Submissions from 1962
Burdette, walter j. Oncogenetics.
The method of isolation of specific antigens of tumour and normal tissue., G I. Abelev and V S. Zvetkov
Glucose metabolism in phh and phl strains of mus musculus. Abstr., J T. Adams, J A. Weir, and P A. Kitos
Adjuvant effect of diffusion chambers on soluble antigens., F L. Adler and M Fishman
Filtrable virus-like agent isolated from tumours induced by carcino- genic substances., A I. Ageenko
Relation of glucocorticoid activity of steroids to number of metastases., D Albert and I Zeidman
Further studies on the effect of environment on the development of spontaneous mammary cancer and malignant mesenchymal tumors in mice., Z Albert, K Medras, and I Gorska
Survey of the endocrine system of mice with hereditary muscular dystrophy. Abstr., E A. Alger and A V. Boccabella
Distribution of coagulation proteins in normal mouse plasma., R C. Allen, H Meier, and W G. Hoag
Ethylene glycol produced by ethylene oxide sterilization and its effect on blood-clotting factors in an inbred strain of mice., R C. Allen, H Meier, and W G. Hoag
The toxic effects on blood clotting factors of ethylene glycol produced by ethylene oxide sterilization. Abstr., R C. Allen, H Meier, and W G. Hoag
Immunity against tularemia. Passive protection of mice by transfer of immune tissues., W P. Allen
Cytopathic effects of deuterium oxide on the male gonads of the mouse and dog., A P. Amarose and D M. Czajka
Isoantigens of mouse red cells., D B. Amos
The use of simplified systems as an aid to the interpretation of mechanisms of graft rejection., D B. Amos
Azaserine resistance in a plasma-cell neoplasm without change in active transport of the inhibitor., E P. Anderson and J A. Jacquez
Studies of the mammary-tumor agent of strain riii mice., H B. Andervont and T B. Dunn
Variations in radiation recognition by the mouse., H L. Andrews and D C. Peterson
Fast neutron irradiation and the relationship of radiation dose and mammalian tumor cell reproductive capacity., J R. Andrews and R J. Berry
An electron microscope study of age changes in the liver of the mouse., W Andrew
Capacity for histological reconstruction by mouse kidney cells in relation to age., K D. Ansevin and R Buchsbaum
Gamma globulin potentiation of protens lipopolysaccharide effect on sarcoma 180., W Antopol and C Chryssanthou
Inactivation and reactivation of living tumor cells. Abstr., C A. Apffel
Acquired tolerance to skin homografts in mice. Abstr., B F. Argyris
Elimination of runt disease and induction of acquired tolerance by x-irradiated spleen cells., B F. Argyris
Loss of acquired tolerance to skin homografts in mice., B F. Argyris
The growth-promoting effects of wounds on hair follicles already stimulated by plucking., T S. Argyris
Differential response of skin epithelium to growth-promoting effects of subcutaneously transplanted tumor., T S. Argyris and B F. Argyris
Factors affecting the stimulation of hair growth during wound healing., T S. Argyris and B F. Argyris
Chromosome damage in murine and human cells following cytoxan therapy., F E. Arrighi, T C. Hsu, and D E. Bergsagel
Mitotic division of tissue mast cells as indicated by the uptake of tritiated thymidine., hansen G. Asboe and H Levi
Comparative actions of cortisone, androgens and vitamin b12 on body weight and incidence of disease in mice., A D. Ashburn, W L. Williams, and T R. Arlander
Fluorescence microscopy of mouse bone-marrow cells., smith M. Ashwood and M R. Young
Enzymatically produced subunits of proteins formed by plasma cells in mice. II. B2a-myeloma protein and bence jones protein., B A. Askonas and J L. Fahey
The effects of species, strain and sex in thymolytic tests of beta- methasone, dexamethasone and other steroids., R M. Atkinson, M A. Pratt, and E G. Tomich
Test for sex-linked lethals in irradiated mice., C Auerbach, D S. Falconer, and J H. Isaacson
Sodium fluxes in the ehrlich ascites tumor cell. Abstr., F Aull and H G. Hempling
Purification and properties of specific l-histidine decarboxylase. Abstr., D Aures, W J. Hartman, and W G. Clark
Effect of x-irradiation on susceptibility to lymphoma induction by gross passage a virus in adult c3hf/bi mice. Relation to thymic cell multiplication and differentiation. Abstr., A A. Axelrad and H C. Gaag
Susceptibility to lymphoma induction by gross passage a virus in c3hf/bi mice of different ages. Relation to thymic cell multiplication and differentiation., A A. Axelrad and H C. Gaag
Lebermitosehemmung durch homogenate regenerierender leber., E G. Bade and J M. Llanos
Histoincompatibility associated with the x chromosome in mice. Abstr., D W. Bailey
Histologic reaction to ehrlich ascites tumor cells in the mediastinal lymph nodes. Abstr., R N. Baillif
Intravenous live cell immunization against the ehrlich ascites tumor. Abstr., R N. Baillif
The effect of inhaled pu239o2 on the life span of mice., W J. Bair, A D. Wiggins, and L A. Temple
Studies on the activity and distribution of oxidative and hydrolytic enzymes in the skeletal and cardiac muscle of dystrophic mice kept on various diets., E Bajusz and G Jasmin
Response of 3,4,9,10-dibenzphrene-induced tumors and their derived transplants to certain chemotheropeutic agents. Abstr., J R. Baker and A Tregier
Cardiac lesions in mice fed high fat, low protein diets. Abstr., C R. Ball
