Submissions from 1976
A new differentiation antigen defining a subpopulation of mouse t cells., P Kisielow, H Shiku, and J A. Hirst
Affinity labeling of dinitrophenyl specific receptors on mopc 315 cells. Abstr., D F. Kiszkiss, J J. Donald, and Y S. Choi
Modalites d'apprentissage d'un labyrinthe chez les souris c57br, c57bl/6 et balb/c., K Kitahama and J Valatx
Apprentissage d'un labyrinthe en y chez deux souches de souris. Effets de la privation instrumentale et pharmacologique du sommeil., K Kitahama, J Valatx, and M Jouvet
Administration on growth of ehrlich tumor cells., A Kizu, A Kusaba, M Nakamura, S Kato, K Swada, N H. Ijichi, and C O. llopurinol)
Tumor angiogenesis activity in cells grown in tissue culture., M Klagsbrun, D Knighton, and J Folkman
Rasterelektronenmikroskopische befunde an der orthoergisch geschadigten hautoberflache haarloser mause. (eng. Summ.), F Klaschka, L Dumitrescu, and B Dunger
Anti-thy-1.2 Serum. Abstr., L Klassen, A Zarate, A Steinberg, W Paul, N M. Gelfand, and I O. By
New observations on mammalian male meiosis. I. Laboratory mouse (mus musculus) and rhesus monkey (macaca mulatta)., I Klasterska, A T. Natarajan, and C Ramel
B cell tolerance induced by polymeric antigens. IV. Antigen-mediated inhibition of antibody-forming cells., G G. Klaus
Thymus-independent carrier molecules. IV. The igg response to dinitrophenylated ficoll., G G. Klaus, J M. Philllips, J H. Humphrey, D W. Dresser, D A. Cross, and M P. To
Histologische verlaufsstudie uber den fcdr-induzierten embryonalen tod der maus., J Kleinebrecht
Teratogenic and mutagenic effects of budr. Abstr., J Kleinebrecht, J Franz, and P M. Gopinath
Effect of vuris infection on the inflammatory response., E S. Kleinerman, C A. Daniels, R P. Polisson, and R Snyderman
Analysis of malignancy and antigen expression by cell fusion., G Klein
Relative importance of h-2 regions in the development of graft-versus-host reactions., J Klein
Ability of h-2 regions to induce graft-vs-host disease., J Klein and C L. Chiang
Participation of h-2 regions in heart-transplant rejection., J Klein, C L. Chiang, J Lofgreen, and D Steinmuller
Immunogenetic analysis of h-2 mutations. IV. Mapping of and immune reactions to the h-2fa mutation., J Klein, I K. Egorov, Y A. Mnatsakanyan, and V Hauptfeld
Histocompatibility antigens controlled by the i region of the murine h-2 complex. I. Mapping of h-2a and h-2c loci., J Klein, R Geib, C Chiang, and V Hauptfeld
Immunogenetic analysis of h-2 mutations. V. Serological analysis of mutations h-2da, h-2fa, and h-2ka., J Klein, M Hauptfeld, R Geib, and C Hammerberg
Ia antigens. Their serology. Molecular relationships, and their role in allograft reactions., J Klein and V Hauptfeld
Activation of alternative effector mechanisms mediating tumor allograft immunity in the same host. Abstr., P A. Klein
The immunobiological role of the h-2 system antigens in the structure of rauscher leukaemia virus., N N. Klepikov and L B. Khagundokava
The acquistion of b-cell competence and diversity., N R. Klinman
Inhibition of hemolytic plaque forming cells (pfc) by 8,9-epoxy-hexahydrocannabinol (sir-69). Abstr., P Klykken, J Levy, R Razdan, and A Munson
Evidence that autoimmune disease in nzb x nzw mice is controlled by two dominant genes, one linked to the h-2 complex., J G. Knight and D D. Adams
Decreased cfuc in sl/sld mice., W H. Knospe, B Hinrichs, W Fried, W Robinson, N F. Trobaugh, R C. By, and A S. With
Structural changes in the plasma membrane of synchronized p815y mastocytoma cells., S Knutton
Membrane characteristics of old and rauscher leukemia virus infected mouse red blood cells., A Knyszynski and D Danon
Enzymatic studies of brown adipose tissue in genetically obese mice under cold exposing., K Kobayashi
Some enzymic studies in 3 types of genetically obese mice., K Kobayashi
Competition systemique dans le cas de l'hemimelie chez la souris., N Kobozieff, G Lucotte, and E Gemahling
