
Submissions from 1962

Operative techniques for newborn mice using anaesthesia by cooling., J East and D M. Parrott

Implantation and lethality of the yellow mouse., G Eaton and M M. Green

Implantation and lethality in the yellow mouse. Abstr., G J. Eaton and M M. Green

Accion de la regeneracion hepatica sobre la incidencia y caracteris- ticas de los hepatomas espontaneos en ratones c3h/mza machos., J M. Echave llanos and I E. Saffe

Antibodies against spermatozoa. Abstr., R G. Edwards

Aet protection of reproductive capacity of irradiated mice., U H. Ehling and D G. Doherty

Skeletal abnormalities in the f1 generation of mice exposed to ioniz- ing radiations., U H. Ehling and M L. Randolph

Comparative effects of amethopterin and its dimethyl ester on sub- cutaneous and intracerebral neoplasms. Abstr., A J. Eisenfeld, H G. Mautner, and A D. Welch

Resistance to 6-thioguanine (tg) in ascites tumor cells. Abstr., D B. Ellis and G A. Lepage

Studies of fatty acid oxidation. IX. The effects of uncoupling agents on the oxidation of fatty acids by transplantable tumors., D B. Ellis and P G. Scholefield

The effects of adenine and glucose on synthesis of nucleotides by ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells in vitro., D B. Ellis and P G. Scholefield

Study of monospecific antitumour sera by the method of fluorescent antibodies., N V. Engelhardt

The effect of selected vitamin b12 antagonists and other compounds on the c1300 mouse tumor., S S. Epstein and G M. Timmis

A transplantable tumour of the mouse that is virus-susceptible in tissue culture., A D. Evans, D L. Horton, and H J. Whiteley

Protective effect of nitrous oxide against total-body radiation in the mouse., J C. Evans and L R. Orkin

Survival of ascites tumor cells one day after irradiation in vitro. Abstr., T C. Evans, J H. Kim, and C W. Song

Rate of cell proliferation in a mouse squamous cell carcinoma., A Evensen and O H. Iversen

Spontaneous carcinogenesis in c3h mice. In use of radioisotopes in animal biology and the medical sciences,, E A. Ezz, G T. Okita, and G V. Leroy

Evidence for heterogeneity of plasma cells, studies of proteins pro- duced by plasma cell tumors in inbred mice., J L. Fahey

Enzymatically produced subunits of proteins formed by plasma cells in mice. I. Gamma-globulin and gamma-myeloma proteins., J L. Fahey and B A. Askonas

Antibodies with differing molecular sizes in mice., J L. Fahey and J H. Humphrey

Effect of transplantable plasma-cell tumours on antibody response in mice., J L. Fahey and J H. Humphrey

Antibody differences in several strains of mice. Abstr., J L. Fahey and M E. Lawrence

A genetic study of induced lung-tumours in mice., D S. Falconer and J L. Bloom

The genetics of sex-linked anaemia in the mouse., D S. Falconer and J H. Isaacson

The treatment of acutely x-irradiated mice with streptomycin and de- rivatives of 6-aminopenicillanic acid., T L. Fallowfield

Abolitian of neonatally-induced homograft tolerance in mice by sub- lethal x-irradiation., A Fefer and G J. Nossal

The persistence of infection in populations. In, prob. Of lab. Animal diseases, ed. By r. J. C. Harris, academic, F Fenner

Growth hormone and cardiac glycogen, influence of environmental and genetic factors., P F. Fenton and J R. Duguid

Chemically induced transplantable murine carcinoma cell line 70., M A. Fernandes and I Koprowska

Virus studies on induced transplantable tumors dervied from balb/c mice infected with friend virus. Abstr., A H. Fieldsteel, P J. Dawson, and W L. Bostick

The phosphatides of some mouse ascites tumors and rat hepatomas., P H. Figard and D M. Greenberg

The interaction of factors causing lymphocytic leukemia and mammary cancer in c3h/fg mice. Abstr., F H. Figge

Use of hypersensitivity techniques in the demonstration of antibody to an isologous, transplantable tumor in balb/c mice., M A. Fink

Leukaemogenic activity of urethan in swiss and akr mice., donati L. Fiore, benedictis G. De, bianchi L. Chieco, and G Maiorano

