Submissions from 1976
Glial changes in the progress of a chemical lesion. An electron microscopic study., johnston N. Lemkey, V Butler, and W A. Reynolds
Inhibition of t cell activity in vivo. A test model for quantitative evaluation., E Lemmel and U Botzenhardt
Resurgence of mammary tumors in immunodepressed c3hf mice. Abstr., P Lemonde, L Berthiaume, and G Lussier
Etude des caracteristiques chromosomiques de tumeurs d'ascites induites artificiellement., A Leonard, J M. Jadin, and G Mattelin
Observations sur le pouvoir mutagene de l'hycanthone chez les mammiferes., A Leonard and E D. Leonard
Characterization of mouse lymphocyte-derived chemotactic factor., E J. Leonard and M S. Meltzer
A serum protein that stimulates macrophage movement, chemotaxis and spreading., E J. Leonard and A Skeel
Viral rna in the cytoplasm of sv40-transformed mouse cells. Post-transcriptional processing., J C. Leong, H S. Smith, and H M. Goodman
Enhancement of the antitumor activity of arabinofuranosyl- adenine by 2'-deoxycoformycin., G A. Le page, L S. Worth, and A P. Kimball
Antitumor activity of 9-hydroxyellipticine (nsc 210717) on l1210 mouse leukemia and the effect of route of injection., J B. Le pecq, C Gosse, dat xuong guyen, S Cros, and C Paoletti
The limiting effect of of transfer rna's on the rate of protein synthesis in cell extracts of rapidly growing tumors., M I. Lerman, N N. Pilipenko, T Y. Ugarova, E S. Sokolova, and Z P. Phishkova
Properties of reticulum cell sarcomas in sjl/j mice. Iii. Promotion of tumor growth in irradiated mice by normal lymphoid cells., S P. Lerman, E A. Carswell, J Chapman, and G J. Thorbecke
Endogenous oncornaviral gene expression in adult and fetal mice. Quantitative, histologic, and physiologic studies of the major viral glycoprotein, gp70., R A. Lerner, C B. Wilson, B C. Villano, P J. Conahey, and F J. Dixon
Evaluation of the viability of dispersed b-cells in suspension. Abstr., A Lernmark and K Grankvist
Donnees recentes sur l'immunologie des tumeurs, mechanismes d'echappement au controle immunologique, role des cellules suppressives., G Lespinats and M F. Poupon
Localization of actin in neuroblastoma cells by immunofluorescence. Abstr., J L. Lessard, D Goldblatt, D Rein, and D Carleton
Gerontological data of c57bl/6j mice. II. Changes in blood cell counts in the course of natural aging., H W. Leuenberger and I Kunstyr
Double minute chromosomes are not centromeric regions of the host chromosomes., G Levan, N Mandahl, U Bregula, G Klein, and A Levan
Synthesis of murine leukemia virus proteins associated with virions assembled in actinomycin d-treated cells. Evidence for persistence of viral messenger rna., J G. Levin and M J. Rosenak
The interaction of chloride with the sulfate transport system of ehrlich ascites tumor cells., C Levinson
The transport of chloride in ehrlich ascites tumor cells., C Levinson and M L. Villereal
Murine t factors. An association between alleles at t and at h-2., J R. Levinson and H O. Devitt
Studies of the murine t-alleles. Similarities and differences in the major histocompatibility (h-2) complex. Abstr., J R. Levinson and H O. Devitt
Dianhydrogalactitol (nsc-132313). Pharmacokinetics in normal and tumor-bearing rat brain and antitumor activity against three intracerebral rodent tumors., V A. Levin, dove M. Freeman, and C E. Maroten
Carcinogenicity of benzo[a]pyrene 4,5-, 7,8-, and 9,10- -oxides on mouse skin., W Levin, A W. Wood, H Yagi, P M. Dansette, D M. Jerina, and A H. Conney
(+)-trans-7,8-dihydroxy-7,8-dihydrobenzo[a]pyrene. A potent skin carcinogen when applied topically to mice., W Levin, A W. Wood, H Yagi, D M. Jerina, and A H. Conney
Selective cell association of catecholamine neurons in brain aggregates in vitro., P Levitt, R Y. Moore, and B B. Garber
Suppression of antibody mediated primary hemolytic plaque-forming cells (pfc) by haloperidol. Abstr., J A. Levy and A E. Munson
Possible communication between murine macrophages oriented in linear chains in tissue culture., J A. Levy, R M. Weiss, E R. Dirksen, and M R. Rosen
Serum of tumour-bearing mice., J G. Levy, A G. Smith, R B. Whitney, R M. Master, D D. Kilburn, and T O. The
The activity of a thiadiazole on mycobacterium leprae., L Levy
