Submissions from 1978
Cell proliferation in emt6 tumors treated with single doses of x-rays or hydroxyurea. I. Experimental results., S Rockwell, E Frindel, A J. Valleron, and M Tubiana
Further information on subline differences, 485-494. In h. C. Morse iii, [ed.] Origins of inbred mice. N.y., T H. Roderick
Loss of self-tolerance to single-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (sdna) in vitro., J C. Roder, D A. Bell, and S K. Singhal
Regulation of the autoimmune plaque-forming cell response to single-strand dna (sdna) in vitro., J C. Roder, D A. Bell, and S K. Singhal
Regulation of the immune response in autoimmune nzb/nzw f1 mice. II. Age dependent release of suppressive factors from spleen cells., J C. Roder, D A. Bell, and S K. Singhal
Immunological senescence. I. The role of suppressor cells., J C. Roder, A K. Duwe, D A. Bell, and S K. Singhal
Target-effector interaction in the natural killer cell system. I. Covariance and genetic control of cytolytic and target-cell-binding subpopulations in the mouse., J C. Roder and R Kiessling
Target-effector interaction in the natural killer (nk) cell system. II. The isolation of nk cells and studies on the mechanism of killing., J C. Roder, R Kiessling, P Biberfeld, and B Andersson
The immunocompetence of tumor t cells and their role in generalized immunosuppression and immunostimulation following inoculation of dimethylbenzanthracene-induced leukemia virus in mice., J C. Roder, L Tyler, J K. Ball, and S K. Singhal
Recruitment of host helper cells in adoptive transfer of cell-mediated tumor immunity in vivo. Abstr., D Rodrigues, T Igarashi, and C Ting
Collagen synthesis by cloned mouse mammary tumor cells., R A. Roesel, K R. Cutroneo, D F. Scott, and E F. Howard
Concentrations of glutamic acid in cerebellar cortex and deep nuclei of normal mice and weaver, staggerer and nervous mutants., tarlov S. Roffler and R L. Sidman
The radiosensitizing effect of metronidazole and misonidazole (ro-07-0582) on a human malignant melanoma grown in the athymic mutant nude mouse., E K. Rofstad and T Brustad
Separation of the tumor rejection antigen (tsta) from the major viral structural proteins associated with the membrane of an r-mulv-induced leukemia., M J. Rogers, L W. Law, M Prat, S Oroszlan, and E Appella
Tight binding inhibitors--vi. Interactions of deoxy- coformycin and adenosine deaminase in intact human erythrocytes and sarcoma 180 cells., brown T. Rogler, R P. Agarwal, and R E. Jr
Localization of antigenic activity and immunogenic capacity in different conformational domains of procollagen peptide., H Rohde, H Nowack, and R Timpl
Effects of isoniazid (inh) on the oogenesis of mice., G Rohrborn, V Sezer, I Adler, A Schmaltz, I H. Pawlowitzki, and C Nautsch
Antigen-specific regulation of myeloma cell differentiation in vivo by carrier-specific t cell factors and macrophages., J W. Rohrer and R G. Lynch
Idiotype-specific (id315) suppression of m315 release from mopc-315 cells in vivo. Abstr., J W. Rohrer, B Odermatt, and R G. Lynch
Idiotype-specific suppression of mopc-315 iga secretion in vivo: reversible blockade of secretory myeloma cells by soluble mediators., J W. Rohrer, B Odermatt, and R G. Lynch
Detection of two allotype-(ig-1)-linked minor histocomp- atibility loci by the use of h-2-restricted cytotoxic lymphocytes in congenic mice., T Rolink, K Eichmann, and M M. Simon
Ontogeny of an in vitro generated suppressor cell. Abstr., F M. Rollwagen and O Stutman
Leukemia in akr mice. II. Two modes of suppression of in vitro antibody formation by leukemia cells., J M. Roman and E S. Golub
