Submissions from 1982
Characterization of monoclonal antibodies to the autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus., P L. Roberts and W Naser
A convenient and sensitive cytotoxicity assay for macrophage activating factor., W K. Roberts and A Vasil
Growth of murine sarcoma and murine xenotropic leukemia viruses in japanese quail: induction of tumors and development of continuous tumor cell lines., W G. Robey, W J. Kuenzel, G F. Woude, and P J. Fischinger
Ultrastructural and biochemical characterization of a cloned mouse keratinocyte cell line., leon S. Robine, M D. Appay, G Chevalier, J Perreau, A Zweibaum, and D Paulin
Studies on osteoporosis. Vii. Effect of 17beta-hydroxy-4- -estren-3-one 17-decanoate on experimental osteoporosis., J C. Robin, O W. Suh, and J L. Ambrus
The differential sensitivity of murine akr leukemia and normal bone marrow cells to hyperthermia and lidocaine. Abstr., H I. Robins, R A. Steeves, K A. Miller, and M B. Yatvin
Induction of antinuclear antibodies by mercuric chloride in mice. Abstr., C J. Robinson and T Balazs
Synergistic cytolytic activity by combined populations of peritoneal t lymphocytes and macrophages during the l5178y cell tumor-dormant state in dba/2 mice., M K. Robinson and E F. Wheelock
Syngergistic cytolytic activity produced by peritoneal t lymphocytes and macrophages and associated with maintenance of the l5178y cell tumor dormant state in dba/2 mice. Abstr., M K. Robinson and E F. Wheelock
Synthesis of a defective h-2 histocompatibility antigen by mutant mouse strain balb/c-h-2dm2., P J. Robinson
Cell cycle variation in 125i-labeled epidermal growth factor binding in chemically transformed cells., R A. Robinson, E L. Branum, M E. Volkenant, and H L. Moses
-related Dna sequences from c3h/hen mouse dna., R Roblin, J M. Young, R J. Mural, T E. Bell, N J. Ihle m, and L. Virus
The limited diversity of the mouse gamma-chains anti-gat repertoire does not seem to be noticeably amplified upon class switch., serra J. Rocca, J Mazie, D Moinier, L Leclercq, G Somme, J Theze, and M Fougereau
Sliver staining of the centromeric area of acrocentric and robertsonian metacentric mouse chromosomes., A Rocchi, G Prantera, M D. Castro, and E Capanna
Monoclonal antibody (igm) specific to mouse lymphoma cells (l1210): isolation and therapeutic properties., A Roche and M Monsigny
Evaluation of 2-amino-5-nitrothiazole as a hypoxic cell radiosensitizer., S Rockwell, Z Mroczkowski, and W D. Rupp
Suppression of cell-mediated immunity by misonidazole., S Rockwell and M H. Neaderland
Antigen-specific, h-2-restricted helper t cell hybridomas., N W. Roehm, P Marrack, and J W. Kappler
Antigenic analysis of the surface glycoproteins of a venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus (tc-83) using monoclonal antibodies., J T. Roehrig, J E. Day, and R M. Kinney
Humoral immune responses in murine pregnancy. II. Kinetics and nature of the response in females preimmunized against parental alloantigens., R Roe and S C. Bell
The content of amino acids in the developing cerebellar cortex and deep cerebellar nuclei of granule cell deficient mutant mice., tarlov S. Roffler and M Turey
Effect of hyperthermia on human melanoma cells heated either as solid tumors in athymic nude mice or in vitro., E K. Rofstad and T Brustad
Comparative mutagenicity of 4 dna-intercalating agents in l5178y mouse lymphoma cells., A M. Rogers and K C. Back
Mutagenicity of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin and perfluoro-n-decanoic acid in l5178y mouse-lymphoma cells., A M. Rogers, M E, and E A. Back
H-2b bound to egg lecithin liopsomes: biochemical and functional properties., M J. Rogers
