Submissions from 1969
Immunologic properties of methylcholanthrene-induced sarcomas of neonatally thymectomized mice., K Nomoto and K Takeya
Titration of cytolytic antitumor antibody utilizing absorbance at 260 mu to measure the leakage of cell constituents., W J. Nungester, J A. Adair, R A. Allardyce, and L J. Paradise
Loss of cellular atp as a measure of cytolytic activity of antiserum., W J. Nungester, L J. Paradise, and J A. Adair
Lesions biochimiques chez des souris mutantes atteintes d'une deficience de la myelinsation., J L. Nussbaum, N Neskovic, T Kurihara, and P Mandel
A study of lipid components in brain of the 'jimpy' mouse, a mutant with myelin deficiency., J L. Nussbaum, N Neskovic, and P Mandel
Inheritance of susceptibility to friend mouse leukemia virus. VI. Reciprocal alteration of innate resistance or susceptibility by bone marrow transplantation between congenic strains., T Odaka and M Matsukura
Effect of whole-body radiation on megakaryocytopoiesis in mice. Abstr., T T. Odell, E A. Burch, C W. Jackson, and T J. Friday
Tumor induction by adenovirus type 12 and its target cells in the central nervous system., K Ogawa, K Hamaya, Y Fujii, K Matsuura, and T Endo
Histocompatibility antigens (hca) of inbred mice solubilized by triton x-100 and butanol. Abstr, C A. Ogburn, T Harris, and S Harris
Suppressive antibody in heterologous anti-lymphocytic serum estimated in vitro by the hemolytic antibody plaque test, species-specific and strain-specific antibodies in rabbit-anti-mouse anti-lymphocytic sera., C A. Ogburn, T N. Harris, and S Harris
Relation of rheumatic-like cardiac lesions of the mouse to localiza- tion of group a streptococcal cell walls., S H. Ohanian, J H. Schwab, and W J. Cromartie
Heterotransplantation of a mouse ascites tumor in rats., Y Ojima, S Takayama, F Kato, and S Hitotsumachi
Disappearance of infectious virus from friend virus-induced c57bl/6 tumors., T Okada, Y Ikawa, and K Takizawa
Constituents and antitumor activity of yeast polysaccharide., S Oka, N K. Okamura), K Sato, K Tamari, K Matsuda, H Hirai, T Oguma, K Ogawa, S Kiyooka, N K. Miyao a, and M A. Chemical
Pathogenesis of chronic disease associated with persistent lymphocytic choriomeningitis viral infection. I. Relationship of antibody pro- duction to disease in neonatally infected mice., M B. Oldstone and F J. Dixon
The pathogenesis of cellular injury associated with persistent lcm viral infection. Abstr., M Oldstone, K Habel, and F Dixon
Strain differences in cns and lethal effects of hyperbaric oxygen in mice., J H. Oliver, J M. Little, and J H. Pirch
An l-glutamine requirement for intercellular adhesion., S B. Oppenheimer, M Edidin, C W. Orr, and S Roseman
Multivariate comparison of changes in learning, electrophysiology, neurochemistry and neuronal ultrastructure after deuteron irradiation of the brain in c57bl/10 mice. Abstr., J M. Ordy, R Bell, and J Ozolins
Studies on lymphocyte mobilizing agents. Abstr., S Ormai
Synthesis of rna by normal mouse spleen cells after stimulation with antigen in vitro., ortiz L. Ortiz and B N. Jaroslow
The use of iodinated antibodies for the location of antigens on the surface of leptospira canicola by electron microscopy., I V. Osechinsky, L B. Mekler, R V. Petrov, and V M. Mityushin
Estimation of antigenicity of splenic microsomal fraction., K Ostrowski, E Skopinska, J Lazarewicz, A Gorski, Z Z. rutczynska, N A. The r, and A S. For
Action d'une pre-irradiation x de l'hote sur l'importance de l'immunite adoptive contre les neoantigenes d'une tumeur murine, dans un systeme syngenique., D Oth, M Donner, and C Burg
Mechanism of inhibition of dna synthesis of sarcoma 180 cells by liver extract., H Otsuka
Induction of melanin synthesis in albino mouse skin by dna from pig- mented mice., nightingale E. Ottolenghi
Tissue interaction in the development of thymus lymphocytes., J J. Owen and M A. Ritter