The effect of monthly pulse dosing of cyclophosphamide on the secondary immune response to sheep red blood cells in nzb/w mice. Abstr., L Levy, D Chia, and E Barnett
The role of macrophages in suppression of established friend virus leukemia., M H. Levy and E F. Wheelock
The effects of silica on the sensitization and inhibition against a syngeneic tumor in vitro. Abstr., R B. Levy
In vitro sensitization and killing of a murine syngeneic solid tumor. Abstr., R B. Levy, G M. Shearer, and W D. Terry
Correlation of suppressor cell development in parental and f1 hybrid mouse strains with the growth of a parental tumor in vivo., R B. Levy, S D. Waksal, and G M. Shearer
Enhancement of infectivity and oncogenicity of a murine leukemia virus in adult mice by x-irradiation., R L. Levy, R A. Lerner, and F J. Dixon
The spleen in friend leukemia. I. Prolonged survival of leukemic mice after autoimplantation of spleen tissue., S B. Levy, C B. Rubenstein, and C Friend
The spleen in friend leukemia. II. Nonleukemic nature of spleen stroma., S B. Levy, C B. Rubenstein, and M Tavassoli
Messenger ribonucleic acid metabolism in mammalian mitochondria. Discrete poly(adenylic acid) lacking messenger ribonucleic acid species associated with mitochondrial polysomes., F S. Lewis, R J. Rutman, and N G. Avadhani
Messenger ribonucleic acid metabolism in mammalian mitochondria. Isolation and characterization of polyribosomes from ehrlich ascites mitochondria., F S. Lewis, R J. Rutman, and N G. Avadhani
Murine b-cell subpopulations responsive to t-dependent and t-independent antigens., G K. Lewis, R Ranken, D E. Nitecki, and J W. Goodman
Murine b cell subpopulations responsive to t-dependent and t-independent antigens. Abstr., G K. Lewis, R Ranken, D E. Nitecki, and J W. Goodman
The developmental analysis of an embryonic lethal (c6h) in the mouse., S E. Lewis, H A. Turchin, and waelsch S. Gluecksohn
A new bioassay for thymic hormone (th). Abstr., V Lewis, J Twomey, and P Bealmear
Estrogen-binding proteins in mouse mammary tumors induced by diethylstilbestrol feeding. Abstr., W M. Lewko, M J. Norvell, and T E. Shellenberger
Substrate competition patterns for uridine-cytidine kinase. Abstr., A S. Liacouras and E P. Anderson
Resistance to murine leukemia in mice rejecting syngeneic somatic hybrid cells., W Liang and E P. Cohen
Somatic hybrids of complement resistant, modulation (+), tl(+), rada-1 cells lyse in the presence of specific antiserum and fail to undergo modulation. Abstr., W Liang and E P. Cohen
The effect of specific antiserum on the metabolism of three membrane-associated antigens of asl-1 x lm(tk)-hybrid cells., W Liang and E P. Cohen
Idiotypes of inulin-binding antibodies and myeloma proteins controlled by genes linked to the allotype locus of the mouse., R Lieberman, M Potter, W Humphrey, and C C. Chien
Inhibition of acoustic priming in mice., B D. Lieff, S K. Sharpless, and K Schlesinger
Cell surface changes during t-cell mediated cytotoxicity. An electron microscope study (sem and tem). Abstr., A Liepins, R Faanes, Y S. Choi, and E D. Harven
Effect of hyperthermia on the radiation response of two mammalian cell lines. Abstr., G C. Li and H B. Kal
Mitogen-stimulated glutaraldehyde-fixed spleen cells. Ability to stimulate in the mixed lymphocyte reaction and generate effector cells in cell-mediated lympholysis., J J. Lightbody and Y M. Kong
Correlation between structural variation and activity of murine kidney beta-galactosidase. Implications for genetic control., I C. Li and W L. Daniel
Multiple injections of streptozotocin (sz). Abstr., A A. Like, A A. Cahill, N Islitis, and D M. By
Cytotoxicity and biochemical effects of chartreusin (nsc-5159) on mouse leukemia. Abstr., L H. Li and T D. Clark
Graft-versus-host response, measured by splenomegaly assay, by populations of allosensitized mouse lymphocytes., B Lilliehook and H Blomgren
Complex nature of the production of 'effector' cells and their interaction with target cells in the m-antigen system of the mouse., B Lilliehook, H Jacobsson, and H Blomgren
Detection of mls-antigens in various mouse strains using a new method., B Lilliehook, H Jacobsson, and H Blomgren
