Submissions from 1978
Ethanol selection by inbred mice. Mode of inheritance and the effect of age on the genetic system., C L. Goodrick
The effect of gamma radiation and neocarzino- statin on nad and atp levels in mouse leukaemia cells., P M. Goodwin, P J. Lewis, M I. Davies, and S Shall
Requirement for matching t cell and b cell subsets in secondary anti-hapten antibody responses., R M. Gorczynski and A J. Cunningham
Muscarinic cholinergic receptors in murine lymphocytes. Demonstration by direct binding., M A. Gordon, J J. Cohen, and I B. Wilson
Bacille calmette-guerin infection in the mouse. Regulation of macrophage plasminogen activator by t lymphocytes and specific antigen., S Gordon and Z A. Cohn
Immunologic effects of a liophilic adjuvant. Abstr., W C. Gordon and M D. Prager
Growth of a local tumor exerts a specific inhibitory effect on progression of lung metastases., E Gorelik, S Segal, and M Feldman
Polymorphism of tissue and serum amyloid a (aa and saa) proteins in the mouse., P D. Gorevic, Y Levo, B Frangione, and E C. Franklin
The h-2 compatibility requirement between donor and recipient for primary response to the thy-1.1 Antigen. Abstr., T Gorzynski, M Zaleski, and J Klein
Quelamycin, a new derivative of adriamycin with several possible therapeutic advantages., M Gosalvez, M F. Blanco, C Vivero, and F Valles
Pituitary-ovarian relationships during the post-reproductive phase of inbred mice., R G. Gosden, E C. Jones, and F Jacks
Transformation-dependent secretion of a low molecular weight protein by murine fibroblasts., M Gottesman
Immunoprecipitation of specific polysomes using staphylococcus aureus: purification of the immunoglobulin kappa chain messenger rna from the mouse myeloma mpc11., N M. Gough and J M. Adams
Syngeneic gvh induced in popliteal lymph nodes by spleen cells of old c57bl/6 mice., Y Gozes, T Umiel, A Meshorer, and N Trainin
Estimates of histocompatibility differences between inbred mouse strains., R J. Graff and D H. Brown
The alleles of the h-13 locus., R J. Graff, D H. Brown, and G D. Snell
Features of cell lineage in preimplantation mouse development., C F. Graham and Z A. Deussen
Autoxidation versus covalent binding of quinones as the mechanism of toxicity of dopamine, 6-hydroxydo- pamine, and related compounds toward c1300 neuro- blastoma cells in vitro., D G. Graham, S M. Tiffany, W R. Bell, and W F. Gutknecht
Detection of metastatic tumors in nude mice. Brief communication., S D. Graham, D D. Mickey, and D F. Paulson
Cytogenetic damage in spermatogonia of mice from 239pu, external fission neutrons, and 60co gamma radiations. Abstr., D Grahn, C H. Lee, J J. Russell, and A Lindenbaum
Enhanced identification of lethal yellow (ay/ay) mouse embryos by means of delayed development of four-cell stages., N H. Granholm and P M. Johnson
The isolation and characterization of elongation factor eef-ts from krebs-ii mouse-ascites-tumor cells and its role in the elongation process., H Grasmuk, R D. Nolan, and J Drews
Host defense in cryptococcosis. II. Cripto- coccosis in the nude mouse., J R. Graybill and D J. Drutz
The response of lewis lung tumor cells to ara-c and hydroxyurea. A flow cytometric comparison. Abstr., J W. Gray and Y George
Separation of cells from a murine fibrosarcoma on the basis of size. II. Differential effects of cell size and age on lung retention and colony formation in normal and preconditioned mice., D J. Grdina, L J. Peters, S Jones, and E Chan
Separation of cells from a murine fibrosarcoma on the basis of size. I. Relationship between cell size and age as modified by growth in vivo or in vitro., D J. Grdina, L J. Peters, S Jones, and E Chan
On folate-dependent and -independent sites of action of diaminopyrimidine antifolates in human and mouse cells. Abstr., W R. Greco and M T. Hakala
Mnng for 10t1/2 and cho cells., D S. Greenberg, J W. Grishman, W N. Bell, M S. Baker, N D. Kaufman, and E E. Of
Distinguishable biologic effects of rna type-c murine leukemia and sarcoma viruses in long-term bone marrow culture. Abstr., J Greenberger, P Davisson, and P Gans
Sensitivity of corticosteroid-dependent insulin- resistant lipogenesis in marrow preadipocytes of obese-diabetic (db/db) mice., J S. Greenberger
Constitutive and inducible granulocyte-macrophage functions in mouse, rat, and human myeloid leukemia-derived continuous tissue culture lines., J S. Greenberger, P E. Newburger, A Karpas, and W C. Moloney
