice during aging., J Radl and C F. Hollander
The effect of 6-mercaptopurine and allopurinol on granulopoiesis., A H. Ragab, E Gilkerson, and M Myers
The effect of 6-mercaptopurine and allopurinol on granulopoiesis. Abstr., A H. Ragab, E Gilkerson, and M Myers
Immunological destruction of herpes simplex virus i infected cells., zisman B. Rager and B R. Bloom
Paralysis to serum albumins in t and b lymphocytes in mice. Dose dependence, specificity and kinetics of escape., K Rajewsky and C Brenig
Specificity and heterogeneity of helper t cells in the response to serum albumins in mice., K Rajewsky and R Mohr
Lipopolysaccharides inhibit lymphosarcoma cells of bone marrow origin., P Ralph and I Nakoinz
Possible role for the fc receptor on b lymphocytes., R Ramasamy, A Munro, and C Milstein
Antigen distribution in akr mouse leukemia., M Ram, R Kohn, and D Novak
Antibodies to t cell receptors and to histocompatibility antigens., H Ramseier
Subunit structure of h-2 alloantigens., L Rask, J B. Lindblom, and P A. Peterson
Lipoprotein lipase activities in tissues of normal and genetically obese (ob/ob) mice., E Rath, D Hems, and chain A. Beloff
Abrogation of genetic resistance to murine bone marrow transplantation by high irradiation exposures. Abstr., J M. Rauchwerger, M T. Gallagher, H J. Monie, E Lotzova, and J J. Trentin
In vivo testing of hypoxic cell radiosensitizers. Abstr., A M. Rauth
Iodine-131 induced dominant lethal mutations in mice. Abstr., O S. Reddi, P P. Reddy, and M Krishna
Comparative investigation of dehydrogenases in the retina of mice of the mutant line ocular retardation., P S. Redikin, V V. Osipov, and M P. Vakhrusheva
The effect of corticotropin on mouse spleen colony-forming cells., R E. Reed
A method of comparing differences in tumour growth rates applied to a study of the increasing growth capacity of mouse carcinomata., J A. Rees and M Westwood
On the toxic proteins abrin and ricin, studies of their binding to and entry into ehrlich ascites cells., K Refsnes, S Olsnes, and A Pihl
Pasteurella pneumotropica, isoliert von der konjunktivalschleimhaut gesunder laboratoriumsmause., C Rehbinder and V Tschappat
Detection of tumour-associated transplantation antigen of bo-iv carcinoma on somatic cells of tumour-free syngeneic mice. Iii. Demonstration of this antigen on the lymphoreticular system of adult mice., A Rejthar and J Wotke
Foetal origin of transferrin in mouse amniotic fluid., M B. Renfree and A M. Laren
Specific binding of nerve growth factor (ngf) by murine c 1300 neuro- blastoma cells., R Revoltella, L Bertolini, M Pediconi, and E Vigneti
Further characterization of a pyrimidine phosphoribosyltransferase from murine leukemia p1534j. Abstr., P Reyes and M Guganig
Growth of cultured mammalian cells on secondary glucose sources., J G. Rheinwald and H Green
Evaluation of an in vitro assay system for carcinogens based on prior infection of rodent cells with nontransforming rna tumor virus., J S. Rhim, D K. Park, E K. Weisburger, and J H. Weisburger
Estrogen receptor in normal and neoplastic mouse mammary tissues., J E. Richards, G Shyamala, and S Nandi
Studies on the transport of l-tyrosine into an adrenergic clone of mouse neuroblastoma., E Richelson
Regulatory mechanisms in cell-mediated immune responses. I. Regulation of mixed lymphocyte reactions by alloantigen-activated thymus-derived lymphocytes., S S. Rich and R R. Rich
Histologic study of the skin of congenitally athymic 'nude' mice., R H. Rigdon and A A. Packchanian
Spontaneous adherence and rosette formation of lymphocytes to leydig cells. An in vitro technique., A Rivenzon, M Rivenzon, and R E. Madden
Nervous system function, behavioral influences of gene effects on nerve conduction velocity in mice., N G. Robb and J P. Hegmann
Chemical characterization of a mouse immunoglobin a heavy chain with a 100-residue deletion., E A. Robinson, D F. Smith, and E Appella
Tumor response to a three-fraction regimen combining hyperthermia and x-radiation. Abstr., J E. Robinson, M J. Wizenberg, W A. Cready, and E A. Edelsack
Regulation of the proliferation rate of cultured, androgen-respon- sive cells does not involve changes in cyclic amp levels., J H. Robinson, J A. Smith, and R J. King
Genetic expression of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase induction. Evidence for the involvement of other genetic loci., J R. Robinson, N Considine, and D W. Nebert
Genetic expression of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase induction. Pre- sence or absence of association with zoxazolamine, diphenylhydantoin, and hexobarbital metabolism., J R. Robinson and D W. Nebert
Identification of a population of mouse leukocytes using wheat germ agglutinin., P J. Robinson and I M. Roitt
Effects of hydroxyurea and radiation on the survival and proliferation of emt6 tumor cells in vivo and in vitro. Abstr., S Rockwell, E Frindel, and M Tubiana
An assay permitting quantitative comparison of tumor-directed immunity and tumor cell survival., S Rockwell and G M. Hahn
