
Submissions from 1962

Pathology of the spread of l1210 leukemia in the central nervous system of mice and effect of treatment with cytoxan., L B. Thomas, M A. Chirigos, S R. Humphreys, and A Goldin

Radiation damage and the surface properties of ehrlich ascites-tumour cells. I. Permeability to tagged protein., D Thomason and D D. Porteous

Der einfluss von gamma-butyrobetain, crotonsaurebetain und der isomeren caritine auf das wachstum eines mausesarkoms., W Thomitzek and W Rotzsch

Studies on the immunologic unresponsiveness during the secondary disease period of lethally irradiated mice protected by homologous bone marrow., J S. Thompson, E L. Simmons, and D Hofstra

Ageing in the gonad-adrenal system., P J. Thung

Physiological proteinuria in mice., P J. Thung

Blutungsanamie bei kleinen laboratoriumsteiren durch punktion des venenplexus der orbita., S Tilgner and H Metzke

Parabiotic intoxication. II. The distribution and survival of cr51-labeled red blood cells., S Tokuda and M H. Gillivray

Studies on parabiotic intoxication in mice. Abstr., S Tokuda and M H. Gillivray

Further stduies of cytolysis of ehlrich ascites tumor cells brought into contact with normal human serum. The nature of the heat-labile factor., A Tokunaga, J Okamura, G Kosaki, and M Kuru

Purification and characterization of glycolic acid oxidase from hog kidney. Abstr., A M. Tokushige and I W. Sizer

Studies on the in vitro antitumor activity of fatty acids. V. Unsaturated acids., S Tolnai and J F. Morgan

A transmissible agent from ehrlich carcinoma cells producing ascites tumors in mice. Abstr., S Tolnai, R Scantland, H J. Morgan, and J F. Morgan

Cub-cellular transmissible agent from ehrlich carcinoma cells producing ascites tumours in mice., S Tolnai, R Scantland, and J F. Morgan

Accelerated development of malignant lymphomas in akr mice injected at birth with 7,12-dimethylbery(a)anthracene., B Toth, H Rappaport, and P Shubik

Generation cycle of oral epithelium in mice., P D. Toto and G Ojha

Autoradiographic investigation of mouse mammary gland growth by the incorporation of tritiated thymidine into its epithelial components. Abstr., H H. Traurig and C P. Morgan

Immunolgical tolerance and lymphoid chimerism following injection of homologous spleen cells into newborn mice. In mechanism of immunological tolerance, czech. Acad. Sci., Prague,, J J. Trentin and J Session

Changes in serum properdin of mice during tumor growth and following immunization to ehrlich ascites carcinoma., M R. Troch, C R. Slater, W M. Larson, J, and R W. Gee

Osmiophilic granules in regenerating livers of mice following partial hepatectomy. Abstr., N L. Trotter

A study of radiation-induced aging, response of irradiated and nonirradiated mice to cold stress., T T. Trujillo, J F. Spalding, and W H. Langham

A gene causing ocular retardation in the mouse., G M. Truslove

Health control in a mouse population., A A. Tuffery

Activite 'phosphatasique' du foie (et du rein) de souris sur quelques composes nucleotidiques, a3'p, a3'(2')p, fmn, tpn. Etude cytochimique., J P. Turchini and J C. Maracheix

Development of transplantation isoantigens in the mouse embryo plus trophoblast., M L. Tyan and L J. Cole

Studies on the lipids of neoplastic tissues. I. Fatty acid composi- tions of the lipids from several induced and transplanted tumors of mice., N Uezumi, S Hasegawa, K Kasama, and T Yamada

The placenta as a homotransplant., J W. Uhr and S G. Anderson

Distribution of plutonium in mice, an autoradiographic study., S Ullberg, A Nelson, H Kristoffersson, and A Engstrom

Ratio of total histone to dna in dividing and interphase cells. Abst., R Umana, S Updyke, and A L. Dounce

Circadian rhythm in the in vitro response of mouse adrenal to adreno- corticotropic hormone., F Ungar and F Halberg

Drug-induced immunologic 'tolerance' for homotransplantation of skin. Abstr., D E. Uphoff and L Pitkin

