Submissions from 1978
Studies on memory. Spontaneous return of memory in 6- -hydroxydopamine-treated mice and its relation to cycloheximide-induced transient amnesia., T C. Rainbow and L B. Flexner
Expression of insulin receptors in skin fibroblasts of diabetic (db/db) mice. Abstr., M K. Raizada, W B. Wu, and R E. Fellows
Induction of myeloid colony-stimulating activity in murine monocyte tumor cell lines by macrophage activators and in a t-cell line by concanavalin a., P Ralph, H E. Broxmeyer, M A. Moore, and I Nakoinz
Corticosteroids block newly induced but not constitutive functions of macrophage cell lines. Myeloid colony-stimulating activity production, latex phagocytosis, and antibody-dependent lysis of rbc and tumor targets., P Ralph, M Ito, H E. Broxmeyer, and I Nakoinz
Transport of monosaccharides by the small intestine of genetically diabetic mice. Abstr., K Ramaswamy and M A. Peterson
Genetic mechanisms of drinking and feeding., I Ramirez and R L. Sprott
Hunger and satiety in genetically obese mice (c57bl/6j-ob/ob)., I Ramirez and R L. Sprott
Food intake and body weight regulation in diabetes (db/db) and obese (ob/ob) mice., I Ramirez and R L. Srott
Genetic control of tolerance induction in mice to human-gamma- -globulin (hgg). Abstr., G E. Ranges, R Bridges, and M Azar
The relationship of membrane antigens on 141 (nzb) and el4 (c57bl) lymphoma cells as demonstrated by antibody-induced resistance to complement-mediated cytotoxicity., M Ran, M Yaakubowicz, N Talal, and I P. Witz
Lymphocytotoxic autoantibodies eluted from in vivo propagating sarcoma cells of mice. Brief communication., M Ran, M Yaakubowicz, and I P. Witz
Role of gross a virus-induced soluble products as potential early promoters of thymic carcinogenesis and deregulators of splenic immune responses in akr mice. Abstr., D F. Ranney and T R. Beardsley
Kappa chain variable regions from three galactan binding myeloma proteins., D N. Rao, S Rudikoff, and M Potter
Triglyceride synthesis from dihydroxyacetone phosphate and palmitate by microsomes from mammary glands of lactating mice., G A. Rao and S Abraham
Suppression of lymphocytic anti-tumor cytotoxicity by a t-dependent serum factor. Abstr., P E. Rao
A t-dependent factor in mouse serum suppressing lympho- cytic anti-tumour cytotoxocity., P E. Rao and D H. Sussdorf
Suppressor t cells can adoptively transfer the suppression of macrophages induced by immune complexes. Abstr., V S. Rao and M S. Mitchell
De novo appearance of a high molecular weight serum lipoprotein in severely burned mice. Abstr., F T. Rapaport and R J. Bachvaroff
Effects of radiation ajd chemotherapeutic agents on lymphatic metastasis. Abstr., D S. Rappaport and J M. Brown
Generation of new mouse sarcoma viruses in cell culture., U R. Rapp and G J. Todaro
Generation of oncogenic type c viruses. Rapidly leukemogenic viruses derived from c3h mouse cells in vivo and in vitro., U R. Rapp and G J. Todaro
Functional macrophage cell lines transformed by abelson leukemia virus., W C. Raschke, S Baird, P Ralph, and I Nakoinz
Conduction of nervous impulses in spinal roots and peripheral nerves of dystrophic mice., M Rasminsky, R E. Kearney, A J. Aguayo, and G M. Bray
Polyadenylated rna molecules and polyribosomes in tumours of chemical and viral origin., E A. Ratovitski
Genetic studies in nzb mice. I. Spontaneous autoantibody production., E S. Raveche, A D. Steinberg, L W. Klassen, and J H. Tjio
Grafting of triggering sites onto lymphocytes. Requirement of multivalency in the stimulation of dinitrophenyl-modified thymocytes by anti-dinitrophenyl antibody., A Ravid, A Novogrodsky, and M Wilchek
Naked axons in myodystrophic mice., H B. Rayburn and A C. Peterson
Oncogenicity and immunogenicity associated with membranes isolated from cell-free ascites fluid of lymphoma- -bearing mice., A Raz, R Barzilai, G Spira, and M Inbar
Decrease in 5'-nucleotidase activity in malignant transformed and normal stimulated cells., A Raz, J G. Collard, and M Inbar
Isolation of plasma membrane fragments and vesicles from ascites fluid of lymphoma-bearing mice and their possible role in the escape mechanism of tumors from host immune rejection., A Raz, R Goldman, I Yuli, and M Inbar
Effect of prostaglandins on phagocytosis of sheep erythrocytes by mouse peritoneal macrophages., E Razin, S Bauminger, and A Globerson
The diabetogenic activity of fragments of human growth hormone in obese (ob/ob) mice., C R. Reagan