Production of prostaglandin-induced t-cell-derived suppressor factors (pits) by t-lymphocyte hybridomas. Abstr., T J. Rogers
N2a neuroblastoma cells do not possess a coupled gaba-benzo- diazepine receptor-chloride channel complex. Abstr., B H. Rohde, R A. Harris, D Fenner, and D Reedy
Decreased synthesis of basement membrane (heparan sulfate) proteoglycan in diabetic mice. Abstr., D H. Rohrbach, C W. Wagner, V Star, and G R. Martin
Two distinct antigen-induced th cells promote b cell growth and secretory differentiation. Abstr., J W. Rohrer, R K. Gershon, R G. Lynch, and J D. Kemp
Decreased macrophage-mediated tumoricidal activity in iron deficiency anemia. Abstr., S D. Rohrer, B S. Baliga, and R M. Suskind
Interaction of radiosensitizers and wr-2721. I. Modification of skin radioprotection., A Rojas, F A. Stewart, and J Denekamp
An inhibitor of reverse transcriptase in the cytoplasm of the cultured cells and the spleen of mice., M Rokutanda, Y Y. Maeda, and S T. Watanabe
Allosuppressor and allohelper t cells in acute and chronic graft- -vs.-host Disease. I. Alloreactive suppressor cells rather than killer t cells appear to be the decisive effector cells in lethal graft-vs.-host Disease., A G. Rolink, T Radaszkiewicz, S T. Pals, W C. Meer, and E Gleichmann
T-t cell interactions during cytotoxic t cell responses. IV. Murine lymphoid dendritic cells are powerful stimulators for helper t-lymphocytes., M Rollinghoff, K Pfizenmaier, and H Wagner
Positive selection of t-cell subsets. I. Proliferative responses of lyt 2 separated thymocytes and splenic t cells., F M. Rollwagen, B J. Mathieson, and R Asofsky
In vitro production of ige by human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Iii. Demonstration of a circulating ige-bearing cell involved in the spontaneous ige biosynthesis., S Romagnani, G Damiani, M G. Giudizi, R Biagiotti, F Almerigogna, F. Delprete, E Maggi, A Bargellesi, and M Ricci
Intracerebral adoptive immunotherapy of a murine lymphoma antigenically altered by drug treatment in vivo., L Romani, M C. Fioretti, R Bianchi, B Nardelli, and E Bonmassar
Protein intake regulation in adult obese (ob/ob) and lean mice: effects of nonprotein energy source and of supplemental tryptophan., D R. Romsos, K M. Chee, and W G. Bergen
Resistance of l1210 mouse leukemia cells in moderately protein malnourished balb/c mice treated in vivo with thymosin fraction. Abstr., V Ronald, R Watson, and T M. Petro
Natural cytotoxicity of spleen cells from iron deficient mice. Abstr., R D. Ronnlund, S D. Rohrer, B S. Baliga, and R M. Suskind
Effect of splenectomy on the progression of postoperative pulmonary metastases of the 3ll tumor., Y Ron, E Gorelik, M Feldman, and S Segal
Effect of tubulin-binding agents on the infiltration of tumour cells into primary hepatocyte cultures., E Roos and I V. Pavert
Murine complement factor b (bf): sexual dimorphism and h-2 linked polymorphism. Abstr., M H. Roos and P Demant
The acute-phase response in (nzb x nzw)f1 and mrl/l mice. Contrasting patterns resembling those in human systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis, respectively., C Rordorf, H P. Schnebli, M L. Blatz, T, and M B. Pepys
Glucose-induced retention of manganese in pancreatic beta-cells. Abstr., P Rorsman
The production of anti-idiotypic antibodies and of idiotype- -anti-idiotype immune complexes after polyclonal activation induced by bacterial lps., L M. Rose, M Goldman, and P Lambert
Isotype-specific t cell regulation of immunoglobulin expression., Y J. Rosenberg
Repeated isolation of unique qa2+ ia+ clonally derived cell lines from qa2- mice., R S. Rosenson, L Flaherty, H Levine, and C L. Reinisch
