The Summer Student Program began in 1924 when University of Maine President C.C. Little (our founder) brought six undergraduates to Mount Desert Island for a summer of biological field studies. The Summer Student Program officially became a part of the Jackson Memorial Laboratory's operation in 1931.

Students participate in an ongoing research program with the support of an experienced scientific mentor. They develop an independent project, implement their plan, analyze the data, and report the results. At the end of the summer, they present their findings to researchers, other students, and parents.


Submissions from 1973

The relationship between sterol synthesis and the cell cycle in synchronized L cells., Edwin N. Hughes

Growth stimulation in the female mouse., Debora Jerrard

The use of radiation-induced paracentric inversions to determine the frequency of somatic crossing over in the mouse., Sally G. Kaplan

A screen of mouse culls for inherited metabolic disorders., Judith A. Ladd

Characterization of the gene effect in hyperprolinemic PRO/Re inbred mice., Robert P. Lanza

Effects of aging on the glycolytic enzyme glucose phosphate isomerase in mouse erythrocytes., Keith Lerner

Genetic controls of lysozyme activity., Michael A. Lynes

The serum cholesterol level of leukemic mice and the effect of several sterol inhibitors on leukemic lymphocytes., Nancy Maguire

Induced parthenogenesis and teratocarcinogenesis by shock stimuli., Ronald Joseph Midura

The site of action of the mutant gene fuzzy, as determined by dermal-epidermal recombinations., James A. Mittelberger

The uptake and intracellular distribution of 7-ketocholesterol and cholesterol in cultured cells., Joyce Moscowitz

Alkaline phosphatase in normal and teratomatous tissues., Helen Muhlbauer

Inherited skeletal diseases in mice., Allen Natow

Effects of genotype and social experience on the development of aggressive behavior in mice., Howard Reid

Analysis of the origin of adult erythrocyte precursors in the mouse utilizing in utero and intracardiac transplant of erythropoietic tissue., Alice R. Roy

Histocompatibility testing in a hybrid population of rabbits., Paul M. Rudolf

A study of the homology between the mouse mutation hypophosphatemia and human familial vitamin D resistant rickets., Elizabeth M. Seifel

Pharmacological differentiation of +/+ and +/anemic WBB6 littermates., Donald Stern

Micromethods for biochemical tests., James S. Sullivan

Nerve growth factor: its effect on TT2466 testicular teratoma C1300 neuroblastoma, and superior cervical ganglia in vitro., Karen Swanson

A search to find animal models of inherited human metabolic diseases., Lynne Sweet

The effects of age and prior learning experience on performance of C57BL/6J male mice on the rotorod., Howard W. Telson

Nutritional factors affecting prothrombin times., Joshua D. Warach

Adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate and induction of tyrosine aminotransferase in obese mutant mice., Cathy Wheeler

Measurement of granulocyte chemotaxis in the Chediak-Higashi mouse., Joan Whitehouse

Effects of photic prestimulation on acoustic startle in seizure prone mice., Charles J. Wysocki

Variation of serum alpha1-antitrypsin concentration as a factor of aging in the rabbit., Gerald Yutrzenka

Submissions from 1972

Liver tyrosine aminotransferase isozymes in neonatal mice and in adult adrenalectomized mice treated with glucagon, cyclic-3'-5'- adenosine monophosphate, and flumethasone., James B. Amberson

The effects of age and sex on the relationship between previous experience on the rotorod and exploratory behavior in the open field in DBA/2J mice., Lynn S. Arenella

The effect of cage population size on the adrenal, testicular, and splenic weights of three strains of mice which differ in susceptibility to tail lesions., Trudie L. Blackwell

Induction of murine leukemia virus in DW/J and SWR embryonic cultures by chemical and hormonal compounds., Lisa Buchanan

A new method of hemagglutination inhibition for detection of cell surface antigens., James A. Collins

Sequential and interactional analysis of aggressive behavior in five inbred strains of mice., James Curtsinger

Induction of liver tyrosine aminotransferase isozymes in C57BR/cdJ-Ay mutant mice: variable effects of age and spontaneous hepatoma., Susan B. Davis

A quantitative assay of the participation of alloantibody immunoglobulin fractions in enhancement and rejection of tumor allografts., Alexander M. Dlugi

Studies on mitochondrial RNA synthesis in DW/J., William Earnshaw

Genetic analysis of behavioral and skeletal differences using recombinat inbred lines., David L. Edelman

Lactic dehydrogenase virus in transplanted and spontaneous tumors., Jeff Everitt

Attempts at detection of linkage between the Hba locus and the my, fz, and bf loci., Nancy Forrester

Disorders of amino acid metabolism in neurological mutant mice: studies of the lethargic (1h/1h)., Luis Ricardo Fraga

Animal model of cystic fibrosis., Barry R. Ganong

Nerve growth factor, insulin and high potassium levels: their effect on TT2466 teratoma, C1300 neuroblastoma and spinal ganglia in vitro., Jeff Gumprecht

The effects of anosmia on the reproductive behavior of mice., Melissa Guthrie

Do yolk sacs contain precursor cells which are capable of producing adult-type red blood cells?, Mary E. Haverinen

The effects of dietary states on the lipogenic enzymes of diabetic and obese mice., Martha P. Hedden

Mutagenesis studies in DBA/2J mice injected intratestis with isoproterenol sulfate and alloxan., Kathleen J. Henderson