Inhibition of normal allogeneic responder cells in mouse mixed leuko- cyte culture by long-passage akr leukemic lymphoblasts., G E. Rodey, J C. Sprader, and M M. Bortin
Cooperation between donor cells and h2-incompatible recipient thymus after suppression of secondary disease with anti-t-cell globulin. Abstr., H Rodt, S Thierfelder, and D Gotze
Antilymphocytic antibodies and marrow transplantation. IV. Comparison of the effects of antibody fragments directed against immunoglobulin or lymphocyte antigens on acute secondary disease., H Rodt, S Thierfielder, and M Eulitz
Peptides from the dinitrophenyl binding site of myeloma iga of mouse mopc 315., O A. Roholt, G Radzimski, and D Pressman
Oral contraceptives and chromosome segregation in oocytes of mice., G Rohrborn and I Hansmann
Activation of t lymphocytes against murine plasma cell tumors. A review of in vitro and in vivo studies., M Rollinghoff, H Wagner, N L. Warner, and G J. Nossal
Exercise, aging and the peripheral nervous system. Abstr., C Rolsten
Immunoreactive growth hormone levels in mice with the obese-hypergly- cemic syndrome (genotype obob)., P Roos, J M. Martin, naeser S. Westman, and C Hellerstrom
Migration of small lymphocytes in adult mice demonstrated by parabio- sis., C Ropke and N B. Everett
Murine autoantibodies to a cryptic membrane antigen, possible explanation for neuraminidase-induced increase in cell immunogenicity., S A. Rosenberg and S Schwarz
Alterations induced by 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (bcnu) in deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis in normal and tumorous tissues., S H. Rosenoff, F Bostick, and R C. Young
A synthetic glycolipid with b-cell mitogenic activity., D L. Rosenstreich, J Asselineau, S E. Mergenhagen, and A Nowotny
Graft versus leukemia. V. Absence of adoptive antileukemic effect of allogeneic, phenotypically h-2 identical immunocompetent cells. Abstr., W C. Rose, M M. Bortin, A A. Rimm, and E C. Saltzstein
Prolonged survival of akr mice following allogeneic bone marrow transplantation., W C. Rose, M M. Bortin, and E C. Saltzstein
Importance of age of host in detecting tumor-associated transplanta- tion antigens., W Rose and A J. Girardi
Effect of distamycin a on the immune response in vitro against sheep red blood cells., G Rossi and O B. Zaalberg
Amylase isoenzymes during viral infections of the pancreas and salivary glands., M E. Ross, R O. Wolf, and A L. Notkins
Unilateral ovariectomy during pregnancy in mice., M H. Ross and H M. Beaumont
Nature of surface coat glycopeptides derived from l 1210v and l 1210s1 mouse leukaemia cells. Abstr., W Rossowski
Physico-chemical analysis of h-2dd glycoprotein fragments. Abstr., W Rossowski and M Kloczewiak
Thymus cell population exerting a regulatory function in the immune response of mice to polyvinyl pyrrolidone., V Rotter and N Trainin
Facilitation of learned resistance to audiogenic seizures in balb/c- crgl mice by d-lsd-25., L O. Rouse and D L. Frank
Early changes in the kidneys of balb/c mice infected with lactic dehydrogenase virus., K Rowson, L Michaels, and G Hurst
Quantitative studies on tumor enhancement in mice. I. Enhancement of sarcoma i induced by igm, igg1, and igg2., P Rubinstein, F Decary, and E W. Streun
Studies on the histogenesis of experimentally induced cervical carcinoma., C A. Rubio and B Lagerlof
Autoradiographic studies of experimentally induced atypias in the cervical epithelium of mice., C Rubio and B Lagerlof
Synthesis of a dna binding protein in normal and transformed cells., V Rubio and C Long
Recherches de l'action cancerigene de deux norgestrels sur la glande mammaire de souris., G Rudali and M Guggiari
The preputial gland of the male mouse., G Rudali, R Roudier, and C Vives
Cell transformation mutants are not susceptible to growth activation by fibroblast growth factor at permissive temperatures., P Rudland, W Eckhart, D Gospodarowicz, and W Seifert
Activation of guanyl cyclase and intracellular cyclic gmp by fibro- blast growth factor., P Rudland, D Gospodarowicz, and W Seifert
Growth control in cultured mouse fibroblasts. Induction of the pleiotypic and mitogenic responses by a purified growth factor., P S. Rudland, W Seifert, and D Gospodarowicz
Stimulation of b cells by poly a.poly U and poly i.poly C in vitro., H Ruhl, W Vogt, G Bochert, and T Diamantstein
Lysosomal enzyme release by vitamin a in l1210 leukemia cells., J O. Rundell, T Sato, E Wetzelberger, H Ueda, and D Brandes
Immunochemical purification and chemical properties. Expression in normal state and in malignant and non-malignant liver disease., E Ruoslahti, H Pihko, and M Seppala
Lymphocyte reactivity to phytohemagglutinin (pha) and pokeweed mitogen (pwm) in pregnant mice. Abstr., B Ruppert, E Richie, and J Trentin
In vitro suppression of cell mediated autoimmunity in nzb mice., A S. Russell, E M. Liburd, and E Diener
Lymphoid malignancy., A S. Russell and J Percy
Genetics of mouse hemoglobins., E S. Russell and E C. Farland
The incidence of sex-chromosome anomalies following irradiation of mouse spermatogonia with single or fractionated doses of x-rays., L B. Russell and C S. Montgomery