Submissions from 1962
Induction of specific immunological tolerance of homografts in adult mice by sublethal irradiation and injection of donor-type spleen cells in high dosage., D Michie and M F. Woodruff
Survival of rat skin grafts on lethally irradiated cba mice restored with cba foetal liver., H S. Micklem
Host defense mechanisms in the regression of sarcoma 180 in pyridoxine-deficient mice., E Mihich
Prevention of the regression of s-180 in pyridoxine-dificient mice by treatment with antitumor agents. Abstr., E Mihich and C A. Nichol
Further evidence of low-level radiation effect on audiogenic seizure susceptibility. Abstr., D S. Miller
Effect of neonatal thymectomy on the immunological responsiveness in the mouse., J F. Miller
Immunological significance of the thymus of the adult mouse., J F. Miller
Role of the thymus in transplantation immunity., J F. Miller
Role of the thymus in transplantation tolerance and immunity., J F. Miller
Thymus et 'cellules immunologiquement competents'., J F. Miller
The immunological significance of the thymus., J F. Miller, A H. Marshall, and R G. White
A strain difference in response to the teratogenic effect of maternal fasting in the house mouse., J R. Miller
Effect of cortisone on the developing mouse foetus., J R. Miller
Action of ionizing radiation on high polymeric ribonucleic acid (rna) of ehrlich ascites tumor cells., L S. Mil'man and I M. Shapiro
The haemorrhagic enteritis syndrome in mice., C A. Mims
Formation of genotypically mosaic mouse embryos. Abstr., B Mintz
Incorporation of nucleic acid and protein precursors by developing mouse eggs. Abstr., B Mintz
Effects of treatment of one tumor transplant upon subsequent tumor transplants in mice., J R. Mitchell
Effects of x-irradiated tumor cells on spontaneous mammary tumor recurrences in c3h mice., J R. Mitchell
Electron microscopic study of precancerous lesions in the mammary glands of mice, constant association of virus-like particles with hyperplastic nodules., H Miyawaki and Y Nishizuka
Adrenals and reproductive organs of female mice kept singly, grouped or grouped with a vasectomized male., J K. Mody and J J. Christian
Bluteiweissveranderungen beim transplantierbaren mastocytom der maus., U Mohr and A Schauer
Quantitative studies of the sensitivity of normal and neoplastic mouse cells to the cytotoxic action of isoantibodies., E Moller and G Moller
Phenotypic expression of mouse isoantigens., G Moller and E Moller
Studies in vitro and in vivo of the cytotoxic and enhancing effect of humoral isoantibodies., G Moller and E Moller
Suppression of growth and melanin production by electric shock stress on transplanted mouse melanoma., N Molomut, R Abrams, and D Roth
The murine leukemias., J B. Moloney
Relation between x-ray sensitivity and stages of the cell cycle in spermatogonia of the mouse., V Monesi
Experimental evaluation of potential anticancer agents. IX. The ribonucleosides and ribonucleotides of two purine antagonists., J A. Montgomery, F M. Schabel, and H E. Skipper
On the nature of inhibitors to the bittner milk agent occurring in riii mouse milk. Abstr., D H. Moore and E Y. Lasfargues
Further correlations of physical and biological properties of mouse mammary tumor agent., D H. Moore, E C. Pollard, and C D. Haagensen
Effect of insulin on glucose uptake by normal and neoplastic mouse mammary tissues in organ culture., R L. Moretti and K B. Ome
A carcinoma of the forestomach of a c3h mouse. Its conversion to the ascites form by intraperitoneal passage. Abstr., chavez P. Mori
Development of spontaneous pulmonary tumors at high altitude in strain a mice., chavez P. Mori
Lung tumors induced at high altitude by urethan (ethyl carbamate) in strain a mice., chavez P. Mori
Activity changes of phsophatases in the skin of hairless mutant mice during development., K Moriwaki
Preliminary observations on thyroid-pituitary axis in goldthioglucose- -treated mice. Abstr., D M. Morris
The cytochemical demonstration of succinic dehydrogenase in mouse leukocytes., J H. Morrison and S Kronheim
Successful isoimmunization against a spontaneous mammary tumor in c3h/hen mice. Abstr., D L. Morton
Starch-gel electrophoresis of mouse haemoglobins., J R. Morton
Maturation of the hemagglutination response in mice., M Moulton and J Storer
Manifestations plasmocytaires malignes spontanees de la souche p. S. Et leur apparition par injection d'extraits acellulaires p. S. A des souris p. S. Ou d'autres lignees., C Mouriquand and J Mouriquand
Considerations sur les differentes manifestations malignes dans la nouvelle souche de souris ps., J Mouriquand and C Mouriquand
Induction de leucemies chez des souris swiss par injection d'extraits acellulaires de tumeurs de la lignee ps., J Mouriquand and C Mouriquand
A comparison of melanosome ontogeny and structure in four mouse melanomas. Abstr., F H. Moyer
Experimental tumours in the anterior lobe of the pituitary., O Muhlbock and H G. Kwa
Studies on fluorinated pyrimidines. XV. Inhibition of the incorpo- ration of formate-c14 into dna thymine of ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells by 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine-5'-monophosphate and related compounds., K L. Mukherjee and C Heidelberger
Mandibular region of ddo mice. I. A histopathologic study., I Nagai, W Yoshioka, M Kumegawa, J Arita, D J. Ikeda, and R. Sub
