Submissions from 1982
Identification of a t cell hybridoma that produces large quantities of macrophage-activating factor., R D. Schreiber, A Altman, and D H. Katz
Strain variation in bleomycin induced pulmonary fibrosis: control by a cyclophosphamide sensitive suppressor cell population. Abstr., D J. Schrier, B Mcgarry, and S H. Phan
Liver tissue graft rejection in murine major histocompatibility complex mutants., J S. Schultz, friberg R. Demott, and T F. Beals
The h-2 haplotype of the pn (palmerston north) inbred strain., J S. Schultz, S E. Walker, and C S. David
Cytotoxicity of 5-thio-d-glucose to tumors in vivo. Abstr., V L. Schuman, S H. Levitt, and C W. Song
Distribution, elimination, and test for carcinogenicity of 2,4-dinitrotoluene in strain a mice., H A. Schut, T R. Loeb, and G D. Stoner
Sv40 large tumor antigen can regulate some cellular transcripts in a positive fashion., T Schutzband, R Robinson, M Oren, and A J. Levine
Regulation of in vitro cytotoxic t lymphocyte generation. II. Demonstration of noncytotoxic alloantigen-specific suppressor t lymphocytes., A Schwartz, S L. Sutton, and R K. Gershon
Murine lymphoid procoagulant activity induced by bacterial lipopolysaccharide and immune complexes is a monocyte prothrombinase., B S. Schwartz, G A. Levy, D S. Fair, and T S. Edgington
Induction of neonatal tolerance to h-2k in b6 mice does not allow the emergence of t cells specific for h-2k plus vaccinia virus., D H. Schwartz and P C. Doherty
Haemopoietic stem cells in leukaemic akr mice: the (akr x c57bl/6)f1 mouse as an in vivo assay system., G N. Schwartz and S S. Boggs
Antibodies to gangliosides and myelin autoantigens are produced in mice following sciatic nerve injury., M Schwartz, B A. Sela, and N Eshhar
Enzyme defect in paps synthesis in brachymorphic mice. Abstr., N B. Schwartz, J Belch, J Henry, J Hupert, and K Sugahara
Effect of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids on the activity and content of fatty acid synthetase in mouse liver., R S. Schwartz and S Abraham
Schedule-dependent synergy and antagonism between high-dose 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosylcytosine and asparaginase in the l5178y murine leukemia., S A. Schwartz, B Morgenstern, and R L. Capizzi
Effects of zinc on resident peritoneal macrophage and kupffer cell function. Abstr., C V. Sciortino and M L. Failla
Adult thymectomy does not alter the proportion of t cells of the ly 123 subclass., R Scollay
Amplification of immunoglobulin lambda constant genes in populations of wild mice., C L. Scott, J F. Mushinski, K Huppi, I, and M Potter
In vitro lymphocyte recognition of islet cells following in vivo priming with murine pancreatic islets. Abstr., J Scott and P G. Mackay
Preferential idiotype-isotype associations in antibodies to dintrophenyl antigens., M G. Scott and J B. Fleischman
75se-methionine Labelled trypanosoma cruzi blood trypomasti- gotes: opsonization by chronic infection serum facilitates killing in spleen and liver., M T. Scott and L Moyes
Inability of lymphokine to activate macrophages to kill a mucocutaneous strain of leishmania. Abstr., P A. Scott, D L. Sacks, C A. Nacy, and A Sher
Local passive transfer of delayed-type hypersensitivity in the mouse., H Scovern and F S. Kantor
Cytogenetic effects of protracted gamma exposures from conception of male mice., A G. Searle and C V. Beechey
The use of robertsonian translocations in the mouse for studies on non-disjunction., A G. Searle and C V. Beechey
Dominant lethal and ovarian effects of plutonium-239 in female mice., A G. Searle, C V. Beechey, D Green, and G R. Howells
