Submissions from 1969
Growth of tumour cells in diffusion chambers on the chick chorioallantois., D F. Tucker and J J. Owen
Porosity of the mouse placenta to maternal cells., M Tuffrey, N P. Bishun, and R D. Barnes
Porosity of the placenta to maternal cells in normally derived mice., M Tuffrey, N P. Bishun, and R D. Barnes
Homogeneous differentiation of mammary alveolar cells., R W. Turkington
Hormonal regulation of transfer ribonucleic acid and transfer ribonucleic acid-methylating enzymes during development of the mouse mammary gland., R W. Turkington
Stimulation of mammary carcinoma cell proliferation by epithelial growth factor in vitro., R W. Turkington
The role of epithelial growth factor in mammary gland development in vitro., R W. Turkington
Lactose synthetase, progesterone inhibition of the induction of alpha-lactalbumin., R W. Turkington and R L. Hill
Hormone-dependent phosphorylation of nuclear proteins during mammary gland differentiation in vitro., R W. Turkington and M Riddle
Dna polymerase and dna synthesis in mammary carcinoma cells., R W. Turkington and O T. Ward
Hormonal stimulation of rna polymerase in mammary gland in vitro., R W. Turkington and O T. Ward
Enhancement of murine sarcoma virus (moloney) infection and tumori- genesis in vivo by coinfection with rauscher leukemia virus., W Turner and M A. Chirigos
The influence of endotoxin on transplantation of crocker sarcoma and behavior of the thymus in mice., G Turowski and Z Kobielowa
Response to phytohaemagglutinin of lymphocytes from mice treated with anti-lymphocyte globulin., A Tursi, M F. Greaves, G Torrigiani, J H. Playfair, and I M. Roitt
Lack of effect of urethane on the induction of dominant lethal mutations in male mice. Abstr., K Tutikawa
A refractory period in adoptive immunization following secondary stimulation of mice., F J. Twarog and N R. Rose
Fetal liver and adult thymus cells, absence of synergism in graft- -versus-host reactions., M L. Tyan
Lymphoid precursors, thymus independent antibody production., M L. Tyan, L A. Herzenberg, and P R. Gibbs
Oncogenic effect of sheep erythrocytes in balb/c mice. Abstr., R L. Tyndall and J A. Otten
Studies on drug resistance--i. Distribution of 1-beta-d-arabino- furanosylcytosine, cytidine and deozycytidine in mice bearing ara-c- -sensitive and -resistant p815 neoplasms., K Uchida and W Kreis
Studies on the lipids of neoplastic tissues ii. Lipid contents and fatty acid compositions of the lipids of several organs of tumor (nf sarcoma) bearing mice., N Uezumi, S Hasegawa, and K Kasama
The immune response of mice to keyhole limpet hemocyanin bound to macrophages., E R. Unanue
Persistence of antigen on the surface of macrophages., E R. Unanue, J Cerottini, and M Bedford
Effects of teratogenic doses of vincristine on mitotic cells in the fetuses of dba mice., S Ungthavorn and M Joneja
Studies on vincristine-induced teratogenesis in mice. Abstr., S Ungthavorn and M Joneja
Graft versus host reaction modified by in vitro marrow-erythrocyte preincubation., D E. Uphoff
Immunogenetic destruction of the adult thymus by transplantation of marrow preincubated with allogeneic erythrocytes., D E. Uphoff
Immunological tolerance, the modified self-recognition hypothesis., D E. Uphoff
Immunologic competence of bone marrow of different genotypes., D E. Uphoff
Longevity of akr mice increased by reduced incidence of thymic lymphomas., D E. Uphoff
Experimental study of low-level radiation carcinogenesis. Abstr., A C. Upton, R C. Brown, J W. Conklin, G E. Cosgrove, E Darden, M A. Kasterbaum, T T. Odell, L J. Serrano, R L. Tyndall, and H E. Jr
X-radiation damage to the hypoxic core and to the periphery of a tumor. An in vivo pilot study., R C. Urtasun and T Merz
Radiation effects on dextran-induced hypersensitivity assessed by mouse paw swelling., E M. Uyeki
Analysis of dextran- and methylated albumin-induced hypersensitivity by mouse paw swelling., E M. Uyeki, R S. Klassen, and V Llacer
