Submissions from 1969
Effects of alkylation on in vivo synthesis of rna by ehrlich ascites tumors. Abstr., R J. Rutman, S Nayfeh, and E Dowden
Warfarin therapy as an adjunct to the surgical treatment of malignant tumors in mice., J J. Ryan, A S. Ketcham, and H Wexler
Mixed lymphocyte cultures and histocompatibility antigens in mice., M Rychlikova and P Ivanyi
Immunosuppression by antibody, localization of site of action., R J. Ryder and R S. Schwartz
Immunobiology of the mouse mutant 'nude', preliminary investigations., J Rygaard
Heterotransplantation of a human malignant tumour to 'nude' mice., J Rygaard and C O. Povlsen
Dietary fat and the inhibition of hepatic lipogenesis in the mouse., J R. Sabine, H M. Grath, and S Abraham
Destruction of tumor cells by a nuclear-associated factor from mouse liver. Abstr., C Sahler and J L. Glick
Glucose-induced ph changes in ehrlich ascites tumor cells., C P. Sahler
A graft vs. Host reaction in a xenogeneic combination, the reaction of murine cells in rats., W Saleh, L D. Lean, and J Gordon
A test to measure the immunosuppressive potency of antilymphocyte sera., W S. Saleh, L D. Lean, J Gordon, and G Lamoureux
The immune response in nzb x nzw f1 mice., J Salomon and J Benveniste
Effets d'une injection unique d'acetate d'hydrocortisone sur des souriceaux axeniques nouveau-nes., J C. Salomon, J Benveniste, and S Guegen
Mouse nuclear satellite dna, 5-methylcytosine content, pyrimidine isoplith distribution and electron microscopic appearance., R Salomon, A M. Kaye, and M Herzberg
Effect of age on alkaline phosphomonoesterase activity in the adrenals of male mice., T Samorajski and C Rolsten
Changes in neuronal morphology and neurochemistry after high level focal irradiation of the brain in mice. Abstr., T Samorajski, C Rolsten, and A Sun
Effect of diethylstilbestrol on enzymes of cryptorchid mouse testes of balb/c mice., L T. Samuels, T Uchikawa, ul abedin Zain, and R A. Huseby
Antileukemic action of a new 4-carbon sugar dimethanesulfonate in mice. Abstr., J Sandberg, S Brule, and A Goldin
Embryonic development of the mouse anterior pituitary studied by light and electron microscopy., M Sano and F Sasaki
Sensitivity of 19s and 7s antibody producing cells to cytotoxic agents. Abstr., G W. Santos
Transplantable plasma cell tumor of mice in later generations., K Sarkar and G Tolnai
Mammary-tumor virion structures in mouse milk fractions., N H. Sarkar, J Charney, and D H. Moore
Attachment and penetration of b particles in normal mouse embryo cells. Abstr., N H. Sarkar and E Y. Lasfargues
Inhibition of inosinic acid dehydrogenase of sarcoma 180 ascites cells by nucleotides and their analogs., A C. Sartorelli
Concentration of serum albumin in vascular and extra-vascular tissue pools of the mouse after x-irradiation., A Sassen, A M. Reuter, and F Kennes
Cell population analysis of radiation damage and recovery of thymus and lymph nodes in mice., C Sato and M Sakka
Oxygen consumption of the membranous cochlea and other tissues in shaker-1 (sh-1/sh-1) and normal (cba-j/cba-j) mice., Y Sato, M Sato, and R J. Ruben
Effects of cysteamine on radiation-induced single-strand breaks of dna and their postirradiation rejoining process in mammalian cells. Abstr., S Sawada and S Okada
Communal nursing in mice, influence of multiple mothers on the growth of the young., A Sayler and M Salmon
Length of gestation necessary for induction of maternal tolerance., K P. Sazama and E J. Breyere
The quantitative retention of cholesterol in mouse liver prepared for electron microscopy by fixation in a digitonin containing aldehyde solution., T J. Scallen and S E. Dietert
Inhibition of dna synthesis and chromosome aberrations in cultured ehrlich ascites tumor cells following treatment with luteoskyrin., D O. Schachtschabel, F Zilliken, M Saito, and G E. Foley
