The Summer Student Program began in 1924 when University of Maine President C.C. Little (our founder) brought six undergraduates to Mount Desert Island for a summer of biological field studies. The Summer Student Program officially became a part of the Jackson Memorial Laboratory's operation in 1931.

Students participate in an ongoing research program with the support of an experienced scientific mentor. They develop an independent project, implement their plan, analyze the data, and report the results. At the end of the summer, they present their findings to researchers, other students, and parents.


Submissions from 1968

Effects of dietary sodium on kidneys, adrenals, and blood pressure in three inbred mouse strains., Thomas F. Ziobrowski

Submissions from 1967

The effects of cadmium chloride on testicular teratomas., Gary Agisim

A comparison in juxtaglomerular cell granularity between a hypertensive and a hypotensive strain of mice., Sue Barden

Cytotoxic effects of irradiated media upon mouse cells., Paul R. Barnes

Biochemical basis of consolidation., William Boggan

Irradiation and audiogenic seizure susceptibility., William Boggan

Thyroid function and audiogenic seizure susceptibility., William Boggan

The behavioral effects of hippocampal lesions in mice., Eugenia E. Born

The kinetics of bone marrow ewrythropoiesis in splenectomized mice subjected to the stress of hypoxia., Eric Bressler

Genetic control of sacchrin preference in two strains of mice., Scott Brickel

Effects of heat and humidity on radio-sensitivity of two inbred strains of mice., Robert Bunker

Leukemia incidence and resistance to high doses of irradiation in mice selected for resistance to low doses of irradiation., Anne Burgess

Cytotoxic effects of hydrogen peroxide and the chemical protection from these effects by sodium pyruvate on mouse strain L cells (NCTC 929)., Linda L. Davis

Loss of vibrissae in the C57BL/6J mouse., Margaret Drummond

Analysis of a-b palm ridge counts in three tribes of taiwan aboriginees., Steven L. Godick

Tests for genetic relationship between histocompatibility and body size in five lines of mice., Steven L. Godick

I. Degeneration of the germinal epithelium of four genotypes of mice after 900 R of x-irradiation. II. Separation of the germ-cells of the germinal epithelium by gradient-density centrifugation., Corey Goodman

Is the mouse sex-pheromone transferred from male to female in the gaseous or liquid phase?, Jay A. Greenstein

Effect of serotonin administration on pituitary and testicular function., Paul Hardy

The physiology of obesity in three genotypes of yellow mice., Fritz Heinle

Effect of age on intestinal radiosensitivity., Donna Huang

Hematopoiesis in the fetal liver of C57BL/6J mice., Mary Ann Keenan

Some approaches to the role of secondary structure in the enzymatic alkylation of soluble ribonucleic acid., Paul C. Kimball

Kinetics of myeloid erthryopoiesis during pregnancy in splenectomized mice., Kathy Kirk

Studies of the structure and functioning of the hemoglobin present in mouse embryos., Barry J. Klyde

A study of vitamin B6 as an enzyme regulator and suppression of genetic obesity., Jeff Kraus

Effects of inherited retinal degeneration on brain weight., Molly Louise Loesch

Maternal response to stress during pregnancy., Judith Lopez

Use of the Hebb-Williams test in distinguishing between mouse stocks genetically selected for two neurological traits., Raymond J. Maciewicz

The mode of action of the brachymorphic gene in the mouse., Jeanne Margoskee

Variations in thyroid function in mouse populations selected for high and low thyroidal I131 uptake1., Deborah Matchar

Studies in separating homopoietic fetal liver cells by discontinuous ficoli density gradients., Robbin S. Matteson

A comparison of the reversal learning ability in two inbred strains of mice., Annette Melville

Correlations and heritability of hematocrit, kidney weight, and blood pressure, and the influence of pregnancy on blood pressure., Dorothy R. Mendenhall

A comparison study of five different skin grafting techniques in mice., SUSAN A. MURPHY

The effect of the postpartum mating on the sex ration of the SJL/J Mouse., Martin K. Nichol

Performance of albino and pigmented mice in a y-maze in the presence of an extraneous stimulus., Nancy H. Noun

Genetic homeostasis of hematopoiesis during pregnancy., Donald Pachner

A micro method for detecting cytotoxic isoantibodies., Henry Patthey

The use of ionizing radiation in the study of the development, differentiation and movement of cells in the foetal and neonatal testis., Steven Price

The effect of various doses of melatonin on the weight of reproductive organs and the adrenal glands in two inbred strains of mice., Richard B. Primack

Effects of strain differences, starvation, hydrocortisone, and ethionine on acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase, fatty acid, and cholesterol synthesis in mouse liver., Richard Riegelman

The effect of Wayne Lab-Blox on the growth of five inbred strains of mice., Kathryn Ryan

The effect of melatonin on induced ovulation in mice., Kathryn J. Ryan

The effects of buphthalmia on gametogenesis., Edward L. Scharfman

Effects of cryptorchidism on mouse sex accessory physiology as related to testicular androgen production., James Shultz

Effect of D'aldosterone-21 acetate on two inbred strains of mice., William Soller

