Submissions from 1969
Endothelial cell-luekocyte bridges in skin allografts., J Wiener, J S. Pearl, R G. Lattes, and D Spiro
Starvation induced ribonuclease activity in lymphosarcoma p1798. Abstr., P H. Wiernik
Cell separation on antigen-coated columns, elimination of high rate antibody-forming cells and immunological memory cells., H Wigzell and B Anderson
Gene action and behavior, an evaluation of major gene pleiotropism., J Wilcock
The isolation and purification of a tyrosinase inhibitor from mouse melanomas. Abstr., G F. Wilgram and J A. Mabel
An electron-microscope study of the effects of lysolecithin on bp8 ascites-tumour cells and phagocytes of mice, compared with the effects of a specific anti-tumour serum plus complement., P J. Wilkinson and D B. Cater
Experimental murine amyloid. IV. Amyloidosis and immunoglobulins., J T. Willerson, R Asofsky, and W F. Barth
Murine amyloid. II. Transfer of an amyloid-accelerating substance., J T. Willerson, J K. Gordon, N Talal, and W F. Barth
Comparative effects of daily fractional and continuous gamma exposure on the survival time of mice. Abstr., D G. Willhoit
Hyperthyroidism, niacin, and isonicotinic acid hydrazide (inah), effects on sarcoma 180., M W. Williams, C S. Williams, B E. Gunning, and J C. Towne
Genetic variability in forebrain structures between inbred strains of mice., R E. Wimer, C C. Wimer, and T H. Roderick
Distribution in vitro de la radioactivite du (1-14c) palmitate, du (1-14c) acetate et du (u-14c) glucose dans les acides gras libres et combines du foie de la souris normale et de la souris obese-hyper- glycemique de bar harbor., J Winand, J Furnelle, and J Christophe
Metabolisme in vitro du tissu adipeux. Vii. Metabolisme du (1-14c) palmitate dans le tissu adipeux epididymaire de la souris normale et de la souris obese-hyperglycemique de bar harbor., J Winand, J Furnelle, and J Christophe
Antibody formation, premature initiation by endotoxin or synthetic polynucleotides in newborn mice., R Winchurch and W Braun
Response of mouse intestinal crypt cells to irradiation with 14 mev neutrons. Abstr., H R. Withers, J T. Brennan, and M M. Elkind
Radiosensitivity and fractionation response of crypt cells of mouse jejunum., H R. Withers and M M. Elkind
Availability of transplantation alloantigens to circulating anti- bodies, studies with alloantibodies of known specificity., I Witz, G Cudkowicz, and D Pressman
Isoantigens available to circulating antibodies., I Witz, N Kaliss, and D Pressman
Moloney lymphoma antibodies from mice, localization in spleens of moloney lymphoma bearing mice., I Witz, G Klein, and D Pressman
Immunosuppressive activity of mouse alloantibodies., I P. Witz, N P. Chiampi, and N Kaliss
Immunosuppressive activity of mouse alloantibodies. Abstr., I P. Witz, N P. Chiampi, and N Kaliss
Brain localizing activity of hetero- and isoimmune sera directed against lymphocytic cells., I Witz and D Pressman
The inductive properties of epithelial established cell lines., K Wlodarski
The use of affinity chromatography for the specific purification of antibodies and antigens., L Wofsy and B Burr
Genetic influences on tumor growth and serum insulin level. Abstr., G L. Wolff
Tissue culture analysis of the inherited defect of central nervous system myelination in jimpy mice., M K. Wolf and A B. Holden
A study on the mechanism of resistance to nitrogen mustard (hn2) in ehrlich ascites tumor cells, comparison of uptake of hn2-14c into sensitive and resistant cells., M K. Wolpert and R W. Ruddon
5-phosphoribosyl Pyrophosphate synthetase from ehrlich ascites tumor cells., P C. Wong and A W. Murray
Rna synthesis during early development of the mouse., H R. Woodland and C F. Graham
A comparative study of heterologous antimouse lymphocyte and anti- mouse thymocyte sera prepared by two different immunization methods., M L. Wood and H M. Vriesendorp
Tumor lipids, metabolic relationships derived from structural analyses of acyl, alkyl, and alk-1-enyl moieties of neutral gly- cerides and phosphoglycerides., R Wood and F Snyder
Antiglycolytic activities of 5-fluorouracil and related pyrimidines in mouse ascites carcinoma cells with special reference to inorganic phosphate and glucose., M W. Woods and D Burk
Activities of enzymes of the pentose phosphate cycle in muscles and ehrlich ascites cells. Abstr., T Wood and E L. Tan
Antibody production studied by means of the localized haemolysis in gel (lhg) assay. Iii. Mouse cells producing five different classes of antibody., H H. Wortis, D W. Dresser, and H R. Anderson
Physical separation of hemopoietic stem cells differing in their capacity for self-renewal., R G. Worton, E A. Culloch, and J E. Till
Physical separation of hemopoietic stem cells from cells forming colonies in culture., R G. Worton, E A. Culloch, and J E. Till
An ultrastructural study of lens invagination in the mouse., J T. Wrenn and N K. Wessells
Infection of human embryonic cell cultures with the rauscher murine leukemia virus., B S. Wright and W Korol
Chromosome preparations from mouse embryos during early organogenesis, dissociation after fixation, followed by air drying., J Wroblewska and A P. Dyban
The correlation between plasma cell tumor development and antibody response in inbred strains of mice., H Yamada, L T. Mashburn, K Takakura, and V P. Hollander