Accelerated rejection of male skin isografts by female c57bl mice infected with bacillus calmuette-guerin., H Balner, L J. Old, and D A. Clarke
Proliferation and rejection of transplanted tritium labeled bone marrow cells in mice., H Balner, E B. Simmel, and D A. Clarke
Mitotic activity of hyperplastic alveolar nodules and of normal lobules in the mammary glands of c3h/crgl female mice., M R. Banerjee
Effect of mammary tumor virus (mtv) on the mitotic index of non- -mammary tissues of mice. Abstr., M R. Banerjee and H A. Bern
A time and motion study of prefighting behavior in mice., E M. Banks
Effects of 6-diazo-5-oxo-l-norleucine on the incorporation of pre- cursors into nucleic acids., R K. Barclay, E Garfinkel, and M A. Phillipps
The direct effect of pituitary isografts on mammary gland development in the mouse., W Bardin, A G. Liebelt, and R A. Liebelt
Effect of testosterone on oestrogen-induced bone formation in mice., D J. Barker and J N. Crossley
'secondary Disease' in lethally irradiated mice restored with syngeneic or allogeneic foetal liver cells. In mechanisms of immunological tolerance, czech. Acad. Sci., Prague,, D W. Barnes, J F. Loutit, and H S. Micklem
'secondary Disease' of radiation chimeras. A syndrome due to lymphoid aplasia., D W. Barnes, J F. Loutit, and H S. Micklem
Breeding mice in a cold climate. Abstr., S A. Barnett
Total breeding capacity of mice at two temperatures., S A. Barnett
Effects of early restriction and facilitation of climbing on later climbing behavior of mice., A Baron, J J. Antonitis, and S F. Schell
Low-intensity auditory and visual stimuli as reinforcers for the mouse, A Baron and G B. Kish
Tumours of nerve. An electron microscope study., A A. Barton
The relationship between hemagglutinogens and histocompatibility antigens in the mouse., R S. Basch and C A. Stetson
A study of nucleic acid synthesis in ascites tumor cells by two- -emulsion autoradiography., R Baserga
Protein and nucleic acid synthesis during the mitotic cycle of ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Abstr., R Baserga
Comparative study of the kinetics of cellular proliferation of normal and tumorous tissues with the use of tritiated thymidine. I. Dilution of the label and migration of labeled cells., R Baserga and W E. Kisieleski
Further observations on induction of tumors in mice with radioactive thymidine., R Baserga, H Lisco, and W Kisieleski
Increased incidence of tumors in mice injected with tritium-labeled thymidine. Abstr., R Baserga, H Lisco, and W E. Kisieleski
Heterogenic antigens of mouse carcinoma muscular adenylic acid., I S. Bashkaev and M N. Boeva
Electromyography and electron microscopy of dystrophic muscle. Abstr., J V. Basmajian and M T. Rakhawy
Differences in incorporation of glucose-u-c14 in c3h mice during various stages of spontaneous carcinogenesis. Abstr., K V. Batra and G T. Okita
Uber das verhalten des l actatdehydrogenase aktivierenden virus aus mausegeschwulsten bei der autolyse., H Bayerle, A Georgii, and P Jakob
Ultracentrifugation and electron microscope studies on ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Abstr., H W. Beams and R G. Kessel
Choice of animals and sensitivity of experiments., W A. Becker
Additional characteristics of anophthalmic mice. Abstr., S L. Beck
Association of polydactyly and anophthalmia. Abstr., S L. Beck
Teratogenic demonstration of subline differences among c57 black mice. Abstr., S L. Beck
Immunological properties of photodynamically inactivated tumour cells., J S. Bellin
Development of x-ray-induced lamellar cataract in the newborn mouse in relation to age at time of irradiation., W H. Benedict
Growth of sarcoma 180 in adrenalectomized mice., D A. Benton
A screen for agents inhibiting the immune response and the growth of tumours., M C. Berenbaum
Effect of anti-tumour agents on non-dividing cells., M C. Berenbaum and M Calley
A simple rapid method for production of viral antibody in mice., S Berkovich
Influence of steroidal structure on glucuronoside formation by mouse liver and kidney., D L. Berliner, W Stevens, and T F. Dougherty
Autoradiographic studies of the distribution of 1-aminocyclopentane carboxylic acid in normal and cancerous mice., L Berlinguet, N Begin, and L M. Babineau
Acute radiosensitivity in mice of differing w genotype., S E. Bernstein
Relation of acute radiation sensitivity to genotype of the blood- -forming tissue. Abstr., S E. Bernstein
Metabolic properties of cells isolated from adult mouse liver., M N. Berry
Fine structure of cells isolated from adult mouse liver., M N. Berry and F O. Simpson
Modification of radiation effect on mammalian tumor cells by pharma- cological agents., R J. Berry and J R. Andrews
Modification of the radiation effect on the reproductive capacity of tumor cells in vivo with pharmacological agents., R J. Berry and J R. Andrews
Metabolic alterations accompanying amethopterin resistance in the ehrlich ascites carcinoma. Abstr., J R. Bertino, B A. Booth, and A C. Sartorelli
Chemically induced mammary tumours following unilateral excision of the nipples in pseudopregnant and lactating breeding balb/c mice., C Biancifiori, G M. Bonser, and F Caschera
The relation between pseudopregnancy and the chemical induction by four carcinogens of mammary and ovarian tumours in balb/c mice., C Biancifiori and F Caschera