Drug-induced immunologic 'tolerance' for homotransplantation of skin. Abstr., D E. Uphoff and L Pitkin

Studies of desulfurase activity of human and mouse tumors., W A. Uricchio

Mechanism of cellular damage by virus. A study of antihistomine drugs. II. Murine hepatitis virus and mouse macrophages., T Vainio and J D. Judah

Mechanism of cellular damage by virus. A study of antihistomine drugs. I. Murine hepatitis virus and liver explant cultures., T Vainio, J D. Judah, and G Bjotvedt

Effect of different oxygen tensions on chromosome breakage induced by x-rays in the ehrlich ascites tumor., J I. Valencia and C B. Lozzio

Enzyme-biological synthesis of a carcinogenic agent (cancervirus) starting from nucleotides. II. Biochemical studies., Y Valladares

Enzyme-biological synthesis of a carcinogenic agent (cancervirus) starting from nucleotides. I. Synthesis of carcinogenic dna, biologi- cal studies., Y Valladares

Estudios electroforeticos, immunoelectroforeticos e immunologicos en el cancer y la leucemia espontaneos y experimentales., Y Valladares

Experimental production of leukemia and polycythemia vera and immunotherapia assays upon cancer and leukemia., Y Valladares

Tolerance of donor cells towards the host in radiation chimeras. In mecahnisms of immunological tolerance, czech. Acad. Sci., Prague,, D W. Van bekkum

Anti-host reactivity and tolerance of the graft in relation to secon- dary disease in radiation chimeras., D W. Van bekkum, L M. Putten, and J J. Vries

Chemical and morphological collagen changes in the course of 20-methy- lcholanthrene-induced carcinogenesis in mouse skin., A Van den hoof

Differences in spontaneous behavior among inbred mouse strains., D L. Vanderpool and R T. Davis

The induction of uterine tumours in mice treated with testosterone., R Van nie, G M. Smit, and O Muhlbock

Strontium-90 toxicity in mice., L M. Van patten and M J. Vries

Competition between lymphoid cells from different sources in radiatron chimeras., L M. Van putten

Treatment of radiostrontium intoxication in mice. II. Survival and bone-tumour frequency., L M. Van putten

Treatment of radiostrontium intoxication in mice. I. The enhancement of elimination of radiostrontium., L M. Van putten

Comparison of the fatty acid composition of lipids from different animal tissues including some tumours., J H. Veerkamp, I Mulder, and L L. Deenen

Combination treatment of advanced mouse leukemia (l1210) with 2-chloro -4',4''-di-2-imidazolin-2-yl-terephthalanilide (nsc-38280) and ametho- pterin (mtx). Abstr., J M. Venditti, A Goldin, and I Kline

Induktion von leukamie mit phosphoramid bei mausen des c57bl stammes., H Vesela

Culture in vitro du virus de friend., P Vigier and A Golde

Viability of ehrlich ascites tumour cells exposed to sodium chromate labelled with chromium -51., P C. Vincent

Body resistance and some peculiarities of the metastatic process., V D. Vinogradova, L K. Podzei, E V. Mandrik, and Z M. Saraeva

Variation of radiosensitivity to daily neutron exposures in mouse strains selected for survival under x-irradiation. Abstr., H H. Vogel, D L. Jordan, and T H. Roderick

Studies on immunological tolerance to lcm virus. A preliminary report on adoptive immunization of virus carrier mice., M Volkert

Studies with mouse pituitary thyrotropic tumors. IV. Presence of 3,5, 3'-triiodothyronine in certain mouse pituitary tumors after the in- jection of labeled l-thyroxine., E M. Volpert, R Grinberg, and S C. Werner

A specific immunological tolerance in radiation chimeras., O Vos and W W. Weyzen

Immunological tolerance in homologous radiation chimeras., O Vos and W W. Weyzen

'killing Effect' of injected lymph node cells in homologous radiation chimeras., O Vos and W W. Weyzen

Studies on heterologous transplantation of ascites tumors., N Vylegshanin

Mutation as initiator of neoplasms and their secondary evolution., vaartaja R. Wakonig

