Submissions from 1969
Mouse leukemia virus, 'spontaneous' release by mouse embryo cells after longterm in vitro cultivation., S A. Aaronson, J W. Hartley, and G J. Todaro
Immunologic studies of a spontaneous syngeneic tumor-host system. I. The role of immune mechanism in tumor transplants in the syngeneic host., N I. Abdou and J M. Kenna
Genes and the determination of behavior in the mouse. (dutch), J H. Abeelen
A new tumor inducing variant of moloney leukemia virus. Abstr., H T. Abelson and L S. Rabstein
Hexokinase activities in normal, hyperplastic and cancerous epidermis of mice., K Adachi, S Yamasawa, R R. Suskind, and G Christian
Specific inactivation of antigen-reactive cells with 125i-labelled antigen., G L. Ada and P Byrt
Some studies on the metabolism of cyclophosphamide. Abstr., R H. Adamson, V T. Devita, and J L. Ziegler
Does caffeine induce dominant lethal mutations in mice., I Adler
Cytogenetic investigation of meiotic chromosomes of male mice after chronic caffeine treatment., I Adler and G Rohrborn
Nucleoprotein changes in thymocytes after tetanus toxoid stimulation., I P. Agrell and L Molander
Formation of extracellular adenosine triphosphate by tumour cells., G Agren and G Ronquist
Colony-forming units and survival of irradiated mice treated with aet or endotoxin., E J. Ainsworth and R M. Larsen
Induction d'une leucemie virale de gross chez des souris c57bl/6 adultes par injection de cellules akr (k36)., E Ajuria, M Dore, and J F. Dore
Occurrence of spontaneous tumors in a newly established milk agent- -free substrain c3heb/os. (japanese With eng. Summ.)., Y Akamatsu, R Ikegami, K Watanabe, and K Saheki
Transplantation of spontaneous hepatomas in c3h mice, biological and biological studies., Y Akamuatsu, F Wada, and R Ikegami
The alloantibody response to skin homografts. Abstr., askari S. Al and H S. Lawrence
Transplantable osteogenic sarcoma in inbred akr mice., M M. Albala and A R. Esparza
Presence of life-shortening factors in spleens of aged mice of long lifespan and extension of life expectancy by splenectomy., J F. Albright, T Makinodan, and J W. Deitchman
Etude du taux de synthese de l'acide ribonucleique dans la peau de souris apres badigeonnage au 3,4-benzopyrene., K Alexandrov, R Vendrely, and C Vendrely
Developmental resistance to polyoma virus oncogenesis and runting in mice treated with als. Abstr., falluji M. Al, J P. Minton, and M C. Dodd
Interstrain resistance to polyoma virus oncogenesis and runting in inbred mice treated with antilymphocyte serum (als)., falluji M. Al, J P. Minton, and M C. Dodd
Cutaneous reactions in mice injected intradermally with cells from heavily irradiated syngeneic donors., N Allegretti and D Dekaris
Immune responses to virus-induced tumours., A C. Allison
Transfer of autoantibody formation by nzb bone marrow cultures., V Allman, A Ghaffar, J H. Playfair, and I M. Roitt
Establishment of a macrophage cell line derived from a testicular interstitial cell tumor in a/jax strain mice., T Amano, K Takahashi, E Okamoto, and O Midorikawa
Prolongation of survival of skin homografts in mice with cinanserin alone and in combination with azathioprine., E P. Ambinder, G H. Schwartz, A L. Rubin, and K H. Stenzel
Essais de traitements de la leucemie e'male'g2 associant chimio- therapie et immunotherapies actives non specifique et specifique., J L. Amiel and M Berardet
Induction d'une insuffisance immunitaire chez la souris adulte par l'utilisation additive d'un stimulant non specifique des reactions immunitaires et d'une chimiotherapie immunodepressive., J L. Amiel and M Berardet
Induction d'une leucemie isogenique virale de gross chez des c57bl/6 adultes par des injections repetees de cellules leucemiques akr., J L. Amiel and M Berardet
Essais d'immunotherapie active non specifique par corynebacterium parvum formole., J L. Amiel, J Litwin, and M Berardet
Induction of plasma cell tumours in balb/c mice with 2,6,10,14- -tetramethylpentadecane (pristane)., P N. Anderson and M Potter
Induction of immunity and immunologic paralysis in mice against poly- vinyl pyrrolidone., B Andersson
