Submissions from 1969
Evolutionary evidence for a regulator gene controlling the lactate dehydrogenase b gene in rodent erythrocytes., T B. Shows, E J. Massaro, and F H. Ruddle
Phosphoglucomutase electrophoretic variants in the mouse., T B. Shows, F H. Ruddle, and T H. Roderick
The distribution of thirteen h-2 alloantigenic specificities among the products of eighteen h-2 alleles., D C. Shreffler and G D. Snell
Mammary tumor virus antigen, sensitive immunoassay., L R. Sibal, W F. Feller, M A. Fink, B E. Kohler, I T. Hall, and H E. Bond
'nervous', A new mutant mouse with cerebellar disease. Les mutants pathologiques chez l'animal (colloq. Internat. Cnrs no., R L. Sidman and M C. Green
Effect of anti-lymphocyte serum on murine virus-induced leukemia. Abstr., B V. Siegel and J I. Morton
Retardation of murine viral leukemogenesis by prolonged antigenic stimulation., B V. Siegel and J I. Morton
Quantitation and ultrastrucutre of immunodepression in murine virus- -induced leukemia., B V. Siegel, G H. Neher, and J I. Morton
Aromatic amino acid metabolism in the wabbler-lethal mouse., S J. Siegel and H Rauch
Theoretical models of sarcomagenesis. Abstr., R Siegler
Diurnal fluctuations in the number of cells in mitosis and dna synthesis in the jejunum of the mouse., C P. Sigdestad, J Bauman, and S W. Lesher
Control of pigment production in mouse melanoma cells in vitro, evocation and maintenance., S Silagi
Hybrid cell tumor, a comparison with the melanoma parent in vivo and in vitro. Abstr., S Silagi
Effect of castration and intermittent administration of estrogen on knee joints and femoral shafts of mice., M Silberberg and R Silberberg
Electron microscopy of articular cartilage of mice. Response to hypo- thyroidism produced radiothyroidectomy with i 131., R Silberberg and M Hasler
The effect of a lethal dose of whole body x-irradiation on second-set allograft response in mice., V Silobrcic and B Vitale
Early anagen initiated by plucking compared with early spontaneous anagen., A F. Silver, H B. Chase, and C T. Arsenault
Melanocyte precursor cells in the hair follicle germ during the dormant stage (telogen.)., A F. Silver, H B. Chase, and C S. Potten
(live Vaccine strain) following continuous exposure to low dose gamma-radiation., M S. Silverman, V Greenman, A E. Kee, K Hadley, F A. Hodge, D C. Burriss, and A R. Tularensis
Tissue-specific inhibition of lung alveolar cell mitosis in organ culture., J D. Simmett, J M. Fisher, and A G. Heppleston
Induction of homograft immunity in vitro. Abstr., T Simmons and L A. Manson
Different cell culture characteristics of two strains of murine sarcoma virus., P J. Simons, S S. Pepper, and R S. Baker
Interaction between prolactin and thyroxine in mouse mammary gland lobulo-alveolar development in vitro., D V. Singh and H A. Bern
Effect of bcg and allogeneic tumour cells on adenovirus type 12 tumor- igenesis in mice., H O. Sjogren and J Ankerst
Separation of specific antibodies to tstas of adeno 12 and polyoma tumors., H O. Sjogren and D Motet
Genetic control of the immune response. I. Differences in immune response of inbred strains of mice to p-aminobenzoic acid and sulphanilic acid., B Skarova and I Riha
A quantitative method for measuring the uptake of colloidal carbon by mouse tissues., V S. Sljivic
Plaque-forming spleen cells following irradiation of x5563 tumor., F Smith, P J. Carlson, and S Koenig
Irradiation of x5563 tumor and population of plaque-forming cells in mouse spleen. Abstr., F Smith, P Carlson, and D J. Wenck
Alteration of hemopoietic tissue as a factor influencing radio- sensitivity of the mouse., L H. Smith and H G. Willard
The effect of dietary fat on lipogenesis in mammary gland and liver from lactating and virgin mice., S Smith, H T. Gagne, D R. Pitelka, and S Abraham
The effects of essential fatty acid deficiency on the liver mitochon- dria of the rat and mouse, structural and functional alterations., J E. Smithson
