
Submissions from 1976

Radiation-induced dna scissions and their rejoining in testicular cells of mouse., T Ono and S Okada

Comparative studies of dna size in various tissues of mice during the aging process., T Ono, S Okada, and T Sugahara

Polyclonal stimulation of lymphocytes by macrophages., H G. Opitz, U Opitz, H Lemke, R Huget, and H D. Flad

Modulation of agglutinability by alteration of the surface topography in mouse ascites tumor cells. Abstr., S B. Oppenheimer, B L. Bales, G Brenneman, L Knapp, E S. Lesin, A Neri, and E G. Pollock

Enhancement of dna synthesis and camp content of mouse thymocytes by mediator(s) derived from adherent cells., J J. Oppenheim, A Shneyour, and A I. Kook

Igm-mediated, t cell-independent suppression of humoral immunity., J Ordal, S Smith, D Ness, R K. Gershon, and F C. Grumet

Neurochemical studies in a mouse teratoma with neuro- epithelial differentiation. Presence of cyclic amp, serotonin and enzymes of the serotonergic, adrenergic and cholinergic systems., E K. Orenberg, S R. Vandenberg, J D. Barchas, and M M. Herman

Surface topography and interactions between mouse peritoneal cells allowed to settle on an artificial substrate. Observations by scanning electron microscopy., J M. Orenstein and E Shelton

Undersulfated chondroitin sulfate in the cartilage matrix of brachymorphic mice., R W. Orkin, R M. Pratt, and G R. Martin

The distribution of effector cells for antibody- -dependent cytotoxicity is species dependent., M G. Ormerod and G M. Jolley

The levels of free taurine, glutamate, glycine and gamma-amino butyric acid during the postnatal development of the normal and dystrophic retina of the mouse., H T. Orr, A I. Cohen, and J A. Carter

Immunoenhancement of cellular cytotoxicity by adriamycin and daunorubicin. Abstr., F R. Orsini and E Mihich

The allogeneic effect in inbred mice. V. Analysis of b cell immunoglobulin classes influenced by non-specific and carrier-specific t cell stimuli., B M. Osborne, C W. Pierce, and D H. Katz

Cytogenetic evidence for and frequency of adjacent-2 disjunction in murine t(1;13)70h male heterozygotes., M Oshimura, S Sonta, and A A. Sandberg

Maturation of small lymphocytes in mouse bone marrow. Development of surface immunoglobulin, fc and complement (c'3) receptors. Abstr., D G. Osmond and W C. Yang

Evaluation of genetic risks of alkylating agents. II. Haemoglobin as a dose monitor., golkar S. Osterman, L Ehrenberg, D Segerback, and I Hallstrom

Decreased resistance in some heterozygotes in h-2- -linked immune response to polyoma-induced tumour., D Oth, F Robert, M Berebbi, and G Meyer

Cell division requirement for activation of murine leukemia virus in cell culture by irradiation., J A. Otten, J M. Quarles, and R W. Tennant

Comparative study of cyclophosphamide, 6-mercaptopurine, azathiopurine and methotrexate. Relative effects on the humoral and the cellular immune response in the mouse., I G. Otterness and Y Chang

An endonuclease from mouse cells specific for single-stranded dna., B Otto and R Knippers

Glycerol release in vitro from adipose tissue of obese (ob/ob) mice treated with thyroid hormones., W Otto, T G. Taylor, and D A. York

Combined adriamycin and hyperthermia treatment of a murine mammary carcinoma in vivo., J Overgaard

Influence of extracellular ph on the viability and morphology of tumor cells exposed to hyperthermia., J Overgaard

Occurrence of paired cisternae in the cytoplasm of interphase murine mammary carcinoma cells., J Overgaard

Ultrastructure of a murine mammary carcinoma exposed to hyperthermia in vivo., J Overgaard

Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase induction in mammalian liver-derived cell cultures. Effects of various metabolic inhibitors on the enzyme activity in hepatoma cells., I S. Owens and D W. Nebert

Immunological properties of a homogenous sjl/j reticulum cell sarcoma. Abstr., M H. Owens

Mechanism of syngeneic mixed leukocyte tumor interaction (mlti) in sjl/j mice. Abstr., M H. Owens

Immune functions characteristic of sjl/j mice and their association with age and spontaneous reticulum cell sarcoma., M H. Owens and B Bonavida

Concanavalin a potentiates syngeneic response in murine lymphocytes., K Ozato and J D. Ebert

The differentiation of suppressor cell populations as revealed by studies of the effects of mitogens on the mixed lymphocyte reaction and on the generation of cytotoxic lymphocytes., K Ozato, J D. Ebert, and W H. Adler

A study on the ouabain-sensitive (na+ + k+)-atpase activities of skeletal muscle and brain membrane fractions from genetically dystrophic mice. (jap., Eng. Summ.), H Ozawa, T Miura, and M Sato