Etude cytogenetique comparative du carcinome mammaire spontane et de sa variante ascitique, chez la souris riii., M Andreescu
Effect of changing horse and fetal calf serum supplements on neo- plastic conversion and chromosomal characteristics of mouse embryo cells in vitro., W F. Andresen, J L. Jackson, J T. Mitchell, and V J. Evans
The effects in mice of cortisol combined with thymus antiserum on sarcoma 180 and antibody responses., L Anigstein and D M. Anigstein
Cross-reacting tstas in adeno 7 and 12 tumors demonstrated by 51cr- cytotoxicity and isograft rejection tests., J Ankerst and H O. Sjogren
Bond cleaving specificity and other properties of a deoxyribonuclease of mouse kidney., O Antonoglou and J G. Georgatsos
Antigenic structure of cell surfaces, an immunoferritin study of the occurrence and topography of h-2, theta, and tl alloantigens on mouse cells., T Aoki, U Hammerling, E D. Harven, E A. Boyse, and L J. Old
Effect of passive antiserum on antigen phagocytosis and degradation by mouse peritoneal machrophages., B F. Argyris
Transplantation of adult peritoneal cells into newborn mice., B F. Argyris
Effect of antimacrophage serum on antibody production and phagocytosis in mice., B F. Argyris and D H. Plotkin
Antigen-reactive cells in normal, immunized, and tolerant mice., W D. Armstrong, E Diener, and G R. Shellam
7,12-dimethylbenzanthracene Tumor induction in mutant (hairless, asebic, and hairless-asebic) mice., F D. Arundell, M A. Karasek, and A H. Gates
Establishment of functional clonal lines of neurons from mouse neuro- blastoma., tocco G. Augusti and G Sato
The response to salmonella typhimurium antigens by two different strains of mice., I Auzins and D Rowley
Radiosensitivity and growth of friend leukemia virus studied with the spleen focus assay method., A A. Axelrad and S Thomson
The implication of repair processes in the mechanism of dna integra- tion by lymphoma cells., S R. Ayad and M Fox
Non-semiconservative incorporation of labelled 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine in lymphoma cells treated with low doses of methyl methanesulphonate., S R. Ayad, M Fox, and B W. Fox
The use of ficoll gradient centrifugation to produce synchronous mouse lymphoma cells., S R. Ayad, M Fox, and D Winstanley
Morphogenesis of influenza a virus in ehrlich ascites tumor cells as revealed by thin-sectioning and freeze-etching., T Bachi, W Gerhard, J Lindenmann, and K Muhlethaler
Signification du phenomene de rosette chez la souris non immunisee., J E. Bach
In vitro evaluation of immunosuppressive drugs., J F. Bach, M Dardenne, and C Fournier
Hyperplastic alveolar nodules in high (+) and low (-) mammary cancer sublines of c3h/ki mice. Abstr., S P. Bagby, A G. Liebelt, R A. Liebelt, and K Deome
Estimates of the number of loci contributing to the histoincompat- ibility between c57bl/6 and balb/c strains of mice., D W. Bailey and L E. Mobraaten
Histocompatibility of skin grafts from mice of f1, f2 and f3 generations on f1 generation hosts., D W. Bailey and L E. Mobraaten
The mediastinal nodes of immunized mice with induced pulmonary carcinomas., R N. Baillif and E L. Jones
Liver infiltration in the graft-versus-host reaction., G O. Bain, W Y. Suen, D W. Remington, and E Pinno
Use of erythrocytes sensitized with purified pneumococcal polysaccharides for the assay of antibody and antibody-producing cells., P J. Baker, P W. Stashak, and B Prescott
Subunit structure and gene control of mouse nadp-malate dehydrogenase., W W. Baker and B Mintz
The effect of 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine and its mono- and triphosphates on some enzymes concerned with the biosynthesis of dna in cell-free extracts of murine neoplastic cells., Y S. Bakhle and W H. Prusoff
Biological effects of the neonatal injection of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)- anthracene., J K. Ball and D A. Dawson
Increased oncogenic effect of methylcholanthrene after treatment with anti-lymphocyte serum., H Balner and H Dersjant