Effects of reserpine on cardiac calcification in dba mice., vaniz G. Smith, B R. Clower, and J L. Matheny
Induction of carcinomas from mouse lung transplanted with asbestos. Abstr., W E. Smith and E Yazdi
Calcium and permeability of ascites tumour cells., H Smyth and E Flahaven
Studies on tumors induced by two isolates of murine sarcoma virus (harvey and moloney). Abstr., R L. Soehner
Aspects of the tabby-crinkled-downless syndrome. II. Observations on the reaction to changes of genetic background., J A. Sofaer
Aspects of the tabby-crinkled-downless syndrome. I. The development of tabby teeth., J A. Sofaer
Changes in the sex chromosomes during meiotic prophase in mouse spermatocytes., A J. Solari
The auditory evoked response of mice with different brain weights., S M. Soliman
Murine sarcoma virus, titration patterns and interference by a murine leukemia virus., K D. Somers and W H. Kirsten
Some ultrastructural and biochemical characteristics of tumor mitochondria isolated in albumin-containing media., L A. Sordahl, Z R. Blailock, A G. Liebelt, and A Schwartz
Altered composition and lipolysis of adipose tissue from gold thio- glucose obese mice., L F. Soyka, H A. Haessler, and J D. Crawford
Influence of the visible color spectrum on activity in mice., J F. Spalding, R F. Archuleta, and L M. Holland
Lifetime body weights and mortality distributions of mice with 10 to 35 generations of ancestral x-ray exposure., J F. Spalding, M R. Brooks, and G L. Tietjen
Influence of the visible color spectrum on activity in mice. II. Influence of sex, color, and age on activity., J F. Spalding, L M. Holland, and G L. Tietjen
Sex ratio of progeny from mice reared under various color lighting conditions., J F. Spalding, L M. Holland, and G L. Tietjen
A within-strain difference in radiation sensitivity in the rfm mouse., J F. Spalding, D M. Popp, and R A. Popp
The function of the immune response in tumour growth and its genetical regulation., J V. Sparck
The role of the host mesenchyme in the development of tumours after transplantation., J V. Sparck and K Gross
Antigen-induced eosinophil response in lethally irradiated mice trans- planted with isologous spleen and bone marrow cells. Abstr., R S. Speirs, V K. Jenkins, M P. Garry, and J J. Trentin
The eosinophil response to toxoids and its inhibition by antitoxin., R S. Speirs and M X. Turner
Long-chain alkyl acetates in the preputial gland of the mouse., F Spener, H K. Mangold, G Sansone, and J G. Hamilton
Effects of adjuvant and antigen on immunogenicity of macrophage associated bsa. Abstr., J K. Spitznagel
Studies on nuclear exoribonucleases. Iii. Isolation and properties of the enzyme from normal and malignant tissues of the mouse., M B. Sporn, H M. Lazarus, J M. Smith, and W R. Henderson
'fear Communication' via odor in inbred mice., R L. Sprott
Polyribosome concentration of mouse skeletal muscle as a function of age., U Srivastava
Effect of age on protein and ribonucleic acid metabolism in mouse skeletal muscle., U Srivastava and K D. Chaudhary
Freeze-etch appearance of the tight junctions in the epithelium of small and large intestine of mice., L A. Staehelin, T M. Mukherjee, and A W. Williams
Tumour nodule formation as an in vivo measure of the suppression of cellular immune response by antilymphocytic serum., E J. Stanbridge and F T. Perkins
Partial purification and some properties of the factor in normal and leukaemic human urine stimulating mouse bone marrow colony growth in vitro., E R. Stanley and D Metcalf
Rapid loss of tolerance induced in weanling nzb and b/w f1 mice., P J. Staples and N Talal
Relative inability to induce tolerance in adult nzb and nzb/nzw f1 mice., P J. Staples and N Talal
Genotype, lsd and t-maze learning in mice., J H. Stasik and J F. Kidwell
Effect of insulin in vivo on diaphragm and adipose tissue of obese mice., W Stauffacher and A E. Renold
