Submissions from 1982
Development of oligodendrocytes and schwann cells studied with a monoclonal antibody against galactocerebroside., B Ranscht, P A. Clapshaw, J Price, M Noble, and W Seifert
The role of ia antigens and fc receptor-bearing t-cells in the inhibition of macrophage receptors for cytophilic antibody induced by soluble immune complexes., V S. Rao, J A. Frelinger, and M S. Mitchell
The structure of hair and follicles of mice carrying the naked (n) gene., K A. Raphael, R E. Chapman, P A. Frith, and P R. Pennycuik
In vitro induction of primary and secondary xenoimmune responses by liposomes containing human colon tumor cell antigens., L Raphael and B H. Tom
Transferrin receptor mediated uptake of trace metals in control and irradiated tumor cells. Abstr., J S. Rasey, S M. Larson, and N J. Nelson
Neutron rbe for cell kill and progression delay in two mouse tumor lines in vitro. Abstr., J S. Rasey and N J. Nelson
Tumor cell toxicity of stable gallium nitrate: enhancement by transferrin and protection by iron., J S. Rasey, N J. Nelson, and S M. Larson
Physiological properties of dystrophic mouse spinal root axons., M Rasminsky
Restriction analysis and molecular cloning of endogenous murine leukemia virus-specific dna sequences of the mouse genome., E Rassart and P Jolicoeur
Timing of x-chromosome inactivation in postimplantation mouse embryos., S Rastan
Comparison of chemotaxis of bone marrow cells from c3h mice bearing mammary adenocarcinoma, infection with staphyloccus aureus and necrosis. Abstr., H V. Ratajczak and M G. Lewis
H-2-restricted t-b cell interactions involved in polyspecific b cell responses mediated by soluble antigen., M J. Ratcliffe and M H. Julius
(maf). I. Separation of maf from interferon gamma., T L. Ratliff, D L. Thomasson, R E. Mccool, D W. Catalona, and H P. Factor
A differentiation factor required for the expression of cytotoxic t-cell function., D H. Raulet and M J. Bevan
Helper t cells for cytotoxic t lymphocytes need not be i region restricted., D H. Raulet and M J. Bevan
Complementation of a tsa mutant and replication of a recombinant dna carrying the viral ori region in mouse cells transformed by polyoma virus., G Rautmann, N Glaichenhaus, Z Nahgashfar, E, and M Rassoulzadegan
Autoimmune strains of mice., E S. Raveche, A D. Steinberg, A L. Defranco, and D J. Tjio
Changes in elution profile of plasma proteins from mice with progressive methylcholanthrene fibrosarcoma on sephadex g-200 column. Abstr., P K. Ray and S Saha
Growth control and cell spreading: differential response in preneoplastic and in metastatic cell variants., A Raz and ze'ev A. Ben
Studies on the exocytosis of cultured mass cells derived from mouse bone marrow., E Razin, cardo K. Cordon, C R. Minick, and R A. Good
Possessing a distinct chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan with glycosaminoglycans rich in n-acetylgalactosamine-4,6-disulfate., E Razin, R L. Stevens, F Akiyama, K Schmid, D K. Austen, and E O. Cells
Abolishment of macrophage immunosuppressive properties after carrageenan treatment in pregnant mice. Abstr., E L. Read, V Papademetriou, M Tsokas, and M A. Chirigos
Establishment of gonadotropin-responsive murine leydig tumor cell line., R V. Rebois
Isolation and characterization of plasma membranes from krebs ii ascites cells using percoll gradient., M Record, J Bes, H Chap, and blazy L. Douste
Use of monoclonal antibodies for analysis of antibody-dependent immunity to ocular herpes simplex virus type 1 infection., J T. Rector, R N. Lausch, and J E. Oakes
Frequency analysis of cytolytic t cell precursors (ctl-p) generated in vivo during lethal rabies infection of mice. I. Distinction of ctl-p with different interleukin 2 sensitivity., M J. Reddehase, J H. Cox, and U H. Koszinowski
Response of male germ cells of mouse to acute and frationated doses of 131i induced radiation., P P. Reddy, S B. Reddy, D N. Ebenezer, and O S. Reddi
The cellular uptake of 4-hydroperoxycyclophosphamide. Abstr., W R. Redwood, J Hilton, M Colvin, and A H. Jr
Nerve conduction velocity in mice: a new method and results. Abstr., T E. Reed
Ploidy distribution of tumour cells derived from induced and spontaneously arising metastases of a murine radiation-induced sarcoma, rif-1., J G. Reeve and P R. Twentyman
Quantitative analysis of the arrest and subsequent fate of rif-1 mouse sarcoma subpopulations in the linings following intravenous injection. Abstr., J G. Reeve and P R. Twentyman
Experimental induction of testicular teratomas in dissociated- -reaggregated chimaeric gonads., U Regenass, T D. Friedrich, and L C. Stevens