Isolation of identical qa2+ cloned cell lines from qa2- splenic lymphomas. Abstr., R S. Rosenson, L Flaherty, and C L. Reinisch
The role of monokines in the activation of t cells as assessed by heteroantisera and monoclonal antibodies to human leukcoytic pyrogen/lymphocyte activating factor/interleukin 1. Abstr., L J. Rosenwasser, T E. Brown, and C A. Dinarello
Experimental antitumor activity and toxicity of a new antibiotic: bbm 928a. Abstr., W C. Rose, J E. Schurig, J B. Huftalen, and W T. Bradner
Chronic autoimmune thyroditis accelerates lymphomagenesis in sjl mice. Abstr., E Rosloniec, L Mayo, K J. Babu, A Giraldo, M A. Leon, Kong, and S P. Lerman
Importance of trophoblast genotype for survival of interspecific murine chimaeras., J Rossant, V M. Mauro, and B A. Croy
The developmental potential of a euploid male teratocarcinoma cell line after blastocyst injection., J Rossant and M W. Mcburney
The stability of n-hydroxymethyl compounds derived from n-methyl containing antitumour agents. Abstr., D Ross, A Gescher, J A. Hickman, and M F. Stevens
The in vitro effect of benzo-pyrene on the immune response. Abstr., R M. Rossi, P Urso, and N Gengozian
Repair of deoxyribonucleic acid lesions caused by adriamycin and ellipticine., W E. Ross and M C. Smith
Effect of folate compounds on the accumulation of methotrexate and the activity of dihydrofolate reductase in liver, kidney and small intestine of the mouse., S P. Rothenberg, M P. Iqbal, and M D. Costa
Colonization of the bowel by neuronal precursors in normal and aganglionic (ls/ls) mutant mice. Abstr., T P. Rothman and M D. Gershon
Binding and inhibit insulin action., R A. Roth, D J. Cassell, K Y. Wong, B A. Maddux, D I. Goldfine, and O A. Insulin
A quantitative cytotoxicity assay using whole blood: application to h-2 tissue typing., B Rotman and M J. Depasquale
Biosynthesis of platelet-activating factor (paf-acether). IV. Impairment of acetyl-transferase activity in thioglycollate- -elicited mouse macrophages., R Roubin, huerta J. Mencia, A Landes, and J Benveniste
Mouse lymph node germinal centers contain a selected subset of t cells--the helper phenotye., R V. Rouse, J A. Ledbetter, and I L. Weissman
An original hypercalcemic infantile renal tumor without bone metastasis: heterotransplantation to nude mice. Report of two cases., merck M. Rousseau, gibod L. Boccon, C Nogues, G Lesec, G Lenoir, F Chatelet, S Avril, and C Nezelof
Effect of ambient temperature on learning., B Roussel, P Turrillot, and K Kitahama
Immunohistological study of the anterior pituitary gland - pars distalis and pars intermedia - in dwarf mice., M Roux, A Bartke, F Dumont, and M P. Dubois
Monoclonal antibodies to epstein-barr virus-induced, transformation-associated cell surface antigens: binding patterns and effect upon virus-specific t-cell cytotoxicity., M Rowe, J E. Hildreth, A B. Rickinson, and M A. Epstein
Natural killer activity by spleen, lymph node, and thymus cells during the graft-versus-host reaction., C Roy, T Chayur, P A. Kongshavn, and W S. Lapp
Histologic monitoring of murine mammary tumor lysis induced by an autologous serum factor., M Roy, F Friedman, S J. Piliero, M Jacobs, R A. Bonomo, and H S. Grob
Radiolabeling of monoclonal antitumor antibodies: comparison of i-125 and in-111-anti-cea with ga-67 in a nude mouse-human colon tumor model. Abstr., I Royston, S E. Halpern, R O. Dillman, P L. Stern, P L. Hagan, A Chen, G S. David, W J. Desmond, T H. Adams, M. Bartholmew, J M. Frincke, and C E. Brautigam
Renal transport of taurine adapts to perturbed taurine homeostasis., R Rozen and C R. Scriver
