Submissions from 1982
Adjuvant activity of purified peptidoglycan of listeria monocytogenes in mice and guinea pigs., I Saiki, K Kamisango, Y Tanio, H Okumura, U Yamamura, and I Azuma
The status of concanavalin a receptors on the lymphocytes of leukemic akr mice: inhibition of redistribution by high concentrations of the lectin., K B. Sainis, A N. Bhisey, K Sundaram, and G P. Phondke
Alterations of brain cholecystokinin receptors in mice made obese with goldthioglucose., A Saito, J A. Williams, S H. Waxler, and I D. Goldfine
An electrophysiological study on the myocardium of dystrophic mice., K Saito, H Ohkura, T Kashima, H Katanasako, and H Tanaka
Age-development changes in susceptibility of erythrocytes to perfringolysin o., M Saito, S Ando, Y Tanaka, Y Nagai, K Mitsui, and J Hase
Induction of interferon-gamma in mouse spleen cells by ok-432, a preparation of streptococcus pyogenes., M Saito, T Ebina, M Koi, T Yamaguchi, Y Kawade, and N Ishida
-acetate On the binding of epidermal growth factor to its cellular receptors., M Saito and I U. Egawa
Effect of removal of the olfactory bulbs on the estrous cycle of the mouse., T R. Saito, K Y. Ebino, and K W. Takahashi
Effects of pup exposure to maternal nest building in virgin female and male mice., T R. Saito, M Katsuyama, and K W. Takahashi
Study of cellular events in postthymectomy autoimmune oophoritis in mice. I. Requirement of lyt-1 effector cells for oocytes damage after adoptive transfer., S Sakaguchi, T Takahashi, and Y Nishizuka
Study on cellular events in post-thymectomy autoimmune oophoritis in mice. II. Requirement of lyt-1 cells in normal female mice for the prevention of oophoritis., S Sakaguchi, T Takahashi, and Y Nishizuka
Fv-1 determinants in xenotropic murine leukemia viruses studied with biological assay systems: isolation of xenotropic virus with n-tropic fv-1 activity in the cryptic form., K Sakai, H Narita, A Adachi, S Tsuruta, T Yorifuji, and A Ishimoto
Production and characterization of a monoclonal antibody to human type iv collagen., L Y. Sakai, E Engvall, D W. Hollister, and R E. Burgeson
Biosynthesis of an interstitial type of collagen by cloned human gastric carcinoma cells., K Sakakibara, T Suzuki, T Motoyama, H Watanabe, and Y Nagai
Dual origin of mesenchymal tissues participating in mouse mammary gland embryogenesis., T Sakakura, Y Sakagami, and Y Nishizuka
A small hypervariable segment in the variable domain of an immunoglobulin light chain stimulates formation of anti-idiotypic suppressor t cells., N Sakato, M Semma, H N. Eisen, and T Azuma
A lysosomal storage disorder in mice: a model of niemann-pick disease., T Sakiyama, M Tsuda, T Kitagawa, R Fujita, and S Miyawaki
Differing stem cell self-renewal of lectin-separated murine bone marrow fractions., A L. Salner, J E. Obbagy, and S Hellman
Characterization of lymphocyte promoter factor(s) made by fcs-induced t-cell line and clones., D Samuel, F Denizot, M Suzan, B Rubin, D P. Goldstein, and L O. willpreliminary
Antigens involved in mouse cytolytic t-lymphocyte (ctl)- -mediated killing: functional screening and topographic relationship., madrid F. Sanchez, D Davignon, E Martz, and T A. Springer
Specificity and idiotypic analysis of monoclonal antibodies directed against the mopc460 idiotype., P Sanchez, C L. Guern, L Phalente, E Barbier, E Buttin, and P Cazenave
The partial protective effect of the hydroxyl radical scavenger dimethyl urea on streptozotocin-induced diabetes in the mouse in vivo and in vitro., S Sandler and A Anderson
Factor-producing and -nonproducing el4 mouse thymoma cells., J J. Sando, M L. Hilfiker, M J. Piacentini, D T. Laufer, and F O. Growth
I-a subregion control of the transfer of delayed type hyper- sensitivity (dth)., M S. Sandrin and I F. Mckenzie
Serological analysis of b6.c-h-2bm12 (i-a Mutant)., M S. Sandrin, I F. Mckenzie, R W. Melvold, and G J. Hammerling
