Submissions from 1969
Use of the zonal centrifuge to separate particles containing trans- plantation antigen., R A. Popp, D M. Popp, and E A. Elrod
Immunofluorescence assay for antigen and antibody in lactic dehydro- genase virus infection of mice., D D. Porter, H G. Porter, and B B. Deerhake
Effects of daily handling and other factors on weight gain of mice from birth to six weeks of age., G Porter and M Festing
Differences in type of stimulus required for primary and secondary antibody responses. Abstr., R J. Porter
Monovalent cations, energy, and exchange diffusion in ehrlich ascites cells. Abstr., S J. Potashner and R M. Johnstone
Radiation effect on thymic cells of x/gf mice. Abstr., M Potmesil and A Goldfeder
Radiation depigmentation of mouse hair, the influence of local tissue oxygen tension on radiosensitivity., C S. Potten and A Howard
Two-way shuttle avoidance in wild and domesticated mice., R W. Powell
Suppression of melanoma development and inhibition of phenoloxidase by mimosine., K Prabhakaran, E B. Harris, and W F. Kirchheimer
Homeostasis of zinc and iron in mouse b16 melanoma., K N. Prasad, C R. Ahrens, and J M. Barrett
Influence of x irradiation and the milk agent on growth of trans- planted mouse mammary tumors., R T. Prehn
Effect of suppression of erythropoiesis on colony-forming units of mice. Abstr., H D. Preisler and E S. Henderson
The effects of 1-3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (bcnu) and cyto- sine arabinoside (arac) on hematopoiesis in the mouse. Abstr., H D. Preisler and E S. Henderson
Leukemia l 1210 homograft in swiss mice, immunologic, cellular and chemotherapeutic responses., H N. Prince and E Grunberg
A comparative study of the antitumor and antiviral activity of 1-beta- -d-arabinofuranosyl-5-fluorocytosine (fca) and 1-beta-d-arabino- furanosylcytosine (ca)., H N. Prince, E Grunberg, M Buck, and R Cleeland
Protein synthesis in ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Abstr., E Prindel and R Baserga
Nitrocellulose-affinitat neusynthetisierter dna aus ehrlich-ascites- tumor-kulturzellen., H Probst
Pancreas, fat and muscle lactate dehyrogenase isoenzyme patterns in normal and obese hyperglycaemic mice. Abstr., B Prochazka, M A. Qureshi, and A J. Matty
Contact and delayed hypersensitivity in the mouse. II. The role of different cell populations., W Ptak and G L. Asherson
Improved graft survival after treatment with bordetella and anti- -lymphocyte serum., W Ptak, H Festenstein, G L. Asherson, and A M. Denman
Interactions of 6,7-3h-17beta-estradiol with mammary gland and other organs of the c3h mouse in vivo., G A. Puca and F Bresciani
The effects of reciprocal cross-fostering on the social preference, open field and social behavior of the pygmy mouse, baiomys taylori and the mouse, mus musculus, c57br/j. Abstr., D M. Quadagno and E M. Banks
Reversal and potentiation of the effects of rabbit anti-mouse lymphocyte serum (ramls) with thymosin, a cell free extract of calf thymus. Abstr., J Quint, M A. Hardy, and A P. Monaco
The immunologic memory of laf1 mice following a single injection of sheep red cells., J Radovich, H Hemingsen, and D W. Talmage
Theta isoantigen as a marker of thymus-derived lymphocytes in mice., M C. Raff
Uridine phosphorylase and uridine kinase asctivites of the ehrlich ascites carcinoma., D J. Rainnie and D G. Blair
Amyloid. Viii. On strain variability in experimental murine amyloido- sis., J S. Ram, R A. Lellis, and G G. Glenner
Amyloid. Vii. Kinetics of murine amyloidosis induced with a freund- -type adjuvant., J S. Ram, R A. Lellis, and G G. Glenner
A new inbred strain of mouse c17/icrc developed for testing weak carcinogens., K J. Ranadive, S V. Gothoskar, and G Fernandes
Inheritance of the lipoid a-induced 19 s-plaque-forming-cell-response in mice, evidence for three antigen-recognition-mechanisms., W Rank, U Flugge, and R Pauli
Variations in the enteric surface coat of jejunum of nzcw mice., S N. Rao, T M. Mukherjee, and A W. Williams