Immunotherapeutic experiments with tissues against spontaneous mammary carcinomas in mice. Abstr., J Vaage
Antigenic differences among virus-induced mouse mammary tumors arising spontaneously in the same c3h/crgl host., J Vaage, T Kalinovsky, and R Olson
Immunization against spontaneous and autografted mouse mammary car- cinomas in the autochthonous c3h/crgl mouse., J Vaage and D W. Weiss
On the question of differences in the number of endogenous haemopoie- tic tissue colonies in the spleens of irradiated hairless and haired mice., A Vacek and E Davidova
Influence of concurrent treatment with uridine (nsc-20,256) on the antileukemic, toxic, and immunosuppressive activities of 5-azacyti- dine (nsc-120,816) in leukemic and nonleukemic mice., S Vadlamudi, M Padarathsingh, E Bonmassar, and A Goldin
Comparison of antileukemic (l1210) and immunosuppressive properties of two dimethanesulfonates. Abstr., S Vadlamudi, M Padarathsingh, M Speel, V S. Waravdekar, and A Goldin
Reduction in therapeutic activity of l-asparaginase in leukemic (l5178) mice pretreated with the drug. Abstr., S Vadlamudi, M Padarathsingh, V S. Waravdekar, and A Goldin
Individual differences and general laws in psychology. A reconcil- iation., J R. Vale and C A. Vale
The effects of interaction of genotype and population density upon aggression, social grooming, and physiological indices of stress and reproductive function in males of five inbred mouse strains. Abstr., J R. Vale and C A. Vale
Genotype-dependent effects of scopolamine and eserine on exploratory behaviour in mice., J H. Van abeelen and H Strijbosch
Essais de protection de la souris contre l'action letale de radiations ionisantes a faible debit., P Van caneghem
Interference between two strains of the mouse mammary tumour virus in the gr mouse strain., A Van der gugten and P Bentvelzen
An organ culture system for the growth and development of the mamm- alian enbryonic inner ear. Abstr., T Van de water and R Ruben
Width of the oral cavity during closure of the secondary palate in mice. Abstr., R J. Vanek and G R. Smiley
In vitro antibody synthesis by diffusion chamber cultures of spleen cells. I. Methods and effect of 10,000 r on antibody synthesis., D C. Vann and T Makinodan
A new hairless mutant in the house mouse., A F. Van pelt, R Knorr, and K Cain
Effect of chlorpromazine on the growth and enzyme levels of mouse mel- anomas. Abstr., M H. Van woert and S H. Palmer
Inhibition of the growth of mouse melanoma by chlorpromazine., M H. Van woert and S H. Palmer
Analysis in vitro of growth and secretion of the mouse submandibular amd sublingual rudiments, subjected to x-rays., L D. Vecchione
Effects of 6-aminonicotamide on the mitochondria of c57bl/6j and a/j mice. Abstr., A C. Verrusio and C A. Watkins
Sex difference in hepatocarcinogenesis induced by dimethylnitrosamine. Abstr., S D. Vesselinovitch
The sex-dependent difference in the development of liver tumors in mice administered dimethylnitrosamine., S D. Vesselinovitch
The origin of mast cells in the spleen of adult mice., V Viklicky
The question of genetic control of the mast cell incidence in the spleen and thymus., V Viklicky
Mast cells in the spleen of mice of the strain a/ph. The effect of fixation on their stainability., V Viklicky and I Bagarova
Paralysing treatment with protein antigen in mice. Iii. Incidence of atypical forms of nuclei during differentiation of plasmocytes., V Viklicky, J Cerny, and V Dolejskova
Mast cell incidence and cell proliferation in the lymphoid organs of nzb mice., V Viklicky and M Polackova
Paralysing treatment with protein antigen in mice. IV. Electron microscopy studies of normal and atypical plasmocytes in mouse spleen., V Viklicky, I Trebichavsky, and J Cerny
Stimulation of dna synthesis in cultures of mouse spleen cell suspensions by bovine transferrin., A Vogt, R I. Mishell, and R W. Dutton
