Content Posted in 2012
Contribution to the study of the solubilization and purification of h-2 antigens obtained from bp-8 murine cell membranes., pannenko O. Halle, M C. Martyre, and P Jolles
Contribution to the teratogenic effect of thalidomide in golden hamsters and mice. Abstr., H Stengel, K H. Degenhardt, and G Badtke
Contributory factors in the loss of natural killer activity in tumor bearing mice. Abstr., Q B. Saxena, R K. Saxena, and W H. Adler
Controle de la recuperation des fonctions immunitaires chez les radio- chimeres isogeniques., J F. Duplan and P Monnot
Controle genetique des leucemies murines induites par le virus de moloney., P Debre, S Gisselbrecht, B Boyer, and J Levy
Controle genetique des proteines de la secretion des glandes seminales chez la souris et le rat., R Moutier, K Toyama, and M F. Charrier
Controle hormonal de la glande sousmaxillaire de la souris., J Raymaud
Controlled production of proliferating somatic cell hybrids., R J. Klebe, T Chen, and F H. Ruddle
Controlled production to trisomic hemopoietic stem cells: an experimental tool in hematology and immunology. Abstr., D H. Pluznik, E W. Herbst, R Lenz, D Sellin, C F. Hertogs, and A Gropp
Controlled visual input and exploratory activity in C57BL/6J mice., R Wimer and H Sterns
Controlled visual input and exploratory activity in c57bl/6j mice., R Wimer and H Sterns
Controlling elements in the mouse. IV. Evidence of non-random x-inactivation., P G. Johnston and B M. Cattanach
Controlling elements in the mouse x chromosome., B M. Cattanach and J H. Isaacson
Controlling elements in the mouse x-chromosome. Iii. Influence upon both parts of an x divided by rearrangement., B M. Cattanach
Controlling elements in the mouse x-chromosome. II. Location in the linkage map., B M. Cattanach, J N. Perez, and C E. Pollard
Controlling elements in the mouse x-chromosome. I. Interaction with the x-linked genes., B M. Cattanach, C E. Pollard, and J N. Perez
Controlling exposure to laboratory animal allergens., D J. Harrison
Controlling factors in urethan carcinogenesis in mice, effect of enzyme inducers and metabolic inhibitors., R S. Yamamoto, J H. Weisburger, and E K. Weisburger
Controlling the differentiation of mouse ES cells in vitro., Wiles MV, Proetzel G
Controllo ormonale della ghiandola lacrimale extraorbitale nel topo con nanismo ipofisario., M Martinazzi and C Baroni
Controllo ormonico della ghiandola sottomascellare del topo con nanismo ereditario preipofisario., M Martinazzi and C Baroni
Control mechanism of lymphocyte traffic. Altered distribution of 51cr-labeled mouse lymph node cells pretreated in vitro with lipopolysaccharide., A A. Freitas and M D. Sousa
Control mechanism of lymphocyte traffic. Altered migration of 51cr-labeled mouse lymph node cells pretreated in vitro with phospholipases., A A. Freitas and M D. Sousa
Control mechanism of lymphocyte traffic. A study of the action of two sulfated polysaccharides on the distribution of 51cr- and [3h]adenosine-labeled mouse lymph node cells., A A. Freitas and M D. Sousa
Control mechanisms of adenine nucleotide metabolism of ascites tumor cells., W D. Yushok
Control mechanisms of endotoxin and particulate material stimulation of hemopoietic colony forming cell differentiation., R N. Apte and D H. Pluznik
Control mechanisms of lymphocyte traffic. Modification of the traffic of 51cr-labeled mouse lymph node cells by treatment with plant lectins in intact and splenectomized hosts., A A. Freitas and M D. Sousa
Control mechanisms regulating gene expression during normal differentiation of myeloid leukemic cells: differentiation defective mutants blocked in mrna production and mrna trans- lation., liebermann B. Hoffman, D Liebermann, and L Sachs
Control of abnormal guanine nucleotide concentrations in dystrophic mouse muscle., R J. Shuttlewood and J R. Griffiths
Control of adenosine monophosphate catabolism in mouse ascites tumor cells., L A. Sauer
Control of an el4 lymphoma in nude mice by passively administered antibody., G J. O'neill
Control of an outbreak of mouse coccidiosis in a closed colony., A Haberkorn, C W. Friis, H P. Schulz, G Meister, and W Feller
Control of antibody response to a nucleic acid antigen. Abstr., A D. Steinberg, T M. Chused, and L M. Parker
Control of autoreactivity by a humoral factor of the thymus (thf)., M Small and N Trainin
Control of b-cell maturation in mice. I. Increased b-cell maturation in vitro by bone marrow protected during whole body irradiation., P P. Le bouteiller, G L. Asherson, and A J. Edwards
Control of bcg-induced macrophage-mediated suppression of delayed hypersensitivity by genes within the ig-1 complex. Abstr., D J. Schrier, J L. Sternick, E M. Allen, and V L. Moore
Control of benzo(a)pyrene (bp)-induced mammalian cell mutagenesis and cytotoxicity by exogenous enzyme fractions. Abstr., L M. Schechtman and R E. Kouri
Control of b-lymphocyte function. I. Inactivation of mitogenesis by interactions with surface immunoglobulin and fc-receptor molecules., C L. Sidman and E R. Unanue
Control of B-lymphocyte function. I. Inactivation of mitogenesis by interactions with surface immunoglobulin and Fc-receptor molecules., C L. Sidman and E R. Unanue
Control of breakdown of the polyadenylate sequence in mammalian polyribosomes. Role of poly(adenylic acid)-protein interactions., I E. Bergmann and G Brawerman
Control of c3 levels in mice during ontogeny by a gene in the central region of the h-2 complex., A Ferreira and V Nussenzweig
Control of cancer cells by the blastocyst of the mouse. Abstr., G B. Pierce, C Pantazis, G Miller, R Wells, and J Caldwell
Control of carcinogenesis, a possible role for the activated macrophage., J B. Hibbs, L H. Lambert, and J S. Remington
Control of cell renewal in the adult mouse lung., J D. Simmett and A G. Heppleston
Control of collagen expression during growth and development., Lisa Stewart
Control of cultured melanoma cells by melanocyte stimulating hormone. Abstr., G Wong and J Pawelek
Control of cytolysis of balb/c-3t3-cells by platelet-derived growth factor: a model system for analyzing cell death., C D. Scher, S A. Young, and K L. Locatell
Control of dna repair linked to neuroblastoma differentiation., P Mc combe, M Lavin, and C Kidson
Control of dna synthesis in growing balb/c3t3 cells by a fibroblast-growth regulatory factor. Abstr., P Datta and C V. Natraj
Control of dna synthesis in growing balb/c 3t3 mouse cells by a fibroblast growth regulatory factor., C V. Natraj and P Datta
Control of early salmonella typhimurium growth in innately salmonella-resistant mice does not require functional t lymphocytes., A D. O'brien and E S. Metcalf
Control of embryo implantation and survival., B Mintz
Control of enzymic hydrolysis of polyadenylate segment of messenger rna. Role of polyadenylate-associated proteins., W E. Muller, J Arendes, R K. Zahn, and H C. Schroder
Control of epizootic diarrhea in infant mice., L F. Jennings and R M. Rumpf
Control of erythropoiesis: genetic and regulatory interactions. Abstr., G R. Johnson
Control of events during early cleavage of the mouse embryo: an analysis of the '2-cell block'., M J. Goddard and H P. Pratt
Control of expression of differentiated functions in neuroblastoma cell hybrids., F Gilbert
Control of fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis in mouse hepatoma. Abstr., M D. Denton
Control of fatty acid synthesis in homogenate preparations of mouse hepatomas bw 7756., J R. Sabine and I L. Chaikoff
Control of fc anc c3 receptors on myeloid leukemic cells., J Lotem and L Sachs
Control of formation of RNA polymerase in Escherichia coli., A Ishihama, M Taketo, T Saitoh, and R Fukuda
Control of gamma-globulin catabolism. Abstr., A G. Robinson and J L. Fahey
Control of glucose phosphorylation and glucose usage in clonal insulinoma cells., T Shimizu, B B. Knowles, and F M. Matschinsky
Control of glutathione-insulin transhydrogenase (git) by insulin in the rat and obese-hyperglycemic mouse. Abstr., P T. Varandani, L A. Shroyer, and M A. Nafz
Control of glycogen synthesis in muscle and liver of two strains of mice. Abstr., K R. Hornbrook and J B. Lyon
Control of glycolysis and respiration in substrate-depleted ehrlich ascites tumor cells., K H. Ibsen and K W. Schiller
Control of growth and vascularity of b16 melanoma by syngeneic lymphocytes., D M. Gersten
Control of h-2 antigen and beta2-microglobulin gene expression in mouse trophoblast cell clones., K Tanaka, K Ozato, G Jay, J R. Parnes, L Ramanathan, G. Seidman, K S. Chang, and E Appella
Control of ige and igg1 antibody production in mice., M S. Macedo, F Braga, and I Mota
Control of immunity in parental and f1 hybrid mouse strains to a spontaneously arising parental tumor. I. Correlation between in vitro and in vivo anti-tumor reactivity in responsive and unresponsive animals., R B. Levy, S D. Waksal, and G M. Shearer
Control of immunoglobulin secretion in the murine plasmacytoma line mopc 315., G E. Sonenshein, M Siekevitz, G R. Siebert, and M L. Gefter
Control of in vivo differentiation of myeloid leukemic cells. Iii. Regulation by t lymphocytes and inflammation., J Lotem and L Sachs
Control of j chain biosynthesis in relation to heavy and light chain synthesis, polymerization and secretion., H Kaji and R M. Parkhouse
Control of lipid metabolism in hepatomas, conversion of glutamate carbon to fatty acid carbon via citrate in several transplantable hepatomas., J R. Sabine, L Kopelovich, S Abraham, and H P. Morris
Control of lipid metabolism in hepatomas, effects of fasting and dietary fat on the activities of several glycolytic and krebs-cycle enzymes in mouse liver and hepatoma bw77569., L Kopelovich and J R. Sabine
Control of lipid metabolism in hepatomas. Insensitivity of rate of fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis by mouse hepatoma bw7756 to fasting and to feedback control., J R. Sabine, S Abraham, and I L. Chaikoff
Control of local tumor growth with combined fractionated radio- therapeutic and chemotherapeutic regiments., L Poulakos, L L. Schenken, R F. Hagemann, and S Lesher
Control of lung differentiation in vitro., J V. Taderera
Control of lysozyme induction in the differentiation of myeloid leukemic cells., A Krystosek and L Sachs
Control of macrophage ia expression in neonatal mice--role of a splenic suppressor cell., D S. Snyder, C Y. Lu, and E R. Unanue
Control of malignant metastases by icrf 159., K Hellman and K Burrage
Control of mating preferences in mice by genes in the major histocompatibility complex., K Yamazaki, E A. Boyse, V Mike, H T. Thaler, B J. Mathieson, J Abbott, J Boyse, Z A. Zayas, and L Thomas
Control of melanin synthesis and secretion by b16/c3 melanoma cells., J D. Laskin, L Piccinini, D L. Engelhardt, and I B. Weinstein
Control of melanogenesis in mouse melanoma cells of varying metastatic potential., R M. Niles and J S. Makarski
Control of microbial and parasitic contamination in the production of laboratory rodents., D D. Myers
Control of mitogen-induced transformation. Characterization of a splenic suppressor cell and its mode of action., D R. Webb and A T. Jamieson
Control of mitosis in mouse and hamster melanomata by means of the melanocyte chalone., W S. Bullough and E B. Laurence
Control of mlsa expression by multiple loci. Abstr., R E. Click
Control of mouse ringworm., R R. Davies and J Shewell
Control of myogenic fusion in b.w. 10139 Mouse rhabdomyosarcoma by calcium and cyclic amp., J J. Sauk
Control of natural resistance to Salmonella typhimurium and Leishmania donovani in mice by closely linked but distinct genetic loci., A D. O'Brien, D L. Rosenstreich, and B A. Taylor
Control of nodular hyperplasia and adrenal cortical carcinoma by steroid compounds., G W. Woolley
Control of normal differentiation of myeloid leukemic cells to macrophages and granulocytes., E Fibach, M Hayashi, and L Sachs
Control of normal differentiation of myeloid leukemic cells. Viii. Induction of differentiation to mature granulocytes in mass culture., E Fibach and L Sachs
Control of normal differentiation of myeloid leukemic cells. VI. Inhibition of cell multiplication and the formation of macrophages., J Lotem and L Sachs
Control of normal differentiation of myeloid leukemic cells. V. Normal differentiation in aneuploid leukemic cells and the chromosome banding pattern of d+ and d- clones., M Hayashi, E Fibach, and L Sachs
Control of normal differentiation of myeloid leukemic cells. X. Glucose utilization, cellular atp and associated membrane changes in d+ and d-cells., I Vlodavsky, E Fibach, and L Sachs
Control of normal differentiation of myeloid leukemic cells. Xiii. Inducibility for some stages of differentiation by dimethylsulfoxide and its disassociation from inducibility by mgi., S Maeda and L Sachs
Control of nuclear division in normal but not in neoplastic mouse cells., F J. O'neill
Control of nuclear division in sv40 and adenovirus type 12 trans- formed mouse 3t3 cells., F J. O'neill
Control of obesity in avy/a mice by 5alpha-androstan- -17-one., T T. Yen, J A. Allan, D V. Pearson, and J M. Acton
Control of obesity in avy/a mice by dehydroepiandrosterone (dha) and 5alpha-androstan-17-one (a). Abstr., T T. Yen, J A. Allan, D V. Pearson, J M. Acton, and M M. Greenberg
Control of phenotypic expression of cultured melanoma cells by melano- cyte stimulating hormones., G Wong and J Pawelek
Control of phenotypic expression of cultured melanoma cells by melanocyte stimulating hormones., G Wong and J Pawelek
Control of pigment production in mouse melanoma cells in vitro, evocation and maintenance., S Silagi
Control of pigment production in mouse melanoma in vitro. Abstr., S Silagi
Control of primary igm antibody responses to h-2 alloantigens by antigen-bearing live b lymphocytes., I Nakashima, K Mizoguchi, N Kato, F Nagase, E Isobe, M Saito, and K Suzuki
Control of prolactin and growth hormone secretion in mice by obesity., Y N. Sinha, C B. Salocks, and W P. Vanderlaan
Control of proliferation and differentiation in B lymphocytes by anti-Ig antibodies and a serum-derived cofactor., C L. Sidman and E R. Unanue
Control of proliferation and differentiation in b lymphocytes by anti-ig antibodies and a serum-derived cofactor., C L. Sidman and E R. Unanue
Control of protein synthesis in mammalian cells by amino- acylation of transfer ribonculeic acid., A Ogilvie, U Huschka, and W Kersten
Control of purine ribonucleotide interconversions in tumor cells. Abstr., G W. Crabtree and J F. Henderson
Control of pyrimidine biosynthesis in mammalian tissues. II. Glutamine-utilizing carbamoyl phosphate synthetase of various experi- mental tumors, distribution, purification and characterization., K Ito, S Nakanishi, M Terada, and M Tatibana
Control of rfm strain endogeneous retrovirus in rfm mouse cells., R W. Tennant, J A. Otten, T Wang, R Liou, R Brown, and W K. Yang
Control of rna synthesis by amino acids in landschutz ascites tumor cells., P Jolicoeur and F Labrie
Control of solid tumor metastases with a high-molecular- -weight derivative of methotrexate., B C. Chu and J M. Whiteley
Control of somite number in normal and amputated mutant mouse embryos. An experimental and a theoretical analysis., O P. Flint, D A. Ede, O K. Wilby, and J Proctor
Control of specificity in haemoglobin synthesis., J Bishop, G Favelukes, R Schweet, and E S. Russell
Control of spleen colony histology by erythropoietin, cobalt, and hypertransfusion. Abstr., J Curry, J Trentin, and N Wolf
Control of suppressor cell activity: autoanti-idiotype b cells produced by painting with picryl chloride inihbit the t-suppressor cell which blocks the efferent stage of contact sensitivity., G L. Asherson, M Zembala, S C. Gautam, and M C. Watkins
Control of the antibody response of c57bl/6lyt-congenic strains to the lyt-3.1 Alloantigen by a gene linked to the lyt-2 locus., P D. Gottlieb and S C. Boos
Control of the anti-dna antibody response by the lpr gene. Abstr., D S. Pisetsky, P W. Stewart, J B. Roths, and E D. Murphy
Control of the balb/c-3t3 cycle by nutrients and serum factors: analysis using platelet derived growth factor and platelet-poor plasma. Abstr., C D. Stiles, W J. Pledger, and C D. Scher
Control of the expression of interleukin-2 activity., O Henriksen and J R. Frey
Control of the immune reaction. T cells in immunized mice which depress the in vivo dna synthesis response in the lymph nodes to skin painting with the contact sensitizing agent picryl chloride., P Wood, G L. Asherson, B Mayhew, W R. Thomas, and M Zembala
Control of the immune response. I. Depression of dna synthesis by immune lymph node cells., G L. Asherson, P J. Wood, and B Mayhew
Control of the immune response in vitro by calcium ions. I. The antagonistic action of calcium ions on cell proliferation and on cell differentation., T Diamantstein and M V. Odenwald
Control of the immune response to the ea-2.1 Alloantigen of the mouse by the h-2 complex., J H. Stimpfling
Control of the mitogenic response of murine splenocytes to muramyl dipeptide. Abstr., D D. Wood and M J. Staruch
Control of the synthesis and assembly of RNA polymerase in Escherichia coli., A Ishihama, I Ito, Y Iwakura, Fukuda R, M Taketo, and T Saitoh
Control of t-lymphocyte and b-lymphocyte activation by two complementing ir-gl0 immune response genes., D H. Katz, M E. Dorf, and B Benacerraf
Control of tubulin and actin synthesis and assembly during differentiation of neuroblastoma cells., H Schmitt
Control of tumor growth in mice by thoracic duct drainage, relation- ship to blocking factor in lymph., F P. Noonan, M Gardner, G Clunie, W Isbister, and W Halliday
Control of virus and oncogene expression in cell cultures of leukemic BXH-2 mice., Paula A. Kataryniak
Control of vk expression in the mouse. I. Unexpected expression of the vk allele, igk-pcb, in a somatic cell hybrid of akr (igk-pca) origin., J L. Claflin and S L. Wei
Control strategies for aeroallergens in an animal facility., Whitaker C. Reeb, D J. Harrison, R B. Jones, J B. Kacergis, D D. Myers, and B Paigen
Controversy at Love Canal., B Paigen
Convenient mouse and rat holder for use in various laboratory pro- cedures., F M. Ganis
Convenient selection of monoclonal antibodies to isoenzymes of placental alkaline phosphatase using the cytalytic activity of the antigen in enzyme-antigen immunoassay., R Jemmerson and W H. Fishman
Conversion in vivo of succinic semialdehyde gamma-hydroxybutyric acid in the mouse., M Matsuda and M Hoshino
Conversion of 6-thioguanine to the nucleoside level by purine nucleoside phosphorylase of sarcoma 180 and sarcoma 180/tg ascites cells., S H. Lee and A C. Sartorelli
Conversion of a poorly differentiated human adenocarcinoma to ascites form with invasion and metastasis in nude mice. Brief communication., S Takahashi, Y Konishi, K Nakatani, S Inui, K Kojima, and T Shiratori
Conversion of dehydroepiandrosterone, pregnenolone, and progesterone by interstitial cell tumor tissue., O J. Lucis and R Lucis
Conversion of dietary n-ethylguanidinoacetate by ehrlich ascites tumor cells and animal tissues to a functionally active analog of creatine phosphate., J J. Roberts and J B. Walker
Conversion of dimethyl- and diethylnitrosamine to mutagenic metabo- lites by microsome fractions from liver, lung and kidney tissues of four mouse strains. Abstr., U Weekes, F Gletten, and D Brusick
Conversion of genetic resistance of mammalian cells to susceptibility to a virus infection., M Kantoch and F B. Bang
Conversion of immunity to suppression by in vivo administration of i-a subregion-specific antibodies., L L. Perry and M I. Greene
Conversion of immunological paralysis to immunity by endotoxin., M S. Brooke
Conversion of inosinic acid (imp) in normal and tumor tissues. Abstr., J S. Salser and M E. Balis
Conversion of lignoceric acid to cerebronic acid by brain prepara- tions, the mechanism of hydroxylation and the level of activity in myelin-deficient mice. Abstr., S Murad, K Tatsumi, and Y Kishimoto
Conversion of lipopolysaccharides (lps) to molecular aggregates with reduced subunit heterogeneity-- demonstration of lps-responsiveness in "endotoxin unresponsive" c3h/hej spleen cells. Abstr., S Vukajlovich and D C. Morrison
Conversion of monocytes to cells capable of anchorage- -independent growth in vitro., H Lin, S Gordon, D Chen, and M Kurtz
Conversion of n-acetylneuraminic acid to n-glycolyneuraminic acid in mouse tumor cells. Abstr., J F. Codington and R W. Jeanloz
Conversion of nonimmune spleen cells to antibody-formimg cells by rna. Strain specificity of the response., E P. Cohen, R W. Newcomb, and L K. Crosby
Conversion of pyruvate to glyceride-glycerol in adipose tissue of obese and nonobese mice., K Chakrabarty and G A. Leveille
Conversion of testosterone to androstenedione by liver homogenates of testicular feminized mice., J D. Daley, S Ohno, and E V. Younglai
Conversion of the inconvertible l-1 lymphosarcoma to ascitic form., M R. Sikov
Conversion of type iii pneumococcal polysaccharide low responders to high responders by immunization with a thymus-dependent form of antigen., mullen H. Braley and G C. Sharp
Convulsant-anticonvulsant properties of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in rabbits., B S. Fish, P Consroe, and R R. Fox
Coombs-positive hemolytic anemia and generalized amyloidosis in mice following transmission of subcellular leukemic material., nielsen R. Rask
Coombs test conversion in young nzb mice induced by transfer of lymphoid cells from coombs positive donors., M C. Holmes
Cooperation across the histocompatibility barrier., H Waldmann, H Pope, and A J. Munro
Cooperation across the histocompatibility barrier. H-2d t cells primed to antigen in an h-2d environment can cooperate with h-2k b cells., H Waldmann, H Pope, and A J. Munro
Cooperation and cell-mediated cytotoxicity as functions of two subsets of t cells., G Dennert and E S. Lennox
Cooperation between carrier-reactive and hapten-sensitive cells in vitro., C Cheers, J Breitner, M Little, and J Miller
Cooperation between cyclophosphamide cytotoxic effects and host anti-tumor immunity in the cure of mice bearing large size sc mopc-315 tumors. Abstr., S Dray, J C. Hengst, and M B. Mokyr
Cooperation between donor cells and h2-incompatible recipient thymus after suppression of secondary disease with anti-t-cell globulin. Abstr., H Rodt, S Thierfelder, and D Gotze
Co-operation between macrophages and a factor from lymphocyt- es in tumor lysis in vitro., M Yamazaki, H Shinoda, and D Mizuno
Co-operation between metastatic tumor cells and macrophages in the degradation of basement membrane (type iv) collagen., N Henry, Y Eeckhout, A V. Lamsweerde, and G Vaes
Cooperation between mouse t-cell subpopulations in the cell-mediated response to a natural poxvirus pathogen., T Pang, I F. Kenzie, and R V. Blanden
Cooperation between subclasses of t lymphocytes in the in vitro generation of cytotoxicity against a mutant h-2k difference. An analysis with anti-lyt antisera., C J. Melief, M Y. Meulen, and P D. Greeve
Cooperation between t cells in the allogeneic cytotoxic response. Abstr., A L. Glasebrook and F W. Fitch
Cooperation for antibody responses between mouse lymphocytes with partial i-region identity. Abstr., C A. Janeway, T P. Werblin, R Lieberman, and W E. Paul
Cooperation of antigenic determinants in intact mice and interference by antigenic competition., M J. Taussig, E Mozes, G M. Shearer, and M Sela
Cooperation of igg monoclonal antibodies in macrohage antibody -dependent cellular cytotoxicity (adcc) to tumor targets., P Ralph and I Nakoinz
Cooperation of immune lymphoid cells with macrophages in tumour immunity., R Evans and P Alexander
Cooperation of immune lymphoid cells with macrophages in tumour immunity., R Evans and P Alexander
Cooperation of lymphoid cells in an in vitro graft reaction system. II. The 'bone marrow-derived' cell., P Lonai and M Feldman
Cooperation of macrophage cell line cells with lymphocytes for antibody response. Abstr., J Yodoi, T Masuda, and Y Ichikawa
Cooperation of murine f1 t and parental b lymphocytes in rejection of a xenogeneic tumor: adaptive differentiation of b lymphocytes., M Marusic and E H. Perkins
Cooperation of nonsyngeneic tolerant lymphocytes. Genetic restriction., M Marusic, J W. Goodman, and S G. Shinpock
'cooperation' Of normal and malignant lymphoid cells in the immune response against sheep erythrocytes., M Boranic, I Hrsak, T Marotti, R Mazuran, and V Silobrcic
Cooperative activation of action potential na+ ionophore by neuro- toxins., W A. Catterall
Cooperative erythropoietic assay of several steroid metabolites in polycythemic mice., J W. Fisher, J W. Adamson, J F. Camiscoli, W Fried, L S. Gordon, J Schooley, and E Zanjani
Cooperative interactions of tetrahydrofolate with purified pig kidney serine transhydroxymethylase and loss of this cooperativity in l1210 tumors and in tissues of mice bearing these tumors., P M. Kumar, J A. North, J H. Mangum, and N A. Rao
Cooperative restriction of lymphocyte receptor mobility by local binding of concanavalin a. Abstr., I Yahara and G M. Edelman
Coordinacy of lysosomal enzyme excretion in human urine., K Paigen and J Peterson
Coordinate behavior of orotate phosphoribosyltransferase and orotidylate decarboxylase in developing mouse liver and brain., P Reyes and C Intress
Coordinate control of balb/c3t3 cell survival and multiplication by serum or calcium pyrophosphate complexes., A H. Rubin and pope D. Bowen
Coordinate control of macromolecular metabolism by serum and insulin in transformed and ultratransformed cultured mouse fibroblasts. Abstr., A Hershko, R Shields, and G M. Tomkins
Coordinated development of beta-glucuronidase and beta-galactosidase in mouse organs., M Meisler and K Paigen
Coordinated development of -glucuronidase and -galactosidase in mouse organs., M Meisler and K Paigen
Coordinated expression domains in mammalian genomes., Y H. Woo, M Walker, and G A. Churchill
Coordinated growth of successively initiated tooth germs in the mouse., J A. Sofaer
Coordinate expression of erythroid marker enzymes during dime- thylsulfoxide-induced differentiation of friend erythroleukemia cells., J Conscience and W Meier
Coordinate expression of the 48k host nuclear phosphoprotein and sv40 t ag upon primary infection of mouse cells., R B. Carroll, K Muello, and J A. Melero
Coordinate induction by androgens? abstr., J A. Simons and J G. Shire
Coordination of nuclear and cytoplasmic oocyte maturation in eutherian mammals., J J. Eppig
Copper deficiency in the x-linked mottled mutants in the mouse. Abstr., D M. Hunt
Copper metabolism in mottled mouse (mus musculus) mutants. Studies of blotchy (moblo) mice and a comparison with brindled (mobr) mice., J R. Mann, J Camakaris, N Francis, and D M. Danks
Copper metabolism in mottled mouse mutants. Copper concen- trations in tissues during development., J Camakaris, J R. Mann, and D M. Danks
Copper metabolism in mottled mouse mutants. Copper therapy of brindled (mobr) mice., J R. Mann, J Camakaris, D M. Danks, and E G. Walliczek
Copper metabolism in mottled mouse mutants. Defective placental transfer of 64cu to foetal brindled (mobr) mice., J R. Mann, J Camakaris, and D M. Danks
Copper metabolism in mottled mouse mutants. Distribution of 64cu in brindled (mobr) mice., J R. Mann, J Camakaris, and D M. Danks
Copper metabolism of cultured fibroblasts from the brindled mouse (gene symbol mobr)., A K. Sayed, J A. Edwards, and R M. Bannerman
Copper nitrilotriacetate: a potent therapeutic agent in the treatment of a genetic disorder of copper metabolism., C L. Keen, P Saltman, and L S. Hurley
Copper supplementation in quaking mutant mice. Reduced tremors and increased brain copper., C L. Keen and L S. Hurley
Copulatory behavior of the ram, Ovis aries. I. A normative study., G Bermant, M T. Clegg, and W G. Beamer
Copulatory behavior of the ram, Ovis aries. II. Factors affecting copulatory satiation., W G. Beamer, G Bermant, and M T. Clegg
Copulatory behavior of the ram, Ovis aries. III. Effects of pre- and post-pubertal castration and androgen replacement therapy., M T. Clegg, W G. Beamer, and G Bermant
Copulatory plug does not induce luteal activity in the mouse mus musculus., T E. Mcgill, D M. Corwin, and D T. Harrison
Copy numbers and chromatin structures of integrated leukemia proviral gene sequences in akr mice. Abstr., H D. Garcia and G F. Saunders
Cordycepin inhibits induction of murine leukovirus production by 5-iodo-2-deoxyuridine., A Wu, R Ting, M Paran, and R Gallo
Co-regulation of type c rna virus production and cell differentiation in myeloid leukemic cells., D Liebermann and L Sachs
Core temperature, o2 consumption, and early detection of ob/ob genotype in mice., M L. Kaplan and G A. Leveille
Corn1: a mouse model for corneal surface disease and neovascularization., R S. Smith, N L. Hawes, S D. Kuhlmann, J R. Heckenlively, B Chang, T H. Roderick, and J P. Sundberg
Corneal allografts fail to express ia antigens., J W. Streilein, G B. Toews, and P R. Bergstresser
Corneal degeneration in a congenitally diabetic inbred strain of mouse., L Huang and T Sery
Corneal squamous cell carcinoma in a dog., K S. Latimer, R L. Kaswan, and J P. Sundberg
Coronary artery disease from isolated non-H2-determined incompatibilities in transplanted mouse hearts., P S. Russell, C M. Chase, J C. Madsen, T Hirohashi, L D. Cornell, T J. Sproule, R B. Colvin, and D C. Roopenian
Corpus luteum function in ageing inbred mice., R G. Gosden and R E. Fowler
Corralling conditional mutations: A unified resource for mouse phenotypes., J T. Eppig, J A. Blake, D L. Burkart, C W. Goldsmith, C M. Lutz, and C L. Smith
Correct dosage of Fog2 and Gata4 transcription factors is critical for fetal testis development in mice., G J. Bouma, L L. Washburn, K H. Albrecht, and E M. Eicher
Corrected centromere orientation for mouse chromosome 19 MIT markers., E M. Eicher, E P. Shown, D Bhat, and M F. Seldin
Correcting for extraneous death in the evaluation of morbidity or mortality from tumor., H I. Pilgrim and J E. Dowd
Correction of a c3h/hej macrophage (mo) differentiation defect by interferon. Abstr., S N. Vogel and D L. Rosenstreich
Correction of a genetically caused enzyme defect by somatic cell hybridization., C F. Cori, waelsch S. Gluecksohn, P A. Shaw, and C Robinson
Correction of a murine mammary tumor virus-associated immunological depression by selective immunosuppression with cytosine arabinoside., D E. Griswold, J S. Kopp, J S. Manning, and G H. Heppner
Correction of changes in liver metj@@@abolites of mice follo curative tumour resection. Abstr., K C. Calman, R A. Mcallister, and M Soukop
Correction of characteristic abnormalities of microtubule function and granule morphology in chediak-higashi syndrome with cholinergic agonists. Studies in vitro in man and in vivo in the beige mouse., J M. Oliver and R B. Zurier
Correction of chediak-higashi defect with lithium. Abstr., S S. Kaplan, R Joyce, S S. Boggs, R E. Basford, and U E. Zdziarski
Correction of murine mucopolysaccharidosis type VII (MPS VII) by bone marrow transplantation and gene transfer therapy., E H. Birkenmeier
Correction of murine mucopolysaccharidosis VII by a human beta-glucuronidase transgene., J W. Kyle, E H. Birkenmeier, B Gwynn, C Vogler, P C. Hoppe, J W. Hoffmann, and W S. Sly
Correction of uvb radiation or combined uvb/gamma radiation-induced defects in murine antigen presenting cell function. Abstr., R D. Granstein, A Tominaga, J A. Parrish, and M I. Greene
Correct transcription of a cloned mouse immunoglobulin gene in vivo., D Picard and W Schaffner
Correlated biochemical and morphological analysis of liver alterations in balb/c mice during chronic safrole exposure. Abstr., D E. Hinton, M M. Lipsky, J E. Klaunig, and B F. Trump
Correlated effects of the y-chromosome of mice on developmental changes in testosterone levels and intermale aggression., M K. Selmanoff, B D. Goldman, S C. Maxson, and B E. Ginsburg
Correlated expression of t cell growth factor dependence, sensitivity to vicia villosa lectin, and cytolytic activity in hybrids between cytolytic t cells and t lymphomas., A Conzelmann, A Silva, M Cianfriglia, C Tougne, A P. Sekaly, and M Nabholz
Correlated expression of vh framework and vh idiotypic determinants on t helper cells and on functionally undefined t cells binding group a streptococcal carbohydrate., K Eichmann, neriah Y. Ben, D Hetzelberger, C Polke, A Givol, and P Lonai
