Submissions from 1962
Effects of x-irradiation on mitosis and dna synthesis of ascites tumor cells. Abstr., J H. Kim and T C. Evans
The classification of coat color including dilute gene of mice. (eng. Summ.), I Kimura
A preliminary observation on spontaneous development of papilloma-like growth on female external genitalia of strain 129 mice., T Kimura, T Katsuya, and Y Nishizuka
A correlated response mediated through a maternal effect in the house mouse., B M. Kindred
Sex difference in function of mouse pituitary isografts, revealed by breast cancer development. Abstr., J King, J Galicich, E Hans, F Halberg, and L French
On virus-like particles in mouse ascites tumor cells. Abstr., R Kinosita, T Kakefuda, and T Tanaka
Studies on the relationship of viral infections to leukemia in mice. IV. Accelerating agent in akr mice., W H. Kirsten, R E. Carter, and M H. Pierce
Transmission of lymphoid leukemia from akr mice to newborn rats. Abstr., W H. Kirsten, J S. Flocks, and M I. Pierce
Lymphoid neoplasms in rats after inoculation with cell-free extracts of leukemic akr mice., W H. Kirsten, C E. Platz, and J S. Flocks
Transmission of lymphoid leukaemia in new-born rats., W H. Kirsten, C E. Platz, and J S. Flocks
Influence of inoculation route and deep freezing on frequency and distribution of metastases of various transplantable tumours., N S. Kiseleva
Metabolism of glucose by the house mouse. Abstr., P A. Kitos, J A. Weir, and J T. Adams
Neoplastic changes in cervix uteri following administration of estradiol-benzoate and 20-methylcholanthrene., J V. Klavins and N Kaufman
Transplantation studies on estrogen-induced interstitial-cell tumors of testis in mice., G Klein and K E. Hellstrom
Demonstration of host resistance against isotransplantation of lymphomas induced by the gross agent., G Klein, H O. Sjogren, and E Klein
Enzymatic separation of intact epidermal sheets from mouse skin., M Klein and L R. Fitzgerald
Distribution of tritiated thymidine about a capillary sinusoid in a transplanted mouse tumour., M M. Kligerman, W F. Heidenreich, and S Greene
Effect of lethally irradiated cells on the development of new-born rats., M Klimek
Freezing and preservation of mouse tumor slices. Abstr., I Kline, R F. Acker, and E A. Fontaine
Freezing and preservation of mouse tumor slices. Abstr., I Kline, R F. Acker, and E A. Fontaine
Bone lesion produced by transplanted plasma-cell tumors in balb/c mice., H Kobayashi, M Potter, and T B. Dunn
Hemimelie chez la souris. II. Etude morphologique des homozygotes atteints de differentes anomalies du squelette, c-membres posterieurs. Polydactylie integrale et ceinture pelvienne., N Kobozieff and kobozieff N. Pomriaskinsky
Hemimelie chez la souris. II. Etude morphologique des homozygotes atteints de differentes anomalies du squelette. D. Squelette axial., N Kobozieff and kobozieff N. Pomriaskinsky
Hemimelie longitudinale chez la souris. II. Etude morphologique des homozygotes atteints de differentes anomalies du squelette. B. Membres posterieurs, hyperphalangie oligodactylie et polydactylie squelettique., N Kobozieff and kobozieff N. Pomriaskinsky
Der einfluss verschiedener strahlenschutzstoffe auf die strahlenemp- findlichkeit von tumoren., R Koch
Der einfluss verchiedener strahlen schutzstoffe auf die strablenemp- findlichkeit des ehrlich-carcinoms in vitro and in vivo., R Koch and I Seiter
Effect of hydrocortisone on ehrlich ascites tumor., M Kodama
Estradiol treatment and the x-ray-induced acceleration of the age- -specific mortality rate., H I. Kohn, A N. Corbascio, and P H. Guttman
Combined surgical removal and specific immunotherapy of experimental tumours., P Koldovsky
Failure to induce isoimmunity against leukaemia induced by irradiation in strain cba mice., P Koldovsky
Specific tumour immunity and its use in the immunotherapy of experi- mental tumours., P Koldovsky
