
Submissions from 1962

Incorporation of c14 from labeled glucuronic acid and n-acetyl glucosamine into polysaccharide by a cell free preparation from mouse mast-cell tumor., J E. Silbert

Experiments on postirradiation treatments with ascites tumor cells., G Silini

Effects of neutrons and x-rays on ehrlich ascites cells. 10th Internat. Cong. Radiol., Book of abstracts, montreal no. A173, G Silini and S Hornsey

Studies on cell-survival of irradiated ehrlich ascites tumour. Iii. A comparison of the x-ray survival curves obtained with a diploid and a tetraploid strain., G Silini and S Hornsey

Tumour-growth and cell-viability of irradiated ehrlich ascites carcinoma in the mouse., G Silini, S Hornsey, and M Ebert

Differences in the rejection of skin transplants and blood cells of bone marrow donor origin by radiation induced chimeras., M S. Silverman and P H. Chin

Differences in the rejection of skin transplants and blood cells of donor marrow origin by radiation-induced chimeras., M S. Silverman and P H. Chin

Age and diet effect of thyroid-serum ratio, pbi, and thyroidal iodine and histology in rodents., E Silverstein, R S. Yamamoto, and O Mickelsen

Protective effect of aet (s,2-aminoethylisothiuronium) on the immune mechanism of x-irradiated mice. Abstr., E L. Simmons and O Lartique

Reduction in secondary disease by injection of homologous lymphoid cells. Abstr., E L. Simmons, J S. Thompson, and J M. Randi

The antigenicity of mouse trophoblast., R L. Simmons and P S. Russell

Turnover of muscle and liver proteins in mice with hereditary muscular dystrophy., E J. Simon, C S. Gross, and I M. Lessell

Graft versus host reactions. Their natural history, and applicability as tools of research., M Simonsen

Effects of 6-mercaptopurine (mp) on the synthesis of purines in ascites tumor cells. Abstr., L Simpson, L L. Bennett, and J Golden

Zinc and melanin formation. Abstr., R T. Simpson, M Seiji, and T B. Fitzpatrick

Viral leukemias in mice., J G. Sinkovics

Histopathology and transplantability of polyoma-induced tumors in strain a/sn and three coisogenic resistant (ir) strains., H O. Sjogren and N Ringertz

A manual on quantitative drug evaluation in experimental tumor systems. Part i. Background, description of criteria, and presenta- tion of quantitative therapeutic data on various classes of drugs obtained in diverse experimental tumor systems., H E. Skipper and L H. Schmidt

Studies on resistance against 5-fluorouracil. Iii. Selective value of resistant, uridine kinase-deficient tumor cells., O Skold, P Magnusson, and L Revesz

Influence of cortisone acetate on the transplantable tumours of the vagina g93 and g94 in mice., H Skurzak

Cytotoxic and neutralization tests with serum and lymph node cells of isologous mice with induced resistance against gross lymphomas., B Slettenmark and E Klein

Studies on the thymus of the mammal. Xiii. Histochemistry of irradiated thymuses of c57bl strain mice., C Smith

Histochemical study of aberrant parathyroid glands associated with the thymus of the mouse., C Smith and C P. Clifford

Uptake of fe59 by spleens of lethally irradiated mice given isologous bone marrow. Abstr., L H. Smith

Sensitivity and protection of irradiated mouse bone marrow cells. Abstr., L H. Smith and O Vos

Sensitivity and protection of mouse bone-marrow cells x-irradiated in vitro., L H. Smith and O Vos

Axial elongation in the mouse and its retardation in homozygous looptail mice., L J. Smith and K F. Stein

Radiation dose-response characteristics of leucoytes in the mouse., W Smith, I M. Alderman, C A. Schneider, and J Cornfield

Studies on lung cancer in relation to varied levels of vitamin a. Abstr., W E. Smith, L Miller, and E Yazdi

Studies on colchicine, colchicine derivatives, and endotoxin in irradiated animals., W W. Smith and I M. Alderman

Pulmonary adenomatosis induced in dba/2 mice by oral administration of dibenz(a,h)anthracene., K C. Snell and H L. Stewart

