
Submissions from 1979

Effect of corynebacterium parvum and chronic toxoplasma infection on metastatic brain tumors in mice., F K. Conley

Efficient induction of immediate tolerance to contact sensitivity by hapten-modified spleen cells requires ia+ cells compatible with recipient., P J. Conlon, J W. Moorhead, and H N. Claman

Sister chromatid exchange in murine alveolar macrophages, regenerating liver and bone marrow cells -- a simultaneous multicellular in vivo assay., M K. Conner, Y Alarie, and R L. Dombroske

Regulation of t-cell mixed lymphocyte reaction reactivity: demonstration of enhancing and inhibitory activity in tumor- bearing host macrophage supernatants., K M. Connolly and K D. Elgert

Reversal of macrophage-augmented mlr reactivity by tumor- -induced splenic suppressor t cells and their soluble factor(s)., K M. Connolly and K D. Elgert

Misonidazole cytotoxicity in tumor model systems. Abstr., P J. Conroy and R M. Sutherland

Increased immunogenicity of l1210 leukemia following short- -term exposure to 5(3,3'-dimethyl-1-triazeno)-imidazole-4- -carboxamide (dtic) in vivo or in vitro., A R. Contessa, A Giampietri, A Bonmassar, and A Goldin

A new kind of immunosuppression associated with erythropoiesis., E Conway de macario and A J. Macario

Con-a-induced suppressor activity of lymphocytes distinguish- ed by the presence or absence of the fc receptor., A Cooke, L Heppell, P Hutchings, and I M. Roitt

Structural studies on the murine ia alloantigens. VI. Evidence that both subunits of the i-a alloantigens are encoded by the i-a subregion., R G. Cook, J D. Capra, J L. Bednarczyk, J W. Uhr, and E S. Vitetta

Structural studies on the murine ia alloantigens. IV. Nh2-terminal sequence analysis of allelic products of the i-a and i-e/c subregions., R G. Cook, M H. Siegelman, J D. Capra, J W. Uhr, and E S. Vitetta

Structural studies on the murine ia alloantigens--iii. Tryptic peptide comparisons of allelic products of the i-e/c sub-region., R G. Cook, E S. Vitetta, J W. Uhr, and J D. Capra

Structural studies on the murine ia alloantigens. V. Evidence that the structural gene for the i-e/c beta poly- peptide is encoded within the i-a subregion., R G. Cook, E S. Vitetta, J W. Uhr, and J D. Capra

Specific helper t cells permit differentiation of thymic anti- -self-trinitrophenyl cytotoxic precursor cells., M A. Cooley and verhulst A. Schmitt

Loss of strain specificity of the ta3-st subline: evidence for the role of epiglycanin in mouse allogeneic tumor growth., A G. Cooper, J F. Codington, D K. Miller, and M C. Brown

Food-choice in a food-preference test: comparison of two mouse strains and the effects of chlordiazepoxide treatment., S J. Cooper and R L. Francis

Transfection by exogenous and endogenous murine retrovirus dnas., N G. Copeland and G M. Cooper

Degree and spectrum of activity of anticancer agents in six colon tumors of mice. Abstr., T H. Corbett and D P. Griswold

Effects of bilirubin on potassium (86rb+) influx and ionic content in ehrlich ascites cells., J L. Corchs, R E. Serrani, and M Palchick

Tumor induction in host-vs-graft disease (hvgd). II. Immuno- logic and virologic features. Abstr., E Cornelius

Increased incidence of lymphomas in survivors of the host- -versus-graft syndrome., E A. Cornelius

Treatment of spontaneous murine lymphomas with syngeneic lymphoid cells., E A. Cornelius

Lymphocyte specificity to protein antigens. II. Fine specificity of t-cell activation with cytochrome c and derived peptides as antigenic probes., G Corradin and J M. Chiller

Interaction of vitamin e and fatty acids on the immune response. Abstr., L M. Corwin and J Shloss

Effect of dietary fats on tumorigenicity of two sarcoma cell lines., L M. Corwin, rose F. Varshavsky, and S A. Broitman

Specific inhibitors directed at the individual components of ribonucleotide reductase as an approach to combination chemo- therapy., J G. Cory and A E. Fleischer

Induction of sarcomas in nude by implantation of syrian hamster fetal cells exposed in vitro to nickel subsulfide., M Costa, J S. Nye, F W. Jr, C R. Allpass, and B Gondos

Transformation spontanee et maintien prolonge in vitro de cellules gliales d'embryons de souris., B S. Coulomb, R Maunoury, and P Markovits

Lymph node metastases of emt6 tumour in nude mice., A Courdi and E P. Malaise

Enucleated target cells are susceptible to lymphocyte- mediated cytolysis., W S. Court and R R. Lindquist

Studies on t lymphocyte activation. II. The target cells for concanavalin a-induced growth factors., A Coutinho, E Larsson, K Gronvik, and D Jan

Genetic hypophosphatemic rickets., L D. Cowgill, S Goldfarb, K Lau, E S. Opolsky, N Z. Agus e, and C F. With

Strain differences in tolerance induction of human gamma- -globulin subclasses: dependence on macrophages., C Cowing, C Garabedian, and S Leskowitz