Correlated suppression by 5-bromodeoxyuridine of tumorigenicity and plasminogen activator in mouse melanoma cells., J K. Christman, S Silagi, and E W. Newcomb
Correlates of food competition behavior., M Manosevitz, C I. Fitzsimmons, and T R. Canne
Correlates with positive (+) activity against a spontaneous murine (cd8f1) mammary cancer, alone and with 5-fluorouracil (fu). Abstr., D S. Martin, P Hayworth, E Davin, R Stolfi, D R. Fugmann, and R A. Cancer
Correlation between agarose microdroplet and capillary tube procedures as assays for migration inhibition of target cells., N Adelman, M Hasson, N Masih, and M C. Cohen
Correlation between a learning disorder and elevated brain- -reactive antibodies in aged c57bl/6 and young nzb mice., K Nandy, H Lal, M Bennett, and D Bennett
Correlation between aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (ahh) activity and the activity for the formation of dna-binding metabolite(s) from benzo(alpha)pyrene (bp) in various inbred strains of mice. Abstr., H L. Gurtoo and C Sebring
Correlation between benzodiazepine receptor occupation and anticonvulsant effects of diazepam., S M. Paul, P J. Syapin, B A. Paugh, and P Skolnick
Correlation between body and spleen weights in graft-versus-host reactions in the mouse., R Eckert and T Geier
Correlation between brain/body weight ratio and life span of inbred strains of mice., Lee Davison
Correlation between cellular manifestations of allograft response and graft rejection times., V Viklicky and M Polackova
Correlation between characteristics of transformation and malignancy of intra and interspecific somatic hybrid cells., C Foa, J Simonetti, M Berebbi, P Fischer, and M Vetterlein
Correlation between choline acetyltransferase activity and learning ability in different mice strains and their offspring., P Mandel, G Ayad, J C. Hermetet, and A Ebel
Correlation between circulating cancer cells and incidence of metastases., D Glaves
Correlation between deoxyribnucleic acid synthesis and mortality following irradiation in mice., J L. Sanders, G V. Dalrymple, and C D. Robinette
Correlation between differentiation, proliferation, karyotype, and transformed phenotype of a mouse epidermal cell line. Abstr., N E. Fusenig, D Breitkreutz, M Lueder, and R T. Dzarlieva
Correlation between dna repair of embryonic fibroblasts and different life span of 3 inbred mouse strains., V Paffenholz
Correlation between efficiency of fertilization and sperm quality in inbred recombinant lines of mice., H Krzanowska and E Lorenc
Correlation between erythromycin and acid phosphatase in mouse liver., O Carevic, V Prpic, and V Sverko
Correlation between ethanol sleep time and synaptosomal hexokinase activity in three strains of mice. Abstr., E Morrow and M A. Medina
Correlation between experimental activity of anticancer agents and their hematologic toxicity in man. Abstr., M Rozencweig, D D. Von hoff, J M. Venditti, and F M. Muggia
Correlation between fragmented immunoglobulin genes and heavy chain deletion mutants., B Frangione and E C. Franklin
Correlation between genetic distances based on single loci and on skeletal morphology in inbred mice., M F. Festing and T H. Roderick
Correlation between glucocorticoid receptor content and the antiproliferative effect of dexamethasone in experimental solid tumors., P G. Braunschweiger, H L. Ting, and L M. Schiffer
Correlation between growth rate, cell density, and intracellular concentrations of cyclic nucleotides in chemostat cultures of mouse l1210 cells., M G. Tovey, egly C. Rochette, and M Castagna
Correlation between histone phosphorylation and tumor ageing in ehrlich ascites tumor cells., G Thomas and K Hempel
Correlation between intracellular cyclic nucleotide levels and cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity in c-6 glioma and c-1300 neuroblastoma cells. Abstr., J P. Schwartz and J V. Passonneau
Correlation between locomotor and thyroid daily activity in mice. Abstr., A J. Waterman and B Butcher
Correlation between lps-induced mitogenic and virogenic activities in mouse spleen cell cultures., A Hornstein, S Salzberg, and D H. Pluznik
Correlation between macrophage intracellular electrical potentials and malignant melanoma growth in a murine model., R C. Niemtzow, D C. Eaton, D L. Kunze, S N. Becker, J Y. Wong, H Olson, J Mcbee, R G. Moulton, L Gauci, P Viallet, B Serrou, and J C. Daniels
Correlation between mean litter size and mean life span among 12 inbred strains of mice., T H. Roderick and J B. Storer
Correlation between mean litter size and mean life span among 12 inbred strains of mice., T H. Roderick and J B. Storer
Correlation between natural and antibody-dependent cell- -mediated cytotoxicity against tumor targets in the mouse. I. Distribution of the reactivity., A Santoni, R B. Herberman, and H T. Holden
Correlation between natural and antibody-dependent cell- -mediated cytotoxicity against tumor targets in the mouse. II. Characterization of the effector cells., A Santoni, R B. Herberman, and H T. Holden
Correlation between number of bacteria colony stimulating factor (csf), colony forming units in culture (cfu-c), and peripheral blood granulocytes in c57bl mice infected with escherichia coli in three different concentrations. Abstr., D Hartmann, M Entringer, M Vasil, and W Robinson
Correlation between oxysterol binding to a cytosolic binding protein and potency in the repression of hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase., F R. Taylor, S E. Saucier, E P. Shown, E J. Parish, and A A. Kandutsch
Correlation between presence of leukemia virus in cultured cells and their immunogenicity in a leukemia isotransplant system., J R. Tennant, G Lambertenghi, S Kingsley, and E D. Harven
Correlation between radiation cure of a mouse lymphosarcoma and radiation sensitivity of its cells. Abstr., W E. Powers and L J. Tolmach
Correlation between serologic and cellular methods for the defini- tion of ia specificities., M Pla, D Birnbaum, A Guimezanes, M Colombani, and J Colombani
Correlation between splenic phagocytic activity and increase in splenic granulocyte/macrophage progenitors., D H. Pluznik, D Zilber, and M Feigis
Correlation between structural characteristics and immunological properties of the terpolymer l-glutamic acid60-l-alanine30-l-tyrosine., J Theze, C Waltenbaugh, and B Benacerraf
Correlation between structural variation and activity of murine kidney beta-galactosidase. Implications for genetic control., I C. Li and W L. Daniel
Correlation between the acetylcholinesterase content in motor nerves and their muscles., V Gisiger and H Stephens
Correlation between the degree of diabetes and resistance to hcg in male mice with hereditary diabetes. Abstr., A Amador, A Bartke, T Parkening, and M H. Stallings
Correlation between the presence of natural antitumor antibodies and activation of mulv endogenous virus in balb/c mice., S Menard, M I. Colnaghi, and E Tagliabue
Correlation between the rates of aerobic glycolysis and glucose transport, unrelated to neoplastic transformation, in a series of balb 3t3-derived cell lines., B Peterkofsky and W Prather
Correlation between the sensitivity of polyoma-induced mouse tumors to polyoma and vaccinia in vitro., I Hellstrom and K E. Hellstrom
Correlation between the toxicity of platinum drugs to l1210 leukaemia cells and their mutagenic properties., P Lecointe, J P. Macquet, and J L. Butour
Correlation between tumor antibodies and enhancement in a murine allogeneic lymphoma., R P. Laguens, M E. Colmerauer, A Segal, and C D. Pasqualini
Correlation between tumor invasiveness and content of a-type particles in ehrlich ascites tumor, a model of quantitative electron microscopy., T Kodama and M Kodama
Correlation between tumor-specific systemic and in situ immunity as manifested by the delayed hypersensitivity response., L A. Radov, J S. Haskill, J H. Korn, and J W. Fett
Correlation between tumour size, metastatic spread and gal- actosyl transferase activity in cyclophosphamide-treated mice bearing the lewis lung carcinoma., I D. Capel, M Jenner, M H. Pinnock, H M. Dorrell, and D C. Williams
Correlation of alkaline phosphatase activity to normal t-cell differentiation and to radiation leukemia virus-induced preleukemic cells in the c57bl mouse thymus., G Goffinet, defresne M. Houben, and J Boniver
Correlation of amount of antilymphocyte globulin bound to lymphoid cells in vitro with in vivo immunosuppression. Abstr., J J. Gozzo, M L. Wood, and A Monaco
Correlation of anchorage-independent growth with tumorigenicity of chemically transformed mouse epidermal cells., N H. Colburn, W F. Bruegge, J R. Bates, R H. Gray, J D. Rossen, W H. Kelsey, and T Shimada
Correlation of aqueous humor ascorbate with intraocular pressure and outflow facility in hereditary buphthalmic rabbits., P F. Lee, R Fox, I Henrick, and W K. Lam
Correlation of b cell acquistion of differentiation antigens with capacity to interact with allogeneic effect factor (aef). Abstr., J R. Battisto, J H. Finke, and B Yen
Correlation of behavioural differences in three strains of mice with differences in brain amines., E Kempf, J Greilsamer, G Mack, and P Mandel
Correlation of camp responses in sensitized lymphocytes and normal lymphocytes treated with rna from tumor-bearing mice (tlrna). Abstr., D A. Vallera, K Pennline, M C. Dodd, and J P. Minton
Correlation of cell cycle parameters with radiation sensitivity in a series of murine l5178y cells., T M. Yau, S C. Nygaard, E C. Gregg, and H A. Crissman
Correlation of cell division and specific protein production during the course of lymphoid cell differentiation., W D. Kuhlmann, M Bouteille, and S Avrameas
Correlation of cell transit time with survival time in acute intesti- nal radiation death of germ-free and conventional rodents., S Tsubouchi and T Matsuzawa
Correlation of cellular aggregation of transformed cells with their growth in soft agar and tumorigenic potential., D L. Putman, D K. Park, J S. Rhim, A F. Steuer, and R C. Ting
Correlation of cellular uptake of nitrogen mustard (hn2) with sensitivity of mouse ascites neoplasms to drug treatment. Abstr., J M. Johnson and R W. Ruddon
Correlation of coat color pattern and rate of weight gain in various phenotypes of the avy mouse. Abstr., G L. Wolff
Correlation of collagenase secretion with metastatic-coloniza- tion potential in naturally occurring murine mammary tumours., D Tarin, B J. Hoyt, and D J. Evans
Correlation of cytotoxicity with incorporation of ara-a in l1210 dna. Abstr., P P. Major, H T. Abelson, and D W. Kufe
Correlation of decreased release of plasminogen activator with loss of tumorigenicity in bromodeoxyuridine-grown melanoma cells. Abstr., J K. Christman and G Acs
Correlation of differences in antigenicity of four 3-methyl- cholanthrene-induced tumors in syngeneic mice with the suscepti- bility of tumors to an immunopotentiator, ps-k., S Abe, M Yamazaki, and D Mizuno
Correlation of dihydrofolate reductase elevation with gene amplification in a homogeneously staining chromosomal region in l5178y cells., B J. Dolnick, R J. Berenson, J R. Bertino, R J. Kaufman, J H. Nunberg, and R T. Schimke
Correlation of dopamine binding activity with in vitro response to melanin precursors and a dopamine antagonist in murine melanomas. Abstr., T M. Krummel, J P. Neifeld, and R N. Taub
Correlation of drug sensitivity on human tumor cells grown in soft agar and in nude mice. Abstr., J M. Rice, D P. Houchens, M S. Sanchez, and A A. Ovejera
Correlation of early murine leukemia virus titer and h-2 type with spontaneous leukemia in mice of the balb/c x akr cross. A genetic analysis., F Lilly, reynals M. Duran, and W P. Rowe
Correlation of embryonic movement with palate closure in mice., B E. Walker
Correlation of embryonic movement with palate development. Abstr., B Walker
Correlation of genetic differences in endorphin systems with analgesic effects of d-amino acids in mice., R S. Cheng and B Pomeranz
Correlation of glycosylated hemoglobin with collagen aging in mice., Aaron Todd Miller
Correlation of graft-versus-host mortality and positive cml assay in the mouse., W L. Elkins
Correlation of graft-vs-host and graft-vs-leukemia reactivity in allogeneic marrow transplantation therapy of murine viral leukemia. Abstr., J P. Okunewick
Correlation of growth morphology and clonability with malignancy of wehi-7 t-cell lymphoma sublines., S B. Gjedde
Correlation of growth properties and morphology with hormone responsiveness of mammary tumor cells in culture., J Yates and R J. King
Correlation of immune response to progressive tumor and protective vaccination. Abstr., M D. Prager and J Ribble
Correlation of immune response with clinical stage in lewis lung tumor-bearing mice., T Kurata and M Micksche
Correlation of infectivity with radioisotope studies of the mammary tumor virus (mtv) in vitro. Abstr., R D. Cardiff and P B. Blair
Correlation of in vitro immunological reactions with in vivo tumor immunity. Abstr., D Rodrigues and C C. Ting
Correlation of in vitro transformation with in vivo tumor- igenicity in 10t1/2 mouse cells exposed to uv light., G L. Chan and J B. Little
Correlation of in vivo and in vitro immune reactions against the intradermally developing p-815 mastocytoma in the syngeneic mouse., M Bertschmann, B Scharen, and E F. Luscher
Correlation of in vivo malignancy with in vitro properties of human-mouse hybrid cells., M R. Bordelon, T B. Shows, T R. Chen, and E Stubblefield
Correlation of liver tumor morphology and weight to incidence of pulmonary metastases in the mouse., C H. Frith, K P. Baetcke, C J. Nelson, and G Schieferstein
Correlation of maternal pituitary weight with the number of uterine implantaton sites in pregnant mice., A J. Ladman and M N. Runner
Correlation of micrometastatic involvement of lungs and some biological tumor properties with growth in soft agar. Abstr., Z P. Pavelic
Correlation of molecular size requirements of poly i poly c in increasing the survival of mice with l1210, inducing interferon like substances in vivo and in vitro, and releasing nuclear dna template restrictions. Abstr., D G. Brown, S J. Mohr, and D S. Coffey
Correlation of natural cytotoxicity against mouse tumors with antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Abstr., A Santoni and H T. Holden
Correlation of nitrosourea bone marrow toxicity with dna alkylation and chromatin binding sites. Abstr., D Green, T Hisamatsu, K Tew, and P S. Schein
Correlation of nitrosourea murine bone marrow toxicity with deoxyribonucleic acid alkylation and chromatin binding sites., D Green, K D. Tew, T Hisamatsu, and P S. Schein
Correlation of patterns of anchorage-independent growth with in vivo behavior of cells from a murine fibrosarcoma., M A. Cifone and I J. Fidler
Correlation of plasminogen activation production with tumor metastasis. Abstr., G A. Mcloughlin, B S. Wang, and J A. Mannick
Correlation of plasminogen activator production with tumor metastasis. Abstr., B S. Wang, G A. Mcloughlin, and J P. Richie
Correlation of radiation-induced ultrastructural changes in mouse hepatocytes with alterations in plasma concentration of protein- -bound neutral hexoses., A A. Rene and A S. Evans
Correlation of radiation-induced ultrastructural changes in mouse hepatocytes with alterations in plasma protein-bound neutral hexoses. Abstr., A A. Rene and A S. Evans
Correlation of 'sneaking through' of tumor cells with specific immunological impairment of the host., R Mengersen, R Schick, and E Kolsch
Correlation of specific keratins with different types of epithelial differentiation: monoclonal antibody studies., S C. Tseng, M J. Jarvinen, W G. Nelson, J Huang, mitchell J. Woodcock, and T Sun
Correlation of staphylococci-induced delayed-type hypersensi- tivity and nonspecific resistance during their development, long-term duration and adoptive transfer., M Shayegani, L M. Parsons, and D S. Maupin
Correlation of structural and metabolic changes accompanying the addition of carbohydrates to ehrlich ascites tumor cells., L Packer and R H. Golder
Correlation of suppressor cell development in parental and f1 hybrid mouse strains with the growth of a parental tumor in vivo., R B. Levy, S D. Waksal, and G M. Shearer
Correlation of suppressor t cell function and t cell subsets in systemic lupus erythematosus., S Arimori, K Koriyama, and K Yamauchi
Correlation of survival from murine cytomegalovirus infection with spleen cell responsiveness to concanavalin a., J Booss and E F. Wheelock
Correlation of survival with the restoration of dna structure in x-irradiated l5178y s/s cells., E M. Goldin, A B. Cox, and J T. Lett
Correlation of the effect of ca+2 on na+ and k+ permeability and membrane potential of ehrlich ascites tumor cells., T C. Smith and K D. Vernon
Correlation of the in vivo and in vitro activities of antithymocyte sera (ats) with the immunizing antigen dose., P Vegh, E Erdos, T Janossy, and G Petri
Correlation of the in vivo antitumor effect of a series of diacridines with their enhancement of agglutination of sarcoma 180 cells by concanavalin a. Abstr., R M. Fico, T K. Chen, and E S. Canellakis
Correlation of the production of plasminogen activator with tumor metastasis in b16 mouse melanoma cell lines., B S. Wang, G A. Mclouglin, J P. Richie, and J A. Mannick
Correlation of the suppression of mitogen responsiveness and the mixed lymphocyte reaction with the proliferative response to viral antigen of splenic lymphocytes from cytomegalo- virus-infected mice., D K. Kelsey, J C. Overall, and L A. Glasgow
Correlation of transfer rna methylase activity with growth and differentiation in normal and neoplastic tissues., D H. Riddick and R C. Gallo
Correlation of tumor growth and cell-mediated immune responses of mice bearing mammary tumors following surgical procedures., D M. Lopez and M M. Sigel
Correlation of tumorigenicity with rapid in vivo and in vitro cell lysis. Abstr., J Levich, P A. Marx, and E F. Wheelock
Correlation of ultrastructural and functional damage to mitochondria of ascites l1210 cells treated in vivo with methylglyoxal-bis(guanylhydrazone) or ethidium bromide., C W. Porter, robertson F. Mikles, D Kramer, and C Dave
Correlation of urothelial morphologic characteristics with the development of bladder carcinomas in balb/c female mice administered 2-acetylaminofluorene., Y Shinohara, C H. Frith, and D L. Greenman
Correlations and genetic implications., P Barstad, J Hubert, M Hunkapiller, A Goetze, J Schilling, Black, B Eaton, J Richards, M Weigert, D L. Hood, and function G. willstructure
Correlations and heritability of hematocrit, kidney weight, and blood pressure, and the influence of pregnancy on blood pressure., Dorothy R. Mendenhall
Correlations between edema and the immediate and prolonged painful consequences of inflammation: therapeutic implications?, W R. Lariviere, E J. Chesler, Z Li, G W. Shang, Y N. Chen, Y Q. Yu, Z M. Lu, Y Chang, C Luo, K C. Li, and J Chen
Correlations between haematological parameters and age in inbred strain c57bl/10scsn mice., L Feher and S Mozsa
Correlations between humoral immunity and successful chemotherapy-immunotherapy., J L. Cantrell, J J. Killion, and G M. Kollmorgen
Correlations between some characters as the indices of lactational performance of mouse., H Nagasawa, R Yanai, M Kosugiyama, and M Fujimoto
Correlations between the dna content distribution and tritiated studies in relation to population size in sarcoma 180 in vitro., S E. Shackney and S S. Ford
Correlations between the genetic control of natural and oxazolone-induced antibody production., I Ando, J Erdei, O Makela, and J Fachet
Correlations of antitumor chemoimmunotherapy with bone marrow macrophage precursor cell stimulation and macrophage cytotoxicity., B Fisher and N Wolmark
Correlations of collagen aging and abnormal metabolic function in mice., Frederick M. Boyce
Correlative studies of arabinosyl cytosine in 2-7srna and cell death. Abstr., M W. Chu
Correlative studies on the chemotherapy of mouse and human myeloma with ab-100(ethly n-(bis(ethylenimido)phosphoro)carbamate). Abstr., D M. Hayes, C L. Spurr, and J D. Hines
Correspondence between immunological and functional domains in the transforming protein of Fujinami sarcoma virus., J C. Stone and T Pawson
Cortexolone antagonizes development of alcohol tolerance in mice., B Tabakoff and J Yanai
Cortex weight: a genetic analysis in the mouse., B E. Eleftheriou, M F. Elias, C Castellano, and A Oliverio
Cortex weight. A genetic analysis in the mouse., B E. Eleftheriou, M F. Elias, C Castellano, and A Oliverio
Cortical barrels, thalamic barreloids, and trigeminocerebellar projections in normal and reeler mutant mice. Abstr., D A. Steindler
Cortical depth changes in enriched and isolated mice., R A. Cummins, P J. Livesey, and J A. Bell
Cortical implantation of hydrocarbons in rats and mice., L L. Gershbein and I Benuck
Cortical tibial bone volume in two strains of mice: effects of sciatic neurectomy and genetic regulation of bone response to mechanical loading., Y Kodama, H P. Dimai, J Wergedal, M Sheng, R Malpe, S Kutilek, W Beamer, L R. Donahue, C Rosen, D J. Baylink, and J Farley
Corticoid-induced cleft palate as a model system for the distinction of maternal and foetal genomes interacting with exogenous teratogen., M Dostal and R Jelinek
Corticosteroid activation of ribonuclease in lymphosarcoma p1798. Abstr., R M. Mac leod, C E. King, and V P. Hollander
Corticosteroid effect on granulopoiesis in mice after cyclophosphamide., R A. Joyce and P A. Chervenick
Corticosteroid hormone receptor levels in murine solid tumor models correlate with the kinetic response to dexamethasone in vivo. Abstr., P G. Braunschweiger, H L. Ting, and L M. Schiffer
Corticosteroid-induced abnormality in fetal mice and h-2 haplotype: evidence of a cytoplasmic effect., M Melnick, M Marazita, and T Jaskoll
Corticosteroid influence on rna polymerase activity in lactating mouse mammary gland. Abstr., R Ganguly
Corticosteroid metabolism and liver glycogen in fetal and newborn mice., A F. Burton, R M. Greenall, and R W. Turnell
Corticosteroids and phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis in microsomal fractions from l5178y lymphoma., G Menykovych, M M. Standaert, E R. Matthews, and S L. Gray
Corticosteroids and the humoral immune response of mice. I. Differential effect of corticosteroids upon antibody formation to sheep red blood cells in spleen and bone marrow., R Benner, J J. Dongen, and A V. Oudenaren
Corticosteroids and the humoral immune response of mice. II. Enhancement of bone marrow antibody formation to lipopoly- saccharide by high doses of corticosteroids., R Benner and A V. Oudanaren
Corticosteroids block newly induced but not constitutive functions of macrophage cell lines. Myeloid colony-stimulating activity production, latex phagocytosis, and antibody-dependent lysis of rbc and tumor targets., P Ralph, M Ito, H E. Broxmeyer, and I Nakoinz
Corticosteroids inhibit murine macrophage ia expression and interleukin 1 production., D S. Snyder and E R. Unanue
Corticosterone and obesity in genetically obese mice. Abstr., M Saito, Y Shimomura, and G A. Bray
Corticosterone binding in cytosols from brain regions of mature and senescent male c57bl/6j mice., J F. Nelson, C F. Holinka, K R. Latham, A, and C E. Finch
Corticosterone catabolism by mouse liver: interactions between genotype and diet, J G. Shire
Corticosterone-induced isolated cleft palate in a/j mice., R M. Hackman and K S. Brown
Corticosterone in mouse adrenal in relation to sex and heterotopic pituitary isografting., F Halberg and E Hans
Corticosterone levels during midgestation in the maternal plasma and fetus of cleft palate-sensitive and -resistant mice., D S. Salomon, V D. Gift, and R M. Pratt
Corticosterone receptors and aging in mouse brain regions. Abstr., K Latham
Corticosterone response to ethanol in inbred strains of mice., R Kakihana, E P. Noble, and J C. Butte
Corticotropin peptides and melanotropins elevate the level of adenosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate in cultured murine brain cells., D Van calker, F Loffler, and B Hamprecht
Cortisol (f)-induced loss of tumor lymphocyte cell membrane integrity. Abstr., J Stevens and Y Stevens
Cortisol-induced lymphocytolysis of p1798 tumor cells in glucose- -free, pyruvate-free medium., J Stevens and Y Stevens
Cortisone acetate treatment of haemolytic anaemia in nzb mice., P J. Giltinan, M C. Holmes, and F M. Burnet
Cortisone action on serum colony-stimulating factor and bone marrow in vitro colony-forming cells., D Metcalf
Cortisone and its derivative, hydrocortisone 21-phosphate, dimishes the genetic resistance of c3h mice to mouse hepatitis virus (mhv). Abstr., R Gallily and F B. Bang
Cortisone and thymic extract in mouse viral leukemia. Abstr., J D. Levinthal and M D. Eaton
Cortisone-induced cleft palate in the mouse. A search for the genetic control of the embryonic response trait., F G. Biddle and F C. Fraser
Cortisone-induced cleft palate studies in t1wh-c57bl/6j allophenic mice. Abstr., K K. Miller
Cortisone-induced experimental cleft palate in congenic mouse strains differing at the h-2 locus., A Jirsakova and I Valhova
Cortisone-induced immunotolerance to nematode infection in cba/ca mice. I. Investigation of the defect in the protective response., T D. Lee and D Wakelin
Cortisone-induced teratogenic effects in mice., H Loevy
Cortisone resistance of murine t-suppressor cells. Antigenic-competition studies. Abstr., R Arnold and J M. Ghee
Cortisone-resistant effector t cells in acute lymphocytic choriomeningitis and listeria monocytogenes infection of mice., R M. Zinkernagel and P C. Doherty
Cortisone-treated spleen cells, restoration of in vitro antibody responses by a factor from activated t cells. Abstr., D C. Vann and S Varrati
Corynebacterial pseudotuberculosis in mice. I. Comparative susceptibility of mouse strains to experimental infection with coryne- bacterium kutscheri., chase C. Pierce, R M. Fauve, and R Dubos
Corynebacterial pseudotuberculosis in mice. II. Activation of natural and experimental latent infections., R M. Fauve, chase C. Pierce, and R Dubos
Corynebacterium kutscheri infection in the mouse. II. Diagnostic serology., S H. Weisbroth and S Scher
Corynebacterium kutscheri infection in the mouse. I. Report of an outbreak, bacteriology, and pathology of spontaneous infections., S H. Weisbroth and S Scher
Corynebacterium liquefaciens-induced suppressor t cells in graft-versus-host reaction., M Kobayashi, K Kawashima, and K Yamada
Corynebacterium parvum and cyclophosphamide as combination treatment for a murine mammary adenocarcinoma., D M. Purnell, G L. Bartlett, J W. Kreider, and T G. Biro
Corynebacterium parvum as a therapeutic antitumor agent in mice. II. Local injection., M T. Scott
Corynebacterium parvum (cp) immunotherapy of the l5178y cell tumor dormant state in dba/2 mice. Abstr., L M. Bailargeon, M K. Robinson, M Schneiderman, and E F. Wheelock
Corynebacterium parvum. Effect on radiocurability of murine tumors., L Milas, N Hunter, H B. Stone, and R H. Withers
Corynebacterium parvum: effects on the biochemistry of mouse serum and liver., S Green and A Dobrjansky
Corynebacterium parvum-induced peritoneal exudate cells with rapid cytolytic activity against tumour cells are non-phagocytic cells with characteristics of natural killer cells., E Ojo, O Haller, and H Wigzell
Corynebacterium parvum-induced radiosensitivity and cycling changes of hematopoietic spleen colony-forming units., Y Maruyama, C Magura, and J Feola
Corynebacterium parvum prevents immunization to admixed irradiated tumor cells by a local process., M J. Titus, G L. Bartlett, and J W. Kreider
Cosegregation of monoclonal antibody reactivity and cell behaviour in the mouse preimplantation embryo., B J. Randle
Costovertebral dysplasia, a dumpy mutation (dup) in the mouse. Abstr., S Oda
Cotranslational cleavage of immunoglobulin light chain precursors by plasmacytoma microsomes., M Green
Coulter counter analysis of lymphoma differentiation patterns in akr mice with lymphoid leukaemia., D Metcalf and M Brumby
Coumarin toxicity in different strains of mice., W Endell and G Seidel
Counter-current distribution of hela and mouse mast cells in different stages of the life cycle., G Pinaev, B Hoorn, and P Albertsson
Coupled complementation of immune response genes controlling responsiveness to the h-2.2 Alloantigen., M E. Dorf and J H. Stimpfling
Coupling ppd to tumour cells enhances their antigenicity in bcg-primed mice., P J. Lachmann and K Sikora
Courbes d'epuration de la radioactivite de divers tissus provenant de souris refractaires ou predisposees au cancer de la mamelle. I. Apres administration de chlormadinone tritiee., R Chemama, S Apelgot, G Rudali, M Frilley, and E Coezy
Course of production of an isoantiserum effecting tumor homograft survival in mice., N Kaliss
Covalent assembly of mouse immunoglobulin g subclasses in vitro. Application of a theoretical model for interchain disulfide bone formation., M E. Percy, R Baumal, K J. Dorrington, and J R. Percy
Covalent binding of benzidine and n-acetylbenzidine to dna at the c-8 atom of deoxyguanosine in vivo and in vitro., C N. Martin, F A. Beland, R W. Roth, and F K. Kadlubar
Covalent binding of carbon tetrachloride to dna from mouse liver chromatin in vitro. Abstr., I F. Oruambo, S Banerjee, and B L. Duuren
Covalent binding of ccnu to target tissues in c57bl/6 mice. Abstr., R Jones and A Powell
Covalent binding of diethylstilbestrol to dna catalyzed by hepatic and uterine microsomes. Abstr., A B. Okey and D W. Nebert
Covalent binding of the carcinogen trichloroethylene to hepatic microsomal proteins and to exogenous dna in vitro., S Banerjee and B L. Duuren
Covalent dna protein complexes occur after dna damage. Abstr., A E. Cress and G T. Bowden
Covalent dna-protein crosslinking occurs after hyperthermia and radiation., A E. Cress and G T. Bowden
Covalent interaction of 14c-dimethylnitrosamine with macromolecules of mouse liver and lung. Abstr., J P. Daugherty, N K. Clapp, and J B. Storer
Covalent linkage of (2'-5')pppapapa(32p)pcp to (2'-5')an- -dependent ribonucleases in cell extracts by ultraviolet irradiation., smith G. Floyd, O Yoshie, and P Lengyel
Covalent modification of nuclear proteins during aging., C C. Liew and A G. Gornall
Coxsackie b3 myocarditis in athymic mice., J A. Robinson, J B. O'connell, L M. Roeges, and R M. Gunnar
Coxsackie b-3 virus infection of germfree mice., G Mahouy, zisman B. Rager, and R D. Barnes
Coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor is essential for cardiomyocyte development., D R. Asher, A M. Cerny, S R. Weiler, J W. Horner, M L. Keeler, M A. Neptune, S N. Jones, R T. Bronson, R A. Depinho, and R W. Finberg
Coxsackievirus b3-positive mononuclear leukocytes in peripheral blood of swiss and athymic mice during infection., M P. Gomez, M P. Reyes, F Smith, L K. Ho, and A M. Lerner
Coxsackie virus susceptibility of newborn mice of different isogenic strains., S T. Torres, O S. Pinto, E Faustino, and L B. Klaczko
Cp-46,655-1: a novel lipoidal amine with antimetastatic and immunomodulatory properties., J S. Wolff, G R. Hemsworth, A R. Kraska, W W. Hoffman, S K. Figdor, D O. Fisher, R M. Jakowski, J F. Niblack, and K E. Jensen
(cp) Against l1210 leukemia. Abstr., V B. Grossie Jr., D M. Ota, R G. Smith, and D T. Loo
C. Parvum and local irradiation as treatment of a c3h fibrosarcoma. Abstr., H Suit, R Sedlacek, M Wagner, and L Orsi
C. Parvum suppression of rat tumours in athymic nude mice., M V. Pimm and R W. Baldwin
Cracking the egg: molecular dynamics and evolutionary aspects of the transition from the fully grown oocyte to embryo., A V. Evsikov, J H. Graber, J M. Brockman, A Hampl, A E. Holbrook, P Singh, J J. Eppig, D Solter, and B B. Knowles
Craniofacial anomalies in feti of c57bl/6j mice after a single oral dose of ethanol. Abstr., R M. Dumas and R Haddad
Craniofacial, caudal, and visceral anomalies associated with mutant sirenomelic mice., B Y. Orr, S Y. Long, and A J. Steffek
Craniofacial defects in first arch mutant mice. Abstr., D M. Juriloff and M J. Harris
Craniosynostosis in Twist heterozygous mice: a model for Saethre-Chotzen syndrome., E A. Carver, K F. Oram, and T Gridley
CRB1 is essential for external limiting membrane integrity and photoreceptor morphogenesis in the mammalian retina., A K. Mehalow, S Kameya, R S. Smith, N L. Hawes, J M. Denegre, J A. Young, L Bechtold, N B. Haider, U Tepass, J R. Heckenlively, B Chang, J K. Naggert, and P M. Nishina