Culture-induced suppression. Relevance to in vitro sensitization and tumor therapy. Abstr., P Greenberg and A Fefer
Plutonium-239 deposition in the skeleton of the mouse., D Green, G R. Howells, and M C. Thorne
Regulation of the immune response to tumor antigen. VI. Differential specificities of suppressor t cells or their products and effector t cells., M I. Greene and L L. Perry
Mechanisms of regulation of cell-mediated immune responses. I. Effect of the route of immunization with tnp-coupled syngeneic cells on the induction and suppression of contact sensitivity to picryl chloride., M I. Greene, M Sugimoto, and B Benacerraf
Autoradiographic analysis of altered glycosaminoglycan synthesis in the epiphyseal cartilage of neonatal brachymorphic mice., R M. Greene, K S. Brown, and R M. Pratt
An improved assay of 7-ethoxycoumarin o-deethylase activity. Induction of hepatic enzyme activity in c57bl/6j and dba/2j mice by phenobarbital, 3-methylcholanthrene and 2,3,7,8-tetrach- lorodibenzo-p-dioxin., W F. Greenlee and A Poland
Lactoferrin is a marker for prolactin response in mouse mammary explants., M R. Green and J V. Pastewka
Marked reduction of spectrin in hereditary spherocytosis in the comon house mouse., A C. Greenquist, S B. Shohet, and S E. Bernstein
Anti-tumour cytotoxicity of poly(a)-containing messenger rna isolated from tumour-specific immunogenic rna., C J. Greenup, D A. Vallera, K J. Pennline, B J. Kolodziej, and M C. Dodd
Studies on the mechanism of lymphocyte-mediated cytolysis. XI. The role of lectin in lectin-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity., W R. Green, Z K. Ballas, and C S. Henney
Radioresistant mutations in murine l5178y lymphoma. Assessment of mutation rates. Abstr., E C. Gregg, T M. Yau, and S C. Kim
The development of the lumbar spinal cord in normal and dystrophic mice. Abstr., S E. Gregoire
Three stages of erythropoietic progenitor cell differentiation distinguished by a number of physical and biologic properties., C J. Gregory and A C. Eaves
Adenosine and adenine nucleotides are mitogenic for mouse thymocytes., S Gregory and M Kern
Poly-i.c And statolon as demonstrated by the use of anti- -mouse interferon serum., I Gresser, C Maury, M Bandu, M Tovey, D M. Maunoury, and F E. Of
Antitumor effects of interferon., I Gresser and M G. Tovey
Genetic factors in coronary heart-disease. Anatomical evidence from mice., M S. Grewal and S C. Purushothaman
Comparison of three methods used for the measurement of the avidity of antibody to dna., G D. Griffiths, I Olsen, and M W. Steward
Difference in cerebellary norepinephrine metabolism in jumping and non-jumping mice., V E. Grimm and G Sedvall
Prostaglandin synthesis in spleen cell cultures of mice injected with corynebacterium parvum., W Grimm, M Seitz, H Kirchner, and D Gemsa
Evidence for a role for calcium in immunosuppression by tumor cells in vitro., K D. Grinwich, T S. Alexander, and J Cerny
Dna-dependent dna polymerase species in male germ cells of the mouse., P Grippo, R Geremia, G Locorotondo, and V Monesi
S-phase related cytotoxicity of 10t1/2 cells to mnng. Abstr., J W. Grisham, D S. Greenberg, and D G. Kaufman
Relative loss of oncogenic potency of mouse leukemia virus (gross) after prolonged propagation in tissue culture., L Gross and Y Dreyfuss
Comparison of the mechanism of isoproterenol-stimulated glyco- genolysis in skeletal muscle of normal and phosphorylase kinase- -deficient mice (i strain)., S R. Gross, K Bromwell, and I V. Baanante
Measurements of gene expression in tissues of normal and dystrophic mice., L D. Grouse, P G. Nelson, G S. Omenn, and B K. Schrier
Sur le developpement comportemental de la souris atteinte par la mutation staggerer., J Guastavino
Analysis of adenosine-mediated pyrimidine starvation using cultured wild-type and mutant mouse t-lymphoma cells., L J. Gudas, A Cohen, B Ullman, and D W. Jr
Deoxyguanosine toxicity in a mouse t lymphoma. Relationship to purine nucleoside phosphorylase-associated immune dysfunction., L J. Gudas, B Ullman, A Cohen, and D W. Jr
Evidence in rat and mouse liver for temporal control of two forms of cytochrome p-450 inducible by 2, 3, 7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin., T M. Guenthner and D W. Nebert
Comparative incorporation of uridine-3h into nucleolar rna of mouse subcutaneous and skin tissues at early times after 20- -methylcholanthrene administration., P K. Gulati and D P. Dubey
Oocyte atresia induced by 3-methylcholanthrene in mice. Abstr., B J. Gulyas and D R. Mattison