Potential bioreductive alkylating agents--vi. Determination of the relationship between oxidation-reduction potential and antineoplastic activity., A J. Lin and A C. Sartorelli
Adenyl cyclase and cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activities in murine muscular dystrophy., C H. Lin, A J. Hudson, and K P. Strickland
Palmityl-coa synthetase activity in the muscle of dystrophic mice., C H. Lin, A J. Hudson, and K P. Strickland
Genetic and cellular aspects of xenogeneic mixed leukocyte culture reaction., K F. Lindahl and F H. Bach
H-2 associated determinants analyzed with human lymphocytes. Abstr., K F. Lindahl and F H. Bach
Interferon treatment of mice. Enhanced expression of histocompatibility antigens on lymphoid cells., P Lindahl, I Gresser, P Leary, and M Tovey
Cell cycle-related hormone carcinogen interaction during chemical carcinogen induction of nodule-like mammary lesions in organ culture., F K. Lin, M R. Banerjee, and L R. Crump
Colony formation in vitro by mouse blood monocytes. Abstr., H Lin, M Kurtz, and S Sauerbrunn
Body weight gain and food intake of young obese (ob/ob) mice. Abstr., P Lin, D R. Romsos, G A. Leveille, and A M. Pearson
Cellular adhesion to collagenous matrices. Abstr., T F. Linsenmayer, B P. Toole, and J Gross
Abnormal nucleolar growth in the oocytes of athymic 'nude' mice., moore S. Lintern, G P. Moore, and E M. Pantelouris
Ovarian development in athymic nude mice. Iii. The effect of pmsg and oestradiol upon the size and composition of the ovarian follicle population., moore S. Lintern and E M. Pantelouris
Ovarian development in athymic nude mice. IV. The effect of pmsg and oestradiol on the growth of the oocyte and follicle., moore S. Lintern and E M. Pantelouris
Ovarian development in athymic nude mice. V. The effects of pmsg upon the numbers and growth of follicles in the early juvenile ovary., moore S. Lintern and E M. Pantelouris
Mechanism of bacillus calmette-guerin-induced suppression of metastases in a poorly immunogenic fibrosarcoma., L A. Liotta, J Kleinerman, and G M. Saidel
The significance of hematogenous tumor cell clumps in the metastatic process., L A. Liotta, J Kleinerman, and G M. Saidel
Reduced metastases and curative effects of macromomycin (mcr) chemotherapy alone and in combination with surgery in the lewis lung carcinoma in mice. Abstr., M M. Lippman and J Mayo
Chronic neurologic disease in theiler's virus infection of sjl/j mice., H L. Lipton and M C. Canto
Theiler's virus-induced demyelination. Prevention by immunosuppression., H L. Lipton and M C. Canto
Properties and synthesis of tubulin in neuroblastoma cells., U Z. Littauer, H Schmitt, and I Gozes
Membrane immunogluorescence studies of virion and tumor antigens on murine leukemic cells. Abstr., W Liu and K S. Chang
Accumulation of cystine auxotrophic thymocytes accompanying type c viral leukemogenesis in the mouse., D M. Livingston, C Ferguson, R Gollogly, and H Lazarus
Recruitment of effector lymphocytes by initiator lymphocytes. Circulating lymphocytes are trapped in the reacting lymph node., S Livnat and I R. Cohen
Recruitment of effector lymphocytes by initiator lymphocytes. Recruited lymphocytes are immunospecific and include graft-versus-host-reactive lymphocytes., S Livnat and I R. Cohen
A comparative study of the immunohistological and serological response of intact and t cell-deprived mice to trichinella spiralis., I Ljungstrom and E J. Ruitenberg
Comparison of chromosomal proteins of mouse primitive teratocarcinoma, liver and l cells., J E. Loeb, E Ritz, C Creuzet, and J Jami
Influence of bromoacetylsulfanilic acid and bromoacetyl- aminoisophthalic acid on sulfhydryl groups of ehrlich ascites tumor cells., M Loffler and G Niebch
Breath acetone and ketone metabolism in obese and diabetic mice. Abstr., S C. Loken
Effect of pigment on photomediated production of thymine dimers in cultured melanoma cells., D A. London, D M. Carter, and E S. Condit
T lineage lymphocytes in nude mice born from homozygous nu/nu parents., F Loor, H Amstutz, L Hagg, K S. Mayor, and G E. Roelants
Incomplete restoration of t-cell reactivity in nude mice after neonatal allogeneic thymus grafting., F Loor, B Kindred, and L Hagg
Pcb and hcb induced humoral immunosuppression. Abstr., L Loose, K Pittman, K Benitz, and J Silkworth