C-reactive protein (crp)-mediated inhibition of the induction of in vitro antibody formation. I. T-cell dependence of the inhibition., R F. Mortensen
C-reactive protein in peroxisome and its relationship to the regulation of liver peroxisomal oxidases in c3h mouse with ehrlich ascites tumor growth. Abstr., Y Hokama, L Kimura, S Perreira, A Abe, and K Yamada
Creatine and creatinine in tissues and urine of mice with hereditary muscular dystrophy., A A. Kandutsch and A E. Russell
Creatine creatinine studies in the dystrophic mouse., Nancy Ann Hodgkins
Creatine entry into skeletal muscle of normal and of dystrophic mice., C D. Fitch and M Rahmanian
Creatine kinase in muscle of normal and dystrophic mice of strain 129., C J. Nichol
Creatine kinase in normal and dystrophic mouse muscle., C Nichol, P L. Geer, and J R. Miller
Creatine kinase, myokinase, and acetylcholinesterase activities in muscle-forming primary cultures of mouse terato- carcinoma cells., J D. Gearhart and B Mintz
Creatine metabolism in skeletal muscle. V. An intracellular abnormality of creatine trapping in dystrophic muscle., C D. Fitch and L G. Moody
Creatine phosphorylkinase in muscles of dystrophic mice., W O. Read
Creating a bioinformatics resource: problems and promise., Christina M. Hull
Creating a leukodystrophy database., Farre Nixon
Creating a mouse academic research commons., David Einhorn and Rita Heimes
Creating an information resource on the internet., Jefferson Hobbs
Creating a YAC contig around beta-2 microglobulin on mouse chromosome 2., Julie A. Markwardt
Creating the gene ontology resource: design and implementation., J A. Blake, J Corradi, J T. Eppig, D P. Hill, J E. Richardson, M Ringwald, and al et
Creatinine excretion as an index of myofibrillar protein mass in dystrophic mice., C E. Murry, D M. Warnes, F J. Ballard, and F M. Tomas
Creation of a bioinformatics resource: designing and implementing a phenotype vocabulary., Kelly E. Tolle
Creation of an online relational database housing human and mouse cancer genes., Andrew J. Sweatt
Creation of an RNA isoform visualization toolkit., Lukas Jordan
Creation of a targeting vector for the functional mapping of mouse chromosome 17., Edward Cho
Creation of "humanized" mice to study human immunity., T Pearson, D L. Greiner, and L D. Shultz
Cre recombinase activity specific to postnatal, premeiotic male germ cells in transgenic mice., Ngatchou P. Sadate, C J. Payne, A T. Dearth, and R E. Braun
Crescita del carcinoma mammario spontaneo del topo c3h/mza femmina in funzione dell'ora del giorno e del grado di differenziazione., J M. Echave llanos and E G. Bade
Cribiform degeneration (cri), a new recessive neurological mutation in the mouse., M C. Green, R L. Sidman, and O H. Pivetta
Cribriform degeneration (cri): a new recessive neurological mutation in the mouse., M C. Green, R L. Sidman, and O H. Pivetta
Crinkly-tail, a mild skeletal mutant in the mouse., D R. Johnson and M E. Wallace
Criteria for genetic susceptibility to tumor formation in mice., C C. Little
Critical cooperative transition of electrolyte accumulation with temperature in the guinea-pig taenia-coli and ehrlich ascitic tumor cells. Abstr., I Reisin, J Gulati, and G N. Ling
Critical function for the Ras-GTPase activating protein RASA3 in vertebrate erythropoiesis and megakaryopoiesis., Lionel Blanc, Steven L Ciciotte, Babette Gwynn, Gordon J Hildick-Smith, Eric L Pierce, Kathleen A Soltis, Jeffrey D Cooney, Barry H Paw, and Luanne L Peters
Critical intracellular methotrexate concentration for inhibition of dna synthesis in l1210 cells in vitro., R A. Bender, D R. Makula, and J M. Pitts
Critical periods affecting the development of normal and mal-adjustive social behavior of puppies., J P. Scott and M V. Marston
Critical periods for social behavior., J P. Scott
Critical periods for the effects of early handling upon adult emotionality in two species of mice: a preliminary report., Larry E. Roberts
Critical periods for the effects of infantile experience on adult learning., V H. Denenberg and R W. Bell
Critical periods in behavioral development., J P. Scott
Critical periods in the development of social behavior in puppies., J P. Scott
Critical reasoning on causal inference in genome-wide linkage and association studies., Y Li, B M. Tesson, G A. Churchill, and R C. Jansen
Critical relationships between constituents of the antigen-adjuvant emulsion affecting experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in a completely susceptible mouse genotype., J M. Lee and H A. Schneider
Critical relationships between constituents of the antigen-adjuvant emulsion in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in a completely susceptible mouse genotype. Abstr., J M. Lee and H A. Schneider
Critical role for Gab2 in transformation by BCR/ABL., M Sattler, M G. Mohi, Y B. Pride, L R. Quinnan, N A. Malouf, K Podar, F Gesbert, H Iwasaki, S Li, E t. Van, H Gu, J D. Griffin, and B G. Neel
Critical role of determinant presentation in the induction of specific responses in immunocompetent lymphocytes., D H. Katz and E R. Unanue
Critical role of endothelial Notch1 signaling in postnatal angiogenesis., K Takeshita, M Satoh, M Ii, M Silver, F P. Limbourg, Y Mukai, Y Rikitake, F Radtke, T Gridley, D W. Losordo, and J K. Liao
Critical variables of the jerne plaque technique as applied to rodent antibody-forming systems responding to heterologous red cell antigens., K F. Hubner and N Gengozian
Crohn disease lympho node homogenates produce murine lymphoma in athymic mice., K M. Das, I Valenzuela, and R Morecki
Croissance des cellules d'un fibrosarcome experimemtal irradie chez la souris c3h., E Malaise and M Tubiana
Croissance du sarcome j chez les souris soumises a une irradiation corporelle totale et traitees par la moelle osseuse., G Booz and E H. Betz
Cross antigenicity of ehrlich ascites tumor fluid. Abstr., C P. Eng
Cross circulation, chimerism and antibody production in parabiosis. Abstr., R Mc bride and M Simonsen
Crosses of NOD mice with the related NON strain. A polygenic model for IDDM., Marcia A. McAleer, Peter Reifsnyder, Sheila M. Palmer, Michal Prochazka, Jennifer M. Love, James B. Copeman, Elizabeth E. Powell, Nanda R. Rodrigues, Jan-Bas Prins, David V. Serreze, Nicole H. DeLarato, Linda S. Wicker, Laurence B. Peterson, Nicholas J. Schork, John A. Todd, and Edward H. Leiter
Cross-hybridization and relationships of various papillomavirus DNAs at different degrees of stringency., M K. O'Banion, J P. Sundberg, A A. Reszka, and M E. Reichmann
Cross-immunity among syngeneic tumors of mice., I Usubuchi, Y Sobajima, H Kudo, T Hongo, and M Sugawara
Cross-immunity between chemically-induced sarcomas, detected by trans- plantation in restricted genetic conditions., F Robert, D Oth, and F Dumont
Cross immunity elicited by tumors induced by a leukemia virus. Abstr., E J. Breyere and W P. Jordan
Crossing over between genes in the immunoglobulin heavy chain linkage group of the mouse., R Lieberman and M Potter
Crossing-over inside the h-2 locus accompanied by recombination of outside markers. Abstr., J Klein, D Bednarova, and R Sram
Crossing over within h-2 gene complex: analysis of new recombinants. Abstr., S Savarirayan, B Arneson, J Mccormick, and C S. David
Crossing-over within the a 'locus' of the mouse. Abstr., L B. Russell, M N. Daniel, and F N. Woodiel
Cross-linked features of mouse pelage hair resistant to detergent extraction., R H. Rice, V J. Wong, K E. Pinkerton, and J P. Sundberg
Cross-linked surface ig attaches to actin., J Flanagan and G L. Koch
Cross-linking of b lymphocyte fcgamma receptors and membrane immunoglobulin inhibits anti-immunoglobulin-induced blasto- genesis., N E. Phillips and D C. Parker
Crosslinking of dna in l1210 cells by bis-chloroethyl- -nitrosourea (bcnu). Difference between bcnu and nitrogen mustard (hn2). Abstr., R A. Ewig and K W. Kohn
Cross-linking of dna to nuclear proteins by difunctional alkylating agents. Abstr., W J. Steele
Cross-linking of t cell mitogens. Effects on b and t cell proliferation and immunoglobulin synthesis., T Y. Basham and M J. Waxdal
Crossover interference in the mouse., K W. Broman, L B. Rowe, G A. Churchill, and K Paigen
Crossover interference underlies sex differences in recombination rates., P M. Petkov, K W. Broman, J P. Szatkiewicz, and K Paigen
Cross plancental transfer of plutonium in mice. Abstr., J F. Weiss and H E. Walburg
Cross-priming and cross-inhibition by antibody in the influenza virus- -host antigen system., J Lindenmann
Cross-priming of CD8+ T cells by viral and tumor antigens is a robust phenomenon., W Chen, K A. Masterman, S Basta, S M. Haeryfar, N Dimopoulos, B Knowles, J R. Bennink, and J W. Yewdell
Cross-priming of murine b cells with tnp conjugates of hemo- cyanin and ficoll: characteristics of primed b cells respon- ding to both antigens., D T. Umetsu, alexander J. Chapman, and G J. Thorbecke
Cross-priming reveals similar tissue-restricted ctl-defined alloantigens on mouse, rat, and human epidermal cells., D Steinmuller and J D. Tyler
Cross-product extensions of the Gene Ontology., C J. Mungall, M Bada, T Z. Berardini, J Deegan, A Ireland, M A. Harris, D P. Hill, and J Lomax
Cross-protection and cross-reactive cytotoxic t cells induced by influenza virus vaccines in mice., R G. Webster and B A. Askonas
Cross-protection by pseudomonas aeruginosa polysaccharides., G B. Pier
Cross-reacting antigens in chemically induced sarcomas are fetal determinants., G A. Parker and S A. Rosenberg
Cross-reacting antigens in mouse strains bsvs and brvr. Abstr., D Boehme
Cross-reacting antigens on l5178y cells which serve as targets for cytotoxic t-lymphocyte lysis during establishment of the tumor dormant state., K J. Weinhold and E F. Wheelock
Cross-reacting carcinoma-associated antigens with blood group and precursor specificities., G F. Springer and P R. Desai
Cross-reacting tstas in adeno 7 and 12 tumors demonstrated by 51cr- cytotoxicity and isograft rejection tests., J Ankerst and H O. Sjogren
Cross-reacting tumor-specific transplantation of antigens in tumors induced by adenoviruses 3, 14 and 12., J Ankerst and H O. Sjogren
Cross-reaction between benzpyrene-induced tumours in rats and mice., P Koldovsky and J Svoboda
Cross-reaction of antibodies present in sera of vasectomized mice with human swollen spermheads., T Samuel, P R. Crewe, A H. Kolk, P Rumke, and R D. Barnes
Crossreaction of monoclonal anti-i-e antibodies with subsets of i-ab molecules. Abstr., W P. Lafuse, P S. Corser, M Pierres, and C S. David
Cross-reactions among carbonic anhydrases i, ii, and iii studied by binding tests and with monoclonal antibodies., R P. Erickson, G Kay, emmett D. Hewett, R E, S, and J L. Claflin
Cross-reactions among mouse tumors of different etiology as detected by macrophage electrophoretic mobility (mem) test., L Pasternak, H L. Jenssen, H Kohler, and G Pasternak
Cross-reactions of anti-i-ek monoclonal antibodies with subsets of i-ab molecules., W P. Lafuse, M Pierres, and C S. David
Cross-reactions of some anti-h-2p sera with hl-a9., E Ivaskova, P Ivanyi, H Bavorova, and I K. Egorov
Cross reactive cell-mediated immunity (cmi) to riii-mumtv-gp55 and autologous breast cancer tissue. Abstr., M M. Black, R E. Zachrau, B Shore, and H P. Jr
Cross-reactive cytotoxic responses: H-2 restricted are more specific than anti-H-2 responses., E Simpson, L E. Mobraaten, P R. Chandler, C Hetherington, M Hurme, C Brunner, and D W. Bailey
Cross-reactive cytotoxic responses. H-2 restricted are more specific than anti-h-2 responses., E Simpson, L Mobraaten, P Chandler, C Hetherington, M Hurme, C Brunner, and D Bailey
Cross-reactive cytotoxic t cells to serologically distinct vesicular stomatitis virus., K L. Rosenthal and R M. Zinkernagel
Cross-reactive idiotypes of monoclonal anti-iak antibodies: characterization with xenogenic anti-idiotypic reagents and expression in anti-h-2 humoral responses., C Devaux, S L. Epstein, D H. Sachs, and M Pierres
Cross-reactive idiotypes on heterologous anti-allotype antibody., K H. Roux and D W. Metzger
Cross-reactive idiotypic determinants on murine anti-(t,g)-a-l anti- bodies., M Schwartz, R Lifshitz, D Givol, E Mozes, and J Haimovich
Cross-reactive lysis of trinitrophenyl (tnp)-derivatized h-2 incompatible target cells by cytolytic t lymphocytes generated against syngeneic tnp spleen cells., S J. Burakoff, R N. Germain, and B Benacerraf
Crossreactive mixed lymphocyte reaction determinants recog- nized by cloned alloreactive t cells., C G. Fathman and H Hengartner
Cross-reactive t-cell antigens among mammalian species., C M. Balch, M Dagg, and M D. Cooper
Cross-reactivity among the products of three nonallelic h-2 loci, h-2ld, h-2dq, and h-2kk., T Hansen, P Ivany, R B. Levy, and D H. Sachs
Crossreactivity as a factor in the immune response to salmonella typhimurium in cba and balb/c mice., P H. Wooley and A Ebringer
Cross-reactivity between c-reactive protein (crp) and idiotypic determinants on a phsophocholine (pc) - binding myeloma protein (hopc 8). Abstr., J E. Volanakis and J F. Kearney
Cross-reactivity between h-2k and h-2d products. I. Evidence for extensive and reciprocal serological cross-reactivity., D B. Murphy and D C. Shreffler
Cross reactivity between h-2k and h-2d products. II. Identification of the cross reacting specificities., D B. Murphy and D C. Shreffler
Cross reactivity between h-2k and h-2d products. Iii. Effect of h-2k-h-2d cross sensitization on skin graft survival., D B. Murphy and D C. Shreffler
Cross-reactivity between hl-a and h-2 antigens. II. Allogeneic sensitization by xenogeneic soluble lymphocyte antigens (hl-a)., B D. Gotze, S Lee, S Ferrone, M A. Pellegrino, and R A. Reisfeld
Cross-reactivity between human and murine lymphocyte antigens, iii. Reactivity of h-2 allo- and xenoantisera with human lymphoid cells., M A. Pellegrino, S Ferrone, K K. Mittal, D Gotze, A I. Terasaki, and R A. Reisfeld
Cross reactivity between synthetic t,g a-l and transplantation antigens in cba mice., A Ebringer and D A. Davies
Cross-reactivity exists between mlsa and mlsd lymphocyte- -activating determinants as demonstrated by the negative clonal selection of responder cells in a mixed lymphocyte reaction., J J. Ryan, A Ahmed, P Kind, and K W. Sell
Cross-reactivity for different type a influenza viruses of a cloned t-killer cell line., L Y. Lu and B A. Askonas
Cross-reactivity in the radioimmunoassay of ferritin with cells from high- and low-responder mice. Abstr., N J. Deacon and A Ebringer
Cross-reactivity of cell-mediated immunity between interstitial (type i) and basement membrane (type iv) collagens., A M. Mackel, F Delustro, and E C. Leroy
Cross-reactivity of cell surface antigens of different species. Abstr., E Sabbadini, C Chen, and A Sehon
Cross-reactivity of rat, mouse, and human igd., H Golding, M A. Cuchens, G A. Leslie, and M B. Rittenberg
Cross-reactivity of t-cell 'helper' function., G Birnbaum, M Weksler, and G Siskind
Crossreactivity of the h-2 restriction determinants between normal and mutant variants of the h-kb molecule. Abstr., S S. Clark and J Forman
Cross-reactivity of the npa and npb idiotypic responses of balb/c and c75lb/6 mice to (4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenyl)acetyl (np)., S White, M E, and kari T. Imanishi
Cross-reactivity patterns of igm and igg anti-lipopoly- saccharide antibodies in individual mice., R Di pauli
Cross-reactivity patterns of murine cytotoxic t lymphocytes., A Mullbacher and R V. Blanden
Cross-reactivity patterns of vaccinia-specific cytotoxic t lymphocytes from h-2kb mutants., J L. Hurwitz, S Pan, P J. Wettstein, and P C. Doherty
Cross-reactivity to types 1 and iv collagen by delayed-type hypersensitivity (dth). Abstr., A M. Mackel, F Delustro, and E C. Leroy
Cross-reactivity with mouse antigens in the ferritin immunogenetic (ir-gene) system., N J. Deacon, M Monteil, N N. Suh, C R. Young, and D A. Davies
Cross-referencing radiation hybrid data to the recombination map: lessons from mouse chromosome 18 [In Process Citation], L B. Rowe, M E. Barter, and J T. Eppig
Cross-reinnervation of dystrophic mouse muscle., P Law and H Atwood
Cross resistance between actinomycin-d, adriamycin and vincristine in a murine solid tumour in vivo., S B. Kaye and J A. Boden
Cross-resistance of cultured murine leukemia vincristine- -resistant p388 cells to vinblastine, vindesine, and bis(n-ethylidene vindesine) disulfide, disulfate., L J. Wilkoff and E A. Dulmadge
Cross-resistance to protein synthesis inhibitors of an adriamycin-resistant subline of p388 leukemia. Abstr., M P. Chitnis and R K. Johnson
Cross-resistance to the periodate oxidation product of 6-(methyl- mercapto)purine ribonucleoside in the l1210/mp-mempr ascites tumor. Abstr., J P. Bell and G A. Lepage
Cross-resistance to the transplantation of syngeneic friend, moloney, and rauscher virus-induced tumors., J P. Glynn, J L. Mccoy, and A Fefer
Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies of adjustive behavior in dogs., J L. Fuller
Cross species immunosuppressive effects of antilymphocyte serum in mice and rats., T Motoji and C Chiba
Cross-species reactivity of rabbit-anti-mouse brain associated theta sera. Abstr., S D. Waksal and R L. Pierre
Cross-stimulation of monoclonal antibodies in anamnestic responses., M Cramer and D G. Braun
Cryopreservation and orthotopic transplantation of mouse ovaries: new approach in gamete banking., J Sztein, H Sweet, J Farley, and L Mobraaten
Cryopreservation in a transgenic program., L E. Mobraaten
Cryopreservation of bone marrow with low molecular weight poly- vinylpyrrolidone., M D. Persidsky, V Richards, and J Leef
Cryopreservation of erythropoietin-responsive cells in murine hematopoietic tissue., J W. Crowder, C D. Dunn, and J B. Jones
Cryopreservation of hemopoietic stem cells., Jonathan M. Chen
Cryopreservation of immunological memory and other lymphoid cell functions., D Naor and C O'toole
Cryopreservation of in vitro fertilized 2 cell mouse embryos using a low glycerol concentration and normothermic cryo- protectant equilibration: a comparison with in vivo fertilized ova., A Bernard and B J. Fuller
Cryopreservation of marrow and stromal stem cells. Abstr., S Boswell, E Niskanen, M Coppola, and P Quesenberry
Cryopreservation of murine spermatozoa., J K. Critser and L E. Mobraaten
Cryopreservation of spleen and tumor cells for serial testing of cell- -mediated immunity. Abstr., R Almaraz, D Thor, J Harrington, and J B. Aust
Cryoprotection of day-4 mouse embryos by methanol., W F. Rall, M Czlonkowska, S C. Barton, and C Polge
Crypt cell isolation in the small intestine of the mouse., V C. Kremski, L Varani, C Desaive, P Miller, and C Nicolini
Cryptococcal capsular polysaccharide-induced modulation of murine immune responses., J F. Breen, I C. Lee, F R. Vogel, and H Friedman
Cryptosporidiosis in a gray squirrel., J P. Sundberg, D Hill, and M J. Ryan
Cryptosporidium in a wild cottontail rabbit (Sylvilagus floridanus)., M J. Ryan, J P. Sundberg, R J. Sauerschell, and K S. Todd
Crystalline excrements in bronchitis and cholecystitis of mice., Y H. Yang and J S. Campbell
Crystallization of purified mouse encephalomyocarditis virus particles., P Faulkner, E M. Martin, S Sved, and T S. Work
Crystallization with hapten of the fab fragment from mouse iga myeloma protein with antidinitrophenyl activity., D Inbar, M Rotman, and D Givol
Crystals and concretions on the vaginal of persistent-estrous mice., N Takasugi and H A. Bern
Crystals in dense bodies in the typical thyroid epithelial cell of the i mouse., P Neve and S H. Wollman
Crystals of phosphorylcholine-binding mouse myeloma fab' fragments suitable for high resolution x-ray crystallographic analysis. Abstr., D M. Segal, S Rudikoff, M Potter, and D R. Davies
CSF-1-induced and constitutive Il6 gene expression in mouse macrophages: evidence for PKC-dependent and -independent pathways., S J. Kamdar, J A. Fuller, and R Evans
CSF-1-induced and constitutive Il6 gene expression in mouse macrophages: evidence for PKC-dependent and -independent pathways., S J. Kamdar, J A. Fuller, and R Evans
CSF-1 (M-CSF) differentially sensitizes mononuclear phagocyte subpopulations to endotoxin in vivo: a potential pathway that regulates the severity of gram-negative infections., A I. Chapoval, S J. Kamdar, S G. Kremlev, and R Evans
CSF-1 regulation of Il6 gene expression by murine macrophages: a pivotal role for GM-CSF., R Evans, L D. Shultz, G Dranoff, J A. Fuller, and S J. Kamdar
Ct hybridomas: tumor cells capable of lysing virally infected target cells., R B. Whitaker, R S. Kauffman, M Che, and R Finberg
Ctive enhancement of donor-strain skin in mice bearing h-2d-incompatible heart allografts., R J. Corry and S E. Kelley
CTLA-4-Ig activates forkhead transcription factors and protects dendritic cells from oxidative stress in nonobese diabetic mice., F Fallarino, R Bianchi, C Orabona, C Vacca, M L. Belladonna, M C. Fioretti, D V. Serreze, U Grohmann, and P Puccetti
Ctl cross-reactivities reveal shared immunodominant determinants created by structurally homologous regions of mhc class i antigens., P Hunt and D W. Sears
(ctl's) In the murine sarcoma virus system. Virus-specific ctl induction across the h-2 barrier., D Collavo, A Parenti, G Biasi, L C. bianchi, N A. Se, and lymphocytes R. T
C-type and intracisternal a-type virus particles during epidermal carcinogenesis by tobacco smoke condensate in balb/c mice., M C. Bibby and G M. Smith
C type murine leukaemia virus particles in tetraparental akr-cba chimaeras., E J. Wills, M Tuffrey, and R D. Barnes
C-type particles in primary and transplanted lung tumors induced in balb/c mice by hydrazine sulfate, electron microscopic and immuno- diffusion studies., E Bucciarelli and R Ribacchi
C-type virus antigens detected by immunofluorescence in human bone tumour cultures., C Zurcher, J Brinkhof, P Bentvelzen, and J C. Man
C-type viruses to phosphoglucomutase-1 on chromosome 5., J N. Ihle, D R. Domotor, N L. C3h/hej, and B E. Ecotropic
C-type virus particles in a cell line from a lymphosarcoma of a nude mouse., T S. Tralka, A S. Rabson, and C T. Hansen
C-type virus particles in human tumours transplanted into nude mice., B G. Achong, P A. Trumper, and B C. Giovanella
C-type virus particles in human urogenital tumours after hetero- transplantation into nude mice., H Wunderli, D D. Mickey, and D F. Paulson
C-type virus particles in urethan-induced pulmonary and renal carcinomas, in cell-graft-transmitted carcinosarcomas, and in filtrate-induced lymphomas in mice., L Gross, D Feldman, Y Dreyfuss, and L A. Moore
C-type virus protein p30 in blood from inbred mice correlates with their later incidence of leukemia., B A. Nexo and H Krog
Cub-cellular transmissible agent from ehrlich carcinoma cells producing ascites tumours in mice., S Tolnai, R Scantland, and J F. Morgan
Culated with ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells., N Uehara, S Shirakawa, H Uchino, Y Saeki, D M. Nozaki, and E. Ino
Cultivation and in vitro characterization of mouse phagocytic cells., R Evans
Cultivation and in vitro characterization of mouse phagocytic cells., R Evans
Cultivation in vitro of cells derived from adult c3h mouse ventral prostate., T T. Chen and C Heidelberger
Cultivation of a mouse tumor cell line (carcinoma 755). Abstr., J W. Winter, P M. Joson, and W Antopol
Cultivation of gross virus-induced murine thymic lymphoma cells in vitro., D T. Imagawa, H Issa, and M Nakai
Cultivation of gross virus induced thymic lymphoma in vitro. Abstr., D T. Imagawa and H A. Issa
Cultivation of mouse embryos explanted at 11 days., L M. De villarreal and D L. Fisher
Cultivation of mouse embryos in vitro., D A. New and K F. Stein
Cultivation of mouse thymus in organ culture., D Pinkel
Cultivation of mouse thymus in vitro. Abstr., D Pinkel
Cultivation of post-implantation mouse and rat embryos on plasma clots., D A. New and K F. Stein
Cultivation of the mammary tumor virus. Abstr. Lillia babbitt hyde found. Conf. On mammary tumor virus, inverness,, E Y. Lasfargues
Culture and recovery of macrophages and cell lines from tissue culture-treated and -untreated plastic dishes., S A. Fleit, H B. Fleit, and pazner S. Zolla
Cultured leukemia p388 cells resistant to vincristine (p388/vcr); cross-resistance to vinblastine (nsc 49842), vindesine (nsc 24567), and bis(n-ethylidene vindesine) disulfide, disulfate (nsc 277096). Abstr., L J. Wilkoff and E A. Dulmadge
Cultured mammary tumor cells. Abstr., R W. Gillette
Cultured mouse marrow cell lines: interactions between fibroblastoid cells and monocytes., D Zipori, A Friedman, M Tamir, D Silverberg, and Z Malik
Cultured peripheral blood lymphocytes, and comparison with this system in man., P De boer, P P. Buul, R V. Beek, F A. Hoeven, D A. Natarajan, and S R. Using
Cultured rodent cells by x-irradiation., N Venkatesan, L J. Alfred, G Torralba, D W. Benedict, and E O. In
Cultured spleen cells in vivo. Abstr., B Fox, S Malcom, D Allor, D Gordon, M O'hara, F Hetzel, D S. Dienst, and D V. Con a
Cultured thymic epithelium and immunological reconstitution. Abstr., wissermann H. Schulte, D Manning, and R Hong
Cultured thyroid allografts induce a state of partial tolerance in adult recipient mice., J A. Donohoe, L Andrus, K M. Bowen, C Simeonovic, T J. Prowse, and K J. Lafferty
Cultured t lymphocytes cytotoxic for a syngeneic lymphoma: derivation in con a-conditioned medium and in vivo activity., J Bertoglio, D Gerlier, and J P. Gerard
Culture-induced suppression. Relevance to in vitro sensitization and tumor therapy. Abstr., P Greenberg and A Fefer
Culture in vitro du virus de friend., P Vigier and A Golde
Culture media for mouse oocyte maturation affect subsequent embryonic development., J J. Van de Sandt, A C. Schroeder, and J J. Eppig
Culture of cells in beem capsules: a new technique for electron microscopic study of monolayer cultures., J J. Eppig, E H. Leiter, and C Waymouth
Culture of cells in beem capsules. A new technique for electron microscopic study of monolayer cultures., J J. Eppig, E H. Leiter, and C Waymouth
Culture of cloned cells from the mouse preputial gland tumor esr 586., T G. Rossman, L Prutkin, and V R. Wheatley
Culture of l1210 cells stored at -190 degrees c., M A. Esterman, R W. Johnson, and M J. Sweeney
Culture of mouse fetal liver cell line FL88 on low-glutamine- free media., Carolyn A. Merrifield
Culture of mouse preimplantation embryos as a quality control assay for human in vitro fertilization., S B. Ackerman, R J. Swanson, G K. Stokes, and L L. Veeck
Culture of mouse preputial sebocyte tumor cells. Abstr., T Rossman, D Stone, L Prutkin, V Wheatley, and W Troll
Culture of pancreatic islet cells from normal and diabetic mice., Jane Ellen Fisher
Culture of the 2-cell mouse ova., Judith A. Cholewa
Cultures. I. Influence of i-region on the generation of suppressor cells., Y T. Kim, A Schwartz, C Moody, G W. Siskind, D M. Weksler, and T O. Cell
Cultures infected with murine sarcoma virus. Abstr., T E. O'connor, C Aldrich, A Hadidi, N Lomax, P Okano, S Sethi, D H. Wood, and S A. Cell
Cultures of pancreatic cells from dbdb mice. Abstr., W Bolton, A E. Iii, K Andrews, S Terrell, and B R. Brinkley
Culture supernatants from methylcholanthrene-induced fibro- sarcoma enhance mitogen response. Abstr., R M. Nathanson and T B. Tomasi
Culture systems for mammalian oocyte development: progress and prospects., J J. Eppig and A C. Schroeder
Cumulative effect or independent effect?, D W. Bailey
Cumulative effects of aldosterone administration on three inbred strains of mice., C. Steven Tomashefsky
Cumulative immunogenicity of h-2 antigens., R J. Graff, S Mayberry, W T. Newton, C B, and E A. Codd
Curative chemotherapy of advanced 239pu-induced osteosarcoma (239pu os) in mice with 2-beta-d-ribofuranosylthiazole-4- -carboxamide (t-car) and of advanced leukemia l1210 with t-car plus bcnu. Abstr., F M. Schabel Jr., D P. Griswold Jr., T H. Corbett, W R. Laster, and M W. Trader
Cure of a mouse lymphoma with radio-iodinated antibody., T Ghose and A Guclu
Cure of a solid tumor by simultaneous administration of microwaves and x-ray irradiation., A Yerushalmi
Cure of mice bearing advanced plasma cell tumours with aniline mustard. The relationship between glucuronidase activity and tumour sensitivity., T A. Connors and M E. Whisson
Cure of mice bearing advanced plasma cell tumours with anilin mustard., M E. Whisson and T A. Connors
Cure rate and induced resistance produced by various nitrosoureas on the lsa ascites lymphoma of the c57bl mouse. Abstr., J Feola and Y Maruyama
Curly bare (cub), a new mouse mutation on chromosome 11 causing skin and hair abnormalities, and a modifier gene (mcub) on chromosome 5., K R. Johnson, P W. Lane, S A. Cook, B S. Harris, Bailey P. Ward, R T. Bronson, B L. Lyons, L D. Shultz, and M T. Davisson
Curly-whiskers and its linkage with tail-kinks in linkage group ii of the mouse., D S. Falconer and J H. Isaacson
Current perspectives on the cellular mechanisms of immunologic tolerance., D E. Parks and W O. Weigle
Current problem areas in the study of b lymphocyte differentiation., G J. Nossal, K Shortman, M Howard, and B L. Pike
Current status of mammalian immunogenetics., R D. Owen
Cursors. I. The ctl immunocompetence of peanut agglutinin- -positive (cortical) and negative (medullary) lyt 123 thymocytes., H Wagner, C Hardt, R Bartlett, M Rollinghoff, D K. Pfizenmaier, and H. Pre
Curtailed, a new dominant t-allele in the house mouse., A G. Searle
Customized molecular phenotyping by quantitative gene expression and pattern recognition analysis., S Akilesh, D J. Shaffer, and D Roopenian
Cutaneous basophil hypersensitivity (cbh) in c3h/hej mice contact sensitized with dinitrochlorobenzene. Abstr., I Hurtado and C Urbina
Cutaneous changes in rhino mice fed high levels of vitamin a. Abstr., R E. Davies, P D. Forbes, and W C. Johnson
Cutaneous dendritic cell populations in the "Flaky-skin Fsn mouse, a mutation resembling psoriasis., Tina Marie Hahn
Cutaneous fibromas of moose (Alces alces)., J P. Sundberg, K Morris, and W D. Lancaster
Cutaneous fibropapilloma in a mountain lion (Felis concolor)., F Y. Schulman, A E. Krafft, T Janczewski, I Mikaelian, J Irwin, and K Hassinger
Cutaneous fibropapilloma in a pronghorn antelope., J P. Sundberg, E Williams, E T. Thorne, and W D. Lancaster
Cutaneous fibropapillomas and renal myxofibroma in a green turtle, Chelonia mydas., T M. Norton, E R. Jacobson, and J P. Sundberg
Cutaneous immunomolecular pathological phenotyping of mutant mice., Sarah M. Hamilton
Cutaneous inverted papillomas in dogs., K L. Campbell, J P. Sundberg, M H. Goldschmidt, C Knupp, and M E. Reichmann
Cutaneous leishmaniasis in anti-igm-treated mice: enhanced resistance due to functional depletion of a b cell-dependent t cell involved in the suppressor pathway., D L. Sacks, P A. Scott, R Asofsky, and F A. Sher
Cutaneous leishmaniasis in mice: disease patterns in reconsti- tuted nude mice of several genotypes infected with leishmania tropica., G F. Mitchell, J M. Curtis, E Handman, and I F. Mckenzie
Cutaneous lipids of the rhino mouse. Abstr., R E. Davies and W A. Austin
Cutaneous neoplasms in dogs associated with canine oral papillomavirus vaccine., C L. Bregman, R S. Hirth, J P. Sundberg, and E F. Christensen
Cutaneous papillomas associated with herpesvirus-like infection in a herd of captive African elephants., E R. Jacobson, J P. Sundberg, J M. Gaskin, G V. Kollias, and M K. O'Banion
Cutaneous penile mass in a guinea pig., S M. Prattis, D Dixon, and J P. Sundberg
Cutaneous reactions in mice injected intradermally with allogeneic cells., D Dekaris and N Allegretti
Cutaneous reactions in mice injected intradermally with cells from heavily irradiated syngeneic donors., N Allegretti and D Dekaris
Cutaneous smooth muscle tumors in the dog and cat., S M. Liu and I Mikaelian
Cutaneous ultrastructural features of the flaky skin (fsn) mouse mutation., K Morita, M E. Hogan, L B. Nanney, L E. King, M Manabe, T T. Sun, and J P. Sundberg
Cutting edge: systemic inhibition of angiogenesis underlies resistance to tumors during acute toxoplasmosis., C A. Hunter, D Yu, M Gee, C V. Ngo, C Sevignani, M Goldschmidt, T V. Golovkina, S Evans, W F. Lee, and Tikhonenko A. Thomas
Cutting edge: the minor histocompatibility antigen H60 peptide interacts with both H-2Kb and NKG2D., A Cerwenka, C A. O'Callaghan, J A. Hamerman, R Yadav, W Ajayi, D C. Roopenian, S Joyce, and L L. Lanier
Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase and age-related hearing loss., E M. Keithley, C Canto, Q Y. Zheng, X Wang, Ghodsian N. Fischel, and K R. Johnson
Cxbk mice deficient in opiate receptors show poor electro- acupuncture analgesia., J M. Peets and B Pomeranz
Cycasin-induced central nervous system lesions in postnatal mice., V L. Sanger, M Yang, and O Mickelsen
Cycle-dependent removal of certain methylated bases from dna of 10t1/2 cells treated with n-methyl-n-nitrosoguanidine., G J. Smith, J W. Grisham, and D G. Kaufman
Cycle-related toxicity and transformation in 10t1/2 cells treated with n-methyl-n'-nitro-n-nitrosoguanidine., J W. Grisham, D S. Greenberg, D G. Kaufman, and G J. Smith
Cycles of hair growth in hairless mice., U Iversen and O H. Iversen
Cyclic 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate phosphodiesterase in the thymus of normal and leukemic mice., L A. Menahan and R G. Kemp
Cyclic 3',5'-amp phosphodiesterase acitivity during cyclic amp- -induced differentiation of neuroblastoma cells in culture., K N. Prasad and S Kumar
Cyclic adenosine 3'.5'-monophosphate And methotrexate transport in l1210 cells., G B. Henderson, E M. Zevely, and F M. Huennekens
Cyclic adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate-dependent protein phos- phorylation and the control of leukemia l1210 cell growth., M I. Mednieks, R A. Jungmann, and W D. Dewys
Cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate in the control of melanoma cell replication and differentiation., J W. Kreider, M Rosenthal, and N Lengle
Cyclic adenosine 3'.5'-monophosphate Phosphodiesterase activity in malignant and cyclic adenosine 3'.5'-monophosphate-induced 'differentiated' Neuroblastoma cells., S Kumar, G Becker, and K N. Prasad
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate and ovarian follicular fluid act synergistically to inhibit mouse oocyte maturation., S M. Downs and J J. Eppig
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate-mediated stabilization of mouse neuroblastoma cell neurite microtubules exposed to low temperature., W L. Kirkland and P R. Burton
Cyclical changes in susceptibility of a myeloma tumor (lpc-1) to immune destruction. I. Changes in reactivity with cytotoxic t lymphocytes and anti-h-2d sera., E Celis, A H. Hale, J H. Russell, and H N. Eisen
Cyclical changes in susceptibility of a myeloma tumor (lpc-1) to immune destruction. Iii. Periodic production of a cell surface glycoprotein and changes in reactivity with cytotoxic t cells and anti-h-2d sera., E Celis, T W. Chang, and H N. Eisen
Cyclical changes in susceptibility of a myeloma tumor (lpc-1) to immune destruction. II. Periodic fluctuations during growth in normal and nude mice and in culture., A H. Hale, E Celis, J H. Russell, and H N. Eisen
Cyclical maturation in a murine myeloma cell line. Abstr., G Saunders and M Wilder
'Cyclic alopecia' in Msx2 mutants: defects in hair cycling and hair shaft differentiation., L Ma, J Liu, T Wu, M Plikus, T X. Jiang, Q Bi, Y H. Liu, Rover S. Muller, H Peters, J P. Sundberg, R Maxson, R L. Maas, and C M. Chuong
Cyclic amp accumulation in cerebral cortex tissue from inbred strains of mice., A Sattin
Cyclic amp agents on the morphological differentiation of isolated neuroblastoma clones., K N. Prasad, B Mandal, J C. Waymire, G J. Lees, A Vernadakis, D N. Weiner, and L O. Of
Cyclic amp and growth of ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Lack of cyclic amp elevation in nutritionally deprived cells and mechanism of retardation of growth by dibutyryl cyclic amp., E Kaminskas, M Field, and E C. Henshaw
Cyclic amp and immune responses. Changes in the splenic level of cyclic amp during the response of mice to antigen., O J. Plescia, I Yamamoto, and T Shimamura
Cyclic amp and immune responses: cytochemical identification and localization of adenylate cyclase responding cells in antigen-stimu- lated mouse spleen., T Shimamura, H Sasadaira, H Hasagawa, K Watanabe, A Hashimoto, and S Sasaki
Cyclic amp and immune responses: identification of prostaglandin e-producing cells in mouse spleens., T Shimamura, H Sasadaira, S Tsuru, Y Zinnaka, A Hashimoto, and S Sasaki
Cyclic amp and t-cell differentiation., M Bach and G Beaurain
Cyclic amp and the preparation of the mouse uterus for implantation., F T. Webb
Cyclic amp as a negative regulator of hormonally induced lactogenesis in mouse mammary gland organ culture., J W. Perry and T Oka
Cyclic amp, atp and cell contact., S Bannai and J Sheppard
Cyclic amp binding proteins. Their possible significance in the malignancy of neural and nonneural tumor cells. Abstr., K N. Prasad and P K. Sinha
Cyclic amp-dependent protein kinase content of murine t and b lymphocytes., R A. Ortez
Cyclic amp-dependent protein kinases from normal and sv40- -transformed 3t3 cells., A J. Gharrett, A M. Malkinson, and J R. Sheppard
Cyclic amp-induced differentiated mouse neuroblastoma cells lose tumourgenic characteristics., K N. Prasad
Cyclic amp-induced differentiation of neuroblastoma cells in culture, changes in the adenylate cyclase response to catecholamines. Abstr., K N. Prasad and K N. Gilmer
Cyclic AMP induction of tyrosine aminotransferase., David Alan Harris
Cyclic amp levels and the morphological differentiation of mouse neuroblastoma cells., J R. Sheppard and K N. Prasad
Cyclic amp-mediated induction of ornithine decarboxylase of glioma and neuroblastoma cells., U Bachrach
Cyclic amp metabolism of b16 melanoma cell clones. Abstr., J R. Sheppard, T P. Koestler, and G Poste
Cyclic amp modulation of fc receptor expression on a pre-b cell lymphoma., S W. Burchiel and N L. Warner
Cyclic amp phosphodiesterase activityof murine t and b lymphocytes., R Winchurch, W Hait, and B Weiss
Cyclic amp potentiates down regulation of epidermal growth factor receptors by platelet-derived growth factor., E B. Leof, N E. Olashaw, W J. Pledger, and E J. O'keefe
Cyclic amp regulation of mammary tumor virus production., J Yang and S Nandi
Cyclic amp regulation of mammary tumor virus production. Abstr., J Yang and S Nandi
Cyclic amp regulation of mitogen-induced interferon production and mitogen suppression of immune response., H M. Johnson
Cyclic amp regulation of mitogen induced interferon production and mitogen suppression of the immune response. Abstr., H M. Johnson
Cyclic amp specific, calcium independent phosphodiesterase from a malignant murine mast cell tumor., K Sankaran, D M. Kuhn, and W Lovenberg
Cyclic changes in radiosensitivity of s-180 ascites tumor cells following partial synchronization by fractional irradiation. Abstr., T C. Evans and A L. Boynton
Cyclic changes in the number of antibody forming cells following immunization of mice with sheep erythrocytes. Abstr., M Sammartino, E Sammartino, M Azar, and A Dalmasso
Cyclic changes in the squamo-columnar junction of the mouse cervix uteri., C E. Graham
Cyclic estrogen administration and mammary adenocarcinoma in male c3h mice. Abstr., A B. Okey and G H. Gass
Cyclic expression of blood group determinants in murine cells and their relationship to growth control., D B. Thomas
Cyclic gmp metabolism in relation to the regulation of cell growth in balb/c3t3 cells., H Yasuda, N Hanai, M Kurata, and M Yamada
Cyclic gmp. Reduction of cerebellar concentrations in 'nervous' mutant mice., C C. Mao, A Guidotti, and S Landis
Cyclic gmp stimulates lymphocyte mucleic acid synthesis., Y Weinstein, D Chambers, H Bourne, and K Melmon
Cyclic guanosine monophosphate. Elevation in degenerating photoreceptor cells of the c3h mouse retina., D B. Farber and R N. Lolley
Cyclic hematopoiesis: animal models., J B. Jones and R D. Lange
Cyclic luteotropic action of fractional and multiple pituitary iso- grafts in the mouse. Abstr., H C. Browning and W D. White
Cyclic nucelotide levels in normal and biologically fractionated mouse retina: effects of light and dark adaptation., G W. Devries, A I. Cohen, I A. Hall, and J A. Ferrendelli
Cyclic nucelotides and adrenergic stimulation of brown fat in genetically obese mice. Abstr., J Skala, I M. Shaikh, and L Vacek
Cyclic nucleoside phosphodiesterase activity in intact lymphocytes, macrophages and mast cells., S A. Saeed, N M. Butt, D Sheldon, D J. Edwards, D W. Taylor, and A O. On
Cyclic nucleotide analogs as carcinostatic agents., G Le page and E M. Hersh
Cyclic nucleotide analogues oas therapeutic agents. Abstr., T A. Khwaja, J C. Shih, and S Pentecost
Cyclic nucleotide changes in response to BMF., Phillip L. Wagner
Cyclic nucleotide content and granule cell degeneration in the developing cerebellum of staggerer mice., K Spinka, D B. Farber, and R N. Lolley
Cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinase activity in malignant and cyclic amp-induced "differentiated" neuroblastoma cells in culture., K N. Prasad, D Fogleman, M Gaschler, P K. Sinha, and J L. Brown
Cyclic nucleotide levels in mouse mammary epithelial cells during growth arrest and growth initiation in culture., E F. Howard, D F. Scott, and J O. Manter
Cyclic nucleotide levels in resting and mitogen-stimulated spleen cell suspensions from young and old mice., C F. Tam and R L. Walford
Cyclic nucleotide metabolism during lymphocyte transfor- mation. I. Enzymatic mechanisms in changes in camp and cgmp concentration in balb/c mice., B J. Shenker and I Gray
Cyclic nucleotide metabolism during lymphocyte transfor- mation. II. Comparative studies in the nude balb/c mouse., B J. Shenker and I Gray
Cyclic nucleotide metabolism in mouse brain during seizures induced by bicuculline or dibutyryl cyclic guanosine monophosphate., C G. Wasterlain and E Csiszar
Cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity in normal and degenerative retinae. Abstr., S Y. Schmidt
Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity in normal mice and mice with retinal degeneration., R M. Robb
Cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase. An early defect in inherited retinal degeneration of c3h mice., S Y. Schmidt and R N. Lolley
Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (cn pde) mediation of serum- -induced changes in growth and cyclic nucleotide (cn) levels of cultured fibroblasts. Abstr., W J. Pledger and S J. Strada
Cyclic nucleotides and the effect of prolactin on uridine incorpora- tion into rna in mammary gland explants of mice., J A. Rillema
Cyclic nucleotides as inhibitors of methotrexate uptake by cultured leukemia l1210 cells. Abstr., A W. Schrecker and F M. Huennekens
Cyclic nucleotides as intracellular mediators of b cell activation., J Watson
Cyclic nucleotides during chondrogenesis: concentration and distribution in vivo and in vitro., W C. Ho, R M. Greene, J Shanfeld, and Z Davidovitch
Cyclic phenomena in the graft-versus-host reaction., E A. Cornelius, E J. Yunis, and C Martinez
Cyclic radiation-induced radiosensitivity fluctuations in the cells of a mouse mammary carcinoma., R F. Kallman
Cyclic variation in the h-2 isoantigenic expression of mouse lymphoma cells in vitro., B Bjaring, G Klein, and I Popp
Cyclic variation of hemolytic plaque forming cells (hpfc) in c57bl/6 mice. Effect on the immunopharmacology of histamine and con a. Abstr., M J. Dimartino, D E. Griswold, C E. Wolff, E Webb, T, and D T. Walz
Cyclic variations in allograft immunity detected by the technetium- -99m microcytotoxicity assay. Abstr., G Y. Gillespie and R F. Barth
Cyclic variations in cell-mediated immunity to skin allografts detect- ed by the technetium-99m microcytotoxicity assay., G Y. Gillespie and R F. Barth
Cyclic variations in protein, dna and ribosomal rna synthesis in 6c3hed lymphoma cell cultures due to essential amino acid depletion., K A. Ellem, A M. Fabrizio, and L G. Jackson
Cyclin D2 is an FSH-responsive gene involved in gonadal cell proliferation and oncogenesis., P Sicinski, J L. Donaher, Y Geng, S B. Parker, H Gardner, M Y. Park, R L. Robker, J S. Richards, L K. McGinnis, J D. Biggers, J J. Eppig, R T. Bronson, S J. Elledge, and R A. Weinberg
Cyclin E ablation in the mouse., Y Geng, Q Yu, E Sicinska, M Das, J E. Schneider, S Bhattacharya, W M. Rideout, R T. Bronson, H Gardner, and P Sicinski
Cyclization of t-cell helper activity., D A. Lawrence
Cycloaliphatic amino acids in cancer chemotherapy., R B. Ross, C I. Noll, W C. Ross, M V. Nadkarni, B H. Morrison, and H W. Bond
Cycloheximide affects memory within minutes after the onset of training., L R. Squire, G A. Smith, and S H. Barondes
Cycloheximide induction of xenotropic type c virus from synchronized mouse cells. Metabolic requirements for virus activation., J S. Greenberger and S A. Aaronson
Cycloheximide prevention of triamcinolone-induced cleft palate in mice. Abstr., E F. Zimmerman and H Kalter
Cyclophosphamide-adriamycin combination chemotherapy of transplantable murine tumors., T H. Corbett, D P. Griswold, J G. Mayo, W R. Laster, and F M. Jr
Cyclophosphamide (cy) and allogeneic marrow. Abstr., G W. Santos, O O. Disease, and L C. With
Cyclophosphamide delays 3-methylcholanthrene sarcoma induction in mice., I Hellstrom and K E. Hellstrom
Cyclophosphamide. Drug interactions and bone marrow transplantation., K Kovacs and A D. Steinberg
Cyclophosphamide eliminates suppressor t cells in age-assoc- iated central regulation of delayed hypersensitivity in mice., A Mitsuoka, S Morikawa, M Baba, and T Harada
Cyclophosphamide. I. Effects on survival and colony-forming cells in bdf1 l-1210-bearing mice., T L. Pazdernik and E M. Uyeki
Cyclophosphamide-induced changes in the cellular composition of a methylcholanthrene-induced tumor and their relation to bone marrow and blood leukocyte levels., R Evans, L D. Madison, and D M. Eidlen
Cyclophosphamide-induced changes in the cellular composition of a methylcholanthrene-induced tumor and their relation to bone marrow and blood leukocyte levels., R Evans, L D. Madison, and D M. Eidlen
Cyclophosphamide-induced changes in the mrl-lpr/lpr mouse: effects upon cellular composition, immune function, and disease., H R. Smith, T M. Chused, and A D. Steinberg
Cyclophosphamide-induced chimerism., J P. Glynn, A Fefer, and B L. Halpern
Cyclophosphamide-induced chromosomal aberrations in meiotic cells of male mice., P Goetz, A M. Malashenko, and N Surkova
Cyclophosphamide-induced graft-versus-host immunotolerance., M Van winkle
Cyclophosphamide-induced oncogenic transformation, chromosomal breakage, and sister chromatid exchange following microsomal activation., W F. Benedict, A Banerjee, and N Venkatesan
Cyclophosphamide-induced tolerance to equine gamma-globulin and to equine antimouse thymocyte globulin in adult mice. II. Resulting prolongation of cardiac allografts in atg-treated animals., G D. Stockman, K P. Judd, and J J. Trentin
Cyclophosphamide-induced tolerance to equine gamma globulin and to equine-anti-mouse-thymocyte globulin in adult mice. I. Studies on antigen and drug requirements., G D. Stockman and J J. Trentin
Cyclophosphamide inhibited b cell receptor regeneration as a basis for drug-induced tolerance., F L. Shand and J G. Howard
Cyclophosphamide-mediated selective elimination of suppressor cell activity from the spleen of mice bearing a large mopc-315 tumor. Abstr., M B. Mokyr and S Dray
Cyclophosphamide plus other selected antineoplastic agents., G R. Gale, L M. Atkins, S J. Meischen, and A B. Walker
Cyclophosphamide-potentiated west nile viral encephalitis. Relative influence of cellular and humoral factors., D L. Camenga, N Nathanson, and G A. Cole
Cyclophosphamide pretreated mouse., G W. Santos, O T. Quantitative, and S O. The
Cyclophosphamide resistant ly 1 t cells induced by soluble immune complexes initiate suppression of macrophages. Abstr., V S. Rao and M S. Mitchell
Cyclophosphamide-sensitive and cyclophosphamide-resistant suppressor cells in the immune response to alloantigens., B Bonavida, I V. Hutchinson, and A Thomas
Cyclophosphamide-sensitive contrasuppression in tnp-anterior chamber associated immune deviation (tnp-acaid)., J C. Waldrep
Cyclophosphamide-sensitive t lymphocytes suppress the in vivo generation of`antigen-specific cytotoxic t lymphocytes., M Rollinghoff, powitz A. Starzinski, K Pfizenmaier, and H Wagner
Cyclophosphamide therapy of mouse leukemia, tumor-induced reduction in drug toxicity., S D. Parks and G F. Hill
Cyclophosphamide tolerance as a test for antigenicity of nucleic acids., A D. Steinberg, T M. Chused, M E. Jacobs, and N Talal
Cyclophosphamide treatment of mouse systemic lupus erthematosus. Abstr., R E. Horowitz and E L. Dubois
Cyclophosphamide treatment of mouse systemic lupus erythematosus., R E. Horowitz, E L. Dubois, J Weiner, and L Strain
Cyclopropane fatty acid synthase from Escherichia coli., F R. Taylor, D W. Grogan, and J E. Cronan
Cyclopropane fatty acid synthase of Escherichia coli. Stabilization, purification, and interaction with phospholipid vesicles., F R. Taylor and J E. Cronan
Cyclosporin a as a means of preventing rejection of skeletal muscle allografts in mice., D J. Watt, T A. Partridge, and J C. Sloper
Cyclosporin a inhibition of normal and malignant t cell lines. Abstr., M P. Merker, N K. Terrell, L M. Yu, and R E. Handschmacher
Cyclosporin receptor on mouse lymphocytes., B Ryffel, P Donatsch, U Gotz, and M Tschopp
Cyclosporins: immunosuppressive agents with antitumor activity., W Kreis and A Soricelli
Cystamine et epilation des souriceaux par les rayons x., D V. Radivojevic, M L. Beaumariage, and Z M. Bacq
Cystic adenomatous hyperplasia of the equine allantois: a report of eight cases.
Cystic disorders of the kidney., R R. Fox
Cystic fibrosis--a hybrid model., B S. Danes, S D. Holley, and J F. Watkins
Cysts in mice induced with extracts of lung tissue from cases of sheep pulmonary adenomatosis similar to cysts caused by rous sarcoma virus in rats., V S. Shapiro, A M. Gardachyan, V M. Mitrofanov, and L A. Zilber
Cysts of mice induced with sheep adenomatosis virus similar to the cysts of rats caused by rous sarcoma virus. Abstr., L A. Zilber, A M. Gardashyan, and V S. Shapiro
Cysts of the epididymis, cancer of the cervix, granular cell myo- blastoma, and other lesions after estrogen injection in newborn mice., T B. Dunn and A W. Green
Cyte reactions to suppression by murine amnionic fluid and its components., C J. Krco, E Johnson, C S. Tomasi, F I. Mhc, and N. Lympho
Cytes allowing theor distinction from natural killer cells and "k" cells., A Kimura, A Orn, G Holmquist, H Wigzell, D B. Ersson, and L. Lympho
Cytes are lysed by autologous spleen cells and spherules of coccidioides immitis., D L. Danley, A E. Hilger, P Boonlayangoor, D E. Millhouse, and I. Erythro
Cytes of dystrophic mice., C L. Ludwig, langevin C. Kanellopoulos, K J. Kim, B J. Morse, I Immun, and C. Lympho
Cytic neoplasm in a chemically characterized medium., V J. Evans, J F. Larock, T H. Al, N T. Isolation, and E. Lympho
Cytidine 3',5'-monophosphate (cyclic cmp). II. Initiation of leukemia l-1210 cell growth in vitro., A Bloch, G Dutschman, and R Maue
Cytoarchitecture of ehrlich ascites carcinoma implanted in the hind limb of ascorbic acid-supplemented mice., H E. Gruber, H H. Tewfik, and F A. Tewfik
Cytochalasin b binding to ehrlich ascites tumor cells and its relationship to glucose carrier., J Cuppoletti, E Mayhew, and C Y. Jung
Cytochalasin b enhances hormone and cholera toxin-stimulated cyclic amp accumulation in s49 lymphoma cells., P A. Insel and A M. Koachman
Cytochalasin b-induced triploidy in mouse oocytes fertilized in vitro., A Niemierko and A Komar
Cytochalasin effects on balb/3t3 fibroblasts, dose-dependent, reversible alteration of motility and cytoplasmic cleavage., M Gail and C Boone
Cytochemical characteristics of leukopoietic differentiation in murine erythroleukemic (friend) cells., G Fioritoni, L Bertolini, G Torlontano, and R Revoltella
Cytochemical characterization of the myoepithelial cells in palatine glands., S S. Han, S K. Kim, and M I. Cho
Cytochemical correlates of structural sexual dimorphism in glandular tissues of the mouse. I. Studies of the renal glomerular capsule., J S. Hanker, J W. Preece, and E K. Macrae
Cytochemical demonstration of acid phosphatase in peripheral blood cells in rauscher virus infection., S A. Lawrence, R E. Mass, and B V. Siegel
Cytochemical effects of 9-a-fluorohydrocortisone (9-afh) on p1798 lymphoma as compared with amethopterin (mtx) and 5-fluorouracil (5-fu). Abstr., A Lindner, T Kutham, H Toliver, B Rucker, and J Arradondo
Cytochemical effects of antimetabolites and steroids on ascites tumors, a histochemical study. Abstr., A Lindner and T Kutham
Cytochemical fractionation of the lettre-ehrlich ascites tumor., L A. Sauer, A P. Martin, and E Stotz
Cytochemical identification of protein amino acids in the cell coat of mouse ascites tumor cells., G J. Gasic and F Loebel
Cytochemical localization of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity at developing synapses., A Adinolfi and S Schmidt
Cytochemical localization of lactate dehydrogenase in muscular dys- trophy of the mouse., H D. Fahimi and P Roy
Cytochemical localization of ouabain-sensitive, k+-dependent p-nitro-phenylphosphatase (transport atpase) in the mouse central and peripheral nervous systems., A W. Vorbrodt, A S. Lossinsky, and H M. Wisniewski
Cytochemical localization of tyrosinase activity in pigmented epithelial cells of Rana pipiens and Xenopus laevis larvae., J J. Eppig and J N. Dumont
Cytochemical studies of adenylate cyclase in the choroid plexus and brain vessels of rat and mouse., A W. Vorbrodt, G Szumanska, and D H. Dodrogowska
Cytochemical studies on golgi apparatus, gerl, and lysosomes in neurons of dorsal root ganglia in mice., J Boutry and A B. Novikoff
Cytochemical studies on the mouse mammary tumor virus., G H. Smith
Cytochemical study of casein-induced and nitrogen mustard accelerated amyloidosis in mice., J Kazimierczak
Cytochemistry of l1210 cells., H J. Woodliff
Cytochemistry of nucleic acids in murine lymphoma cells infected with polyoma virus in vitro., R Love and A S. Rabson
Cytochemistry of the biosynthesis of ribonucleic acid in ehrlich's ascites carcinoma., G P. Georgiev and V L. Mant'eva
Cytochemistry of the nk/ly lymphoma., A Kurnatowski and R G. Willighagen
Cytochimie ultrastructurale des granules mastocytaires dans les ganglions de la souris., R Courtoy and L Simar
Cytochrome and peroxidase activities in mammalian erythrocytes and the ascites tumor cells. Abstr., I Siegel
Cytochrome c oxidase activity in t/t6 (balanced lethal) mutant mice., R L. Blake
Cytochrome oxidase (co) and na+, k+-atpase (atpasse) activities in brown adipose tissue (bat) of obese (ob/ob) mice (om). Abstr., A W. Knehans, D R. Romsos, and G A. Leveille
Cytochrome oxidase in the liver of the c3h mouse with carcinoma., F L. Haven, B A. Boyd, J B. Bacon, and W R. Bloor
Cytochrome p1-450 induction involves transcriptional control: proof with the use of a cloned dna probe. Abstr., R H. Tukey and D W. Nebert
Cytochrome p-450 dependent deethylase activity in rat and hairless mouse skin microsomes., S J. Moloney, J M. Fromson, and J W. Bridges
Cytochrome P-450 in a cultured human lymphocyte cell line., H L. Gurtoo, A J. Marinello, H J. Freedman, B Paigen, and J Minowada
Cytocidal action of the quinone group and its relationship to antitumor activity., A Begleiter
Cytocidal activities of 2-bromo- 2'deoxyadenosine in cultured human leukemic cells and its therapeutic performance against l1210 leukemia in mice. Abstr., M Huang, T L. Avery, J A. Montgomery, J A. Secrist, I, and R L. Blakley
Cytocidal activity and proliferative ability of macrophages infiltrating the emt6 tumor., C C. Stewart and K L. Beetham
Cytocidal and cytostatic ability of corynebacterium liquefaciens in mouse squamous cell carcinoma in vivo., K Ando, M Urano, and S Koike
Cytocidal effect of chloroform-activated serum on ascites tumor cells., C A. Apffel
Cytocidal effects of intracellular 67gallim and 125iodine. Abstr., K G. Hofer, R L. Warters, and J M. Smith
Cytodifferentiation of human fetal lung tissue following transplantation into "nude" mice., P Groscurth and G Tondury
Cytodynamics in the thymus of young adult mice. A quantitative study on the loss of thymic blast cells and non-proliferative small thymocytes., M H. Claesson and N R. Hartman
Cytodynamics of primary immunological response of the regional lymph node., M Zaleski, kossakowska T. Rymaszewska, paul B. Kossowska, and K Wlodarski
Cytogenesis of murine mammary tumors in balb/cfc3h and balb/cf- riii strains., G Bevilacqua
Cytogenetical and biochemical studies of 19 primary plasma cell neo- plasms induced in balb/c mice., T H. Yosida, H T. Imai, and K Moriwaki
Cytogenetical studies of neoplastic cells and leukaemogenesis., P C. Koller, V Wallis, and C Talukdar
Cytogenetic analysis of early stages of embryogenesis in mice hetero- zygous for robertsonian translocation t1ald., V S. Baranov and A P. Dyban
Cytogenetic analysis of hermaphrodite mice., Lester R. Schwartz
Cytogenetic analysis of meiotic chromosomes of irradiated mice and their progeny after treatment with streptomycin and dihydrodeoxy- streptomycin. Abstr., N Savkovic, J Pecevski, and A Djelineo
Cytogenetic analysis of oocytes and early preimplantation embryos from xo mice., F W. Luthardt
Cytogenetic analysis of pseudolinkage of LDH loci in the teleost genus Salvelinus., M T. Davisson, J E. Wright, and L M. Atherton
Cytogenetic analysis of sarcoma 37 tumor strain resistant to sarcoly- sin. Abstr., M A. Arsenieva and S N. Gorkova
Cytogenetic analysis of the first cleavage division in mouse embryos., R P. Donahue
Cytogenetic analysis of the inactivated component in transplanted mixtures of spleen cells to two different genotypes., R V. Petrov, R M. Khaitov, and V S. Yegorova
Cytogenetic analysis of the spontaneous murine b-cell leukemia (bcl1)., R Voss, G Maftzir, and S Slavin
Cytogenetic analysis of x-ray-induced chromosome aberrations in spontaneously leukaemic akr mice., J Szollar
Cytogenetic and dominant lethal studies on captan., H Tezuka, S Teramoto, M Kaneda, R Henmi, N Murakami, and Y Shirasu
Cytogenetic changes induced by 1-(n1-methylhydrazinomethyl)-n- -isopropyl benzamine in ehrlich ascites tumor cells., A T. Huang, J Gutterman, and P Hochstein
Cytogenetic characteristics of some strain specific tumors after transplantation in non-inbred animals. (in Russian), V K. Voitovitsky
Cytogenetic characterization of c1300 neuroblastoma cells., S Warter, J C. Hermetet, and treska J. Cieselski
Cytogenetic damage in spermatogonia of mice from 239pu, external fission neutrons, and 60co gamma radiations. Abstr., D Grahn, C H. Lee, J J. Russell, and A Lindenbaum
Cytogenetic distinction between the tk+ and tk- chromosomes in the l5178y tk+/- 3.7.2c Mouse-lymphoma cell line., J Hozier, J Sawyer, D Clive, and M Moore
Cytogenetic effect of mitomycin c and cytosine arabinoside in mice of different genotypes., N I. Surkova and A M. Malashenko
Cytogenetic effects of hycanthone in the mouse. Abstr., R J. Davis and K W. Petersen
Cytogenetic effects of inhaled benzene in murine bone marrow: induction of sister chromatid exchanges, chromosomal abberations, and cellular proliferation inhibition in dba/2 mice., R R. Tice, D L. Costa, and R T. Drew
Cytogenetic effects of myleran in vivo in bone-marrow cells from male mice., A Leonard and E D. Leonard
Cytogenetic effects of plutonium-239 in male mice., C V. Beechey, D Green, E R. Humphreys, and A G. Searle
Cytogenetic effects of protracted exposures to alpha- particles from plutonium-239 and to gamma-rays from cobalt-60 compared in male mice., A G. Searle, C V. Beechey, D Green, and E R. Humphreys
Cytogenetic effects of protracted gamma exposures from conception of male mice., A G. Searle and C V. Beechey
Cytogenetic effects of x-rays and fission neutrons in female mice., A Searle and C Beechey
Cytogenetic effects on in vivo bone-marrow cells of mus musculus induced by a commercial 2,4,5-t ester product., L Davring and K Hultgren
Cytogenetic evidence for and frequency of adjacent-2 disjunction in murine t(1;13)70h male heterozygotes., M Oshimura, S Sonta, and A A. Sandberg
Cytogenetic identification of leukemic and nonleukemic cells in akr/j mice with transplanted akr(rb6.15)1ald Lymphoma. Abstr., G N. Schwartz, J A. Biegel, and S S. Boggs
Cytogenetic investigation of meiotic chromosomes of male mice after chronic caffeine treatment., I Adler and G Rohrborn
Cytogenetic investigations of mutagenic action of caffeine in premeiotic spermiogenesis in mice., I Adler
Cytogenetic investigations on an ehrlich ascites tumor, and four sublines resistant to daunomycin, adriamycin, vincristine and vinblastine., L Hasholt and K Dano
Cytogenetic mapping of the trisomic segment of chromosome 15 in murine t-cell leukaemia., F Wiener, S Ohno, J Spira, ghera N. Haran, and G Klein
Cytogenetic observations, in mouse secondary spermatocytes, on numerical and structural chromosome aberrations induced by cyclophosphamide in various stages of spermatogenesis., F Pacchierotti, D Bellincampi, and D Civitareale
Cytogenetic radiosensitivity and chiasma frequency in wild and labora- tory mice., R J. Berry, C V. Beechey, and A G. Searle
Cytogenetic replication studies on murine t-cell leukemias with special consideration to chromosome 15., I E. Somssich, J Spira, H Hameister, and G Klein
Cytogenetics., Muriel T. Davisson
Cytogenetics of mouse leukemia earad1 carried serially in the original isogenic hybrid strain., A T. Banerjee and S P. Banerjee
Cytogenetics of mouse leukemia l1210. I. Association of a specific chromosome with dihydrofolate reductase activity in amethopterin- -treated sublines., J L. Biedler, A M. Albrecht, and D J. Hutchison
Cytogenetics of murine thymic lymphomas induced by n-methyl-n- -nitrosourea: difference in incidence of trisomy 15 in thymic lymphomas induced in neonatal and adult mice., F P. Chan, B Ens, and J V. Frei
Cytogenetic stability of an ascitic tumour 't.a.h.l.m.68' In the mouse., N Arroyo and C R. Murcia
Cytogenetic studies of rfm mice which are susceptible to host versus graft disease following the perinatal inoculations of (t6 x rfm)f1 spleen cells and of t6t6 mice which are not., R C. Hard Jr., S S. Cross, G Brede, and W H. Carter
"cytogenetic" Studies of spermatids of mice carrying cattanach's translocation by flow cytometry., M L. Meistrich, W Gohde, R A. White, and J L. Longtin
Cytogenetic studies of the spontaneous heteroplastic-transplantable ascites tumor discovered in a mouse. Abstr., Y Ojima, S Takayama, and F Kato
Cytogenetic studies on adriamycin sensitive and resistant p388 mouse leukemic cells. Abstr., R Ganapathi, R C. Sobti, A Krishan, and C G. Zubrod
Cytogenetic studies on h-2 alloantigenic loss variants selected from heterozygous tumors., F Wiener, T Dalianis, and G Klein
Cytogenetic studies on iga/lambda-producing murine plasmacytomas: regular occurrence of a t(12;15) translocation., F Wiener, M Babonits, J Spira, G Klein, and M Potter
Cytogenetic studies on the mechanism of formation of isoantigenic variants in somatic cell hybrids. I. Banding analyses of isoanti- genic variant sublines derived from the fusion of ta3ha carcinoma with mswbs sarcoma cells., F Wiener, T Dalianis, G Klein, and H Harris
Cytogenetic study of differences in radiosensitivity of noninbred, inbred, and hybrid mice., G M. Ronichevskaya
Cytogenetic study of spontaneous cleft palate mice and cats. Abstr., H T. Loevy
Cytogenetic study of spontaneous lympholeukemia in akr mice, with transplantation to animals of an isogenic line., G M. Ronichevskaya, L A. Bogdanova, and L N. Zvereva
Cytogenetic variability in radiation induced mouse leukaemia., P L. Ilbery, S M. Winn, and C A. Barnes
Cytokine expression in graft vs. host disease., Tabitha Staley
Cytokine gene expression in cancer and the effects of lipopolysaccharide., Garret Djeu
Cytokine mRNA levels in C57BL/6J-lpr/lpr--> +/+ GVH-like syndrome., Jeffrey C. Rathmell
Cytokine release by macrophages after interacting with CSF-1 and extracellular matrix proteins: characteristics of a mouse model of inflammatory responses in vitro., S G. Kremlev, A I. Chapoval, and R Evans
Cytokinesis failure generating tetraploids promotes tumorigenesis in p53-null cells., T Fujiwara, M Bandi, M Nitta, E V. Ivanova, R T. Bronson, and D Pellman
Cytokinetic analysis of l1210 leukemia after continuous infusion of hydroxyurea in vivo., R E. Moran and M J. Straus
Cytokinetic analysis of tumor growth., P K. Lala and H M. Patt