The kinetics of inhibition with methotrexate and vinblastine of the primary immune response to sheep red blood cells in mice., V Romanycheva, V A. Babichev, B S. Uteshev, and A G. Kalinkovitch
Characterization and mapping of rnase t1-resistant oligonucleo- tides derived from the genomes of akv and mcf murine leukemia viruses., J Rommelaere, D V. Faller, and N Hopkins
Energy retention, heat production and maintenance energy require- ments of young lean and obese (ob/ob) mice fed a high-fat or a high- -carbohydrate diet. Abstr., D R. Romsos, P Lin, J G. Vandertuig, and G A. Leveille
Is the adherent, non-specific 'suppressor' cell from rodent spleens an in vitro artefact?, G A. Rook and J King
Mammary-carcinoma cells in mouse liver. Infiltration of liver tissue and interaction with kupffer cells., E Roos, K P. Dingemans, I V. Pavert, and weerman M. Bergh
Molecular characterization of the ss and slp (c4) proteins of the mouse h-2 complex. Subunit composition, chain size poly- morphism, and an intracellular (pro-ss) precursor., M H. Roos, J P. Atkinson, and D C. Shreffler
Determinants of measles virus (hamster neurotropic strain) replication in mouse brain., R P. Roos, D E. Griffin, and R T. Johnson
The accumulation of immunoblasts in extravascular tissues including mammary gland, peritoneal cavity, gut and skin., M L. Rose, D M. Parrott, and R G. Bruce
The effect of helper virus on abelson virus-induced transformation of lymphoid cells., N Rosenberg and D Balitmore
Differentiation of neuroblastoma, glioma, and hybrid cells in culture as measured by the synthesis of specific protein species. Evidence for neuroblast-glioblast reciprocal genetic regulation., R N. Rosenberg, C K. Vance, M Morrison, N Prashad, U Meyne, and F Baskin
In vitro growth of murine t cells. II. Growth of in vitro sensitized cells cytotoxic for alloantigens, S A. Rosenberg, S Schwarz, and P J. Spiess
In vitro growth of murine t cells. I. Production of factors necessary for t cell growth., S A. Rosenberg, P J. Spiess, and S Schwarz
Autoimmune and polyclonal b cell responses during murine malaria., Y J. Rosenberg
The "non specific" effects of antigens on the total splenic pfc response in mice. Abstr., Y J. Rosenberg
Development of a clonogenic cell assay for human brain tumors. Abstr., M L. Rosenblum, D A. Vasquez, and C B. Wilson
Septate junctions between schwann cells and amyelinated axons in dystrophic mouse nerves. Abstr., J Rosenbluth
Glycolipids in mouse thymocytes stimulated by concanavalin a. Characterisation of glycolipids and rate of lipid biosynthesis during stimulation., G Rosenfelder, R V. Eijk, D A. Monner, and P F. Muhlradt
Host-mediated immune suppression in tumor bearing mice. In vitro reversal by indomethacin or removal of adherent cells. Abstr., M M. Rosenstein, L M. Pelus, and H R. Strausser
Indomethacin enhancement of spleen cell responsiveness of ages animals to t-cell mitogens. Abstr., M M. Rosenstein and H R. Strausser
In vitro restoration of bone marrow responsiveness from tumor-bearing mice by indomethacin and thymosin, a thymic hormone. Abstr., M Rosenstein and H R. Strausser
Location of the sas-1 locus on mouse chromosome 1., D L. Rosenstreich and M G. Groves
Macrophage sensitivity to endotoxin: genetic control by a single codominant gene., D L. Rosenstreich, S N. Vogel, A R. Jacques, A M. Wahl, and J J. Oppenheim
Differential endotoxin sensitivity of lymphocytes and macrophages from mice with an x-linked defect in b cell maturation., D L. Rosenstreich, S N. Vogel, A Jacques, L M. Wahl, R Scher, and S E. Mergenhagen
Determinant selection and macrophage function in genetic control of the immune response., A S. Rosenthal
