Submissions from 1962
Composition of skeletal muscle cell fractions in mice with hereditary muscular dystrophy. Abstr., H Oppenheimer, R B. Rogers, D E. Finkelstein, and K Barany
Experimental effects of histamine on skeletal muscle of mice. Abstr., W K. O'steen
Growth activity of normal and dystrophic muscle implants in normal and dystrophic hosts., W K. O'steen
Normal and dystrophic mouse muscle grown in diffusion chambers in normal and dystrophic hosts. Abstr., W K. O'steen
The distribution of mast cells in mice with hereditary muscular dystrophy., W K. O'steen and J J. Hrachovy
Development of a ddt-tolerant strain of laboratory mice., G W. Ozburn and F O. Morrison
H-2 immunogenicity of liver cell membranes in the mouse., H L. Ozer and L A. Herzenberg
Developmental changes in the plasma protein pattern of the mouse., E M. Pantelouris and P A. Hale
Suppression of antibody forming capacity with thymectomy in the mouse., B W. Papermaster, A P. Dalmasso, C Martinez, and R A. Good
Factors influencing the uptake of cyanocobalamin (vitamin b12) by ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells., W Paranchych and B A. Cooper
Pregnancy-block in female mice placed in boxes soiled by males., A S. Parkes and H M. Bruce
Strain variation in mortality and runt disease in mice thymectomized at birth., D M. Parrott
Role of the thymus in neonatal life., D M. Parrott and J East
An electron microscope study of radiation damage in the mouse oocyte., D F. Parsons
Radiation-induced myeloid leukemias of the rf mouse., D F. Parsons, A C. Upton, M A. Bender, V K. Jenkins, E S. Nelson, D R. Johnson, and O M. Passaged
Further immunological and biological characterization of leukemia viruses., G Pasternak
Eine methode zur haltung und fuhrung von mauseinzuchtlinien und ibre ergebnisse., G Pasternak and G Gryschek
Immunologische crossversuche wit methylchslanthrentumoren eines mauseinzuchtstammes., G Pasternak, H Horn, and A Graffi
Die induktion von isoimmunitat gegen methylcholanthrenetumoren der maus., G Pasternak, K Horn, and A Graffi
Untersuchungen zur frage der isoimmunitat gegen virusinduzierte leukosen der maus., G Pasternak, K Horn, and A Graffi
Resistance to 6-mercaptopurine, i. Biochemical differences between the ehrlich ascites carcinoma and a 6-mercaptopurine-resistant subline., A R. Paterson and A Hori
A new experimental mouse leukemia transplantable to normal rats. Abstr., J Patti and L W. Smith
Changes in plasma proteins of mice during rejection of skin homografts and heterografts., E E. Peacock and W P. Biggers
Reaction of certain mouse and hamster tumor tissue cultures to polyoma virus., H E. Pearson
Some electron-dense particles associated with certain murine tumors., H E. Pearson and R F. Baker
Virus-like particles in mouse tumors. Abstr., H E. Pearson and R F. Baker
A quantitative study of bone marrow grafting, implications for human bone marrow infusions., D E. Pegg
Dose, response in tumour-promotion by euphorbia tirucalli latex., W E. Peirce and F J. Roe
Cytotoxic action of immune lymph cells on mouse ascites tumor cells. Abstr., P Perlman, O Broberger, and E Klein
Osteolathyrism in mice and its modification by strain, age and diet., W R. Petersen
Deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis in oocytes of mouse embryos., H Peters, E Levy, and M Crone
Long-term effects of restriated caloric intake on pancreatic islet tissue in obese-hyperglycemic mice., B Petersson and B Hellman
The pancreatic islet tissue in mice with obesity induced by goldthio- glucose., B Petersson and B Hellman
Intracellular and intranuclear fat droplets in developing hepatic cells of the mouse. Abstr., V B. Peters, H M. Dembitzer, and G W. Kelly
Influence of testosterone on glycine incorpation into mouse kidney beta-glucuronidase., O S. Pettengill and W H. Fishman
The preparation and purification of beta-glucuronidase from mouse liver, kidney and urine., O S. Pettengill and W H. Fishman
The effect of estrogenic hormones on cell division and growth in some tissues of mice., I Pettersson
Elektronenmikroskopische untersuchungen am mausestamm 129 mit hereditarer muskeldystrophie., C Pfeiffer
Passive transfer of immunity to sarcoma i with serum., M E. Phillips and C A. Stetson
Parietal yolk sac carcinoma, clue to the histogenesis of reichert's membrane of the mouse embryo., G B. Pierce, A R. Midgley, J S. Ram, and J D. Feldman
Effects of x-irradiation on the development of eye pigmentation in the mouse., L J. Pierro and H B. Chase
Gross body composition of genetically obese mice and normal littermates. Abstr., G C. Pitts and G F. Hollifield
Enzyme histochemistry of gastric tumours in animals., H T. Planteydt, M P. Leemhuis, and R G. Willighagen
Bioassay of psychoactive agents on escape from auditory stress. Abstr., N Plotnikoff
Influence of steroid hormones on the growth and nature of malignant tumors. (in Russian), M D. Podilchak
Host factors in neoplastic response in 'ingested' carcinogen. Abstr., W E. Poel
Cytolytic effect of homogenates of mouse adenocarcinomas on white cells., E Ponder and R V. Ponder
Antigens of spontaneous mouse mammary tumor tissue., G M. Pontieri, A Bianco, and O J. Plescia
The isolation of a mouse leukaemia virus resembling friend virus., J H. Pope
Role of hb and sol in the inheritance of mouse hemoglobins. Abstr., R A. Popp
