Submissions from 1978
Leukemia in akr mice. A defined suppressor cell population expressing membrane-associated dna., J L. Russell and E S. Golub
Induced immune destruction of long-surviving, h-2 incompatible kidney transplants in mice., P S. Russell, C M. Chase, R B. Colvin, and J M. Plate
Kidney transplants in mice. An analsyis of the immune status of mice bearing long-term, h-2 incompatible transplants., P S. Russell, C M. Chase, R B. Colvin, and J M. Plate
Specific-locus test of the possible mutagenic effect of polycyclic hydrocarbons in the mouse. Abstr., W L. Russell
Micro-leukocyte adherence inhibition. Mechanism of reactivity. Abstr., A J. Russo, J H. Howell, S H. Leveson, P Bealmear, and M H. Goldrosen
Micro-leukocyte adherence inhibition. I. Cellular basis of the mechanism of reactivity., A J. Russo, J H. Howell, S H. Leveson, D. Holyoke, and M H. Goldrosen
Relationship between ribonucleotide profile and reliance of tumor and normal cells on salvage and de novo pathways. Abstr., Y M. Rustum and H Takita
In vivo studies with hexamethylmelamine., C J. Rutty, T A. Connors, and H Hoellinger
Regulation of lymphocyte proliferation by glycosphingolipids. Abstr., J L. Ryan and M Shinitzky
Topical and quantitative analysis of the thymus region in the nude mouse. Abstr., Z Rychter, M Holub, and R Vanecek
Problems in defining the nude mouse., J Rygaard
Morphology and functional changes in nude mice grafted with embryonic and adult bovine thymus. Abstr., J Rygaard, D H. Andersen, C W. Friis, and J Aagaard
Role of complement in corynebacterium parvum induced chemotaxis of mouse mononuclear cells. Abstr., J Ryon, R Megirian, R P. Spoor, and R J. Pickering
Generation of cytolytic t lymphocytes in vitro. IX. Induction of secondary ctl responses in primary long-term mlc by super- natants from secondary mlc., J Ryser, J Cerottini, and K T. Brunner
Temperature stress and immunity in mice. Effects of environmental temperature on the antibody response to human immunoglobulin of mice, differing in age and strain., B H. Sabiston, J E. Rose, and B Cinader
L'evolution genetique de l'animal de laboratoire, M Sabourdy
Genetic relation of life-span to metabolic rate for five mouse strains and their hybrids. Abstr., G A. Sacher, P H. Duffy, and E F. Staffeldt
Sachs, david h., Jay a. Genetic control of the immune response to staphylococcal nuclease., David H. Sachs, Jay A. Berzofsky, David S. Pisetsky, and Ronald H. Schwartz
Effects of ph and type of sugar in the medium on tyrosinase activity in cultured melanoma cells., H Saeki and A Oikawa
Bone marrow stem cell kinetics in transplanted akr leukemia., F Sainteny, D Dumenil, N Gaillard, and E Frindel
The cfu-s redistribution in spontaneous akr leukemia., F Sainteny and E Frindel
Immune response of mice in immunotherapy of tumors with syngeneic antitumor serum plus lipopolysaccharide., M Saito, M Yamazaki, and D Mizuno
Mechanism of in vitro mutagenic activation and covalent binding of n-hydroxy-2-acetylaminofluorene in isolated liver cell nuclei from rat and mouse., S Sakai, C E. Reinhold, P J. Wirth, and S S. Thorgeirsson
Polyamine biosynthesis and dna synthesis in cultured mammary gland explants from virgin mice., T Sakai, D W. Lundgren, and T Oka
Effects of confluent monolayers of density-inhibited and -transformed cells on the growth of superinoculated cells., H Sakiyama, T Terasima, and K Sato
Comparative studies of the ultrasonic calls of infant murid rodents., G D. Sales and J C. Smith
Serological reactivity in cancer patients to human and mouse fetal liver cells., F A. Salinas, K M. Sheikh, and S B. Chandor
Inhibition of growth in vitro by glucocorticoids in mouse embryonic facial mesenchyme cells., D S. Salomon and R M. Pratt
Enzymatic changes induced by thymidine (tdr) and 5-fluorouracil (5fu) therapy. Abstr., J S. Salser, D S. Martin, and M E. Balis
Nerve fiber hypertrophy in posterior tibial nerves of d@@@ in response to voluntary running activity during aging. Abstr., T Samorajski and C Rolsten
Serine protease in mice with hereditary muscular dystrophy., Y Sanada, N Yasogawa, and N Katunuma
Morphological differentiation of a murine neuroblastoma clone in monolayer culture induced by dexamethasone., D Sandquist, T H. Williams, S K. Sahu, and S Kataoka
Detection of mouse alloantibodies by rosetting with protein a-coated sheep red blood cells., M S. Sandrin, T A. Potter, G M. Morgan, and I F. Mckenzie
Cell migration from clotted plasma droplets in vitro. Development of a new method for mif assay., G Sandru and L Sandru
In vivo enhancement of 5-fluorouracil cytotoxicity to akr leukemia cells by thymidine in mice., G Santelli and F Valeriote
