Submissions from 1977
Antineoplastic effects of long-term trichinella spiralis infection on b-16 melanoma., J A. Molinari and J L. Ebersole
Time-dependent effects of post-trial reinforcement, punishment or ecs on passive avoidance learning., C Mondadori, P G. Waser, and J P. Huston
Syncarcinogenesis in cultured c3h/10t1/2 cells. Abstr., S Mondal, D W. Brankow, and C Heidelberger
Respond to phosphorylcholine on immunogenic carriers., J J. Mond, R Lieberman, J K. Inman, D E. Mosier, D W. Paul, and I O. To
Stress-induced modulation of the immune response., A A. Monjan and M I. Collector
Dystrophic mice show age related muscle fibre and myelinated axon losses., A Montgomery and L Swenarchuk
Membrane currents examined under voltage clamp in cultured neuroblastoma cells., W H. Moolenaar and I Spector
Energy-dependent calcium uptake activity in cultured mouse fibroblast microsomes. Regulation of the uptake system by cell density., L Moore and I Pastan
An abnormal response of nude mice to endotoxin., R N. Moore, K J. Goodrum, L J. Berry, and J R. Mcghee
Tolerance and contact sensitivity to dnfb in mice. Vii. Functional demonstration of cell-associated tolerogen in lymph node cell populations containing specific suppressor cells., J W. Moorhead and D W. Scott
Immune responses to vaginal or systemic infection of balb/c mice with herpes simplex virus type 2., P S. Morahan, M C. Breinig, and M B. Mcgeorge
Comparison of antiviral and antitumor activity of activated macrophages., P S. Morahan, L A. Glasgow, J L. Crane, and E R. Kern
Cytokinetic approaches to predict optimal scheduling of ara-c. Abstr., R E. Moran and M J. Straus
Immunological selection of tumour cells which have lost sv40 antigen expression., P T. Mora, C Chang, L Couvillion, J M. Kuster, and V W. Mcfarland
Topographical relationships among h-2 specificities controlled by the d region., D Morello, sautes C. Neauport, and P Demant
Studies on delayed hypersensitivity in mice. Iii. Evidence for suppressive regulatory t1-cell population in delayed hypersensitivity., S Morikawa, M Baba, T Harada, and A Mitsuoka
Recovery of irradiated bone marrow cells in carbon-treated mice., K J. Mori and Y Ito
Ultrastructure of the uterine epithelium of mice treated neonatally with estrogen., T Mori
A simplified method for reading hemagglutinations on a flat- -bottom microtitration plate in the mouse h-2 assay., K Moriwaki, T Aotsuka, and T Shiroishi
Suppression of erythrocytic h-2 expression in f1 hybrid between two mouse subspecies, mus musculus domesticus and molossinus. Abstr., K Moriwaki and T Shiroishi
Are endogenous c-type viruses involved in the immune system?, C Moroni and G Schumann
Tissue cholesterol storage disorder in balb/c mice. Abstr., M D. Morris, C Bhuvaneswaran, and A D. Boothe
Lipopolysaccharide-lipid a associated protein (lap) complexes. I. Chemical and biological properties of lap. Abstr., D C. Morrison and S J. Betz
Quantitation and characterisation of poly(a)-containing messenger rnas from mouse neuroblastoma cells., M R. Morrison, F Baskin, and R N. Rosenberg
Comparison of mouse mammary tumor virus-specific dna in inbred, wild and asian mice, and in tumors and normal organs from inbred mice., V L. Morris, E Medeiros, G M. Ringold, J Michael, and H E. Varmus
Regulation of xenotropic murine leukemia virus (mulv-x) antigen expression in dba/2 mice. Abstr., H C. Morse, I )ii, T Chused, J W. Hartley, and B Taylor
Murine plasma cells secreting more than one class of immunoglobulin heavy chain. II. Samm 368 - a plasmacytoma secreting igg2b-kappa and iga-kappa immunoglobulins which do not share idiotypic determinant, H C. Morse, I )ii, M E. Neiders, R Lieberman, A R. Lawton, I )i, and R Asofsky
Differential effects of alloimmunization on t cells mediating graft-vs-host splenomegaly or the allogeneic effect in f1 mice., H C. Morse, I )ii, V J. Pasanen, and R Asofsky
Abnormal stem cell cycling in the generation of autoantib@@@bodi abstr., J I. Morton and B V. Siegel
Stem cell disorders in the autoimmune new zealand black (nzb) mouse. Abstr., J I. Morton and B V. Siegel
Immunologic status, age and 3-mc tumorigenesis in nzb mice. Abstr., J I. Morton, B V. Siegel, and R D. Moore
Experiments with beta-chain variants of the hemoglobin of mus musculus., J R. Morton and G Tobin