Relative ability of parental marrows to repopulate lethally irradiated f1 hybrids. Abstr., R A. Popp and G E. Cosgrove
Inheritance of serum esterases having different electrophoretic patterns among inbred strains of mice., R A. Popp and D M. Popp
Leukaemia in the akr mouse after x-irradiation in utero., D D. Porteous
The action of ribonucleic acid extracted from mouse encephalo- myocarditis virus (mm) on mouse ehrlich ascite carcinoma., R Portocala, I Samuel, G Rutter, and E Nastac
Induction of plasma-cell meoplams in strain balb/c mice with mineral oil and mineral oil adjuvants., M Potter and C R. Boyce
Inhibition of growth of amethapterin-sensitive and amethopterin- -resistant pairs of lymphocytic neoplasms by dietary folic-acid deficiency in mice., M Potter and G M. Briggs
Correlation between radiation cure of a mouse lymphosarcoma and radiation sensitivity of its cells. Abstr., W E. Powers and L J. Tolmach
The effect of ascites sarcoma on the proliferation of normal tissue cells in vivo., S M. Poydock and J C. Fardon
Mast cell increase in mouse leukaemia., M D. Prager and J Bearden
Effects of ionizing radiation on the fine structure and function of the intestinal epithelium of the mouse. I. Villus epithelium., H Quastler and J C. Hampton
Genetic influences on the response of mouse melanocytes to ultraviolet light. Abstr., W C. Quevedo and C F. Tague
Continuous cobalt-60 irradiation and immunity to influenza virus. Abstr., J J. Quilligan, R D. Boche, E J. Carruthers, S L. Axtell, and J C. Trivedi
Erpectro immunoelectroforetico de suero de ratones portadores de tumor de mama espontaneo y en transplante isologo., R Rabinovich de pirosky and S R. Oisgold
Especto immunoelectroforetico de suero de ratones portadores de tumor. Iii. Carcinomas asciticos., R Rabinovich de pirosky and S R. Salmeron
A dissociative effect of puromycin on the pathway of protein synthesis by ehrlich ascites tumor cells., M Rabinovitz and J M. Fisher
Resistance of ehrlich ascites cells to multiple amino acid antagonism., M Rabinovitz and J M. Fisher
S-carbamylcysteine inhibition of protein synthesis by ehrlich ascites tumor cells., M Rabinovitz and J M. Fisher
Enzymic studies on dystrophic mice and their littermates (lipogenesis and cholesterolgenesis)., J L. Rabinowitz
Studies on the recovery of mice irradiated and protected with homologous cells. Abstr., G F. Rabotti
The tumour-inhibiting activity of some 9-aminoacridines and related compounds., C Radzikowski, Z Ledochowski, and A Ledochowski
(a Search for antitumor compounds. II. Effect of 38 synthetic compounds of groups iii-x on the growth of crocker sarcoma in mice.), C Radzikowski, Z Ledochowski, A Ledochowski, M Ruprecht, and M Hrabowska
Comparative histochemical investigation of the functional state of mitochondria in experimental carcinogenesis., N T. Raikhlin
Effects of antiserum and adjuvant on tumor growth. Abstr., F J. Ramsay
Effect of the d locus on phenylalanine-tryosine metabolism in mice. Abstr., H Rauch
A virus-induced disease of mice characterized by erythrocytopoiesis and lymphoid leukemia., F J. Rauscher
Creatine phosphorylkinase in muscles of dystrophic mice., W O. Read
Structural regulation of pigment cell invasion in pet mouse muscle. Abstr., W M. Reams and J G. Hollyfield
Maintenance of melanocytes in the skin of pet mice by surgical trauma. Abstr., W M. Reams and D T. Rovee
Studies on the cachexia of tumor-bearing animals. II. Catalase activity in the tissues of hepatoma-bearing animals., M Rechcigl, V E. Price, and H P. Morris
Immune cytolysis of three mouse ascites tumors., A E. Reif
Parental handling in two strains of mice reared by foster parents., R H. Ressler
The effect of pregnancy on the growth and metastasis of a mouse melanoma., A B. Retik, A S. Ketcham, and N Mantel
An attempt to obtain auto-immunity to tumours with freund's adjuvant and tetanus toxoid., E L. Rhodes
The intracellular distribution of gamma globulin in a mouse plasma cell tumor (x5563) as revealed by fluorescence and electron microscopy., R A. Rifkind, E F. Osserman, K C. Hsu, and C Morgan
The hybridization of donkey and mouse hemoglobins., A Riggs and A E. Herner
Inherited variations in the fine structure of melanin granules in hair bulb melanocytes of the house mouse. Abstr., E W. Rittenhouse
Durch rontgenstrahlen induzierte mediane kiefer- und zahnverschmel- zungen bei der maus., W Ritter and K Degenhardt
Role de l'irradiation par rayons x sur l'apparition de tumeurs mammaires ou ovariennes selon la souche et l'age des souris., M Riviere, I Chouroulinkov, C Marty, and M Guerin
Differences dans l'apparition de tumeurs de l'ovaire selon l'age et la souche de souris soumises a une irradiation generale par rayons x., M R. Riviere, I Chouroulinkov, C Lasne, and M Guerin
Differences dans l'apparition de tumeurs lymphoides chez des souris spontanement resistantes, apres une irradiation par rayons x avec ou sano association d'un extrait leucemique homologue., M R. Riviere, I Chouroulinkov, C Marty, and M Guerin
Influence de l'age et de la souche de souris irradiees par rayons x sur l'apparition des leucemies et tumeurs lymphoides., M R. Riviere, I Chouroulinkov, C Marty, and M Guerin
Histopathogenesis of mousepox. II. Cutaneous infection., J A. Roberts
Histopathogenesis of mousepox. I. Respiratory infection., J A. Roberts