Clonal distribution of melanocytes in piebald-spotted and variegated mice., R H. Schaible
Therapieversuche mit hydroxypentenal am ehrlich ascites-solidtumor der maus., E Schauenstein, B Wunschmann, and H Esterbauer
1-methyl-1-mitrosourea And dialkylnitrosamine depression of nicotin- amide adenine dinucleotide., P S. Schein
Eine weitere mutante der hausmaus mit anamie (hbd). (eng. Summ.), H Scheufler
On the roles of synthesis and degradation in regulation of enzyme levels in mammalian tissues., R T. Schimke
Polyribosomes in tumor cells during induction of ribonuclease by cytostatic treatment., R Schlaeger, D Hoffmann, and H Hilz
Characterization of cytotoxic isoantisera produced in riii mice. II. Serological properties of antiserum fractions., M Schlesinger, A Cohen, and D Hurvitz
Anti-tumour activity of carbobenzoxy-l-asparagine., M Schlesinger, N Grossowicz, and N Lichtenstein
Characterization of cytotoxic isoantisera produced in riii mice. I. Demonstration of antibodies against the theta-c3h isoantigen., M Schlesinger and D Hurvitz
Antigenic changes in lymph-node cells after administration of anti- serum to thymus cells., M Schlesinger and I Yron
Infertility of mice induced by antibodies specific for human chorionic gonadotrophin., H D. Schlumberger and F A. Anderer
Genetic determination of differential inflammatory reactivity and subcutaneous tumor susceptibility of akr/j and c57bl/6j mice., F A. Schmid, I Elmer, and G S. Tarnowski
Mast cells in the healing incision and full thickness burn in mice of different ages. Abstr., A J. Schmidt and M C. Johnson
Production de colonies spleniques chez la souris injectee de moelle hematopoietique preirradiee., A Schmitz and J Haot
Effet de l'injection d'un leucemogene murin (friend) sur les reactions immunitaires de souris sensibles et resistantes a ce virus., M Schneider and J F. Dore
The association of deoxyribonculeic acid with liver microsomes., W C. Schneider and E L. Kuff
Gastro-intestinal tumours in rats and mice following various routes of administration of n-methyl-n-nitroso-n'-nitroguanidine and n-ethyl- -n-nitroso-n'-nitroguanidine., R Schoental and J P. Bensted
Glykogenablagerung in zellkernen des ehrlich-ascites-tumors., W Scholz and N Paweletz
Nucleoside kinases in leukemia l1210. Abstr., A W. Schrecker
Dominant lethal mutations after irradiation of mouse spermatogonia with 600 r of x-rays., J H. Schroder
In vitro differentiation of a mouse neuroblastoma., D S. Schubert, C Baroni, and M Cohn
A technique for the study of acetylcholine turnover in mouse brain in vivo., J Schuberth, B Sparf, and A Sundwall
Vergleichende untersuchungen uber das wachstum von ratten- und mauseembryonen., H Schumann
Immunosuppression by l-asparaginase., R S. Schwartz
Acquired and natural immune tolerance to hen egg lysozyme (hel). Abstr., R Scibienski, A Miller, and E Sercarz
A study of avoidance conditioning in five genera of mice., C L. Scudder, D Avery, and A G. Karczmar
Studies on the induction of translocations in mouse spermatogonia. II. Effects of fast neutron irradiation., A G. Searle, E Evans, and B J. West
Genetic radiosensitivity of primordial germ-cells in mice to fast neutrons. Abstr., A G. Searle and R J. Phillips
Pathogenicity of intestinal flagellates in mice., A Sebesteny
Immunologic studies of autoimmune disease in nzb/nzw f1 mice. I. Binding of fluorescein-labeled antinucleoside antibodies in lesions of lupus-like nephritis., B C. Seegal, L Accinni, G A. Andres, S M. Beiser, C Christian, B F. Erlanger, and K C. Hsu
Specific blocking in vitro of antibody synthesis by affinity labelling reagents., S Segal, A Globerson, M Feldman, J Haimovich, and D Givol