Mecanismes communs aux atteintes auto-immunitaires et au rejet des homogreffes., G A. Voisin
Biological properties of antibody classes in transplantation immune sera., G A. Voisin, R Kinsky, F Jansen, and C Bernard
H-2d antigens on mouse spermatozoa., M Vojtiskova
Histocompatibility antigens on mouse spermatozoa., M M. Vojtiskova and Z Pokorna
Hochprozentige heilung eines spontanen mamma-carcinoms der maus durch krebs-mehrschritt-therapie., M U. Von ardenne
A novel action of insulin on phosphoprotein formation by mammary gland explants., A E. Voytovich, I S. Owens, and Y J. Topper
Effect of antilymphocytic and antithymocytic sera on the development of mouse lymphoma., D L. Vredevoe and E F. Hays
The distribution of teratogenic agents in pregnant mice. Abstr., W J. Waddel and C Marlowe
Drug effects on mouse exploratory behavior., H G. Wakeley and D O'sullivan
Reticular neoplasms in irradiated and unirradiated germfree mice. In e. A. Mirand and n. Back (ed.), Germ-free biology, plenum press,, H E. Walburg and G E. Cosgrove
Correlation of embryonic movement with palate closure in mice., B E. Walker
Relation of embryonic movements to formation of cleft palate. Abstr., B E. Walker
Neonatal intestinal lipidosis in mice, an inherited disorder of the intestinal lymphatic vessels., M E. Wallace and B M. Herbertson
Transplanted reticulum cell sarcoma (rcs) of sjl mice. Abstr., H Wanebo, E Carswell, L J. Old, and E A. Boyse
Sjl/j disease, preneoplastic and neoplastic phases. Abstr., H Wanebo, W Gallmeier, E Carswell, L J. Old, and E Boyse
Electrophoretic and chemical characterization of the charged groups at the surface of murine cl3 ascites leukemia cells., P D. Ward and E J. Ambrose
A transplantable myelomonocytic leukemia in balb/c mice, cytology, karyotype, and muramidase content., N L. Warner, M A. Moore, and D Metcalf
Inhibition of granuloma formation around schistosoma mansoni eggs. V. 'hodkins's-like Lesion' in sjl/j mice., K S. Warren
Immunization of mice against ehrlich ascites tumour using a hamster/ ehrlich ascites tumour hybrid cell line., J F. Watkins and L Chen
Comparison of the protein-synthesizing machinery in the skeletal muscle of normal and dystrophic bar harbor mice., D C. Watts and J D. Reid
Pathology of experimental neurogenic tumors chemically induced during prenatal and postnatal life., P K. Wechsler w, S Matsumoto, H J. Zulch, S Ivankovic, R Preussmann, and H Druckrey
Some effects of hypervitaminosis a on metastasis of spontaneous breast cancer in mice., L Weiss and E D. Holyoke
Ribonuclease-susceptible charged groups at the surface of ehrlich ascites tumour cells., L Weiss and E Mayhew
Membrane modifications in developing embryonic epidermis, an electron microscopic study. Abstr., L W. Weiss, A S. Zelickson, and C B. Heggestad
Immunization of bsvs mice with heterologous and homologous adrenal gland., O Werdelin and D H. Boehme
Fine structure of a second kind of thyroid follicle in the c3h mouse., B K. Wetzel and S H. Wollman
Tumorigenesis in a/ki mice after 'chronic drinking' of olive oil- -methylcholanthrene emulsion during adult life. Abstr., E J. Wheeler, A G. Liebelt, and R A. Liebelt
Role of interferon in suppression by statolon of established friend virus infection in dba/2 mice. Abstr., E F. Wheelock and N L. Caroline
Suppression of friend leukemia virus infection in dba/2 mice by statolon and establishment of a latent infection. Abstr., E F. Wheelock and N L. Caroline
Suppression of established friend virus leukemia by statolon. I. Demonstration of a latent injection in clinically normal mice., E F. Wheelock, N L. Caroline, and R D. Moore
Vocalization of mice, a single genetic unit effect., G D. Whitney
Relation of types of dietary fat to cardiovascular damage in mice., M S. Wicks, C R. Ball, and W L. Williams
Vascular permeability and leukocyte emigration in allograft rejection., J Wiener, R G. Lattes, and J S. Pearl