Inhibition of lymphocyte capping by fatty acids in mouse and man., delpin E. Santiago, franco A. Roman, and J I. Colon
Association of sv40 large tumor antigen and cellular proteins on the surface of sv40-transformed mouse cells., M Santos and J S. Butel
Changes of intracellular and externally bound cations accompanying serum stimulation of mouse balb/c 3t3 cells., H Sanui and H Rubin
Combined continuous low dose rate irradiation and radiofrequency hyperthermia in the c3h mouse. Abstr., M D. Sapozink, D R. Goffinet, and G M. Hahn
Strain-specific differences of the major structural proteins of murine mammary tumour virus., D M. Saranath and K A. Karande
Enhancement of murine in vitro antibody formation by hyperthermia., K Saririan and D A. Nickerson
Low-calorie diet prevents the development of mammary tumors in c3h mice and reduces circulating prolactin level, murine mammary tumor virus expression, and proliferation of mammary alveolar cells., N H. Sarkar, G Fernandes, N T. Telang, K, and R A. Good
Cloned t lymphocytes and monoclonal antibodies as probes for cell surface molecules active in t cell-mediated cytolysis., M Sarmiento, D P. Dialynas, D W. Lancki, K A. Wall, M I. Lorber, M R. Loken, and F W. Fitch
A monoclonal antibody detecting the adenovirus type 5e1b-58kd tumor antigen: characterization of the e1b-58kd tumor antigen in adenovirus-infected and-transformed cells., P Sarnow, C A. Sullivan, and A J. Levine
Immunofluorescent detection of erythrocyte sialoglycoprotein antigens on murine erythroid cells., A H. Sarris and G E. Palade
Isolation and partial characterization of the sialoglycoprotein fraction of murine erythrocyte ghosts., A H. Sarris and G E. Palade
Role of the ovary in the sexual differentiation of prolactin and growth hormone cells in the mouse adenohypophysis: a stereological morphometric study by electron microscopy., F Sasaki and M Sano
Regulation of somatotrophic and lactogenic binding sites in mouse liver membranes., N Sasaki, Y Imai, T Tsushima, and F Matsuzaki
Effects of combinations of drugs having different modes of action at the ribonucleotide reductase site on growth of l1210 cells in culture., A Sato, G L. Carter, P C. Bacon, and J G. Cory
Effect of age and radiation on susceptibility to plasmacytoma induction. Abstr., K Sato, E T. Bloom, and T Makinodan
Immunobiologic assessment of two cultured murine colon lines. Abstr., N Sato, M C. Michaelides, and M K. Wallack
Transplantation immunity of two cultured murine colon lines. Abstr., N Sato, M C. Michaelides, and M K. Wallack
Cell type conversion in a mouse melanoma cell clone., S Sato and T Takeuchi
A human hepatoma cell line (plc/prf/5) produces lung metastases and secretes hbsag in nude mice., F R. Sattler, S Paolucci, J W. Kreider, and R L. Ladda
Serological response of a c57bl/6 congenic mutant to the c57bl lymphoma el4: detection and characterization of tumor- -associated antigens on el4. Abstr., P H. Saunders and D L. Very
An increase in peripheral blood ia-positive t cells in sjogren's syndrome correlates with a decrease in the autologus mixed lymphocyte response., B Sauvezie, N Miyasaka, D Charron, C Kielich, J Loeb, D, and N Talal
Mechanism of the antileukemic effects of 1-p-carboxamidophenyl- -3,3-dimethyltriazene and its in vitro metabolites., G Sava, T Giraldi, L Lassiani, C Nisi, and P B. Farmer
Crossing over within h-2 gene complex: analysis of new recombinants. Abstr., S Savarirayan, B Arneson, J Mccormick, and C S. David
Thymic hormone-containing cells. Characterization and localization of serum thymic factor in young mouse thymus studied by monoclonal antibodies., W Savino, M Dardenne, M Papiernik, and J Bach
Relationship between dna chain growth termination and replicon sizes in gamma-irradiated mouse cells., S Sawada, T Enomoto, and L N. Kapp
