
Submissions from 1977

Characterization of suppressive immunoglobulin-binding factor (ibf). II. Purification and molecular weight determination of ibf produced by l-5178-y theta-positive lymphoma., sautes C. Neauport and W H. Fridman

Relationships between private and public specificities controlled by the h-2d region., sautes C. Neauport, D Morello, F Lemonnier, and P Demant

Adherence properties of cytotoxic cells and their precursors on spleen cell monolayers., J R. Neefe and D H. Sachs

Specific elimination of cytotoxic cells. II. Reduction of cytotoxic activity by adsorption on monolayers results from removal of cytotoxic cells and not from inhibition of their activity., J R. Neefe and D H. Sachs

Fate of a liposome-associated agent injected into normal and tumour-bearing rodents. Attempts to improve localization in tumour tissues., E D. Neerunjun, R Hunt, and G Gregoriadis

Comparison of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase activity in tissues of normal and dystrophic hamsters and mice., J S. Neerunjun and V Dubowitz

Concomitance of basophilia, ribonucleic acid and acid phosphatase activity in regenerating muscle fibres., J S. Neerunjun and V Dubowitz

Regeneration of muscles transplanted between normal and dystrophic mice. A quantitative study of early transplants., J S. Neerunjun and V Dubowitz

Suppression of t-cell-mediated immune responses by sodium cyanate., S L. Nehlsen and P Lalezari

Murine plasma cells secreting more than one class of immunoglobulin heavy chain. Iii. Immunoglobulin production by established cultures and cloned lines of samm 368., M E. Neiders, H C. Iii, A R. Iii, and R Asofsky

Antitumor activity of some new analogs of nogalamycin. Abstr., G L. Neil, C L. Blowers, D J. Houser, and P F. Wiley

Late effects of x-irradiation on the ability of mouse bone marrow to support hematopoiesis., D F. Nelson, J T. Chaffey, and S Hellman

Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity effector cells lack ia antigens., D L. Nelson, D H. Sachs, and H B. Dickler

Age-related changes in the estrus cycle of the c57bl/6j mouse. Abstr., J F. Nelson, L S. Felicio, C Sims, and C E. Finch

Mouse spinal cord in cell culture. IV. Modulation of inhibitory synaptic function., P G. Nelson, B R. Henkart, and P N. Bullock

Antigen-specific purification of blocking factors from sera of mice with chemically induced tumors., I H. Nepom jerry t and K E. Hellstrom

Experimental conditions for obtaining suppressor and helper effects on the primary in vitro immune response by lymphocytes activated by polyclonal t-cell activators., L Nespoli, G Moller, D Waterfield, and R Ekstedt

Immune interferon. I. Production by lymphokine-activated murine macrophages., C Neumann and C Sorg

Ultrastructural characteristics of tuft cells in mouse gallbladder epithelium., T J. Nevalainen

Foreign serum-induced pancreatitis in mice. II. Secretory disturbances of acinar cells., T J. Nevalainen, F E. Fowlie, and D T. Janigan

Transplantation of t-cell leukemia to the nu/n\@@@u mouse. Experimental animal mode. Abstr., S R. Newcom, M E. Kadin, and P Arnstein

Glycogen metabolism and cyclic amp levels in isolated islets of lean and genetically obese mice., M E. Newman

Immune response of inbred strains of mice to dnp-bgg. Abstr., R C. Newton and C M. Warner

The immune response of inbred mouse strains to dnp-bgg. I. The effect of dose and adjuvant., R C. Newton and C M. Warner

A plaque assay for murine leukemia virus using enzyme-coupled antibodies., B A. Nexo

C-type virus protein p30 in blood from inbred mice correlates with their later incidence of leukemia., B A. Nexo and H Krog

Audiometrie et etat cytologique des cellules ciliees externes de quatre lignees de souris., M Niaussat, L Chevance, and M Adrian

Experimentally induced otitis and audiogenic seizure in the mouse., M M. Niaussat

Anomalous high native resistance of athymic mice to bacterial pathogens., A D. Nickol and P F. Bonventre

Immunogenicity induced in vivo by dic in relatively non-immunogenic leukemias., A Nicolin, M Cavalli, A Missiroli, and A Goldin

Blastogenesis and cytotoxicity induced by an l1210/dtic antigenic subline. Abstr., A Nicolin, C Testorelli, G Canti, and A Goldin

Identification of non-proliferating cells in melanoma b16 tumour., C A. Nicolini, W A. Linden, S Zietz, and C T. Wu

Anti-ia serum blocking of macrophage function in the in vitro humoral response., J E. Niederhuber and D C. Shreffler

Electrophoretic variation for x-chromosome-linked phosphoglycerate kinase (pgk-1) in the mouse., J T. Nielsen and V M. Chapman