Riboflavin nutritional status and flavoprotein enzymes in normal and genetically diabetic kk mice., A S. Reddi
Diabetic microangiopathy in kk mice. IV. Effect of pyridinol- carbamate on kidney glucosyltransferase activity and glomerulos- clerosis., A S. Reddi, W Oppermann, M Chen, and davalos R. Camerini
Diabetic microangiopathy in kk mice. Iii. Effect of prolonged glyburide treatment on glomerulosclerosis., A S. Reddi, W Oppermann, D G. Patel, T Ehrenreich, and davalos R. Camerini
Ultraviolet radiation-induced chromosomal abnormalities in fetal fibroblasts from new zealand black mice., A L. Reddy, P J. Fialkow, and A Salo
Hepatocarcinogenicity of wy-14,643, a hypolipidemic peroxisome proliferator. Abstr., J K. Reddy, D L. Azarnoff, M S. Rao, and S A. Qureshi
Studies on the mutagenic and cytogenetic effects of irrad- iated wheat in mice., P P. Reddy, O S. Reddi, D N. Ebenezer, N V. Naidu, and S N. Goud
In vitro studies of the rabbit immune system. VI. Rabbit anti-mouse cytotoxic t effector cells are inhibited by anti- -rabbit t cell serum in the absence of complement., D Redelman and P E. Trefts
The effect of recaging into groups or into isolation on the pituitary adrenal response to immobilization of different age groups of c57bl/6j mice., E S. Redgate and B E. Eleftheriou
Dose-fractionation studies on mouse gut and marrow: an intercomparison of 6-mev photons and fast neutrons (e=25 mev)., J L. Redpath, R M. David, and L Cohen
In vitro comparison of murine t and b lymphocyte dependent mitogen stimulated dna synthesis in progesterone treated cultures. Abstr., C D. Reed, A K. Fowler, and A Hellman
Fine structure of the mouse cornea., C Rehbinder
Androgen-dependent human prostatic carcinoma tumor line in nude mice. Abstr., L Reid, I Leav, F Merk, J Albert, and J Geller
Differences in allotransplantability and sensitivity to chemoimmunotherapy for various l1210 tumor lines. Abstr., A E. Reif and R W. Li
Virus. I. Biological characterization., A Rein, B I. Gerwin, R H. Bassin, L Schwarm, D G. Schidlovsky, and I V. Leukemia
Susceptibility of hematopoietic stem cells (cfu-2) to 55fe radiation damage., U Reincke, D Brookoff, H Burlington, E P. Cronkite, N Pappas, and E Zanjani
Regulation of cytotoxic t-cell reactivity to syngeneic tumors by the thymus., C L. Reinisch and S L. Andrew
Hemopoietic stem cell transplantation using mouse bone marrow and spleen cells fractionated by lectins., Y Reisner, L Itzicovitch, A Meshorer, and N Sharon
Microbicidal capacity and tumor cell cytostatic effects of armed and activated macrophages. Abstr., J Remington, J Krahenbuhl, and R Mcleod
Induction d'echanges entre chromatides soeurs in vivo sur les cellules de moelle osseuse de souris akr., G Renault, deprun J. Pot, and I Chouroulinkov
Detection of a cell surface antigen common to a mouse myeloma and a population of mouse thymocytes., H Repke
Analysis of the repertoire of anti-np antibodies in c57bl/6 mice by cell fusion. I. Characterization of antibody families in the primary and hyperimmune response., M Reth, G J. Hammerling, and K Rajewsky
Ornithine inhibits two murine tumors. Abstr., G Rettura, A Barbul, and E Seifter
Possible reversion of malignancy in vivo., M C. Revilla, M T. Gonzales, M Z. Balderas, and G Romero
Coordinate behavior of orotate phosphoribosyltransferase and orotidylate decarboxylase in developing mouse liver and brain., P Reyes and C Intress
Influence of adriamycine (adm) pretreatment on the growth of lymphoma cells in lethally irradiated mice. Abstr., C Riccardi, A Bartocci, L Peruzzi, A Goldin, and E Bonmassar
Growth and rejection patterns of murine lymphoma cells antigenically altered following drug treatment in vivo., C Riccardi, M C. Fioretti, A Giampietri, and A Goldin
Lethally irradiated mice., C Riccardi, M C. Fioretti, A Giampietri, P Puccetti, A Goldin, D E. Bonmassar, and I O. In
Virus in athymic nude mice., castagnoli P. Ricciardi, M Lieberman, O Finn, D H. Kaplan, and L I. Leukemia
Mouse intracellular immunoglobulin m. Structure and identification of a free thiol group., N E. Richardson and A Feinstein
Desensitisation of muscarinic receptor-mediated cyclic gmp formation by cultured nerve cells., E Richelson
Histamine h1 receptor-mediated guanosine 3',5'-monophosphate formation by cultured mouse neuroblastoma cells., E Richelson
Tricyclic antidepressants block histamine h1 receptors of mouse neuroblastoma cells., E Richelson