Cytoplasmic inclusions in cells of lymphosarcoma 6c3hed. II. Electron microscopic observations., L H. Sobin

Dell'azione antiblastica del trietileniminobenzochinone. Ricerche sperimentali sul sarcoma 180., M Socci and G Dellepiane

Modificazioni cariologiche indotte da ribonucleasi nel sarcoma ascite 180., M Socci and G Dellepiane

Obstructive genitourinary disease in male str/1n mice., L Sokoloff and M F. Barile

The genetics of degenerative joint disease in mice., L Sokoloff, L B. Crittenden, R S. Yamamoto, and G E. Jr

Effect of alloxan obese hyperglycaemic mice., J Solomon and J Mayer

Long-term hyperglycemia and regranulation of beta-cells following alloxan administration in hereditary obese-hyperglycemic mice. Abstr., J Solomon and J Mayer

Penetration of brain and brain tumor by aromatic compounds as a function of molecular substituents. Iii., A H. Soloway, B Whitman, and J R. Messer

Swimming stress and adaptation by dystrophic and normal mice., H C. Soltan

Biological data of the h.a.1 Tumour., B L. Sorensen

Experimental hepatic amyloidosis in mice, light and electron microscopy. Abstr., G D. Sorenson and W A. Heefner

Hexokinase distribution in ehrlich ascites tumor cells., K N. Sorokin

Reduced survival time in descendants of five generations of x-irradiated sires., J F. Spalding and V G. Strang

Radiosensitivity of mice as a function of age., J F. Spalding and T T. Trujillo

Chemotactic activity and phagocytosis of eosinophils., R S. Speirs and Y Osada

Responsiveness and progression of mammary tumors in high-cancer- -strain mice., F Squartini

Detection of a leukaemogenic agent in balb/c mice fosternursed by riii, preliminary report., F Squartini and G Rossi

Transmissione extracromosomica dei caratteri tumorali, effetto del 'foster-nursing' sul comportamento biologico e morfologico dei tumori mammari dell topo., F Squartini, G Rossi, and I Paoletti

A simple quantitative test for cytostatic agents using non-adhering cells in vitro., H Stahelin

A transmissible spleen weight factor (swif) of mice., P G. Stansly, D S. Ramsey, and C F. Neilson

Characteristics of virus-induced reticular neoplasms. Abstr., P G. Stansly and H D. Soule

Transplantation and cell-free transmission of a reticulum-cell sarcoma in balb/c mice., P G. Stansly and H D. Soule

Cross-linking of dna to nuclear proteins by difunctional alkylating agents. Abstr., W J. Steele

Action of low doses of ionizing radiations on the electrophoretic mobility of ehrlich ascites tumour cells., G Stein, G V. Seaman, and D H. Heard

Studies on the action of 1-aminocyclopentane-1-carboxylic acid (acc). Abstr., W R. Sterling and J F. Henderson

Resistance to isologous mouse tumors induced by immunization to non-isologous tumors. Abstr., K Stern

Testicular teratomas in fetal mice., L C. Stevens

The biology of teratomas, including evidence indicating their origin from primordial germ cells., L C. Stevens

Induction of kidney tumors in mice by the use of 20-methylcholan- threne-impregnated strings., J L. Stevenson and E Von haam

The effect of x-irradiation on the conjugation of steroids by mouse liver and kidney. Abstr., W Stevens, D L. Berliner, and T F. Dougherty

Histocompatibility genes and some immunogenetic problems. Abstr., J H. Stimpfling and G D. Snell

Histocompatibility genes and some immunogenetic problems. Proc. Int. Symp. On tissue transpl., Univ. De chile, 1961. ED. By, J H. Stimpfling and G D. Snell

Transfer of antitoxin-producing cells in homologous disease. Abstr., I L. Stoloff and A J. Weiss

Combined inhibitory of antitumor antibody and an oncolytic virus on the solid ehrlich tumor., M J. Stone, K Dzoga, and R W. Wissler

Evaluation of radiation response as an index of aging in mice., J B. Storer

Possible functions of the external root sheath during growth of the hair follicle., W E. Straile