Salivary gland tumors induced by injection of polyoma virus in sub- mandibular region of ddo mice. II. A histochemical study., I Nagai, W Yoshioka, M K. Miyaji, I Murata, and M Mori
Induction of runt disease in adult mice by pre-sensitized homologous lymphoid cells., J S. Najarian and J D. Feldman
The function of the sensitized lymphocyte in homograft rejection., J S. Najarian and J D. Feldman
Induction of leukemia by x-ray irradiation, administration of estrogen, and thymus transplantatoin in f1 hybrid mice, a/jax and akr cross., K Nakakuki and Y Nishizuka
A diabetic strain of the mouse., M Nakamura
Growth of myc. Lepraemurium in mice transplanted with ehrlich ascites tumor cells., M Nakamura and T Kohi
Effect of hormones on mammary-tumor development from transplanted hyperplastic alveolar nodules in ovariectomized-adrenalectomized c3h/crgl mice., S Nandi and H A. Bern
Effects of x-irradiation upon postnatal growth in the mouse., D J. Nash and J W. Gowen
Effect of local irrigation with proflavine hemisulfate on wounds seeded with tumor cells, an experimental study., S C. Nash, A S. Ketcham, and R R. Smith
A re-evaluation of the effect of local pretreatment of experimental animal wounds prior to contamination with tumor cells., S C. Nash, C E. Mengel, and A S. Ketcham
Experimental investigations in murine leukemia. Iii. Results of intracerebral passages on heterologous species of the filtrable factor from the tumor of leukemic mice (akm). (roum., Eng. Summ.), E Nastac, B Anagnoste, and G Balmus
Experimental investigations in murine leukemia. IV. Anatomopath- ologic study. (roum., Eng. Summ.), E Nastac, G Balmus, and B Anagnoste
Changes in dietary casein in mouse, effects., N C. Nayak and J Higginson
The relative biological efficiency of fast neutrons and gamma-rays for life-shortening in chronically irradiated cba mice., G J. Neary, E V. Hulse, and R H. Mole
Vitamin e and muscle membranes. Abstr., N H. Neff and J L. Rabinowitz
Distribution of radioruthenium in mice., A Nelson, S Ullberg, H Kristoffersson, and C Ronnback
Creatine kinase in normal and dystrophic mouse muscle., C Nichol, P L. Geer, and J R. Miller
Limiting factors for glycogen storage in tumors. I. Limiting enzymes., V N. Nigam, H L. Donald, and A Cantero
Effects of radiostrontium on the blood and hematopoietic tissues of mice., A Nilsson
Histogenesis of sr90-induced osteosarcomas., A Nilsson
Sr90-induced osteosarcomas., A Nilsson
Iii. Dissemination of metastases from a strontium-90-induced trans- planted osteosarcoma investigated by whole-body autoradiography., A Nilsson and S Ullberg
Immunochemical studies on the repressed synthesis of hepatic catalase in mice. Abstr., E T. Nishimura, T Y. Kobara, and J P. Kaltenbach
Immunological evidence of repressed catalase synthesis in livers of tumor-bearing mice., E T. Nishimura, T Y. Kobara, J P. Kaltenbach, and W B. Wartman
Fate of osteocytes in adult mouse whole bone isografts and homografts., K K. Nishimura, J A. Yaeger, and T Y. Sabet
Hyperplastic alveolar nodules in the mammary gland of hybrid mice, a/jax and akr cross, that received estrogen administration or whole- -body x-ray irradiation., Y Nishizuka, T Sakakura, and H Miyawaki
Studies on the active component of the ascites fluid. Abstr., L C. Niu
Glycolytic activity of ehrlich ascites tumor cells, with reference to tumor-host relationship., T Niwa
Cellular genetics of immune responses., G J. Nossal
Relationship of the lactic dehydrogenase factor to certain murine tumours., A L. Notkins, R J. Berry, J B. Moloney, and R E. Greenfield
Infection of tumor-bearing mice with the lactic dehydrogenase agent., A L. Notkins and R E. Greenfield
The lactic dehydrogenase factor in the tumor-bearing animal. Abstr., A L. Notkins and R E. Greenfield
Gamma-ray sensivity of oocytes of immature mice., E F. Oakberg
The effect of low radiation doses on spermatogonia and oocytes of the mouse., E F. Oakberg
Radiosensivity of mice in relation to oxygen tension prevailing during whole body irradiation. Abstr., J P. O'brien and B Sturbaum
Autoradiographische untersuchungen uber den generationszyklus der zellen des ehrlich-ascitescarcinoms der weissen maus., W Oehlert, N Seemayer, and P Lauf
Cytological study of an x-autosome translocation in mus musculus., S Ohno and B M. Cattanach
Cell-free transmission of akr leukaemia in mice. (in Japanese), K Okada, I Miyoshi, N Kawamura, and M Sato
Antimitotic action of 5-(2'-bromoacetamido)-uracil on the ehrlich ascites tumor., T A. Okada and E Roberts
Analysis of giant polynuclear cell formation caused by hvj virus from ehrlich's ascites tumor cells. II. Quantitative analysis of giant polynuclear cell formation., Y Okada and J Tadokoro
Effect of prior splenectomy on the growth of sarcoma 180 in normal and bacillus calmette-guerin infected mice., L J. Old, D A. Clarke, B Benacerraf, and E Stockert
Vasoconstriction, and tolerance, in refractoriness of s37 to repeated doses of s marcescens polysaccharide. Abstr., W E. O'mallery, B Achinstein, and M J. Shear
Action of bacterial polysaccharide on tumors. II. Damage of sarcoma 37 by serum of mice treated with serratia marcescens polysaccharide, and induced tolerance., W E. O'malley, B Achinstein, and M J. Shear
Action of bacterial polysaccharide on tumors. I. Reduced growth of sarcoma 37, and induced refractoriness, by serratia marcescens poly- saccharide., W E. O'malley, B Achinstein, and M J. Shear