Submissions from 1976
Folate metabolism in mammalian cells in culture. I. Partial characterization of the folate derivatives present in l1210 mouse leukemia cells., R G. Moran, W C. Werkheiser, and S F. Zakrzewski
Time dependent cytotoxicity of adriamycin and daunomycin in primary cultures of normal and neoplastic mammary glands., L Morasca, ottaviano E. Fogar, and S Garattini
Characterization of glycoprotein-galactosyltransferase activity in ascitic fluid of balb/c-yc8 mice., E Morel, sachot N. Achy, G Spik, and J Montreuil
Interralations between private and public specificities controlled by d region of h-2 complex. Abstr., D Morello, F Lemonnier, and P Demant
Blockade of specific antibody-forming cells in vivo by dextrans and levans., C Moreno and C Hale
Macrophage clearance function and immune complex disease in new zealand black/white f1 hybrid mice., A G. Morgan and M W. Steward
Enumeration of specific antibody-forming cells of the mouse spleen after stimulation with protein antigens., S Morikawa and A H. Coons
Long-term effects of neonatal steroid exposure on mammary gland development and tumorigenesis in mice., T Mori, H A. Bern, K T. Mills, and P N. Young
Mitogen induction of murine c-type viruses. II. Effect of b-lymphocyte mitogens., C Moroni and G Schumann
Inducement of suppressor cells by poly a.u. Abstr., C K. Morris and A G. Johnson
The effects of single administration of an anti-tumor platinum compound on ornithine decarboxylase activity in certain tissues of mice bearing l1210 leukemia., C R. Morris, L M. Atkins, and G R. Gale
Combination therapy between radiation and malonato (1,2-diamino-cyclohexane)platinum(ii) (nsc-224964) in mice bearing the l1210 leukemia. Abstr., C R. Morris and L H. Blackwell
The effect of t and b lymphocyte depletion on the protection of mice vaccinated with a gal e mutant of salmonella typhimurium., J A. Morris, C Wray, and W J. Sojka
Isolation of a lipid a bound polypeptide responsible for 'lps--initiated' mitogenesis of c3h/hej spleen cells., D C. Morrison, S J. Betz, and D M. Jacobs
Restoration of t-cell responsiveness by thymosin. Development of antituberculous resistance in bcg- -infected animals., N E. Morrison and F M. Collins
Induction of immune polioencephalomyelitis in c58 mice by solubilized line ib antigen. Abstr., R E. Morris and W H. Murphy
Effects of antithymocyte serum on lymph node cells participating in the graft-vs-host reaction., H C. Morse and R Asofsky
Neonatal infection with mouse thymic virus. Effects on cells regulating the antibody response to type iii pneumococcal polysaccharide., H C. Morse, I )ii, S S. Cross, and P J. Baker
Immunoglobulin heavy chain. I. Frequency of two or more m-components in ascitic fluids from 788 primary plasmacytomas., H C. Morse, I )ii, J G. Pumphrey, M Potter, D R. Asofsky, and P C. Of
Regulation of the antibody response to type iii pneumococcal polysaccharide. V. Ontogeny of factors influencing the magnitude of the plaque-forming cell response., H C. Morse, B Prescott, S S. Cross, and P J. Baker
Isolation and properties of the leukocytosis- and lymphocytosis-promoting factor of bordetella pertussis., S I. Morse and J H. Morse
Effects of c-reactive protein on the lymphoid system. II. Inhibition of mixed lymphocyte reactivity and generation of cytotoxic lymphocytes., R F. Mortensen and H Gewurz
Nzb-like immunologic and hemopoietic abnormalities in nzb bone marrow radiation chimeras. Abstr., J I. Morton and B V. Siegel
Prevention of autoimmune development by bone marrow transplants. Abstr., J I. Morton and B V. Siegel
Characteristics of suppressor thymocytes in nzb mice related to disease manifestations. Abstr., R Morton, D Goodman, L Klassen, C Derkay, E Gershwin, R Squire, and A Steinberg
Preparation and characterization of antithymocyte serum and globulin without stem cell activity., B Mosedale, M A. Smith, and J S. Courtenay
Binding of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to transcriptionally active nuclear subfractions of akr mouse embryo cells., H L. Moses, R A. Webster, G D. Martin, and T C. Spelsberg
In vitro responses of cba/n mice. Spleen cells of mice with an x-linked defect that precludes immune responses to several thymus-independent antigens can respond to tnp-lipopoly- saccharide., D E. Mosier, I Scher, and W E. Paul
Ontogeny of in vitro correlates of graft-versus-host reactions., D E. Mosier, R E. Tigelaar, and P L. Cohen
Studies of the copulatory behavior of house mice (mus musculus)., D W. Mosig and D A. Desbury