Adrenal cortical and cardiovascular responses to psychosocial stress in cba mice and albino rats. Abstr., G A. Santisteban
Age influence on radioresistant inhibition of tumors (rit) in mice. Abstr., A Santoni, S Campanile, M Neri, A Iorio, A Goldin, and E Bonmassar
Secondary cytotoxic response in vitro against moloney lymphoma cells antigenically altered by drug treatment in vivo., A Santoni, Y Kinney, and A Goldin
The use of the radioimmunoprecipitation-peg assay (ripega) to quantify circulating antigens in human and experimental schistosomiasis., F Santoro, B Vandemeulebrouke, and A Capron
Immunization of mice against murine mammary tumor virus infection and mammary tumor development., N H. Sarkar and D H. Moore
Phosphoproteins of the murine mammary tumor virus., N H. Sarkar, E S. Whittington, J Racevskis, and S L. Marcus
Separation of glutathione s-transferase activities with epoxides from the mouse liver h-protein, a major polycyclic hydrocarbon-binding protein., A M. Sarrif, K L. Mccarthy, S Nesnow, and C Heidelberger
The sialogycoproteins of murine erythrocyte ghosts. Abstr., A H. Sarris and G E. Palade
Dna and rna synthesis in zinc-deficient ehrlich cells. Abstr., L A. Saryan and D H. Petering
Induction of hepatocellular tumor by x-ray irradiation at perinatal stage of mice., S Sasaki, T Kasuga, F Sato, and N Kawashima
Late effects of fetal mice x-irradiated at middle or late intrauterine stage., S Sasaki, T Kasuga, F Sato, and N Kawashima
Dependence on chain length of antitumor activity of (1-3)-beta- -d-glucan from alcaligenes faecalis var. Myxogenes, ifo 13140, and its acid-degraded products., T Sasaki, N Abiko, Y Sugino, and K Nitta
Antitumor activity of a boiled scallop extract. Brief communication., T Sasaki, N Takasuka, and N Abiko
Studies of erythrocyte protoporphyrin in anemic mutant mice. Use of a modified hematofluorometer for the detection of heterozygotes for hemolytic disease., S Sassa and S E. Bernstein
Mammary tumors, hepatocellular carcinomas, and pancreatic islet changes in c3h-avy mice., B Sass, M L. Vernon, R L. Peters, and G J. Kelloff
Characterization of estrogen receptors in various mouse leydig cell tumor lines., B Sato, R A. Huseby, and L T. Samuels
Evidence of a small molecule in mouse leydig cell tumors which inhibits the conversion of estrogen receptor from 4s to 5s., B Sato, R A. Huseby, and L T. Samuels
The possible roles of membrane organization in the activity of androgen biosynthetic enzymes associated with normal or tumorous mouse leydig cell microsomes., B Sato, R A. Huseby, and L T. Samuels
A termperature-sensitive mammalian cell mutant exhibiting micronucleation., K Sato and inaba H. Hama
Control of adenosine monophosphate catabolism in mouse ascites tumor cells., L A. Sauer
Identification and properties of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (phosphate)+-dependent malic enzyme in mouse ascites tumor mitochondria., L A. Sauer and R T. Dauchy
Suppression of natural killer cell cytotoxicity by splenocytes from corynebacterium parvum-injected, bone marrow-tolerant, and infant mice., C A. Savary and E Lotzova
Attempts to propagate human hematopoietic cells in nude mice. Abstr., U Sawada and W H. Knospe
Hemopoiesis on macrophage-coated cellulose acetate membranes (cams)in mice: an immunological study., U Sawada, R D. Kuznetsky, F E. Trobaugh, and S S. Adler
Fractionation of mouse dna by precipitation with f1 histone into fragments differing in their base composition., J Sawecka, L Kornacka, and J Malec
Transfilter induction of kidney tubules as a function of the extent and duration of intercellular contacts., L Saxen and E Lehtonen
Scanning electron microscopy of dmba transformed c3h/10t1/2 cells of varying oncogenic potential. Abstr., H J. Saxholm, O H. Iversen, and A Reith
64cu Uptake by cultured fibroblasts from mobr/y mice. Abstr., A K. Sayed, J A. Edwards, and R M. Bannerman
Use of a new biospecific adsorbent for affinity chromato- graphy to purify thymidylate synthetase (t.s.) From mouse leukemia cells, l1210. Abstr., K J. Scanlon, W Rode, and J B. Hynes
Separation of lymphoid cells with a suppressor effect on the activity of cytotoxic cells in vitro during the growth of a syngeneic mouse tumour., lafontaine N. Schaaf
In vitro retrieval of the cytotoxic potential of sleen cells of tumor-bearing mice., B Schechter and M Feldman
Generation of suppressor lymphocytes during sensitization in culture against a syngeneic tumor. Affinity chromatography on insolubilized histamine., B Schechter, S Segal, and M Feldman