Muscarinic receptor-mediated cyclic gmp formation by cultured nerve cells-ionic dependence and effects of local anesthetics., E Richelson, F G. Prendergast, and S Divinetzromero
Enterically induced immunologic tolerance. I. Induct- ion of suppressor t lymphocytes by intragastric admini- stration of soluble proteins., L K. Richman, J M. Chiller, W R. Brown, D G. Hanson, and N M. Vaz
Suppressor t cells in the regulation of immune responses to allogeneic tissues., R R. Rich, S S. Rich, and G A. Truitt
Suppressor factor activity in cell-mediated immune responses., S S. Rich, R R. Rich, and D L. Kastner
Balb/c 3t3 cells do not all arrest in the first g1 after exposure to growth restrictive conditions. Abstr., V G. Riddle, P W. Rossow, and A B. Pardee
Evidence of suppressor cell-mechanism of allograft tolerance induced by spleen extract and hydrocortisone., M Rieger, J Gunther, H Kristofova, and I Hilgert
Clearance kinetics of iga immune complexes in mice. Abstr., A Rifai, P A. Small, and E M. Ayoub
Growth enhancement of murine sarcoma by ldh-virus, adreno- corticoids, and anxiety stress. Abstr., V Riley, D H. Spackman, K Hellstrom, and I Hellstrom
Mouse mammary tumor virus genes. Regulation of expression by glucocorticoids and structural analysis with restriction endo- nucleases., G M. Ringold, J C. Cohen, J Ring, P R. Shank, H E. Varmus, and K R. Yamamoto
Production of unintegrated mouse mammary tumor virus dna in infected rat hepatoma cells is a secondary action of dexamethasone., G M. Ringold, P R. Shank, and K R. Yamamoto
The relative biological effectiveness of helium, neon and carbonions on mouse testes. Abstr., P P. Risius, E L. Alpen, G M. Connell, and M Mcdonald
Abelson virus-induced lymphomagenesis in mice., R Risser, M Potter, and W P. Rowe
Abelson antigen. A viral tumor antigen that is also a differentiation antigen of balb/c mice., R Risser, E Stockert, and L J. Old
Cartilage matrix deficiency (cmd). A new autosomal recessive lethal mutation in the mouse., E Rittenhouse, L C. Dunn, J Cookingham, C Calo, M Spiegelman, G B. Dooher, and D Bennett
Characterization of the cell coat of ehrlich ascites tumor cells., H G. Rittenhouse, J W. Rittenhouse, and L Takemoto
Effect of chronic restraint on open field activity of aging c57bl/6n mice., B Ritter
Embryonic mouse thymus development. Stem cell entry and differentiation., M A. Ritter
Receptors on rat lymphocytes for mouse leydig cells. Abstr., A Rivenson, H Moroson, and R Madden
Antitumor activity of purified cell walls from corynebacterium parvum., moreno V. Riveros, R Bomford, and M T. Scott
Perturbation of lymphocyte response to concanavalin a by exogeneous cholesterol and lecithin., B Rivnay, A Globerson, and M Shinitzky
Growth of embryonal carcinoma cells in serum-free medium., A Rizzino and G Sato
Ocular retardation (or) in the mouse., R M. Robb, J Silver, and R T. Sullivan
Evidence for the in vivo coating of a polyoma virus-induced tumor with antibodies specifically bound to their target- -antigen., F Robert, F Dumont, and D Oth
Utilization of polyunsaturated fatty acid supplements by cultured neuroblastoma cells., J Robert, G Rebel, and P Mandel
Polar head groups manipulation of phospholipids in cultured neuroblastoma cells., J Robert, G Rebel, P Mandel, and E Yavin
Combination chemotherapy in sequence for the treatment of l1210 leukemia., D Roberts and S L. Hilliard
Effect of orally administered toxicants on immunocompetence. Abstr., D W. Roberts
Hypothermia in mice induced by enzyme-mediated serotonin depletion. Abstr., J Roberts and H J. Rosenfeld
Giardiasis in mice. I. Prolonged infections in certain mouse strains and hypothymic (nude) mice., thomson I. Roberts and G F. Mitchell
Competing-risk analysis of leukemia and nonleukemia mortality in x-irradiated male mice., C V. Robinson and A C. Upton
Transplantation tolerance induced in foetal mouse thymus in vitro., J H. Robinson and J J. Owen
A new, albino-beige mouse. Giant granules in retinal pigment epithelium., W G. Robison and T Kuwabara
Assessment of plasminogen biosynthesis by mouse tumor cells in vitro using a competition radioimmunoassay for mouse plasminogen. Abstr., R O. Roblin, T E. Bell, and P L. Young
Assessment of plasminogen synthesis in vitro by mouse tumor cells using a competition radioimmunoassay for mouse plasminogen., R O. Roblin, T E. Bell, and P L. Young
Radiosensitizing and toxic effects of hypoxic cell sensitizers on emt6 cells in vivo and in vitro. Abstr., S Rockwell