Submissions from 1969
The effect of 'ageing' of an 'inhibitor' of spontaneous tumours in mice., L C. Strong
Auto-phagocytosis in mouse typhoid., A E. Stuart, J Clark, J Boulton, and J G. Collee
Absence of synergism between thymus and bone marrow in graft-versus- -host reactions., O Stutman
Carcinogen-induced immune depression, absence in mice resistant to chemical oncogenesis., O Stutman
Traffic of hemopoietic cells to the thymus, influence of histo- compatibility differences. Abstr., O Stutman and R A. Good
Decreased immune response after restoration in absence of thymic function. Abstr., O Stutman, R A. Good, and E J. Yunis
Carcinogen-induced tumors of the thymus. Iii. Restoration of neo- natally thymectomized mice with thymomas in cell-impermeable chambers., O Stutman, E J. Yunis, and R A. Good
Carcinogen-induced tumors of the thymus. II. Lung colonies as a means of separating different cell types of a functional thymoma., O Stutman, E J. Yunis, and R A. Good
Carcinogen-induced tumors of the thymus. IV. Humoral influences of normal thymus and functional thymomas and influence of postthymectomy period of restoration., O Stutman, E J. Yunis, and R A. Good
Effect of parental strain thymus grafts in neonatally thymectomized f1 hybrids., O Stutman, E J. Yunis, and R A. Good
Reversal of post-thymectomy wasting in mice with immunocompetent cells, influence of histocompatibility differences., O Stutman, E J. Yunis, and R A. Good
Tolerance induction with thymus grafts in neonatally thymectomized mice., O Stutman, E J. Yunis, and R A. Good
Heterotransplantation of mouse tumors to immunologically paralyzed rats., foca N. Suciu
Repair of sublethal radiation injury in hypoxic cells of a c3h mouse mammary carcinoma., H Suit and M Urano
Antiproliferative effects of isopentenyladenosine (ipa). Abstr., D Suk, C L. Simpson, A Chamberlain, and E Mihich
Genetic factors in leucocyte responses to endotoxin, further studies in mice., B M. Sultzer
Acyl and alk-1-enyl group compositions of the alk-1'-enyl acyl and the diacyl glycerophosphoryl ethanolamines of mouse and ox brain., G Y. Sun and L A. Horrocks
The metabolism of palmitic acid in the phospholipids, neutral glyce- rides and galactolipids of mouse brain., G Y. Sun and L A. Horrocks
Isolation of tumor specific antigen by an immunological method. Abstr., G B. Sutherland and U Dattagupta
Comparison of rabbit antimouse thymus sera produced after different numbers of injections of lymphoid cells., P Sutthiwan, R G. Shorter, G A. Hallenbeck, and L R. Elveback
Lysosomes and pinocytosis in human and experimental brain tumors., C H. Sutton and N H. Becker
Antitumor activity of polysaccarides. II. Growth-inhibitory activity of mannan fractions isolated from several species of yeasts against sarcoma-180 solid tumor., S Suzuki, H Hatsukaiwa, H Sunayama, M Uchiyama, U Fukuoka, M Nakanishi, and S Akiya
Antitumor activity of polysaccharides. Iii. Growth-inhibitory activity of purified mannan and glucan fractions from baker's yeast against sarcoma-180 solid tumor., S Suzuki, M Suzuki, H Hatsukaiwa, H S. Suzuki, I Uchiyama, F Fukuoka, M Nakanishi, and S Akiya
Composition of glycosaminoglycans (acid mucopolysaccharides) in mouse spleen and thymus., J Svejcar and V Viklicky
Mouse transplantation immunity depressed by trichinella spiralis., moldavsky G. Svet, G S. Shaghijian, D M. Mkheidze, A A. Litovchenko, N N. Ozeretskovskaya, K, and I Y. Chernyakhovskaya
Detection of virus particles in lymphatic tissue germinal centers. Lymphatic tissue and germinal centers in immune response, plenum,, D C. Swartzendruber, B I. Ma, and W H. Murphy
The effect of diets supplemented with various lipids upon the stomach of mice. Abstr., J Szepsenwol
The effect upon mice of a diet supplemented with refined corn oil. Abstr., J Szepsenwol
Pituitary tumors in mice of the c57bl strain treated with estrogen. Abstr., J Szepsenwol and A A. Ydrach
Partial characterization of an antigen in spontaneous murine mammary tumors., J R. Tacker and R M. Hyde
Properties of clonal lines of murine sarcoma virus transformed balb/3t3 cells., G J. Tadaro and S A. Aaronson
