
Submissions from 1976

Folate metabolism in mammalian cells in culture. I. Partial characterization of the folate derivatives present in l1210 mouse leukemia cells., R G. Moran, W C. Werkheiser, and S F. Zakrzewski

Time dependent cytotoxicity of adriamycin and daunomycin in primary cultures of normal and neoplastic mammary glands., L Morasca, ottaviano E. Fogar, and S Garattini

Characterization of glycoprotein-galactosyltransferase activity in ascitic fluid of balb/c-yc8 mice., E Morel, sachot N. Achy, G Spik, and J Montreuil

Interralations between private and public specificities controlled by d region of h-2 complex. Abstr., D Morello, F Lemonnier, and P Demant

Blockade of specific antibody-forming cells in vivo by dextrans and levans., C Moreno and C Hale

Macrophage clearance function and immune complex disease in new zealand black/white f1 hybrid mice., A G. Morgan and M W. Steward

Enumeration of specific antibody-forming cells of the mouse spleen after stimulation with protein antigens., S Morikawa and A H. Coons

Long-term effects of neonatal steroid exposure on mammary gland development and tumorigenesis in mice., T Mori, H A. Bern, K T. Mills, and P N. Young

Mitogen induction of murine c-type viruses. II. Effect of b-lymphocyte mitogens., C Moroni and G Schumann

Inducement of suppressor cells by poly a.u. Abstr., C K. Morris and A G. Johnson

The effects of single administration of an anti-tumor platinum compound on ornithine decarboxylase activity in certain tissues of mice bearing l1210 leukemia., C R. Morris, L M. Atkins, and G R. Gale

Combination therapy between radiation and malonato (1,2-diamino-cyclohexane)platinum(ii) (nsc-224964) in mice bearing the l1210 leukemia. Abstr., C R. Morris and L H. Blackwell

The effect of t and b lymphocyte depletion on the protection of mice vaccinated with a gal e mutant of salmonella typhimurium., J A. Morris, C Wray, and W J. Sojka

Isolation of a lipid a bound polypeptide responsible for 'lps--initiated' mitogenesis of c3h/hej spleen cells., D C. Morrison, S J. Betz, and D M. Jacobs

Restoration of t-cell responsiveness by thymosin. Development of antituberculous resistance in bcg- -infected animals., N E. Morrison and F M. Collins

Induction of immune polioencephalomyelitis in c58 mice by solubilized line ib antigen. Abstr., R E. Morris and W H. Murphy

Effects of antithymocyte serum on lymph node cells participating in the graft-vs-host reaction., H C. Morse and R Asofsky

Neonatal infection with mouse thymic virus. Effects on cells regulating the antibody response to type iii pneumococcal polysaccharide., H C. Morse, I )ii, S S. Cross, and P J. Baker

Immunoglobulin heavy chain. I. Frequency of two or more m-components in ascitic fluids from 788 primary plasmacytomas., H C. Morse, I )ii, J G. Pumphrey, M Potter, D R. Asofsky, and P C. Of

Regulation of the antibody response to type iii pneumococcal polysaccharide. V. Ontogeny of factors influencing the magnitude of the plaque-forming cell response., H C. Morse, B Prescott, S S. Cross, and P J. Baker

Isolation and properties of the leukocytosis- and lymphocytosis-promoting factor of bordetella pertussis., S I. Morse and J H. Morse

Effects of c-reactive protein on the lymphoid system. II. Inhibition of mixed lymphocyte reactivity and generation of cytotoxic lymphocytes., R F. Mortensen and H Gewurz

Nzb-like immunologic and hemopoietic abnormalities in nzb bone marrow radiation chimeras. Abstr., J I. Morton and B V. Siegel

Prevention of autoimmune development by bone marrow transplants. Abstr., J I. Morton and B V. Siegel

Characteristics of suppressor thymocytes in nzb mice related to disease manifestations. Abstr., R Morton, D Goodman, L Klassen, C Derkay, E Gershwin, R Squire, and A Steinberg

Preparation and characterization of antithymocyte serum and globulin without stem cell activity., B Mosedale, M A. Smith, and J S. Courtenay

Binding of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to transcriptionally active nuclear subfractions of akr mouse embryo cells., H L. Moses, R A. Webster, G D. Martin, and T C. Spelsberg

In vitro responses of cba/n mice. Spleen cells of mice with an x-linked defect that precludes immune responses to several thymus-independent antigens can respond to tnp-lipopoly- saccharide., D E. Mosier, I Scher, and W E. Paul

Ontogeny of in vitro correlates of graft-versus-host reactions., D E. Mosier, R E. Tigelaar, and P L. Cohen

Studies of the copulatory behavior of house mice (mus musculus)., D W. Mosig and D A. Desbury

Light-rearing effects on factors of mouse emotionality and endocrine organ weight., L P. Mos

New mutations causing sterility restricted to the male in rats and mice, p. 115-117. In th. Antikatzides, s. Erichsen, a. Spiegel [eds.], The laboratory animal in the study of reproduction. Stuttgart-, R Moutier