Depressed specific antibody response in mice induced by primary inoculation with polyoma tumor cells. Abstr., B A. Cox, E W. Lamon, and R W. Compans

In vitro investigation of autoantibody-secreting peritoneal cells and their regulation., K O. Cox, D A. Evans, D Brooks, and D A. Cunliffe

Impaired regulation of erythrocyte autoantibody production after splenectomy., K O. Cox and jones J. Finlay

Multifactorial analysis of behavioral responses to acth analogue (org 2766) in recombinant inbred mice. Abstr., J C. Crabbe, H Rigter, and S Kerbusch

N-methylformycins. Reactivity with adenosine deaminase, in- corporation into intracellular nucleotides of human erythro- cytes and l1210 cells and cytotoxicity to l1210 cells., G W. Crabtree, R P. Agarwal, R E. Parks, A F. Lewis, L L. Wotring, and L B. Townsend

Effect of temperature on protein and immunoglobulin synthesis and secretion in two mouse myeloma cell lines., N Craig

Microvillae reduction in p815y cells treated in culture with pentobarbital (pb). Abstr., J W. Cramer, S Wise, and L Lindner

Isolated hapten-binding receptors of sensitized lymphocytes. IV. Expression of immunoglobulin variable regions in (4-hydroxy-3-nitro- phenyl) acetyl (np)-specific receptors isolated from murine b and t lymphocytes., M Cramer, U Krawinkel, I Melchers, T I. kari, neriah I. Ben, D Givol, and K Rajewsky

Identification of murine endogeneous xenotropic retrovirus in cultured multicellular tumour spheroids from nude-mouse-passaged nasopharyngeal carcinoma., D H. Crawford, B G. Achong, N M. Teich, S Finerty, J L. Thompson, A Epstein, and B C. Giovanella

Failure to induce protection against transplanted mammary tumours by vaccination with the purified murine mammary tumour virus structural proteins gp52 and p28., P Creemers, F Westenbrink, J Brinkhof, and P Bentvelzen

Analysis of t and b cells in autoimmune mice. Abstr., W D. Creighton, D H. Katz, and F J. Dixon

Antigen-specific immunocompetency, b cell function, and regulatory helper and suppressor t cell activities in spontaneously autoimmune mice., W D. Creighton, D H. Katz, and F J. Dixon

T cell-mediated immune responses of lupus-prone bxsb mice and other murine strains., W D. Creighton, R M. Zinkernagel, and F J. Dixon

Regulation of mouse mammary tumor viral rna synthesis in embryonal carcinoma cells and in teratocarcinoma derived myoblasts., M Crepin and F Gros

Glycolipids and malignancy: a review of some current ideas. Abstr., D R. Critchley

The genetics of sleek: a possible regulatory mutation of the tabby-crinkled-downless syndrome., M Crocker and B M. Cattanach

Complexity of polysomal polyadenylated rna in mouse whole brain and cortex., B Croizat, F Berthelot, A Felsani, and F Gros

Long term radiation effects on the bone marrow stem cells of c3h mice., H Croizat, E Frindel, and M Tubiana

Differential expression of endogenous and exogenous murine c-type retrovirus. Abstr., B P. Croker

Natural cytotoxic cells in nzb mice: spontaneous in vivo and in vitro primed activity and structural characteristics., B P. Croker, R M. Zinkernagel, and F J. Dixon

Metabolism of s-adenosylhomocysteine and s-tubercidinyl- homocysteine in neuroblastoma cells., P A. Crooks, R N. Dreyer, and J K. Coward

Immune complex disease in murine systemic lupus erythematosus and serum sickness. Abstr., J M. Cruse, R E. Lewis, A J. Ainsworth, M C. Yarbrough, V G. Lockard, and C Skinner

Combination chemotherapy. Biological interaction of adriamycin and cyclophosphamide. Abstr., P G. Cruze and T L. Avery

Definitive red blood cell differentiation in a clonal line of mouse teratocarcinoma cultured in vivo in the chick embryo., C A. Cudennec and J Salaun

Do natural killer cells engage in regulated reactions against self to ensure homeostasis?, G Cudkowicz and P S. Hochman

Autoreactive cytotoxic t lymphocytes specific for h-2d antigens. Abstr., G Cudkowicz, K Nakano, and I Nakamura

Natural resistance of irradiated 129-strain mice to bone marrow allografts: genetic control by the h-2k region., G Cudkowicz and J F. Warner

Structural comparison of murine ia antigens determined by the i-a and i-e subregions., S E. Cullen, C S. Kindle, and D R. Littman

Genetics of formamidase-5 (brain formamidase) in the mouse: localization of the structural gene on chromosome 14., R B Cumming, M F Walton, J C Fuscoe, B A Taylor, J E Womack, and F H Gaertner

Characterization of a galactosyltransferase in plasma membrane- -enriched fractions from balb/c 3t12 cells., R D. Cummings, T A. Cebula, and S Roth

Effects of bromelain and pronase on erythrocyte membranes., D A. Cunliffe and K O. Cox