On the question of the mechanism of growth of a tumour against iso- immunity., P Koldovsky and J Svoboda
On the question of the role of heterologous tolerance in possibility to immunize against tumour antigen., P Koldovsky and J Svoboda
Sensitivity of a tumour to immunity in relation to its antigenicity., P Koldovsky and J Svoboda
The effect of irradiation on the immune response., P C. Koller
The nature of the protein-bound protective agent in the tissues of mice given protective doses of 2-mercaptoethylguanidine(meg) and bis(2-guanidoethyl) disulfide(ged). Abstr., G Kollmann, B Shapiro, and E E. Schwartz
Breeding of tester strains for coat colour genes., K Kondo and K Esaki
Antigenic differences between male and female mice of the c57bl inbred strain. (eng. Summ.), B V. Konyukhov
The genetic and morphological characteristics of microphthalmic mice (blind mutants)., B V. Konyukhov and D M. Glukharev
(a Disturbance of eye development in a strain of mice with micro- phthalmia (mutation blind).). (eng. Summ.), B V. Konyukhov and M V. Sazhina
A correlative study of mouse myeloma and human melanoma treated with cyclophosphamide., D R. Korst and E P. Frenkel
Effect of carbon tetrachloride intoxication on metabolism of benzo- (a)pyrene in rats and mice., P Kotin, H L. Falk, and A Miller
Influence of hormones on mouse mammary glands cultured in vitro., J Koziorowska
Influence of ovarian hormones and insulin on the mouse mammary glands cultivated in vitro., J Koziorowska
An apparently new lethal virus disease of infant mice., L M. Kraft
The effect of peroxides on experimental tumors in mice. Abstr., E T. Krementz and J W. Youngblood
Weitere versuche zur abhangigkeit der wirkung des virus der myelois- chen leukamie der maus von verschiedenen biologischen bedingungen der infizierten tiere., W Krischke and A Graffi
The distribution and fate of bromodeoxyuridine and bromodeoxycytidine in the mouse and rat., J P. Kriss and L Revesz
The distribution and fate of iododeoxycytidine in the mouse and rat., J P. Kriss, L Tung, and S Bond
Review lectures on senescence. II. Heterochronic transplantation in the study of ageing., P L. Krohn
Studies of six new viruses in tumor-bearing mice., T A. Krulwich, C F. Jacobs, J H. Weisman, and C M. Southam
Dihydro-1, 3-oxazines as antitumor agents., M E. Kuehne and E A. Konopka
Steriodal dihydro-1, 3-oxazines as antitumor agents., M E. Kuehne, E A. Konopka, and B F. Lambert
Studies on microsome fractions from a plasma cell neoplasm producing only bence-jones protein. Abstr., E L. Kuff, M Potter, K R. Intire, and N E. Roberts
Antitumor activity of carzinostatin. (studies On the antibiotic substances from actinomycetes, xlv)., K Kumagai
The cytological effect of carcinostatin on experimental tumours., K Kumagai, K Miyazaki, M Rikimaru, and N Ishida
Contribution a l'etude du pouvoir cancerogene de quelques homologues methyles du 1,2 benzanthracene., A Lacassagne, F Zajdela, hoi N. Buu, and O Chalvet
Effect of steroids and fluorinated pyrimidines, alone and in combi- nation, in a lymphocytic neoplasm, sensitive and resistant to steroids in the same mouse., hibbard J. Lampkin
Effect of 9-alpha-fluorohydrocortisone and fluoropyrimidines on a lymphocytic neoplasm, sensitive and resistant to 9-alpha-fluorohydro- cortisone in the same mouse. II. In vivo studies on tumor resistance and collateral sensitivity. Abstr., hibbard J. Lampkin and K L. Mukherjee
Attempted tumour therapy complicated by a viroid associate of the tumour., K Lapis and A J. Davies
Studies on the closure of the secondary palate. Iii. Autoradiographic and histochemical studies in the normal mouse embryo., K S. Larsson
Studies on the closure of the secondary palate. V. Attempts to study the teratogenic action of cortisone in mice., K S. Larsson
In vitro utilization of uniformly labelled 14c-glucose in the adrenals of normal and obese-hyperglycaemic mice., S Larsson, B Hellman, and H Carstensen
