The Summer Student Program began in 1924 when University of Maine President C.C. Little (our founder) brought six undergraduates to Mount Desert Island for a summer of biological field studies. The Summer Student Program officially became a part of the Jackson Memorial Laboratory's operation in 1931.

Students participate in an ongoing research program with the support of an experienced scientific mentor. They develop an independent project, implement their plan, analyze the data, and report the results. At the end of the summer, they present their findings to researchers, other students, and parents.


Submissions from 1964

Respinse of mice to red light., Brobson Lutz

The effect of an autoclaved diet on the growth rate of mice., Brobson Lutz

A comparison of direct and indirect blood pressure measurements in four strains of mice., George P. McCabe

Regeneration of irradiated spermatogenic tubules of the mouse., Keith T. McMahon

Response of steel-anemic mice to erythropoietic stimuli., Mary R. Newburger

Genetic influences on a new teratocarcinogenetic process., Helen O'Connor

Endogenous and exogenous hormone interrelationships across the parabiotic barrier of C57BL/6J mice., Walter T. Peidel

Effects of an autoclaved diet on the growth rate of inbred mice., John W. Pierce

Effects of limited feeding times on the growth of inbred mice., John W. Pierce

Some behavioral characteristics of three strains of mice selected for brain-size differences., Martha Lee Prater

Enzyme alterations in two strains of neurologic mutants: Jimpy abd warbler-lethal., Rebecca J. Reinarts

A computer program to calculate inbreeding coefficients by the Cruden method., Nancy Lee Role

The effects of genotype on avoidance conditioning in mice., Ruth Ellen Rosenblatt

The effect of an autoclaved diet on various strains of inbred mice., Shirley G. Rosen

Blood glucose level in inbred rabbits., Peter Stephen Ross

Orientation of excised tomato root tips in transverse nutrient gradients., William A. Rubenstein

The effects of darkness on inherited retinal degeneration in mice., Daniel Rubin

Enzyme alterations in two strains of neurologic mutants - Jimpy and Warbler-Lethal., Ronald M. Silverman

A Comparative study of the mouse brain., Allan M. Smith

D-glucose utilization by normal spruce tissue cultures., Harry E. Sommer

The effect of alinine on glutamic-pyruvic transaminase in mouse L cells., Emily Spieler

Proportion of siderocytes in fetal blood from the FL/Re strain of mice and congenic genotypes., Elizabeth A. Stark

Male-induced synchrony of estrous in C57BL/6J mice: a probable source of the inducer., Elsa Stone

Superovulation in immature rabbits as affected by the PMS to HCG time interval., Gregory Storch

The relationship of blood pressure to organ weight in four inbred strains of mice., Jonathan Szanton

Genetic influences on a new teratocarcinogenetic progress in mice., Jeremy B. Tuttle

Investigation for an erythropoietic response to a specific injection of known content in steel anemic mice., Thomas M. Wacker

Research on the cause of radiation deaths in mice., Carol Wasko

Differences in peripheral metabolism of the thyroid hormones among different breeds in inbred dogs., Carl E. Weisse

The influence of various concentrations of Ca++ and Mg++ on the growth of 129/J and 129/Redydy mice muscle cells in tissue culture., Leabah Winter

Avoidance conditioning in three inbred strains of mice., Deana Young

Submissions from 1963

Hemoglobin electrophoretic and solubility studies on peromyscus., Alwynelle Self Ahl

Environmental influences on embryoid bodies derived from a transplanted teratoma of the mouse., John Aldrich

A study to determine the cause of low litter size in radiation sensitive mice., Deborah K. Attwood

Riboflavin studies of the white gene locus and malphighian tubes coloration of drosophila melanogaster., John R. Battista

Glycogen metabolism in muscular dystrophic mice., Frances J. Bogdanowicz

Adrenal activity in female deermice exposed to strange males., Wayne A. Border

A study of humidity in the environment of C57BL/6 J mice., Maron Brown

Results of selection for leucocyte number in the house mouse., Douglas W. Call

Polycythemia as a factor in ventricular hypertrophy of C57B1/6J female mice exposed to chronic hypoxia., Fred Cecere

Effects of two diets on growth rates of inbred mice., Denny A. Clark

Taste preferences in C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice., Candace W. Cooper

Multiple-sign learning in mice., Lynn Anne Cyert

An experiment to evaluate the immunogenetic effects of tumor cells administered to mice per os., Marc W. Deitch

Heritability of easrly post natal growth rate in progeny of irradiated mice., Theodore S. Feit

Odor preference of dogs and related studies., Chester R. Freeman

A study of the behavior of isolated puppies during the isolated period., Patricia E. Gay