Light-rearing effects on factors of mouse emotionality and endocrine organ weight., L P. Mos
The response of mouse adrenal tumor cells (y-1) to acth. Possible role of microfilaments. Abstr., J J. Mrotek and P F. Hall
The nature and distribution of serologically detectable alloantigens on the preimplantation mouse embryo., harris A. Muggleton and M H. Johnson
Transfer rna species in tumors of different growth rates., H Mukerjee and A Goldfeder
Purkinje cell degeneration, a new neurological mutation in the mouse., R J. Mullen, E M. Eicher, and R L. Sidman
Xenotransplantation of human testicular tissue in the nude mouse. Abstr., H Muller and M H. Petersen
Specificity of human antibodies to intracytoplasmic type-a particles of the murine mammary tumor virus., M Muller, S Zotter, and C Kemmer
Lysolecithin analogs. A new class of immunopotentiators with antitumor activity. Abstr., P G. Munder, H Fischer, H U. Weltzien, and O Westphal
Antagonism of the immunosuppressive effects of cytarabine (ara-c) by bacillus calmette-guerin (bcg). Abstr., R I. Murahata and M S. Mitchell
Competitive proliferation in the hematopoietic tissues of irradiated hybrid mice engrafted with parental bone marrow and spleen., S Muramatsu, P Monnot, and J F. Duplan
Bioassay of 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid for carcinogenicity in mice., kovacs I. Muranyi, G Rudali, and J Imbert
The effects of mouse alpha-fetoprotein on t-cell-dependent and t-cell-independent immune responses in vitro., R A. Murgita and H Wigzell
Effects of adriamycin on surface properties of sarcoma 180 ascites cells., S A. Murphree, L S. Cunningham, K M. Hwang, and A C. Sartorelli
Effect of h-2 and ia antibody on the in vitro response to antigens under ir gene control. Abstr., D B. Murphy
A new i subregion (i-j) marked by a locus (ia-4) controlling surface determinants on suppressor t lymphocytes., D B. Murphy, L A. Herzenberg, K Okumura, and H O. Devitt
Iga half molecules. II. Genetic variants of iga detected in normal mouse intestinal contents., J F. Mushinski and M M. Dungan
Membrane receptor sites for poly a.u On murine thymocytes. Abstr., M G. Mutchnick, I H. Han, and A G. Johnson
Kinetic alterations induced by 5-fluorouracil in bone marrow, intestinal mucosa, and tumor., C E. Myers, R C. Young, and B A. Chabner
Interactions of lectins with plasma membrane glycoproteins of the ehrlich ascites carcinoma cell., M S. Nachbar, J D. Oppenheim, and F Aull
Adrenal function in the diabetic mutant mouse (gene symbol db m)., P Naeser
Enzyme activities of the retinal capillaries of hereditary diabetic mice (obob). Abstr., P Naeser
The postnatal development of the junctional complexes of the mouse sertoli cells as revealed by freeze-fracture., T Nagano and F Suzuki
Growth of mammary tumors in a high and a low mammary tumor strains of mice established from the same basal stock of swis albino., H Nagasawa, R Tokuzen, and W Nakahara
Mammary nucleic acids and pituitary prolactin secretion during prolonged lactation in mice., H Nagasawa and R Yanai
Reduction by pituitary grafts of mammary tumor age. Its variability in a high mammary tumor strain of mice. Effects on mammary dna synthesis., H Nagasawa, R Yanai, and H Taniguchi
Mammary tumorigenesis. Establishment of two new strains (shn and sln)., H Nagasawa, R Yanai, H Taniguchi, R Tokuzen, D W. Nakahara, and Y S. For
I. Simultaneous induction of lysosomal enzyme activities and phagocytosis., K Nagata, E Takahashi, M Saito, J Ono, M Kuboyama, D K. Ogasa, and E O. Leukemia
In the mixed lymphocyte reaction., Z Nagy, B E. Elliott, M Nabholz, P H. Krammer, D B. Pernis, and I B. Activated
Specific binding of k- and i-region products of the h-2 complex to activated thymus-derived (t) cells belonging to different ly subclasses., Z Nagy, B E. Ellitt, and M Nabholz
Analysis of histocompatibility antigenic profile of mouse strains inbred and maintained at cancer research institute, bombay., P N. Nair and S G. Gangal
Enzymatic detection of x-ray-induced strand breaks in nuclear dna on sections of mouse tissue., H Nakamura, T Morita, and S Yoshida
Mutant 'meromelia{ mice. II. Pathogenesis of limb malformations. Abstr., H Nakamura, M Yasuda, and M Minezawa
Interaction between lymphocytes and inflammatory exudate cells. II. A proteolytic enzyme released by pmn as a possible mediator for enhancement of thymocyte response., S Nakamura, M Yoshinaga, and H Hayashi
Improved procedure for hypophysectomy of the mouse. (jap. Eng. Summ.)., Y Nakanishi and H Nagasawa