Incorporation of 5-flourouracil (fu) into murine bone marrow dna in vivo-formation of (fu)dna. Abstr., R C. Sawyer, R L. Stolfi, and D S. Martin
Mechanism of depressed natural killer (nk) activity in p815 tumor bearing mice. Abstr., Q B. Saxena, R K. Saxena, and W H. Adler
Regulation of natural killer activity in vivo. Iii. Effect of hypophysectomy and growth hormone treatment on the natural killer activity of the mouse spleen cell population., Q B. Saxena, R K. Saxena, and W H. Adler
Identity of effector cells participating in the reverse antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity., R K. Saxena, Q B. Saxena, and W H. Adler
(cispt) Derivatives in l1210 cells. Abstr., K J. Scanlon, R Safirstein, J B. Guttenplan, H L. Thies, D S. Waxman, and platin T. Cis
Improved myelination in nerve grafts from the leucodystrophic twitcher into trembler mice: evidence for enzyme replacement., F Scaravilli and J M. Jacobs
Effects of sphingolipids on erythroblastic maturation in the mouse., J L. Scaro, C Miranda, B M. Martin, and M Carrera
Combination with cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum ii (cis)-ddpt or mitomycin c (mit c) against leukemia p388 (p388) in mice. Abstr., F M. Schabel Jr., W R. Laster Jr., M W. Trader, and S L. Mowshowitz
General process of induction of squamous metaplasia by cyclic adenine nucleotide and prostaglandins: mouse prostate glands., F V. Schaefer, R P. Custer, and S Sorof
Induction of neoplastic transformation and single strand dna breaks in c3h 10t1/2 cells by polycyclic hydrocarbon and short chain alkylating agents. Abstr., L M. Schechtman, M A. Gallagher, C J. Henry, R E. Kouri, and R A. Lubet
A method for amplification of sensitivity of the c3h 10t1/2 cell transformation assay. Abstr., L M. Schechtman, E Kiss, J Mccarvill, M Gallagher, R E, U, and R A. Lubet
Preferential but nonexclusive expression of macromolecular antigens on b-lineage cells., M P. Scheid, K S. Landreth, J Tung, and P W. Kincade
Density-dependent changes in gangliosides and sialidase activity of murine neuroblastoma cells., C Schengrund and M A. Repman
Biochemical and morphological study of adriamycin-induced changes in murine neuroblastoma cells., C Schengrund and B A. Sheffler
Control of cytolysis of balb/c-3t3-cells by platelet-derived growth factor: a model system for analyzing cell death., C D. Scher, S A. Young, and K L. Locatell
Cba/n immune defective mice; evidence for the failure of a b cell subpopulation to be expressed., I Scher
Mapping of distinct structural domains on microtubule-associated protein 2 by monoclonal antibodies., T Scherson, B Geiger, Z Eshhar, and U Z. Littauer
Circadian stage-dependent effects of insulin and glucagon on incorporation of [3h]thymidine into deoxyribonucleic acid in the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, caecum, colon, rectum, and spleen of the adult female mouse., L A. Scheving, L E. Scheving, T H. Tsai, and J E. Pauly
Response of mitotic index in mouse corneal epithelium to acth-17 (synchrondyn, hoechst) depends on circadian stage. Abstr., L E. Scheving, J E. Pauly, T H. Tsai, and F Halberg
Cell proliferation and sequential chemotherapy after partial resection of c3h/hej mammary tumors. Abstr., L M. Schiffer, P G. Braunschweiger, and S Betancourt
A monoclonal antibody which inhibits murine b-cell maturation to antibody-producing cells. Abstr., A Schimpl, bettecken U. Chen, and E Wecker
Clonal analysis of expression of tumor-associated transplantation antigens and of metastatic capacity., V Schirrmacher and K Bosslet
Enucleation eliminates a differentiation-specific surface marker from normal and leukemic murine erythroid cells., R A. Schlegel, B M. Phelps, G P. Cofer, and P Williamson
Non-neutralizing monoclonal antibodies can prevent lethal alphavirus encephalitis., A L. Schmaljohn, E D. Johnson, J M. Dalrymple, and G A. Cole