In vitro studies of the effects of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) on the adrenals of 2 inbred strains of mice and their F1 hybrid as evidenced by corticocosterone levels., Gerald Alan Spunt

Genetic determinants of the jumpy stage of mouse development., John M. Stewart

Susceptibility of three strains of mice and their hybrid offspring to a sublethal dose of cadmium chloride., Catherine Stika

Effects of practionated x-irradiation on embryonic development in C57BL/6J and B6D2F1., Julie Stiles

Delay of response associated with hippocampal and neocortical functions in mice. ..SPON..Dr. Richard L. Wimer., Edmund Suski

Gas chromatography of nucleosides, nucleotides, and polymer hydrolysates., Elaine F. Swasey

Cumulative effects of aldosterone administration on three inbred strains of mice., C. Steven Tomashefsky

The relationship between pregnancy and water submersion in C57BL/6J mice., Camille E. Wagner

A study of the relationship between pregnancy and temperature regulation in C57BL/6J mice., Claire Warga

Comparison of sensitivity of rejection of mouse skin by various skin grafting techniques., Peter J. Wettstein

Piperazine refractory syphacia obvelata infection in DBA/2J mice., Helen Witt

Effects of steroid hormones and vaginal stimulation on hypothalamic unit activity, the hypothalamogram and the electroencephelogram of deermice., Andrew J. Zolovick

Submissions from 1966

Effects of 5-fluorouracil on early teratomas in the mouse., John Aldrich

Effects of prenatal handling on fetal development., Arlene Amidon

Effects of arousal on social preference behavior., Eta S. Berner

Effect of a single gene on circulating levels of pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin injected into mice., Helen Blumen

The effects of crowding on two inbred strains of mice., Christine M. Blyth

Some studies in shambling and other neurological mutations of mice., Daniel W. Boothby

The species specificity of soluble RNA methylases in vertebrate liver extracts., Cheryl A. Bourne

The erythroid cell line in vitro., Lurana K. Brower

The temporal effects of species and task on retrograde amnesia produced by electroconvulsive shock., Nancy M. Brown

Behavioral correlates of specific brain structure., Debbe Cawthon

An evaluation of gavage administration of tumor on the survival of isografts and allografts of BW5147 lymphoid leukemia., Sandra B. Charles

Chromosome number and morphology of malignant and non-malignant mouse cells in vitro., Janet L. Cook

The effect of an over-autoclaved diet on the growth of inbred mice., Stephen Diamond

The comparative effects of magnesium pemoline and D-amphetamine sulfate on avoidance conditioning in mice., Susan K. Donner

Mapping the position of the break-point of the T6 translocation in chromosome III., Eva M. Eicher

Attempts to populate the testes of W and steel series anemics: an investigation of the stem cell theory for the mouse germinal epithelium., Jane Fossum

Congenicity of C57BL/6J-+ + and C57BL/6J-b ep mice tested by skin grafts., John E. Geiger

A study of the development and structure of the seminiferous tubules of mice., Richard Giaccio

The solubility of hemoglobins from microcytic anemic and fetal mice., Kenneth Graulich

Thyroxine and iodide metabolism in the dog., Eugene Liebling Herzog

The performance of silylating reactions of nucleosides and nucleotides with gas chromatography on silicone columns., Carol Hilfer

The effects of extracts from large (LG) and small (SM) embryos on proliferating L-cells in vitro., Thomas Hoadley

The relationship between limb length and weight asymmetries and paw preference in inbred mice., David E. Honig

Approaches to methylation of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide., Nancy Hough

The effect of an over-autoclaved diet on the growth rate of inbred mice., Pamela Hurley

The effect of contact and time on the spreading of tail lesions in C3H/HeJ mice., Pamela M. Hurley

Facilitation of learning in DBA/2J mice with etherization., Connie J. Huston

The etiology of tail lesions in C3H/HeJ mice., Valerie L. Jackson

A Comparison of the effects of nitrogen mustard on inbred strains of mice of known radiosensitivity., Nancy L. Johnson

Effects of cadmium chloride on testicular teratomas in strain 129 mice., Sylvia C. Johnson

Maturation of the testes and regeneration after exposure to X-irradiation in two lines of C57BL/6J mice., Katherine Ann Kaufer

Two experiments in the genetics of taste preference., Daniel Keatinge

Toxic effects of irradiated media of mouse cells., David S. Kyner

Comparative methods of investigating iodine and thyroxine metabolism in dogs., Katherine S. Lane

The basis for sex differences in allograft rejection times in congenic resistant strains of mice., Marc Lappe

The effects of benzene on mice as influenced by genotype and sex., Bonnie Jean MacLeod

The effects of testosterone propionate on the blood of W/WV and S1/S1d mice., Carol A. Mallory

Skeletal deformities in race IIIc rabbits-their incidence and significance., ANTOINETTE R. MAZIK

Blood-pH, and enzyme systems of erythrocytes in anemic mice., Gary D. Miner

The role of olfaction in sex attraction in C57BL/6J mice., Hinda Lee Nussbaum

Strain differences in susceptibility to 6-azauridine teratogenesis., Claire Offutt