Thymus and spleen regeneration patterns in mice after wholebody irradiation. Abstr., A Takada, C C. Huang, and J L. Ambrus
Biphasic pattern of thymus regeneration after whole-body irradiation., A Takada, Y Takada, C C. Huang, and J L. Ambrus
Influence of noise on laboratory mice. 1. Age, strain and sex differences to audiogenic seizure. (japanese With eng. Summ.)., H Takahashi, C Yamauchi, and T Nomura
The effect of x-irradiation on the release of lactate dehydrogenase from isolated thymocytes of mice., Y Takamori, A Takeda, T Hori, and K Nishio
Lymphocyte-antibody interactions in immunological enhancement., M Takasugi and W H. Hildemann
Regulation of immunity toward allogeneic tumors in mice. I. Effect of antiserum fractions on tumor growth., M Takasugi and W H. Hildemann
Regulation of immunity toward allogeneic tumors in mice. II. Effect of antiserum and antiserum fractions on cellular and humoral response., M Takasugi and W H. Hildemann
Studies on rous sarcoma virus in mice. Iii. Three lines of sr-rsv- -induced mouse ascites sarcoma., M Takeuchi, S Hino, and T Yamamoto
Tumor induction in adult mice by sr-rsv material with syngeneic embryo cells., M Takeuchi and T Yamamoto
Immunological studies on mouse mammary tumors. II. Characterization of tumor-specific antibodies against mouse mammary tumors., S Takeuchi, R F. Irie, M Inoue, K Irie, R Izumi, and K Nishioka
Influence of neonatally administered steroid on eyelid and vaginal opening in the mouse. Abstr., F Talamantes and H C. Browning
Presence, induction and possible role of glucose 6-phosphatase in mammalian pancreatic islets., I Taljedal
Depletion of monoamines of the kidney vessels of mice with ehrlich ascites carcinoma., G Tallqvist and S Jansson
The separation and growth of interacting cells required for anti- body formation. Abstr., D W. Talmage, H Hemingsen, and J Radovich
A nonspecific response to antigen in bone marrow cells. Abstr., D W. Talmage, J Radovich, and H Hemmingsen
Distribution of acid phosphatase, beta-glucuronidase and n-acetyl- -beta-glucosaminidase activities in lymphocytes of lymphatic tissues of man and rodents., N Tamaoki and E Essner
The in vivo incorporation of labelled acetate into the cholesterol and fatty acids of tissues of dystrophic mice., R Tanaka, A J. Hudson, rodriguez J. Jato, C H. Lin, and K P. Strickland
Characteristics of murine myeloid leukaemia colonies in the spleen., T Tanaka and L G. Lajtha
Enzymes of the pentose phosphate cycle in muscles of rat, ox, frog, lobster, chicken, northern pike and carp, and ehrlich ascites cells., E L. Tan and T Wood
A comparison of cell proliferation parameters in solid and ascites ehrlich tumors., I F. Tannock
Penetration of the vascular endothelial barrier by non-neoplastic thyroid cells in circulation., N Taptiklis
Multigeneration studies on ddt in mice., R Tarjan and T Kemeny
Inhibition of phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate amidotransferase from ehrlich ascites-tumour cells by thiopurine nucleotides., B S. Tay, R M. Lilley, A W. Murray, and M R. Atkinson
Coding response of an altered phenylalanine transfer rna from an ehrlich ascites tumor., M W. Taylor
Cellular cooperation in the antibody response of mice to two serum albumins, specific function of thymus cells., R B. Taylor
Cellular cooperation in the antibody response of mice to two serum albumins, specific function of thymus cells., R B. Taylor
Antinuclear antibodies in mice. II. Transmission with spleen cells, inhibition or prevention with thymus or spleen cells., P O. Teague and G J. Friou
Opportunity for aggression as a reinforcer in mice., A Tellegen, J M. Horn, and R G. Legrand
Transplantable mouse plasma cell tumors in experimental chemotherapy., M N. Teller, D Abraham, M Bowie, and P P. Carbone
Chemotherapy of mouse plasmacytomas, effects on host survival and abnormal protein synthesis. Abstr., M N. Teller, D Abraham, P P. Carbone, and M Bowie
Mouse erythrocyte esterases and an interaction with heparin as shown by starch gel electrophoresis., M C. Templeton
Characterization of two balb/c infant thymus cell lines infected with lympholeukemogenic virus., J R. Tennant