Odor preference in dogs., David L. Glass

Polycythemia as a factor in right ventricular hypertrophy in mice., Rosalind Greenberg

Phospahte and nitrate requirements of Ulva Lactuca., Ralph Grishman

A study of canine ossification using tetracycline fluorescence., Barbara Bendel Hertz

Hormonal and behavioral modifications of a transplanted tumor in C57BL/6J mice., Barbara Bendel Hertz

Neuro-ontogenesis of the mouse., Barbara Bendel Hertz

Study of mitotic periodicity under varying light conditions in tumor tissue of Picea glauca., Samuel J. Hessel

Prediction of mouse behavior in a two-choice situation., Louisa High

Mouse strain differences in behavior associated with learning in a two-alternative situation., Susan M. Hitchcock

Adrenal responses of pre-conditioned mice to a fighting mouse., Dennis Kalma

Development of behavior in peromyscus maniculatus bairdii and gracilis., Clemm Cromwell Kessler

Recovery of rabbit chromosomes from bone marrow following in vivo cultivation with colcemide., Cleve W. Laird

The effect of the race III genome upon the expression of the dachs gene transferred to that race., Sally Y. Long

Variations in Leucocyte numbers in inbred rabbits., Mary Ellen MacLean

The influence of the dwarf gene on ossification patterns in two races of rabbits., J. Geoffrey Magnus

An experimental enalysis of the embryogenesis of the spotting patterns in the lethal spot and belted strains of mice., Ellen Maltby

Variation in resistance of the testes to X-radiation among six strains of mice., Keith T. McMahon

Glycogen metabolism in muscular dystrophic mice., Marta Miller

Embryonic wastage in genetically heterogeneous mice exposed to low levels of X-radiation., Deborah A. Putnam

Improvements on the Evans Blue Dye-Dilution method of blood volume determination for mice., Robert M. Pyle

Frustrative nonreward in the laboratory mouse., Susan B. Robbins

A comparison of five diluents for freezing rabbit semen., Neil B. Savage

Differences of gross brain structure in mouse strains., Philip Schwartzkroin

Mass vs. distributive training in mouse strains., Philip Schwartzkroin

Frustrative nonreward in the laboratory mouse., Frances Shurcliff

Effects of drugs and punishment on reversal learning., David C. Spray

An analysis of verbal relatedness., Barbara T. Stack

Second order learning in mice., Barbara T. Stack

Screening for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in red blood cells of mice., Kenneth J. Sulak

Distribution of isoantigens specified by the non-H-2 histocompatibility loci., Walter C. Vinson

Some effects of low-level X-irradiation on populations of mice., Gary B. Weiss

Visual capacity in mice., Sue Weller

Growth of strain L (Earle) mouse cells in media prepared with water of varying degrees of purity., Jo Anne Wells

Growth of strain L (Earle) mouse cells in suspension in chemically defined media., Jo Anne Wells

Thyroid studies in inbred dogs., Malcolm Williams

A GSR electrode assembly for use with small animals., Robert S. Zucker

A simple pneumograph for small animals., Robert S. Zucker

A simple technique for bipolar recording of electrocorticograms in unrestrained small rodents., Robert S. Zucker

Some physiological correlates to arousal in mice: a pilot study., Robert S. Zucker

Submissions from 1962

Variable effects of chlorpromazine resulting from genetic and age differences., Janet M. Baecker

Effect of sperm numbers on fertility in two inbred strains of mice and their F1 hybrid., Robert D. Baker

The oxidation of DPNH by mouse liver mitochondria in the presence of beta-hydroxybutyrate., Robert D. Baker

Gene and genome retardation effects in the ossification patterns of the newborn rabbit skull., Sybil Brewster

The effects of three diets on growth patterns in A/J, AKR/J, and C57BL/6J mice., Eric E. Brody

Relationship of nucleated erythrocytes to the production of extra fetal hemoglobin components., Judith L. Chaniot

Monophosphatase activity levels in mice with hereditary musculat dystrophy., Susan E. Collins

An investigation of the effects of radiation and inbreeding on reproductive performance in DX-ML mice., Robert Costantino

Heterozygous expression of the mouse hemolytic anemia gene., Stephen Crystal

Genome alteration of the expressivity of the retardation induced by the Dachs gene., Muriel Trask Davisson

Fetal death in heterozygouse opossum mice., Peter M. Dolinger

Fate of H3-thymidine-labeled cells after injection into native and foreign strains of mice., Mary Guest Duran

Interactions of the erythrocytes of various strains of mice with plant seed extracts (lectins)., Susan Feiner

A note on the fluorometric analysis of mouse brain for adrenaline and noradrenaline., Alan O. Feingold