Further studies on the androgenic, anti-androgenic, and synandrogenic actions of progestins., C Gupta, L P. Bullock, and C W. Bardin
Differences in the properties of cytoplasmic particles and in the expression of virus-specific information in the thymus of normal and lymphomatous akr mice., C Gurgo, M C. Bondurant, and S H. Bridges
Association and dissociation of the ah locus with the metabolism of aflatoxin b1 by mouse liver. Co-segregation of aflatoxin b1 hydroxylase induction with aryl hydrocarbon (benzo(a)pyrene)- hydroxylase induction., H L. Gurtoo, R P. Dahms, P Kanter, and J B. Vaught
Use of [75se]selenomethionine in immunoglobulin biosynthetic studies., G A. Gutman, N L. Warner, A W. Harris, and A Bowles
Altered cyclic amp-dependent protein kinase activity in a mutant adrenocortical tumor cell line., N S. Gutmann, P A. Rae, and B P. Schimmer
The mouse gut t lymphocyte, a noval type of t cell. Nature, origin, and traffic in mice in normal and graft- -versus-host conditions., grand D. Guy, C Griscelli, and P Vassalli
The glucose effect on 45ca efflux from pancreatic islets perifused with calcium-deficient medium. Abstr., E Gylfe, A Buitrago, P Berggren, and K Hammarstrom
Influence of age on the immunological activity and capacity of the cba mouse., J J. Haaijman and W Hijmans
Suppression of the immune response in c3h/hej mice by protein-free lipopolysaccharides., G P. Haas, A G. Johnson, and A Nowotny
Morphological transformation of c3h/10t1/2 cells subcultured at low cell densitites., D A. Haber and W G. Thilly
Behavioral variability in developing recombinant inbred strains of mice: a progress report. Abstr., S B. Haber and E C. Simmel
Characterization of ehrlich ascites tumor cell messenger rna specifying ribosomal proteins by translation in vitro., P B. Hackett, E Egberts, and P Traub
Selective translation of mengovirus rna over host mrna in homologous, fractionated, cell-free translational systems from ehrlich-ascites-tumor cells., P B. Hackett, E Egberts, and P Traub
Effect of cyclophosphamide on toxoplasma gondii infection: reversal of the effect by passive immunization., A Hafizi and F Z. Modabber
Clinical and immunological behavior of serially transplanted strain balb/cfc3h mouse mammary tumors. Abstr., J C. Hager, D E. Griswold, and G H. Heppner
Influence of serial transplantation on the immunological- -clinical correlates of balb/cfc3h mouse mammary tumors., J C. Hager, F R. Miller, and G H. Heppner
Metastasis spread from syngeneic murine tumours. Establishment of a test protocol for comparisons between ascites tumours and their progenitors., B Hagmar and W Ryd
Single dose x-irradiation and concomitant hyperthermia on a murine fibrosarcoma., E W. Hahn, A A. Alfieri, and J H. Kim
The significance of fractionation regimens in radiation and combined hyperthermia using a murine fibrisarcoma., E W. Hahn, A A. Alfieri, and J H. Kim
Multiple adjuvant therapy on a murine fibrosarcoma in vivo. Actinomycin-d, x-irradiation and local tumor hyperthermia. Abstr., E W. Hahn, A A. Alfieri, J H. Kim, and D Lehman
Pulmonary tumors in mice after repeated inhalation exposures to aerosols of 144ce02. Abstr,. Radiat. Res. 1978, 74.558, F Hahn, D L. Lundgren, and R O. Mcclellan
Kinetics of emt-6 cellular survival after curative doses of hyperthermia., G M. Hahn, J B. Marmor, and L J. Fajardo
A diallel analysis of brain and body weight in male inbred laboratory mice (mus musculus)., M E. Hahn and S B. Haber
Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein is necessary for h-2- -restricted lysis of infected cells by cytotoxic t lymphocytes., A H. Hale, O N. Witte, D Baltimore, and H N. Eisen
Surface expression of host major histocompatibility complex products by schistosomula of schistosoma mansoni. Abstr., B F. Hall, A Sher, and M A. Vadas
Adult recipients of normal cells., pannenko O. Halle, L L. Pritchard, R Motta, D G. Mathe, and A. In
In vivo generation of mouse natural killer cells: role of the spleen and thymus., O A. Haller, M Gidlund, J T. Kurnick, and H Wigzell
Receptors for helix pomatia a hemagglutinin., O Haller, M Gidlund, U Hellstrom, S Hammarstrom, D H. Wigzell, and S M. Cells:
An ly-like specificity with extensive nonlymphoid expression., P F. Halloran, D Dutton, H Chance, and Z Cohen
Zinc, cadmium, and iron interactions during intestinal absorption in iron-deficient mice., D L. Hamilton, J E. Bellamy, J D. Valberg, and L S. Valberg