H-2 expression on a teratocarcinoma-derived cell line, terc., D B. Searls and M Edidin
In vivo resistance toward anthracyclines, etoposide, and cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(ii)., S Seeber, R Osieka, C G. Schmidt, W Achterrath, and S T. Crooke
Effect of androgens on turnover or ornithine decarboxylase in mouse kidney. Studies using labeling of the enzyme by reaction with [14c]alpha-difluoromethylornithine., J E. Seely, H Poso, and A E. Pegg
Measurement of the number of ornithine decarboxylase molecules in rat and mouse tissues under various physiological conditions by binding of radiolabelled alpha-difluoromethylornithine., J E. Seely, H Poso, and A E. Pegg
Ultrastructural differentiation in the nude mouse of transformed cells isolated from the human fetal pituitary gland., Y P. See, A M. Sun, D J. Mccomb, R, and K Kovacs
In vivo studies on hemopoietic stem cells and target cells for friend virus infection in vitro., H J. Seidel and L Kreja
Ornithine (orn) inhibits c3hba tumor growth. Abstr., E Seifter, G Rettura, and S M. Levenson
Moloney murine sarcoma virus tumors in cba/j mice: chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic actions of supplemental beta-carotene., E Seifter, G Rettura, J Padawer, and S M. Levenson
1alpha-, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 receptor in the x-linked hypophosphatemic mouse., Y Seino, R I. Sierra, M Ichikawa, and L V. Avioli
Cell cycle regulation of cloned cytolytic t cells by t cell growth factor: analysis by flow microfluorometry., R P. Sekaly, H R. Macdonald, P Zaech, and M Nabholz
Interferon induction of polyamine-dependent protein kinase activity in ehrlich ascites tumor cells., V Sekar, V J. Atmar, M Krim, and G D. Kuehn
Of human plasma fibronectin: their specificities., K Sekiguchi, C M. Patterson, F Ishigami, D S. Hakomori, and O A. Domains
Paradoxical effect of 1-beta-d-arabinofuranosyl cytosine triphos- phate on bleomycin-induced unscheduled dna synthesis in permeable sarcoma cells., S Seki, H Iwamoto, Y Maki, and T Oda
Effects of immunosuppression with cyclophosphamide on acute murine cytomegalovirus infection and virus-augmented natural killer cell activity., M K. Selgrade, M J. Daniels, P C. Hu, F J. Miller, and J A. Graham
An experimental mouse model of neural tube defects. Abstr., M J. Seller
Evoluation of mouse immunoglobulin lambda genes., E Selsing, J Miller, R Wilson, and U Storb
Immune response to the p-azobenzenearsonate (aba)-gat conjugate: role of i region genes in the selective activation of aba-specific or gat-specific t helper cells., M Seman, D Regnier, B Hermier, and J Dubert
Functional analysis of gat-specific t cell clones: h-2- -restricted monoclonal t helper cells do not regulate expression of antibody isotypes., M Seman, V Zilberfarb, M Gougeon, and J Theze
Effects of oxazaphosphorine cytostatics on granuloid progenitor cell (cfuc) proliferation in mice., H Semont, C Hecquet, M Adolphe, and G Deysson
Ultrasonic hyperthermia and chemotherapy of human tumor xeno- grafts. Abstr., N Senapati, D Houchens, A Overjera, A, and R Nines
Histology of the islets of langerhans following administration of human lymphocytes into athymic mice., M Sensi, P Pozzilli, L Ventriglia, I Doniach, and A G. Cudworth
Activation of an endogenous mouse type c virus by uv-irradiated murine cytomegalovirus., D Sergiescu
High level of alphafetoprotein (afp) and persistence of hemopoiesis in the liver of nude mice., I A. Serova, V M. Yunker, and V I. Kaledin
Kinetics and mechanisms., P Sestini, B E. Bozelka, R D. Deshazo, D J. Salvaggio, and A M. Cytostasis:
Monoclonal anti-mm46 antibody:ricin a chain conjugate: in vitro and in vivo antitumor activity., M Seto, N Umemoto, M Saito, Y Masuho, T Hara, and T Takahashi
Effect of hyperinsulinemia on acid cholesterol ester hydrolase activity in liver, heart and epididymal fat pad preparations from rats and mice., D L. Severson and T Fletcher
Arabinofurano-sylcytosine in sarcoma 180 in vitro., S E. Shackney, S S. Ford, S J. Occhipinti, P S. Ritch, R. Erickson, and H O. Hydroxyurea
Lack of specificity for viral and h-2 antigens by anomalous t killer cells generated in murine leukocyte cultures., B Shain, C A. Holt, and F Lilly
The pathogenesis of pneumonitis due to murine cytomegalovirus., J D. Shanley, E L. Pesanti, and K M. Nugent
Serological and cytological evidence for increased y-chromosome related material in sxr,xy (sex-reversed carrier, male) mice., M Shapiro, R P. Erickson, S Lewis, and L L. Tres
Changes in susceptibility to cytotoxic antibody among tumor cells surviving exposure to chemotherapeutic agents., S J. Shapiro, P J. Leibson, M R. Loken, and H Schreiber
Failure to induce natural killer cell activity in mice with chronic trypanosoma cruzi infection. Abstr., S D. Sharma and G F. Araujo
Enhancement of mouse natural killer cell activity by thyroxine., S D. Sharma, V Tsai, and M R. Proffitt
Association constants of hybridoma antibodies specific for alpha(1-6) linked dextran determined by affinity electrophoresis., J Sharon, E A. Kabat, and S L. Morrison
Immunochemical characterization of binding sites of hybridoma antibodies specific for alpha(1-6) linked dextran., J Sharon, E A. Kabat, and S L. Morrison
Flow cytometric analysis of g1 exit kinetics in asynchronous l1210 cell cultures with the constant transition probability model., T K. Sharpless and F H. Schlesinger
Selective antagonists at the opiate delta-receptor., J S. Shaw, L Miller, M J. Turnbull, J J. Gormley, and J S. Morley
Autoantibodies to insulin receptor spontaneously develop as anti-idiotypes in mice immunized with insulin., Y Shechter, R Maron, D Elias, and I R. Cohen
Electrophoretic analysis of the plasma and urinary proteins and the ceruloplasmin oxidase activity of heterozygous tortoiseshell (moto/+) female mice (mus musculus)., H J. Sheedlo and M L. Beck
Sem analysis of body hairs and whiskers of heterozygous tortoiseshell (moto/+) female mice (mus musculus)., H J. Sheedlo and M L. Beck
Role of humoral immunity in the inhibition of experimental tumor metastases. Abstr., K M. Sheikh, D K. Fadden, and M G. Lewis
Immune response mediated by liposome-associated protein antigens. II. Comparison of the effectiveness of vesicle-entrapped and surface- -associated antigen in immunopotentiation., P N. Shek and B H. Sabiston
Combination drug studies: nitroimidazole potentiation of melphalan activity in vivo. Abstr., P W. Sheldon and E Batten
Potentiation of melphalan activity against a murine tumour by nitroimidazole compounds., P W. Sheldon, E L. Batten, and G E. Adams
Distribution of mammary gland neoplasms and factors influencing metastases in hybrid mice., W G. Sheldon, K Owen, L Weed, and R Kodell
Serological detection of an x-associated antigen in the mouse using a cellular radioimmunobinding assay., J A. Shelton and E H. Goldberg
The successful cryopreservation of in vitro fertilized mouse embryos., K Shelton and I Craft
Further polymorphism of the tla locus defined by monoclonal tl antibodies., F Shen, M J. Chorney, and E A. Boyse
Anti-idiotype induced production of antibody in t-cell depleted, antigen-primed lymph node cells in vitro., R R. Shenk, H Z. Weissberger, and H B. Dickler