A comparison of post-mortem and ischaemic changes in the absorptive cells of the jejunal mucosa in mice., S N. Rao and williams A. Wynn
Spontaneous reticular neoplasms in (cba x dba/2)f1 mice, with special emphasis on the occurrence of plasma cell neoplasms., nielsen R. Rask and P Ebbesen
Variations de l'activite dela surrenale dans differentes formes de diabete chez la souris., A R. Ratsimamanga and nia P. Chirvan
Biochemistry of drugs xiii. Substances with antineoplastic activity xxx. Cancerostatic activity, absorption, tissue distribution and excretion of ethylester n-/delta-(6-purinylthio)valeryl/glycine- -35s/(butocine) in mice., K Raz, V Francova, Z F. Cerny, V Jelinek, and M Semonsky
The histology and cytology of the seminiferous epithelium of mice carrying searle's x-autosome translocation., C R. Reader and A J. Solari
Alterations of the sphingolipid composition in the brains of the 'quaking' mouse and the 'jimpy' mouse., M J. Reasor and J N. Kanfer
Microbodies in experimentally altered cells. IV. Acatalasemic (csb) mice treated with cpib., J Reddy, S Bunyaratvej, and D Svoboda
Microbodies in experimentally altered cells. V. Histochemical and cytochemical studies on the livers of rats and acatalasemic (csb) mice treated with cpib., J Reddy, S Bunyaratvej, and D Svoboda
An investigation of a possible humoral factor produced by the thymus in terms of its effect on immunological competence., A J. Reese and M S. Israel
Human leprosy in normal mice., A G. Rees r j w, E Palmer, and J Pearson
Mechanism of growth inhibition by 5-fluorouracil. Reversal studies with pyrimidine metabolites in vitro., W J. Reeves and R Cailleau
Folate metabolism and thymidylate synthetase activity in mouse malaria. Abstr., V E. Reid and M Friedkin
Therapy of transplantable mouse leukaemias with antileukaemia sera., A E. Reif and C H. Kim
Further evidence of common antigenic properties in chemically induced sarcomas of mice., J Reiner and C M. Southam
A new transplantable mouse tumour and its ultrastructural characteristics., A Rejthar, J Karasek, and J Chlumecky
Competitive repopulation of lethally irradiated mice with cells of various genotypes., J Rejzkova
Correlation of radiation-induced ultrastructural changes in mouse hepatocytes with alterations in plasma protein-bound neutral hexoses. Abstr., A A. Rene and A S. Evans
Reaginic antibody production in different mouse strains., R Revoltella and Z Ovary
The intracellular localization of two antigens after uptake in vivo by peritoneal macrophages from normal mice., J M. Rhodes, I Lind, andersen A. Birch, and H Ravn
In vivo studies on radiation sensitization of ascites tumors by iodoacetamide. Abstr., W R. Richards and L S. Kelly
Influence de diverses toxines fongiques sur la teneur en adn (histo- photometrie des hepatocytes de rats et de souris., C Richir, R Baute, J Payard, J Neveu, A Artiges, and N Pottier
Spontaneous regression in virus-induced murine leukemia. I. Host- -virus system., M A. Rich, R Siegler, S Karl, and R Clymer
The delay of allograft rejection by 'tumor' ribonucleic acid., P G. Rigby
Leukemia in mice fed benzo(a)pyrene, a clinical, pathologic and hematologic study., R H. Rigdon, M C. Benge, H Kirchoff, J Mack, and J Neal
The oxygen equilibria and aggregation behavior of polymerizing mouse hemoglobins., A Riggs and M Rona
Antitrinitrophenyl (tnp) plaque assay. Primary response of balb/c mice to soluble and particulate immunogen., M B. Rittenberg and K L. Pratt
Bioassay of mouse mammary tumor virus (mtv). Abstr., R Ritter, S Haslam, and S Nandi
Ethanol blood levels following acute i.v. Administration in mice., M K. Roach and P J. Creaven
Transp, D C. Roberts
Transplanted tumours of rats and mice, an index of tumours and host strains., D C. Roberts
Cellular response to selection for rapid growth in mice., D W. Robinson and G E. Bradford
Modification of the in vitro response to phytohemagglutinin of mouse spleen cells by amyloidogenic agents., G E. Rodey and R A. Good
