Submissions from 1962
The period of dna synthesis prior to meiosis in the mouse., de faria Lima and K Borum
Acceleration of cancer growth induced by intramuscular injection of tumor and liver mitochondrial suspension from c3h/hej jax mice. Abstr., M C. Li and A J. Chapin
Lipid content in hyperdiploid and hypertetraploid cells isolated from the hyperdiploid ehrlich ascites tumour., P E. Lindahl
Resistance of mice to mouse-adapted influenza a virus., J Lindenmann
Modification of the homograft response after pretreatment with ovarian grafts., O E. Linder
Survival of skin homografts in methylcholanthrene-treated mice and in mice with spontaneous mammary cancers., O E. Linder
Effects of hydrocortisone on ehrlich ascites tumor as compared with 5-fluorouracil. Abstr., A Lindner, H R. Lee, and T Kutham
Maze learning and effects of pretraining in inbred strains of mice., G Lindzey and H Winston
Cause of pre-implantation death of mouse oocytes x-irradiated in vitro. Abstr., T P. Lin and L E. Glass
Effects of in vitro x-irradiation on the survival of mouse eggs., T P. Lin and L E. Glass
Cell population kinetics in the colon of the mouse., M Lipkin and H Quastler
Ovarian tumours due to a functional imbalance of the hypophysis., A Lipschutz and H Cerisola
Ovarian tumours induced by a sterilizing steroid., A Lipschutz, R Iglesias, and S Salinas
The action of gonads on the concentration of radio-iodine by the submaxillary gland of c3h mice., J L. Llach and J H. Tramezzani
Effect of dietary fats on adipose tissue metabolism in experimental obesities. Abstr., S Lochaya and J Mayer
Prevention of delayed foreign marrow reaction in lethally irradiated mice by early administration of methotrexate., H L. Lochte, A S. Levy, D M. Guenther, E D. Thomas, and J W. Ferrebee
Modification of homologous disease in the mouse by methotrexate. Abstr., H L. Lochte and E D. Thomas
Development changes in the palate of normal and cortisone treated strong a mice., H Loevy
Studies on glioma immunity in the mouse., R G. Long, J S. O'connor, and L F. Jelsma
Immunological and trophic functions of lymphocytes., J F. Loutit
'secondary Disease' among lethally irradiated mice restored with haematopoietic tissues from normal or iso-immunized foreign mice., J F. Loutit and H S. Micklem
Formation of incomplete influenza virus in ascites tumor cells. Studies on complement-fixing 's' antigens., I E. Low, M D. Eaton, and S B. Uretsky
On the environmental plasticity of the number of rostellar hooks in larval echinococcus multilocularis., G Lubinsky
Late marrow injury after whole-body exposure to x-rays. Abstr., F C. Ludwig
Quantitative studies on the radiation pathology of the bone marrow of small laboratory mammals. I. The film-ratio method, absolute counts from films prepared with suspensions of bone marrow cells., F C. Ludwig and H I. Kohn
The distribution of vitamin b6 in the tissues of two inbred strains of mice fed complete and vitamin b6-deficient rations., J B. Lyon, J A. Bain, and H L. Williams
The effect of pyridoxine deficiency on muscle and liver phosphorylase of two inbred strains of mice., J B. Lyon and J Porter
Attempts to test the inactive-x theory of dosage compensation in mammals. Abstr., M F. Lyon
The nature of t-alleles in the mouse. Abstr., M F. Lyon
A test for mutagenicity of caffeine in mice., M F. Lyon, R J. Phillips, and A G. Searle
Purification of the mouse mammary tumour virus., M J. Lyons and D H. Moore
Neurochemical differences between two strains of mice., J W. Maas
Parabiotic intoxication. I. Blood volume, total circulating red cell mass, and fe 59 uptake., M H. Mac gillioray and S Tokuda
Effect of strain and group size on the response of mice to 'seconal' anaesthesia., J H. Mackintosh