Differing populations of intracisternal a-particle genes in myeloma tumors and mouse subspecies., ong G. Shen and M D. Cole
Recombination in mouse plasmacytomas., ong G. Shen, E J. Keath, S P. Piccoli, D M. Cole, and gene M. Immunoglobulin
Delayed-type hypersensitivity (dth) to murine rotavirus: reinfection induces suppression of the dth. Abstr., J F. Sheridan and L Aurelian
Epidermal growth factor induces rapid centrosomal separation in hela and 3t3 cells., P Sherline and R N. Mascardo
Genetic linkage of the cytolytic t lymphocyte repertoire and immunoglobulin heavy chain genes., L A. Sherman
Recognition of conformational determinants of h-2 by cytolytic t lymphocytes., L A. Sherman
Experimental cryptosporidiosis in laboratory mice., D Sherwood, K W. Angus, D R. Snodgrass, and S Tzipori
Host control of susceptibility to erythroleukemia and to the types of leukemia induced by friend murine leukemia virus: initial and late stages., T Shibuya and T W. Mak
Induction of erythroid tumorigenic colonies by friend helper virus f-mulv alone and isolation of a new class of friend erythroleukemic cells., T Shibuya and T W. Mak
Erythroleukemia induction by friend leukemia virus. A host gene locus controlling early anemia or polycythemia and the rate of proliferation of late erythroid cells., T Shibuya, Y Niho, and T W. Mak
Electron microscopic localization of specific carbohydrate groups in thin sections of tissues embedded in a hydrophilic resin: concanavalin a receptors in mouse spleen., H Shida, M Shida, G Gorbsky, and M S. Steinberg
The regulation of hapten-specific dth responses., O Shiho, M Takaoki, Y Nakagawa, M Arakawa, D M. Takeuchi, and R T. In
Morphology and function of ganglio-n-tetraosylceramide- positive lymphocyte mediators of natural killer activity., K Shimamura, S Habu, H Fukui, A Akatsuka, O Okumura, and N Tamaoki
Feedback suppression of the immune response in vivo. II. Involvement of prostaglandins in the generation of suppressor- -inducer b lymphocytes., T Shimamura, K Hashimoto, and S Sasaki
Feedback suppression of the immune response in vivo. I. Immune b cells induce antigen-specific suppressor t cells., T Shimamura, K Hashimoto, and S Sasaki
A new antitumour substance, 7-oxabicyclo (2.2.1)-5-heptene-2,3- -dicarboxylic Anhydride., I R. Shimi, Z Zaki, S Shoukry, and A M. Medhat
Japanese wild mouse, mus musculus molossinus, has duplicated immunoglobulin gamma2a genes., A Shimizu, Y Hamaguchi, Y Yaoita, K Moriwaki, Y Kondo, and T Honjo
Increase in pyridinoline cross-linking of mouse bone collagen induced by estrogen., K Shimizu, K Higuchi, T Yamamuro, T Ohtsuji, and T Takeda
Laf (il-1)-like lymphocyte stimulating activity derived from cell-free interaction of a serum component and pma. Abstr., S Shimizu, V C. Maino, M A. Norcross, and R T. Smith
Antitumor effect and structure-activity relationship of asterriquinone analogs., S Shimizu, Y Yamamoto, J Inagaki, and S Koshimura
Genetic structure and origin of t haplotypes of mice, analyzed with h-2 cdna probes., H Shin, J Stavenzer, K Arzt, and D Bennett
Correlation of urothelial morphologic characteristics with the development of bladder carcinomas in balb/c female mice administered 2-acetylaminofluorene., Y Shinohara, C H. Frith, and D L. Greenman
Lysosome lipid storage disorder in nctr-balb/c mice. II. Morphological and cytochemical studies., H Shio, S Fowler, C Bhuvaneswaran, and M D. Morris
Isolation of uv-sensitive mutants of mouse l5178y cells by a cell suspension spotting method., T Shiomi, shiomi N. Hieda, and K Sato