Function of macrophages in genetic control of immune responsiveness., A S. Rosenthal, M A. Barcinski, and L J. Rosenwasser
Adherent cell function in murine t lymphocyte antigen recognition. I. A macrophage-dependent t cell prolifera- tion assay in the mouse., L J. Rosenwasser and A S. Rosenthal
Adherent cell function in murine t lymphocyte antigen recognition. II. Definition of genetically restricted and nonrestricted macrophage functions in t cell pro- liferation., L J. Rosenwasser and A S. Rosenthal
Enhanced phosphorylation of ribosomal protein s6 and other cytoplasmic proteins after mengovirus infection of ehrlich ascites tumor cells., I Rosnitschek, U Traub, and P Traub
Investigation of the potency of cells from the postimplan- tation mouse embryo by blastocyst injection. A preliminary report., J Rossant, R L. Gardner, and H L. Alexandre
Renal lesion in nude mice. Abstr., P Rossmann and M Holub
Differences between melphalan and mitrogen mustard in the formation and removal of dna cross-links., W E. Ross, R A. Ewig, and K W. Kohn
Influence of misonidazole on the incidence of radiation-induced intestinal tumours in mice., A Y. Rostom, S L. Kauffman, and G G. Steel
The stimulation of dna synthesis by cytochalasin b in proliferative epidermal and dermal cells., S Rothberg, G E. Nancarrow, and V L. Church
Increased glutathione content of human and mouse reticulocytes. Abstr., E F. Roth, H A. Grossman, H Tanowitz, and R L. Nagel
Guinea pig antiserum to mouse cytotoxic t lymphocytes and their precursors., T L. Rothstein, M G. Mage, J Mond, and L L. Mchugh
Cytotoxic t lymphocyte sequential killing of immo- bilized allogeneic tumor target cells measured by time-lapse microcinematography., T L. Rothstein, M Mage, G Jones, and L L. Mchugh
"short" Loop feedback regulation of hypothalamic and brain thyrotropin-releasing hormone content in the rat and dwarf mouse., E Roti, D Christianson, A R. Harris, L E. Braverman, and A G. Vagenakis
Kinetic models of c3h mouse mammary tumor growth. Implications regarding tumor cell loss., J L. Roti roti, V Bohling, and L A. Dethlefsen
Studies on the mechanism of cytotoxicity of the tricyclic nucleoside nsc 154020 in l1210 cells. Abstr., L W. Roti roti, J L. Roti, and L B. Townsend
Effect of castration and sex hormone treatment on survival, anti-nucleic acid antibodies, and glomerulonephritis in nzb/nzw f1 mice., J R. Roubinian, N Talal, J S. Greenspan, J R. Goodman, and P K. Siiteri
Allylisopropylacetamide restricts expression of beta minor globin gene in friend cells., G Rovera, D Aden, and S Surrey
Expression of ia antigens by murine keratinizing epithelial langerhans cells., G Rowden, T M. Phillips, and T L. Delovitch
Simultaneous complementary idiotypic responses. Absence of reciprocal regulation., D A. Rowley, G W. Miller, and I Lorbach
Uridine transport and phosphorylation in mouse cells in culture. Effect of growth-promoting factors, cell cycle transit and oncogenic transformation., E Rozengurt, K Mierzejewski, and N Wigglesworth
Split unresponsiveness to trinitrophenyl (tnp) determinant. Suppression of anti-tnp antibody responses by sensitization with picryl chloride., D Rozycka and W Ptak
Magnesium reverses inhibitory effects of calcium deprivation on coordinate response of 3t3 cells to serum., A H. Rubin, M Terasaki, and H Sanui
Functional analysis of lymphoid cells from mouse bone marrow in vitro., B Rubin, madsen M. Hoier, and C Ropke
Rate of cell division in atypias and invasive carcinoma of the uterine cervix of the mouse., C A. Rubio
