Submissions from 1963
Particle uptake by polymorphonuclear leucocytes and ehrlich ascites- -carcinoma cells., J Roberts and J H. Quastel
Antitumor and toxicity properties of some peptides of 1-amino- cyclopentanccarboxylic acid (nsc-1026)., M E. Roberts and S Shankman
Control of gamma-globulin catabolism. Abstr., A G. Robinson and J L. Fahey
Selection for radiation resistance in mice., T H. Roderick
The response of twenty-seven inbred strains of mice to daily doses of whole-body x-irradiation., T H. Roderick
Alcohol preference as a function of its caloric utility in mice., D A. Rodgers, G E. Clearn, E L. Bennett, and M Hebert
Relationship of liver content of glucose and glucurone to ethanol preference of inbred mice., D A. Rodgers and U J. Lewis
Tests for carcinogenesis using newborn mice. 1,2-benzanthracene, 2-(naphthylamine, 2-naphthylhydroxylamine And ethyl methane sulphonate., F J. Roe, B C. Mitchley, and M Walters
Humoral factors and liver regeneration in mice. Abstr., A E. Rogers, G S. Pechet, and R A. Donald
Influence de l'age du recepteur sur le comportement de l'homogreffe cutanee chez la souris thymectomisee., G Rogister
Influence de la thymectomie sur le taux des proteines seriques chez la souris swiss albinos., G Rogister and paris M. Vrancken
The experimental influence of operative procedures on distant metastases. Abstr., M M. Romsdahl
Ulceration in cba mice following stress at various ages., R F. Ronacher
Tumour formation of pituitary isografts in mice., G Ropcke, L M. Boot, H G. Kwa, and O Muhlbock
The use of tetranitro-blue tetrazolium for the cytochemical locali- zation of succinic dehydrogenase, cytochemical and cytological studies of sarcoma 37 ascites tumor cells., C G. Rosa and K Tsou
Enzymes in tissues responsive to corticosteroids., F Rosen
Histamine metabolism in the pregnant mouse., E Rosengren
Recherches hematologiques sur le souris de souche swiss et c57br-cd. Abstr., M G. Roux, D essens, J C. Dumas, and R Ecalle
Resistance of mice infected with moloney leukemia virus to friend virus infection., W P. Rowe
Mouse hepatitis virus infection as a highly contagious, prevalent, euteric infection of mice., W P. Rowe, J W. Hartley, and W I. Capps
Polyoma and other indigenous mouse viruses., W P. Rowe, J W. Hartley, and R J. Huebner
Maintenance of pregnancy with subcutaneous pellets of progesterone in ovariectomized mice., L Rubinstein and T R. Forbes
Recherches d'une 'hormone thymique' dans l'etiologie des leucoses lymphoides des souris akr., G Rudali
Sensibilite particuliere des souris nouveau-nees envers l'action leucemogene des rayons x. Abstr., G Rudali
Action inhibitrice de flavonoides sur la carcimogenese mammaire des souris., G Rudali and L Juliard
Influence de la thymectomie et de la splenectomie sur la survie et la leucemogenese des souris., G Rudali and P Jullien
Production de leucemies verticalement transmissibles a l'aide d'extraits d'un adenocarcinome pulmonaire., G Rudali and P Jullien
X-irradiation-induced congenital anomalies in hybrid mice., R Rugh and M Wohlfromm
Pigment and pleiotropism, combined effects of ww/ww and ff/ff gene substitutions. Abstr., E S. Russell
The cellular basis of differential radiosensitivity of normal and genetically anemic mice., E S. Russell, S E. Bernstein, E C. Farland, and W R. Modeen
Mammalian x-chromosome action, inactivation limited in spread and in region of origin., L B. Russell
Crossing-over within the a 'locus' of the mouse. Abstr., L B. Russell, M N. Daniel, and F N. Woodiel
Genetic control of hepatic delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase in mice., R L. Russell and D L. Coleman
Evidence from mice concerning the nature of the mutation process., W L. Russell
Genetic hazards of radiation., W L. Russell
Cytological investigations with a new class of cytotoxic agents, methylhydrazine derivatives., A Rutishauser and W Bollag
On the enhancement of the growth of guerin rat tumour through active immunization of rats with antigens of mice., A Ryzewska and K Dux
Contenido en agua del tejido hepatico resultante de una y dos regeneraciones posthepatectomia., I E. Saffe and J M. Llanos
Time-sequence studies of combination 5-flourouracil and radiotherapy in a transplanted adenocarcinoma. Abstr., R P. Saik and M M. Kligerman
Long-term pathologic and behavioral changes in mice after focal deuteron irradiation of the brain. Abstr., T Samorajski, R L. Collins, and J M. Ordy
Enzymatic activity of mouse histocompatibility antigen preparations., A R. Sanderson and D A. Davies
Genetic study of modified susceptibility to tumor transplants in reciprocal resistant backcross mice., B H. Sanford
The influence of the adrenal gland upon the reconstitution of the thymus following an x-irradiation induced involution. Abstr., G A. Santisteban
The reconstitution of lymphatic organs following exposure to graded doses of x-irradiation in cba mice. Abstr., G A. Santisteban
The thymo-regressive response as a biological dosimeter for x-irradiation. Abstr., G A. Santisteban
The thymus involution response to acceleration-deceleration in cba mice. Abstr., G A. Santisteban
Metabolic alterations in sarcoma 180 ascites cells induced by uracil mustard and 6-thioguanine. Abstr., A C. Sartorelli and B A. Booth
Physiological disposition and therapeutic consequences of adenine administered via the gastrointestinal tract in normal and tumor- -bearing mice., A C. Sartorelli and H F. Upchurch