The uptake of nucleosides by cells in culture. I. Inhibition by heterologous nucleosides., T L. Steck, Y Nakata, and J P. Bader
Enhancement of spleen focus formation and virus replication in friend virus-infected mice., R A. Steeves, E A. Mirand, S Thomson, and L Avila
The pathogenesis of autoimmunity in new zealand mice. I. Induction of antinucleic acid antibodies by polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid., A D. Steinberg, S Baron, and N Talal
Dna-binding assay for detection of anti-dna antibodies in nzb/nzw f1 mice., A D. Steinberg, T Pincus, and N Talal
The lethal effect of homozygosity of the gene for waltzer-type, a neurological mutant in mus musculus., K F. Stein and S H. Filosa
An analysis of the lipolysis in vitro of obese-hyperglycaemic and diabetic mice., J Steinmetz, L Lowry, and T T. Yen
Promotion in the morphogenesis of chemically inducible skin tumours., F Stenback
Storage of rimino compound b. 663 In tumor-free and tumor-bearing mice., K Stern
Host factors in resistance to cancer of x/gf mice. Abstr., K Stern and A Goldfeder
Radiation studies on mice of an inbred tumor- resistant strain. VI. Immune responses to heterologous red cells of non-irradiated and irradiated mice., K Stern and A Goldfeder
Phagocytic activity in mice treated with isogeneic subcellular fractions., K Stern, E B. Titchener, and A Duwelius
Enhancement by glucose of the inhibition of an ehrlich ascites tumor by tetraazatricyclododecane., C D. Stevens and R C. Mosteller
Prolongation of the survival of ehrlich ascites mice by the injection of glucose with tetraazatricyclododecane. Abstr., C D. Stevens, R C. Mosteller, and C J. Feldhake
Effect of 9alpha fluoroprednisolone and l-asparaginase on uridine in- corporation into p1798 lymphosarcoma ribosomal rna. Abstr., J Stevens, L T. Mashburn, and V P. Hollander
Studies on syndrome of diabetes insipidus associated with oligo- syndactyly in mice., A D. Stewart and J Stewart
Effect of exogenous atp on the volume of ta3 ascites tumor cells., C C. Stewart, G Gasic, and H G. Hempling
Diuretic responses to electrolyte loads in four strains of mice., J Stewart
Failure of 6-mercaptopurine to prolong the survival of skin allo- grafts in mice., P B. Stewart
Antiserum to lymphocytes and procarbazine compared as immuno- suppressants in mice., P B. Stewart and V Cohen
Effectiveness of the xenogeneic and allogeneic components of bivalent rabbit antilymphocyte serum., P B. Stewart, V Cohen, and R Bell
The effect of heterozygosity on the humoral antibody response in mice., J H. Stimpfling and D E. Pandis
Cytolytic activity of arboviruses in murine leukemic lymphoblasts. Abstr., T B. Stim and W G. Downs
Ultrastructure of rosette-forming cells in the mouse during the anti- body response., U Storb, W Bauer, R Storb, T M. Fliedner, and R S. Weiser
Influence of metabolic inhibitors on the capacity of spleen cells to form hemolytic plaques and rosettes., U Storb, J M. Chiller, and R S. Weiser
Action of some hypoglycaemic sulphonylureas on the oxygen consumption of isolated pancreatic islets of mice., H Stork, F H. Schmidt, S Westman, and C Hellerstrom
Encapsulated nerve end-organs in the rabbit, mouse, sheep and man., W E. Straile
Haemoglobins of mice of several inbred lines. Iii. Intermediate type of inberitance. (russ., Eng. Summ.)., A A. Strekalov and J P. Naidenov
Hemoglobins of mice of certain inbred lines. Iii. An intermediate type of inheritance., A A. Strekalov and Y P. Naidenov
Differences in the distribution of antigen reactive cells in the lym- phoid tissues of the rat and mouse., S Strober and M A. Mandel
Fluorometric quantitation of fluorescein-coupled antibodies attached to the cell membrane., R Strom and E Klein
A species difference as a sourse of an inhibitor of spontaneous tumours in mice., L C. Strong
Studies of the regression of spontaneous adenocarcinomata in mice., L C. Strong