Tumorigenicity of human hematopoietic cell lines in athymic nude mice., K Nilsson, B C. Giovanella, J S. Stehlin, and G Klein

On the binding of dna polymerase alpha to nuclear structure in mouse myeloma mopc104e., N Nishioka, A Matsukage, and T Takahashi

Relation of a cross-reactive idiotype to genetic control of the immune response., A Nisonoff and S Ju

Studies of structure and immunosuppression of a cross-reactive idiotype in strain a mice., A Nisonoff, S Ju, and F L. Owen

The dissociation of transplantable tumors., J S. Noel, R M. Zucker, N Wu, and S Y. Demaray

The relationship of mitotic activity of primordial germ cells to testicular teratocarcinogenesis in strain 129 mice. Abstr., T Noguchi and L C. Stevens

Trypanosoma cruzi. Modification of macrophage function during infection., N Nogueira, S Gordon, and Z Cohn

Trypanosoma cruzi. The immunological induction of macrophage plasminogen activator requires thymus-derived lymphocytes., N Nogueira, S Gordon, and Z Cohn

Relationships among differentiated t-cell subpopulations. II. Cytotoxicity and other functions of t cells specific for nucleated chicken erythrocytes., K Nomoto, Y Ohmichi, H Yamada, M Sato, and K Takeya

In vitro stimulation and inhibition of tumor cell growth mediated by different lymphoid cell populations., K C. Norbury

In vitro reactivity of macrophages and lymphocytes from ultraviolet-irradiated mice., K C. Norbury, M L. Kripke, and M B. Budmen

Regulation of b-cell proliferative responses to lipopoly- saccharide by a subclass of thymus t cells., M A. Norcross and R T. Smith

Differential inactivation of graft vs. Host and host vs. Graft reactions by anti-thy 1.2 Serum. Abstr., A Norin and E Emeson

Kanamycin priming for audiogenic seizures in mice., C H. Norris, T H. Cawthon, and R C. Carroll

The immunoglobulin class of anti-hapten antibody secreted during secondary responses in vitro and in vivo., J R. North and D W. Dresser

Non-specific factor replaces t cells in an igg response to soluble antigens., J R. North, J T. Kemshead, and B A. Askonas

B-memory cells can be stimulated by antigen in vitro to become igg antibody-secreting cells., J R. North and R M. Maizels

T-cell-mediated concomitant immunity to syngeneic tumors. I. Activated macrophages as the expressors of nonspecific immunity to unrelated tumors and bacterial parasites., R J. North and D P. Kirstein

Temporal patterning of grooming in three lines of mice. Some factors influencing control levels of a complex behaviour., L R. Northup

Mammary tumorigensis and pathologic changes of the reproductive tract of female mice continuously fed diethylstilbestrol and 17beta-estradiol for 18 months. Abstr., M J. Norvell, J H. Farmer, B Highman, and T E. Shellenberger

Current problem areas in the study of b lymphocyte differentiation., G J. Nossal, K Shortman, M Howard, and B L. Pike

Virus-induced diabetes mellitus. Brief review., A L. Notkins

Time dependence of the effect of splenectomy on graft-versus- -host reactivity of lymph node cells., K Nouza, M Nemec, J Novotny, and V Matousek

Altered lysosomal enzyme levels in mouse pigment mutants. Abstr., E K. Novak and R T. Swank

Genetic control and carrier and suppressor effects in the antibody response of mice to procollagen., H Nowack, H Rohde, D Gotze, and R Timpl

Cellular changes in the thymuses of preleukemic akr mice. Correlation with changes in the expression of murine leukemia viruses., R C. Nowinski and T Doyle

Decreased immunity to viral antigens and increased expression of endogenous leukemia viruses in athymic (nude) mice., R C. Nowinski and T Doyle

Oncornaviruses produced by murine leukemia cells in culture., R C. Nowinski, E F. Hays, T Doyle, S Linkhart, E Medeiros, and R Pickering

Differential effects of chemical inducers on expression of beta globin genes in murine erythroleukemia cells., U Nudel, J E. Salmon, M Terada, A Bank, and P A. Marks

Accumulation of alpha- and beta-globin messenger rnas in mouse erythroleukemia cells., U Nudel, J Salmon, E Fibach, M Terada, R Rifkind, A A. Marks, and A Bank

Natural cell-mediated cytotoxicity in mice against non-lymphoid tumor cells and some normal cells., M E. Nunn, R B. Herberman, and H T. Holden

Sexual dimorphism in ultrasonic vocalizations of mice (mus musculus). Gonadal hormone regulation., J Nyby, G Dizinno, and G Whitney

Pheromonal regulation of male mouse ultrasonic courtship (mus musculus)., J Nyby, C J. Wysocki, G Whitney, and G Dizinno