Induced in unirradiated f1 hybrid mice by transplantation of parental lymphoid tissue., W G. Fiscus, B T. Morris, J Session, J J. Specificity, O Effect, and P O. Disease

Immunohistochemical study of ehrlich ascites tumor., F W. Fitch

The chromosomes of four transplantable murine plasma cell leukemias characterized by varying pathological serum protein changes and/or amyloid formation., A Fjelde, A Levan, and nielsen R. Rask

System for the recognition of genetic transformation in haemopoietic cells., G L. Floersheim

Relative susceptibilities of vaccinated and non-vaccinated syrian ham- sters and mice to ectromelia virus., R J. Flynn and B A. Briody

Glycolysis by s-180 of mice treated with 6-mercaptopurine. Abstr., P J. Fodor, D A. Clarke, and O Bodansky

Glycolysis by sarcoma 180 of mice treated with 6-metcaptopurine. I. The role of various enzymes in lactate production., P J. Fodor, D A. Clarke, and O Bodansky

Inactivation of progesterone by fetal mouse tissues in vitro., T R. Forbes, A J. Coulombre, and J L. Coulombre

Genetics and manifold effects of strong's luxoid gene in the mouse, including its interactions with green's luxoid and carter's luxate genes., P F. Forsthoefel

The efficiency of food utilization, digestibility of foodstuffs and energy expenditure of mice selected for large or small body size., R E. Fowler

Cytological estimation of proliferating donor cells during graft- -versus-host disease in f1 hybrid mice injected with parental spleen cells., M Fox

Cytological estimation of the proportion of proliferating donor cells during graft-versus-host disease in f1 hybrid mice infected with par- ental spleen cells., M Fox

An examination of heterosis in crosses of certain inbred strains of mice., E Franks, N S. Fechheimer, and C Cohen

Selection for an invariant character, vibrissa number, in the house mouse. Iii. Correlated responses., A S. Fraser and B M. Kindred

'shrivelled', A hereditary degeneration of the lens in the house mouse., F C. Fraser and G Schabtach

Modification of the growth-rate of sarcoma-37 during culture., R C. Fraser

The effect of deoxyadenosine 1-n-oxide on nucleic acid synthesis in ascites tumor cells in vitro., S Frederiksen and H Klenow

Effects of heterologous transplantation of a mouse plasmacytoma. I. Runting syndrome secondary to malignant tumors., E P. Frenkel, D R. Korst, and G Raccuglia

Influence of reduced glutathione on oxygen consumption in obese hyper- glycemic mice. Abstr., G H. Fried, J Kalberer, and W Antopol

The association of increased dihydrofolate reductase with amethopterin resistance in mouse leukemia., M Friedkin, E Crawford, S R. Humphreys, and A Goldin

Nicotinic acid and nicotinamide metabolism in ascites cells in vitro., I M. Friedland, L Fuller, and L S. Dietrich

Inhibition of mitochondrial electron transport-enzymatic systems of the 755 tumor by nonpolar phenolic compounds. Abstr., M J. Friedland and L S. Dietrich

The extraction and refinement of two antitumor substances., F Friedman, L Burton, and R Kassel

Influence of age on the transit time of cells of the mouse intestinal epithelium. Iii. Ileum., R J. Fry, S Lesher, and H I. Kohn

Attempts to alter incidence of leukemia and mammary cancer in c3h/fg mice. Abstr., P C. Fuchs

Change in ehrlich ascites cell size induced by phenazine-di-n-oxide. Abstr., A Furst, N Barker, and G H. Needham

Some biochemical changes in the liver of mice bearing ehrlich ascites (diploid and triploid) tumors. Abstr., S J. Fu, H Tsukada, A I. Kaneko, S Fujiwara, and E Shibuya

The role of intramitochondrial coenzymes on the regulation of the rate of glycolysis in mouse liver cells and ehrlich ascitic carcinoma cells., V S. Gaitskhoki

Anomalous greying effect in mice with higher doses of x-rays., D B. Galbraith and H B. Chase

Mode of inhibitory action of tragacanth powder on the growth of the landschutz ascites tumour., W Galbraith, E Mayhew, and E M. Roe

Rectal temperature and mammary carcino-genesis in the mouse after ectopic pituitary isografting. Abstr., J Galicich, D Lakatua, J T. King, and L A. French

Further studies on the antitumor effect of cucurbitacins., R Gallily, B Showhat, J Kalish, S Gitter, and D Lavie