Concerning the role of insulin in the differentiation and functional activity of mouse mammary tissues., E Y. Lasfargues
Hormonal induction of b particles in organ cultures of agent-carrying riii mouse mammary glands. Abstr., E Y. Lasfargues and D G. Feldman
Hypovitaminosis-a in the mouse prostate gland cultured in chemically defined medium., I Lasnitzki
La maladie de friend., R Latarjet
Experiment and discussion on leukaemogenesis by cell-free extracts of radiation-induced leukaemia in mice., R Latarjet and J Duplan
Die grosse und der zeitliche verlauf der rns-synthese in deu ehrlich- -ascites-tumorzellen der weissen maus., P Lauf, N Seemayer, and W Oehlert
Influence of foster-nursing on virus-induced and spontaneous leukemia in mice., L W. Law
Studies of the pattern of congenital transmission of a leukemogenic virus. Abstr., L W. Law and J B. Moloney
Further studies on antibody status of mice and response of their litters to parotid-tumor (polyoma)virus., L W. Law, W P. Rowe, J W. Hartley, and C J. Dawe
The rate of changes in inorganic phosphate content of ehrlich ascites- -tumour cells., J O. Laws and L H. Stickland
Electron microscope study of mouse liver infected by ectromelia virus., E H. Leduc and W Bernhard
Transplantable mouse hepatomas derived from intrasplenically-im- planted normal liver tissues. Abstr., E H. Leduc and J W. Wilson
Dry-mass distribution of bone marrow free cell population in the mouse as determined by interference microscopy., H Lee, V Richards, and A Furst
Critical relationships between constituents of the antigen-adjuvant emulsion affecting experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in a completely susceptible mouse genotype., J M. Lee and H A. Schneider
The activation of a latent cns infection in brvr mice following introduction of pertussis vaccine. Abstr., J M. Lee and H A. Schneider
Effects of x-irradiation on phospholipid metabolism. I. Investigation of p32 uptake into individual liver and spleen phosphatides of normal and irradiated mice., T C. Lee, R J. Salmon, M K. Loken, and D G. Mosser
The uptake of p32 by liver phosphatides of ehrlich ascites tumor- -bearing mice., T C. Lee, R J. Salmon, D G. Mosser, and M K. Loken
Role of manganese and vitamin e deficiency in mouse paralysis., Y C. Lee, K T. Kuha, M B. Visscher, and J T. King
A new test for detecting mao-inhibitor effects., A Lehmann and R G. Busnel
Chemical assays of transplantation antigens., G Lejeune, A Castermans, H A. Dieu, sveryns A. Haenen, and paris M. Vranken
Effect of bcg infection on leukemia and polyoma in mice and hamsters., P Lemonde and M Clode
In vitro culture of a leukemic agent from spontaneous mouse leukaemia., P Lemonde and M Clode
The significance of immunological immaturity for the induction of tolerance., A Lengerova
Graft-versus-graft tolerance in radiation chimaeras. In mechanisms of immunological tolerance, czech. Acad. Sci., Prague,, A Lengerova and H S. Micklem
Postpartum reactivity of female mice to male-specific antigens., A Lengerova and M Vojtiskova
Two-step transplantation therapy in lethally irradiated mice., A Lengerova and M Vojtiskova
The idiogram of the mouse., A Levan, T C. Hsu, and H F. Stich
Mating patterns in mice. Abstr., L Levine
Polyoma disease tumors in mice, the distribution of viral antigen detected by immunogluorescence., J D. Levinthal, M Jakobovits, and M D. Eaton
Marrow by two in vivo systems. Abstr., J P. Lewis, E A. Fresh, and S Bone
Interdeme selection controlling a polymorphism in the house mouse., R C. Lewontin
Influence of gonodal hormones and cortisone on spontaneous and methylcholanthrene-induced leukemia in inbred mice., A G. Liebelt and R A. Liebelt
Inhibition of leukemogenesis in goldthioglucose-obese mice. Abstr., R A. Liebelt and A G. Liebelt
Studies of antibodies in ascitic fluid of individual mice., R Lieberman, N Mantel, W Humphrey, and J G. Blakely