(homeostasis And the f1 hybrid.), J H. Mackintosh
Corticosteroid activation of ribonuclease in lymphosarcoma p1798. Abstr., R M. Mac leod, C E. King, and V P. Hollander
Quantitative studies on circulating cancer cells in the mouse., R E. Madden and R A. Malmgren
Untersuchungen der katalaseaktivitat des blutes verschiedener mause- stamme., E Magdon
The inflammatory response to a foreign body within transplantable tumors., M J. Mahoney and J Leighton
The effect of antisera against irradiated malignant tissues on the growth of experimental tumors in irradiated animals., I N. Maiskii, G V. Suvorova, and P P. Filatov
Accelerated breakdown of immunological tolerance following whole body irradiation., O Makela and G J. Nossal
Cellular variation during the immune response, one possible model of cellular differentiation., T Makinodan and J F. Albright
Studies on immune reactions in vivo cultures. Proc. Int. Symp. On tissue transpl., Univ. De chile, 1961. ED. By, T Makinodan, E H. Capalbo, P Urso, F Celada, and J F. Albright
Radiosensitivity of spleen cells from normal and pre-immunized mice and its significance to intact animals., T Makinodan, M A. Kastenbaum, and W J. Peterson
Relative antibody-forming capacity of spleen cells as a function of age., T Makinodan and W J. Peterson
Sur la repartition histochimique des lipides dans le foie de souriceau nouveau-ne (0 -60 heures)., P Malet, R Lagarde, and J P. Turchini
(identification Of intranuclear inclusions in chrysoidine hepatoma by means of histochemical methods.), J Malolepszy
Homotransplant antigens, preparation of active cellular fractions by a modified method, properties and attempted dose response., L T. Mann, J M. Corson, and G J. Dammin
Prenatal formation of hair follicle types., S J. Mann
Certains aspects die metabolisme proteinique et nucleique dans les organes des animaux-porteurs de cancer., S E. Manoilov
Isolation of transplantation antigens from a leukemic cell grown in vitro., L A. Manson, G V. Foschi, and J F. Duplan
The enhancement of the action of 6-mercaptopurine (6mp) on leukemia l1210 by compounds which act on the liver. Abstr., C Marchand and J M. Fujimoto
5-'nucleotidase Surrenalienne chez la souris adulte. Points de cytochimie., J C. Marchiex, J P. Turchini, and M Bourges
Radioautographic localization of norepinephrine-h3 in the tissues of mice., B H. Marks, T Samorajski, and E J. Webster
Surgery, cancer chemotherapy, host defenses, and tumor size., D S. Martin, R A. Fugmann, and P Hayworth
Acceptance of tumour homografts by thymectomized mice., C Martinez, A Dalmasso, and R A. Good
Skin homograft survival in thymectomized mice., C Martinez, J Kersey, B W. Papermaster, and R A. Good
Mutual tolerance of donor and host cells in lasting tolerance. Abstr., C Martinez, J M. Smith, and R A. Good
Mutual tolerance of donor and host lymphoreticular cells in lasting tolerance., C Martinez, J M. Smith, and R A. Good
Success in fighting of two varieties of mice., P G. Martin and H G. Andrewartha
Essai de traitement de la leucemie de charlotte friend par la greffe de cellules hematopoietiques de donneurs isogeniques vaccines contre le virus., G Mathe, J Amiel, and C Friend
Bone marrow transplantation after total irradiation in leukemic mice followed by administration of a chemotherapeutic agent to reduce the secondary syndrome and to be added to the antileukemic effect. Abstr., G Mathe, J L. Amiel, and J L. Niemetz
Bone marrow transplantation after total irradiation in leukemic mice followed by administration of a chemotherapeutic agent to reduce the secondary syndrome and to be added to the antileukemic effect. Abstr., G Mathe, J L. Amiel, and J L. Niemetz