Molecular properties of t lymphoma immunoglobulin. I. Serological and general physicochemical properties., J M. Moseley, J J. Marchalonis, A W. Harris, and J Pye
Mouse chromosome translocations. Visualization and analysis by electron microscopy of the synaptonemal comples., M J. Moses, L B. Russell, and N L. Cacheiro
Ly phenotype and mechanism of action of mouse neonatal suppressor t cells., D E. Mosier, B J. Mathieson, and P S. Campbell
The ontogeny of thymic independent antibody responses in vitro in normal mice and mice with an x-linked b cell defect., D E. Mosier, J J. Mond, and E A. Goldings
Surface immunoglobulin d as a functional receptor for a subclass of b lymphocytes., D E. Mosier, I M. Zitron, J J. Mond, A Ahmed, I Scher, and W E. Paul
Effects of septal lesions on factors of mouse emotionality., L P. Mos, R Lukaweski, and J R. Royce
The statistical distribution of colony counts in the spleen colony assay., K L. Mossman
Effect of methotrexate sorbed on modified 2-hydroxyethyl- methacrylate carriers in mice of c3h strain with a solid gardner lymphosarcoma., K Motycka, K Slavik, A Kocovska, R Cihar, P Spacek, and M Kubin
Les techniques de production de mutants pathologiques chez la souris et le rat., R Moutier
Demonstration of activation of b lymphocytes in new zealand black mice at birth by an immunoradiometric assay for murine igm., H M. Moutsopoulos and T M. Chused
Immunosuppressive properties of a peptic fragment of bsa., A Muckerheide, A J. Pesce, and J G. Michael
Schedule dependent effectiveness of ccnu and 5-fluorouracil in experimental chemotherapy., J H. Mulder, T Smink, and L M. Putten
The nature of dna synthesized in nuclei from mouse l1210 cells., A Mullbacher and R K. Ralph
Site of pcd gene action and purkinje cell mosaicism in cerebella of chimaeric mice., R J. Mullen
Hemopoietic stem cells and colony stimulating acj@@@tivity ( after pha in vivo in c3h/hej mice. Abstr., berat C. Muller, A Sher, and D Tarin
Virazole (1-beta-d-ribofuranosyl-1,2,4-triazole-3-carboxamide). A cytostatic agent., W E. Muller, A Maidhof, H Taschner, and R K. Zahn
Effect of 9-beta-d-arabinofuranosyladenine on dna synthesis in vivo., W E. Muller, A Maidhof, R K. Zahn, and W M. Shannon
Effect of cordycepin on nucleic acid metabolism in l5178y cells and on nucleic acid-synthesizing enzyme systems., W E. Muller, G Seibert, R Beyer, H J. Breter, A Maidhof, and R K. Zahn
Immunereactions in recent jul@@@venile diabetes (rjd) and vi induced diabetes of mice. Abstr., H Muntefering, J Biener, J Bertrans, and F A. Gries
Rhythmometry on licking rate of the mouse., Murakami
Mammary carcinogenesis in castrated (c3h x riii)f1 male mice bearing ovarian transplants in the ear for variable periods of time., kovacs I. Muranyi, G Rudali, and R Assa
Strain difference in t-cell regulation of antibody response to polyvinylpyrrolidone., S Muraoka, K Nomoto, Y Imada, and K Takeya
Graft-versus-host reaction-like phenomenon induced by bcg in mice lethally irradiated and transferred with syngeneic bone marrow cells., S Muraoka, K Nomoto, T Miyake, Y Imada, and K Takeya
Lack of h-2 restriction in rejection of homografts. Abstr., D M. Murasko
Alpha-fetoprotein induces suppressor t cells in vitro., R A. Murgita, E A. Goidl, S Kontiainen, and H Wigzell
Effects of mutant steel alleles on leukemogenesis and life-span in the mouse., E D. Murphy
A single gene model for massive lymphoproliferation with autoimmunity in new mouse strain mrl. Abstr., E D. Murphy and J B. Roths
Massive lymphoproliferation and autoimmunity controlled by single genes. Abstr., E D. Murphy, J B. Roths, and P W. Lane
Comparison of hepatic peroxisomal catalase and nad. Alphaglycerol- phosphate dehydrogenase activities of obese and normal mice. Abstr., P Murphy and J Kirk
Idiotypes on galactan binding myeloma proteins and anti-galactan antibodies in mice., E B. Mushinski and M Potter
Distribution of lps in c3h/st and c3h/hej mice following intravenous injection. Abstr., R A. Musson, D C. Morrison, and R J. Ulevitch
Mouse thymocyte membrane uptake of polyadenylic-polyuridylic acid complexes., M G. Mutchnick, I H. Han, and A G. Johnson
Adriamycin. The role of lipid peroxidation in cardiac toxicity and tumor response., C E. Myers, W P. Mcguire, R H. Liss, I A. Ifrim, K Grotzinger, and R C. Young