Differential spermatogonial stem cell survival and mutation frequencey. Abstr., E F. Oakberg and D T. Palatinus

Mechanism of polyclonal t-lymphocyte activation defined by use of specific heterologous antiserum against murine t cells., T Ochiai, A Ahmed, S C. Grebe, and K W. Sell

Effect of methylnitrosocyanamide on cultured mammalian cells., T Ochi and M Umeda

Genetic resistance to friend leumemia virus in mice: masking of fv-2 phenotype by an epistatic gene, fv-4r., T Odaka and H Ikeda

The mitotic index of megakaryocytes of mice after acute thrombocytopenia., T T. Odell and D A. Boran

Lack of effect of vitamin d and its metabolites on intestinal phosphate transport in familial hypophosphatemia of mice., H F. O'doherty p j a and E M. Eicher

Quantitative vergleich einiger proteinfraktionen aus seren von mausen verschiedener inzuchtstamme., H Ohder and H Hurni

The y-linked h-y antigen locus and the x-linked tfm locus as major regulatory genes of the mammalian sex determining mechanism., S Ohno

Alteration of cell-surface antigenicity of the mouse plasmacytoma. II. Lack of correlation between synthesis of myeloma protein and alteration of surface antigen., S Ohno, ume sakai Natsu, and S Migita

Immunoelectron microscopic studies with sera from patients with prostatic neoplasia and type c virus producing mouse prostate culture cells. Abstr., Y Ohtsuki, L Dmochowski, G Seman, J M. Bowen, and D E. Johnson

A radioimmunoassay method for 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosyluracil using antibodies directed against 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosylcytosine., T Okabayashi, S Mihara, and J G. Moffatt

A radioimmunoassay for 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosylcytosine., T Okabayashi, S Mihara, D B. Repke, and J G. Moffatt

A radioimmunoassay for 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosyluracil with reference to cross-reactivity of 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosyl- cytosine with an antibody., T Okabayashi, S Mihara, D B. Repke, and J G. Moffatt

Abnormally combined myelinated and unmyelinated nerves in dystrophic mice., E Okada, V Mizuhira, and H Nakamura

Hormonal regulation of spermidine synthase during the development of mouse mammary epithelium in vitro., T Oka, J W. Perry, and K Kano

Essential role of t cells in the ige antibody response in the mouse. Abstr., H Okudaira and Y Komagata

Mlr stimulation due to i-j subregion differences between b10.a(3r) And b10.a(5r) T cells and inhibition by anti-ia sera. Abstr., K Okuda, C S. David, and D C. Shreffler

The role of gene products of the i-j subregion in mixed lymphocyte reactions., K Okuda, C S. David, and D C. Shreffler

Specific enrichment of the suppressor t cell bearing i-j determinants. Parallel functional and serological characteri- zations., K Okumura, T Takemori, T Tokuhisa, and T Tada

Kinetics of tumor cell death by hyperthermic treatment and x-ray irradiation., Y Okumura

Hybridization studies on mopc-315 np-1, a plasmacytoma variant synthesizing only heavy chain. Abstr., A Okuyama

Cytotoxicity inhibition assay. Cryopreservation and standardization. Brief communication., R K. Oldham, J R. Ortaldo, H T. Holden, and R B. Herberman

Biochemical and histochemical studies on the postnatal development of the cholinergic neurotransmitter enzymes in the mouse cerebellum. Abstr., J A. Olschowka

Treatment of nzb/nzw (b/w) mice with dactinomycin or vincristine. Abstr., C T. Olsen

Analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes (pbl) and splenocytes from mice infected with friend virus (fv). Abstr., G B. Olson, K Marie, and P H. Bartels

Ageing decreases the activity of epidermal g1 and g2 inhibitors in mouse skin independent of grafting on old or young recipients., L Olsson and P Ebbesen

Cellular and humoral immunity to leukemia cells in bcg-induced growth control of a murine leukemia., L Olsson, I Florentin, N Kiger, and G Mathe

A cytokinetic analysis of bacillus calmette-guerin-induced growth control of a murine leukemia., L Olsson and G Mathe

Genetic control of alpha-fetoprotein synthesis in the mouse., M Olsson, G Lindahl, and E Ruoslahti

Norepinephrine and dopamine content of hypothalamus and pituitary in genetically obese mice (obob). Abstr., G A. Oltmans and J F. Lorden

Existence of both kappa and lambda light chain messenger rna sequences in mouse myeloma, mopc-104e, known as a lambda chain producer., M Ono, M Kawakami, T Kataoka, and T Honjo

Radiation-induced dna single-strand scission and its rejoining in spermatogonia and spermatozoa of mouse., T Ono and S Okada

Effects of cytochalasin b on cytokinesis in mouse blastomeres. I. Light microscopic study., J Opas