Cytokinetic approaches to predict optimal scheduling of ara-c. Abstr., R E. Moran and M J. Straus
Cytokinetic changes during continous infusion of ara-c in l1210 leukemic mice. Abstr., M J. Straus
Cytokinetic characterization of small cells in spontaneous akr leu- kemia. Abstr., M Omine and S Perry
Cytokinetic considerations of murine neuroblastoma (c1300) as a screening model for the childhood disease., J Z. Finklestein and J Weiner
Cytokinetic effects of cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum (cp) on l1210 leukemia in vivo. Abstr., R E. Moran and M J. Straus
Cytokinetic effects of hyperbaric oxygen in two murine tumors. Abstr., D C. Ihde, F W. Bostick, and V T. Vita
Cytokinetic measurements of spontaneous c3h mammary tumors. Abstr., L Poulakos
Cytokinetics of igg vs igm pfu response in the lungs of c3h mice., R N. Hiramoto and N M. Hamlin
Cytokinetics of the krebs 2 carcinoma. I. Its effect on the cell population kinetics of duodenal crypt proliferation., A C. Schmeer
Cytokinetics of the s-180 ascites tumor system., L M. Schiffer, J S. Nelson, B Dilettuso, and W Randolph
Cytokinetic studies of spontaneous akr leukemia by 1 g sedimentation. Abstr., M Omine and S Perry
Cytokinetic studies of the regenerative phase in the jb-1 ascites tumour., P Dombernowsky, P Bichel, and N R. Hartmann
Cytokinetic studies on adriamycin sensitive and resistant p388 cells. Abstr., R Ganapathi, W Reiter, A Krishan, and C G. Zubrod
Cytokinetic variations during ageing and regenerative growth in the jb-1 ascites tumour studies by impulse cytophotometry., P Dombernowsky and P Bichel
Cytological analysis of bone marrow present in the bone nodules induced by human fl cells in mice., K Wlodarski and M Jakobisiak
Cytological analysis of catecholamine synthesis on the ontogenesis of vertebrates and problems of melanogenesis., N A. Smitten
Cytological analysis of effects of maleuric acid (ma) on ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Abstr., T Okada and E Roberts
Cytological analysis of effects of maleuric acid on ehrlich ascites tumor cells., T A. Okada and E Roberts
Cytological analysis of parabiotic disease in mice., B Nakic, R L. Teplitz, and S Ohno
Cytological analysis of seven dominant genes affecting the neural tube in mice., C R. Wrathall
(cytological Analysis of the action of high energy protons. Compara- tive data on the effect of 660 million electron-volt protons and co60 gamma-rays on the testes.) (russ.), E S. Gaidova, V N. Ivanov, and S P. Yarmonenko
Cytological and cytochemical analysis of two mouse cancer cell lines. Caryotype, number of nucleoli, dna, rna and protein contents., R Bassleer and F D. Paermentier
Cytological and histological events following a single injection of antithymocytic serum in mice., C Ropke
Cytological and histological events in allogeneic parabionts., M Jurin and N Allegretti
Cytological and histological events in allogeneic parabionts. Abstr., M Jurin
Cytological and histological studies on the pancreatic islets of a diabetic strain of the mouse., M Nakamura
Cytological and histological study of lymphocytes in the thymus of BCLAS mice and associated work., Donald L. Erickson
Cytological and molecular characterization of centromeres in Mus domesticus and Mus spretus., S Narayanswami, N A. Doggett, L M. Clark, C E. Hildebrand, H U. Weier, and B A. Hamkalo
Cytological and ultrastructural comparisons of t12/t12 and normal mouse morulae., P G. Calarco and E H. Brown
Cytological and ultrastructural comparisons of t12t12 and normal mouse morulae. Abstr., P G. Calarco and E H. Brown
Cytological and ultrastructural study of the lymphoid-like and x cell populations in mouse bone marrow during the neonatal period., L J. Simar, J Boniver, J L. Carpentier, E H. Betz, and J Haot
Cytological basis of tetraploidization mechanism found in mouse plasma cell tumor, mspc-1., H T. Imai, T H. Yosida, and K Moriwaki
Cytological changes in regional lymph nodes of mice elicited by skin grafts., M Zaleski and V Viklicky
Cytological characteristics of the exocrine pancreatic cells with regard to their position in relation to the islets of langerhans., B Hellman, A Wallgren, and B Petersson
Cytological damage produced in the mouse testes by tritiated thymi- dine, tritiated water and x-rays., B E. Lambert
Cytological detection of the c25h deletion involving the albino (c) locus on chromosome 7 in the mouse., D A. Miller, V G. Dev, R Tantravahi, O J. Miller, M B. Schiffman, A. Yates, and waelsch S. Gluecksohn
Cytological effects of maleuric acid and related substances on ehrlich ascites cells. Abstr., T A. Okada and E Roberts
Cytological events in allo-stimulated lymphocytes triggered by exposure to alloantigens. V. Response to disrupted target cells., P B. Poulsen and L H. Nielsen
Cytological events in allo-stimulated lymphocytes triggered by exposure to stimulatory alloantigens., P B. Poulsen and L H. Nielsen
Cytological events in allo-stimulated lymphocytes triggered by exposure to stimulatory alloantigens. IV. The influence of prednisolone., P B. Poulsen and L H. Nielsen
Cytological expression of x-ray damage in radiosensitive l5178y cells. Abstr., U Ehmann, H Nagasawa, and J Lett
Cytological identification of male and female somatic cells in the mouse., H F. Stich and T C. Hsu
Cytological identification of the chromosomes involved in Searle's translocation and the location of the centromere in the X chromosome of the mouse., E M. Eicher, M N. Nesbitt, and U Francke
Cytological identification of the chromosomes involved in searles translocation and the location of the centromere in the x chromosome of the mouse., E M. Eicher, M N. Nesbitt, and U Francke
Cytological instability in tumors of Picea glauca., D deTorok and P R. White
Cytological investigation on the t-locus in mus musculus l. Abstr., duszynska I. Geyer
Cytological investigations on the t-locus in mus musculus l., duszynska I. Geyer
Cytological investigations with a new class of cytotoxic agents, methylhydrazine derivatives., A Rutishauser and W Bollag
Cytological morphology of a virus-containing mouse testicular inter- stitial cell tumor., R J. Stephens, schneider N. Pourreau, and W U. Gardner
Cytological observations of the interzonal connection in ehrlich ascites tumor cells during mitosis., T A. Okada
Cytological observations on sexual dimorphism in submandibular glands of mice. Abstr., W H. Wilborn
Cytological organization of the dorsal lateral geniculate nuclei in mutant anophthalmic and postnatally enucleated mice., M J. Cullen and abramof I. Kaiserman
Cytological responses in tumor-bearing mice to phosphomucolipid., A Mita and M Nakazawa
Cytological shifts in the spleen of mice belonging to lines c57bl and c3h during antibody formation. (russ., Eng. Summ.), R V. Petrov, V M. Man'ko, V V. Shikhodyrov, and A L. Pozdnyakov
Cytological studies of 'balloon cells' occurring in the ehrlich ascites carcinoma., S Tolnai
Cytological studies of lymphogenic and hematogenic metastases in mh-134 mouse hepatoma. Abstr., N Inui
Cytological studies of mouse gliomas. Abstr., J Yamashita
Cytological studies of tumors, xxxvii. Chromosome conditions of animal tumors after deep freezing., Y Kimura and Y Kikuchi
Cytological studies on the effect of radiation. II. Modification of frequency of x-ray induced chromatid breaks in ehrlich tumor cells by pretreatment with dinitrophenal., T H. Yosida, K Moriwaki, Y Matano, and K R. Utsumi
Cytological studies on the organization of dna in giant trophoblast nuclei of the mouse and the rat., P W. Barlow and M I. Sherman
Cytological study of an x-autosome translocation in mus musculus., S Ohno and B M. Cattanach
Cytological study of a transplantable ascites plasma-cell neoplasm in mice. Abstr., Y Kurita and T H. Yosida
Cytological study of searle's x-autosome translocation in mus musculus., S Ohno and M F. Lyon
Cytological variations of b-16 melanoma cells., F Hu, J L. Swedo, and J H. Watson
Cytologic analysis of irradiated mice injected with f1 hybrid lymphoid cells., M Matosic and N Allegretti
Cytologic and cytotoxic changes induced by nucleic acids., A G. Smith
Cytologic evidence for preferential inactivation of the paternally derived x chromosome in xx mouse blastocysts., N Takagi, N Wake, and M Sasaki
Cytologic manifestations of neoplastic transformation in vitro., B E. Barker and K K. Sanford
Cytologic studies of cultured cells of the cloudman s-91 mouse melanoma., R Barishak, S R. Wellings, and B V. Siegel
Cytologic study of dystrophia muscularis mouse muscles, observations on nucleic acid metabolism and nuclear distribution., A Kitiyakara
Cytologische untersuchungen an mauseascitestumoren., J Schoneich
Cytology and histology of haemopoietic cell transplantation under the influence of als in mice. II. The effect of marrow from donors pre- treated with antilymphocyte serum (als) on the recipient., S Thierfelder, paradisi E. Rodriguez, W Mempel, and E Beil
Cytology and histology of haemopoietic cell transplantation under the influence of antilymphocyte serum (als) in mice. I. The in vivo effect of antilymphocytic globulin on haemopoietic tissue., paradisi E. Rodriguez, S Thierfelder, D Gotze, M Eulitz, and E Beil
Cytology of experimental teratomas and teratocarcinomas., M Dominis, I Damjanov, and D Solter
Cytology of experimental teratomas and teratocarcinomas., M Dominis, I Damjanov, and D Solter
Cytology of the granular ducts of the mouse submaxillary gland. Abstr., H Hoffman and E Burnett
Cytology of the xxy mouse., B M. Slizynski
Cytolysis in agar of nucleated target cells by antibody forming cells. Abstr., H Fuji, M Zaleski, and F Milgrom
Cytolysis of akr thymocytes by isoantisera. Abstr., A E. Reif and J M. Valzania
Cytolysis of mouse lymph node cells by alloantibody, a comparison of guinea-pig and rabbit complements., G Haughton and M P. Gehee
Cytolysis of nucleated cells by complement: inhibition of membrane-transmethylation enhances cell death by c5b-9., G M. Hansch, M Betz, and M L. Shin
Cytolysis of tumor cells by murine macrophages. Abstr., D Berd and G Heminover
Cytolysis of tumor cells by murine pulmonary lymphocytes. Abstr., J L. Caldwell and H B. Kaltreider
Cytolytic action of 60-f derived from live hemolytic strep- tococci against ehrlich carcinoma cells., Y Higuchi, S Nakamura, S Kigoshi, and S Shoin
Cytolytic activity against tumor cells by macrophage cell lines and augmentation by macrophage stimulants., T Taniyama and H T. Holden
Cytolytic activity of arboviruses in murine leukemic lymphoblasts. Abstr., T B. Stim and W G. Downs
Cytolytic activity of macrophages isolated from primary murine sarcoma virus (msv)-induced tumors., T Taniyama and H T. Holden
Cytolytic activity of macrophages isolated from primary murine virus (msv)-induced tumors. Abstr., T Taniyama and H T. Holden
Cytolytically active murine t-cell hybrids., M Nabholz, M Cianfriglia, O Acuto, A Conzelmann, W Haas, H V. Boehmer, H R. Mcdonald, H Pohlit, and J P. Johnson
Cytolytic and cytostatic anti-tumor activities of macrophages from mice injected with murine sarcoma virus., P Puccetti and H T. Holden
Cytolytic and proliferative activity of a permanent t killer cell line., G Dennert
Cytolytic antibodies to methylcholanthrene-induced sarcomas elicited by immunization of syngeneic mice., F Merino, C J. Abeyounis, and F Milgrom
Cytolytic antibodies to murine lymphomas elicited by immunization with allogenic and syngenic tumors., C J. Abeyounis and F Milgrom
Cytolytic antibody-electronic counting analysis of normal and chimeric tissues., E M. Uyeki
Cytolytic effect of 6-hydroxydopamine on neuroblastoma cells., P U. Angeletti and montalcini R. Levi
Cytolytic effect of homogenates of mouse adenocarcinomas on white cells., E Ponder and R V. Ponder
Cytolytic efficiency of rabbit-anti-mouse antilymphocytic globulin and its augmentation by antiglobulin., M Woodruff and M Inchley
Cytolytic microassays and studies of sv40 tumor-specific transplanta- tion antigen., R W. Smith and P T. Mora
Cytolytic t cells activated by h-2-controlled e molecules cross-react with a molecules., I Vucak, A Juretic, Z A. Nagy, and J Klein
Cytolytic thymus-derived lymphocytes specific for allogeneic stimulator cells crossreact with chemically modified syngeneic cells., F Lemonnier, S J. Burakoff, R N. Germain, and B Benacerraf
Cytolytic T lymphocyte clones with helper-cell characteristics., M B. Widmer, D C. Roopenian, and F H. Bach
Cytolytic t-lymphocyte clones with helper cell characteristics., M B. Widmer, D C. Roopenian, and F H. Bach
Cytolytic t lymphocyte precursor cells in congenitally athymic c57bl/6 nu/nu mice: quantitation, enrichment, and specificity., J L. Maryanski, H R. Macdonald, B Sordat, and J Cerottini
Cytolytic t lymphocyte precursors reactive against mutant kb alloantigens are as frequent as those reactive against a whole foreign haplotype., M B. Widmer and H R. Macdonald
Cytolytic t lymphocyte responses to metabolically inactivated stimulator cells. II. Effect of a soluble "costimulator" factor(s) in primary and secondary mixed leukocyte culture., A Kelso and W Boyle
Cytolytic t lymphocyte responses to metabolically inactivated stimulator cells. I. Metabolic inactivation impairs both cd and ld antigen signals., A Kelso and W Boyle
Cytomegalovirus-induced immune suppression. II. Cell-mediated immunity., R Howard, J Miller, and J Najarian
Cytomegalovirus infection increases development of atherosclerosis in Apolipoprotein-E knockout mice., E Hsich, Y F. Zhou, B Paigen, T M. Johnson, M S. Burnett, and S E. Epstein
Cytometric analysis of neoplastic transformation of vertebrate cell populations., C H. Fox, J A. Dvorak, and K K. Sanford
Cytomorphological effects of a new antitumor substance, s-339, on yoshida ascites tumor., H Takita, C Hossenlopp, and T Hata
Cytopathic effect of humoral antibodies and sensitized spleen cells against fibroblasts, the possible role played by antigens acquired from culture media., H E. Taylor and C F. Culling
Cytopathic effects of deuterium oxide on the male gonads of the mouse and dog., A P. Amarose and D M. Czajka
Cytopathogenic xc assay for bone marrow from mice infected with murine leukemia viruses., K Nooter and D Aarssen
Cytophilic antibodies in mice contact-sensitized with oxazolone. Immunochemical characterization and preferential binding to a trypsin-sensitive macrophage receptor., P W. Askenase and B J. Hayden
Cytophotometric assessment of phagocytosis and pinocytosis on single resident and exudate murine peritoneal macrophages., J M. Papadimitriou and I V. Bruggen
Cytophotometric data on fluorochromed cervical cells., M Masin and F Masin
Cytophotometric deoxyribonucleic acid studies on livers of xenogeneic radiation chimeras., E M. Uyeki and R L. Buschbom
Cytophotometry of dna in liver cell nuclei during postnatal growth, new aspects of dna class cells., A O. Pogo, J R. Funes, and J Mordoh
Cytoplasmic 14c-labeled arginine basic proteins of ehrlich ascites tumour cells., R Farbiszewski, D Kilczewska, and W Rzeczycki
Cytoplasmic and nuclear protein synthesis in preimplantation mouse embryos., C C. Howe and D Solter
Cytoplasmic budding observed in murine virus-induced leukemias., D M. Hunt and B V. Siegel
Cytoplasmic control of preimplantation development in vitro in the mouse., harris A. Muggleton, D G. Whittingham, and L Wilson
Cytoplasmic dna of hepatoma tumor cells studied by 3h-actinomycin d binding., J Aczel and H E. Enesco
Cytoplasmic dna synthesis induced by rna tumor viruses., M Hatanaka, T Kakefuda, R V. Gilden, and E A. Callan
Cytoplasmic filaments in the entero-chromaffin cells of mouse jejunum., S Rao
Cytoplasmic fine structure during hormonally controlled differentia- tion in vaginal epithelium., E M. Eddy and B E. Walker
Cytoplasmic genetics of mammalian cells: conditional sensitiv- ity to mitochondrial inhibitors and isolation of new mutant pheno- types., N Howell and R Sager
Cytoplasmic glucocorticoid-binding proteins in glucocorticoid- -unresponsive human and mouse leukemic cell lines., M E. Lippman, S Perry, and E B. Thompson
Cytoplasmic inclusion bodies in cortisol-treated mammary tumors of c3h/crgl mice., C G. Smoller, D R. Pitelka, and H A. Bern
Cytoplasmic inclusion bodies in primary and transplanted hepatomas of mice of different strains., A G. Liebelt, R A. Liebelt, and L Dmochowski
Cytoplasmic inclusions in cells of lymphosarcoma 6c3hed. II. Electron microscopic observations., L H. Sobin
Cytoplasmic inclusions in cells of lymphosarcoma 6c3hed, morphologic and cytochemical observations., L H. Sobin
Cytoplasmic inclusions in cultured fibroblasts from mink and mice. Abstr., A Hurvitz and C Ripps
Cytoplasmic inclusions in estrogen-induced testicular interstitial- -cell tumors in mice., schneider N. Pourreau
Cytoplasmic inclusions in spontaneous hepatomas of cba/h-t6t6 mice. Histochemistry and electron microscopy., B J. Helyer and M Petrelli
Cytoplasmic inheritance in mammalian tissue culture cells., D C. Wallace, Y Pollack, C L. Bunn, and J M. Eisenstadt
Cytoplasmic isocitrate dehydrogenase variation within the c3h inbred strain., A Mc laren and A Tait
Cytoplasmic lipid in ehrlich ascites tumor cells before and during recurrent growth., E Burns and B Soloff
Cytoplasmic malic enzyme and testicular steroidogenesis in mice., C Chubb and F I. Chasalow
Cytoplasmic microtubules in mouse peritoneal macrophages during rejection of mc1m ascites tumor cells., L J. Journey
Cytoplasmic organization in cerebellar dendritic spines., D M. Landis and T S. Reese
Cytoplasmic particles and aminoacyl transferase i activity., E Shelton, E L. Kuff, E S. Maxwell, and J T. Harrington
Cytoplasmic ph and free mg2+ in lymphocytes., T J. Rink, R Y. Tsien, and T Pozzan
Cytoplasmic rna in immunoglobulin-secreting myeloma tumor cells. I. Identification and characteristics of a class of heterogeneous rna., C B. Kimmel and C L. Wang
Cytoplasmic t antigens of mouse and human cells transformed by a simian virus 40 tsa mutant., D R. Dubbs, H Otsuka, and S Kit
Cytoplasmic transfer of microtubule organizing centers in mouse tissue culture cells., J W. Shay, T T. Peters, and J W. Fuseler
Cytoplasmic ultraviolet extinction of strontium-90-induced fibro- blastic osteosarcomas correlated to histologic appearance and ultra- structure., P Sundelin and A Nilsson
Cytoscape: a community-based framework for network modeling., S Killcoyne, G W. Carter, J Smith, and J Boyle
Cytosine arabinoside and aphidicolin induced dna strand breaks as measured by the alkaline elution technique. Abstr., R J. Fram and D W. Kufe
Cytosine hydrochloride (ara-c) in mice with advanced leukemia l1210. Abstr., G S. Hoffman, V S. Waravdekar, J M. Al, and Q C. Cytoxan
Cytoskeletal elements and growth control: effects of cytochalasin and colchicine on 3t3 cells. Abstr., G D. Clarke and P J. Ryan
Cytoskeletal proteins associated with cell surface envelopes from sarcoma 180 ascites tumor cells., P B. Moore, D R. Anderson, J W. Huggins, and K L. Carraway
Cytosol androgen binding in submandibular gland and kidney of the normal mouse and the mouse with testicular feminization., G Verhoeven and J D. Wilson
Cytosol androgen receptor from kidney of normal and testicular feminized (tfm) mice., B Attardi and S Ohno
Cytosolic and microsomal epoxide hydrolases are immunologically distinguishable from each other in the rat and mouse., T M. Guenthner, B D. Hammock, U Vogel, and F Oesch
Cytosolic and nuclear binding of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p- dioxin in the ah receptor in extra-hepatic tissues of rats and mice., M E. Mason and A B. Okey
Cytosolic proteins that bind oxygenated sterols. Cellular distribution, specificity, and some properties., A A. Kandutsch and E B. Thompson
Cytosolic receptor for ah locus. Evidence for regulatory gene dysfunction in nonresponsive cell cultures containing the receptor. Abstr., T M. Guenthner and D W. Nebert
Cytostasis against self-antigens., L De giorgi, rogers A. Matossian, and H Festenstein
Cytostasis of lymphoma cells in suspension. Probable non-thymic origin of the cytostatic lymphoid cells in mice bearing msv-induced tumors., A Senik, L D. Giorgi, E Gomard, and J P. Levy
Cytostasis of mouse and human monolayer cell cultures by normal, unstimulated lymphocytes., C W. Jamieson and J H. Wallace
Cytostatic activity of chlamydocin, a rapidly inactivated cyclic tetrapeptide., H Stahelin and A Trippmacher
Cytostatic and cytolytic activities of macrophages regulation by prostaglandins., M Mochizuki, J S. Zigler Jr., P Russell, and I Gery
Cytostatic effect of macrophages from non-immunised mice on mastocytoma p-815 cells in vitro., G Bandlow and R Groner
Cytostatic effect of spleen cells of tumor-bearing mice on syngeneic tumor cells., G Lespinats and M Poupon
Cytostatic effector cells generated in vivo against m locus determinants., rogers A. Matossian and H Festenstein
Cytostatic macrophages activated by a novel immunomodulator, 3,6-bis(2-piperidinoethoxy) acridine trihydrochloride (cl 246, 738). Abstr., B S. Wang, A L. Lumanglas, mallon V. Ruszala, and F E. Durr
Cytostatika-konzentrationen in organen and tumoren: vergleich nach intravenoser und intratumoraler injektion., M Wenzel, M Schneider, J Bier, P Benders, and G S. Neider
Cytotoxic action in vitro of human serum on the metabolism of mouse ascites tumor cells and counteraction by endotoxic and other poly- saccharides., B Stambuk and D Burk
Cytotoxic action of anti-urine sera on mouse tumour cells., M Pikovski, I Witz, and E Tenenbaum
Cytotoxic action of immune lymph cells on mouse ascites tumor cells. Abstr., P Perlman, O Broberger, and E Klein
Cytotoxic action of normal human serum on ehrlich ascites and sarcoma 180 cells., R P. Bolande and J P. Mcclain
Cytotoxic activity in vitro of thymus-derived lymphocytes sensi- tized to xenograft antigens., P C. Beverley and E Simpson
Cytotoxic activity of anti-theta antibody found in the gamma-m fraction., M E. Gershwin, T M. Chused, and A D. Steinberg
Cytotoxic activity of cba mouse spleen cells against sendai virus infected l cells. Abstr., M J. Anderson
Cytotoxic activity of cytoxyl alcohol, a possible primary hydrolytic product of cytoxan. Abstr., O M. Friedman, H Sommer, and G E. Foley
Cytotoxic activity of isoantibody on sarcoma i., I Chourourlinkov, E A. Boyse, and L J. Old
Cytotoxic activity of lymph node cells from mice treated with immuno- suppressive antilymphocyte serum., J J. Smith, I )ii, S S. Green, and K W. Sell
Cytotoxic activity of lymphocytes and sera from new zealand mice against allogeneic fibroblasts., T Miki
Cytotoxic activity of mouse macrophages studied by various inhibitors., H Melsom
Cytotoxic activity of mouse tumor cells. Abstr., H S. Koren and B S. Handwerger
Cytotoxic and agglutinating h-y antibodies in multiparous female mice., brown K. Krupen and S S. Wachtel
Cytotoxic and antifungal agents, their body distribution and tissue affinity., E Tubaro and M J. Bulgini
Cytotoxic and cytolytic effect of mouse anti-embryo sera on ehrlich ascites cells., J P. Sedallian and G Jacob
Cytotoxic and neutralization tests with serum and lymph node cells of isologous mice with induced resistance against gross lymphomas., B Slettenmark and E Klein
Cytotoxic and oncogenic activities of 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2- bis(p-chlorophenyl)-ethane and metabolites to mouse embryo cells in culture., R Langenbach and R Gingell
Cytotoxic and proliferative lymphocyte responses to allogeneic and xenogeneic antigens in vitro., J A. Woolnough, I S. Misko, and K J. Lafferty
Cytotoxic antibody against leukemia l1210 in dba/2ha-dd mice. Abstr., T Carey, C Mawas, M Kitano, and E Mihich
Cytotoxic assays and other immunologic studies of leukemias induced by friend virus., B Wahren
Cytotoxic capacity of bone marrow-derived macrophages from nude mice in vitro. Abstr., H Meerpohl and lenz H. Maier
Cytotoxic, cell agglutinating, and syncytium forming effect of purified lectins from ricinus communis on cultured cells., M Koga, M Ohtsu, and G Funatsu
Cytotoxic cell-mediated response to tumor antigens on somatic cell hybrids., G Trinchieri, D P. Aden, D Solter, and B B. Knowles
Cytotoxic cell-mediated response to tumor antigens on somatic cell hybrids., G Trinchieri, D P. Aden, D Solter, and B B. Knowles
Cytotoxic cells induced during lymphocytic choriomenigitis virus infection of mice: natural killer cell activity in cultured spleen leukocytes concomitant with t-cell-dependent immune interferon production., R M. Welsh and W F. Doe
Cytotoxic cells induced during lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection of mice. II. "specificities" Of the natural killer cells., R M. Welsh, R M. Zinkernagel, and L A. Hallenbeck
Cytotoxic cells suppress in vitro generation of cellular immunity by stimulator cell lysis., P H. Sugarbaker and W Matthews
Cytotoxic cross-reactivity between tumor and fetal autoantigens. Abstr., F A. Salinas
Cytotoxic drug effects on the rate of dna unwinding in l1210 cells. Abstr., C A. Padgett and N R. Bachur
Cytotoxic effect in vitro and tumour volume reduction in vivo induced by chemotherapeutic agents., L Morasca, G Balconi, E Erba, P Lelieveld, and L M. Putten
Cytotoxic effect in vivo of selected chemotherapeutic agents on synchronized murine fibrosarcoma cells., D J. Grdina, C P. Sigdestad, and L J. Peters
Cytotoxic effect of anti-theta and anti-mouse specific b lymphocyte antigen (mbla) antisera on helper cells and antibody-forming cell precursors in the immune response of mice to the 4-hydroxy-3,5- -dinitrophenacetyl (nnp) hapten., J Niederhuber, E Moller, and G Makela
Cytotoxic effect of a xenogeneic antiserum on bone marrow cells from normal or sublethally irradiated mice., J Haot, E Moller, K Hiesche, and L Revesz
Cytotoxic effect of human monocytes to mouse red cells., R Seljelid and kaas A. Munthe
Cytotoxic effect of lymphocytes from pregnant mice on cultivated tumor cells. II. Blocking and unblocking of cytotoxicity., I Hellstrom and K E. Hellstrom
Cytotoxic effect of lymphocytes from pregnant mice on cultivated tumor cells. I. Specificity, nature of effector cells and blocking by serum., I Hellstrom and K E. Hellstrom
Cytotoxic effect of selected chemotherapeutic agents in vivo on synchronized murine fibrosarcoma cells. Abstr., D J. Grdina, L J. Peters, and J A. Jovonovich
Cytotoxic effect of viruses on harding-passey melanoma in tissue culture., A E. Schwartz, J S. Schwartz, and E W. Friedman
Cytotoxic effector cells with the characteristics of natural killer cells in the lungs of mice., P Puccetti, A Santoni, C Riccardi, and R B. Herberman
Cytotoxic effects in vitro by lymphoid cells from specifically tolerant animals., E Moller and W Lapp
Cytotoxic effects of a nitrofuran derivative on an ascites carcinoma cells., H Ichihashi, H Muragishi, T Kanemitsu, and T Kondo
Cytotoxic effects of antigen- and mitogen-induced t cells on various targets., M J. Bevan and M Cohn
Cytotoxic effects of chemotherapeutic drugs on mouse testis cells., C C. Lu and M L. Meistrich
Cytotoxic effects of colcemid or high specific activity tritiated thymidine on clonogenic cell survival in b6cf1 mice., W R. Hanson, R J. Fry, and A R. Sallese
Cytotoxic effects of dexamethasone restricted to noncycling, early g1-phase cells of l1210 leukemia., L A. Smets, B Bout, M Brouwer, and A Tulp
Cytotoxic effects of ellipticine (nsc-71795) on don (chinese hamster) and l1210 cells in culture. Abstr., B K. Bhuyan, T J. Fraser, and L Li
Cytotoxic effects of exogenous d-galactosamine on experimental tumors., arneault G. At, L Walter, and J G. Bekesi
Cytotoxic effects of hydrogen peroxide and the chemical protection from these effects by sodium pyruvate on mouse strain L cells (NCTC 929)., Linda L. Davis
Cytotoxic effects of irradiated media upon mouse cells., Paul R. Barnes
Cytotoxic effects of maleuric acid and the structurally related compounds on ehrlich ascites tumor cells., A O. Tadachi and E Roberts
Cytotoxic effects of normal sera on lymphoid cells. I. Antibody-independent killing of heterologous thymocytes by guinea pig, rabbit, and human sera. Role of the alternative pathway of complement activation., F Kierszenbaum and D B. Budzko
Cytotoxic effects of normal sera on lymphoid cells. Iii. Selective killing of mouse t cells by normal guinea pig serum., D B. Budzko, F Kierszenbaum, and B H. Waksman
Cytotoxic effects of splenic ultrafiltrates upon leukaemic lymphocytes., A M. Attallah and J C. Houck
Cytotoxic efficiency and effect on tumour growth of heterospecific antilymphocytic and antitumour sera., M Woodruff and L H. Smith
Cytotoxic h-2k t lymphocytes is associated with h-2dk., K Pfizenmaier, H Jung, R Kurrle, M Rollinghoff, D H. Wagner, and A. Specific
Cytotoxic immune cells with specificity for defined soluble anti- gens. V. Interaction of antibody with the cytotoxic effector cells in immune or non-immune mouse spleen cells., V Schirrmacher, B Rubin, and H Pross
Cytotoxic interactions of virus specific effector cells with virus infected targets of different cell type., U Koszinowski and H Ertl
Cytotoxic interactions ov virus-specific effector cells with virus-infected targets of different cell type. Abstr., U Koszinowski and H Ertl
Cytotoxic isoantibodies and immunologic enhancement in mice., J M. Cruse
Cytotoxicities of the l and d isomers of phenylalanine mustard in l1210 cells., D T. Vistica, A Rabon, and M Rabinovitz
Cytotoxicities of the l and d isomers of phenylalanine mustard in the l1210 cell. Abstr., D T. Vistica
Cytotoxicity against tumour-associated antigens not h-2 restricted., H T. Holden and R B. Herberman
Cytotoxicity and biochemical effects of chartreusin (nsc-5159) on mouse leukemia. Abstr., L H. Li and T D. Clark
Cytotoxicity and dna strain breaks by 5-iminodaunorubicin in mouse leukemia l1210 cells: comparison with adriamycin and 4'-(9-acridinylamino)methanesulfon-m-anisidide., L A. Zwelling, D Kerrigan, and S Michaels
Cytotoxicity and mode of action of 5-azacytidine on l1210 leukemia., L H. Li, E J. Olin, H H. Buskirk, and L M. Reineke
Cytotoxicity and suppression during radiation and radlv- -induced leukemogenesis. Abstr., E Yefenof and E Kedar
Cytotoxicity and the effect of combined treatment with x-rays of an anticancer 1-nitro-9-aminoacridine derivative in l5178y-r and l5178y-s cells., I Szumiel and M Walicka
Cytotoxicity as an index of carcinogenicity. Abstr., T D. Jones
Cytotoxicity in graft-versus-host reaction. II. Lysis of target cells of parental genotype by f1 hybrid macrophages., K Y. Fung and E Sabbadini
Cytotoxicity in graft-versus-host reaction. I. Role of donor and host spleen cells., J N. Singh, E Sabbadini, and A Sehon
Cytotoxicity inhibition assay. Cryopreservation and standardization. Brief communication., R K. Oldham, J R. Ortaldo, H T. Holden, and R B. Herberman
Cytotoxicity in normal and multiple-sclerosis sera against mouse cells expressing theta-antigen., T G. Tachovsky, J C. Palmer, M K. Gorny, and H Koprowski
Cytotoxicity in picryl chloride-painted mice is enhanced by pretreatment with cyclophosphamide., V Tagart
Cytotoxicity in vitro by products of specifically stimulated spleen cells, susceptibility of tumor cells and normal cells., M S. Meltzer and G L. Bartlett
Cytotoxicity mediated by soluble macrophage product(s)., K K. Sethi and H Brandis
Cytotoxicity, mutation and neoplastic transformation induced by single and split doses of n-methyl-n'- -nitro-n-nitrosguanidine (mnng) in the balb/3t3-c1a31-1-1 cell line. Abstr., M Bignami, E Dogliotti, R Benigni, M E. Kaighn, and U Saffiotti
Cytotoxicity of 5-thio-d-glucose to tumors in vivo. Abstr., V L. Schuman, S H. Levitt, and C W. Song
Cytotoxicity of adriamycin to tumour cells in vivo and in vitro., W M. Martin and N J. Mcnally
Cytotoxicity of adriamycn combined with methotrexate against l1210 leukemia in mice., F Valeriote, T Vietti, and D Coulter
Cytotoxicity of allogeneic lymphocytes sensitized against h-2 antigens in vitro., W Ax, H S. Koren, and H Fischer
Cytotoxicity of antibody-phospholipase c conjugates on cultured friend leukemia cells., R A. Flickinger and S R. Trost
Cytotoxicity of anti-cd64-ricin a chain immunotoxin against human acute myeloid leukemia cells in vitro and in scid mice., R K. Zhong, de Winkel van, T Thepen, L D. Schultz, and E D. Ball
Cytotoxicity of autosensitized lymphocytes restricted to the h-2k end of targets., D Ilfeld, C Carnaud, and E Klein
Cytotoxicity of chromatin-lipid. Abstr., C Sahler and J L. Glick
