
Submissions from 1962

Epitheliomesenchymal interaction in pancreatic morphogenesis., N Golosow and C Grobstein

Anticancer evaluation of amphipterygium odstringens., E E. Gonzalez, G F. Kenna, and J N. Delgado

Study of the mechanism of innate resistance to virus infection., G T. Goodman and H Koprowski

Preservation of functional white blood cells. Abstr., J W. Goodman

The use of isoimmune sera for identification of hemapoietic cells from blood-injected radiation chimeras., J W. Goodman

Evidence for stem cells in the peripheral blood of mice., J W. Goodman and G S. Hodgson

The role of the thymus in development of immunologic capacity in rabbits and mice., R A. Good, A P. Dalmasso, C Martinez, O K. Archer, J C. Pierce, and B W. Papermaster

Techniques of autoradiography using tritiated thymidine and results in thymus and sarcoma 180. Abstr., B G. Goolnick

Aberration of catecholamine metabolism in muscular dystrophy. Abstr., P Gordon

Serological studies on the x antigens., P A. Gorer, M A. Tuffrey, and J R. Batchelor

Relative growth of bones in mice of several inbred strains. (eng. Summary), N Goto

Effect of burn trauma on transplanted tumors and chemical carcino- genesis. Abstr., B Gottfried and N Molomut

Lymphocytosis response in mice pretreated with thymus cells., M L. Gottlieb

Acetoacetate metabolism in muscle homogenates from normal and dystro- phic mice., A Gould and D L. Coleman

Studies on the transfer of antigenic information from a graft to its host environment in the homograft state., D J. Goulian, A Findley, and H Conway

Initiation of immune responses by small lymphocytes., J L. Gowans, D D. Gregor, D M. Cowen, and C E. Ford

Genetic factors in disease. IN. Prob. Of lab. Animal disease, ed. By r. J. C. Harris. Academic, J W. Gowen

Study of the antigenic constituents of sera from mouse/rat chimeras., P Grabar, J Courcon, D W. Branes, C E. Ford, and H S. Micklem

Uber infectiositat und ubertragungsweise der virusbedingten myelois- chen leukamie der maus., A Graffi and W Krischke

Die intravenose applikationsweise zur testung induzierter tumoriso- immunitat bei der maus., A Graffi, G Pasternak, and K Horn

Analysis of linkage between qualitative and quantitative traits in mice. Abstr., D Grahn, K F. Hamilton, and W P. Leslie

The formation of thymidine-5'-triphosphate by enzymes from landschutz ascites-tumour cells. Abstr., H J. Gray and R M. Smellie

Quantitative genetics of skeletal variations in the mouse. II. Crosses between four inbred strains (c3h, dba, c57bl, balb/c)., E L. Green

Histological and immunological changes occurring in parental spleen nodules transplanted into f1 mice. Abstr., I Green and W Solomon

Tottering- a neuromuscular mutation in the mouse and its linkage with oligosyndactylism., M C. Green and R L. Sidman

Effect of nitrogen mustard (hn2) on the dpnase activity of ehrlich ascites cells and its role in glycolysis. Abstr., S Green and O Bodansky

A sex-linked anaemia in the mouse., M S. Grewal

The development of an inherited tooth defect in the mouse., M S. Grewal

The rate of genetic divergence of sublines in the c57bl strain of mice., M S. Grewal

Effects of prior chlorotetracycline hydrochloride exposure on the be- havior of subcutaneously implanted neonatal mouse humeri., J M. Grewe and W J. Felts

Mouse pituitary thyrotropic tumors with lymphocyte stimulating and growth hormone-like effect. Abstr., R Grinberg, E Sproul, and S C. Werner

Studies with mouse pituitary thyrotropic tumors. V. Effect of various thyroxine analogs on growth and secretion., R Grinberg, J Tierney, and S C. Werner

Studies with mouse pituitary thyrotropic tumors, iii. Diiodotyrosine, monoiodotyrosine ratio in the hyperfunctioning thyroid of mice bearing implants of an autonomous nonresponsive strain., R Grinberg, E M. Volpert, and S C. Werner