The response of mouse adrenal tumor cells (y-1) to acth. Possible role of microfilaments. Abstr., J J. Mrotek and P F. Hall

The nature and distribution of serologically detectable alloantigens on the preimplantation mouse embryo., harris A. Muggleton and M H. Johnson

Transfer rna species in tumors of different growth rates., H Mukerjee and A Goldfeder

Purkinje cell degeneration, a new neurological mutation in the mouse., R J. Mullen, E M. Eicher, and R L. Sidman

A simple fluorescence staining technique for the differentiation of human tissue transplanted into nude mice., H Muller

Xenotransplantation of human testicular tissue in the nude mouse. Abstr., H Muller and M H. Petersen

Specificity of human antibodies to intracytoplasmic type-a particles of the murine mammary tumor virus., M Muller, S Zotter, and C Kemmer

Lysolecithin analogs. A new class of immunopotentiators with antitumor activity. Abstr., P G. Munder, H Fischer, H U. Weltzien, and O Westphal

Antagonism of the immunosuppressive effects of cytarabine (ara-c) by bacillus calmette-guerin (bcg). Abstr., R I. Murahata and M S. Mitchell

Competitive proliferation in the hematopoietic tissues of irradiated hybrid mice engrafted with parental bone marrow and spleen., S Muramatsu, P Monnot, and J F. Duplan

Bioassay of 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid for carcinogenicity in mice., kovacs I. Muranyi, G Rudali, and J Imbert

The effects of mouse alpha-fetoprotein on t-cell-dependent and t-cell-independent immune responses in vitro., R A. Murgita and H Wigzell

Effects of adriamycin on surface properties of sarcoma 180 ascites cells., S A. Murphree, L S. Cunningham, K M. Hwang, and A C. Sartorelli

Effect of h-2 and ia antibody on the in vitro response to antigens under ir gene control. Abstr., D B. Murphy

A new i subregion (i-j) marked by a locus (ia-4) controlling surface determinants on suppressor t lymphocytes., D B. Murphy, L A. Herzenberg, K Okumura, and H O. Devitt

Iga half molecules. II. Genetic variants of iga detected in normal mouse intestinal contents., J F. Mushinski and M M. Dungan

Membrane receptor sites for poly a.u On murine thymocytes. Abstr., M G. Mutchnick, I H. Han, and A G. Johnson

Kinetic alterations induced by 5-fluorouracil in bone marrow, intestinal mucosa, and tumor., C E. Myers, R C. Young, and B A. Chabner

Interactions of lectins with plasma membrane glycoproteins of the ehrlich ascites carcinoma cell., M S. Nachbar, J D. Oppenheim, and F Aull

Adrenal function in the diabetic mutant mouse (gene symbol db m)., P Naeser

Enzyme activities of the retinal capillaries of hereditary diabetic mice (obob). Abstr., P Naeser

The postnatal development of the junctional complexes of the mouse sertoli cells as revealed by freeze-fracture., T Nagano and F Suzuki

Growth of mammary tumors in a high and a low mammary tumor strains of mice established from the same basal stock of swis albino., H Nagasawa, R Tokuzen, and W Nakahara

Mammary nucleic acids and pituitary prolactin secretion during prolonged lactation in mice., H Nagasawa and R Yanai

Reduction by pituitary grafts of mammary tumor age. Its variability in a high mammary tumor strain of mice. Effects on mammary dna synthesis., H Nagasawa, R Yanai, and H Taniguchi

Mammary tumorigenesis. Establishment of two new strains (shn and sln)., H Nagasawa, R Yanai, H Taniguchi, R Tokuzen, D W. Nakahara, and Y S. For

I. Simultaneous induction of lysosomal enzyme activities and phagocytosis., K Nagata, E Takahashi, M Saito, J Ono, M Kuboyama, D K. Ogasa, and E O. Leukemia

In the mixed lymphocyte reaction., Z Nagy, B E. Elliott, M Nabholz, P H. Krammer, D B. Pernis, and I B. Activated

Specific binding of k- and i-region products of the h-2 complex to activated thymus-derived (t) cells belonging to different ly subclasses., Z Nagy, B E. Ellitt, and M Nabholz

Analysis of histocompatibility antigenic profile of mouse strains inbred and maintained at cancer research institute, bombay., P N. Nair and S G. Gangal

Enzymatic detection of x-ray-induced strand breaks in nuclear dna on sections of mouse tissue., H Nakamura, T Morita, and S Yoshida

Mutant 'meromelia{ mice. II. Pathogenesis of limb malformations. Abstr., H Nakamura, M Yasuda, and M Minezawa

The proliferation of plasma cells from mouse bone marrow in vitro. II. Stimulation of igg-producing cells by an rnase-sensitive thymocyte homogenate., K Nakamura

Interaction between lymphocytes and inflammatory exudate cells. II. A proteolytic enzyme released by pmn as a possible mediator for enhancement of thymocyte response., S Nakamura, M Yoshinaga, and H Hayashi

Postnatal development of brain in mice with congenital ataxia, rolling (rol) and tottering (tg). Abstr., K Nakane

