Submissions from 1977
Effects of extremely low osmolarity on fertilized mouse eggs., J Opas
System. Replacement of fetal calf serum by a 2-mercaptoethanol or macrophage-activated fraction of mouse serum., H G. Opitz, U Opitz, H Lemke, H Flad, G Hewlett, D H. Schlumberger, and L P. Mouse
The role of fetal calf serum in the primary immune response in vitro., H Opitz, U Opitz, H Lemke, G Hewlett, and H Flad
Modulation of agglutinability by alteration of the surface topography in mouse ascites tumor cells., S B. Oppenheimer, B L. Bales, G Brenneman, L Knapp, E S. Lesin, and E G. Pollock
Immune status of mice tolerant of living cells. Iii. Presence and evolution of cells cytotoxic to the tolerated strain., E S. Oppenheim, R Kinsky, and G A. Voisin
Intense tumour-cell destruction by syngeneic mice. Role of macrophages. Complement activation and tumour-cell factors., arbouys s J. Orbach, M Allouche, and P Pouillart
Effect of splenectomy in tumor-bearing mice and gastric cancer patients., K Orita, E Konaga, T Okada, K Kunisada, and S Tanaka
A murine tumor producing a matrix of basement membrane., R W. Orkin, P Gehron, E B. Goodwin, G R. Martin, H Valentine, and R Swarm
Defects in the cartilaginous growth plates of brachymorphic mice., R W. Orkin, B R. Williams, R E. Cranley, and K S. Brown
An electron microscopic study of hepatic erythropoiesis in adult mice with friend virus disease., D Orlic and E A. Mirand
Increased primary cell-mediated immunity in culture subsequent to adriamycin or daunorubicin treatment of spleen donor mice., F Orsini, Z Pavelic, and E Mihich
Spin-label studies of rat peritoneal mast cells, mouse mastocytoma cells and compound 48/80. Abstr., M J. Ortner and C F. Chignell
Immunologic properties of purified sendai virus glycoproteins., C Orvell and E Norrby
The allogeneic effect on tumor growth. II. Suppression of both ascitic and solid mopc 315 plasmacytoma by the graft-vs- -host reaction, with pathologic correlation., D P. Osborne and D H. Katz
Differentiation of bone marrow lymphocytes. Regeneration of immunoglobulin-bearing and other lymphocytes in mouse bone marrow and spleen after sublethal gamma irradiation. Abstr., D G. Osmond and K Evoy
Alkylation of dna and proteins in mice exposed to vinyl chloride., golkar S. Osterman, D Hultmark, D Segerback, C J. Calleman, R Gothe, Ehrenberg, and C A. Wachtmeister
Expression of histocompatibility-2 antigens on cultured cell lines derived from mouse blastocysts., rosenberg C. Ostrand, M Edidin, and M I. Sherman
Human teratoma cells share antigens with mouse teratoma cells., rosenberg S. Ostrand, M Edidin, and M A. Jewett
Ultrastructure of glial cells in culture. Abstr., F T. Oteruelo and L Hertz
H-2 influence on the chronic disease due to mouse hepatitis virus type 3. Abstr., D Oth, E Achille, leblond E. Levy, and J M. Dupuy
Comments on the relationships between h-2 antigens and other antigens in the mouse, with special reference to possible implications for the host-tumour systems., D Oth, G Meyer, and M Berebbi
A single-strand-specific dna-binding protein from mouse cells that stimulates dna polymerase. Its modification by phosphory- lation., B Otto, M Baynes, and R Knippers
Biphasic pattern of activation of the reticuloendothelial system by anaerobic coryneforms in mice., A A. Otu, R J. Russell, and R G. White
Depression of mononuclear phagocyte function by lewis lung carcinoma in c57bl mice. Abstr., A A. Otu, R J. Russell, and P C. Wilkinson
Alterations of mononuclear phagocyte function induced by lewis lung carcinoma in c57bl mice., A A. Otu, R J. Russell, P C. Wilkinson, and R G. White
Chemotherapeutic response to cyclophosphamide (cy) of a human breast carcinoma growing in athymic (nude) mice. Abstr., A A. Ovejera and D P. Houchens
Effect of hyperthermia and environmental acidity on the proteolytic activity in murine ascites tumor cells., J Overgaard and H S. Poulsen
Hyperthermia in vivo. Time-temperature relation and split dose effect. Abstr., J Overgaard and H D. Suit
Binding to idiotypic determinants of large proportions of thymus-derived lymphocytes in idiotypically suppressed mice., F L. Owen, S Ju, and A Nisonoff
Presence on idiotype-specific suppressor t cells of receptors that interact with molecules bearing the idiotype., F L. Owen, S Ju, and A Nisonoff
Isolation of active idotype-specific suppressor t cells by rosette formation. Abstr., F L. Owen and A Nisonoff
Initiation and characterization of cultured tumor lines from spontaneous reticulum cell sarcoma of sjl/j mice., M H. Owens and B Bonavida
Cell-mediated mitogenic response induced by leukoagglutinin and lens culinaris lectin in mouse lymphocytes., K Ozato, J Cebra, and J D. Ebert