Effect of magnetic fields on tumour immune responses in mice., L Gross

Pathogenic properties of a filterable virus causing leukemia in rats. Abstr., L Gross

Transmission of mouse leukemia virus through milk of virus-injected c3h female mice., L Gross

Genetical studies on the skeleton of the mouse. Xxxii. The development of shaker with syndactylism., H Gruneberg

A histologic study of spontaneous glomerular lesions in aging rf mice., W D. Gude and A C. Upton

Morphological and immunological liver changes in the course of exper- imental carcinogenesis in mice., V I. Guelstein

Amniotic fluid volume and experimentally-induced congenital malforma- tions., R Gulienetti, H Kalter, and N C. Davis

The collagen content of transplanted tumors., P M. Gullino, F H. Grantham, and S H. Clark

Effect of partial body x-irradiation on development of progressive intercapillary glomerulosclerosis in mice. Abstr., P H. Guttman and H I. Kohn

Immunological determinants of polyoma virus oncogenesis., K Habel

The relationship between polyoma virus multiplication, immunological competence, and resistance to tumor challenge in the mouse., K Habel

Effect of vitamin e on carcinogenicity of methylcholanthrene., S L. Haber and R W. Wissler

The duration of the effect of isologous pituitary implants on the estrus in the intact mouse. Abstr., E O. Hagen and H E. Rawlinson

Studies on resistance against 5-fluorouracil. II. Thymidylate syn- thetase from drug-resistant tumor lines., A Haggmark

Evidence for the development of an optimal concentration of ak leuke- mia preceeding its rejection by swiss mice. Abstr., J A. Halkett

Stimulation du systeme reticulo-endothelial et developpement des tum- eurs malignes experimentales., B N. Halpern, G Biozzi, and C Stiffel

Differential actions of oxonate and oxaidin on pyrimidine metabolism in livers and tumors. Abstr., R E. Handschumacher

Single and fractionated tumoricidal x-ray dose studies on induced mouse lymphosarcomas. Abstr., G E. Hanks and H S. Kaplan

Studies on dopa decarboxylase inhibitors in vivo by use of c14-car- boxyl-labeled dopa., E Hanson and W G. Clark

The role of hormones in mammary tumor development., ghera N. Haran

Role of free radicals in mutation, cancer, aging, and the maintenance of life., D Harman

Effect of irradiation on dna synthesis by mouse lymphoblasts l 5178-y grown in vivo and in vitro. Abstr., H Harrington

Heterosis and adaptability in the heat tolerance of mice., G A. Harrison

Cellular injury in untreated ehrlich's ascites carcinoma., F Hartveit

Evidence of induced immunity to ehrlich's ascites carcinoma brought about through the combination of freund's adjuvant with living tumour., F Hartveit

Further observations on the results of combining freund's adjuvant with living ehrlich ascites carcinoma., F Hartveit

Development of enzyme activities during the histogenesis of the skin in the rat. Abstr., K Hashimoto and K Ogawa

Transplantation non-antigenicity of the foetal placenta., V Haskova

Relationships between transplantation immunity and immunological en- hancement., V Haskova, J Svoboda, and V Matousek

Effects of prednisolone on the in vitro multiplication of ehrlich ascites tumor cell and its oxidative and phosphorylative metabolism., K Hattori

Some cell-bound, species-specific antigens of mouse ascites-tumor cells., G Haughton

Tissue cell antigens, antigens of mouse tumour cell ghosts., G Haughton and D A. Davies

A cytogenetic approach to the y-linked histocompatibility antigen of mice., T S. Hauschka and B A. Holdridge

Autosomal translocation of the 'male antigen' of mice and immuno- selection against the y chromosome. Abstr., T S. Hauschka, M Meagher, and B A. Holdridge

Adrenocortical changes after supplementary heterotopic pituitary iso- grafting in ovariectomized c mice., E Haus and F Halberg

Interactions of a chemical carcinogen with neuro-endocrine factors in mouse breast cancer., E Haus and F Halberg