Fate of primoridial germ cells in the transplanted hind gut of mouse embryos., W Ozdzenski
Effects of maternal x-irradiation of mice on the germ cells of their progeny., T Palayoor and B K. Batra
Early macromolecular syntheses in cultured mammary tissue from midpregnant mice., R D. Palmiter
Hormonal induction and regulation of lactose synthetase in mouse mammary gland., R D. Palmiter
Properties of lactose synthetase from mouse mammary gland. Role of a proposed third component., R D. Palmiter
Differential immunofluorescence of fertilized mouse eggs with h-2 and non-h-2 antibody. Abstr., J Palm, S Heyner, and R L. Brinster
Thymusless 'nude'. Abstr., E M. Pantelouris
The electron microscopy of livers of mice runted as a result of the graft versus host reaction and bacterial endotoxin., J M. Papadimitriou and D Keast
The effect of antigenic stimulation of the induction of plasma cell tumors in mice. Abstr., F Paraskevas
Distribution and properties of lysosmal enzymes in untreated and in irradiated mouse mammary-gland carcinomas., J E. Paris, D Brandes, and E Anton
Immunodepressive and leukemogenic effects of urethan in c3hf and swr mice., G Parmiani, M I. Colnaghi, and G D. Porta
The source of cells within different areas of lymph nodes draining the site of primary stimulation with a contact sensitizing agent. Lymphatic tissue and germinal centers in immune response, plenum,, D M. Parrott and M A. Sousa
Chromosomal analysis of tumors derived from mouse cells after neo- plastic conversion in vitro in various serum-supplemented media., R Parshad and K K. Sanford
Comparative fractionation of dna from ascites tumour and normal cells on hydrozyapatite column., A S. Patel and K S. Korgaonkar
Hemopoiesis in embryonic mouse liver tissue and cells in vitro., D Patton, D Kirk, and A Moscona
Cytotoxic potential of different lymphoid cell populations against chromium-51 labelled tumour cells., G R. Pearson, R J. Hodes, and S Friberg
On plasmocytoma--oncogenesis of mice. Evolution of a poorly differentiated sarcoma (hipa tumor of balb/c mice) into a plasmocytoma iv. A comparative histological and electron microscopic study., G Pedio, E Grieshaber, and J R. Ruttner
Changes occurring during the growth of ehrlich ascites cells in vivo., S Peel and P A. Fletcher
Effect of several hormones on the tolerance to glucose in the non diabetic stage of kk mice., J C. Penhos, C H. Wu, and davalos R. Camerini
Preoperative irradiation and chemotherapy in the cure of a mouse lymphosarcoma., C A. Perez and J Olson
Recruitment and proliferation of immunocompetent cells during the log phase of the primary antibody response., E H. Perkins, T Sado, and T Makinodan
Impairment of differentiation and proliferation of immunocompetent and spleen colony-forming cells in mice of a high leukemic strain. Abstr., E Perkins, T Makinodan, and A Upton
Antibody to dihydrofolate reductase from a methotrexate resistant subline of the l1210 lymphoma., J P. Perkins, G Hillman, D Fischer, and J R. Bertino
Biologic studies on hamster tumors induced by the murine sarcoma virus (moloney)., K Perk, M V. Viola, K L. Smith, N A. Wivel, and J B. Moloney
The effect of isoantibody on the respiration of ic-strain lympho- sarcoma cells 'in vitro'., H H. Peter, M Vendrely, and I Chouroulinkov
The development of the mouse ovary from birth to maturity., H Peters
Chromatographic isolation of 80s ribosomes from rat liver and mouse plasma cell tumor., E A. Peterson and E L. Kuff
Fibrinogen metabolism in experimental tumours., H Peterson, K L. Appelgren, and B H. Rosengren
Studies on the circulation of experimental tumours. I. Effect of induced fibrinolysis and antifibrinolysis on capillary blood flow and the capillary transport function of two experimental tumours in the mouse., H Peterson, K L. Appelgren, C Rudenstam, and D H. Lewis
An experimental analysis of factors affecting the localization of embryonic bone marrow., N L. Petrakis, S Pons, and R E. Lee