Studies on the role of macrophages in the antibody response of mice. Stimulation of t cell-dependent antibody responses by tolerogenic soluble antigen trapped by macrophages., K Nakano and S Muramatsu
Cellular aspects of non-specific stimulation of antibody production by capsular polysaccharide of klebsiella pneumoniae., I Nakashima, T Kojima, and N Kato
Polyclonal b-cell activator in differentiation and proliferation of b-cells and b memory cells., I Nakashima, F Nagase, T Yokochi, T Kojima, M Ohta, and D N. Kato
Effect of l-asparaginase and asparagine deprivation on rna metabolism in mouse leukemia l5178y cells in suspension culture., T Nakashima, M Kuwano, S Akiyama, and H Endo
Effect of transplanted human ovarian cancer tissue on liver lipid metabolism of nude mice., I Nakazawa and J F. Mead
Separation of megakaryocytes from mouse bone marrow by density gradient centrifugation., A Nakeff and D P. Floeh
In vitro colony assay for a new class of megakaryocyte precursor. Colony-forming unit megakaryocyte (cfu-m)., A Nakeff and S D. Queen
Regulatory substances produced by lymphocytes. Iii. Evidence that lymphotoxin and proliferation inhibitory factor are identical and different from the inhibitor of dna synthesis., Y Namba and B H. Waksman
Use of tnp recognizing helper function for improving anti-tumor responses. Abstr., D Naor
Immune response of new zealand mice to trinitrophenylated syngeneic mouse red cells., D Naor, B Bonavida, R A. Robinson, I N. Shibata, D E. Percy, and E V. Barnett
Autoimmunity and aging. The age-related response of mice of a long-lived strain to trinitrophenylated syngeneic mouse red blood cells., D Naor, B Bonavida, and R L. Walford
Induction of immune responsiveness in a genetically unresponsive tumor-host combination by chemical modification of the immunogen. Abstr., D Naor, N Galili, B Asjo, and G Klein
Reproductive function in mice exposed to neonatal irradiation., D J. Nash and J F. Ragin
In vivo distinction between a target cell for friend virus (fvp) and murine hematopoietic stem cells., A G. Nasrallah and M P. Garry
Isolation of a subpopulation of adherent peritoneal cells with anti-tumor activity., C F. Nathan, V M. Hill, and W D. Terry
A mouse plasma substance carrying beta2-microglobulin activity and lacking in h-2 alloantigenic activity., T Natori, N Tanigaki, and D Pressman
The component fragments obtained by acid dissociation of papain-solubilized h-2 molecules., T Natori, N Tanigaki, D Pressman, O Henriksen, E Appella, and L W. Law
Increase of cyclic gmp induced in murine thymocytes by thymosin fraction 5., P H. Naylor, H Sheppard, G B. Thurman, and A L. Goldstein
Bulbourethral gland infections in mice associated with staphylococcus aureus., J R. Needham and J E. Cooper
Specific elimination of cytotoxic effector cells. 1. Adsorptive behavior of effectors and their precursors on spleen cell monolayers., J R. Neefe and D H. Sachs
Interaction of 1,n6-ethenoadenine derivatives of triphosphopyridine and reduced triphosphopyridine nucleotides with dihydrofolate reductase from amethopterin- -resistant l1210 cells., V G. Neef and F M. Huennekens
Tumour regression with liposome-entrapped asparaginase. Some immunological advantages., E D. Neerunjun and G Gregoriadis
Quantitative studies of muscles transplanted between normal and dystrophic mice., J S. Neerunjun and V Dubowitz
Functional properties of muscles transplanted between normal and dystrophic mice., J S. Neerunjun, D A. Jones, and V Dubowitz
The effect of maternal cytomegalovirus infection on preimplantation development in the mouse., P A. Neighbour
Combination chemotherapy of l1210 leukemia with 1-beta- -d-arabinofuranosylcytosine and 5-azacytidine., G L. Neil, A E. Berger, B K. Bhuyan, and D C. Sante
The nature of the effector cells mediating mitogen- -induced cellular cytotoxicity (micc) and antibody -dependent cellular cytotoxicity (adcc)., D L. Nelson, B M. Bundy, T D. West, and W Strober
Macrophages and lymphoid tissues in mice with concomitant tumour immunity., D S. Nelson and R Kearney
Effect of sera from immunologically altered mice on phytohemagglutinin-induced mouse lymphocyte transformation., D S. Nelson, J M. Penrose, and C N. Shneider
Corticosterone binding in cytosols from brain regions of mature and senescent male c57bl/6j mice., J F. Nelson, C F. Holinka, K R. Latham, A, and C E. Finch
Mechanisms underlying reduced growth rate in c3hba mammary adenocarcinomas recurring after single doses of x-rays or fast neutrons., J S. Nelson, R E. Carpenter, and D Durboraw