
Submissions from 1962

Effects of aminoethylisothiouronium bromide and 5-hydroxytryptamine on the response of c3h mammary tumour isografts to irradiation in vivo., A Cohen and L Cohen

The plasma transferrins of homologous chimeras., B L. Cohen

Ageing at the cellular level. Differential effect of transplanted isogenic lymphoid cells from old versus young mice., L J. Cole

Graft reaction in mice and dogs. Abstr., L J. Cole, D I. Urethane, and X. Homo

Homograft reaction in mice and dogs. Abstr., L J. Cole, D I. Urethane, and X O. The

Effect of genic substitution on the incorporation of tyrosine into the melanin of mouse skin., D L. Coleman

Renal lesions in inbred mice with plasma-cell tumors., R F. Coleman, C H. Lupton, and J F. Mcmanus

Glutamine metabolism in ehrlich ascites-carcinoma cells., N W. Coles and R M. Johnstone

Effect of feeding x-ray irradiated coliform bacilli to tumour-bearing mice., A Compton

Effect of injection of foreign bone marrow on the lymphatic tissues of normal mice., C C. Congdon

Combined treatment of irradiated mice with bone marrow and thymus cells. Abstr., C C. Congdon, J W. Goodman, and J W. Ferrebee

Comparative oncogenic effects of radiomimetic agents and x rays. Abstr., J W. Conklin and A C. Upton

Neuromuscular fatigue in dystrophic muscle., J T. Conrad and G H. Glaser

The electrokinetic characterization of the ehrlich ascites carcinoma cell., G M. Cook, D H. Heard, and G V. Seaman

Growth of polyoma virus in lungs of c3h mice and susceptibility of other host systems to infection., D R. Cordray, H C. Rogers, and W J. Mogabgab

The effect of beam direction and backscattered radiation on acute mortality in x-irradiated female cba mice., M A. Corp and R H. Mole

Influence of the radiation dose on induction of the foreign spleen reaction in irradiated mice. Abstr., G E. Cosgrove and C C. Congdon

Some late effects of radiostrontium in rf male mice., G E. Cosgrove and A C. Upton

A histologic study of the foreign spleen reaction in sublethally irradiated f1 hybrid mice., G E. Cosgrove, A C. Upton, and C C. Congdon

Influence of radiation dose on induction of the foreign spleen reaction in f1 hybrid mice., G E. Cosgrove, A C. Upton, and C C. Congdon

Quelques particularites du comportement des souris sensibles a la crise audiogene., J Cosnier, A M. Brandon, and A Duveau

Effects of krebs-2 carcinoma on the lipide metabolism of male swiss mice., G Costa and J F. Holland

Rapid skin grafting in small animals., L M. Cramer

Osservazioni sul cariotipo del mus musculus., M Crippa

The demonstration of mouse fibrosarcoma fractions as antigens by latex agglutination reactions., J M. Cruse, W W. Germany, and A D. Dulaney

Relative inability of aet and apmt to protect immunologically competent cells against radiation injury., G Cudkowicz

Suppression of the homologous disease in mouse chimeras by pre- irradiation of donor cells. Abstr., G Cudkowicz

Suppression of the homologous disease in mouse chimeras by preirra- diation of donor cells. Abstr., G Cudkowicz

An approach to the characterization of stem cells in mouse bone marrow. Abstr, G Cudkowicz, A C. Upton, L H. Smith, M A. Kastenbaum, and W L. Hughes

Histological investigations on heterologous grafts of the original guerin rat tumour and its sublines surviving in mice of various strains., A Czarnomska and K Dux

Teratogenic interaction of fluorodeoxyuridine and thymidine. Abstr., C P. Dagg and E Kallio

Abolition of the crabtree effect in ehrlich ascites tumor cells by vitamin k3., G Dallner and L Ernster

Induction of a crabtree-like effect in ehrlich ascites tumor cells by oligomycin., G Dallner and L Ernster

Studies in tolerance of skin homografts in parabiotic mice. Abstr., A Dalmasso and C Martinez

Tumor homograft survival in thymectomized mice. Abstr., A Dalmasso and C Martinez

Failure of spleen cells from thymectomized mice to induce graft vs. Host reactions., A P. Dalmasso, C Martinez, and R A. Good

Further studies of suppression of the homograft reaction by thymectomy in the mouse., A P. Dalmasso, C Martinez, and R A. Good

Micromorphology of murine tumor viruses and of affected cells., A J. Dalton

The moloney agent. IN. Tumors induced by viruses, ed. By dalton and haguenau, n. Y.,, A J. Dalton

Immunological competence of placenta., J Dancis, B D. Samuels, and G W. Douglas

The effect of actinomycin d on neoplastic cells in fresh operative wounds. Abstr., G J. D'angio, B L. Brown, and C L. Maddock

Anaemia associated with the nk/lymphoma in mice., A J. Davies, A M. Cross, and K Lapis

Chemical nature of mouse histocompatibility antigens., D A. Davies

The isolation of mouse antigens carrying h2-histocompatibility spec- ificity. Some preliminary studies., D A. Davies

The purification and chemical composition of a mouse histocompat- ibility antigen., D A. Davies

Liver changes in sublethally irradiated mice undergoing the foreign spleen reaction., M L. Davis, G E. Cosgrove, and W D. Gude

Day-night periodicity in pentobarbital response of mice and the influence of socio-psychological conditions., W M. Davis

The activation of aminoacids in the cytoplasm of the cells from some normal tissues and some transplantable tumours. (in Russian), S A. Davydova and G A. Drozdova

Experimental production of transplantable tumors from balb/c mice infected with friend virus leukemia. Abstr., P J. Dawson, A H. Fieldsteel, and W L. Bostick