Influence of embryonic and adult testis on the differentiation of embryonic ovary in the mouse., W Ozdzenski, T Rogulska, H Batakier, M Brzozowska, and U Stepinska

Age-associated involution of cellular immune function. I. Accelerated decline of mitogen reactivity of spleen cells in adult thymectomized mice., J A. Pachciarz and P O. Teague

Structural alterations of the junctional region in extraocular muscle of dystrophic mice. II. Hypertrophy of the neuromuscular junctional apparatus., B R. Pachter, J Davidowitz, and G M. Breinin

Balb/c mice bearing a chemically induced plasmacytoma. Abstr., M Padarathsingh, J M. Coy, J Dean, D Lewis, J Northing, D J. Holper, and L A. Of

Tumor inhibition by 3h-estrogen-lucanthone treatment. Abstr., J Padawer

Genetic and environmental correlations between brain weight and maze learning in inbred strains of mice and their f1 hybrids., B Padeh and M Soller

Differentiation of b and t mouse lymphocytes in cell suspension and smears., M Padnos

Proliferation of murine thymic lymphocytes in vitro is mediated by the concanavalin a-induced release of a lymphokine (costimulator)., V Paetkau, G Mills, S Gerhart, and V Monticone

Uptake of partially thiolated dna by ascites tumor cells., V Paffenholz, H V. Le, Y Ho, and T J. Bardos

Genetic determination of the beta-galactosidase developmental program in mouse liver., K Paigen, M Meisler, J Felton, and V Chapman

Effect of concanavalin a on expression of cell surface sialyltransferase activity of mouse thymocytes., R G. Painter and A White

Influence of high dose of estradiol on icrc mouse bearing transplanted mammary tumours., S R. Pai and P G. Save

Sodium-dependent efflux of k+ and rb+ through the activated sodium channel of neuroblastoma cells., C Palfrey and U Z. Littauer

Hyperactive t-cell function in young nzb mice, increased proliferative responses to allogenic cells., D W. Palmer, M J. Dauphinee, E Murphy, and N Talal

The serum haptoglobin response to inflammation in neonatal mice and its relationship to phagocytosis., W G. Palmer

The role of carbamoylation in nitrosourea toxicity and antitumor activity in mice. Abstr., L Panasci, P Schein, P Fox, and P V. Woolley

Limitations and utility of a cytolytic assay for measuring simian virus 40-induced cell surface antigens., S J. Pancake and P T. Mora

Regulation of the t-cell response to ectromelia virus infection. I. Feedback suppression by effector t cells., T Pang and R V. Blanden

The cell-mediated immune response to ectromelia virus infection. Secondary response in vitro. Specificity, nature of effector and responder cells and requirements for induction of antigenic changes in stimulator cells., T Pang and R V. Blanden

Cytotoxic t cells in the peritoneal cavity of mice infected with ectromelia virus., T Pang, I D. Gardner, and R V. Blanden

Cooperation between mouse t-cell subpopulations in the cell-mediated response to a natural poxvirus pathogen., T Pang, I F. Kenzie, and R V. Blanden

Glucose tolerance in the nzb/nzw f1 hybrid mouse. Abstr., B Pansky, H S. Kessler, D Senitzer, and E Freimer

The influence of the thymus on multinucleate giant cell formation., J M. Papadimitriou

Effect of mediators on tumor regression. Abstr., B W. Papermaster, A S. Miller, C M. Skisak, and J E. Entire

Role of the spleen in ontogenic development of phytomitogen response in thymus of cba mice., M Papiernik

Study of thymic lymphocyte subpopulations in neonatal mice compared to adult mice., M Papiernik

Role of b-lymphocytes in nonspecific resistance to klebsiella pneumoniae infection of endotoxin-treated mice., M Parant, A Galelli, F Parant, and L Chedid

The helper cell function of primed t cells. I. Marked amplification of antibody formation by antigen-educated t cells carrying surface ig 6 h after priming., F Paraskevas and S T. Lee

T-t cell synergism. A mechanism for amplification of antibody formation. Abstr., F Paraskevas and S T. Lee

Low molecular weight ia antigens in normal mouse serum. II. Demonstration of their t cell origin., C R. Parish, A B. Chilcott, and F C. Kenzie

Low molecular weight ia antigens in normal mouse serum. I. Detection and production of a xenogeneic antiserum., C R. Parish, A B. Chilcott, and I F. Kenzie

Low-molecular-weight ia antigens in normal mouse serum. Iii. Isolation and partial chemical characterization., C R. Parish, D C. Jackson, and I F. Kenzie

Retention of ova in oviducts of senescent mice and hamsters., T A. Parkening

In-vitro fertilization of ova from senescent mice and hamsters., T A. Parkening and M C. Chang

Strain differences in the in vitro fertilizing capacity of mouse spermatozoa as tested in various media., T A. Parkening and M C. Chang

Effects of various low temperatures, cryoprotective agents and cooling rates on the survival, fertilizability and development of frozen-thawed mouse eggs., T A. Parkening, Y Tsunoda, and M C. Chang