Activation of a48id silent clones by neonatal treatment with monoclonal a48id bearing proteins is caused by expansion of a48id specific t cells. Abstr., L J. Rubinstein and C Bona
Idiotype-anti-idiotype network. II. Activation of silent clones by treatment at birth with idiotypes is associated with the expansion of idiotype-specific helper t cells., L J. Rubinstein, M Yeh, and C A. Bona
Transforming growth factor production by nontransformed and chemically transformed akr cells. Abstr., R F. Rucker, E L. Branum, and H L. Moses
Mammary stem cell line., P S. Rudland, B A. Gusterson, C M. Hughes, E J. Ormerod, N M. Fo, and F T. Rat
Spermatogenesis and sperm-specific phosphoglycerate kinase b and lactate dehydrogenase c4 isoenzymes in sex-reversed mice., N S. Rudolph, J B. Shovers, and J L. Vandeberg
Alterations in hemoglobin structure and function during murine malaria. Abstr., N M. Rumen
Large granular lymphocytes and granulocytes., H Rumpold, D Kraft, G Obexer, G Bock, D W. Gebhart, and C A. Human
Expression of malignant properties by morphologically transformed balb/c3t3 cells. Abstr., J O. Rundell
Mechanisms of immune lysis. Iii. Characterization of the nature and kinetics of the cytotoxic t lymphocyte-induced nuclear lesion in the target., J H. Russell, V Masakowski, T Rucinsky, and G Phillips
Analysis of the albino-locus region of the mouse. IV. Characterization of 34 deficiencies., L B. Russell, C S. Montgomery, and G D. Raymer
Iga-mediated excretion of bacterial polysaccharide by hepatobiliary transport. Abstr., M W. Russell, T A. Brown, R M. Kulhavy, and J Mestecky
Preferential transport of iga and iga-immune complexes to bile compared with other external secretions., M W. Russell, T A. Brown, and J Mestecky
Effect of dose fractionation on the ethylnitrosourea induction of specific-locus mutations in mouse spermatogonia., W L. Russell, P R. Hunsicker, D A. Carpenter, C V. Cornett, and G M. Guinn
Dose-response curve for ethylnitrosourea-induced specific-locus mutations in mouse spermatogonia., W L. Russell, P R. Hunsicker, G D. Raymer, M H. Steele, K F. Stelzner, and H M. Thompson
Isolation of a dna fraction from ehrlich ascites tumour cells containing the putative origin of replication., G Russev and L Vassilev
Changes in lactic acid content in tumors by hyperthermia. Abstr., K H. Ryu, C W. Song, M S. Kang, and S H. Levitt
Reduced renal cortical ribonucleoside triphosphate pools in three different hypophosphatemic animal models., R L. Sabina, M K. Drezner, and E W. Holmes
Spontaneous immunoglobulin class switching in myeloma and hybridoma cell lines differs from physiological class switching., F Sablitzky, A Radbruch, and K Rajewsky
H-2 influence on the severity of mouse hepatitis virus type 3-induced acute disease., N Sabolovic, bednawska M. Wellman, and D Oth
Immunization of mice against african trypanosomiasis using anti-idiotypic antibodies., D L. Sacks, K M. Esser, and A Sher
Immunization of mice against african trypanosomiasis using anti-idiotypic antibodies. Abstr., D L. Sacks, K M. Esser, and A Sher
An apparent stimulation of cyclic amp phosphodies- terase by arachidonic acid in intact lymphocytes., S A. Saeed, N M. Butt, and D J. Edwards
The enhanced expression of cellular fibronectin in mouse-mouse somatic cell hybrids., S Saga, Y Tsutsui, M Imai, S Nagayoshi, M Takahashi, E Watanabe, K Kawashima, and M Hoshino
Effects of methylmercury on developing mouse cerebellar cortex., P R. Sager, R A. Doherty, and P M. Rodier
Regulatory role of tumor antigen in the generation of humoral and cellular tumor growth enhancing factors in mice. Abstr., S Saha and P K. Ray