Effect of phytohaemagglutinin on plaque forming cells in the mouse spleen., G Petranyi, G Janossy, and P Alfoldy
Immunosuppressive effects of cytostatic diatereomeric dibromhexitols., G Petranyi, K Nouza, J Szollar, and L Institoris
Improved electrophoretic resolution of some hemoglobin variants in mus musculus., M L. Petras and J E. Martin
Another esterase variant in the kidney of the house mouse, mus musculus., M L. Petras and P Sinclair
Studies of natural populations of mus. V. A survey of nine loci for polymorphisms., M Petras, J Reimer, F Biddle, J Martin, and R Linton
Inactivation of stem cells after transplantation of mixtures of haemopoietic or lymphoid cells of different genotypes., R V. Petrov, V M. Manyko, E I. Panteleyev, and L S. Seslavina
Gamma globulin synthesis in mixed culture of allogeneic lymphoid cells., R V. Petrov and A A. Mikhailova
Interline differences in antibody formation in inbred mice and their genetic origin., R V. Petrov, E I. Panteleev, V M. Man'ko, and V S. Egorova
Altered split-dose recovery in mice irradiated under hypoxic conditions., T L. Phillips and E J. Ainsworth
Immune responses in vitro. II. Suppression of the immune response in vitro by specific antibody., C W. Pierce
Immune response in vitro, independence of 'activated' lymphoid cells., C W. Pierce and B Benacerraf
Hormones and immunological capacity. II. Reconstitution of antibody production in hormonally deficient mice by somatotropic hormone, thyrotropic hormone, and thyroxin., W Pierpaoli, C Baroni, N Fabris, and E Sorkin
Congenital eye defects in the mouse. II. The influence of litter size, litter spacing, and suckling of offspring on risk of eye defects in c57bl mice., L J. Pierro and J Spiggle
Muscle regeneration. Enhancement by ethylene inhalation., P Pietsch and M B. Chenoweth
The kinetics of the organ-specific metastasis of a transplantable reticuloendothelial tumor., H I. Pilgrim
Leukemia in germfree akr mice. In e. A. Mirand and n. Back (ed.), Germ-free biology, plenum press,, H I. Pilgrim, R C. Parks, and L W. Law
Erythropoietic shifts in the graft vs host reaction., E Pinno, G O. Bain, and L A. Campbell
Characteristics of cells dissociated from mouse mammary glands. I. Method of separation and morphology of parenchymal cells from lactating glands., D R. Pitelka, P R. Kerkof, H T. Gagne, S Smith, and S Abraham
5-azacytidine, Microbiological assay in mouse blood., R F. Pittillo and C Woolley
The effect of thymine on the occurrence of adenomas in mice lung under the action of urethane and n-hydroxyurethane. (russ. Eng. Summ.)., G M. Platonova and E E. Pogosyants
Mouse seminal vesicle proteins, the inheritance of electrophoretic variants., R D. Platz and H G. Wolfe
Specific tolerance to sheep erythrocytes in mouse bone marrow cells., J H. Playfair
Syngeneic splenomegaly in nzb and balb/c mice., J H. Playfair and M Krsiakova
Effect of phytohemagglutinin on bone marrow protection and recovery in rodents., I H. Plenderleith
Specific inhibition of an antibody response by affinity labelling., P H. Plotz
Reticular, cell, mammary, and pituitary tumors in aged 4-way crossed hybrid mice. Abstr., W Poel, D Stanton, and M Frickanisce
Induction of autoimmune aspermatogenesis by noncellular cytophilic material., Z Pokorna
Attempt at inducing male-specific antigen in female skin., M Polackova
Spontaneous 'secondary' disease in germfree akr mice., M Pollard
Chromosomal variability of transplantable strains of mouse fibroblasts in connection with the problem of malignant degeneration in cultures in vitro., L G. Polukarova and V M. Mityushin
Effects of inhibitors of glycolysis on intracellular ph and on accum- ulation of glycolytic intermediates in the ehrlich ascites tumor cell., D T. Poole and T C. Butler
Histocompatibility-14, correlation of the isoantigen rho and r-z locus., D M. Popp