Mouse breast cancer following ectopic pituitary isografting with and without hypothalamic tissue. Abstr., E Haus and F Halberg

The effect of acquired immunologic tolerance on the development of leukemia., E F. Hays

Oncogenic properties of deoxyribonucleic acid isolated from parotid gland tumors., E F. Hays and J A. Carr

Progressive muscle electrolyte changes in normal and dystrophic mice. Abstr., C F. Hazlewood and J M. Ginski

Electron microscopic observations on experimental amyloidosis in the spleen and lymph nodes of the mouse. Abstr., W A. Heefner and G D. Sorenson

Experimental amyloidosis. I. Light and electron microscopic observa- tions of spleen and lymph nodes., W A. Heefner and G D. Sorenson

Das blutbild der maus (eine ubersicht). II. Das normale rote blutbild., H Heinecke

Zur ektoparasitenbekampfung bei maus und ratte., W Heine

In vitro incorporation of thymidine-h3 in the pancreas of normal and obese-hyperglycemic mice., C Hellerstrom, B Hellman, S Brolin, and S Larsson

Some aspects of the structure and histochemistry of the adrenals in obese-hyperglycemic mice., C Hellerstrom, B Hellman, and S Larsson

Histochemical studies on glucose-6-phosphatase, adenosine triphos- phatase and amylo phosphorylase in the panceatic islets of normal and obese-hyperglycaemic mice., B Hellman and C Hellerstrom

Oxidative enzymes in the pancreatic islets of normal and obese-hyper- glycemic mice., B Hellman and C Hellerstrom

Acetate metabolism in isolated epididymal adipose tissue from obese- -hyperglycemic mice of different ages., B Hellman, S Larsson, and S Westman

Influence of glucose on the in vitro acetate metabolism in the epididymal adipose tissue of obese-hyperglycemic mice., B Hellman, S Larsson, and S Westman

The metabolism of variously labelled glucose in fatty livers from mice with congenital hyperglycaemia and obesitas., B Hellman, S Larsson, and S Westman

Morphological characteristics of the epididymal adipose tissue in normal and obese-hyperglycemic mice., B Hellman, I Taljedal, and S Westman

Cytological characteristics of the exocrine pancreatic cells with regard to their position in relation to the islets of langerhans., B Hellman, A Wallgren, and B Petersson

Variations in the sensitivity to polyoma virus in cultures of polyoma tumors and other neoplasms., I Hellstrom and K E. Hellstrom

Further studies on superinfection of polyoma-induced mouse tumors with polyoma virus in vitro., I Hellstrom, K E. Hellstrom, and H O. Sjogren

Karyologic studies on polyoma virus induced mouse tumors., K E. Hellstrom, I Hellstrom, and H O. Sjogren

Potassium transport in the ehrlich ascites mouse tumor cell, evidence for autoinhibition by external potassium., H G. Hempling

Feedback inhibition of purine biosynthesis in ascites tumor cells., J F. Henderson

The plating of tumor components on the subcutaneous expanses of young mice, findings with benign and malignant epidermal growths and with mammary carcinomas., J S. Henderson and P Rous

Malignant cells in the peripheral blood of experimental animals., J W. Hengesh, E A. Grew, and S Nanos

Time and dose relationships in the development of immunity to skin homografts in mice., L Henry and G J. Dammin

Strain specificity of a spontaneous transplantable osteogenic sarcoma in the mouse. Abstr., R Herne, M Gregoire, and G Rona

Appearance of h-2 agglutinins in outcrossed female mice., L A. Herzenberg and B Gonzales

Genetic obesity and neoplasia., W E. Heston and G Vlahakis

Iron metabolism in health and in the neoplastic state., G Hevesy and D Lockner

Studies on helminth immunity. IV. Rapid onset of resistance by the white mouse against a challenging infection with eggs of hymenolepis nana (cestoda hymenolepididae)., D Heyneman

Cholesterol as carcinogen. I. Sarcoma induction by cholesterol in a sensitive strain of mice. II. Croton oil a complete carcinogen., I Hieger