Cytotoxicity of cysteine in culture media., Y Nishiuch, M Sasaki, M Nakayasu, and A Oikawa
Cytotoxicity of electron-affinic radiosensitizers to tumors in vivo, and attempts to enhance the cell killing. Abstr., J M. Brown, N Y. Yu, and D L. Taylor
Cytotoxicity of fibrosarcoma macrophages to mouse lymphoma cells in presence of alloantibody., R Evans
Cytotoxicity of heterologous immune chicken serum to normal and neo- plastic mouse tissues in culture., P Abramoff, J W. Jr, and M T. Gasseling
Cytotoxicity of hypoxic cell sensitizers in vitro and in vivo. Abstr., P J. Conroy and R M. Sutherland
Cytotoxicity of isolated plasma membranes from lymph node cells., J Ferluga and A C. Allison
Cytotoxicity of monofunctional alkylating agents. Methyl methanesulfonate and methyl-n'-nitro-n-nitrosoguanidine have different mechanisms of toxicity for 10t1/2 cells., G J. Smith and J W. Grisham
Cytotoxicity of murine peritoneal macrophage in tumour allograft immunity., W Den otter, R Evans, and P Alexander
Cytotoxicity of murine peritoneal macrophages in tumour allograft immunity., Otter W. Den, R Evans, and P Alexander
Cytotoxicity of non-sensitized lymphoid cells in vitro in the absence of phytohemagglutinin. Abstr., R K. Pitcairn
Cytotoxicity of purothionin-a on various animal cells., T Nakanishi, H Yoshizumi, S Tahara, and K Toyoshima
Cytotoxicity of pyocin s2 to tumor and normal cells and its interaction with cell surfaces., T Watanabe and H Saito
Cytotoxicity of rabbit blood for Listeria monocytogenes., L D. Shultz and M S. Wilder
Cytotoxicity of short-chain alcohols and aldehydes on neuroblastoma cells in culture. Abstr., R L. Koerker, A J. Berlin, and F H. Schneider
Cytotoxicity studies of immune c58 mice to ib leukemia. Abstr., D L. Moore, W H. Murphy, and A G. Johnson
Cytotoxic liponucleotide analogs. I. Antitumor activity of cdp- -diacylglycerol analogs containing the cytosine arabinoside moiety., J G. Turcotte, S P. Srivastava, J M. Steim, P Calabresi, and M Y. Chu
Cytotoxic lymphocytes in the absence of detectable antibody., G Berke and D Amos
Cytotoxic lymphocytes to a subline of l-1210 leukemia. Abstr., A Nicolin, P Franco, E Bonmassar, and A Goldin
Cytotoxic macrophage in graft-versus-host reaction., W Ptak, M Hanczakowska, and cendrzak A. Skowron
Cytotoxic macrophages. A rapid nonspecific response to viral infection., S J. Rodda and D O. White
Cytotoxic monoclonal antibody specific for the lyt-1.2 Antigen., C Mark, F Figueroa, Z A. Nagy, and J Klein
Cytotoxic murine t cells directed against akr/gross virus- -induced tumors. Abstr., W R. Green, R C. Nowinski, and C S. Henney
Cytotoxic potential of different lymphoid cell populations against chromium-51 labelled tumour cells., G R. Pearson, R J. Hodes, and S Friberg
Cytotoxic potential of mouse spleen cells on h-2 antibody-treated target cells., R Kiessling and E Klein
Cytotoxic reactions of mouse iso-antisera, preliminary considerations., A R. Sanderson
Cytotoxic reactions of mouse isoantisera, the scope of an assay using radiolabelled target cells., A R. Sanderson
Cytotoxic reactions of murine lymphoid cells studied with a tritiated proline microcytotoxicity test., H Shiku, M A. Bean, L J. Old, and H F. Oettgen
Cytotoxic reactions of nzb spleen cells with lymphocytes of mhc identical strains. Abstr., U Botzenhardt, J Klein, and M Ziff
Cytotoxic response of c57bl/6 mice to a syngeneic lymphoma, el4. Abstr., H Teh, L Kwong, M Yu, and D G. Kilburn
Cytotoxic response of sjl mice to syngeneic reticulum cell sarcomas. Abstr., J M. Roman and B Bonavida
Cytotoxic responses between h-2 identical m-locus differing mice. Abstr., D L. Kastner and R R. Rich
Cytotoxic response to moloney murine sarcoma virus-induced tumors., G Biasi, L Saggin, F Dazzi, A D. Rossi, D D. Collavo, and F A. Secondary
Cytotoxic synergism between radiation and various nitrosoureas. Abstr., H E. Kann, J A. Petkas, and M A. Schott
Cytotoxic t and helper cells in influenza pneumonia. Abstr., F A. Ennis, M A. Wells, and J A. Daisy
Cytotoxic t-cell activation by polyribonucleotides. Dna synthesis is not required., P H. Bick and G Moller
Cytotoxic t cell activity is strain-specific in outbred mice infected with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus., R M. Zinkernagel, M B. Dunlop, and P C. Doherty
Cytotoxic t-cell-mediated antitumor effect of levamisole against murine syngeneic fibrosarcoma., K Gomi, M Morimoto, and K Nomoto
Cytotoxic t cell-mediated killing of tumor cells, cytoplasts, and karyoplasts. Abstr., V L. Braciale
Cytotoxic t-cell precursors revealed in neonatally tolerant mice., B Stockinger
Cytotoxic t-cell recognition of influenza-infected target cells varies in different h-2k mouse strains., M Stringfellow, D C. Wraith, and B A. Askonas
Cytotoxic T-cell responses in mice infected with influenza and vaccinia viruses vary in magnitude with H-2 genotype., P C. Doherty, W E. Biddison, J R. Bennink, and B B. Knowles
Cytotoxic t-cell responses show more restricted specificity for self than for non-self h-2d-coded antigens., R V. Blanden and U Kees
Cytotoxic t cell responses to a syngeneic tumour. Conditions for primary activation in vitro., H S. Warren, J A. Woolnough, and K J. Lafferty
Cytotoxic t cell responses to haptenated cells. Iii. Isolation and specificity analysis of continuously growing clones., W Haas, J Mathur-Rochat, H Pohlit, M Napholz, and H Von Boehmer
Cytotoxic t cell responses to haptenated cells. II. On the role of h-2 genes., W Haas, H Pohlit, and H Von boehmer
Cytotoxic t cell responses to haptenated cells. I. Primary, secondary and long-term cultures., H Pohlit, W Haas, and H Von boehmer
Cytotoxic t-cell responses to h-y. Correlation with the rejection of syngeneic male skin grafts., M Hurme, P R. Chandler, C M. Hetherington, and E Simpson
Cytotoxic t-cell responses to h-y. Mapping of the ir genes., M Hurme, C M. Hetherington, P R. Chandler, and E Simpson
Cytotoxic t-cell response to h-y in 'non-responder' cba mice., A Mullbacher and M Brenan
Cytotoxic t cell response to lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. Properties of precursors of effector t cells, primary effector t cells and memory t cells in vitro and in vivo., M B. Dunlop, P C. Doherty, R M. Zinkernagel, and R V. Blanden
Cytotoxic t cell response to minor histocompatibility antigens: apparent lack of h-2 restriction in killers stimulated by membrane fragments., L M. Pilarski and D Vergidis
Cytotoxic t cells are induced in mice infected with lympohcytic choriomeningitis virus strains of markedly different patho- genicities., C J. Pfau, J K. Valenti, S Jacobson, and D C. Pevear
Cytotoxic t cells both produce and respond to interleukin 2., L Andrus, piperno A. Granelli, and E Reich
Cytotoxic t cells distinguish between trinitrophenyl- and dinitrophenyl-modified syngeneic cells., J Forman
Cytotoxic t cells in the peritoneal cavity of mice infected with ectromelia virus., T Pang, I D. Gardner, and R V. Blanden
Cytotoxic t cells is not altered by prior substitution of target cells with trinitrophenol., W E. Biddison, H R. Snodgrass, J Bennink, R B. Effros, D P. Doherty, and I O. By
Cytotoxic t cells learn specificity for self h-2 during differentiation in the thymus., R M. Zinkernagel, G N. Callahan, J Klein, and G Dennert
Cytotoxic t cells: lyt phenotype and blocking of killing activity by lyt antisera., E Nakayama, H Shiku, E Stockert, and L J. Old
Cytotoxic t cells recognize male antigen and h-2 as distinct entities., H Von boehmer, W Haas, and H Pohlit
Cytotoxic t cells recognize very early, minor changes in ectromelia virus-infected target cells., D C. Jackson, G L. Ada, and R T. Hla
Cytotoxic t cells to akr/gross mulv+ tumors: h-2 restriction and specificity. Abstr., W R. Green
Cytotoxic t cells to type a influenza virus, viral hemagglutinin induces a-strain specificity while infected cells confer cross- -reactive cytotoxocity., H J. Zweerink, B A. Askonas, D Millican, and J J. Skehel
Cytotoxic thresholds of vincristine in a murine and a human leukemia cell line in vitro., D V. Jackson and R A. Bender
Cytotoxic thy 1.2-positive Blasts with nk-like target selectivity in murine mixed lymphocyte cultures., K Karre and J K. Seeley
Cytotoxic t lymphocyte lines reactive against murine plasmacy- toma antigens: dissociation of cytotoxicity and lyt-2 expression., J V. Giorgi, J A. Zawadzki, and N L. Warner
Cytotoxic t lymphocyte nonresponsiveness to the male antigen h-y in the h-2db mutants bm13 and bm14. Complementation of the response in f1 crosses with the i-ab mutant bm12 nonresponder and failure of b6 or db mutant mice tolerant of each other to respond to allogeneic male cells., L P. De waal, R W. Melvold, and C J. Melief
Cytotoxic t lymphocyte recognition of class i h-2 antigens after dna-mediated gene transfer., C S. Reiss, G A. Evans, C Murre, D H. Margulies, G. Seidman, and S J. Burakoff
Cytotoxic t lymphocyte recognition of the influenza hemagglutinin gene product expressed by dna-mediated gene transfer., T J. Braciale, V L. Braciale, T J. Henkel, J Sambrook, and M Gething
Cytotoxic t lymphocyte responses against alloantigens exhibit preferential effector cell activity for h-2k or h-2d region products similar to that for h-2 restricted responses., C J. Lucas, R B. Levy, and G M. Shearer
Cytotoxic t lymphocyte responses by chimeric thymocytes. Self-recognition is determined early in t cell development., A M. Kruisbeek, R J. Hodes, and A Singer
Cytotoxic t lymphocyte responses in allogeneic radiation bone marrow chimeras. The chimeric host strictly dictates the self-repertoire of ia-restricted t cells but not h-2k/d-restricted t cells., S M. Bradley, A M. Kruisbeek, and A Singer
Cytotoxic t lymphocyte response to murine cytomegalovirus infection., G V. Quinnan, J E. Manischewitz, and F A. Ennis
Cytotoxic t lymphocytes., M J. Lawman, B T. Rouse, R J. Courtney, D R. Walker, and E I. Of
Cytotoxic t lymphocytes as a genetic tool. Abstr., K F. Lindahl
Cytotoxic t lymphocytes (ctl) in murine lungs. Abstr., M C. Liu and M Plaut
Cytotoxic t lymphocyte sequential killing of immo- bilized allogeneic tumor target cells measured by time-lapse microcinematography., T L. Rothstein, M Mage, G Jones, and L L. Mchugh
Cytotoxic t lymphocytes from immature thymocytes., P J. Conlon, C A. Ramthun, C S. Henney, D S. Gillis, and N T. Of
Cytotoxic t lymphocytes induced against allogeneic i-region determinants react with ia molecules on trinitrophenyl-conjugated syngeneic target cells., P Billings, S Burakoff, M E. Dorf, and B Benacerraf
Cytotoxic t lymphocytes induced in mice by inactivated influenza virus vaccine., F A. Ennis, W J. Martin, and M W. Verbonitz
Cytotoxic t-lymphocytes induced in vitro by antigen-fed macrophages. Abstr., A J. Treves, B Schechter, I R. Cohen, and M Feldman
Cytotoxic t lymphocytes produce immune interferon in response to antigen or mitogen., J R. Klein, D H. Raulet, M S. Pasternack, and M J. Bevan
Cytotoxic t lymphocytes reactive with vesicular stomatitis virus: analysis of specificity with monoclonal antibodies directed to the viral glycoprotein., L Lefrancois and D S. Lyles
Cytotoxic t lymphocytes recognise allogeneic tolerated tnp-conjugated cells., H Von boehmer and W Haas
Cytotoxic t lymphocytes specific for i region determinants do not require interactions with h-2k or d gene products., P Billings, S Burakoff, M E. Dorf, and B Benacerraf
Cytotoxic t lymphocytes to murine plasmacytoma cells in allogeneic and syngeneic mice: h-2 antigens are essential in the induction and effector stages of ctl., Y Kaneko, sakai S. Natsuume, and S Migita
Cytotoxic t lymphocyte-target cell interaction. Abstr., M Kalina and G Berke
Cytotoxische effekte von antiseren gegen farbstoff-protein-komplexe, versuche mit dem ehrlichschen ascitestumor der maus., F Seelich, E Kaiser, and K Springer
Cytoxan induced oncogenic transformation, chromosome breakage and sister chromatid exchange (sce) following microsomal activation. Abstr., W F. Benedict and A Banerjee
Cytoxan-sensitivity of suppressor cells in tumor bearing mice. Abstr., M M. Trites, R M. Ferguson, and R L. Simmons
(cy) Treated mice. Abstr., G W. Santos
D37 studies of solid tumors in vivo, effects of 5-fluorouracil and 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine. Abstr., K H. Clifton, R C. Briggs, and H B. Stone
D5Ucl1 and Els1 are closely linked to W on mouse chromosome 5 but lie distal to the W19H deletion., E Bentley, J D. Inglis, A Gossler, D A. Stephenson, and S M. Darling
Dactinomycin treatment of murine lupus erythematosus. I. Renal disease and longevity., U H. Rudofsky, R E. Urizar, A E. Rielsen, N D. Simmons, and C T. Olsen
Dactinomycin treatment of (nzb x nzw)f1 (b/w) mice: dose and schedule. Abstr., C T. Olsen, P O. Teague, and A E. Gabrielsen
Dactylaplasia in mice a two-locus model for development anomalies., C K. Chai
Dag (ly-6.2) Effect on skin grafts, antibody and mlc utilizing congenic balb.dag., L Berumen, J A. Sachs, and H Festenstein
Daily cyclic variation in liver tyrosine alpha-ketoglutarate trans- aminase (tkt) in rats and mice. Abstr., R W. Fuller and I H. Slater
Daily d-t neutron irradiation of mouse intestine., J H. Hendry, D Major, and D Greene
Daily rhythms in tryptophan and serotonin content in mouse brain, the apparent independence of these parameters from daily changes in food intake and from plasma tryptophan content., W W. Morgan and C A. Yndo
Daily variations of cerebral tyrosine in two inbred strains of mice and their f1 hybrids., J Calcet-Veys, P Joanny, F Blanquet, J Valatx, and G Chouvet
Daily variations of marrow and splenic erythropoiesis, pinna epidermal cell mitosis and physical activity in c57bl/6j mice., S J. Sharkis, J D. Palmer, J Goodenough, J L. Bue, and A S. Gordon
Damage and recovery of mouse testis after 1000 r acute localized x-irradiation, with reference to restitution cells, sertoli cell increase, and type a. Spermatogonial recovery., B R. Nebel and C J. Murphy
Damage and repair of dna in cultured mammalian cells with n-diazoacetylglycine amide., S Parodi, C Bolognesi, M Cavanna, R L. Pollack, L Santi, and G Brambilla
Damage of derivatives of neural crest in mice of mutant lines micro- phthalmia and white. (russ. With eng. Summ.), B V. Konyukhov, V V. Ossipov, and M P. Vakhrusheva
Damage of mammalian cell dna in vivo and in vitro induced by neo- carzinostatin., K Tatsumi, T Nakamura, and G Wakisaka
Damage of the skin during the acute graft-versus-host reaction in mice., M Boranic, L Orsanic, and M Blazi
Damage repair in emt-6 cells treated in vitro with x rays or cyclotron neutrons. Abstr., J S. Rasey, N J. Nelson, and R E. Carpenter
Damage to cellular dna by 1-(2-chloroethyl)-3-cyclohexyl-1- -nitrosourea (ccnu). Abstr., J Hilton and D M. Zito
D-amphetamine. Disruptive effects on the long-term store of memory and proactive facilitatory effects on learning in inbred mice., J C. Crabbe and H P. Alpern
Danazol's failure to suppress autoimmunity in nzb/nzw f1 mice., J R. Roubinian, N Talal, J S. Greenspan, and V Nussenzweig
Dansyl cadaverine as a fluorochrome for cell membrane studies. Abstr., J H. Pincus, S I. Chung, N M. Chace, and M Gross
Dansylcadaverine inhibits internalization of 125i-epidermal growth factor in balb 3t3 cells., H T. Haigler, F R. Maxfield, M C. Willingham, and I Pastan
'dappled', A new allele at the mottled locus in the house mouse., R J. Phillips
Dark-adapted sensitivity, rhodopsin content, and background adaptation in pcd/pcd mice., A B. Fulton, K A. Manning, B N. Baker, S E, H, and C J. Bailey
Dark reticular cells in the thymus of mice., B Jarplid
Dark reticular epithelial cells of the thymus as the primary target of heterologous anti-lymphocyte serum in balb/c mice. An ultrastructural study correlated with data on thymus substitution., W Djaczenko and E Garaci
Das blutbild der maus (eine ubersicht). I. Das normale quantitative und qualitative weisse blutbild., H Heinecke
Das blutbild der maus (eine ubersicht). II. Das normale rote blutbild., H Heinecke
Das blutbild der maus (eine ubersicht). Iii. Thrombozyten-normal- werte., H Heinecke
Das differentialblutbild der maus nach mehrmaliger applikation des ehrlich-aszites-karzinoma., H Heinecke and W Gutsche
Das imp-cyclohydrolase/transformylase-enzymsystem aus ehrlich- -ascites-tumorzellen., R Geiger and H Guglielmi
Das tier im strahlenversuch., G Muller
Das verhalten der blutzellzahlen bei der erkrankung der nzb-maus., A Beickert, E Bassler, and R Lohrig
Das verhalten der maus im open-field-test. Eine genetische analyse mit hilfe der diallelen kreuzung., L Schuler and P M. Borodin
Das verhalten entarteter zellen (ehrlich-ascites-tumor der maus) in embryonalfeld., G Mathis and aspang F. Seilern
Data integration and analysis of drug and alcohol dependence related genes: an application of ODE., Amanda Ackovitz
Data on acute toxicity of the progestin sts 557., H G. Hillesheim and H Hoffmann
Datgan, a reusable software system for facile interrogation and visualization of complex transcription profiling data., G R. Howell, D O. Walton, B L. King, R T. Libby, and S W. John
Daunomicina e difense immunitarie antitumorali, suo influsso sulla crescita del cancro ascite di ehrlich., A Nicolin and G Beretta
Daunomycin and skin allografts survival in mice., G Daddi, C Intini, A M. Isetta, and M Soldati
Daunorubicin inhibition of dna-dependent rna polyerases from ehrlich ascites tumor cells., V Barthelemy-Clavey, C Molinier, and R Maral
Day-night periodicity in pentobarbital response of mice and the influence of socio-psychological conditions., W M. Davis
Dba/2ha mice as a model of an x-linked immunodeficiency which is defective in the expression of trf-acceptor site(s) on b lymphocytes., K Takatsu and T Hamaoka
D(-)-beta-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase activity in cloned cell lines of glial and neuronal origin., G G. Fitzgerald, E E. Kaupman, L Sokoloff, and H M. Shein
Dbm mice as a pharmacological model of maturity onset diabetes. Studies with metformin., J L. Junien, J Brohon, M Guillaume, and J Sterne
DCC-dependent phospholipase C signaling in netrin-1-induced neurite elongation., Y Xie, Y Hong, X Y. Ma, X R. Ren, S Ackerman, L Mei, and W C. Xiong
Ddifferential sensitivity of akr murine leukemia and normal bone marrow cells to hyperthermia., H I. Robins, R A. Steeves, A W. Clark, P A. Martin, E Miller, and W H. Dennis
Ddt-induced chromosomal damage in mice., G A. Johnson and S M. Jalal
Ddt induced chromosome mutations in mice--further testing., K D. Larsen and S M. Jalal
Deactivation of tumor cells by blocking of sulfhydryls. Abstr., C A. Apffel
Deadly disease number 3--cancer., C C. Little
Deamination of l-alanine in normal tissues and malignant tumors. (russ., Eng. Summ.), T T. Berezov
Deamination of the l-isomers of serine and threonine in rat and mouse hepatoma. (russ., Eng. Summ.), T T. Berezov
Death and metastatic distribution of tumor cells in mice monitored with 125i-iododeoxyuridine., K G. Hofer, W Prensky, and W L. Hughes
Death of intestinal crypts and of their constituent cells after treatment by chemotherapeutic drugs., J V. Moore
Death of murine tumour cells after irradiation with collimated beams of fast neutrons of different energies, and the response of the same cells to mono-energetic charged particles of different ionization densities. Abstr., R J. Berry, J T. Brennan, L Goodman, D F. Herring, A C. Lucas, D W. Quam, and I V. Reproductive
Death of mycobacterium leprae in mice, and the additional effect of dapsone administration., L Levy
Decay of immunological responsiveness after thymectomy in adult life., R B. Taylor
Decennial tails., K Artzt and J Schimenti
Dechlorination of l-phenylalanine mustard by sensitive and resistant tumor cells and its relationship to intracellular glutathione content., K Suzukake, B P. Vistica, and D T. Vistica
Dechlorination of l-phenylalanine mustard (l-pam) by sensitive and resistant tumor cells and its relationship to intracellular glutathione(gsh) content. Abstr., D T. Vistica, B P. Schuette, and K Suzukake
Decidual extracts suppress antibody response in vivo., A Globerson, S Bauminger, L Abel, and S Peleg
Decidual reaction in two inbred mouse strains and f1 hybrids., A Bartke
Deciduous incisor teeth of mice. Abstr., L R. Fitzgerald
Deciduous incisor teeth of the mouse (mus musculus)., L R. Fitzgerald
Deciphering the molecular basis of a mutation in the Ptpn6 gene., William Cheng
Declenchement de l'anemie hemolytique autoimmune chez de jeunes souriceaux nzb par l'administration de corynebacterium parvum., B Halpern and A Fray
Decline and spontaneous recovery of the monoclonal response to phosphorylcholine during repeated immunization., W Lee and H Kohler
Decline in bone marrow proliferative capacity as a function of age., P Mauch, L E. Botnick, E C. Hannon, J Obbagy, and S Hellman
Decline in bone marrow proliferative capacity as a function of age. Abstr., P Mauch, L Botnick, and S Hellman
Decline in colony-forming ability of marrow cells subjected to serial transplantation into irradiated mice., L Siminovitch, J E. Till, and E A. Culloch
Decline in male mouse pheromone with age., M C. Wilson and D E. Harrison
Decline in male mouse pheromone with age., M C. Wilson and D E. Harrison
Decline in mixed lymphocyte reactivity of spleen cells from aged mice of a long-lived strain., T G. Konen, G S. Smith, and R L. Walford
Decline in phytohemagglutinin responsiveness of spleen cells from aging mice., Y Hori, E H. Perkins, and M K. Halsall
Decline in the growth potential of spleen-colonizing bone marrow stem cells of long-lived aging mice., J W. Albright and T Makinodan
Decline of immunological reactivity in irradiated old mouse spleen. Abstr., J Hayakawa and T Tsuchiya
Decline of natural killer cell activity in sublethally irradiated mice., P S. Hochman, G Cudkowicz, and J Dausset
Deconstructing and reconstructing obesity-induced diabetes (diabesity) in mice., P C. Reifsnyder and E H. Leiter
De controle par 64cu de la croissance de la tumeur ascitique de krebs chez la souris., J Coppey, J Grisvard, E Guille, I Sissoeff, D S. Apelgot, and A D. willessai
Decreased 6-mercaptopurine retention by two resistant variants of mouse neuroblastoma with normal hypoxanthine-guanine-phosphoribosyl- transferase activities., F Baskin and R N. Rosenberg
Decreased antibody-producing capacity in mice during the incubation period of passage a lymphatic leukemia. Abstr., R A. Good, R L. Vernier, and R D. Peterson
Decreased antigenicity of mouse blastocysts after activation for implantation from experimental delay., S Hakansson and K Sundqvist
Decreased availability of hepatic nadph in stressed mice., F Gaskin and R Clayton
Decreased basal, noninsulin-stimulated glucose uptake and metabolism by skeletal soleus muscle isolated from obese-hyperglycemic (ob/ob) mice., G S. Cuendet, E G. Loten, B Jeanrenaud, and A E. Renold
Decreased binding of epidermal growth factor to balb/c3t3 mutant cells defective in glycoprotein synthesis., R M. Pratt and I Pastan
Decreased binding of insulin to liver plasma membrane receptors in hereditary diabetic mice., P Kern, J Picard, M Caron, and D Veissiere
Decreased biosynthesis of saturated c20-c24 fatty acids by the trembler mouse sciatic nerve., F Boiron, D Darriet, J M. Bourre, and C Cassagne
Decreased cfuc in sl/sld mice., W H. Knospe, B Hinrichs, W Fried, W Robinson, N F. Trobaugh, R C. By, and A S. With
Decreased erythropoietic activity of spleen cell grafts in the presence of allogeneic target tissue. Abstr., J Davis william w, R Schofield, and L J. Cole
Decreased excision of o6-methylguanine and n7-methylguanine during the s phase in 10t1/2 cells., G J. Smith, D G. Kaufman, and J W. Grisham
Decreased fat accumulation and phosphorylase kinase deficiency in hybrid mice (ix3h). Abstr., plow J. Hoover
Decreased feedback inhibition in a 6-(methylmercapto) purine ribo- nucleoside-resistant tumor., J F. Henderson, I C. Caldwell, and A R. Paterson
Decreased fertility in mice immunized with teratocarcinoma ott6050., C G. Webb
Decreased formation of syncytial plaques in the xc-test with a double- -cloned hypotetraploid xc-cell line and evidence of budding c-type particles in this and ordinary hypodiploid xc-cell lines., P Ebbesen, O Jorgensen, and J Visfeldt
Decreased frequency of cleft lip in a/jax mice following x-irradiation or cyclophosphamide administered on gestational day 10. Abstr., K Eto, A Bhakdinaronk, C T. King, and M C. Johnston
Decreased glutathione-reductase activity in the mitotic ehrlich ascites-tumour cell., A Fredborg and P E. Lindahl
Decreased glycolipid antigen expression in lymphoma cell variants escaping from anti-glycolipid serotherapy., W W. Young Jr., Y Tamura, H S. Johnson, and D A. Miller
Decreased graft-responsiveness in mice induced by cell-free tissue extracts., I Hilgert and H Kristofova
Decreased growth capacity of passaged gross virus-induced mouse lymphomas after incubation with antithymocytic sera., D L. Vredevoe and E F. Hays
Decreased hepatic nuclear l-triiodothyronine receptors in rats and mice bearing transplantable neoplasms., M I. Surks, M M. Grajower, M Tai, and C R. Defesi
Decreased immune response after restoration in absence of thymic function. Abstr., O Stutman, R A. Good, and E J. Yunis
Decreased immunity to viral antigens and increased expression of endogenous leukemia viruses in athymic (nude) mice., R C. Nowinski and T Doyle
Decreased incidence and antigenicity of urethan-induced lung adenomas in nude mice. Abstr., D H. Sussdorf
Decreased incidence of reticulum cell sarcoma in whole body irrad- iated and bone marrow shielded mice., V Covelli, P Metalli, and B Bassani
Decreased levels of cyclic gmp-dependent protein kinase in the heart of hypertensive rats and in the liver of diabetic mice. Abstr., J F. Kuo and C W. Davis
Decreased liver and lung drug-metabolizing activity in mice treated with corynebacterium parvum., L F. Soyka, W G. Hunt, S E. Knight, and R S. Jr
Decreased longevity of mice following thymectomy in adult life., H Jeejeebhoy
Decreased longevity of strain 129 dystrophic mice parabiosed at weaning., Richard S. Pope
Decreased longevity of strain 129 dystrophic mice parabiosed at weaning., R S. Pope, E D. Murphy, and W T. West
Decreased longevity of strain 129 dystrophic mice parabiosed at weaning., R S. Pope, E D. Murphy, and W T. West
Decreased lysyl oxidase activity in the aneurysm-prone, mottled mouse., D W. Rowe, E B. Goodwin, G R. Martin, and D Grahn
Decreased macrophage-mediated tumoricidal activity in iron deficiency anemia. Abstr., S D. Rohrer, B S. Baliga, and R M. Suskind
Decreased male fertility induced by chronic alcohol ingestion. Abstr., R A. Anderson, J M. Reddy, C Oswald, B Willis, and L J. Zaneveld
Decreased mortality of murine graft-versus-host disease by human chorionic gonadotropin., L M. Slater, W Bostick, and L Fletcher
Decreased "natural killer" effect in tumor-bearing mice and its relation to the immunity against oncorna virus-determined cell surface antigens., S Becker and E Klein
Decreased neutrophils and megakaryocytes in anemic mice in genotype w/wv., P A. Chervenick and D R. Boggs
Decreased oncogenic potential of sv40-transformed cells grown in diffusion chambers intraperitoneally., J Stillstrom
Decreased pancreatic somatostatin (srif) concentration in spontaneously diabetic mice., Y C. Patel, L Orci, A Bankier, and D P. Cameron
Decreased percentage of polymorphonuclear neutrophils in mouse peri- pheral blood after inoculation with material from multiple sclerosis patients., R I. Carp, P C. Licursi, P A. Merz, and G S. Merz
Decreased potassium permeability in dystrophic mouse skeletal muscle., L C. Sellin and N Sperelakis
Decreased production of mast cells in sl/sld anemic mice., Y Kitamura and S Go
Decreased radiation mortality in mice treated with a pseudomonas pyrogen. Abstr., E J. Ainsworth and P D. Forbes
Decreased rates of protein synthesis by cell-free preparations from different organs of aging mice. Abstr., C A. Blazejowski and G C. Webster
Decreased recovery of invading parasites from the lungs as a parameter of acquired immunity to schistosomiasis in the mouse., A Sher, P Mackenzie, and S R. Smithers
Decreased resistance in some heterozygotes in h-2- -linked immune response to polyoma-induced tumour., D Oth, F Robert, M Berebbi, and G Meyer
Decreased resistance to extinction in ob/ob mice following operant training., M A. Reynolds, C L. Goodrick, and D K. Ingram
Decreased resistance to listeria monocytogenes in mice injected with killed corynebacterium parvum: association with suppression of cell-mediated immunity., E J. Wing and friedman D. Kresefsky
Decreased response to calcitonin in osteopetrotic micro- phthalmic mouse bone., G N. Kent, D G. Walker, and D V. Cohn
Decreased retinal ganglion cell number and misdirected axon growth associated with fissure defects in Bst/+ mutant mice., D S. Rice, Q Tang, R W. Williams, B S. Harris, M T. Davisson, and D Goldowitz
Decreased rna synthesis in activated macrophages. Abstr., L Varesio, M J. Brunda, H T. Holden, and D Taramelli
Decreased sensitivity of septal mice to impairment of two-way avoidance by chlorpromazine., A Oliverio, C Castellano, P Renzi, and M Sansone
Decreased sensitivity to interferon associated with in vitro transformation of x-ray-transformed c3h/10t1/2 cells., boye D. Brouty, I Gresser, and C Baldwin
Decreased suppressor cell activity by macrophages. Abstr., B F. Argyris
Decreased surface charge and accelerated senescence of res blood cells following neuraminidase treatment., S A. Landaw, T Tenforde, and J C. Schooley
Decreased survival of embryos in yellow (aya) female mice., G L. Wolff and A Bartke
Decreased susceptibility to immunological paralysis with increased age., M S. Brooke
Decreased susceptibility to the mammary tumour agent in mice with advancing age., A Dux and O Muhlbock
Decreased syngeneic mixed lymphocyte response (smlr) in genetically susceptible autoimmune mice. Abstr., J Hom and N Talal
Decreased synthesis of basement membrane (heparan sulfate) proteoglycan in diabetic mice. Abstr., D H. Rohrbach, C W. Wagner, V Star, and G R. Martin
Decreased t cell function in mice exposed to chronic, low levels of lead., B A. Neilan, L Taddeini, C E. Mcjilton, and B S. Handwerger
Decreased tolerance to dimethyl-myleran, cyclophosphamide and radiation in lymphoma-bearing mice., G L. Floersheim
Decrease in 5'-nucleotidase activity in malignant transformed and normal stimulated cells., A Raz, J G. Collard, and M Inbar
Decrease in cytosolic calcium/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase activity following phorbol ester treatment of el4 thymoma cells., A S. Kraft, W B. Anderson, H L. Cooper, and J J. Sando
Decrease in hematopoietic stem cell domains as a delayed effect of x-irradiaton. Abstr., M A. Maloney, R A. Lamela, and H M. Patt
Decrease in numbers of mouse spleen nodules with time post-irradiation, C V. Robinson
Decrease in oncogenic potential of l1210 by triazenes. Abstr., F A. Schmid and D J. Hutchison
Decrease in oncogenic potential of l1210 leukemia by triazenes., F A. Schmid and D J. Hutchison
Decrease in 'spontaneous' mammary tumor incidence in mice infected with the ldh-elevating virus. Abstr., V Riley, M A. Fitzmaurice, and J D. Loveless
Decrease in tumor-producing capacity of mouse cell lines following in- fection with mouse leukemia viruses., D Barbieri, J Belehradek, and G Barski
Decrease of carcinostatic liver factor in tumor-bearing animals., M Hozumi, T Sugimura, T Tateno, U Fukuoka, and W Nakahara
Decrease of epidermal histidase activity by tumor- -promoting phorbol esters., N H. Colburn, S Lau, and R Head
Decrease of mast cells in regional lymph nodes in response to allogeneic antigens and syngeneic tumor antigens., K S. Wlodarski and M Jakobisiak
Decrease of mast cells in w/wv mice and their increase by bone marrow transplantation., T Kitamura, S Go, and K Hatanaka
Decrease of sensitivity to interferon in cells infected by murine leukemia-sarcoma viruses., J Peries, M Canivet, M Olivie, M Salle, and M Boiron
Decrease of the 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (dopa) decarboxylase activities in human erythrocytes and mouse tissues after adminis- tration of dopa., S S. Tate, R Sweet, F H. Dowell, and A Meister
Decrease of tumor growth in mice after intravenous thymosin- -treated bone marrow cell injection., D Cupissol, A Rey, A L. Goldstein, and B Serrou