Mouse number 46801., L C. Strong

Constitutional states affecting spontaneous tumor incidence in mice. Abstr., L C. Strong and N. Johnson

Effects of cytoxan on the proteins of sensitive and resistant strains of the l1210 leukemia., V N. Strozier and W L. Nyhan

Effects of cytoxan on the proteins of sensitive and resistant strains of the l1210 leukemia. Abstr., V N. Strozier and W L. Nyhan

Effect of peptides of sarcolysin on a spectrum of tumors. Abstr., K Sugiura

Influence of maternal age on offspring in mice., V Suntzeff, E V. Cowdry, and B B. Hixon

Effects of sulphated polysaccharides and estrogen on chondrogenesis and osteogenesis in autogenous transplants of epiphysectomized tibial., H K. Suzuki

Immunization against a transplantable mouse glioma. Abstr., K Suzuki, L Scheinberg, and L M. Davidoff

Hormonal ovarian secretion studied by vaginal smears in high and low mammary tumor strains of mice., A Symeonidis

Constituents of the thymus gland and their relation to growth, fertility, muscle and cancer., gyorgyi A. Szent, A Hegyeli, and J A. Laughlin

Low-level gamma irradiation and audiogenic seizures., R S. Tacker and E Furchtgott

Effects of x-rays on cell nuclei of ascites tumors., T Takahashi, K Nakahara, and T H. Yoshida

Crystals and concretions on the vaginal of persistent-estrous mice., N Takasugi and H A. Bern

Persistent vaginal cornification in mice., N Takasugi, H A. Bern, and K B. Ome

Adrenotropic activity of mammo-somatotrophic tumors in rats and mice. I. Biologic aspects., H Takemoto, K Yokoro, J Furth, and A I. Cohen

Morphological characteristics of the epididymal adipose tissue in starved american obese-hyperglycemic mice., I Taljedal and B Hellman

Neoplastic response of various tissues to the administration of urethan., A Tannenbaum and C Maltoni

Increased lysosomal enzymes in genetic muscular dystrophy., A L. Tappel, H Zalkin, K A. Caldwell, I D. Desai, and S Shibko

Enzymes in muscluar dystrophy, monophosphatase and myosin atpase. Abstr., J P. Tassoni

Citric acid content of tissues from normal and dystrophic animals. Abstr., H H. Taussky, A Washington, and A T. Milhorat

Citric acid in tissues of normal and dystrophic animals., H H. Taussky, A Washington, E Zubillaga, and A T. Milhorat

Modification of radiation-damage by environmental factors, as demon- strated by incorporation of 32p into nucleic acids of gamma- -irradiated ehrlich ascites-tumour cells., Y Tchoe, Y Takamore, M Akaboshi, and I Honjo

Derivation of a murine lymphoid leukemia virus., J R. Tennant

Renal damage produced in vivo by homologous mouse antisera., P I. Terasaki, T Akiyama, J D. Clelland, and J A. Cannon

Destruction of epidermal cells in vitro by autologous serum from normal animals., P I. Terasaki and C C. Chamberlain

Effect of homologous kidney antibody upon metabolism of kidney cells. Abstr., P I. Terasaki and P E. Ichinose

Body resistance and some peculiarities in the course of pre-tumour period., I P. Tereshchenko

Associated visual structures in the mouse. I. A report on degenera- tive changes., R J. Terry and A L. Race

Action des applications locales d'hydrocortisone sur les differents tissus de la peau de souris apres rasage., M Tharanne

5-nucleotidase Activity in experimental cervicovaginal carcinoma of the mouse., M Thiery and R G. Willighagen

Adrenocortical activity, stress response and behavioral reactivity of five inbred mouse strains., D D. Thiessen and V G. Nealey

Relation between adrenal weight, brain cholinesterase activity, and hole-in-wall behavior of mice under different living conditions., D D. Thiessen, J F. Zolman, and D A. Rodgers

Irradiation et greffes d'ovaires. Action de diverses doses de rayons x sur la reussite des greffes brephophastiques interracials d'ovaires chez la souris., J Thimotee and R M. May