A radioautographic study of muscle regeneration in dystrophic mice., B E. Walker

The origin of myoblasts in normal and dystrophic mice. Abst., B E. Walker

Association of cell surface antigens with microsomal membrane frac- tions derived from ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells., D F. Wallach and E B. Hager

Studies on the surface and cytoplasmic membranes of ehrlich ascites- -carcinoma cells. I. The hydrolysis of atp and related nucleotides by microsomal membranes., D F. Wallach and D Ulbrey

The hydrolysis of atp and related nucleotides by ehrlich ascites car- cinoma cells., D F. Wallach and D Ulbrey

Chemical protection against repetitive supralethal doses of x- irradiation in mice. Abst., R I. Wang and J Ballantyne

Pitfalls in tests for teratogenicity., D Warburton, D G. Trasler, A Naylor, J R. Miller, and F C. Fraser

Studies on mn sarcoma. Experimental study on transplantation of mn sarcoma to various heterologous inbred strain mice. (in Japanese), S Watanabe

A test for the identity of 'dysoptic' with 'blind' in mice., M L. Watson

Strain difference in response of mice to d-amphetamine., L C. Weaver and T L. Kerley

Isoniazid induction of pulmonary tumors in mice. Abst., H J. Weinstein and R Kinosita

Hereditary and environmental influences on the sex ratio of phh and phl mice., J A. Weir

Selection for leucocyte count in the house mouse and some physiologi- cal effects., J A. Weir and G Schlager

Selection for total leucocyte count in the house mouse. Abst., J A. Weir and G Schlager

Production of an acute form of homologous disease in adult mice with immune peritoneal cells. Abst., R S. Weiser, W Brown, P Baker, and J Jutila

Interactions of polyoma virus and organ cultures of embryonic mouse metanephric rudiments., T P. Weis and W H. Kirsten

Effect of amethopterin on visceral concentration of co60b12 in the mouse., J D. Welsh, E N. Brandt, J, and P T. Condit

Serum lactic dehydrogenase levels of mice inoculated with oncogenic and non-oncogenic viruses., C E. Wenner, S J. Millian, E A. Mirand, and J T. Jr

The significance of mucosal lesions antedating mouse cervical cancer., W B. Wentz

Immunohistochemical studies of newcastle disease virus inclusion bodies formed in ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Abst., R K. Wertz

Acetate metabolism of the epididymal adipose tissue in the presence of hydrocortisone, in vitro studies with normal and obese-hyperglycemic mice., S Westman, S Larsson, and B Hellman

Further studies on inhibition of synthesis of protein and nucleic acids by thio-tepa in l-1 mouse tumor. Abst., W L. West and S N. Pradhan

Injection of the arterial system of the mouse., W T. West and L W. Gorham

Studies related to the mechanisms of action of cytotoxic alkylating agents. A review., G P. Wheeler

Competition for nitrogen mustard in vivo. Abst., L White and E Claflin

The effect of age on the hair regrowth cycle in the cba mouse., H J. Whiteley and D L. Horton

The effect of myobia musculi on the epidermis and hair regrowth cycle in the ageing cba mouse., H J. Whiteley and D L. Horton

Evidence for the periodic release of luteotropin during the estrous cycle of the mouse., W D. White and H C. Browning

Induction of hepatomas in rats and mice following the administration of auramine., M H. Williams and G M. Bonser

The influence of propylthiouracil and thyroxine on superovulation in ummature mice., E D. Wilson and C K. Chai

Homotransplantation antibody in lymphoid tissues. I. Cytotoxic acti- vity of subcellular fractions from sensitized mice., R E. Wilson and D L. Crosby

The synthesis of co57 tetraphenylporphinesulfonate and its use in the scintillation scanning of neoplasms., J Winkelman, J G. Afee, H N. Wagner, and R G. Long

The participation of complement in isoimmune reactions., H J. Winn

Challenge infection of polyoma parotid tumor cells., E Winocour and L Sachs

Cultivation of a mouse tumor cell line (carcinoma 755). Abstr., J W. Winter, P M. Joson, and W Antopol

Isologous transplants of adult salivary gland tissue in intact and salivariadenectomized mice. Abstr., O B. Wiswell

Ability of dystrophic female mice to bear litters following artificial insemination. Abstr., H G. Wolfe and J L. Southard