Altered collagen fibrillogenesis in embryonic mouse limb cartilage deficient in matrix granules., D M. Kochhar, M B. Aydelotte, and T K. Vest
Immunosuppressive activity of submaxillary gland extracts of the mouse. I. Effect on antibody formation in response to sheep red blood cells., J H. Koch and J Rowe
Mutagenic effect of sodium nitrite on cultured mouse cells., F Kodama, M Umeda, and T Tsutsui
Increased hemoglobin aic in diabetic mice., R J. Koenig, D C. Araujo, and A Cerami
Cytotoxicity of short-chain alcohols and aldehydes on neuroblastoma cells in culture. Abstr., R L. Koerker, A J. Berlin, and F H. Schneider
Fusion between immunoglobulin-secreting and nonsecreting myeloma cell lines., G Kohler, S C. Howe, and C Milstein
Derivation of specific antibody-producing tissue culture and tumor lines by cell fusion., G Kohler and C Milstein
Divergent x-ray-induced mutation rates in the mouse for h and '7-locus' groups of loci., H I. Kohn and R W. Melvold
Failure of x-rays to mutate class ii histocompatibility loci in balb/c mouse spermatogonia., H I. Kohn, R W. Melvold, and G R. Dunn
Effect of ph on the bleomycin-induced dna single-strand scission in l1210 cells and the relation to cell survival., K W. Kohn and R A. Ewig
Prevention of postthymectomy autoimmune thyroiditis in mice., A Kojima, kojima Y. Tanaka, T Sakakura, and Y Nishizuka
Spontaneous development of autoimmune thyroiditis in neonatally thymectomized mice., A Kojima, kojima Y. Tanaka, T Sakakura, and Y Nishizuka
Increase in alkaline phosphatase activity in the liver of mice bearing ehrlich ascites tumor, Y Kojima and T Sakurada
Induction of igg in young nude mice by lipid a or thymus grafts., C Kolb, R D. Pauli, and E Weiler
Metabolic consequences of drug-induced inhibition of the pentose phosphate pathway in neuroblastoma and glioma cells., H Kolbe, K Keller, K Lange, and H Herken
Carrier-dependent selection of antibody clones and classes during the immune response., H Kolb
The value of reovirus in immunotherapy. Abstr., G M. Kollmorgen, D C. Cox, J L. Cantrell, and W A. Sansing
Immunotherapy of el4 lymphoma with reovirus., G M. Kollmorgen, D C. Cox, J J. Killion, J L. Cantrell, and W A. Sansing
Prediction of the effect of carcinostatic agents on tumor- bearing host by the sensitivity test using acid phosphatase activity in vitro., T Kondo, H Ichihashi, and M Imaizumi
Ability of delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions to distinguish tumor-associated antigens and histocompatibility antigens in soluble extracts from murine fibrosarcomas., N D. Kon, J T. Forbes, and P A. Klein
Measurement of h-2 and non-h-2 antigens in the mouse with the footpad swelling test., N D. Kon and P A. Klein
Suppressor cell induction in vitro. I. Kinetics of induction of antigen-specific suppressor cells., S Kontiainen and M Feldmann
Template specificities of the rna dependent dna polymerase of different murine c-type virus particles., E J. Kontor and R G. Krueger
The cell cycle and retinal histogenesis in fidget mutant mice., B V. Konyukhov and M V. Sazhina
Studies on in vitro carcinogenesis. I. Autoradiographic and biochemical study on the incorporation of labelled methyl- cholanthrene into mouse embryonic cells., L Kopper, A Jeney, G Ferencz, K Lapis, and B Szende
Lymphocyte nucleoli activation as a marker of autoimmune disorder development. I. Observations in nzb mice., L Korcakova, J Rovensky, J Pekarek, and V Haskova
The accessory cell function of a macrophage tumor line (p388d1) in the generation of cytotoxic t lymphocytes, in vitro. Abstr., H S. Koren, K S. Hathcock, and R J. Hodes
T cell memory for the cytotoxic response to hapten- -modified target cells., H S. Koren, J R. Wunderlich, and J K. Inman
On the inhibitory activity of 4-vinyl analogues of pyridoxal. Enzyme and cell culture studies., W Korytnyk, M T. Hakala, P G. Potti, N Angelino, and S C. Chang
Primary and secondary variants in immunoglobulin heavy chain production., S Koskimies and B K. Birshtein
T-cell-deficient mice produce more antihapten antibodies against syngeneic than against allogeneic erythrocyte conjugates., S Koskimies and O Makela
