Submissions from 1978
In vitro studies on lymphocyte differentiation. I. Long term in vitro culture of cells giving rise to functional lymphocytes in irradiated mice., J W. Schrader and S Schrader
Loss of heterogeneity of the immune response to tnp-lys-ficoll (tf) in mice. Abstr., A F. Schrater, G J. Thorbecke, G W. Siskind, and E A. Goidl
Suppression of myeloma growth in vitro by anti-idiotypic antibodies. Inhibition of dna synthesis and colony formation., H Schreiber and P Leibson
Energy reserves in brain and audiogenic seizures. The time course of protection by glucose and insulin., R A. Schreiber
Stimulus frequency and audiogenic seizures in dba/2j mice., R A. Schreiber
Time course of protection from audiogenic seizures by glucose and insulin in audiogenically primed c57bl/6j mice., R A. Schreiber
B-cell precursors specific to sheep erythrocytes. Estimation of frequency in specific helper assay., M H. Schreier
Bromodeoxyuridine effects on the rna sequence comp- lexity and phenotype in a neuroblastoma clone., B K. Schrier, M Y. Zubairi, and L D. Grouse
Rna-mediated suppression of cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Abstr., M S. Schubert and D O. Lucas
Tissue graft rejection in mice. V. Survival, rejection, or proliferation across minor barriers., J S. Schultz, T F. Beals, and friberg R. Demott
Effects of irradiation and cyclophosphamide (cy) treatment on expression of macrophage tumoricidal function in mice. Abstr., R M. Schultz and M A. Chirigos
Functional and morphologic characteristics of interferon- -treated macrophages., R M. Schultz, M A. Chirigos, and U I. Heine
Macrophage involvement in the antitumor activity of brucella abortus ether extract against experimental lung carcinoma metastases., R M. Schultz, N A. Pavlidis, and M A. Chirigos
On induction of macrophage tumoricidal function in mice., R M. Schultz, N A. Pavlidis, M A. Chirigos, D J. Weiss, and S O. Treatment
Macrophage activation and antitumor activity of brucella abortus ether extract (bru-pel). Abstr., R M. Schultz, N A. Pavlidis, M A. Chirigos, and J Youngner
Regulation of macrophage tumoricidal function. A role for prostaglandins of the e series., R M. Schultz, N A. Pavlidis, W A. Stylos, and M A. Chirigos
Role for prostaglandins of the e-series in regulation of macrophage tumoricidal function. Abstr., R M. Schultz, N A. Pavlidis, W A. Stylos, and M A. Chirigos
Immunosuppressive activity of antibody directed against endogenous c-type virus interferes with early events of the immune response., G Schumann and C Moroni
Regulation of delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions by cyclophosphamide-sensitive t cells., A Schwartz, P W. Askenase, and R K. Gershon
Labeling characteristics and separation of ia antigen subunits., B D. Schwartz, E S. Vitetta, and S E. Cullen
The mode of interaction with macrophages of two ordered synthetic polypeptides which differ in their thymus dependency., M Schwartz, B Geiger, R Hooghe, eli M. Bar, R Gallily, E Mozes, and M Sela
Affinity and avidity of antibodies to the random polymer (t,g)- -a--l and a related ordered synthetic polypeptide., M Schwartz, D Lancet, E Mozes, and M Sela
Cross-reactive idiotypic determinants on murine anti-(t,g)-a-l anti- bodies., M Schwartz, R Lifshitz, D Givol, E Mozes, and J Haimovich
Induction of anti-idiotypic antibodies by immunisation with syngeneic spleen cells educated with acetylcholine receptor., M Schwartz, D Novick, D Givol, and S Fuchs
Defective paps-synthesis in epiphyseal cartilage from brachy- morphic mice., N B. Schwartz, V Ostrowski, K S. Brown, and R M. Pratt
Defective sulfation in brachymorphic mouse cartilage. Abstr., N B. Schwartz and R M. Pratt
Antagonism of 5-fluorouracil (5fu) growth inhibition and toxicity by allopurinol (al) and pyrazofurin (pf). Abstr., P M. Schwartz and R E. Handschumacher
Staphylococcal nuclease. Evidence for multiple mhc-linked ir gene control., R H. Schwartz, J A. Berzofsky, C L. Horton, A N. Schecter, N D. Ge, and C O. To
Interaction between antigen-presenting cells and primed t lymphocytes. An assessment of ir gene expression in the antigen-presenting cell., R H. Schwartz, A Yano, and W E. Paul
Specific suppression of anti-hapten reaginic antibody titers with hapten-coated liposomes., R Schwenk, W Y. Lee, and A H. Sehon
Lyt markers on thymus cell migrants., R Scollay, M Kochen, E Butcher, and I Weissman
Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (adcc) to tumor cells by normal and corynebacterium parvum activated mouse peritoneal cells. Abstr., J C. Scornik and P Klein
Antibody-dependent lysis of tumor cells in vivo. I. Early lysis of tumor cells., J C. Scornik and P A. Klein