Accelerated calcium ion uptake in murine thymocytes induced by concanavalin a., K Ozato, L Huang, and J D. Ebert
Cell-mediated immunity against particulate and solubilized tumor-associated antigens of murine plasmacytomas detected by macrophage migration inhibition assays., M L. Padarathsingh, J H. Dean, J L. Mccoy, D D. Lewis, J W. Northing, Natori, and L W. Law
Examination of general and tumor-specific cell-mediated immune responses in mice bearing progressively growing plasmacyotmas., M L. Padarathsingh, J L. Mccoy, J H. Dean, D D. Lewis, and L W. Law
Tumor inhibition by desoxycorticosterone (doc) and enhancement by cortisone. Abstr., J Padawer, G Rettura, and E Seifter
Cytotoxic drug effects on the rate of dna unwinding in l1210 cells. Abstr., C A. Padgett and N R. Bachur
Inhibition of normal cfu-s by co-culturep@@@d leukemic (aml) c in diffusion chamber (dc) cultures. Abstr., P L. Page, B L. Hartwell, and S H. Robinson
The neurohypophyseal capillary bed. I. Anatomy and arterial supply., R B. Page and R M. Bergland
Colony stimulating activitv@@@y (csa) in aplastic anemia. Abs, G L. Pagliardi, M Agiletta, R Foa, V Gabutti, and F Gavosto
Effector regulation. A potential new chemotherapeutic st<@@@rategy. Abs, R M. Paine and K R. Harrap
Transcriptional effects of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine in post-implantation mouse embryos., T Palayoor
Hexamethylene bisacetamide., C Palfrey, Y Kimhi, U Z. Littauer, R C. Reuben, D P. Marks, and I O. By
Flow cytophotometric (fcm) analysis of dna content of perturbed c3h mouse mammary tumors. Abstr., M Pallavicini, A Cohen, L Dethlefsen, and J Gray
The carotid body of the wobbler mouse. Abstr., D J. Pallot and T J. Biscoe
Anti-syngeneic tumor cytotoxic t cells lyse some syngeneic and allogeneic tumor cells. Abstr., J C. Palmer, W E. Biddison, and L A. Manson
Non-infectious virus induces cytotoxic t lymphocytes and binds to target cells to permit their lysis., J C. Palmer, L J. Lewandowski, and D Waters
Immunization of c3h/hej mice to the lymphosarcoma 6c3hed with 6c3hed--dinitrophenylated rabbit gamma globulin conjugates. Abstr., W N. Palmer, T L. Swanson, and G E. Moore
Immunoprecipitation and radioimmunological studies of a lymph node activating factor released during contact of h-2- or hla-different lymphocytes., E Paluska, L Korcakova, V Haskova, T Marik, and J Svobodova
Structure-activity studies of methylnitrosourea antitumor agents with reduced murine bone marrow toxicity., L C. Panasci, P A. Fox, and P S. Schein
A phenol technique for extraction of alkylated dna, rna, and protein from a single tissue sample., L C. Panasci, D C. Green, P A. Fox, and P S. Schein
Chlorozotocin (clz). Mechanism of reduced myelotoxicity for mice. Abstr., L Panasci, D Green, and P Schein
Genetic factors in the stimulation of t cell responses against ectromelia virus-infected cells. Role of h-2k, h-2d and h-2i genes., T Pang and R V. Blanden
Requirements for stimulation of t cell responses against virus-infected cells. Nature of ectromelia virus-infected cells capable of stimulating cytotoxic t cells in a secondary response in vitro., T Pang and R V. Blanden
A direct hemolytic plaque assay on polylysine-coated coverslips for scanning electron microscopy of antibody forming cells., S Pan and H Friedman
A method of increasing ea positive cells in mouse spleen lymphocytes., M Papamichail and M Pavlatou
Thymocyte subpopulations in young and adult mice. II. Study of steroid-resistant populations by means of a specific hetero- antiserum., M Papiernik and J Bach
Thymocyte subpopulations in young and adult mice. I. Separation by density gradient and steroid treatment., M Papiernik, L Laroche, and J Bach
Immunological regulation of spontaneous antibodies to dna and rna. II. Sequential switch from igm to igg in nzb/nzw f1 mice., R Papoian, R Pillarisetty, and N Talal
Inheritance of lipopolysaccharide-enhanced nonspecific resistance to infection and of susceptibility to endotoxic shock in lipopolysaccharide low-responder mice., M Parant, F Parant, and L Chedid
Enhancement of nonspecific immunity to bacterial infection by cord factor (6,6'-trehalose dimycolate)., M Parant, F Parant, L Chedid, J C. Drapier, J F. Petit, and E Lederer
Helper cell function of primed t cells. II. T-t cell synergism between ig+ and ig- subpopulations of primed thymocytes. A mechanism for amplification of helper cell function., F Paraskevas and S T. Lee
Macrophage-t cell interation in production of a t cell factor which enhances antibody formation. Abstr., F Paraskevas and S T. Lee
Appearance of non-specific suppressor t cells during in vitro culture., C R. Parish