The in vitro response to phytohemagglutinin of lymphoid cells from normal and neonatally thymectomized adult mice., G E. Rodey and R A. Good
And tumor-bearing mice., W I. Rogers; A C. Hartman; P E. Palm; C Okstein; D C. Kensler; and T O. Mice,
Metabolic basis for enhanced chemotherapy of solid l1210 with 6-mp. Abstr., W I. Rogers, M L. Meloni, I Wodinsky, and C J. Kensler
A search for dominant mutations in f1 progeny of male mice treated with trenimone (triethyleneiminobenzoquinone-1,4)., G Rohrborn and F Vogel
Formation of hemolysins against rat erthrocytes in inbred mice of lines cba and cc57br., O V. Rokhlin, V A. Lyashchenko, R I. Vysokodvorova, and R P. Khromacheva
Cytogenetic study of differences in radiosensitivity of noninbred, inbred, and hybrid mice., G M. Ronichevskaya
Glycolysis-dependent exchange of diphosphopyridine nucleotide-3h in red blood and ascites cells., I A. Rose and J V. Warms
X-ray resistant cell required for the induction of in vitro antibody formation., J Roseman
Platinum compounds, a new class of potent antitumour agents., B Rosenberg, L V. Camp, J E. Trosko, and V H. Mansour
Kinetics of cell volume changes of murine lymphoma cells subjected to different agents in vitro., H M. Rosenberg and E C. Gregg
On mouse complement, genetic variants., L T. Rosenberg and D K. Tachibana
Vasoconstriction, blood viscosity, and erythrocyte aggregation in macroglobulinemic and polycythemic mice., W I. Rosenblum
Effect of cortisol (c) on dna and glucose metabolism in the sensitive (p1798) and resistant (p1798/c) lines of a mouse lymphoma. Abstr., J Rosen, F Rosen, R J. Milholland, and C A. Nichol
Some investigations on lipolysis in the hereditary obese mouse. Abstr., I S. Ross
The effect of senility on skeletal muscles in the mouse., R W. Rowe
Muscle fibre growth in five different muscles in both sexes of mice. II. Dystrophic mice., R W. Rowe and G Goldspink
Muscle fibre growth in five different muscles in both sexes of mice. I. Normal mice., R W. Rowe and G Goldspink
Differential effects of nitrogen mustard, melphalan and vinblastine on the metabolism of mouse tumour and spleen slices., G F. Rowland and A L. Edwards
Naturally occurring tumors and other lesions of the digestive tract in untreated c57bl mice., C Rowlatt, L M. Franks, M U. Sheriff, and F C. Chesterman
Studies on deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase from ehrlich ascites tumor cells. II. Factors influencing primer and template requirement of deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase., R Roychoudhury and D P. Bloch
Studies on deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase from ehrlich ascites tumor cells. I. Isolation and purification of the polymerase and some general properties of the enzyme catalyzed reaction., R Roychoudhury and D P. Bloch
Virus-like particles in murine ependymoblastoma., R Rubin, R P. Ames, C H. Sutton, and H M. Zimmerman
Recherches sur l'action cancerigene du cyclamate de soude chez les souris., G Rudali, E Coezy, and kovacs I. Muranyi
Leucoses apres greffes de tissus renaux ou pulmonaires chez des souris c57bl., G Rudali, P Jullien, and C Silberman
Measurement of genetic heterogeneity by means of enzyme polymorphisms in wild populations of the mouse., F H. Ruddle, T H. Roderick, T B. Shows, P G. Weigl, R K. Chipman, D P. K, and E Anderson
Esterase genetics in mus musculus, expression, linkage, and poly- morphism of locus es-2., F H. Ruddle, T B. Shows, and T H. Roderick
Normal induction and maintenance of tolerance in (nzb x nzw)f1 mice., A S. Russell and A M. Denman
Comparative studies on x-autosome translocations in the mouse. I. Origin, viability, fertility, and weight of five t(x,1)'s., L B. Russell and C S. Montgomery
Electron microscopy of renal glomerular basement membrane changes in healthy mice and in spontaneous and nephrotoxic murine nephritis., P J. Russell, A Abbott, J D. Hicks, and K Muirden
The effects of alkylation on tumor cell dna replication. Abstr., R J. Rutman, E H. Chun, N O. Goldstein, F S. Lewis, and L K. Yin