Convenient mouse and rat holder for use in various laboratory pro- cedures., F M. Ganis

An electrophoretic study of the serum proteins of estrogen-treated mice susceptible to hormone-dependent mammary tumors. Abstr., F M. Ganis and M W. Hendrickson

Tumor neutralization by anti-ehrlich tumor and anti mouse tissue sera., D W. Garrison and W J. Nungester

Extraccion del acido sialico del revestimiento celular de las celulas tumorales y del endotelio vascular y su accion sobre las metastasis., G Gasic and T Gasic

Lower metastasizability of trypsin-treated ascites tumor cells in mice. Abstr., G Gasic and T Gasic

Removal and regeneration of the cell coating in tumor cells., G Gasic and T Gasic

Removal of sialic acid from the cell coat in tumor cells and vascular endothelium, and its effects on metastasis., G Gasic and T Gasic

An experimental evaluation of the association of pregnancy and acute leukaemia., G H. Gass and R T. Jarrett

Radiation immunology, effects of hematopoietic tissue transplantation. In ioning radiations and immune processes, ed. By c. A. Leone, n. Y., N Gengozian

Analysis of immune precipitates by serum-agar diffusion., N Gengozian, T Makinodan, and R R. Carter

Aktivitatsanderungen der lactatdehydrogenase im mauseplasma durch beimpfung mit virushaltigen geschwulstfiltraten oder virushaltigen gewebekulturen., A Georgii, M Jager, H Kroth, and H Bayerle

Weitere untersuchungen uber die aktivierung der lactatdehydrogenase im serum durch ein geschwulstvirus der maus., A Georgii, H Kroth, and H Bayerle

Uber die konservierung von tumorgewebe bei -70degrees c (versuche zur einrichtung einer tumorbank)., D Gericke and K Engelbart

The fate of lethally irradiated mice given isologous and heterologous thoracic duct lymphocytes., B M. Gesner and J L. Gowans

Effet de la testosterone et de l'irradiation sur des souris sarcoma- teuses., R Ghys

Metal carcinogenesis. II. A study of the carcinogenic activity of cobalt, copper, iron, and nickel compounds., J P. Gilman

Leukemia induction in mice by moloney virus from long- and short-term tissue cultures, and attempts to detect a leukemogenic virus in cul- tures from x-ray-induced leukemia., H Ginsburg and L Sachs

Nucleic acid metabolism in mice with hereditary muscular dystrophy., G Girkin, C D. Fitch, and J S. Dinning

Observations sur les repercussions teratogenes de la thalidomide chez la souris et le lapin., A Giroud, duplessis H. Tuchmann, and parot L. Mercier

Thalidomide and congenital abnormalities., A Giroud, duplessis H. Tuchmann, and parot L. Mercier

Radiosensitivity of selected sub-lines of a tumour-cell population tested in the presence or absence of oxygen., U Glas and L Revesz

Viral diseases in laboratory animals. In, prob. Of lab. Animal disease, ed. By r. J. C. Harris, academic, A W. Gledhill

On the role of the thymus in recovery of immunological reactivity following x-irradiation., A Globerson, donati L. Fiore, and M Feldman

The effect of castration and of additional treatments on the induc- tion of cervical and vulval tumours in mice., A Glucksmann and C P. Cherry

Mammalian genetics in medicine., waelsch S. Gluecksohn

Reticulo-endothelial blockade in experimental chagas' disease., F C. Goble and J L. Boyd

The distribution of the histochemically demonstrable phosphorylases in various cancer tissues., H G. Godlewski

Pathological study of oral radiation death in mice., R Goepp and F Fitch

On the access of blood-borne dyes to various tumour regions., R J. Goldacre and B Sylven

Radiosensitivity and biological properties of two tumour-types indi- genous to the same host. IV. Effect of single and multiple x-ray treatments on tumour regression., A Goldfeder

Effect of antitumor agents on the homograft response. Abstr., A Goldin, S R. Humphreys, and J P. Glynn

Effect of antitumor agents on the homograft response. Abstr., A Goldin, S R. Humphreys, and J P. Glynn

A manual on quantitative drug evaluation in experimental tumor sys- tems. Part ii. Quantitative assessment of various classes of agents employing advanced leukemia l1210 in mice., A Goldin and J M. Venditti