The rate of extinction of a conditioned aversion to sodium saccharin in obese mice., James A. Hroncich

A search for an animal model of cystic fibrosis morphological screening., Stephen M. Hughes

Aspects of respiration in a recessive mutation causing runting., Carolyn L. Jahn

The effects of light cycles on the feeding habits and body weights of mice., Johhny Johnstone

Some aspects of the pharmacologic effects oon normal and mutant mice., Joseph A. Kamara

Histochemical studies in the endocrine system of Snell's dwarf mouse (DW/J)., Michael S. Kaplan

The differential susceptibility of the embryos from four inbred strains of mice to cadmium chloride., Roger E. Karess

A comparison of thymic weights in (WC/Re x C57BL/6J)F1-S1/S1d and normal mice., Barney Linn

Determining the rate of somatic crossing over in mice by the use of paracentric inversions., Kimberly R. Long

Is the C57BL/6J "fear pheromone" response age dependent?, Karen Manning

An examination of the glycolytic enzyme phosphoglycerate kinase., Gordon K. McLean

Activity of ornithine transcarbamylase in mouse fetal liver cell line FL83B., Carolyn A. Merrifield

Culture of mouse fetal liver cell line FL88 on low-glutamine- free media., Carolyn A. Merrifield

The effect of cadmium on inbred strains of mice., Joseph Nadeau

An investigation of ribosomal RNA hybridization to mitotic chromosomes of the mouse., James R. Nechols

Low temperature effects on the viability of mouse sperm., Judith Nickolls

A search for the male reproductive pheromone in mice., Gary J. Noel

Gonadotrophin content of ovariectomized mice after exposure to males and grouping., Andrew H. Ritter

Are adult erythrocyte precursors in mice descended from yolk sac cells?, Alice R. Roy

A genetic study of natural anti-chicken erythrocyte agglutinins employing recombinant inbred mice., Lee S. Shapiro

Sensitivity of Hexamita muris infected mice to X-irradiation., Saren L. Spicer

Determinants and effects of altering hand preference in BALB/cJ mice., Alan Steele

An attempt to determine the chromosome of linkage group VII in the mouse., Nancy L. Stover

The hemolysis of mouse erythrocytes with tris-buffered isotonic ammonium chloride., Susan P. Torrey

Hematological and gonadal studies in AN/AN mice using a viable anemic strain., Jacquetta Trasler

Postnatal neurological development in the obese mouse, ob/ob: relationship to the obese syndrome., M. Elaine Traynor

A study of 7 alleles of the W-locus in C57BL/6J mice: linkage characteristics and pleiotropic effects on erythropoiesis, gonad development and pigmentation., Katherine C. White

Establishment and applications of a micromethod for lymphocyte culture., Jane M. Wolf

Submissions from 1971

The thyrotrophic cells of mice bred for differing thyroid function., Burt Alan Adelman

A study of the poschiavina metacentric chromosomes in incipient inbred lines derived from a cross of mus m. musculus and mus m. poschiavinus., Frederick R. Bieber

Placental iron transport to normal and sex-linked anemic fetal mice., Laurie B. Botie

The effect of ethyl methanesulfonate on the induction of chromosomal aberrations in DBA/2J male mice., Ralph A. Boucher

Overall rate of cell proliferation in inbred strains of mice with different genetic backgrounds and tumor incidences using per cent incorp. of 125UdR into DNA,, Barry Evan Brenner

Investigation of H-6 hepatoma and embryoid bodies as mouse tissue models for the study of tyrosine aminotransferase regulatory mechanisms., Susan I. Bromberg

Chemotherapy and immunotherapy for treating Hodgkin's-like lesions in SJL/J mice., Pamela I. Brown

The transfer of cellular immune responses., Jacqueline Carter

Hematopoietic responses of the microcytic anemic mouse., Deborah K. Drayna

A quantitative bioassay for the male pheromone., Jeremy S. Dugan

Reversal learning following amygdaloid lesions in two strains of inbred mice., Marguerite Dupree

The formation of lipid peroxides and antioxident levels as relating to susceptibility to hepatomas and aging in the C3H/HeJ-AvyA mouse., Howard J. Entin

The effect of two dose levels of dextro-amphetimine sulfate on activity level and learning ability of C57BR/cdJ and C57BL/6J mice., Richard M. Fox

Immunoflourescent studies on lymphoid tissue in mice., Clair Francomano

Strain differences in the development of aggressive behavior in mice., Alan Goldin

The similarities between the clinical effects of chronically- injected isoproterenol and cystic fibrosis., Jeffrey Gustavson

Prolactin action on hepatic RNA synthesis in dwarf mice., Dean H. Hamer

Postnatal maternal effects on the development and behavior of C57BL/6 and DBA/2J mice., Margot H. Hottum

The migration of melanocytes in the skin of mice embryos., Danna Huthsteiner

The effects of PHA stimulation on the lymphocytes and thymocytes of normal and leukemic mice., Merrie M. Johnson

Characterization of isozyme alleles in two subspecies of mus musculis and their use in locating linkages of chromosomal inversions., Philip Kantoff

Isolation of viable adult mouse liver cells., Carolyn M. Kercsmar

Ontogeny of steroid inducible isozymes., Maureen L. King

Polyribosomes of mouse liver cells., Eileen Kladivko

Behavioral characteristics in recombinant inbred lines., Jane Lanphear

Determination of ornithine transcarbamylase in fetal mice livers and tissues in cell line FL83-B., Francis Lee