Decreases loss of n7-methylguanine and 06-methylguanine during the s phase in synchronized 10t1/2 cells. Abstr., G J. Smith, D G. Kaufman, and J W. Grisham
Decreases sensitivity of an interferon-resistant subline of murine leukemia l-1210 cells to toxic effects of ricin and abrin., F Besancon and H Ankel
Decreasing immune competence and development of reticulum cell sar- comas in lymphatic tissue of aged mice., M G. Hanna, P Nettesheim, and M J. Snodgrass
Decreasing immunogenicity in vivo of developing larval stages of schistosoma mansoni. Abstr., A Sher
Decreasing leukemia risk in old akr mice., P Ebbesen, O Borgan, and K Liestol
Decreasing levels of suppressor t cell activity during tolerance. Abstr., D E. Parks and W O. Weigle
Decreasing oxygen effect with increasing let as measured in two lines of ascites tumors. Abstr., J M. Feola, J H. Lawrence, and G P. Welch
Decreasing solid tumor growth in the c3h mouse by optimizing barometric pressure. Abstr., J Lally, B Herndon, M Hacker, and S Fotopoulos
Decrement of avoidance conditioning performance in inbred mice sub- jected to prolonged sessions. Performance recovery after rest and amphetamine., D Bovet and A Oliverio
Deep hypothermia in mice, effect of the interval between learning and treatment., mourat B. Soumireu, C Destrade, and B Cardo
Deer fibromas: A review., J P. Sundberg and S W. Nielsen
Deer papillomaviruses., J P. Sundberg and W D. Lancaster
Defecation in stressful and non-stressful situations., G Lindzey, H D. Winston, and G D. Whitney
Defect extrinsic to stem cells in spleens of steel anemic mice., M S. Altus, S E. Bernstein, E S. Russell, A L. Carsten, and A C. Upton
Defect extrinsic to stem cells in spleens of steel anemic mice., M Altus, S Bernstein, E Russell, A Carsten, and A Upton
Defect in 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate formation in brachymorphic mice., K Sugahara and N B. Schwartz
Defect in 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate synthesis in brachymorphic mice. I. Characterization of the defect., K Sugahara and N B. Schwartz
Defect in 3'-phosphoadenosine 5-phosphosulfate synthesis in brachymorphic mice. II. Tissue distrubution of the defect., K Sugahara and N B. Schwartz
Defect in cellular immunity of leukemia virus-infected mice assessed by a macrophage migration-inhibition assay., H Friedman and W S. Ceglowski
Defect in differentiation from bfu-e to cfu-v@@@e during e fetal hepatic erythropoiesis in steel mutant mice. Abstr., D H. Chui, S K. Liao, and K Walker
Defect in macrophage effector function confers salmonella typhimurium susceptibility of c3h/hej mice., A D. O'brien, E S. Metcalf, and D L. Rosenstreich
Defect in membrane na+ + k+-atpase in obese mouse and man. Abstr., M Deluise, P Usher, and J S. Flier
Defect in regulation of membrane transport of monosaccharides in dystrophic muscle., J Elbrink
Defect in the w/wv anemic mice. Abstr., jedrzejczak W. Wiktor, S J. Sharkis, A Ahmed, G W. Santos, D K. Sell, and S R. Erythropoiesis
Defective activation by glucose of hepatic glycogen synthesis in the obese hyperglycaemic mouse., S A. Smith, M A. Cawthrone, A L. Levy, and D L. Simson
Defective activation of T suppressor cell function in nonobese diabetic mice: potential relation to cytokine deficiencies., D V. Serreze and E H. Leiter
Defective allosteric regulation of phosphofructokinase in genetically- -obese mice., S Katyare and J Howland
Defective B cell tolerance mechanisms in the NOD mouse., Joseph William Dombrowsky
Defective carbohydrate metabolism in mice homozygous for the tubby mutation., Y Wang, K Seburn, L Bechtel, B Y. Lee, J P. Szatkiewicz, P M. Nishina, and J K. Naggert
Defective cell-mediated immunity to infection in diabetes. Abstr., H M. Rodman, M Olszewsi, D Little, and T Butler
Defective colony formation by b lymphocytes from cba/n and c3h/hej mice., P W. Kincade
Defective c-type retrovirus particles secreted by l1210 leukemia cells., S J. Kennel, F Tsakeres, P A. Kelly, and D P. Allison
Defective differentiation of peripheral nerves in the dystrophic mouse., E Jaros and M Jenkison
Defective elicitation of delayed-type hypersensitivity in w/wv and sl/sld mast cell-deficient mice., P W. Askenase, H V. Loveren, kops S. Kraeuter, Y Ron, O Meade, T C. Theoharides, J J. Nordlund, H Scovern, M D. Gershon, and W Ptak
Defective erythropoietic responses of aged mice not improved by young marrow., D E. Harrison
Defective erythropoietic responses of aged mice not improved by young marrow., D E. Harrison
Defective fc-mediated phagocytosis in c3h/hej macrophages. II. Correction by camp agonists., S N. Vogel, L L. Weedon, J J. Oppenheim, and D L. Rosenstreich
Defective fc receptor-mediated phagocytosis in c3h/hej macrophages. I. Correction by lymphokine-induced stimulation., S N. Vogel and D L. Rosenstreich
Defective friend spleen focus-forming virus. Interfering properties and isolation free from standard leukemia-inducing helper virus., R J. Eckner and K L. Hettrick
Defective function of renal lysosomes in mice with the chediak- -higashi syndrome., D J. Prieur, W C. Davis, and G A. Padgett
Defective gastrointestinal recovery after irradiation in w/wv mice., B J. Torok and S S. Boggs
Defective helper t-cell activity in lps-unresponsive c3h/hej mice., G D'agostaro, L P. Ruco, S Uccini, M Garavini, A D. Baroni, and G Doria
Defective hematopoietic stem cell and lymphoid progenitor development in the Ts65Dn mouse model of Down syndrome: potential role of oxidative stress., Laureanne Pilar E Lorenzo, Haiyan Chen, Kristen E Shatynski, Sarah Clark, Rong Yuan, David E Harrison, Paul J Yarowsky, and Mark S Williams
Defective immunohematopoiesis in young-adult mice of the leukemia- prone akr strain., E H. Perkins, T Makinodan, A C. Upton, C Seibert, and L C. Satterfield
Defective induction of macrophage microbicidal activity with p/n lymphokines. Abstr., C A. Nacy and M S. Meltzer
Defective insulin biosynthesis in the diabetic mouse. Abstr., R Gunnarsson
Defective interleukin-2 activity in c57bl/6 mice bearing the gene lpr for autoimmunity and lymphoproliferation. Abstr., N Talal, M Dauphinee, D Wofsy, S Kipper, and E Murphy
Defective in vitro migratory capacity of bone marrow cells from viable motheaten mice in response to normal thymus culture supernatants., J L. Haar, J D. Popp, and L D. Shultz
Defective ion transport in diabetic mouse islet cells., O Berglund, J Sehlin, and I Taljedal
Defective lymphocyte mediated cytotoxiciv@@@ty in chediak-higa syndrome. Abstr., R R. Lindquist and S T. Lindquist
Defective lymphopoiesis in the bone marrow of motheaten and viable motheaten mutant mice. I. Analysis of the development of prothymocytes, early B lineage cells, and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-positive cells., D L. Greiner, I Goldschneider, K L. Komschlies, E S. Medlock, F J. Bollun, and L D. Shultz
Defective lymphopoiesis in the bone marrow of motheaten (me/me) and viable motheaten (mev/mev) mutant mice. II. Description of a microenvironmental defect for the generation of terminal deoxynucleo- tidyltransferase-positive bone marrow cells in vitro., E S. Medlock, I Goldschneider, D L. Greiner, and L D. Shultz
Defective lymphopoiesis in the bone marrow of motheaten (me/me) and viable motheaten (mev/mev) mutant mice. III. Normal mouse bone marrow cells enable mev/mev prothymocytes to generate thymocytes after intravenous transfer., K L. Komschlies, D L. Greiner, L D. Shultz, and I Goldschneider
Defective lysosomal enzyme secretion in kidneys of chediak-higashi (beige) mice., E J. Brandt, R W. Elliott, and R T. Swank
Defective macrophage chemotaxis in osteopetrotic mice., C Minkin
Defective macrophage chemotaxis in tumor-bearing mice. Abstr., M M. Stevenson and M S. Meltzer
Defective mesonephric cell migration is associated with abnormal testis cord development in C57BL/6J XY(Mus domesticus) mice., K H. Albrecht, B Capel, L L. Washburn, and E M. Eicher
Defective oxidative metabolism of myodystrophic skeletal muscle mitochondria., C P. Lee, M E. Martens, L Jankulovska, and M A. Neymark
Defective paps-synthesis in epiphyseal cartilage from brachy- morphic mice., N B. Schwartz, V Ostrowski, K S. Brown, and R M. Pratt
Defective pro alpha 2(I) collagen synthesis in a recessive mutation in mice: a model of human osteogenesis imperfecta., S D. Chipman, H O. Sweet, D J. McBride, M T. Davisson, S C. Marks, A R. Shuldiner, R J. Wenstrup, D W. Rowe, and J R. Shapiro
Defective prostaglandin synthesis by c3h/hej mouse macrophages stimulated with endotoxin preparations., L M. Wahl, D L. Rosenstreich, L M. Glode, N L. Sandberg, and S E. Mergenhagen
Defective prothymocyte activity in viable motheaten mutant mice., Cheryl A. Skinner
Defective regulation of cl- permeability in islets of diabetic mice [c57bl/ksj(db/db)]., O Berglund and J Sehlin
Defective regulation of erythrocyte autoantibodies in sjl mice., A Cooke and P Hutchings
Defective repair of radiation-induced chromosomal damage in scid/scid mice., J E. Disney, A L. Barth, and L D. Shultz
Defective repertoire of proliferative t cells during lymphatic regeneration., M Sihvola and M Hurme
Defective resistance to plasmodium yoelii in cba/n mice., K W. Hunter, F D. Finkelman, G T. Land, E C. Sayles, and I Scher
Defective resistance to plasmodium yoelii in cba/n mice. Abstr., K W. Hunter, F D. Finkelman, G T. Strickland, E C. Sayles, I Scher, and J J. Mond
Defective response to migration inhibition factor by peritoneal macrophages from c3h/hej mice. Abstr., A Tagliabue, L Ruco, M Meltzer, R B. Herberman, and J L. Mccoy
Defective spectrin integrity and neonatal thrombosis in the first mouse model for severe hereditary elliptocytosis., N J. Wandersee, A N. Roesch, N R. Hamblen, Moes J. de, derValk M. van, R T. Bronson, J A. Gimm, N Mohandas, P Demant, and J E. Barker
Defective splenic adcc effector cell activity in aged nbc mice. Role of serum factors. Abstr., B S. Handwerger, G Fernandes, E J. Yunis, and S D. Douglas
Defective spontaneous but normal antibody-dependent cytotoxicity for an extracellular protozoan parasite, giardia lamlia, by c3h/hej mouse macrophages., P D. Smith, D B. Keister, S M. Wahl, and M S. Meltzer
Defective sulfation in brachymorphic mouse cartilage. Abstr., N B. Schwartz and R M. Pratt
Defective t cell immunity to influenza in aged mice. Abstr., R B. Effros and R L. Walford
Defective thyroid ontogenesis in fetal hypothyroid (hyt/hyt) mice., W G. Beamer and L A. Cresswell
Defective transient endogenous spleen colony forma- tion in sl/sld mice., jedrzejczak W. Wiktor, A Ahmed, S J. Sharkis, A Mckee, and K W. Sell
Defective tumoricidal capacity of macrophages from a-derived strains of mice. Abstr., D Boraschi, M Meltzer, and H J. Rapp
Defective tumoricidal capacity of macrophages from a/j mice. I. Characterization of the macrophage cytotoxic defect after in vivo and in vitro activation stimuli., D Boraschi and M S. Meltzer
Defective tumoricidal capacity of macrophages from a/j mice. II. Comparison of the macrophage cytotoxic defect of a/j mice with that of lipid a-unresponsive c3h/hej mice., D Boraschi and M S. Meltzer
Defective tumoricidal capacity of macrophages from a/j mice. Iii. Genetic analysis of the macrophage defect., D Boraschi and M S. Meltzer
Defective tumoricidal capacity of macrophages from c3h/hej mice., L P. Ruco and M S. Meltzer
Defectivity of rauscher murine erythroblastosis virus., P Bentvelzen, A Aarssen, and J Brinkhof
Defect of erythropoiesis in non-leukaemic akr mice., J F. Duplan
Defect of intestinal mucosal iron uptake in mice with hereditary microcytic anemia., J A. Edwards and J E. Hoke
Defect of macrophage function in the antibody response to sheep erythrocytes in systemic mycobacterium lepraemurium infection., S R. Watson, V S. Sljivic, and I N. Brown
Defect of splenic stroma (hematopoietic inductive microenvironments) in the genetic anemia of sl/sld mice. Abstr., M T. Gallagher, M P. Garry, and J J. Trentin
Defects in development of the kidney, heart and eye vasculature in mice homozygous for a hypomorphic Notch2 mutation., B McCright, X Gao, L Shen, J Lozier, Y Lan, M Maguire, D Herzlinger, G Weinmaster, R Jiang, and T Gridley
Defects in eye development in transgenic mice overexpressing the heparan sulfate proteoglycan agrin., P G. Fuerst, S M. Rauch, and R W. Burgess
Defects in hematopoietic differentiation in nzb and nzc mice., N L. Warner and M A. Moore
Defects in limb, craniofacial, and thymic development in Jagged2 mutant mice., R Jiang, Y Lan, H D. Chapman, C Shawber, C R. Norton, D V. Serreze, G Weinmaster, and T Gridley
Defects in somite formation in lunatic fringe-deficient mice., N Zhang and T Gridley
Defects in the archenteron of mouse embryos homozygous for the t-mutation., H Fujimoto and K O. Yanagisawa
Defects in the cappuccino (cno) gene on mouse chromosome 5 and human 4p cause Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome by an AP-3-independent mechanism., B Gwynn, S L. Ciciotte, S J. Hunter, L L. Washburn, R S. Smith, S G. Andersen, R T. Swank, E C. Dell'Angelica, J S. Bonifacino, E M. Eicher, and L L. Peters
Defects in the cartilaginous growth plates of brachymorphic mice., R W. Orkin, B R. Williams, R E. Cranley, and K S. Brown
Defects in the differentiation and function of antigen presenting cells in NOD/Lt mice., D V. Serreze, H R. Gaskins, and E H. Leiter
Defects in the immune response of nzc mice., H Herrod and N Warner
Defense mechanisms against primary influenza virus infection in mice. I. The roles of interferon and neutralizing antibodies and thymus dependence of interferon and antibody production., T Iwasaki and T Nozima
Defense of mouse red blood cells against oxidative damage by phenylhydrazine. Glutathione peroxidase and catalase deficiency., A K. Lal, N H. Ansari, Y C. Awasthi, L M. Synder, O L. Fortier, and S K. Srivastava
Defense system of the lens against oxidative damage: effect of oxidative challenge on cataract formation in glutathione peroxi- dase deficient-acatalasemic mice., S K. Srivastava, A K. Lal, and N H. Ansari
Defensive burying by mice: intraspecific genetic variation and retention., D B. Harder and J C. Maggio
Defibrination and metastasis formation, effects of arvin on experimental metastases in mice., B Hagmar
Deficiency in cells expressing terminal transferase in autoimmune (motheaten) mice., K S. Landreth, K Mccoy, J Clagett, F J. Bollum, and C Rosse
Deficiency in the thymus-dependent immunity in 'lethargic' mutant mice., H C. Dung
Deficiency of a ca2+-atpase in brains of seizure prone mice., D E. Rosenblatt, C J. Lauter, and E G. Trams
Deficiency of a glucocorticoid inducible isoenzyme of liver tyrosine aminotransferase in the obese C57BL/6J-ob mutant mouse., R L. Blake and J Broner
Deficiency of a glucocorticoid inducible isoenzyme of liver tyrosine aminotransferase in the obese c57bl/6j-ob mutant mouse., R L. Blake and J Broner
Deficiency of a kidney metallo-endoproteinase in mice. Abstr., J S. Bond, C L. Garganta, D L. Bellingham, and R J. Beynon
Deficiency of coenzyme q9 in mice having hereditary muscular dystrophy., G P. Littarru, D Jones, J Scholler, and K Folkers
Deficiency of corpus callosum varies with strain and supplier of the mice., D Wahlsten
Deficiency of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolase in type-ii muscle fibres of the a2g-adr mouse mutant with abnormal muscle function., J Watkins, R L. Watts, and D C. Watts
Deficiency of PPARbeta/delta in the epidermis results in defective cutaneous permeability barrier homeostasis and increased inflammation., M Q. Man, G D. Barish, M Schmuth, D Crumrine, Y Barak, S Chang, Y Jiang, R M. Evans, P M. Elias, and K R. Feingold
Deficiency of scavenger receptor BI leads to impaired lymphocyte homeostasis and autoimmune disorders in mice., Hong Feng, Ling Guo, Dan Wang, Haiqing Gao, Guihua Hou, Zhong Zheng, Junting Ai, Oded Foreman, Alan Daugherty, and Xiang-An Li
Deficiency of SHP-1 protein-tyrosine phosphatase activity results in heightened osteoclast function and decreased bone density., S Umeda, W G. Beamer, K Takagi, M Naito, S Hayashi, H Yonemitsu, T Yi, and L D. Shultz
Deficiency of SHP-1 protein-tyrosine phosphatase in "viable motheaten" mice results in retinal degeneration., B L. Lyons, R S. Smith, R E. Hurd, N L. Hawes, L M. Burzenski, S Nusinowitz, M G. Hasham, B Chang, and L D. Shultz
Deficiency of the fifth component of complement in mice with an inherited complement defect., U R. Nilsson and eberhard H. Muller
Deficiency of yellow (aya) progeny in litters of yellow (aya) ys/chwf female mice. Abstr., G L. Wolff and A Bartke
Deficient antibody formation in the bone marrow of nude mice., R Benner, A V. Oudenaren, and J J. Haaijman
Deficient cell-mediated immunity in adult nzb mice., A Ghaffar, M Krsiakova, and J H. Playfair
Deficient fe59 and i125 deoxyuridine uptake by lympho-hemopoietic cell transplants engaged in homograft reactions., W E. Davis, R Schofield, and L J. Cole
Deficient growth of C57BL marrow cells transplanted in F1 hybrid mice; association with the histocompatibility-2 locus., G Cudkowicz and J H. Stimpfling
Deficient growth of c57bl marrow cells transplanted in f1 mice, association with the histocompatibility-2 locus., G Cudkowicz and J H. Stimpfling
Deficient growth of parental marrow grafts in f1 hybrid mice. Assoc- iation with the h-2b allele. Abstr., G Cudkowicz and J H. Stimpfling
Deficient healing in obese hyperglycemic mice which is not improved by insulin. Abstr., W Goodson and T K. Hunt
Deficient hemic cell production in vivo but not in vitro by marrow of wvwv and wv&anemic mice. Abstr., M Bennett, R S. Foster, and D Metcalf
Deficient immunologic functions of nzb mice., O Stutman, E J. Yunis, and R A. Good
Deficient insulin biosynthesis and rna metabolism in pancreatic b-cells of mice with spontaneous diabetes. Abstr., R Gunnarsson
Deficient interleukin-2 activity in MRL/Mp and C57BL/6J mice bearing the lpr gene., D Wofsy, E D. Murphy, J B. Roths, M J. Dauphinee, S B. Kipper, and N Talal
Deficient production of antibody-forming cells by genetically anemic wvwv and wv& mice. Abstr., G M. Shearer and G Cudkowicz
Deficient production of anti-red cell autoantibodies by mice with an x-linked b lymphocyte defect., clarke S. Marshall, A Cooke, and P R. Hutchings
Deficient production of a thymus-dependent high affinity antibody subset in mice (cba/n) with an x-linked b lymphocyte defect., R K. Gershon and K Kondo
Deficient production of nonerythroid cells by transplanted marrow of anemic wwv mice. Abstr., M Bennett and G Cudkowicz
Deficient production of the lymphokine eosinophil stimulation promoter in chemically induced and mutation diabetes mellitus in mice., J W. Kazura, C Gandola, H R. Rodman, and A A. Mahmoud
Deficient repair and degeneration of dna in l5178y s/s cells., A M. Ueno and J T. Lett
Deficient repair and degradation of dna in x-irradiated l5178y s/s cells: cell-cycle and temperature dependence., A M. Uneo, E M. Goldin, A B. Cox, and J T. Lett
Deficit of interleukin 2 production associated with impaired t-cell proliferative responses in mycobacterium lepraemurium infection., A Hoffenbach, P H. Lagrange, and M Bach
Deficits in retention and impairments in learning induced by severe hypothermia in mice., R E. Beitel and P B. Porter
Defined nutrient medium for the in vitro maintenance of Xenopus laevis oocytes., J J. Eppig and J N. Dumont
Defined with monoclonal antibodies to mhc region antigens., R Scollay, S Jacobs, L Jerabek, E Butcher, D I. Weissman, and M Subpopulations
Defining the genetics of osteoporosis: using the mouse to understand man., C J. Rosen, W G. Beamer, and L R. Donahue
Defining the heterogeneity of anti-tumor antibody responses., G P. Segal and N R. Klinman
Definition and temporal expression of germ-cell surface components during spermatogenesis in mice using monoclonal antibodies. Abstr., K B. Bechtol and R H. Kennett
Definition of a common leukocyte cell-surface antigen (lp95-150) associated with diverse cell-mediated immune functions., P G. Beatty, J A. Ledbetter, P J. Martin, P, and J A. Hansen
Definition of a germinal center area as distinct from the thymus- dependent area in the lymphoid tissue of the mouse. Abstr., M A. De sousa
Definition of alien h-2 determinants on a friend leukaemia by analysis of alloreactivity of ctl from primary mlc., P D. Greenberg, M A. Cheever, and A Fefer
Definition of a new t lymphocyte cell surface antigen ly 10.2. Abstr., D Meruelo, A Paolino, N Flieger, and J. Workin
Definition of antigenic heterogeneity and modulation among human mammary carcinoma cell populations using monoclonal antibodies to tumor-associated antigens., P H. Hand, M Nuti, D Colcher, and J Schlom
Definition of conditions that enable antigen-specific activation of the majority of isolated trinitrophenol-binding b cells., J C. Cambier, J G. Monroe, and M J. Neale
Definition of ia.w39 As a specific ir gene product. Abstr., B T. Huber, T H. Hansen, and lawson D. Thorley
Definition of inbred strains., D W. Bailey
Definition of inbred strains., D W. Bailey
Definition of 'strong' and 'weak' histocompatibility alleles., johnson R. Elandt
Definition of t cell idiotypes using anti-idiotypic antisera produced by immunization with t cell clones., A J. Infante, P D. Infante, S Gillis, and C G. Fathman
Definition of the serum requirement for growth of erythroid and granulocyt^@@@e-macrophage precursors in culture. Ab, L J. Guilbert
Definition of unique cell surface antigen of mouse leukemia rlmale1 by cell-mediated cytotoxicity., E Nakayama, H Shiku, T Takahashi, O, and L J. Old
Definitive evidence that the murine c-type virus inducing locus akv-1 is viral genetic material., S K. Chattopadhyay, W P. Rowe, N M. Teich, and D R. Lowy
Definitive mapping of the immune response gene(s) for (t,g)- -a--l to the i-a subregion., M Markman and H B. Dickler
Definitive red blood cell differentiation in a clonal line of mouse teratocarcinoma cultured in vivo in the chick embryo., C A. Cudennec and J Salaun
Deformation of the erythrocyte plasma membrane for early identification of congenital muscular dystrophy. Abstr., B G. Atkinson, B Nixon, and K Atkinson
Deformed optic nerves in coisogenic albino and pigmented c57bl/6j-c2j mice., I S. Westenberg
Deformity of the tibiofibula in male nzbr/b1 mice., C P. Geary and M Bielschowsky
Degeneracy of the immune response to sheep red cells., R K. Gershon and K Kondo
Degeneracy of the immune response to sheep red cells., R K. Gershon and K Kondo
Degeneration and regeneration following unilateral crushing and sectioning of the sciatic nerve in the C3H/JAX mouse., Meta L. Kaplan
Degeneration and regeneration in the sciatic trunk of the DBA/1 mouse., Paul C. Dinu
Degeneration and regeneration of interrupted peripheral nerve fibers in DBA/1 mus musculus., P.K Trachtman
Degeneration and regeneration of the germinal epithelium in four groups of mice after 700 R of X-irradiation., Arthur Weiss
Degeneration and regeneration phenomena after a sciatic nerve trunk crush in mice - strain dba/1., Kay M. Badovinac
Degeneration of cardiac and skeletal muscle in radiation chimeras., E V. Hulse and H S. Micklem
Degeneration of mouse oocytes in response to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons., B J. Gulyas and D R. Mattison
Degeneration of the adrenal x-zone in tfm mice with inherited insensitivity to androgens., J G. Shire
Degenerative arthritis in mice. Study of age and sex frequency in various strains with a genetic study of nzb/b1, nzy/b1, and hybrid mice., R D. Wigley, K G. Couchman, R Maule, and B R. Reay
Degenerative joint disease in rattus (mastomys) natalensis. Abstr., L Sokoloff, K C. Snell, and H L. Stewart
Degenerative joint disease in the mouse knee. Histological observations., M Walton
Degenerative joint disease in the mouse knee, radiological and morphological observations., M Walton
Degenerative vascular disease and myocardial infarction in mice with lupus-like syndrome., L Accinni and F J. Dixon
Degenerescence des cellules visuelles photoreceptrices et persistance d'une sensibilite de la retine a la stimulation photique, observations au microscope electronique., P Karli, M Stoeckel, and A Porte
Degradation of basement membrane by metastasizing fibrosarcoma cells. Abstr., L A. Liotta, J Kleinerman, P Catanzaro, and D Rynbrandt
Degradation of basement membrane by murine tumor cells., L A. Liotta, J Kleinerman, P Catanzaro, and D Rynbrandt
Degradation of cell-bound antibodies by tumor cells from c57bl/6 mice., Y Keisari and I P. Witz
Degradation of dna by the ehrlich ascites tumor., P G. Stansly
Degradation of heparin in mouse mastocytoma tissue., S Ogren and U Lindahl
Degradation of immunoglobulins by lysosomal enzymes of tumors--i. Demonstration of the phenomenon using mouse tumors., Y Keisari and I P. Witz
Degradation of IRS1 leads to impaired glucose uptake in adipose tissue of the type 2 diabetes mouse model TALLYHO/Jng., Y Wang, P M. Nishina, and J K. Naggert
Degradation of nucleic acids by lysosomal extracts of rat liver and ehrlich ascites tumor cells., C Arsenis, J S. Gordon, and O Touster
Degradation of rna in nuclei from ehrlich ascites cells., E A. Speers and R G. Von tigerstrom
Degradation of tumor antibodies by tumor cells in culture. Abstr., Y Keisari and I P. Witz
Degranulation anaphylactique de mastocytes in vitro par des anticorps de transplantation chez la souris., M Daeron, R G. Kinsky, and G A. Voisin
Degranulation capacity of cultured mast cells in the pre- sence of histamine releaser., H Ginsberg, shahar D. Ben, I Hammel, and david E. Ben
Degree and spectrum of activity of anticancer agents in six colon tumors of mice. Abstr., T H. Corbett and D P. Griswold
Degree of allogeneic histoincompatibility assayed by the hemolytic plaque technique., S Hirano and E M. Uyeki
Degree of heterogeneity of binding specificites of antibodies to the phenylarsonate group that share a common idiotype., T F. Kresina, S M. Rosen, and A Nisonoff
Degrees of radiosensitivity and cross-reactivity of cytotoxicity, delayed hypersensitivity and antibody production., C Kubo, K Nomoto, K Taniguchi, F Nanishi, Y Shimamoto, D K. Takeya, and C A. Iii
Dehydration and high sound intensity as factors in the production of isolated cleft palate in a/jax mice. Abstr., K S. Brown and M C. Johnston
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and diabetic syndromes in mice., D L. Coleman
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and lipogenesis., Priscilla W. Sheldon
Dehydrogenase activities in dystrophic mice., M W. Mc caman
Dehydroretronecine induced skin tumors in mice. Abstr., K A. Robertson, W D. Johnson, and J R. Allen
De la capsula de bowman en varias especies de ratones., decoud A. Castane, H Hernandez, I G. Al, F D. Los, and R S. Parietal
Delayed administration of carrier marrow can decrease competition on donor stem cells during engraftment and maintain radioprotection of the host., B W. Soper, M D. Lessard, C D. Jude, A J. Schuldt, and J E. Barker
Delayed advent of stringent, non-h-2 genetic regulation of the antibody response to a protein antigen., D E. Kipp, A Furman, A Miller, and E E. Sercarz
Delayed and reduced cell replication and diminishing levels of dna polymerase-alpha in regenerating liver of aging mice., M Fry, J Silber, L A. Loeb, and G M. Martin
Delayed antibody synthesis in mice after transfer of immune peritoneal fluid cells., E Weiler
Delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity to oxazolone in mice with tumors., G R. Hemsworth, J S. Wolff, I )ii, A R. Kraska, and K E. Jensen
Delayed cytotoxicity of 5-azacytidine (azac). Abstr., C A. Presant, T Vietti, and F Valeriote
Delayed effect of genetic segregation on the transmission of the mammary-tumor agent in mice., W Heston, G Vlahakis, and M K. Deringer
Delayed effect of thymectomy in adult life on immunological competence., D Metcalf
Delayed effects in mice irradiated with partial body shielding. Abstr., G E. Cosgrove and A C. Upton
Delayed effects of surgical, chemical, and radiation insults on the immune system of long-lived mice. Abstr., T Makinodan, E H. Perkins, W J. Peterson, C P. Peter, M G. Chen, M M. Fine, M L. Heidrick, Y Hori, S A. Goodman, M K. Halsall, C F. Gottlieb, L M. May, H D. Hall, and L H. Cachiero
Delayed effects of various immunosuppressants on the life expectancy and pathology of long-living mice. Abstr., C Peter and W Peterson
Delayed formation of chromosome aberrations in mouse pachytene spermatocytes treated with triethylenemelamine (tem)., W M. Generoso, M Krishna, R E. Sotomayor, and N L. Cacheiro
Delayed hematological recovery after cyclophosphamide treatment in the presence of an advanced tumor., W D. De wys and J M. Mansky
Delayed hypersensitivity and neoplasia, in vitro studies with macrophage migration., T Steiner and A L. Watne
Delayed hypersensitivity in balb/c and charles-river mice injected at birth with a single dose of 7,12-dimethylbenz(alpha) anthracene (dmba)., C D. Baroni, G Bertoli, P Pesando, and R Scelsi
Delayed hypersensitivity in mice induced by intravenous sensiti- zation with sheep erythrocytes. Evidence for tuberculin type delayed hypersensitivity of the reaction., A Mitsuoka, T Teramatsu, M Baba, S Morikawa, and K Yasuhira
Delayed hypersensitivity in mice infected with reovirus. I. Identification of host and viral gene products responsible for the immune response., H L. Weiner, M I. Greene, and B N. Fields
Delayed hypersensitivity in mice to dextran., A J. Crowle and C C. Hu
Delayed hypersensitivity in murine pulmonary pertussis., C Cheers
Delayed hypersensitivity in the hereditary pituitary dwarf snell/bagg mouse., C D. Baroni, R Scelsi, P L. Mingazzini, A Cavallero, and S Uccini
Delayed hypersensitivity in the mouse., A J. Crowle
Delayed hypersensitivity in the mouse induced by hapten-carrier complexes., H Snippe, P J. Willems, W G. Graven, and E Kamp
Delayed hypersensitivity responses in mice and guinea pigs to mycobacterium leprae, mycobacterium vaccae, and mycobacterium non-chromogenicum cytoplasmic proteins., S R. Watson, N E. Morrison, and F M. Collins
Delayed hypersensitivity to chemically induced tumors in mice and correlation with an in vitro test., W J. Halliday and M Webb
Delayed hypersensitivity to murine cytomegalovirus and its depression during pregnancy., K Chong and C A. Mims
Delayed hypersensitivity to simian virus 40 tumor cells in balb/c mice demonstrated by a radioisotopic foot-pad assay., M S. Paranjpe and C W. Boone
Delayed hypersensitivity to soluble antigens in mice. I. Analysis in vivo., N H. Ruddle
Delayed hypersensitivity to soluble antigens in mice. II. Analysis in vitro., N H. Ruddle
Delayed hypersensitivity to tumor extracts in vitro. Abstr., T Steiner, R Hook, and W Albrink
Delayed immune aging in diet-restricted B6CBAT6 F1 mice is associated with preservation of naive T cells., J Chen, C M. Astle, and D E. Harrison
Delayed increase of adrenal th and pnmt activities following cold stress in the mouse., A Hoffman, R Harbaugh, E Erdelyi, J Dornbusch, O Ciaranello, and J Barchas
Delayed inhibition of dna synthesis in mouse jejunum by low doses of actinomycin d., R Baserga, R D. Estensen, and R O. Petersen
Delayed lethal response to candida albicans infection in mice bearing the lewis lung carcinoma., E H. Robinette and D N. Mardon
Delayed maturation of intestinal secretory iga and splenic cellular immunity caused by moderate protein deficiency. Abstr., R R. Watson, N J. Putt, and D V. Safranski
Delayed mitotic development and correlated death of spermatocytes in male mice with chromosome abnormalities., R M. Speed and P D. Boer
Delayed mortality after mid-lethal exposures to whole-body irradiation and its modification by treatment with syngeneic lymph-node or bone- -marrow cells., D W. Barnes, G T. Bungay, and R H. Mole
Delayed occurrence of fatal neoplastic diseases in ames dwarf mice: correlation to extended longevity., Y Ikeno, R T. Bronson, G B. Hubbard, S Lee, and A Bartke
Delayed onset of coombs positive hemolytic anemia in leukemia virus- -infected new zealand black mice. Abstr., J I. Morton, D Melby, and B V. Siegel
Delayed patterned hair depigmentation in cba mice following application of laundry ink., W B. Shelley and C J. Raque
Delayed prophylaxis in the prevention of experimental metastases. Abstr., R W. Talley, J Petrovich, and M J. Brennan
Delayed radiation injury in gut-shielded or exposed mice. Abstr., J F. Spalding, J E. London, O S. Johnson, and R F. Archuleta