Mitogens and t-independent antigens stimulate t lymphocytes to secrete ia antigens., C R. Parish and I F. Mckenzie
Normal adult murine cells express oncofetal antigens in tissue culture. Abstr., G A. Parker
Normal adult murine cells in tissue culture express fetal antigens., G A. Parker, C Hyatt, and S A. Rosenberg
Cross-reacting antigens in chemically induced sarcomas are fetal determinants., G A. Parker and S A. Rosenberg
Serologic identification of multiple tumor-associated antigens on murine sarcomas., G A. Parker and S A. Rosenberg
A model for the differentiation of b lymphocytes with implications for the biological role of igd., R M. Parkhouse and M D. Cooper
Differential response of nude and conventional mice to lipopolysaccharide (lps). Abstr., D E. Parks and M V. Doyle
Effect of lipopolysaccharide on immunogenicity and tolero- genicity of hgg in c57bl/6j nude mice. Evidence for a possible b cell deficiency., D E. Parks, M V. Doyle, and W O. Weigle
Coincident effect in the graft-versus-host reaction of balb/c lymphoid cells derived from mice immune either to allogeneic normal tissue or to syngeneic chemically induced fibrosarcomata., G Parmiani and G Invernizzi
Damage and repair of dna in cultured mammalian cells with n-diazoacetylglycine amide., S Parodi, C Bolognesi, M Cavanna, R L. Pollack, L Santi, and G Brambilla
Relationships between mutation and transformation frequencies in mammalian cells treated "in vitro" with chemical carcinogens., S Parodi and G Brambilla
Selective mobilization of specifically cytotoxic t-lymphocytes at sites of inflammation in relation to bcg-induced resistance to implants of syngeneic sarcoma in mice., I B. Parr, E Wheeler, and P Alexander
A study of functional denervation in fast and slow muscles of dystrophic mice of various ages., D J. Parry
Oxygen and light effects on chromosomal aberrations in mouse cells in vitro., R Parshad, K K. Sanford, G M. Jones, F M. Price, and W G. Taylor
Comparative effect of anaerobic coryneforms on a murine melanoma., D A. Paslin
Intra-h-2 recombination in h-2b/h-2t1 heterozygotes in the mouse. I. Four cases of crossing over between the s and d regions., H C. Passmore and K W. Beisel
Preparation of antisera for the detection of the ss protein and the slp alloantigen., H C. Passmore and K W. Beisel
Analysis of macrophage mediated cytostasis. Abstr., G R. Pasternack and H S. Shin
Somatostatin. Widespread abnormality in tissues of spontaneously diabetic mice., Y C. Patel, D P. Cameron, Y Stefan, lagae F. Malaisse, and L Orci
Antagonism of methylglyoxal-bis(guanylhydrazone) (mgbg) cytotoxicity by spermidine (spd) in mouse leukemia l1210 cells. Abstr., S N. Pathak and C Dave
Growth inhibition of mouse leukemia l1210 cells with methylglyoxal-bis(guanylhydrazone) (mgbg), possible relationship with antimitochondrial drug action. Abstr., S N. Pathak, C W. Porter, and C Dave
Fetal suppressor cells. Effects on mixed lymphocyte cultures. Abstr., D J. Patt and Y M. Kong
Treatment of l1210 leukemia in mice with a combination of cytosine arabinoside (ara-c), cyclophosphamide (c) and vincristine (v). Abstr., J E. Pauly, E R. Burns, and L E. Scheving
Terminal transferase. Enzyme marker for a specific prothymocyte cell population. Abstr., N H. Pazmino, R N. Ewan, and J N. Ihle
Distribution of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase in bovine serum albumin gradient-fractionated thymocytes and bone marrow cells of normal and leukemic mice., N H. Pazmino, R N. Mcewan, and J N. Ihle
A myeloma hybrid producing antibody specific for an allotypic determinant in "igd-like" molecules of the mouse., T Pearson, G Galfre, A Ziegler, and C Milstein
Localized suppression of cytotoxic lymphocyte responses. Abstr., D L. Peavy and C W. Pierce
Secondary in vitro responses of t lymphocytes to non-h-2 alloantigens. Self-h-2 restricted responses induced in heterologous serum are not dependent on primary-stimulating non-h-2 alloantigens., A B. Peck, L C, and E A. Wigzell
T lymphocyte responses to mls locus antigens involve recognition of h-2 i region gene products., A B. Peck, C A. Janeway, and H Wigzell
Cellular immune response induced by the radiation leukemia virus (radlv)., A Peled
Adenylate cyclase from synchronized neuroblastoma cells. Responsiveness to prostaglandin e1, adenosine, and dopamine during the cell cycle., J Penit, B Cantau, J Huot, and S Jard
Selection for constancy of score and pattern of secondary vibrissae in ta/ta-ta/y and ta/+ mice., P R. Pennycuik and J M. Rendal
Isolation and study of murine c3., M B. Pepys, A C. Dash, A H., and D D. Mirjah
In vitro activation of the in vivo colony-forming units of the mouse yolk sac., G Perah and M Feldman