Metabolic effects of the novel alpha-amylase inactivator hoe 467 in experimental animals. Abstr., G Regitz, H Neubauer, K Geisen, and W Pfarr
Ir-thy-1 effect -- search for the proof. Abstr., J S. Reichner and M B. Zaleski
Inducible macrophage cytotoxins. II. Tumor lysis mechanism involving target cell-binding proteases., T H. Reidarson, G A. Granger, and J Klostergaard
Inducible macrophage cytotoxins. I. Biokinetics of activa- tion and release in vitro., T H. Reidarson, W E. Iii, J Klostergaard, and G A. Granger
Effects of hyperthermia and radiation on mouse testis stem cells., B O. Reid, K A. Mason, H R. Withers, and J West
Audiogenic seizures in mice: asymmetries of the preconvulsive running pattern and subsequent seizure., H M. Reid and R L. Collins
Rotational dynamics of monoclonal anti-damsyl immunoglobulins., J Reidler, V T. Oi, W Carlsen, T M. Vuong, I Pecht, L A. Herzenberg, and L Stryer
Synthesis of lambda1, lambda2, and lambda3 light chains by mouse spleen b cells., E B. Reilly, A R. Frackelton, J, and H N. Eisen
Isolation of a mouse pseudo trna gene encoding cca--a possible example of reverse flow of genetic information., J G. Reilly, R Ogden, and J J. Rossi
Residual radiation injury exhibited in long-term bone marrow cultures., U Reincke, E C. Hannon, and S Hellman
Host-parasite relationship in murine leishmaniasis: pathophysiological and immunological changes., N E. Reiner
Antigen recognition by human t lymphocytes is linked to surface expression of the t3 molecular complex., E L. Reinherz, S Meuer, K A. Fitzgerald, R E. Hussey, H Levine, and S F. Schlossman
Isolation of malignant and functional ly1+ t-cell clones from b-cell lymphomas., C L. Reinisch, A P. Sing, J A. Waldron, and J D. Kemp
Genetic control of the cytolytic t lymphocyte response to influenza viruses: h-2d genes influence the response to h-2kb plus virus., C S. Reiss, M E. Dorf, B Benacerraf, and S J. Burakoff
Augmented immunogenicity of lewis lung carcinoma by infection with herpes simplex virus type 2., gutfreund R. Reiss, N R. Nowotny, V Dostal, and H Wrba
A lectin-resistant mouse lymphoma cell line is deficient in glucosidase ii, a glycoprotein-processing enzyme., M L. Reitman, I S. Trowbridge, and S Kornfeld
Prevention et traitement de la leucemie l1210 de la souris a l'aide de cellules tumorales inactivees et greffees, en association d'un immunomodulateur, la fraction p40, et d'agents antitumoraux. (eng. Summ.)., E Relyveld, B Bizzini, and efraim S. Ben
Pseudosecondary antibody responses to lps induced by toxins for macrophages., K M. Remington and J A. Rudbach
Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies to cholera toxin., E F. Remmers, R R. Colwell, and R A. Goldsby
Xid-defective male (cba/n x c57bl/6)f1 accessory cells present bovine insulin to long-term cultured f1-restricted t-cells., kunz A. Reske, I Iskandar, H Gattner, D Brandenburg, and E Rude
Cerebral malaria in inbred mice. I. A new model and its pathology., J R. Rest
The recognition by monoclonal antibodies of various portions of a major antigenic site of human growth hormone., L A. Retegui, R W. Milne, C L. Cambiaso, and P L. Masson
Prophylactic and therapeutic actions of supplemental beta- -carotene in mice inoculated with c3hba adenocarcinoma cells: lack of therapeutic action of supplemental ascorbic acid., G Rettura, F Stratford, S M. Levenson, and E Seifter
Identification of the physiologically active state of the myco- bacterial glycolipid trehalose 6,6'-dimycolate and the role of fibrinogen in the biologic activities of trehalose 6,6-' -dimycolate monolayers., G S. Retzinger, S C. Meredith, R L. Hunter, K Takayama, and F J. Kezdy
Tumor-associated neural differentiation antigens detected on c1300 neuroblastoma cells by hybridoma monoclonal autoantibodies., R P. Revoltella, R Businaro, G Lauro, and A Toesca
Expression of idiotype 315 (id315) and i-a antigens in mopc-315 tumor cells grown in vivo., C Reyero, D E. Burger, S Ritacco, and J M. Varga
Isolation of a cdna clone for the murine transplantation antigen h-2kb., A A. Reyes, M Schold, K Itakura, and R B. Wallace
The complete amino acid sequence of the murine transplantation antigen h-2db as deduced by molecular cloning., A A. Reyes, M Schold, and R B. Wallace
Decreased resistance to extinction in ob/ob mice following operant training., M A. Reynolds, C L. Goodrick, and D K. Ingram
Generation and characterization of three murine monoclonal nucleotide binding anti-ssdna autoantibodies., P K. Rezaei, P A. Billing, and E W. Jr