Chemotherapieversuche an der virusinduzierten rauscher-leukamie., H J. Seidel and E Grundmann
Zur immunsuppression durch leukamienviren, untersuchungen mit dem rauscher-virus an einem leukamie-resistenten mausestamm., H J. Seidel and K Lauenstein
Protein polymorphism and genic heterozygosity in two european sub- species of the house mouse., R K. Selander, W G. Hunt, and S Y. Yang
Protein polymorphism and genic heterozygosity in a wild population of the house mouse (mus musculus)., R K. Selander and S Y. Yang
Transplantation of allogeneic haemopoietic tissue in adult anaemic mice of the w series using antilymphocytic serum., M J. Seller and P E. Polani
Plasmocitoma sperimentale del topo, presenza di duplice popolazione plasmacellulare., A Sessa, G Bracchi, and F Invernizzi
Plasmocitoma sperimentale del topo, studio ultrastrutturale., A Sessa, G Galetti, and F Invernizzi
Fractionated irradiation of auto-and iso-transplants of c3h mouse mammary tumor. Abstr., H G. Seydel, K W. Sloan, and W A. Cready
An electron microscope study of fibre types in normal and dystrophic muscles of the mouse., S A. Shafiq, M A. Gorycki, and A T. Milhorat
Effect of maternal age upon decidualization. Abstr., M Shapiro and G B. Talbert
Effect of chemotherapeutic agents on experimental brain tumors. Abstr., W R. Shapiro and J I. Ausmam
Reticuloendothelial blockade produced by antilymphocyte serum., J N. Sheagren, R F. Barth, J B. Edelin, and R A. Malmgren
Cellular differentiation of the immune system of mice. Iii. Separate antigen-sensitive units for different types of anti-sheep immunocytes formed by marrow-thymus cell mixtures., G M. Shearer and G Cudkowicz
Distinct events in the immune response elicited by transferred marrow and thymus cells. I. Antigen requirements and proliferation of thymic antigen-reactive cells., G M. Shearer and G Cudkowicz
Cellular differentiation of the immune system of mice. II. Frequency of unipotent splenic antigen-sensitive units after immunization with sheep erythrocytes., G M. Shearer, G Cudkowicz, and R L. Priore
Cellular differentiation of the immune system of mice. IV. Lack of class differentiation in thymic antigen-reactive cells., G M. Shearer, G Cudkowicz, and R L. Priore
Immunoglobulin synthesis and secretion, iii. Incorporation of glucosamine into immunoglobulin on polyribosomes., C J. Sherr and J W. Uhr
Murine histocompatibility-2 (h-2) alloantigens. Purification and some chemical properties of soluble products from h-2b and h-2d genotypes released by papain digestion of membrane fractions., A Shimada and S G. Nathenson
Relation of thymidine index to pulmonary tumor response in mice receiving urethan and other carcinogens., M B. Shimkin, T Sasaki, M M. Donough, R Baserga, D Thatcher, and R Wieder
Lung tumor response in strain a mice as a quantitative bioassay of carcinogenic activity of some carbamates and aziridines., M B. Shimkin, R Wieder, M M. Donough, L Fishbein, and D Swern
Antileukemic activity of the 2,4-diaminoquinazoline antifolates, quinazoline resistant sublines of l1210 mouse leukemia. Abstr., M Shimoyama and D J. Hutchison
Heterologous transfer of amyloid--human to mouse., T Shirahama, O J. Lawless, and A S. Cohen
A strain difference in the adrenal zona glomerulosa determined by one gene-locus., J G. Shire
Factors affecting adrenal development in mice of different strains. Abstr., J G. Shire
Interference of leukemogenesis by mammary tumorigenesis in a colony of akr mice., H Shisa, Y Nishizuka, T Sakakura, H Miyawaki, and K Nakakuki
Host defence mechanisms in the spontaneous regression of s-180., B Shohat and H Joshua
Effects of hypervitaminosis a on developing mouse embryos, with special regard to malformations and chromosomes., R Shoji and S Kohno