Identification of mammalian sperm surface antigens. II. Characterization of an acrosomal cap protein and a tail protein using monoclonal anti-mouse sperm antibodies., E D. Schmell, B J. Gulyas, L C. Yuan, and J T. August
Role of ia antigen expression and secretory function of accessory cells in the induction of cytotoxic t lymphocyte responses against herpes simplex virus., D S. Schmid, H S. Larsen, and B T. Rouse
Differential uptake of n-(2-chloroethyl)-n'-(trans-4-methyl- -cyclohexyl)-n-nitrosourea (meccnu) and adriamycin (adr) by lewis lung carcinoma (ll) and ridgway osteogenic sarcoma (ros). Abstr., F A. Schmid, G M. Otter, G C. Perri, D J. Hutchison, and F S. Philips
Possible involvement of messenger rna-associated proteins in protein synthesis., H Schmid, K Kohler, and B Setyono
Resistance to encephalitozoon cuniculi in the mouse. Abstr., E C. Schmidt and J A. Shadduck
Increased [3h] leucine incorporation into proinsulin of diabetic mice islets: result of changed intracellular specific radioactivity. Abstr., S Schmidt and B Wilke
Resistance to cell-mediated cytotoxicity is correlated with reduction of h-2k gene products in ark leukemia., W Schmidt and H Festenstein
Heterogeneity of tumorigenicity phenotype in murine tumors. Characterization of tumor clones isolated from primary 3-methyl- -cholanthrene-induced fibrosarcomas., M Schmitt and R A. Daynes
Production of monoclonal antibodies with pre-selected submolecular binding specificities to protein determinants: demonstration with sperm whale myoglobin., H E. Schmitz, H Atassi, and M Z. Atassi
Aging and sister chromatid exchanges. Vii. Effect of aging on background sce in vivo., E L. Schneider, C K. Bickings, and H Sternberg
Comparison of in vivo and in vitro sce induction., E L. Schneider and J Lewis
Insulitis in mice induced by multiple low doses of streptozotocin - a morphological study. Abstr., E Schneider, J Schade, F Wohlrab, B Kuttler, and L Cossel
Genetic association between progesterone-induced and maternal nesting in mice., J E. Schneider, C B. Lynch, B Possidente, and J P. Hegmann
Synthesis and evaluation of catechol analogs of diethyl- stilbestrol on a hormone-dependent human mammary carcinoma implanted in nude mice., M R. Schneider, H Schonenberger, R T. Michel, and H P. Fortmeyer
Treatment of human brain tumors in athymic mice with aziridinylbenzoquinone (azq). Abstr., S C. Schold, H S. Friedman, T D. Bjornsson, D G, A, and D D. Bigner
On bone marrow-derived macrophages., L B. Schook, E L. Bingham, D H. Gutmann, D J. Niederhuber, and T A. Products
Murine in vivo carrier-specific igg memory to dnp-ficoll: variation among inbred strains., C F. Schott and B Merchant
A wiscott-aldrich-like syndrome in a congenitally athymic cba/n mouse. Abstr., C F. Schott, M C. Mihm Jr., J C. Fratantoni, T J. Harrist, Poindexter, E F. Lizzio, and B Merchant
Age-related changes in adenophypophyses of mice with the hereditary obese hyperglycemic syndrome (ob/ob) in relation to the diabetic state of the animals., W Schouten, B G. Jenks, and P H. Kroon
Expression of thy-1 antigen is not limited to t cells in cultures of mouse hemopoietic cells., J W. Schrader, F Battye, and R Scollay
The acquisition of receptors for peanut agglutinin by peanut agglutinin-negative thymocytes and peripheral t cells., J W. Schrader, W Chen, and R Scollay
A t cell-derived factor stimulating multipotential hemopoietic stem cells: molecular weight and distinction from t cell growth factor and t cell-derived granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor., J W. Schrader and lewis I. Clark
Differences in murine procarcinogen activation enzymes are not accompanied by parellel differences in procarcinogen-induced sister-chromatid exchange., R R. Schreck, I J. Paika, and S A. Latt