Explant culture of human bladder carcinoma cells on cellular and extracellular matrices. Abstr., C A. Reznikoff, K W. Gilchrist, and K B. Cummings
Changes in thermosensitivity of mouse mammary carcinoma following hyperthermia in vivo., J G. Rhee, C W. Song, and S H. Levitt
Changes in thermosensitivity of mouse mammary carcinoma following hyperthermia in vivo. Abstr., J G. Rhee, C W. Song, and S H. Levitt
Neoplastic transformation of rabbit cells by murine sarcoma viruses., J S. Rhim, H G. Bedigian, and R R. Fox
Differential susceptibility of human cells to transformation by murine and avian sarcoma viruses., J S. Rhim, R Trimmer, R J. Huebner, T S. Papas, and G Jay
Levels of beta-galactosidase in resident and inflammatory peritoneal macrophages from c3h and c57bl mice., J M. Rhodes, J Bennedsen, and S O. Larsen
Growth of mouse mammary gland end buds cultured in a collagen gel matrix., J Richards, R Guzman, M Konrad, J Yang, and S Nandi
Liposomally trapped aractp to overcome arac resistance in a murine lymphoma in vitro., V J. Richardson, G A. Curt, and B E. Ryman
Effect of liposomally trapped antitumour drugs on a drug- -resistant mouse lymphoma in vivo., V J. Richardson and B E. Ryman
Effect of intraperitoneal (ip) and intravenous (iv) administration of mve-2 on antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (adcc) of regional adherent cell populations in mice. Abstr., S Richman and K Tatum
Comparative histologic studies of neurotoxicity of nitroimidazole radiosensitizers in cd-1 and c3h mice. Abstr., T A. Rich, R J. Kwan, R Altschuler, C M, S, and R L. Sidman
Enhanced resistance to nocardia brasiliensis infection in mice depleted of antigen-specific b cells., G Rico, R Ochoa, A Oliva, mendoza A. Gonzalez, S M. Walker, and ortiz L. Ortiz
Monoclonal antibody to human thyrotropin., E C. Ridgway, L J. Ardisson, M J. Meskell, and hunter M. Mudgett
Modulation of the circulation and hepatic uptake of immune complexes by carbohydrate recognition systems., A Rifai, D S. Finbloom, D B. Magilavy, and P H. Plotz
Antibodies to a tumor associated antien copurifying with a tumor specific transplantation antigen. Abstr., L B. Riley, B D. Kahan, and N R. Pellis
Immune responses to complex protein antigens. I. Mhc control of immune responses to bovine albumin., R L. Riley, L D. Wilson, R N. Germain, and D C. Benjamin
Influence of anxiety stress and adrenal corticoids upon the incidence of melanoma metastases. Abstr., V Riley and M A. Fitzmaurice
Induction of serum thymic-like activitiy in adult thymectomized mice by a synthetic analog of pge2., garaci C. Rinaldi, V D. Gobbo, C Favalli, E Garaci, F Bistoni, and B M. Jaffe
Cytoplasmic ph and free mg2+ in lymphocytes., T J. Rink, R Y. Tsien, and T Pozzan
Patterns of lymphocyte infiltration in tumor sublines of a single mammary adenocarcinoma. Abstr., A Rios, D Laux, and G Heppner
The pathogenesis of abelson virus lymphomas of the mouse., R Risser
Inhibition of natural killer cell activity in vitro by alcohols., S S. Ristow, J R. Starkey, and G M. Hass
Pyrrolopyrimidine lethality in relation to ribonucleic acid synthesis in sarcoma 180 cells in vitro., P S. Ritch and M Helsmworth
East asian hemoglobin type (hbbp) in wild populations of the house mouse in israel., U Ritte and E Neufeld
Adherence of lymphocytes to capillary endothelial basement membrane from rat and mouse brain in vitro., A Rivenson, V Schnelle, and R Madden
3-deazaguanine: Inhibition of initiation of translation in l1210 cells., R S. Rivest, D Irwin, and H G. Mandel
Inhibition of initiation of translation in l1210 cells yb 8-azaguanine., R S. Rivest, D Irwin, and H G. Mandel
Dome formation by a retrovirus-induced lung adenocarcinoma cell line., A Rizzino, M A. Gonda, and U R. Rapp
Isolation of hybridoma cell lines and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against cholera enterotoxin and its subunits., M Robb, J C. Nichols, S K. Whoriskey, and J R. Murphy
Conversion of dietary n-ethylguanidinoacetate by ehrlich ascites tumor cells and animal tissues to a functionally active analog of creatine phosphate., J J. Roberts and J B. Walker
Evidence for two functionally distinct cross-reactive tumor antigens associated with ultraviolet light and chemically induced tumors., L K. Roberts, D H. Lynch, and R A. Daynes
Protection against natural infection with rickettsia tsutsugamushi in mice., L Roberts, D M. Robinson, and D C. Cavanaugh
Murine monoclonal antibodies specific for virulent treponema pallidum (nichols)., S M. Robertson, J R. Kettman, J N. Miller, and M V. Norgard