Effect of chlorination of drinking water on mortality after whole- body x-irradiation., A Sassen, G Mattelin, F Kennes, and J R. Maisin
On some effects of ionizing radiations upon developing polyovulated mouse eggs., A Sato
Some observations on induced polyovulation and superpregnancy in mature mice., A Sato
Cancer metastasis and ascites tumor. (eng. Summ.), H Sato
An electron microscopic study of 20-methylcholanthrene-induced dysplasia of the uterine cervix., D G. Scarpelli and E Von haam
Chemotherapy of experimental meningeal leukemia. Abstr., F M. Schabel, T P. Johnston, G S. Caleb, J A. Montgomery, R. Laster, and H E. Skipper
Experimental evaluation of potential anticancer agents. Viii. Effects of certain nitrosoureas on intracerebral l1210 leukemia., F M. Schabel, T P. Johnston, G S. Caleb, J A. Montgomery, R. Laster, and H E. Skipper
La creatine-kinase du serum chez la souris myopathique., F Schapira and J C. Dreyfus
Studies in fluid and electrolyte relations in intracranial mouse gliomas. Abstr., L C. Scheinberg, R Katzman, and F Edelman
Studies in immunization against a transplantable cerebral mouse glioma., L C. Scheinberg, K Suzuki, F Edelman, and L M. Davidoff
Effect of castration and adrenalectomy on the thymus and other lymphoid organs of mice. Abstr., A L. Scherzer, H A. Azar, G Naujoks, and J Williams
Erbliche neugeborenengelbsucht--eine neue mutante der hausmaus (mus musculus domesticus rutty 1772)., H Scheufler
Locomotor activity and oxygen consumption, variability in two inbred strains of mice and their f1 hybrids., K Schlesinger and A M. Mordkoff
Effect of litter size on the induction of runt disease in mice., M Schlesinger and R Goitein
Carcinogene wirkung von athyl-butyl-nitrosamin bei mausen., D Schmahl, C Thomas, and G Scheld
Effects of pretreatment with carcinostatic agents on tumor growth and white blood cells., F A. Schmid, M M. Schmid, and K Sugiura
Variation in susceptibility to experimental dermatomycosis in genetic strains of mice. II. Preliminary results with balb c and white swiss strains., J A. Schmitt, J M. Mann, and D Stilwill
The influence of the spleen on iron stores in livers of c57bl mice., K Schneiberg, S Drzyzowska, and A Vorbrodt
Association of increased dihydrofolate reductase levels and chromosome alteration in amethopterin-resistant sublines of leukemia l1210., A W. Schrecker, J M. Venditti, N H. Greenberg, J L. Biedler, E L. Robinson, and D J. Hutchison
Fine structural changes in mouse cervical epithelium following methylcholanthrene. Abstr., G R. Schrodt
Effects of plant growth regulators (auxins and auxin esters) on the survival of free cells of the ehrlich ascites carcinoma., R D. Schultz and D Norman
Selective protection in irradiated tumor-bearing mice. Abstr., E E. Schwartz, B Shapiro, and G Kollmann
Homologous disease reactivation by x-radiation., R S. Schwartz and L Beldotti
The utilization in vivo of mouse nucleic acid metabolites labeled with radioactive precursor substances., M R. Schwarz and W O. Rieke
The mast cell, its amines, and tumor growth in rodents and man., K G. Scott
Subcellular localization of melanin biosynthesis., M Seiji, K Shimao, M S. Birbeck, and T B. Fitzpatrick
Growth inhibition of sarcoma 180 by lactic acid. Abstr., O S. Selawry and M R. Schwartz
Distribution of 20-methylcholanthrene in organs of mice with methyl- cholanthrene-induced leukemia. (japanese), T Sezaki, M Susaki, and S Irino
The distribution and the chemical forms of aet administered as bis(2- -guanidoethyl) disulfide in irradiated mice. Abstr., B Shapiro, G Kollmann, and E E. Schwartz
The distribution and the chemical forms of the radiation-protective agent aet in mammary tumor-bearing mice., B Shapiro, E E. Schwartz, and G Kollmann
The mechanism of action of aet. IV. The distribution and the chemical forms of 2-mercaptoethylguanidine and bis(2-guanidoethyl) disulfide in protected mice., B Shapiro, E E. Schwartz, and G Kollmann
Cysts in mice induced with extracts of lung tissue from cases of sheep pulmonary adenomatosis similar to cysts caused by rous sarcoma virus in rats., V S. Shapiro, A M. Gardachyan, V M. Mitrofanov, and L A. Zilber
Hormone-induced esterase in mouse kidney., C R. Shaw and A L. Koen
Malignant transformation of mouse connective tissue grown in diffusion chambers., E Shelton, V J. Evans, and G A. Parker
Intracellular ph and buffering capacity of ehrlich ascites tumor cells. Abstr., J H. Sherman
Survival of higher animal cells after the formation and dissolution of intracellular ice., J K. Sherman
Maximun protection of mice against 8-mev electron irradiation., J Shewell, E A. Wright, D K. Bewley, and J A. Silvester
Influence of x-irradiation on zinc-65 uptake of testes in mice., M Shikita and B Tamaoki
(effects Of l-triiodothyronine on growth and radiosensitivity of tumors. I.) (in Japanese), T Shima
Effects of l-triiodothyronine on growth and radiosensitivity of tumours. II. (in Japanese), T Shima
Effect of estrogens on kidney weight in mice., M B. Shimkin, P M. Shimkin, and H B. Andervont
A new strain of ascites leukemia in mice., Y Shirasu and C Itakura
An h-2-associated serum protein variant in the mouse. Abstr., D C. Shreffler
Linkage of the mouse transferrin locus., D C. Shreffler
A serologically detected variant in mouse serum, inheritance and association with the histocompatibility-2 locus., D C. Shreffler and R D. Owen