Effect of n-dipropylacetate on amino acid concen- trations in mouse brain: correlations with anti- -convulsant activity., P J. Schechter, Y Tranier, and J Grove
Simulataneous determination of the cytotoxic, mutagenic and transforming activities of benzo(a)pyrene (bp) metabolically activated in vitro., L M. Schechtman, S Beard, C Dively, R Joglekar, and D Slomiany
Control of benzo(a)pyrene (bp)-induced mammalian cell mutagenesis and cytotoxicity by exogenous enzyme fractions. Abstr., L M. Schechtman and R E. Kouri
The generation and regulation of lymphocyte populations. Evidence from differentiative induction systems in vitro., M P. Scheid, G Goldstein, and E A. Boyse
The thymus of nu/+ mice., J M. Scheiff, A C. Cordier, and S Haumont
Sensitivity of human and murine hematopoietic precursor cells to 2-[3-(2-chloroethyl)-3-nitrosoureido]-d-glucopyranose and 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea., P S. Schein, J M. Bull, D Doukas, and D Hoth
Binding site of a dextran-specific homogeneous igm. Thermodynamic and spectroscopic mapping by dansylated oligosaccharides., G Schepers, Y Blatt, K Himmelspach, and I Pecht
Effect of pseudotype on abelson virus and kirsten sarcoma virus-induced leukemia., C D. Scher
Transforming viruses directly reduce the cellular growth requirement for a platelet derived growth factor., C D. Scher, W J. Pledger, P Martin, and C D. Stiles
Beta-endorphin and beta-lipotropin secretion by an acth- -secreting mouse pituitary tumor., H Scherrer, S Benjannet, P D. Pezalla, M Bourassa, N G. Seidah, Lis, and M Chretien
Biosynthesis of a ubiquitin-related peptide in rat brain and in human and mouse pituitary tumors., H Scherrer, N G. Seidah, S Benjannet, P Crine, M Lis, and M Chretien
Combination chronochemotherapy of l1210 leukemic mice. Abstr., L E. Scheving, E R. Burns, and J E. Pauly
Circadian variation in cell division of the mouse alimentary tract, bone marrow and corneal epithelium., L E. Scheving, E R. Burns, J E. Pauly, and T Tsai
Is the presence of serologically defined target cell antigens sufficient for binding of cytotoxic t lymphocytes?, B Schick and G Berke
Characterization of antigens on murine tumor cells reacting with alloantisera against foreign h-2 specificities: analysis by absorption with purified murine leukemia virus and normal lymphoid cells of different h-2 haplotypes., V Schirrmacher, I Marxen, and P Robinson
Lymphatic tissues of nude mice during early stages of mycobacterium kansasii infection. Abstr., D Schlegerova, M Kubin, and M Holub
Effects of x irradiation during preimplantation stages of gestation on cell viability and embryo survival in the mouse., D M. Schlesinger and R L. Brent
Characterization of a new virus from mus cervicolor immunologically related to the mouse mammary tumor virus., J Schlom, P H. Hand, Y A. Teramoto, R Callahan, G Todaro, and G Schidlovsky
Comparison of sensitivity to radiation and alkylating agents of several drug-sensitivie and -resistant tumors. Abstr., F A. Schmid, G M. Otter, and C C. Stock
Presence of oncornavirus-like particles in the p388 murine leukemic cell line., J M. Schmidt and G R. Pettit
H-2 restricted cytotoxic effectors generated in vitro by the addition of trinitrophenyl-conjugated soluble proteins., verhulst A. Schmitt, C B. Pettinelli, P A. Henkart, J K. Lunney, and G M. Shearer
A micro-version of the 51cr release assay for cytotoxic lymphocytes., H Y. Schnagl and W Boyle
Induction of immunological tolerance to the penicilloyl antigenic determinant. II. Evaluation of stable and unstable penicilloyl dextrans., C H. Schneider, U Otz, and E Gruden
Developmental and experimental influences on nest building in five strains of laboratory mice. Abstr., J Schneider, M Batchelder, and C B. Lynch
Activities of choline kinase, cholinephosphate cytidylyl- transferase and cdp-choline. 1,2-diacylglycerol Choline- -phosphotransferase in brains from normal and quaking mice., W J. Schneider and D E. Vance
Irreversible depigmentation of dark mouse hair by t-2 toxin (a metabolite of fusarium sporotrichioides) and by calcium pantothenate., R Schoental, A Z. Joffe, and B Yagen
Age-related alterations in the heat-lability of mouse liver glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase., J D. Schofield and J M. Hadfield
Zinc-induced peripheral anosmia and exploratory behavior in two inbred mouse strains., A F. Schoots, W E. Crusio, and J H. Abeelen
Treatment of mouse muscular dystrophy with the protease inhibitor pepstatin., E E. Schorr, B G. Arnason, K Astrom, and Z Darzynkiewicz
Carrier-specific immune memory to dnp-ficoll in athymic mice. Abstr., C F. Schott