Isolation of nontoxinogenic mutants of vibrio cholerae in a colorimetric assay for cholera toxin using the s49 mouse lymphosarcoma cell line., F E. Ruch, J R. Murphy, L H. Graf, and M Field
Defective tumoricidal capacity of macrophages from c3h/hej mice., L P. Ruco and M S. Meltzer
Macrophage activation for tumor cytotoxicity: development of macrophage cytotoxic activity requires completion of a sequence of short- -lived intermediary reactions., L P. Ruco and M S. Meltzer
Macrophage activation for tumor cytotoxicity. Increased lymphokine responsiveness of peritoneal macrophages during acute inflammation., L P. Ruco and M S. Meltzer
Macrophage activation for tumor cytotoxicity: tumor- icidal activity by macrophages from c3h/hej mice requires at least two activation stimuli., L P. Ruco and M S. Meltzer
Macrophage activation for tumor cytotoxicity. Control of macrophage tumoricidal capacity by the lps gene., L P. Ruco, M S. Meltzer, and D L. Rosenstreich
Dose-effect studies on estrogen induced mammary cancer in mice., G Rudali, P Jullien, C Vives, and F Apiou
Inhibition de la cancerogenese mammaire des souris c3h/f a l'aide du broparestrol., G Rudali, A M. Rendon, and M Guggiari
Suppressor cells in mice with murine mammary tumor virus- -induced mammary tumors. I. Inhibition of mitogen-induced lymphocyte stimulation., A B. Rudczynski and R F. Mortensen
Delayed hypersensitivity to soluble antigens in mice. I. Analysis in vivo., N H. Ruddle
Assignment of the receptor for ecotropic murine leukemia virus to mouse chromosome 5., N H. Ruddle, B S. Conta, L Leinwand, C Kozak, R Ruddle, P Besmer, and D Baltimore
Kappa chain variable region from m167, a phosphorylcholine binding myeloma protein., S Rudikoff and M Potter
Renal tubulointerstitial lesions in cba/j mice., U H. Rudofsky
Renal tubulointerstitial lesions in cba/j mice. Abstr., U H. Rudofsky
Dactinomycin treatment of murine lupus erythematosus. I. Renal disease and longevity., U H. Rudofsky, R E. Urizar, A E. Rielsen, N D. Simmons, and C T. Olsen
Immunosuppressive activity of carrageenan for cell-mediated responses in the mouse., V M. Rumjanek and L Brent
Cell-mediated immunological responsiveness in mice decomplemented with cobra venom factor., V M. Rumjanek, L Brent, and M B. Pepys
In vitro blastogenic responses of murine lymphoid cells to mitogens during tumor growth and after tumor excision. Abstr., B Ruppert and D Medina
Effect of chemical carcinogen treatment on the immunogenicity of mouse mammary tumors arising from hyperplastic alveolar nodule outgrowth lines., B Ruppert, W Wei, D Medina, and G H. Heppner
Regulation in the serologic expression of individual clonotypes in balb/c. Abstr., V Ruppert and L Claflin
Granulocyte colony stimulating activity from lymphocytes. Separation from lymphokines by cytochalasin b., F W. Ruscetti, J Allalunis, and P A. Chervenick
Type-specific radioimmunoassays for the gp70s of mink cell focus- -inducing murine leukemia viruses. Expression of a cross-reacting antigen in cells infected with the friend strain of the spleen focus- -forming virus., S Ruscetti, D Linemeyer, J Feild, D Troxler, and E Scolnick
Loss of reactivity of a balb/c myeloma tumor with allogeneic and syngeneic cytotoxic t lymphocytes., J H. Russel, A H. Hale, D Inbar, and H N. Eisen
Periodic loss of reactivity with cytotoxic t lymphocytes by a mouse tumor. Abstr., J H. Russell and A H. Hale
Periodic loss of reactivity of a myeloma tumor with cytotoxic thymus- -derived lymphocytes., J H. Russell, A H. Hale, L C. Ginns, and H N. Eisen
Cell surface dna and cell contact in immunosuppression by spontaneous akr leukemia cells. Abstr., J L. Russell and E S. Golub