Greffes de moelle osseuse apres irradiation totale chez des souris leucemiques suivies de l'administration d'un produit antimitotique., G Mathe, J L. Amiel, and J L. Niemetz
Greffe de moelle osseuse apres irradiation totale chez des souris leucemiques suivie de l'administration d'un antimitotique pour reduire la frequence du syndrome secondaire et ajouter a l'effet anti- leucemique., G Mathe, J Amiel, and J Niemetz
Das verhalten entarteter zellen (ehrlich-ascites-tumor der maus) in embryonalfeld., G Mathis and aspang F. Seilern
Electron microscopic studies on mammary cancer viruses in mice, especially on their form, proliferation and maturation. (in Japanese), K Matsui and S Moriwaki
Evaluation of glycolytic and citric acid cycles in homogenates of dystrophic mouse muscles., G L. Mayer and N Epstein
Musculature of the pet strain of mice., T C. Mayer, E Analysis, and D O. Leg
Positive interracial grafts of embryonic thyroids implanted into the eye of adult mice., R M. May and R Z. Jeanmarie
Etude du mecanisme de stimulation et d'inhibition de la tumeur ascetique d'ehrlich., C Mazurek
The virus of mouse reticulohaemocytoblastosis and its properties. (russian Text), N P. Mazurenko
The sensitivity of cells from normal mouse bone marrow to gamma radiation in vitro and in vivo., E A. Mc culloch and J E. Till
Formation of new vascular channels from local tissues by cellular lysis as shown in mammary carcinomas in mice., H G. Mc donald
Excretion of 4-amino-5-imidazolecarboxamide and creatine, creatinine ratios in human and mouse muscular dystrophy., E G. Mc geer, P L. Geer, J R. Miller, D Derry, and C Nichol
Reduction in 'head-mounts' in the sexual behavior of the mouse as a function of experience., T E. Mc gill
Sexual behavior in three inbred strains of mice., T E. Mc gill
Influence of mammary tumor agent on phosphorus metabolism in various tissues of the mouse. Abstr., R F. Mc gregor and W E. Cornatzer
Screening plant extracts for anticancer activity., G F. Mc kenna and A Taylor
The effect of feeding chelidonium majus l. On the incidence of mammary tumors in mice., G F. Mc kenna and A Taylor
Weak histocompatibility genes, the effect of dose and pretreatment of immunizing cells., C F. Mc khann
Does maternal immunity to male antigen affect the sex ratio of the young., A Mc laren
Urinary amino acid excretion in quivering mice (qv qv). Abstr., W Mc nutt
The list of the mouse strains and substrains produced in breeding stations of the academy of medical sciences of the ussr. (in Russian), N N. Medvedev
Quantitative cytochemical analysis of protein and deoxyribonucleic acid in ascites tumour cells., E S. Meek
Suppression of activity following physiological saline injection, still more variables., G W. Meier
Spontaneous hemorrhagic diathesis in inbred mice due to single or multiple 'prothrombin-complex' deficiencies., H Meier, R C. Allen, and W G. Hoag
Activity of lysozyme in inbred mice., H Meier and W G. Hoag
Blood proteins and immune response in mice with hereditary absence of spleen., H Meier and W G. Hoag
The neuropathology of 'reeler', a neuromuscular mutation in mice., H Meier and W G. Hoag
The zymogram technique as a tool for study of genotypic differences., H Meier, E Jordan, and W G. Hoag
Chronic infusion of tritiated thymidine into mice with tumors., M L. Mendelsohn
A reversely responsive variant of a throtropic tumor with gonado- tropic activity. Abstr., B Messier and J Furth
A reversely responsive variant of a thyrotropic tumor with gonado- tropic activity., B Messier and J Furth
A thymus responsive phase in leukaemogenesis in akr mice., D Metcalf
Leukaemia strains of mice., D A. Metcalf and S R. High
Alkaline phosphatase activity in mouse lymphoma tissue., D Metcalf, N Sparrow, and R Wyllie