Fractionation and radio-iodination of mouse antiserum globulins., E D. Day and D B. Amos

Atpase activity on the intercalated disc and cz bands of mouse heart muscle., J M. De beyer, J C. Man, and J Persijn

Chromosome studies in the mb mouse lymphosarcoma., W M. De bruyn and melander E. Hansen

La patogenia de las malformaciones congenitas., K H. Degenhardt

Ultrastructural studies on three different types of mouse leukemia, a review. IN. Tumors induced by viruses, ed. By dalton and hagueman, n. Y.,, E De harven

Effects of eye removal at birth on histogenesis of the mouse superior colliculus. An autoradiographic analysis with tritiated thymidine., G R. De long and R L. Sidman

Inhibition de la reaction surrenalienne au stress chez les souris de souche 020 porteuses d'un carcinome mammaire greffe tm2290., R Demol and F D. Rom

Inhibition of pigmented s-91 mouse melanomas, in vivo, by phenyl lactate. Abstr., H Demopoulos and G Kaley

The spinner mouse., M S. Deol and M W. Robins

The mouse mammary tumor virus., K B. Deome

Development of tumors, especially mammary tumors, in agent-free strain dba/2eb mice., M K. Deringer

Response of strain hr/de mice to painting with urethan., M K. Deringer

Studies on the duration of dna-synthesis and mitosis in irradiated and regenerating epidermis cells in mice, by means of tritium-labelled thymidine., F Devik

Pathogenesis of the intestinal lesions in radiation chimeras., M J. De vries

The oncological characteristics of a new line of laboratory mice dbr., A M. Diadkova and E A. Lotosh

A new viable yellow mutation in the house mouse., M M. Dickie

Inhibition of mammary growth by high doses of estrogen., R A. Dierwechter

Effect of hydrophobic phenolic compounds on electron transport in tumor mitochondrial extracts., L S. Dietrich

Determination of dehydrogenases and growth inhibition in ehrlich ascites tumors. Abstr., J A. Dipaolo

Effect of tobacco diets on rodents., J A. Dipaolo

Effects of oxygen concentration on carcinogenesis induced by trans- placental exposure to urethan., J A. Dipaolo

The cocarcinogenic activity of cigarette smoke condensate. Abstr., J A. Dipaolo

Some genetic aspects of visual cell degeneration in mice., J A. Dipaolo and W K. Noell

The combined carcinogenic effect of cigarette smoke condensate and urethan., J A. Dipaolo and P R. Sheehe

The pharmacological effects of some radioprotective agents in mice., V Di stefano, J J. Klahn, and D E. Leary

An attempt to characterise biochemically two different types of tumors and their host-tumor relationships -1. Study of nucleic acid levels., M V. Divekar and S V. Bhide

Urethan induction of thymic lymphoma in c57bl mice., R G. Doell and W H. Carnes

Dpn-gehalt, nucleinsaure-gehalt und zellstruktur von ascites-tumor- zellen nach einwirkung alkylierender cytostatica., U Dold, M Mielsch, and H Holzer

Rate of carbon clearance in three strains of germfree mice., J P. Doll

Steroid anti-estrogen and anti-mammary tumor activity in rodents., R I. Dorfman

Homograft reaction in mouse radiation chimeras. 2. Direct evidence for graft-anti-host activity., G Doria

Homograft reaction in mouse radiation chimeras. I. Indirect evidence for graft-anti-host activity., G Doria

Studies on the ontogeny of transplantation antigens in mice. Abstr., G Doria

Recovery of agglutinin production in isologous fetal liver chimeras., G Doria and C C. Congdon

Electron microscopy of polyoma virus. A rewiew. IN. Tumors induced by viruses, ed. By dalton and haguenau, n.y.,, R R. Dourmashkin

Effect of low temperatures and protective agents on radiosensitivity of some animal cells., V Drasil

Specific inhibition of antibody production. 1. Protein-overloading paralysis., D W. Dresser

Specific inhibition of antibody production . 2. Paralysis induced in adult mice by small quantities of protein antigen., D W. Dresser

Immunologic studies of a methylcholanthrene-induced sarcoma trans- planted in the mouse strain of origin. Abstr., J T. Duhig and L W. Mcdonald

Incorporation of host nuclear materials into transplanted tumour cells in surgical wounds., A E. Dumont, J H. Ayvazian, and R T. Mccluskey

Mutation and recombination in the vicinity of a complex gene., L C. Dunn, D Bennett, and A B. Beasley

Effets de l'hydrocortisone et de l'irradiation x sur la leucemogenese spontanee des souris akr., J F. Duplan

Effets de l'irradiation x sur l'oncogenese pulmonaire provoguee par l'urethane chez la souris., J F. Duplan

Influence de l'irradiation x et de la restauration isologue ou homo- logue sur la leucemogenese spontanee dans la lignee akr., J F. Duplan

The lymphocytosis stimulating factor (l.s.f.)., J F. Duplan, G V. Foschi, and L A. Manson

Effet de la moelle osseuse homologue provenant de donneurs tolerants sur la survie de souris irradiees., J F. Duplan, V P. Rechtikov, and G Kosinetz

Age-related factors which influence the value of the mouse embryo for post-irradiation restoration of the adult., J F. Duplan and N S. Wolf

Growth and persistence of vaccinia virus in tumor cells. Abstr., F E. Durr and B A. Briody

The influence of the time factor on the dose-response curve., L A. Du sault

The stimulation by 3, 4-benzpyrene of glucuronide synthesis in skin., G J. Dutton and I H. Stevenson

Total mammectomy in female mice and rats., A Dux