Hormonal control of dna synthesis, altered responsiveness of hyper- plastic alveolar nodules of mouse mammary gland., M R. Banerjee
The course of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection in mice treated by phytohaemagglutinin., Z Banos, I Szeri, and E A. Radnai
The role of the regional lymph nodes in the immunity to a chemically induced sarcoma in c3h mice., D S. Bard, W G. Hammond, and Y H. Pilch
The role of the spleen on the immunity to a chemically induced sarcoma in c3h mice., D S. Bard and Y H. Pilch
Electron microscopy and electron microscopic autoradiography of splenic cell cultures from mice with amyloidosis., W A. Bari, O S. Pettengill, and G D. Sorenson
Development of the mouse hematopoietic system. II. Estimation of spleen and liver 'stem' cell number., J E. Barker, M A. Keenan, and L Raphals
Influence of hormones and mtv on dna synthesis in nodule outgrowths (han) of mouse mammary gland. Abstr., E B. Barnawell and M R. Banerjee
The immunogenicity of brain, ovary, and skin allografts in mice., A D. Barnes
Exceptions to the genetic rules of transplantation., A D. Barnes and B T. Cooper
Effect of antilymphocyte serum on the survival of ovary allografts in the mouse., A D. Barnes and C Crosier
Allogeneic lymphoid cell disease in mid-lethally irradiated cba mice, the delayed harmful effects of small numbers of c3h lymphoid cells., D W. Barnes and R H. Mole
Renal lesions in young adoptively immunized nzb/bl mice., R D. Barnes, C L. Berry, and J Holliday
A transplacental factor in the disease of the autoimmune nzb/bl mouse., R D. Barnes and M A. Tuffrey
Effects of hormones on development and function of lymphoid tissues. Synergistic action of thyroxin and somatotropic hormone in pituitary dwarf mice., C D. Baroni, N Fabris, and G Bertoli
A histological and immunological study of the effect of rabbit anti- -mouse lymphocyte serum in balb/c mice., C D. Baroni, J W. Kimball, E N. Ward, and R D. Wagar
Persistence of rosette-forming cells in long term spleen cell tissue cultures., C D. Baroni and E N. Ward
Hormonal control of lymphoreticular tissues in snell-bagg pituitary dwarf mice. Lymphatic tissue and germinal centers in immune response, plenum,, C Baroni, N Fabris, and G Bertoli
Evolution of cell-mediated immunity in mice bearing an antigenic tumor. Influence of tumor growth and surgical removal., G Barski and J K. Youn
Studies on heterologous antilymphocyte and antithymocyte sera. Iii. Differential effects of rabbit anti-mouse sera on spleen lymphocytes and macrophages., R F. Barth, R L. Hunter, J Southworth, and A S. Rabson
Experimental murine amyloid. Iii. Anyloidosis induced with endotoxins., W F. Barth, J T. Willweson, R Asofsky, and S M. Wolff
Prolactin changes cholesterol stores in the mouse testis., A Bartke
Relationship between latent period of tumor induction and antigenic strength. Abstr., G L. Bartlett and R T. Prehn
Inhibition of the growth of murine malignant melanoma with synthetic double-stranded ribonucleic acid., R S. Bart and A W. Kopf
The ineffectiveness of chronic irradiation with neutrons and gamma rays in inducing mutations in female mice., A L. Batchelor, R J. Phillips, and A G. Searle
Studies on the mechanism of action of anthramycin methyl ether, a new antitumor antibiotic., H M. Bates, W Kuenzig, and W B. Watson
Antibody synthesis in mice with hereditary and surgical absence of spleen. Abstr., J R. Battisto, L Cantor, A L. Goldstein, and F Borek
Induction of transplantation resistance to rous sarcoma isograft by avian leukosis virus., H Bauer, J Bubenek, T Graf, and C Allgaier
Increased 7s antibody response to sheep erythrocytes in the 2-month- -old nzb mouse., J Baum
Naturally occurring haemagglutinins in the new zealand black mouse., J Baum
The metabolism of different immunoglobulin classes in irradiated mice., H Bazin and F Malet
Development of a mutant with abnormalities of the eye and extremities. Abstr., A B. Beasley and F L. Crutchfield
Inihbitory effect of d-glucosamine and other sugar analogs on the viability and transplantability of ascites tumor cells., J G. Bekesi, Z Molnar, and R J. Winzler