Antibody-dependent lysis of tumor cells in vivo. II. Elimination of chromium-51 as a measurement of cytolysis., J C. Scornik and P A. Klein
Surface immunoglobulin phenotype of murine spleen cells which form b cell colonies in agar., D W. Scott, J E. Layton, and G R. Johnson
Experimental coxiella burnetii infection of guinea pigs and mice., G H. Scott, G T. Burger, and R A. Kishimoto
The distribution and effects of intrapleural corynebacterium parvum in mice. A comparison with intravenous corynebacterium parvum., M T. Scott and J Decker
Anti-immunoglobulin stimulation of murine lymphocytes. V. Age- -related decline in fc receptor-mediated immunoregulation., D J. Scribner, H L. Weiner, and J W. Moorhead
Phytohemagglutinin (pha) responsive cells of mouse bone marrow do not recirculate through lymph. Abstr., P Scuderi and O W. Press
Reduced immunoglobulin concentration and impaired macrophage function in mice due to diphenylhydantoin., J Seager, H M. Coovadia, and J F. Soothill
Beta-estradiol reduces natural killer cells in mice., W E. Seaman, M A. Blackman, T D. Gindhart, I R. Roubinian, J M. Loeb, and N Talal
Chronic estrogen administration reduces natural killing in mice. Abstr., W Seaman, T Gindhart, M Blackman, J Loeb, J Roubinian, O Greenspan, and N Talal
New methods for studying somatic forward and reverse mutation in mice. Abstr., A G. Searle
Complementation studies with mouse translocations., A G. Searle and C V. Beechey
Proteins from morphologically differentiated neuroblastoma cells promote tubulin polymerization., N W. Seeds and R B. Maccioni
Thymic epithelial injury in graft-versus-host reactions following adrenalectomy., T A. Seemayer, W S. Lapp, and R P. Bolande
Ethylation of dna and protamine by ethyl methanesulfonate in the germ cells of male mice and the relevancy of these molecular targets to the induction of dominant lethals., G A. Sega and J G. Owens
A study of unscheduled dna synthesis induced by x-rays in the germ cells of male mice., G A. Sega, R E. Sotomayer, and J G. Owens
The subclass specificity for the binding of murine myeloma proteins to macrophage and lymphocyte cell lines and to normal spleen cells., D M. Segal and J A. Titus
Evaluation of genetic risks of alkylating agents. IV. Quantitative determination of alkylated amino acids in haemoglobin as a measure of the dose after treatment of mice with methyl methanesulfonate., D Segerback, C J. Calleman, L Ehrenberg, G Lofroth, and golkar S. Osterman
A time study of the requirement for carrier-specific helper cells in the response of mice to dinitrophenylated keyhole limpet hemocyanin., M Segre and D Segre
Tubercidin metabolism in mouse l5178y cells in vivo and in vitro., G Seibert, A Maidhof, R K. Zahn, and W E. Muller
The arrangement and rearrangement of antibody genes., J G. Seidman and P Leder
Lymphopoietic action of vitamin a in tumor-bearing mice. Abstr., E Seifter, A Barbul, S M. Levenson, and G Rettura
Isolation and characterization of a golgo-rich fraction from the harding-passey mouse melanoma., M Seiji, S Moro, and Y Tomita
In vivo effect of sex steroids on uptake of 3h-leucine by female mouse brain., K Seiki, Y Haruki, and Y Imanishi
Gamma-ray-induced dominant mutations that cause skeletal abnormalities in mice. II. Description of proved mutations., P B. Selby and P R. Selby
Genetics of sperm-associated glycosidase isoenzymes in inbred mice. Abstr., S J. Self, A Taylor, B G. Winchester, and J R. Archer
Strain variation in spermatozal glycosidases in inbred mice., S J. Self, B G. Winchester, and J R. Archer
Major histocompatibility complex and non-major histocompatibility complex antigens on mouse ectroplacental cone and placental trophoblstic cells., M H. Sellens, E J. Jenkinson, and W D. Billington
Decreased potassium permeability in dystrophic mouse skeletal muscle., L C. Sellin and N Sperelakis
Evidence for independent genetic regulation of the expression of different antibody classes in anti-sheep red blood cell responses., M Seman, F Chevalier, and M Stanislawski
Potentiation of the antitumor activity of methotrexate by concurrent infusion of thymidine., J H. Semon and G B. Grindey
Species-specific cellular dna-binding proteins expressed in mouse cells transformed by chemical carcinogens., A Sen and G J. Todaro
In membranes of mouse leukemic l1210 cells., C Sene, D Genest, A Obrenovitch, P Wahl, D M. Monsigny, and F O. Incorporated
Interferon, double-stranded rna, and protein phosphorylation. Characteristics of a double-stranded rna-activated protein kinase system partially purified from interferon-treated ehrlich ascites tumor cells., G C. Sen, H Taira, and P Lengyel