Anti-2,4-dinitrophynl(dnp)-hapten antibody formation at cellular level, hemolytic plaque-in-gel assay for lymphoid cells producing anti-dnp antibody. Abstr., H Yamada and A Yamada
Antibody formation against 2.4-dinitrophenyl-hapten At the cellular level. Hemolytic plaque-in-gel assay for lymphoid cells producing anti-2,4-dinitrophenyl-hapten antibody., H Yamada and A Yamada
Cellular and humoral factors in the suppression of nascent plasma cell tumors on balb/c mice. Abstr., H Yamada and A Yamada
Role of cellular and humoral factors in the destruction of nascent plasma cell tumors., H Yamada, A Yamada, and V P. Hollander
Fine structure of rodent common bile duct epithelium., K Yamada
High secretory activity in the pancreatic b cells of a diabetic strain of the japanese mouse., K Yamada and M Nakamura
A simplified method for determination of hormones responsible for breast cancer., Y Yamamoto
Isoaccepting transfer rna's of l-m cells in culture and after tumor induction in c3h mice., W Yang, A Hellman, D H. Martin, K B. Hellman, and G D. Novelli
Isoaccepting trna's and in vitro hemoglobin synthesis in c3h and c57bl mice. Abstr., W K. Yang, K M. Hilse, and R A. Popp
Studies of tumour invasion in organ culture. I. Effects of basic polymers and dyes on invasion and dissemination., M M. Yarnell and E J. Ambrose
Studies of tumour invasion in organ culture. I. Effects of enzyme treatment., M M. Yarnell and E J. Ambrose
Effect of obese and diabetes mutations on lipolysis in mice. Abstr., T T. Yen, J Steinmetz, and L Lowry
Effect of magnesium pemoline on avoidance conditioning and intertrial activity in two strains of inbred mice., L T. Yeudall, W Poley, and J R. Royce
Comparison of some properties of the radiation-leukemia protection (rlp) factors of sheep spleen and serum. Abstr., L C. Yip and M E. Hodes
Experiments on the mode of action of the radiation leukemia protec- tive ('rlp') activity of serum. Abstr., L Yip, P Yu, and M E. Hodes
Induction of phagocytosis of iron colloid by ehrlich ascites tumor cells with polycationic substances., E Yokomura
Infectious but non-leukemogenic friend leukemia virus obtained after prolonged cultivation in vitro., H Y. Yoshikura, Y Ikawa, and H Sugano
The thymidine-14c and-3h double-labeling technic in the study of the cell cycle of l1210 leukemia ascites tumor in vivo., R C. Young, V T. Vita, and S Perry
Recovery from radiation injury which leads to cns death, dose rate and split doses studies. Abstr., J M. Yuhas
Residual radiation injury, hematopoietic and gastrointestinal involvement in relation to age., J M. Yuhas, D Huang, and J B. Storer
Chemoprotection against three modes of radiation death in the mouse., J M. Yuhas and J B. Storer
Differential chemoprotection of normal and malignant tissues., J M. Yuhas and J B. Storer
On mouse strain differences in radiation resistance, hematopoietic death and the endogenous colony-forming unit., J M. Yuhas and J B. Storer
Spontaneous mammary adenocarcinoma in mice. Influence of thymectomy and reconstitution with thymus grafts or spleen cells., E J. Yunis, C Martinez, J Smith, O Stutman, and R A. Good
Post-thymectomy autoimmune phenomena in mice. II. Morphologic obser- vations., E J. Yunis, P O. Teague, O Stutman, and R A. Good
Net charge of histidine and its transport by l1210 cells. Abstr., W L. Yu
Med myopathy, a new hereditary myopathy., S I. Zacks, M F. Sheff, M Rhodes, and A Saito
Etude histo-auto-radiographique de la synthese des immunoglobulines de plasmocytes de tumeurs a myelome de la souris., D Zagury, J W. Uhr, J D. Jamieson, and G E. Palade
Donnees ultrastructurales et electrophysiologiques obtenues au niveau du systeme nerveux central chez la souris 'jimpy'., J P. Zahnd and N Bonaventure
The microcirculatory events within full-thickness skin allografts (homografts) in mice., H A. Zarem
Accumulation of antibody-forming cells in spleens of pre-immunized irradiated mice after transplantation of syngeneic bone marrow., Y M. Zaretskaya, E I. Panteleev, and R V. Petrov
Destruction of carcinogenicity of tumor cells treated with extract of garlic (allium sativum) and allicin., K Zarrin and Y Aynehchi
Differential effects of actinomycin d on splenic nucleic acid and protein synthesis during the in vivo immune response in mice. Abstr., R S. Zeiger and R S. Speirs
Milk yield during prolonged lactation in mice, effect of ovariectomy., G H. Zeilmaker
Transmission of mammary tumor virus by female gr mice, results of egg transplantation., G H. Zeilmaker
Development of mouse blastocysts under the kidney capsule of irradiated rats. A reciprocal transfer study., G H. Zeilmaker and A Timmermans
Further evidence of third party unresponsiveness in immunologically tolerant animals., I M. Zeiss
Treatment of leukemic (l-1210) mice with double-stranded polyribonu- cleotides., L D. Zeleznick and B K. Bhuyan
Detection of antibody to denatured dna in nzb/bl mice., L D. Zeleznick, M S. Holm, and E V. Barnett
Cycloheximide prevention of triamcinolone-induced cleft palate in mice. Abstr., E F. Zimmerman and H Kalter
Suppression of antibody formation by syngeneic small lymphocytes. (russian), S N. Zinzar and moldavsky G. Svet
Antigenicity of the mice ehrlich ascitic tumor cell nuclei., D Zitnan, L Cebecauer, and V Ujhazy
Effect of some anticancer compounds on experimental amyloidosis in mice., W Zschiesche
Cataracts and abnormal proliferation of the lens epithelium in mice carrying the catfr gene., J Zwaan and R M. Williams