Improved procedure for hypophysectomy of the mouse. (jap. Eng. Summ.)., Y Nakanishi and H Nagasawa

Studies on the role of macrophages in the antibody response of mice. The relationship between the immunogenicity of different forms of antigen and the mode of antigen handling by macrophages., K Nakano

Studies on the role of macrophages in the antibody response of mice. Stimulation of t cell-dependent antibody responses by tolerogenic soluble antigen trapped by macrophages., K Nakano and S Muramatsu

Cellular aspects of non-specific stimulation of antibody production by capsular polysaccharide of klebsiella pneumoniae., I Nakashima, T Kojima, and N Kato

Polyclonal b-cell activator in differentiation and proliferation of b-cells and b memory cells., I Nakashima, F Nagase, T Yokochi, T Kojima, M Ohta, and D N. Kato

Effect of l-asparaginase and asparagine deprivation on rna metabolism in mouse leukemia l5178y cells in suspension culture., T Nakashima, M Kuwano, S Akiyama, and H Endo

Effect of transplanted human ovarian cancer tissue on liver lipid metabolism of nude mice., I Nakazawa and J F. Mead

Separation of megakaryocytes from mouse bone marrow by density gradient centrifugation., A Nakeff and D P. Floeh

In vitro colony assay for a new class of megakaryocyte precursor. Colony-forming unit megakaryocyte (cfu-m)., A Nakeff and S D. Queen

Regulatory substances produced by lymphocytes. Iii. Evidence that lymphotoxin and proliferation inhibitory factor are identical and different from the inhibitor of dna synthesis., Y Namba and B H. Waksman

Use of tnp recognizing helper function for improving anti-tumor responses. Abstr., D Naor

Immune response of new zealand mice to trinitrophenylated syngeneic mouse red cells., D Naor, B Bonavida, R A. Robinson, I N. Shibata, D E. Percy, and E V. Barnett

Autoimmunity and aging. The age-related response of mice of a long-lived strain to trinitrophenylated syngeneic mouse red blood cells., D Naor, B Bonavida, and R L. Walford

Induction of immune responsiveness in a genetically unresponsive tumor-host combination by chemical modification of the immunogen. Abstr., D Naor, N Galili, B Asjo, and G Klein

Reproductive function in mice exposed to neonatal irradiation., D J. Nash and J F. Ragin

In vivo distinction between a target cell for friend virus (fvp) and murine hematopoietic stem cells., A G. Nasrallah and M P. Garry

Isolation of a subpopulation of adherent peritoneal cells with anti-tumor activity., C F. Nathan, V M. Hill, and W D. Terry

A mouse plasma substance carrying beta2-microglobulin activity and lacking in h-2 alloantigenic activity., T Natori, N Tanigaki, and D Pressman

The component fragments obtained by acid dissociation of papain-solubilized h-2 molecules., T Natori, N Tanigaki, D Pressman, O Henriksen, E Appella, and L W. Law

Increase of cyclic gmp induced in murine thymocytes by thymosin fraction 5., P H. Naylor, H Sheppard, G B. Thurman, and A L. Goldstein

Bulbourethral gland infections in mice associated with staphylococcus aureus., J R. Needham and J E. Cooper

Specific elimination of cytotoxic effector cells. 1. Adsorptive behavior of effectors and their precursors on spleen cell monolayers., J R. Neefe and D H. Sachs

Interaction of 1,n6-ethenoadenine derivatives of triphosphopyridine and reduced triphosphopyridine nucleotides with dihydrofolate reductase from amethopterin- -resistant l1210 cells., V G. Neef and F M. Huennekens

Tumour regression with liposome-entrapped asparaginase. Some immunological advantages., E D. Neerunjun and G Gregoriadis

Quantitative studies of muscles transplanted between normal and dystrophic mice., J S. Neerunjun and V Dubowitz

Functional properties of muscles transplanted between normal and dystrophic mice., J S. Neerunjun, D A. Jones, and V Dubowitz

The effect of maternal cytomegalovirus infection on preimplantation development in the mouse., P A. Neighbour

Combination chemotherapy of l1210 leukemia with 1-beta- -d-arabinofuranosylcytosine and 5-azacytidine., G L. Neil, A E. Berger, B K. Bhuyan, and D C. Sante

The nature of the effector cells mediating mitogen- -induced cellular cytotoxicity (micc) and antibody -dependent cellular cytotoxicity (adcc)., D L. Nelson, B M. Bundy, T D. West, and W Strober

Macrophages and lymphoid tissues in mice with concomitant tumour immunity., D S. Nelson and R Kearney

Effect of sera from immunologically altered mice on phytohemagglutinin-induced mouse lymphocyte transformation., D S. Nelson, J M. Penrose, and C N. Shneider

Corticosterone binding in cytosols from brain regions of mature and senescent male c57bl/6j mice., J F. Nelson, C F. Holinka, K R. Latham, A, and C E. Finch

Mechanisms underlying reduced growth rate in c3hba mammary adenocarcinomas recurring after single doses of x-rays or fast neutrons., J S. Nelson, R E. Carpenter, and D Durboraw