Antitumor activity and biochemical and biophysical properties of actinomycin d and its 7-nitro and 7-amino substituted analogs. Abstr., S K. Sengupta and E J. Modest
Different functional specificity repertoires for suppressor and helper t cells., E E. Sercarz, R L. Yowell, D Turkin, A Miller, B A. Araneo, and L Adorini
Pyridoxine deficiency and cytotoxicity of t lymphoytes in vitro., A V. Sergeev, S N. Bykovskaja, L M. Luchanskaja, and M O. Rauschenbach
Heterogeneity of mouse macrophage phagocytic activities and fc receptors. Abstr., C S. Serio, J M. Cruse, and L V. Crawford
High alpha-fetoprotein (afp) contents in liver and blood of nude mice in the early postnatal ontogensis. Abstr., I A. Serova, V I. Kaledin, V M. Yunker, and E V. Gruntenko
Efficacy of bcg treatment after local radiotherapy in lewis and mbl-2 tumor-bearing mice., B Serrou, J B. Dubois, and R A. Gauci
Cerebral, cerebellar, and brain stem gangliosides in mice susceptible to audiogenic seizures., T N. Seyfried, G H. Glaser, and R K. Yu
Schedule optimization of cytosine arabinosine (ca) and hydroxyurea (hu) in sarcoma 180 in vitro. Abstr., S E. Shackney, B W. Erickson, and C E. Lengel
Combined adriamycin-radiation effects on mouse tumor. Schedule- -dependent synergy. Abstr., J Shaeffer and mahdi A. El
Colony stimulating and inhibiting activities in mouse serum after corynebacterium parvum-endotoxin treatment., R G. Shah, S Green, and M A. Moore
Structural analysis of hemopoiesis in sl/sld anemic mice., M Shaklai and M Tavassoli
Ultrastructural analysis of haemopoiesis in w/wv anaemic mice., M Shaklai and M Tavassoli
Detection and cross-reaction of h-y antigen by haemagglutination., A Shalev, I Berczi, and J L. Hamerton
The capacity of microsomally-activated cyclophosphamide to induce immunosuppression in vitro., F L. Shand
Cyclophosphamide inhibited b cell receptor regeneration as a basis for drug-induced tolerance., F L. Shand and J G. Howard
Dna with restriction endonucleases. Evidence for a large specific deletion occurring at high frequency during circularization., P R. Shank, J C. Cohen, H E. Varmus, K R. Yamamoto, D G. Ringold, and G O. Virus
Association of mitochondria with the plasma membrane of the acinar cells of the mouse submaxillary glands., M Sharawy, G Schuster, D Pashley, and P Palmer
Human lung carcinoma lines in culture and in athymic nude mice. Abstr., F E. Sharkey, S I. Hajdu, and J Fogh
Thymic control of hematopoieses. Effect of anti-theta serum + complement on proliferating precursors (cfu-c and cfu-e) in normal and anemic w/wv mice. Abstr., S J. Sharkis, J Spivak, R Stuart, J Misiti, L L. Sensenbrenner, W W. Jedrzejczak, and A Ahmed
Antitheta-sensitive regulatory cell (tsrc) and hematopoiesis. Regulation of differentiation of transplanted stem cells in w/wv anemic and normal mice., S J. Sharkis, jedrzejczak W. Wiktor, A Ahmed, G W. Santos, D Mckee, and K W. Sell
Effects of costimulator on immune responses in vitro., J Shaw, V Monticone, G Mills, and V Paetkau
Partial purification and molecular characterization of a lymphokine (costimulator) required for the mitogenic response of mouse thymocytes in vitro., J Shaw, V Monticone, and V Paetkau
Cytoplasmic transfer of microtubule organizing centers in mouse tissue culture cells., J W. Shay, T T. Peters, and J W. Fuseler
Ontogeny of brain catecholamine turnover and susceptibility to audiogenic seizures in dba/2j mice., B A. Shaywitz, R D. Yager, and J W. Gordon
Depressive effect of silica particles on f1 hybrid anti-parent cell-mediated lympholysis induced in vitro., G M. Shearer, H Waksal, Y P. Yung, and G Cudkowicz
Mouse hepatitis virus (mhv) infection in thymec- tomized c3h mice., P Sheets, K V. Shah, and F B. Bang
Development of neonatal and metastatic murine neuroblastoma models. Abstr., B A. Sheffler, M A. Repman, and C Schengrund
Effect of colchicine on the antibody response. I. Enhancement of antibody formation in mice., P N. Shek and A H. Coons
Effect of colchicine on the antibody response. II. Demonstration of the inactivation of suppressor cell activities by colchicine., P N. Shek, C Waltenbauch, and A H. Coons
Studies on in vitro colony formation by mouse bone-marrow cells using different sources of colony-stimulating factor., J L. Shellhaas, M S. Rheins, and J A. Filppi
Adoptive immunization in the production of lyt and other alloantisera., F W. Shen, S M. Hwang, and E A. Boyse
Total-body radiation suppression of the clearance of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase from mouse plasma., R Shen, V K. Jenkins, R R. Fritz, and C W. Abell