Characterization of a depolarizing dopamine response in a vertebrate neuronal somatic cell hybrid., P R. Myers, D R. Livengood, and W Shain
Antileukemia activity in the oscillatoriaceae. Isolation of debromoaplysiatoxin from lyngbya., J S. Mynderse, R E. Moore, M Kashiwagi, and T R. Norton
Induction of binding of sheep red blood cells with the surface of mouse thymocytes by means of phytohaemagglutinin and concanavalin a., A Mysliwski, J Mysliwska, and J Witkowski
Ultrastructural study of spontaneous bone marrow rosette- -forming cells., B Nabarra, J Charreire, J F. Cavellier, and J F. Bach
Levels of putative amino acid neurotransmitters in the spinal cord of the "nervous", "weaver" and "staggerer" neurologically mutant mice. Abstr., N S. Nadi, W J. Bride, and K Kusano
Regulatory mechanisms in cell-mediated immune responses. II. Comparison of culture-induced and alloantigen-induced suppressor cells in mlr and cml., L M. Nadler and R J. Hodes
Amyloidosis in ageing obese-hyperglycemic mice and their lean litter-mates. A morphological study., P Naeser and P Westermark
Sertoli cell junctions in the germ cell-free testis of the congenic mouse., T Nagano, F Suzuki, Y Kitamura, and K Matsumoto
Relative importance of genotype and type of mammary tumor virus on mammary tumorigenesis in mice., H Nagasawa, S Morii, A Tsubura, and R Yanai
Mammary growth and function and pituitary prolactin secretion in female nude mice., H Nagasawa and R Yanai
A factor inducing differentiation of mouse myeloid leukemia cells in human amniotic fluid., K Nagata, K Ooguro, M Saito, M Kuboyama, and K Ogasa
Mutagenicity of furylfuramide, a food preservative, tested by using alanine-requiring mouse l5178y cells in vitro and in vivo., N Nakamura, N Suzuki, and S Okada
Postnatal development of the brain and motor behavior in rolling mouse nagoya6@@@ (rol). Abs, K Nakane
Effects of sugars on melanogenesis in cultured melanoma cells., M Nakayasu, H Saeki, H Tohda, and A Oikawa
Megakaryocyte proliferation in w/wv and sl/sld mice as revealed f@@@by cfu-m analysis. Ab, A Nakeff
Lipofuscin pigment in aging neuronal tissue in vitro. Abstr., K Nandy, H Schneider, and C Baste
Cryopreservation of immunological memory and other lymphoid cell functions., D Naor and C O'toole
Detection of biochemical mutants in mice., K R. Narayanan
Effect of mopc-315 tumor dna on tumor development in balb/c mouse. Abstr., S M. Naseem
Interaction of neonatal irradiation and single-genes upon growth and behavior in mice., D J. Nash
Friend virus production by erythropoietin responsive cells in vivo. Abstr., A G. Nasrallah and M P. Garry
In vivo selection of the hemopoietic cell popula@@@@tion requi for replication of and transformation by polycythemia-inducing friend virus (fv5p6). Abstr., A G. Nasrallah and M P. Mcgarry
Characterization of the nonphagocytic adherent cell from the peritoneal cavity of normal and bcg-treated mice., C F. Nathan, R Asofsky, and W D. Terry
Hydrogen peroxide release from mouse peritoneal macrophages. Dependence on sequential activation and triggering., C F. Nathan and R K. Root
Component fragments obtained by acid dissociation of the alpha-glycoprotein associated with beta2-microglobulin in mouse plasma., T Natori and T Hansen
Biological and biochemical properties of nonidet p40-solubilized and partially purified tumor-specific antigens of the transplantation type from plasma membranes of a methylcholanthrene-induced sarcoma., T Natori, L W. Law, and E Appella
Biologic and biochemical properties of detergent-solubilized tumor-specific transplantation antigen from a simian virus 40-induced neoplasm. Brief communication., T Natori, L W. Law, and E Appella
Soluble tsta of a chemically induced sarcoma, meth-a. Abstr., T Natori, L W. Law, and E Appella
Quantitative estimations of five classes of immunoglobulin in inbred mouse strains., sakai S. Natsuume, K Motonishi, and S Migita
Quantitation of beta 1c/1a globulin (c3) in inbred mice. Variation dependent upon strain, age, sex and environment., sakai S. Natsuume, K Motonishi, and M Takahashi
Prolongation of skin allograft survival and inhibition of graft versus host reaction in rodents treated with "middle molecules"., J Navarro, J Touraine, C Corre, and J Traeger
31p Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of ehrlich ascites tumor cells., G Navon, S Ogawa, R G. Shulman, and T Yamane