Further observations on the glucose-induced respiration in ehrlich ascites cells treated with rotenone., T Terranova, S Baldi, and O Dionisi
Die anlage des vorderdarmes bei der hausmaus und die furchenbildungen am eicylinder., K Theiler
Mitotic index in the regenerating liver of tumor-bearing mice., A Theologides and G F. Zaki
Apparition d'anticorps antinucleaires apres thymectomie neonatale chez des souris swiss, cf1 et balb/c. I. Animaux conventionnels., J Thivolet and J C. Monier
A simplified, rapid method for skin transplantation in mice., G H. Thoenes
Cellular proliferation in the thymus following supra-lethal whole- -body x-irradiation. Abstr., D B. Thomas
Predatory behavior in two strains of laboratory mice., K Thomas
Selection and avoidance of alcohol solutions by two strains of inbred mice and derived generations., K Thomas
Atheromata in an inbred strain of mice., J S. Thompson
Autoradiographic study of the effect of estradiol and irradiation on nucleic acid metabolism of the thymus and lymph node of mice., J S. Thompson, C D. Severson, and R W. Reilly
Studies on immunological unresponsiveness during secondary disease. Iii. Effect of donor strain on acquisition of mutual tolerance., J S. Thompson, E L. Simmons, M K. Crawford, and C D. Severson
Inhibitory effect of deae-dextran on tumour growth (2). A. Effect of deae-dextran in vivo on a transplantable ascites tumour jbi in c3h/a mice, and b. Action of dextran sulphate administered after inocula- tion of deae-dextran inhibited tumour cells., E B. Thorling and B Larsen
A quantitative study on transformation of hamster embryo cells in vitro by murine sarcoma viruses (harvey and moloney)., R C. Ting and A V. Bader
The distribution of tubercle bacilli in estrogen-treated mice., P Toivanen
Properties of the antibody produced during immunological enhancement. Abstr., S Tokuda
The occurrence of tumours in f1, f2, and f3 descendants of pregnant mice injected with 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene., L Tomatis and C M. Goodall
Em study of experimental leukodystrophy. Abstr., J Torii and M Adachi
Lung tumor induction and inhibition of breast adenocarcinomas by hydrazine sulfate in mice., B Toth
Utilization of ammonium ions for purine precursor synthesis in soluble extracts of ehrlich ascites cells., D Trachewsky and R M. Johnstone
Influence of neonatal thymectomy on cloning capacity of bone marrow cells in mice., N Trainin and P Resnitzky
Immunocompetence of spleen cells from neonatally thymectomized mice conferred in vitro by a syngeneic thymus extract., N Trainin, M Small, and A Globerson
Combination therapy of animal tumors with l-asparaginase and gluta- mine antagonists. Abstr., G S. Tranowski, I M. Mountain, and C C. Stock
Differences in face shape of mouse embryos with and without the gene dancer predisposing to cleft lip. Abstr., D G. Trasler
Lysosomal enzyme release in mouse strains susceptible and resistant to antigen-antibody complex induced anaphylactic shock., P E. Treadwell
The inheritance of susceptibility to anaphylaxis in inbred mice and their hybrid progenies., P E. Treadwell
Depression of transplantation immunity against subcutaneously inoculated mouse leukaemia cells by mouse thymic virus in neonatal mice. Abstr., C A. Trench and C A. Green
Effect of anti-lymphocyte serum on mouse lymphoid tissues in vivo and in vitro. Lymphatic tissue and germinal centers in immune response, plenum,, G Tridente and D W. Bekkum
Thymus-marrow cell interaction in vitro, a synergistic effect in pha response., G Tridente, D Collavo, bianchi L. Chieco, and donati L. Fiore
The age-related susceptibility of mice to graft versus host reactions., G M. Troup and R L. Walford
Effect of 3'-deoxyadenosine and 3'-amino-3'-deoxy-adenosine on the labelling of rna sub-species in ehrlich ascites tumor cells., J T. Truman and S Frederiksen
Linkage of serum esterase and tottering in the mouse., S Tsuji and H Meier
Active transport of 5-fluorouracil and 6-mercaptopurine across ehrlich ascites tumor cell membranes in vitro., H Tsukada, T Uchida, T Oriuchi, M Ishikawa, A Itabashi, and H Haga
A screening model for the chemotherapy of lymph node metastasis., S Tsukagoshi