Suppression of antibody responses by a trypanosoma cruzi- -induced suppressor substance. Abstr., D S. Cunningham and R E. Kuhn

Improved basal medium for y-1 mouse adrenal cortex tumor cells in culture. I. Dependence of growth and steroid response on calcium ion concentration., L J. Cuprak, C J. Lammi, and J I. Crane

Evidence that cells from experimental tumours can activate coagulation factor x., L Curatolo, M Colucci, A L. Cambini, A Poggi, L Morasca, B. Donati, and N Semeraro

Presence of alloreactive ia antigens on murine intestine epithelial cells., B Curman, O Kampe, L Rask, and P A. Peterson

Microenvironmental arginine depletion by macrophages in vivo., G A. Currie, L Gyure, and L Cifuentes

The h-2 histocompatibility system and lymphocyte adhesion. Interaction modulation factor involvement., A S. Curtis

H-2 restriction of contact inhibition of epithelial cells., A S. Curtis and P Rooney

Mitsuda-type lepromin reactions as a measure of host resistance in mycobacterium lepraemurium infection., J Curtis and J L. Turk

Identification of the major biological effect of ldl-in mediated immunosuppression of the primary immune response in vivo. Abstr., L K. Curtiss, D H. Deheer, and T S. Edgington

Cell separations of regenerating and normal thymus. Abstr., R Daculsi, W J. Boersma, B Simon, and G A. Westen

Mast cell membrane antigens and fc receptors in anaphylaxis. I. Products of the major histocompatibility complex involved in alloantibody-mast cell activation., M Daeron and G A. Voisin

Cell-free synthesis of mouse mammary tumor virus pr77 from virion and intracellular mrna., H M. Dahl and C Dickson

Recurrent demyelination in chronic central nervous system infection produced by theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus., M C. Dal canto and H L. Lipton

Subacute infection with temperature-sensitive vesicular stomatitis virus mutant g41 in the central nervous system of mice. II. Immunofluorescent, morphologic, and immuno- logic studies., M C. Dal canto, S G. Rabinowitz, and T C. Johnson

Radiation response of an intraspecific somatic cell hybrid (l5178y, x-ray resistant line x l5178y, x-ray sensitive line)., B Dale

Genetic analysis of a myeloma lacking detectable major histocompatibility complex (mhc) determinants. Abstr., M J. Daley, J V. Giorgi, and N L. Warner

Column selection of antigenic variants from tumors. Yac (moloney) lymphoma variants with reduced antigen expression., T Dalianis, G Klein, and B Andersson

Selection of a low antigenic variant subline from the ta3st ascites carcinoma by repeated passage of antibody-coated cells through anti-immunoglobulin columns., T Dalianis, G Klein, and B Andersson

Synthesis and secretion of igg in synchronized mouse myeloma cells., G Damiani, E Cosulich, and A B. Ellesi

Antibody response to embryonal carcinoma cells in syngeneic mice., M Damonneville, D Morello, G Gachelin, and M Stanislawski

Chemical cross-linking of ia alloantigen alpha and beta chains with dimethyl 3,3'-dithiobispropionimidate., G F. Dancey, J Cutler, and B D. Schwartz

Immunogenicity of liposomal model membranes sensitized with dinitrophenylated phosphatidylethanolamine deriv- atives containing different length spacers., G F. Dancey, P C. Isakson, and S C. Kinsky

In vitro morphological characteristics of marrow stromal cells derived from steel mutant mice. Abstr., E Daniels

Isolation and use of phenotypically different subpopulations from a mammary cell line to study metastasis. Abstr., K G. Danielson, L W, and E A. Hosick

Cytes are lysed by autologous spleen cells and spherules of coccidioides immitis., D L. Danley, A E. Hilger, P Boonlayangoor, D E. Millhouse, and I. Erythro

Renal deposition of antinuclear antibody in athymic mice infected with schistosoma mansoni., K Danno, K Fukuyama, and W L. Epstein

Properties of two mouse lymphocyte cell lines genetically defective in amino acid transport., A H. Dantzig, E A. Adelberg, and C W. Slayman

Neonatal thymus grafts. II. Cellular events., M Dardenne and N Tubiana

Sequence homology of nucleic acids from human breast cancer cells and complementary dna's from murine mammary tumor virus and mason-pfizer monkey virus., M R. Das and M M. Mink

Interaction of non-histone proteins with dna and chromatin from drosophila amd mouse cells., B Dastugue and M Crepin

Failure of nzb spleen to respond to prethymic bone marrow suppressor cells., M J. Dauphinee and N Talal

A serologically detected tumour-specific membrane antigen of murine lymphomas which is not the target graft rejection., G C. Davey, G A. Currie, and P Alexander

Immunity as the predominant factor determining metastasis by murine lymphomas., G C. Davey, G A. Currie, and P Alexander

Role of ia antigens in immune response., C S. David

Phenotypic and functional effects of the motheaten gene on murine b and t lymphocytes., W F. Davidson, H C. Iii, S O. Sharrow, and T M. Chused

Some properties of l-asparagine synthetase of the l-asparaginase-resistant mouse lymphoma 6c3hed., M R. Davies and R D. Marshall