Humoral immune response to chemically induced sarcomas. Abstr., G A. Parker and S A. Rosenberg

Heterogeneity of surface immunoglobulin on murine b lymphocytes., R M. Parkhouse, I R. Hunter, and E R. Abney

Allogeneic tumor-syngeneic muscle sandwich grafts. A method for promoting nonspecific growth., R C. Parks

-thioguanosine And 6-selenoguanosine on the murine leukemic cells l5178y. Abstr., R E. Parks, B Robison, M Chu, J B. Melvin, and D E. Leduc

High frequency variation in mammary tumor virus expression in cell culture., W P. Parks, E S. Hubbell, R J. Goldberg, and E M. Scolnick

Non-h-2 foreign alloantigens on chemically induced sarcoma cells as detected by graft-versus-host reaction. Abstr., G Parmiani and G Invernizzi

Serologically detected foreign alloantigens of a chemically induced murine sarcoma. Abstr., G Parmiani, G Invernizzi, and G Carbone

Bcg and the specific immune response to tumor., I B. Parr

Tumour-associated hepatocellular mitosis in ehrlich ascites tumour-bearing mice., E W. Parry

Immunological enhancement of a murine allogeneic lymphoma., C D. Pasqualini and M E. Colmerauer

Regulation of glycogen metabolism in astrocytoma and neuroblastoma cells in culture., J V. Passonneau and S K. Crites

Tumor cell cytotoxicity by macrophages and antibody. A non-lytic, non-phagocytic mechanism. Abstr., G R. Pasternack, J Bukowski, and H S. Shin

Cross-reactions among mouse tumors of different etiology as detected by macrophage electrophoretic mobility (mem) test., L Pasternak, H L. Jenssen, H Kohler, and G Pasternak

Decreased pancreatic somatostatin (srif) concentration in spontaneously diabetic mice., Y C. Patel, L Orci, A Bankier, and D P. Cameron

Formation of mannosyl-lipids by an ectomannosyltransferase in suspensions of balb/c fibroblasts., L M. Patt and W J. Grimes

Biosynthese des acides gras dans les mitochondries de cerveau de souris en presence de malonyl-coa ou d'acetyl-coa., jouas M. Paturneau, N Baumann, and J Bourre

Characterization of mouse taper liver tumor hepatoma chromatin autodigestion and the release of euchromatic segments., I J. Paul and J D. Duerksen

Comparative protein patterns in chromatins from mouse teratocarcinoma cells., D Paulin, J Nicolas, M Jacquet, H Jakob, and F Jacob

Circadian rhythm in dna synthesis in mouse thymus. Effect of altered lighting regimens, restricted feeding and presence of ehrlich ascites tumor., J E. Pauly, L E. Scheving, E R. Burns, and T Tsai

Pathogenesis of ascites in a murine transplantable reticulosarcoma type a., Z Pavelic, M Boranic, K Pavelic, and M Vasarevic

Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin in mice. Histopathology and serum enzyme changes., O R. Pavlovskis, F A. Voelker, and A H. Shackelford

Diversity in regulation. Variations in evolution and rodent mutations, p. 468-482. In excerpta med. Internat. Cong. Ser. NO. 404. Pathogenesis of human muscular dystrophies, proc. Fifth internat. Conf. Muscular dystrophy assoc., Durango, colorado, june 21-25., M R. Payne and gyorgyi A. Szent

Strain-, age-, and tumor-dependent distribution of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase in thymocytes of mice., N H. Pazmino and J N. Ihle

Mechanism of action of melanocyte stimulating hormone. Mouse coat color changes in organ culture. Abstr., D Pearson and I I. Geschwind

Failure of suppressor t cells and their products to suppress in vitro immune responses by dba/1 spleen cells. Abstr., D L. Peavy and C W. Pierce

Early re-stimulation of mlc. Differential effects by mls- -locus products. Abstr., A B. Peck

Specificity in t cell mediated lympholysis. Identical genetic control of the proliferative and effector phases of allogeneic and xenogeneic reactions., A B. Peck, B J. Alter, and K F. Lindahl

The serologically-defined (sd) private and public specificities and their genetic control of t cell mediated cytotoxicity. A discussion. Abstr., A B. Peck and K F. Lindahl

Pulmonary carcinogenesis by derivatives of polynuclear aromatic alkylating agents., R M. Peck, T K. Tan, and E B. Peck

Independent cyclic fluctuations of cell surface parameters. Expression of h-2 antigens, rosetting capacity and thickness of the cell coat., J Peknicova, C Haskovec, V Viklicky, M Kinkor, and A Lengerova

Changing capacity for dna excision repair in mouse embryonic cells in vitro., L Peleg, E Raz, and ishai R. Ben

Thymic hormone activity and spontaneous autoimmunity in dwarf mice and their littermates., M Pelletier, S Montplaisir, M Dardenne, and J F. Bach