Cytotoxic interactions ov virus-specific effector cells with virus-infected targets of different cell type. Abstr., U Koszinowski and H Ertl
Role of early viral surface antigens in cellular immune response to vaccinia virus., U Koszinowski and H Ertl
Studies on pulmonary aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity in inbred strains of mice., R E. Kouri, T Rude, P E. Thomas, and C E. Whitmire
Suppression of in vitro lymphocyte stimulation in mice by uterine and placental extracts., N M. Kouttab, A K. Fowler, J E. Strickland, and A Hellman
Inhibition by syngeneic erythrocytes of in vitro growth of colonies from murine bone marrow cells., P Kovacs, G Ujj, and F Hernadi
Sexual and parasexual approaches to the genetic analysis of the laboratory mouse, mus musculus., C A. Kozak and F H. Ruddle
The reversible expression of an adult isozyme locus, gdc-1, in tumors of the mouse., L P. Kozak and E D. Murphy
Acceleration of hepatocarcinogenesis of 2,7-bis(acetamido)- fluorene by carbon tetrachloride and time relation of treatment., S Kozuka and R Sassa
The effects of activated macrophages on tumor target cells. Escape from cytostasis., J L. Krahenbuhl, L H. Lambert, and J S. Remington
Loss of suppressor t cells in adult nzb/nzw mice., R S. Krakauer, T A. Waldmann, and W Strober
Loss of suppressor t cells in adult nzb/w mice. Abstr., R S. Krakauer, T A. Waldmann, and W Strober
Expression of the h-y antigen on thymus cells and skin. Differential genetic control linked to k end of h-2., J Kralova and P Demant
Immune competency of nude mice bred from homozygous and heterozygous mothers., M H. Kramer and M E. Gershwin
Murine thymic lymphomas as model tumors for t-cell studies. T-cell markers, immunoglobulin and fc-receptors on akr thymomas., P H. Krammer, R Citronbaum, S E. Read, and R Lang
Fc-rosetting and nonrosetting t cells are killer cells., P H. Krammer, B E. Elliott, and H Von boehmer
Subcutaneous, isogeneic transplantation of duct-ligated pancreas in streptozotocin diabetic mice. Relationships between recovery and hormone contents in transplants of host pancreas., R C. Kramp, R Cuche, W A. Muller, and A E. Renold
Subcutaneous, isogeneic transplantation of either duct- -ligated pancreas or isolated islets in streptozotocin diabetic mice., R C. Kramp, R Cuche, and A E. Renold
Tissue interaction in androgen response of embryonic mammary rudiment of mouse. Identification of target tissue for testosterone., K Kratochwil and P Schwartz
Specific enrichment of antigen-binding receptors from sensitized murine lymphocytes., U Krawinkel and K Rajewsky
H-y (male) antigen. Detection on eight-cell mouse embryos., C J. Krco and E H. Goldberg
Differential suppression of tumor cell-immune stimulant mixtures in various sites. Abstr., J W. Kreider and G L. Bartlett
Inconsistent response of b16 melanoma to bcg immunotherpay., J W. Kreider, G L. Bartlett, and D M. Purnell
Enzyme, distribution and combination chemotherapy studies with 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosylcytosine (ara-c) plus tetrahydrouridine (thu) in 4 animal neoplasms. Abstr., W Kreis and C Hession
Chemical properties of antigen-dependent migration inhibition factor in mice., J Krejci, J Pekarek, L Rozprimova, J Svejcar, and J Johanovsky
Ultrasonic enhancement of nitrogen mustard cytotoxicity in mouse leukemia., F W. Kremkau, J S. Kaufmann, M M. Walker, and C L. Spurr
Immunologic parameters of ultraviolet carcinogenesis., M L. Kripke and M S. Fisher
N-trifluoroacetyladriamycin-14-valerate (ad 32). Abstr., A Krishan, M Israel, E J. Frei, L Uptake, and C L. Of
Purification of poly(adp-ribose) polymerase from ehrlich ascites tumor cells by chromatography on dna-agarose., T Kristensen and J Holtlund
Control of lysozyme induction in the differentiation of myeloid leukemic cells., A Krystosek and L Sachs
Inheritance of sperm head abnormality types in mice--the role of the y chromosome., H Krzanowska