Delayed reduction in T cell precursor frequencies accompanies diet-induced lifespan extension., R A. Miller and D E. Harrison
Delayed, relapsing experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in mice., F D. Lublin, P H. Maurer, R G. Berry, and D Tippett
Delayed, relapsing experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in mice. Role of adjuvants and pertussis vaccine., F D. Lublin
Delayed responses in rats and mice to early postnatal diets., B C. O'brien, R Pullarkat, J Darsie, and R Reiser
Delayed tumor growth caused by a combined treatment with bcg and pseudomonas aeruginosa. A consequence of tumor- -necrosisfactor production?, N Kiger, J Schultz, A Khalil, B Caillou, and G Mathe
Delayed tumors of mice immunized against the ehrlich ascites tumor., R N. Baillif and E L. Jones
Delayed tumour appearance and absence of regression in nude mice infected with murine sarcoma virus., O Stutman
Delayed type hypersensitivity against host histoco`@@@mpatibil antigens in gvh disease. Abstr., E A. Wolters and R Benner
Delayed-type hypersensitivity against semliki forest virus in mice., C A. Kraaijeveld, M Harmsen, and trouw B. Boutahar
Delayed-type hypersensitivity and acquired cellular resistance in mice immunized with killed listeria monocytogenes and adjuvants., C Van der meer, F M. Hofhuis, and J M. Willers
Delayed-type hypersensitivity and allograft rejection in the mouse: correlation of effector cell phenotype., B E. Loveland and I F. Mckenzie
Delayed-type hypersensitivity (dth) to murine rotavirus: reinfection induces suppression of the dth. Abstr., J F. Sheridan and L Aurelian
Delayed-type hypersensitivity induced by antigen-pulsed, bone marrow-derived macrophages., P L. Mottram and J F. Miller
Delayed-type hypersensitivity induced in immunodeficient mice with syngeneic modified self antigens: a suggestive model of autoimmune response., N Tarcic and D Naor
Delayed-type hypersensitivity in mice after skin and tumour allografts and tumour isografts., W E. Hoy and D S. Nelson
Delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions to soluble tumor-specific and alloantigens assayed in the mouse footpad. Abstr., N D. Kon, J T. Forbes, and P A. Klein
Delayed type hypersensitivity response to radiation leukemia virus variants., G Strassmann and ghera N. Haran
Delayed-type hypersensitivity to allogeneic cells in mice. Iii. Sensitivity to cell-surface antigens coded by the major histocompatibility complex and by other genes., F I. Smith and J F. Miller
Delayed-type hypersensitivity to elastase-soluble lung peptides in the tight-skin (tsk) mouse., F A. Delustro, A M. Mackel, and E C. Leroy
Delayed-type hypersensitivity to h-y in "nonresponder" mouse haplotypes., leigh J. Barrington
Delayed-type hypersensitivity to influenza virus. Induction of antigen-specific suppressor t cells for delayed-type hypersensitivity to hemagglutnin during influenza virus infection in mice., F Y. Liew and S M. Russell
Delayed-type hypersensitivity to liver f antigen in the mouse., P C. Cooper, M F. Coffey, R F, and E A. Mackay
Delayed-type hypersensitivity to sheep red blood cells. Inhibition of sensitization by interferon., guignard J. De maeyer, A Cachard, and E D. Maeyer
Delayed ultrastructural changes in duodenal crypts of x-irradiated mice., J Hugon, J R. Maisin, and M Borgers
Delay in the onset of heat sensitivity in a methylchol- anthrene-induced fibrosarcoma. Abstr., A I. Feldman
Delay in tumor development induced with a bacterial vaccine., F B. Seibert and R L. Davis
Delay of response associated with hippocampal and neocortical functions in mice. ..SPON..Dr. Richard L. Wimer., Edmund Suski
Delays after injection in mice and rats. Abstr., M L. Beaumariage, V Smoliar, A M. Al, D E. Cysteamine, and C A. Various
DelBank: a mouse ES-cell resource for generating deletions., N C. Goodwin, Y Ishida, S Hartford, C Wnek, R A. Bergstrom, P Leder, and J C. Schimenti
[deleterious Effect of levamisole on experimental trypanosomia- sis in mice.], G Libeau and M Pinder
Deleterious effects of irradiation and bone marrow transplantation therapy in the genetically anemic an/an mouse., J T. Eppig and J E. Barker
Deletion and replacement of the mouse adult beta-globin genes by a plug and socket repeated targeting strategy., P J. Detloff, J Lewis, S W. John, W R. Shehee, R Langenbach, N Maeda, and O Smithies
Deletion in Catna2, encoding alpha N-catenin, causes cerebellar and hippocampal lamination defects and impaired startle modulation., C Park, W Falls, J H. Finger, Guess C. Longo, and S L. Ackerman
Deletion mapping by immunoselection against the H-Y histocompatibility antigen further resolves the Sxra region of the mouse Y chromosome and reveals complexity of the Hya locus., T R. King, G J. Christianson, M J. Mitchell, C E. Bishop, D Scott, I Ehrmann, E Simpson, E M. Eicher, and D C. Roopenian
Deletion mapping of the head tilt (het) gene in mice: a vestibular mutation causing specific absence of otoliths., R A. Bergstrom, Y You, L C. Erway, M F. Lyon, and J C. Schimenti
Deletion of cnu genes in mouse b lymphocytes upon stimulation with lps., A Radbruch and F Sablitzky
Deletion of hapten-binding cells by a highly radioactive 125i conjugate., D T. Golan and Y Borel
Deletion of immunoglobulin heavy chain genes from expressed allelic chromosome., Y Yaoita and T Honjo
Deletion of mapping of the t/t complex: evidence for a second region of critical embryonic genes., B S. Babiarz
Deletion of the cholesterol-negative feedback system in liver tumors., M D. Siperstein and V M. Fagan
Deletion of the GATA domain of TRPS1 causes an absence of facial hair and provides new insights into the bone disorder in inherited tricho-rhino-phalangeal syndromes., T H. Malik, Stechow D. Von, R T. Bronson, and R A. Shivdasani
Deletion of the G protein-coupled receptor 30 impairs glucose tolerance, reduces bone growth, increases blood pressure, and eliminates estradiol-stimulated insulin release in female mice., U E. Martensson, S A. Salehi, S Windahl, M F. Gomez, K Sward, P O. Grande, C Owman, C J. Rosen, and al et
Deletion of the p27Kip1 gene restores normal development in cyclin D1-deficient mice., Y Geng, Q Yu, E Sicinska, M Das, R T. Bronson, and P Sicinski
Deletions are associated with somatic rearrangement of immuno- globulin heavy chain genes., S Cory and J M. Adams
Deletions in a recombinant retrovirus genome associated with its expression in embryonal carcinoma cells., M Taketo and D J. Shaffer
Deletions in the constant region locus can account for switches in immunoglobulin heavy chain expression., S Cory, J Jackson, and J M. Adams
Delimitation of chromosomal regions involved in v-type position effects from x autosome translocations in the mouse. Abstr., L B. Russell, J W. Bangham, and C L. Saylors
Delimitation of coat pigment areas in mosaic and piebald mice. Abstr., R H. Schaible and J W. Gowen
Delimitation of inhibitory and enhancing effect of histone on tumor growth., G Gillissen and K Schweizer
Delineation of ia:nominal antigen complementary determinants recognized by t cells in studies of gene complementation in response to insulin., C S. Lin, T H. Hansen, H C. Passmore, A S. Rosenthal, H Y. Tse, W D. Walsh, and S Kanamori
Delineation of optimal conditions for producing mouse-human heterohybridomas from human peripheral blood b cells of immunized subjects., J L. Butler, H C. Lane, and A S. Fauci
Delineation of primary b cell subpopulations by size fractionation. Abstr., J L. Press, S Strober, and N R. Klinman
Delineation of spontaneous erythrocyte autoantibody responses of nzb and other strains of mice., D H. Deheer, E J. Linder, and T S. Edgington
Delineation of tolerance-sensitive and tolerance-insensitive b cells in normal and immune defective mice., J P. Mckearn and J Quintans
Delivery of 57co b12 to lymphoblasts derived from mice with trans- planted l1210 ascites tumor cells by transcobalamins i, ii, and iii., L M. Meyer, R A. Gams, E M. Ryel, I E. Miller, and S Kumar
Dell'azione antiblastica del trietileniminobenzochinone. Ricerche sperimentali sul sarcoma 180., M Socci and G Dellepiane
Delta1-testololactone, a growth-promoting agent in newborn mice and rats. Abstr., L J. Lerner, A Bianchi, and M Dzelzkalns
Delta9 desaturase activity in normal mouse liver and hepatoma ss1k., O Mercuri and M E. Tomas
Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol effect on audiogenic seizure susceptibility., W O. Boggan, R A. Steele, and D X. Freedman
Delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase activity in mice with hereditary anemia., F L. Margolis and E S. Russell
Delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase activity in mice with hereditary anemia., F L. Margolis and E S. Russell
delta-Aminolevulinate dehydratase (mouse liver)., D L. Coleman
Delta-aminolevulinic acid synthetase activity in spleens of mice infected by the polycythemia-inducing friend virus., L Pothier, P R. Libby, J F. Gallagher, and E A. Mirand
Delta cell population changes in murine diabetes., John Steinert
Demethylation and expression of murine mammary tumor proviruses in mouse thymoma cell lines., J Mermod, S Bourgeois, N Defer, and M Crepin
Demonstrability of some oxidative enzymes in early rodent embryos with and without fixation., D Solter, I Damjanov, and N Skreb
Demonstrability of some oxidative enzymes in early rodent embryos with and without fixation., D Solter, I Damjanov, and N Skreb
Demonstration and analysis of an alarm pheromone in mice., S J. Rottman and C T. Snowdon
Demonstration and isolation of murine melanoma-associated antigenic surface proteins., D M. Gersten and J J. Marchalonis
Demonstration by the antiglobulin consumption test with murine anti- sera of common antigens in tissues infected with the mammary tumor virus from different mouse strains., E C. Holmes and D L. Morton
Demonstration, by the mixed antiglobulin reaction, of antibodies to bp8 tumour cells in immunized mice., W Mori and R R. Coombs
Demonstration, in leukemia l-1210 cells, of a phosphodiesterase acting on 3'.5'-cyclic Cmp but not on 3'.5'-cyclic Amp or 3'.5'-cyclic Gmp., Y Cheng and A Bloch
Demonstration in mouse of X-ray induced deletions for a know enzyme structural locus., R P. Erickson, E M. Eicher, and Waelsch S. Gluecksohn
Demonstration in mouse of x-ray induced deletions for a known enzyme structural locus., R P. Erickson, E M. Eicher, and waelsch S. Gluecksohn
Demonstration in mouse of x-ray induced deletions for a known enzyme structural locus., R P. Erickson, E M. Eicher, and waelsch S. Gluecksohn
Demonstration in vitro of cytotoxic t cells with apparent spec- ificity toward tumor-specific transplantation antigens on chemically induced tumors., P H. Chauvenet, C P. Mcarthur, and R T. Smith
Demonstration, nature and properties of maternal antibodies fixed on placenta and directed against paternal antigens., G A. Voisin and G Chaouat
Demonstration of a cell-surface antigen associated with murine sarcoma virus by immunoelectron microscopy., T Aoki, J R. Stephenson, and S A. Aaronson
Demonstration of acetylcholine-sensitive adenyl cyclase in malignant neuroblastoma cells in culture., K N. Prasad, K N. Gilmer, and S K. Sahu
Demonstration of a circulating thymic hormone in mouse and in man., J F. Bach, M Dardenne, and M Bach
Demonstration of a common antigen present on ca-755a, eac, and s-180 ascites tumors. Abstr., D E. Haagensen and H J. Hansen
Demonstration of a concanavalin a-induced lymphokine enchancing arginase activity. Effect of presensitization by a skin allograft., E Schneider and M Dy
Demonstration of activation of b lymphocytes in new zealand black mice at birth by an immunoradiometric assay for murine igm., H M. Moutsopoulos and T M. Chused
Demonstration of active suppressor cells in spleens of young nzb mice., D A. Lebman and C E. Calkins
Demonstration of a direct carcinogenic effect of estradiol (e2) on leydig cells of the mouse. Abstr., R A. Huseby
Demonstration of a direct carcinogenic effect of estradiol on leydig cells of the mouse., R A. Huseby
Demonstration of a direct relationship between blood platelet number and frequency of metastases in mice. Abstr., G J. Gasic and T B. Gasic
Demonstration of a genetic factor influencing spontaneous release of xenotropic virus of mouse cells., J R. Stephenson and S A. Aaronson
Demonstration of a murine cell surface component with affinity for exogenous beta2-microglobulin., K Sege, L Ostberg, and P A. Peterson
Demonstration of amyloid in murine and human secondary amyloidosis by the immunoperoxidase technique., N Livni, A Laufer, and Y Levo
Demonstration of an alternative allele at the qa-1 locus. Abstr., L Flaherty, E Rinchik, and K Dibiase
Demonstration of an anoxic component in a mouse tumor-cell population by in vivo assay of survival following irradiation., W E. Powers and L J. Tolmach
Demonstration of an antibody-mediated tolerance state and its effect on antibody affinity., G Birnbaum, M E. Weksler, and G W. Siskind
Demonstration of an early host-graft incompatibility reaction in radiation chimeras with the jerne plaque technique., N Gengozian, C F. Gottlieb, and E M. Allen
Demonstration of an inverse relationship between regenerative capacity and oncogenesis in the adult frog, Rana pipiens., H C. Outzen, R P. Custer, and R T. Prehn
Demonstration of antibody in strain BALB/c mice to homologous tumor S621 by the use of two technics: anaphylaxis and tumor regression., M A. Fink, G D. Snell, and D Kelton
Demonstration of a permanent line of self-renewing mutli- potential hematopoietic stem cells in vitro. Abstr., J S. Greenberger, K Humphries, M A. Sakeeny, R J. Eckner, J Ihle, C Eaves, H Cantor, J Denberg, and G Nabel
Demonstration of a second transport route for tetrahydrofolates in the ehrlich ascites tumor with 5-ch3-h4-homofolate. Abstr., I D. Goldman, B D. Bailey, J C. White, and W Lawrence
Demonstration of a soluble mediator that induces exudates rich in ia-positive macrophages., M G. Scher, D I. Beller, and E R. Unanue
Demonstration of a specific receptor for human c5a anaphyla- toxin on murine macrophages., D E. Chenoweth, M G. Goddman, and W O. Weigle
Demonstration of a tumor-specific antigen in spontaneously developing akr lymphomas., B Wahren
Demonstration of biological activity of a murine leukemia virus of new zealand black mice., J A. Levy and T Pincus
Demonstration of calcium-induced conformation change(s) in c-reactive protein by using monoclonal antibodies., J M. Kilpatrick, J F. Kearney, and J E. Volanakis
Demonstration of carbohydrate- and protein- determined ia antigens by monoclonal antibodies., T J. Higgins, C R. Paris, P M. Hogarth, C Mckenzie, and G J. Hammerling
Demonstration of cell-mediated cytotoxicity suppression by chimeric spleen cells induced by total lymphoid irradiation and bone marrow transplantation. Abstr., W Sullivan, N L. Ascher, and R L. Simmons
Demonstration of cellular immunity against urethan-induced lung adenomas of mice., M I. Colnaghi, S Menard, and G D. Porta
Demonstration of components of serum-free culture medium effecting maximum in vitro expression of mouse mammary tumor virus., S C. Nagle and D L. Fine
Demonstration of dna repair in normal and neoplastic tissues after treatment with proximate chemical carcinogens and ultraviolet radiation., M W. Lieberman and P D. Forbes
Demonstration of dopamine-sensitive adenylate cylase in malignant neuroblastoma cells and change in sensitivity of adenylate cylase to catecholamines in 'differentiated' cells., K N. Prasad and K N. Gilmer
Demonstration of fetal antigens immunologically similar to tumor antigens in guinea pig and murine methylcholanthrene induced tumors. Abstr., S Wells, J Grant, and B L. Mevel
Demonstration of genetic disparity by mixed cultures of allogeneic mouse lymph node cells., S Tanaka, K Orita, and S Kaneda
Demonstration of graffi leukemia virus and virus-induced antigens in leukemic and nonleukemic tissue of mice., G Pasternak and L Pasternak
Demonstration of heavy and light chain antigenic determinants on the cell-bound receptor for antigen. Similarities between membrane- -attached and humoral antibodies produced by the same cell., C S. Walters and H Wigzell
Demonstration of host resistance against isotransplantation of lymphomas induced by the gross agent., G Klein, H O. Sjogren, and E Klein
Demonstration of host resistance against sarcomas induced by implanta- tion of cellophane films in isologous (syngeneic) recipients., G Klein, H O. Sjogren, and E Klein
Demonstration of ia antigens on mouse intestinal epithelial cells by immunoferritin labeling., E L. Parr and I F. Mckenzie
Demonstration of igg-fc and c3 receptors on adult schistosoma mansoni., R L. Tarleton and W M. Kemp
Demonstration of immune adherence-blocking factors in cell-free tumorous ascites., Y Kaneko and K Nitta
Demonstration of immunity to nematospiroides dubius in recipient mice given spleen cells., R Cypess
Demonstration of immunoglobulin on the surface of thymus lymphocytes., V Santana, N Wedderburn, and J Turk
Demonstration of low density lipoprotein receptors in mouse tera- tocarcinoma stem cells and description of a method for producing receptor-deficient mutant mice., J L. Goldstein, M S. Brown, M Krieger, and E A. Mintz
Demonstration of lysosomal and extralysosomal sites for acid phos- phatase in mouse kidney tubule cells with p-nitrophenylphosphate lead- -salt technique., H Miyayama, R Solomon, M Sasaki, C Lin, and W H. Fishman
Demonstration of macrophages in murine solid tumors. Abstr., G W. Wood
Demonstration of mammotrophic activity of the mouse placenta in organ culture and by transplantation., K Kohmoto and H A. Bern
Demonstration of mast cells in the postnatal mouse ovary., R G. Skalko, J R. Ruby, and R F. Dyer
Demonstration of migration inhibitory factor (mif) in a murine system using myelomonocytic leukemia cells (wehi-3)., M C. Kersten, E Pels, R A. Weger, and W D. Otter
Demonstration of monoamine oxidase activity in b16c3 murine melanoma cells. Abstr., C L. Putnam and C S. Brown
Demonstration of mouse serum igd., F D. Finkelman, V L. Woods, A Berning, and I Scher
Demonstration of multiple antigenic sites of the sv40 transplantation rejection antigen by using cytotoxic t lymphocyte clones., A E. Campbell, F L. Foley, and S S. Tevethia
Demonstration of muramyl dipeptide (mdp)-induced t suppressor cells responsible for mdp immunosuppressive activity., C Leclerc, E Bourgeois, and L Chedid
Demonstration of natural antibodies in normal rabbit serum with similar specificity pattern as mouse natural killer cells., A Gronberg, M Hansson, R Kiessling, B Andersson, K Karre, and J Roder
Demonstration of organ differences in peripheral b cell populations through the use of deficient fetal bovine serum., S M. Campbell, M F. Kagnoff, and J Watson
Demonstration of patches of differing genotype in tissue sections of genetically mosaic mice. Abstr., B A. Ponder, M Wilkinson, D Robertson, P E, N, and M Wood
Demonstration of phosphorylcholine-specific ige b cells in cba/n mice., T Kishimoto, S Shigemoto, T Watanabe, and Y Yamamura
Demonstration of proliferation by bone marrow-derived lymphocytes of guinea pigs, mice and rabbits in response to mitogen stimulation in vitro., G J. Elfenbein, M R. Harrison, and I Green
Demonstration of rare (unique) and frequent (shared) idiotopes in mice and humans using hybridoma anti-tepc-15 antibodies. Abstr., M Bach, M Wittner, D Levitt, and H Kohler
Demonstration of repair of potentially lethal damage in plateau phase cells of ehrlich ascites tumor after exposure to bleomycin., Y Takabe, M Watanabe, T Miyamoto, and T Terasima
Demonstration of resistance against methylcholanthrene-induced sarcomas in the primary autochthonous host., G Klein, H O. Sjogren, E Klein, and K E. Hellstrom
Demonstration of storage and release of gonadotropin by the anterior pituitary of the mouse during gestation., A J. Ladman and M N. Runner
Demonstration of subpopulations in ascites tumor cells. Abstr., J Decosse and S Gelfant
Demonstration of suppressor t cells in a population of 'educated' t cells., M Taussig
Demonstration of syngeneic preference in vitro., K E. Hellstrom, I Hellstrom, and G Haughton
Demonstration of the growth hormone dependent serum stimulation of dna synthesis in chick embryo fibroblasts utilizing sera from genetically dwarfed mice. Abstr., S P. Nissley, R A. Knazek, and G L. Wolff
Demonstration of the methyltetrahydrofolate "trap" in b12- -deficient l1210 cells. Abstr., K Fujii and T Nagasaki
Demonstration of the stimulation of the reticulohistiocytic system (rhs) of mice by treatment with bcg by means of biometric and histochemical techniques., F Fey, W Arnold, and A Graffi
Demonstration of theta-akr differentiation antigen in rat tissue by mouse alloantiserum., B Micheel, G Pasternak, and J Steuden
Demonstration of theta-akr differentiation antigen in rat tissue by mouse alloantiserum., B Micheel, G Pasternak, and J Steuden
Demonstration of thymic function in vitro., R Burleson and R Levey
Demonstration of tumor-associated immunity with a leukocyte adherence inhibition (lai) assay., I Hellstrom, K E. Hellstrom, and G Shantz
Demonstration of tumor-specific immunity against antigens unrelated to the mammary tumor virus in spontaneous mammary adenocarcinomas., D L. Morton, G F. Miller, and D A. Wood
Demonstration of two group-specific tstas in adenovirus-induced tumors., J Ankerst and H O. Sjogren
Demonstration of two immunologically distinct xenotropic type c rna viruses of mouse cells., J R. Stephenson, S A. Aaronson, P Arnstein, and S R. Tronick
Demonstration of two types of helper t cells for different igg subclass responses to dinitrophenylated flagellin polymer., M Minami, M Usui, T Kanno, N Tamura, and T Matuhasi
Demonstration of "visual proteins" using mutant mice. Abstr., J F. Mcginnis
Demonstrations of mouse isoantigens at the cellular level by the fluorescent antibody technique., G Moller
Demonstration that a human hepatoma cell line produces a specific insulin-like growth factor carrier protein., A C. Moses, A J. Freinkel, B B. Knowles, and D P. Aden
Demonstration that a mouse immunoglobulin light chain messenger rna hybridizes exclusively with unique dna., T H. Rabbitts, J M. Jarvis, and C Milstein
Demonstration that antigen-binding cells are precursors of antibody- -producing cells after purification with a fluorescence-activated cell sorter., M Julius, T Masuda, and L Herzenberg
Demonstration that large metastases in lymph nodes disseminate cancer cells to blood and lungs., G Crile, W Isbister, and S Deodhar
Demyelination and wasting associated with polyomavirus infection in nude (nu/nu) mice., A Sebesteny, R Tilly, F Balkwill, and D Trevan
Dendritic cell-like characteristics within cloned subpopulations of the p388 leukemia. Abstr., D A. Cohen and A M. Kaplan
Dendritic cells are critical accessory cells for thymus-dependent antibody responses in mouse and in man., K Inaba, R M. Steinman, W C. Voorhis, and S Muramatsu
Dendritic cells induce t cell proliferation to synthetic antigens under ir gene control., G H. Sunshine, D R. Katz, and M Feldmann
Dendritic cells of the pet mouse epidermis. Abstr., W M. Reams
Denervated muscle fibres in hereditary mouse dystrophy., A J. Mccomas and K Mrozek
Denervated skeletal muscle fibers develop discrete patches of high acetylcholine receptor density., P K. Ko, M J, and E A. Cohen
Denervation effects of dystrophic and normal muscle and the etiology of dystrophy. Abstr., R J. Zeman and A Sandow
Denervation effects on dystrophic and normal muscles and the etiology of dystrophy., R J. Zeman and A Sandow
Denervation in murine dystrophy., J Harris and P Wilson
Denervation in the primary olfactory pathway of mice. II. Effects on carnosine and other amine compounds., D Ferriero and F L. Margolis
Dengue virus infection and virus-specific HLA-A2 restricted immune responses in humanized NOD-scid IL2rgammanull mice., S Jaiswal, T Pearson, H Friberg, L D. Shultz, D L. Greiner, A L. Rothman, and A Mathew
De novo appearance of a high molecular weight serum lipoprotein in severely burned mice. Abstr., F T. Rapaport and R J. Bachvaroff
De novo cholesterol synthesis in three different animal models of diabetes., K R. Feingold, S R. Lear, and A H. Moser
De novo protein synthesis is not necessary for t-cell mediated cytolysis. Abstr., R M. Thorn and C S. Henney
De novo synthesis of casein and proteins in cell cultures of mouse mammary epithelial cells. Abstr., M K. Feldman
Dense incisors (din): a new mouse mutation on chromosome 16 affecting tooth eruption and body size., H O. Sweet, S C. Marks, C A. MacKay, K R. Johnson, and M T. Davisson
Densensitization of priming-induced audiogenic seizure susceptibility in balb/c mice., C Chen and G R. Gates
Dense nuclear cataract caused by the gammaB-crystallin S11R point mutation., L Li, B Chang, C Cheng, D Chang, N L. Hawes, C H. Xia, and X Gong
Density comparisons of heavy chains of membrane and secreted immunoglobulins of mouse., N Dobson and U Melcher
Density-dependent changes in gangliosides and sialidase activity of murine neuroblastoma cells., C Schengrund and M A. Repman
Density-dependent inhibition of 2-deoxy-d-glucose uptake into glioma and neuroblastoma cells in culture., A Edstrom, M Kanje, and E Walum
Density-dependent phosphorylation of a specific protein in cultured cells., J M. Wehner, J R. Sheppard, and A M. Malkinson
Density differences between membrane and secreted immunoglobulins of murine splenocytes., U Melcher and J W. Uhr
Density distribution analysis of in vivo and in vitro colony forming cells in bone marrow., J S. Haskill, T A. Neill, and M A. Moore
Density distribution analysis of in vivo and in vitro colony forming cells in developing fetal liver., M A. Moore, T A. Neill, and J S. Haskill
Density, distribution and mobility of surface anions on a normal/transformed cell pair., J Z. Borysenko and W Woods
Density distribution spectra of cell population of ehrlich ascites carcinoma in different stages of growth., L Holczinger
Density gradient analysis of newly replicated dna from synchronized mouse lymphoma cells., W G. Flamm, N J. Bernheim, and P E. Brubaker
Density gradient centrifugation of a murine leukemia virus., T E. O'conner, F J. Rauscher, and R F. Zeigel
Density gradient centrifugation of dna from normal mouse tissues and tumors. Abstr., S Kit
Density gradient centrifugation of red blood cells carrying the mammary tumour virus., R I. Ritter and S Nandi
Density gradient centrifugation of tumor cells from needle biopsies and their respective source tumors: a comparison of density distributions., D J. Grdina and G Zin
Density gradient centrifugation studies of bittner virus (bv) preparations. Abstr., J A. Sykes, C E. Grey, and L Dmochowski
Density gradient centrifugation studies of the bittner virus., J A. Sykes, C E. Grey, M Scanlon, L Young, and L Dmochowski
Density gradient electrophoresis of mouse spleen lymphocytes: age-related differences. A critical thymus-dependent event during development in the young adult mouse., C D. Platsoucas and N Catsimpoolas
Density gradient electrophoresis of mouse spleen lymphocytes. Separation of t and b cell fractions., C D. Platsoucas, A L. Griffith, and N Catsimpoolas
Density gradient fractionation of mouse lymphoid tissues. II. Effects of anti-thymus and anti-bone marrow sera., B F. Argyris, A Cooney, and H Haritou
Density gradient fractionation of mouse lymphoid tissues. I. Plaque- -forming and rosette-forming cells in normal, sensitized and tolerant spleen., B F. Argyris, H Haritou, and A Cooney
Density gradient segregation of bone marrow cells with the capacity to form granulocytic and macrophage colonies in vitro., H Janoshwitz, M Moore, and D Metcalf
Density gradient separation of marrow precursor cells restricted for antibody specificity., H C. Miller and G Cudkowicz
Density profile and sulfhydryl content of erythrocytes from mature and old mice. Abstr., E Abraham and J Taylor
Density separation of mouse spermatid nuclei., M Loir and A Wyrobek
Density, subordination and social timidity in peromyscus and c57bl/10j mice., F H. Bronson
Density, subordination and social timidity in Peromyscus and C57BL/6J mice., F H. Bronson
Dental abnormalities in aged mice., M W. Robins and C Rowlatt
Dental abnormalities in the downless mouse. Abstr., L C. Schneider
Dental and histological changes associated with chondrodystrophies in mice. Abstr., W A. Miller, K L. Flynn, and A J. Drinnan
Deoxyadenosine 1-n-oxide and its effect on the incorporation in vitro of p32-orthophosphate into dna of ehrlich ascites cells., S Frederiksen and H Klenow
Deoxyadenosine metabolism and toxicity in cultured l5178y cells., J K. Lowe, B Gowans, and L Brox
Deoxyadenosine toxicity in human and mouse lymphocytes: similar- ities and contrasts. Abstr., D A. Albert, D Redelman, and H G. Bluestein
Deoxycoformycin, arabinosyladenine, arabinosylcytosine combination therapy of intracerebral leukemia 1210. Abstr., A P. Kimball, S H. Lee, and N Caron
Deoxycoformycin toxicity in mice after long-term treatment., R P. Agarwal
Deoxycytidine and lethal doses of cytarabine in advanced murine leukaemia., V M. Buchman, moldavsky G. Svet, M R. Lichinitser, and D M. Mkheidze
Deoxycytidine kinase-mediated toxicity of deoxyadenosine analogs toward malignant human lymphoblasts in vitro and toward murine l1210 leukemia in vivo., D A. Carson, D B. Wasson, J Kaye, B Ullman, D W. Martin Jr., R K. Robins, and J A. Montgomery
Deoxycytodine excretion by mouse peritoneal macrophages: its implication in modulation of immunological functions., T Chan and B D. Lakhchaura
Deoxyguanosine toxicity in a mouse t lymphoma. Relationship to purine nucleoside phosphorylase-associated immune dysfunction., L J. Gudas, B Ullman, A Cohen, and D W. Jr
Deoxyribonculeic acid binding of 3-hydroxy-and 9-hydroxy- benzo[a]pyrene following further metabolism by mouse liver microsomal cytochrome p1-450., I S. Owens, C Legraverend, and O Pelkonen
Deoxyribonuclease and deoxyribonucleic acid nucleatidyltransferase of landschutz ascites-tumour cells. Abstr., H M. Keir and G L. Aird
Deoxyribonuclease ii in the developing mouse embryo., J B. Solomon
Deoxyribonucleic acid content of basal cells of mouse epidermis., J M. Radley
Deoxyribonucleic acid content of mitotic nuclei of two mouse tumours., E L. Alpen and M E. Johnston
Deoxyribonucleic acid sequence mapping on metaphase chromosomes by immunoelectron microscopy., S Narayanswami, K Lundgren, and B A. Hamkalo
Deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis during the first postirradiation life cycle of lethally irradiated cultured mammalian cells (l5178y)., I Waranabe and S Okada
Deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis in oocytes of mouse embryos., H Peters, E Levy, and M Crone
Deoxyribonucleic acid synthetic response of mouse lymphoid cells in microculture with t-lymphocyte-dependent mitogens., R M. Williams and B Benacerraf
Deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate pools and differential thymidine sensitivities of cultured mouse lymphoma and myeloma cells., E C. Reynolds, A W. Harris, and L R. Finch
Dependence of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate utilization by l5178y murine leukemia cells in vitro on the presence of hydroxycobalamin and transcobalamin ii., P L. Chello and J R. Bertino
Dependence of antibody-mediated presentation of antigen on FcRn., S W. Qiao, K Kobayashi, F E. Johansen, L M. Sollid, J T. Andersen, E Milford, D C. Roopenian, W I. Lencer, and R S. Blumberg
Dependence of cochlear nuclei development upon peripheral auditory structure. Abstr., D R. Trune
Dependence of human stem cell engraftment and repopulation of NOD/SCID mice on CXCR4., A Peled, I Petit, O Kollet, M Magid, T Ponomaryov, T Byk, A Nagler, Hur H. Ben, A Many, L D. Shultz, O Lider, R Alon, D Zipori, and T Lapidot
Dependence of immune responses of "nonresponder" h-2s mice on determinant concentration in poly(glu60ala30tyr10) and on complementation between nonresponder mice of the same h-2p haplo- type., P H. Maurer, C F. Merryman, C Lai, and D J. Ganfield
Dependence of immunity to ib leukemia on an adjuvant effect of immunizing cell preparations., J S. Lin and W H. Murphy
Dependence of mms-induced somatic mutations (spot test) on conditions of treatment. Abstr., E Muller and G G. Miltenburger
Dependence of response of a c3h mammary carcinoma to fractionated irradiation on fractionation number and intertreatment interval., H D. Suit, A E. Howes, and N Hunter